### =========================================================================
### RleArraySeed objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Must use upper case or won't be able to extend the class.
## See https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2017-June/074383.html
### We don't support long SolidRleArraySeed objects yet! This would first
### require that S4Vectors:::extract_positions_from_Rle() accepts 'pos' as
### a numeric vector.
### The RleRealizationSink class is a concrete RealizationSink subclass that
### implements realization of an array-like object as an RleArray object.
### Once writing the array data to the RleRealizationSink object is complete,
### the object will be turned into a ChunkedRleArraySeed object that will be
### used as the seed of the RleArray object.
contains=c("RleArraySeed", "RealizationSink"),
type="character", # Single string.
## TODO: Add the 2 slots below to make RleRealizationSink
## support a RegularArrayGrid of chunks.
#chunk_grid="RegularArrayGrid", # Of length N.
#chunk_runs_along_last_dim="logical", # Of length N.
chunks="environment" # Of length N (once all the
# chunks are written).
setMethod("type", "RleRealizationSink", function(x) x@type)
#setMethod("chunkdim", "RleRealizationSink",
# function(x) dim(x@chunk_grid[[1L]])
### We support long ChunkedRleArraySeed objects but the chunks cannot be long.
### Note that supporting long chunks would require (at least) that:
### 1) we support long ArrayViewport objects,
### 2) S4Vectors:::extract_positions_from_Rle() accepts 'pos' as a numeric
### vector.
## A numeric vector of length the nb of chunks. Contains the cumulated
## lengths of the chunks so must be "numeric" (and not "integer") to
## support long objects. A chunk cannot be empty so 'breakpoints' must
## contain *strictly* sorted positive values.
## If the object is of length 0, then 'breakpoints' is empty.
## Otherwise, its last element must equal the length of the object.
## TODO: Replace ChunkedRleArraySeed above definition with definition below
## to make ChunkedRleArraySeed support a RegularArrayGrid of chunks.
#setClass("ChunkedRleArraySeed", contains="RleRealizationSink")
#setMethod("vertical_slot_names", "ChunkedRleArraySeed",
# function(x) c("chunk_grid", "chunk_runs_along_last_dim", "chunks")
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### Low-level chunk accessors
.get_chunk <- function(envir, k)
name <- sprintf("%06d", k)
stopifnot(nchar(name) == 6L)
get(name, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)
get_chunk_lengths <- function(envir)
## Too bad we can't just do 'lengths(envir)' for this.
## Also would have been nice to be able to just do
## 'unlist(eapply(envir, length))' but the list returned by eapply()
## is not guaranteed to be sorted and eapply() does not have a 'sorted'
## argument. So would need to manually sort it.
## Another possibility would be to vapply() on the sorted symbols
## returned by 'ls(envir, sorted=TRUE)'.
function(k) length(.get_chunk(envir, k)),
.set_chunk <- function(envir, k, chunk)
name <- sprintf("%06d", k)
stopifnot(nchar(name) == 6L)
assign(name, chunk, envir=envir)
.append_chunk <- function(envir, chunk)
.set_chunk(envir, length(envir) + 1L, chunk)
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### Validity
.validate_RleArraySeed <- function(x)
msg <- S4Arrays:::validate_dim_slot(x, "DIM")
if (!isTRUE(msg))
msg <- S4Arrays:::validate_dimnames_slot(x, x@DIM, "DIMNAMES")
if (!isTRUE(msg))
setValidity2("RleArraySeed", .validate_RleArraySeed)
.validate_SolidRleArraySeed <- function(x)
## 'rle' slot.
if (!is(x@rle, "Rle"))
return("'rle' slot must be an Rle object")
x_len <- length(x)
data_len <- length(x@rle)
if (x_len != data_len)
return(paste0("object dimensions [product ", x_len, "] do not ",
"match the length of its data [" , data_len, "]"))
## Until S4Vectors:::extract_positions_from_Rle() accepts 'pos' as a
## numeric vector, we cannot support long SolidRleArraySeed objects.
if (x_len > .Machine$integer.max)
return("long SolidRleArraySeed objects are not supported yet")
setValidity2("SolidRleArraySeed", .validate_SolidRleArraySeed)
.validate_RleRealizationSink <- function(x)
## 'type' slot.
if (!isSingleString(x@type))
return("'type' slot must be a single string")
## TODO: Add the 2 checks below when RleRealizationSink supports a
## RegularArrayGrid of chunks.
## 'chunk_grid' slot.
#if (!is(x@chunk_grid, "RegularArrayGrid"))
# return("'chunk_grid' slot must be a RegularArrayGrid object")
#if (!identical(x@DIM, refdim(x@chunk_grid)))
# return("'chunk_grid' slot must be a grid that fits the object")
## 'chunk_runs_along_last_dim' slot.
#if (!is.logical(x@chunk_runs_along_last_dim))
# return("'chunk_runs_along_last_dim' slot must be a logical vector")
## 'chunks' slot.
if (!is.environment(x@chunks))
return("'chunks' slot must be an environment")
# TODO: Validate the content of 'chunks'.
setValidity2("RleRealizationSink", .validate_RleRealizationSink)
.get_data_length_from_breakpoints <- function(breakpoints)
breakpoints_len <- length(breakpoints)
if (breakpoints_len == 0L) 0L else breakpoints[[breakpoints_len]]
.validate_ChunkedRleArraySeed <- function(x)
## 'breakpoints' slot.
if (!is.numeric(x@breakpoints)
|| S4Vectors:::anyMissing(x@breakpoints)
|| is.unsorted(x@breakpoints, strictly=TRUE)
|| length(x@breakpoints) != 0L && x@breakpoints[[1L]] <= 0L)
return(paste0("'x@breakpoints' must be a numeric vector containing ",
"strictly sorted positive values"))
x_len <- length(x)
data_len <- .get_data_length_from_breakpoints(x@breakpoints)
if (data_len != x_len)
return(paste0("length of object data [" , data_len, "] does not ",
"match object dimensions [product ", x_len, "]"))
chunk_lens <- diff(c(0, x@breakpoints)) # chunk lengths as inferred
# from 'breakpoints'
## Until S4Vectors:::extract_positions_from_Rle() accepts 'pos' as a
## numeric vector, the chunks cannot be long Rle objects.
if (any(chunk_lens > .Machine$integer.max))
return("ChunkedRleArraySeed objects do not support long chunks yet")
# TODO: Check that the chunk lengths as inferred from 'breakpoints'
# actually match the real ones.
### TODO: Replace validity method above with simpler method below when
### ChunkedRleArraySeed supports a RegularArrayGrid of chunks.
#.validate_ChunkedRleArraySeed <- function(x)
# ## 'chunk_runs_along_last_dim' slot.
# if (anyNA(x@chunk_runs_along_last_dim))
# return(paste0("'chunk_runs_along_last_dim' slot must ",
# "be a logical vector with no NAs"))
# ## 'chunks' slot.
# if (!identical(lengths(x@chunk_grid), get_chunk_lengths(x@chunks)))
# return("chunk lengths don't match chunking grid element lengths")
setValidity2("ChunkedRleArraySeed", .validate_ChunkedRleArraySeed)
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### Getters
setMethod("dim", "RleArraySeed", function(x) x@DIM)
setMethod("dimnames", "RleArraySeed",
function(x) S4Arrays:::simplify_NULL_dimnames(x@DIMNAMES)
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### Going from RleArraySeed to Rle or RleList
setAs("SolidRleArraySeed", "Rle", function(from) from@rle)
### Return an unnamed RleList object with 1 list element per chunk in 'from'.
setAs("RleRealizationSink", "RleList",
## When the object is empty, return a CompressedRleList, NOT a
## SimpleRleList object, so unlist() can be used on it.
if (length(from@chunks) == 0L)
return(as(Rle(vector(from@type)), "CompressedRleList"))
chunks <- unname(as.list(from@chunks, sorted=TRUE))
chunks <- lapply(chunks,
function(chunk) {
chunk_vals <- runValue(chunk)
if (typeof(chunk_vals) != from@type) {
storage.mode(chunk_vals) <- from@type
runValue(chunk) <- chunk_vals
as(chunks, "SimpleRleList")
### In practice this coercion is not used on an RleRealizationSink instance
### but on a *ChunkedRleArraySeed* instance (e.g. by coercion methods from
### ChunkedRleArraySeed to SolidRleArraySeed or from RleArray to Rle defined
### below in this file).
setAs("RleRealizationSink", "Rle",
function(from) unlist(as(from, "RleList"), use.names=FALSE)
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### extract_array()
.extract_array_from_SolidRleArraySeed <- function(x, index)
x_dim <- dim(x)
i <- S4Arrays:::to_linear_index(index, x_dim)
ans <- S4Vectors:::extract_positions_from_Rle(x@rle, i, decoded=TRUE)
S4Arrays:::set_dim(ans, S4Arrays:::get_Nindex_lengths(index, x_dim))
setMethod("extract_array", "SolidRleArraySeed",
.extract_array_from_ChunkedRleArraySeed <- function(x, index)
x_dim <- dim(x)
i <- S4Arrays:::to_linear_index(index, x_dim)
ans <- vector(x@type)
if (length(i) != 0L) {
part_idx <- S4Arrays:::get_part_index(i, x@breakpoints)
split_part_idx <- S4Arrays:::split_part_index(part_idx,
chunk_idx <- which(lengths(split_part_idx) != 0L) # chunks to visit
res <- lapply(chunk_idx, function(i1) {
chunk <- .get_chunk(x@chunks, i1)
## Because a valid ChunkedRleArraySeed object is guaranteed to not
## contain long chunks at the moment, 'i2' can be represented as
## an integer vector.
i2 <- as.integer(split_part_idx[[i1]])
S4Vectors:::extract_positions_from_Rle(chunk, i2, decoded=TRUE)
res <- c(list(ans), res)
ans <- unlist(res, use.names=FALSE)[S4Arrays:::get_rev_index(part_idx)]
S4Arrays:::set_dim(ans, S4Arrays:::get_Nindex_lengths(index, x_dim))
setMethod("extract_array", "ChunkedRleArraySeed",
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### RleRealizationSink constructor
### NOT exported!
RleRealizationSink <- function(dim, dimnames=NULL, type="double")
dim <- S4Arrays:::normarg_dim(dim)
dimnames <- S4Arrays:::normarg_dimnames(dimnames, dim)
chunks <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv())
new2("RleRealizationSink", DIM=dim, DIMNAMES=dimnames,
type=type, chunks=chunks)
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### SolidRleArraySeed and ChunkedRleArraySeed low-level constructors
.new_SolidRleArraySeed <- function(data, dim, dimnames)
if (!is(data, "Rle"))
stop(wmsg("invalid 'data'"))
new2("SolidRleArraySeed", DIM=dim, DIMNAMES=dimnames, rle=data)
append_Rle_to_sink <- function(x, sink)
stopifnot(is(x, "Rle"))
if (length(x) == 0L)
return() # nothing to do
if (sink@type == "integer") {
x_vals <- runValue(x)
## Replace integer-Rle with raw-Rle if this doesn't loose
## information.
if (!S4Vectors:::anyMissingOrOutside(x_vals, 0L, 255L))
runValue(x) <- as.raw(x_vals)
.append_chunk(sink@chunks, x)
### This coercion is used by .new_ChunkedRleArraySeed() and by the
### coercion method from RleRealizationSink to RleArray.
setAs("RleRealizationSink", "ChunkedRleArraySeed",
breakpoints <- cumsum(as.double(get_chunk_lengths(from@chunks)))
new2("ChunkedRleArraySeed", from, breakpoints=breakpoints)
### 'data' is assumed to be a list-like object where all the list elements
### are Rle objects of type 'type'. This is NOT checked!
.new_ChunkedRleArraySeed <- function(data, dim, dimnames, type)
sink <- RleRealizationSink(dim, dimnames, type)
for (k in seq_along(data))
append_Rle_to_sink(data[[k]], sink)
as(sink, "ChunkedRleArraySeed")
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### RleArraySeed high-level constructor
### 'data' must be an Rle object. This is not checked.
### If 'chunksize' is not specified, return a SolidRleArraySeed instance.
### Otherwise return a ChunkedRleArraySeed instance.
.make_RleArraySeed_from_Rle <- function(data, dim, dimnames, chunksize=NULL)
dim <- S4Arrays:::normarg_dim(dim)
dimnames <- S4Arrays:::normarg_dimnames(dimnames, dim)
ans_len <- length(data)
if (ans_len != prod(dim))
stop(wmsg("length of input data [" , ans_len, "] does not ",
"match object dimensions [product ", prod(dim), "]"))
if (ans_len > .Machine$integer.max)
stop(wmsg("Input data is too long (>= 2^31). Please supply an ",
"ordinary list of Rle objects instead, or an RleList ",
"object, or a DataFrame object where all the columns ",
"are Rle objects."))
if (is.null(chunksize))
return(.new_SolidRleArraySeed(data, dim, dimnames))
ans_type <- typeof(runValue(data))
## FIXME: breakInChunks() does not accept a 'totalsize' >= 2^31 at
## the moment so this won't work on a long Rle.
partitioning <- breakInChunks(ans_len, chunksize=chunksize)
data <- relist(data, partitioning)
.new_ChunkedRleArraySeed(data, dim, dimnames, ans_type)
### 'data' is assumed to be a list-like object.
.infer_dim <- function(data)
data_dim <- dim(data)
if (!is.null(data_dim)) {
## Potecting against objects with a weird dim().
if (!is.integer(data_dim))
stop(wmsg("Please specify the 'dim' argument. ",
"'dim(data)' is not an integer vector so ",
"cannot be used as a fallback for 'dim'."))
data_ncol <- length(data)
if (data_ncol == 0L)
return(c(0L, 0L))
data_lens <- lengths(data, use.names=FALSE)
data_nrow <- data_lens[[1L]]
if (!all(data_lens == data_nrow))
stop(wmsg("Please specify the 'dim' argument. ",
"The dimensions of the object to ",
"construct cannot be inferred from 'data'."))
c(data_nrow, data_ncol)
.infer_dimnames <- function(data)
data_dimnames <- dimnames(data)
if (!is.null(data_dimnames))
data_names <- names(data)
if (!is.null(data_names))
return(list(NULL, data_names))
### 'data' must be a list-like object where all the list elements are
### Rle objects.
.normalize_data_as_list_of_Rles <- function(data)
if (length(data) == 0L)
if (is(data, "CompressedRleList"))
if (!is(data, "RleList")) {
ok <- vapply(data, is, logical(1), "Rle", USE.NAMES=FALSE)
if (!all(ok))
stop(wmsg("all the list elements in the input object ",
"must be Rle objects"))
## Turn 'data' into an ordinary list where all the list elements are
## Rle objects of the same type.
data0 <- lapply(data, function(x) runValue(x)[integer(0)])
data_type <- typeof(unlist(data0, use.names=FALSE))
function(x) {
x_vals <- runValue(x)
if (typeof(x_vals) != data_type) {
storage.mode(x_vals) <- data_type
runValue(x) <- x_vals
### 'data' must be a list-like object where all the list elements are Rle
### objects. If 'data' has length 0, return a SolidRleArraySeed instance.
### Otherwise return a ChunkedRleArraySeed instance.
.make_RleArraySeed_from_list_or_List <- function(data, dim, dimnames)
if (missing(dim)) {
dim <- .infer_dim(data)
if (missing(dimnames))
dimnames <- .infer_dimnames(data)
} else {
dim <- S4Arrays:::normarg_dim(dim)
ans_len <- sum(lengths(data)) # can be >= 2^31
if (ans_len != prod(dim))
stop(wmsg("total length of input data [" , ans_len, "] does not ",
"match object dimensions [product ", prod(dim), "]"))
dimnames <- S4Arrays:::normarg_dimnames(dimnames, dim)
if (length(data) == 0L) {
unlisted_data <- unlist(data, use.names=FALSE)
if (is.null(unlisted_data))
unlisted_data <- Rle()
return(.new_SolidRleArraySeed(unlisted_data, dim, dimnames))
data <- .normalize_data_as_list_of_Rles(data)
ans_type <- typeof(runValue(data[[1L]]))
.new_ChunkedRleArraySeed(data, dim, dimnames, ans_type)
### 'data' must be an Rle object or a list-like object where all the list
### elements are Rle objects. In the former case, and if 'chunksize' is
### not specified, a SolidRleArraySeed object is returned. Otherwise a
### ChunkedRleArraySeed object is returned.
### NOT exported!
RleArraySeed <- function(data, dim, dimnames, chunksize=NULL)
if (is(data, "Rle"))
return(.make_RleArraySeed_from_Rle(data, dim, dimnames, chunksize))
if (is(data, "list_OR_List")) {
if (!is.null(chunksize))
warning(wmsg("'chunksize' is currently ignored ",
"when the input is a list-like object"))
return(.make_RleArraySeed_from_list_or_List(data, dim, dimnames))
stop(wmsg("'data' must be an Rle object or a list-like object ",
"where all the list elements are Rle objects"))
setAs("ChunkedRleArraySeed", "SolidRleArraySeed",
function(from) RleArraySeed(as(from, "Rle"), dim(from), dimnames(from))
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