### =========================================================================
### Common operations on DelayedArray objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Binding
### We only support binding DelayedArray objects along the rows or the cols
### at the moment. No binding along an arbitrary dimension yet! (i.e. no
### "abind" method yet)
.DelayedArray_arbind <- function(...)
objects <- list(...)
stash_DelayedAbind(objects[[1L]], objects[-1L], along=1L)
.DelayedArray_acbind <- function(...)
objects <- list(...)
stash_DelayedAbind(objects[[1L]], objects[-1L], along=2L)
setMethod("arbind", "DelayedArray", .DelayedArray_arbind)
setMethod("acbind", "DelayedArray", .DelayedArray_acbind)
### Argument 'deparse.level' is ignored.
setMethod("rbind", "DelayedArray", .DelayedArray_arbind)
setMethod("cbind", "DelayedArray", .DelayedArray_acbind)
### Arguments 'use.names', 'ignore.mcols', and 'check' are ignored.
setMethod("bindROWS", "DelayedArray",
function(x, objects=list(), use.names=TRUE, ignore.mcols=FALSE, check=TRUE)
stash_DelayedAbind(x, objects, along=1L)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### "Ops" group generics
### Arith members: "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "%%", "%/%"
### Compare members: ==, !=, <=, >=, <, >
### Logic members: &, |
### Return TRUE if 'length(e)' is 1 or equal to 'nrow(x)', FALSE if it's a
### divisor of 'nrow(x)', and an error otherwise.
.check_Ops_vector_arg_length <- function(e, x_nrow,
e_what="the left operand",
x_what="the first dimension of the right operand",
e_len <- length(e)
if (e_len == x_nrow || e_len == 1L)
if (is(e, "DelayedArray")) {
e_what <- paste0("the length of ", e_what)
} else {
e_what <- paste0("when ", e_what, " is not a DelayedArray ",
"object (or derivative), its length")
if (e_len > x_nrow)
stop(wmsg(e_what, " (", e_len, ") cannot be greater ",
"than ", x_what, " (", x_nrow, ")"))
if (e_len == 0L || x_nrow %% e_len != 0L)
stop(wmsg(e_what, " (", e_len, ") must be a divisor ",
"of ", x_what2, " (", x_nrow, ")"))
.normarg_Ops_vector_arg <- function(e, x_nrow,
e_what="the left operand",
x_what="the first dimension of the right operand")
ok <- .check_Ops_vector_arg_length(e, x_nrow, e_what=e_what, x_what=x_what)
if (!is.vector(e))
e <- as.vector(e) # Will realize 'e' if it's a DelayedArray object.
# It's important to keep the check on the length
# (and to fail) **before** this potentially
# expensive realization (e.g. if 'length(e)' is
# very big and greater than 'x_nrow').
if (!ok)
e <- rep(e, length.out=x_nrow)
### Return a DelayedArray object of the same dimensions as 'e1'.
.DelayedArray_Ops_with_right_vector <- function(.Generic, e1, e2)
stopifnot(is(e1, "DelayedArray"))
e2 <- .normarg_Ops_vector_arg(e2, nrow(e1),
e_what="the right operand",
x_what="the first dimension of the left operand")
if (length(e2) == 1L) {
function(a) match.fun(.Generic)(a, e2))
} else {
.Generic, Rargs=list(e2), Ralong=1L)
### Return a DelayedArray object of the same dimensions as 'e2'.
.DelayedArray_Ops_with_left_vector <- function(.Generic, e1, e2)
stopifnot(is(e2, "DelayedArray"))
e1 <- .normarg_Ops_vector_arg(e1, nrow(e2),
e_what="the left operand",
x_what="the first dimension of the right operand")
if (length(e1) == 1L) {
function(a) match.fun(.Generic)(e1, a))
} else {
.Generic, Largs=list(e1), Lalong=1L)
### 'e1' and 'e2' must be DelayedArray objects. At least one of them must
### be of length 1 (i.e. have all its dimensions equal to 1) so it can be
### coerced to an ordinary vector of length 1 with as.vector(). Note that
### this coercion triggers realization.
.DelayedArray_Ops_with_a_length_one_arg <- function(.Generic, e1, e2)
stopifnot(is(e1, "DelayedArray"))
stopifnot(is(e2, "DelayedArray"))
e1_len <- length(e1)
e2_len <- length(e2)
if (e1_len == 1L && e2_len == 1L) {
## The object with most dimensions "wins".
e1_ndim <- length(dim(e1))
e2_ndim <- length(dim(e2))
if (e1_ndim > e2_ndim) {
## 'e1' wins.
e2 <- as.vector(e2) # realization
} else if (e2_ndim > e1_ndim) {
## 'e2' wins.
e1 <- as.vector(e1) # realization
} else {
## 'dim(e1)' is identical to 'dim(e2)' ==> nobody wins.
} else if (e1_len == 1L) {
## 'e2' wins.
e1 <- as.vector(e1) # realization
} else if (e2_len == 1L) {
## 'e1' wins.
e2 <- as.vector(e2) # realization
} else {
## Should never happen.
stop(wmsg("'e1' or 'e2' must be of length 1"))
if (is.vector(e1)) {
## 'e2' won.
function(a) match.fun(.Generic)(e1, a))
} else if (is.vector(e2)) {
## 'e1' won.
function(a) match.fun(.Generic)(a, e2))
} else {
## Nobody won and we know that this happened because 'dim(e1)'
## is identical to 'dim(e2)' so 'e1' and 'e2' are conformable.
DelayedArray(new_DelayedNaryIsoOp(.Generic, e1@seed, e2@seed))
.DelayedArray_Ops <- function(.Generic, e1, e2)
e1_dim <- dim(e1)
e2_dim <- dim(e2)
if (identical(e1_dim, e2_dim))
return(DelayedArray(new_DelayedNaryIsoOp(.Generic, e1@seed, e2@seed)))
## If it has only 0 or 1 effective dimensions, 'e1' or 'e2' can
## be treated as a vector-like argument (of length 1 if it has 0
## effective dimensions).
e1_neffdim <- sum(e1_dim != 1L)
e2_neffdim <- sum(e2_dim != 1L)
if (e1_neffdim >= 2L && e2_neffdim >= 2L)
stop(wmsg("non-conformable array-like objects"))
if (e1_neffdim == 0L || e2_neffdim == 0L)
return(.DelayedArray_Ops_with_a_length_one_arg(.Generic, e1, e2))
if (e1_neffdim == 1L && e2_neffdim == 1L)
stop(wmsg("non-conformable array-like objects"))
## The object with most effective dimensions "wins".
if (e1_neffdim == 1L) {
## 'e2' wins
ans <- .DelayedArray_Ops_with_left_vector(.Generic, e1, e2)
} else {
## 'e1' wins
ans <- .DelayedArray_Ops_with_right_vector(.Generic, e1, e2)
setMethod("Ops", c("DelayedArray", "vector"),
function(e1, e2)
.DelayedArray_Ops_with_right_vector(.Generic, e1, e2)
setMethod("Ops", c("vector", "DelayedArray"),
function(e1, e2)
.DelayedArray_Ops_with_left_vector(.Generic, e1, e2)
setMethod("Ops", c("DelayedArray", "DelayedArray"),
function(e1, e2)
.DelayedArray_Ops(.Generic, e1, e2)
### Support unary operators "+" and "-".
setMethod("+", c("DelayedArray", "missing"),
function(e1, e2)
stash_DelayedUnaryIsoOpStack(e1, function(a) match.fun(.Generic)(a))
setMethod("-", c("DelayedArray", "missing"),
function(e1, e2)
stash_DelayedUnaryIsoOpStack(e1, function(a) match.fun(.Generic)(a))
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### pmax2() and pmin2()
### TODO: Maybe move the pmax2() and pmin2() generics and their default
### methods to the BiocGenerics package, like we did for paste2().
setGeneric("pmax2", function(e1, e2) standardGeneric("pmax2"))
setGeneric("pmin2", function(e1, e2) standardGeneric("pmin2"))
### Mimicking how the "Ops" members combine the "dim", "names", and "dimnames"
### attributes of the 2 operands.
.check_and_combine_dims <- function(e1, e2)
dim1 <- dim(e1)
dim2 <- dim(e2)
if (is.null(dim1))
if (is.null(dim2))
if (!identical(dim1, dim2))
stop("non-conformable arrays")
.combine_names <- function(e1, e2)
len1 <- length(e1)
len2 <- length(e2)
names1 <- names(e1)
if (len1 > len2)
names2 <- names(e2)
if (len2 > len1 || is.null(names1))
setMethod("pmax2", c("ANY", "ANY"),
function(e1, e2)
ans_dim <- .check_and_combine_dims(e1, e2)
ans <- pmax(e1, e2)
if (is.null(ans_dim)) {
names(ans) <- .combine_names(e1, e2)
} else {
ans <- S4Arrays:::set_dim(ans, ans_dim)
ans_dimnames <- S4Arrays:::get_first_non_NULL_dimnames(list(e1, e2))
ans <- S4Arrays:::set_dimnames(ans, ans_dimnames)
setMethod("pmin2", c("ANY", "ANY"),
function(e1, e2)
ans_dim <- .check_and_combine_dims(e1, e2)
ans <- pmin(e1, e2)
if (is.null(ans_dim)) {
names(ans) <- .combine_names(e1, e2)
} else {
ans <- S4Arrays:::set_dim(ans, ans_dim)
ans_dimnames <- S4Arrays:::get_first_non_NULL_dimnames(list(e1, e2))
ans <- S4Arrays:::set_dimnames(ans, ans_dimnames)
### We define the delayed pmax2() and pmin2() methods like the delayed "Ops"
### methods.
for (.Generic in c("pmax2", "pmin2")) {
setMethod(.Generic, c("DelayedArray", "vector"),
function(e1, e2)
.DelayedArray_Ops_with_right_vector(.Generic, e1, e2)
setMethod(.Generic, c("vector", "DelayedArray"),
function(e1, e2)
.DelayedArray_Ops_with_left_vector(.Generic, e1, e2)
setMethod(.Generic, c("DelayedArray", "DelayedArray"),
function(e1, e2)
.DelayedArray_Ops(.Generic, e1, e2)
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### Various "unary isometric" array transformations
### A "unary isometric" array transformation is a transformation that returns
### an array-like object with the same dimensions as the input and where each
### element is the result of applying a function to the corresponding element
### in the input.
### These transformations can be implemented as delayed operations.
### All the "unary isometric" array transformations implemented in this
### section return a DelayedArray object of the same dimensions as the
### input DelayedArray object.
.UNARY_ISO_OPS <- c("is.na", "is.finite", "is.infinite", "is.nan", "!",
"tolower", "toupper")
for (.Generic in .UNARY_ISO_OPS) {
setMethod(.Generic, "DelayedArray",
stash_DelayedUnaryIsoOpStack(x, function(a) match.fun(.Generic)(a))
setReplaceMethod("type", "DelayedArray",
function(x, value)
function(a) `storage.mode<-`(a, value=value))
setMethod("lengths", "DelayedArray",
function(x, use.names=TRUE)
function(a) lengths(a, use.names=use.names))
setMethod("nchar", "DelayedArray",
function(x, type="chars", allowNA=FALSE, keepNA=NA)
function(a) nchar(a, type=type, allowNA=allowNA, keepNA=keepNA))
setMethod("Math", "DelayedArray",
stash_DelayedUnaryIsoOpStack(x, function(a) match.fun(.Generic)(a))
setMethod("log", "DelayedArray",
function(x, base=exp(1))
if (!isSingleNumberOrNA(base))
stop(wmsg("'base' must be a single numeric"))
stash_DelayedUnaryIsoOpStack(x, function(a) log(a, base=base))
.DelayedArray_Math2 <- function(.Generic, x, digits)
stopifnot(is(x, "DelayedArray"))
if (!isSingleNumberOrNA(digits))
stop(wmsg("'digits' must be a single numeric"))
if (!is.integer(digits))
digits <- as.integer(digits)
function(a) match.fun(.Generic)(a, digits=digits))
### Note that round() and signif() don't use the same default for 'digits'.
setMethod("round", "DelayedArray",
function(x, digits=0) .DelayedArray_Math2("round", x, digits)
setMethod("signif", "DelayedArray",
function(x, digits=6) .DelayedArray_Math2("signif", x, digits)
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### More "unary isometric" array transformations: grepl(), sub(), gsub()
setMethod("grepl", c(x="DelayedArray"),
function(pattern, x,
ignore.case=FALSE, perl=FALSE, fixed=FALSE, useBytes=FALSE)
function(a) grepl(pattern, a,
ignore.case=ignore.case, perl=perl,
fixed=fixed, useBytes=useBytes))
setMethod("sub", c(x="DelayedArray"),
function(pattern, replacement, x,
ignore.case=FALSE, perl=FALSE, fixed=FALSE, useBytes=FALSE)
function(a) sub(pattern, replacement, a,
ignore.case=ignore.case, perl=perl,
fixed=fixed, useBytes=useBytes))
setMethod("gsub", c(x="DelayedArray"),
function(pattern, replacement, x,
ignore.case=FALSE, perl=FALSE, fixed=FALSE, useBytes=FALSE)
function(a) gsub(pattern, replacement, a,
ignore.case=ignore.case, perl=perl,
fixed=fixed, useBytes=useBytes))
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### anyNA()
### Used in unit tests!
.BLOCK_anyNA <- function(x, recursive=FALSE, grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA)
FUN <- function(block, init) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary array or SVT_SparseArray object.
anyNA(block) || init
init <- FALSE
BREAKIF <- identity
blockReduce(FUN, x, init, BREAKIF=BREAKIF, grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse)
.anyNA_DelayedArray <- function(x, recursive=FALSE) .BLOCK_anyNA(x, recursive)
setMethod("anyNA", "DelayedArray", .anyNA_DelayedArray)
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### which() and nzwhich() methods
.which_DelayedArray <- function(x, arr.ind=FALSE, useNames=TRUE)
if (!identical(useNames, TRUE))
warning(wmsg("'useNames' is ignored when 'x' is ",
"a DelayedArray object or derivative"))
BLOCK_which(x, arr.ind=arr.ind)
setMethod("which", "DelayedArray", .which_DelayedArray)
setMethod("nzwhich", "DelayedArray",
function(x, arr.ind=FALSE) BLOCK_nzwhich(x, arr.ind=arr.ind)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### unique() and table()
### We only support 1D arrays.
### Semantically equivalent to 'unique(as.array(x), ...)' which, in the 1D
### case, is also equivalent to 'unique(as.vector(x), ...)'.
### Unlike unique.array(), does not support the 'MARGIN' or 'fromLast' args.
### Return an **ordinary** 1D array.
.BLOCK_unique <- function(x, incomparables=FALSE, grid=NULL)
if (length(dim(x)) != 1L)
stop(wmsg("the \"unique\" method for DelayedArray objects ",
"supports 1D objects only"))
block_results <- blockApply(x, unique, incomparables=incomparables,
## Combine the block results.
### S3/S4 combo for unique.DelayedArray
unique.DelayedArray <- function(x, incomparables=FALSE, ...)
.BLOCK_unique(x, incomparables=incomparables, ...)
setMethod("unique", "DelayedArray", .BLOCK_unique)
### table()
.BLOCK_table <- function(..., grid=NULL)
objects <- list(...)
if (length(objects) != 1L)
stop(wmsg("the \"table\" method for DelayedArray objects ",
"only works on a single object at the moment"))
x <- objects[[1L]]
block_tables <- blockApply(x, table, grid=grid)
## Combine the block tables.
levels <- unlist(lapply(block_tables, names))
storage.mode(levels) <- type(x)
ans_names <- as.character(unique(sort(levels)))
block_tabs <- lapply(block_tables,
function(block_table) {
block_tabs <- integer(length(ans_names))
block_tabs[match(names(block_table), ans_names)] <- block_table
tab <- as.integer(rowSums(matrix(unlist(block_tabs),
## 'tab' is a naked integer vector. We need to decorate it (see
## selectMethod("table", "Rle")).
ans_dimnames <- list(ans_names)
names(ans_dimnames) <- S4Vectors:::.list.names(...)
ans <- array(tab, length(tab), dimnames=ans_dimnames)
class(ans) <- "table"
### The table() S4 generic is defined in BiocGenerics with dispatch on the
### ellipsis (...). Unfortunately specifying 'grid' when calling table()
### breaks dispatch. For example:
### a <- array(sample(100L, 20000L, replace=TRUE), c(20, 4, 250))
### A <- DelayedArray(a)
### table(A) # ok
### table(A, grid=defaultAutoGrid(A, 500))
### # Error in .BLOCK_unique(x, incomparables = incomparables, ...) :
### # unused argument (nmax = nmax)
### A workaround is to call .BLOCK_table():
### DelayedArray:::.BLOCK_table(A, grid=defaultAutoGrid(A, 500)) # ok
.table_DelayedArray <- function(...) .BLOCK_table(...)
setMethod("table", "DelayedArray", .table_DelayedArray)
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### "Summary" group generic
### Members: max(), min(), range(), sum(), prod(), any(), all()
### Gotcha with how base::prod() handles NAs/NaNs:
### > prod(c(NA, NaN)) # consistent with sum()
### [1] NA
### > prod(c(NaN, NA)) # consistent with sum()
### [1] NA
### but:
### > prod(NA, NaN) # consistent with sum()
### [1] NA
### > prod(NaN, NA) # INCONSISTENT with sum()!
### [1] NaN
.collect_objects <- function(...)
objects <- unname(S4Vectors:::delete_NULLs(list(...)))
is_array_like <- function(x) is(x, "Array") || is.array(x)
if (!all(vapply(objects, is_array_like, logical(1))))
stop("the supplied objects must be array-like objects (or NULLs)")
### Used in unit tests!
### An IMPORTANT RESTRICTION is that the specified grid must be compatible
### with all the objects in '...', which means that the objects in '...'
### must be conformable!
.BLOCK_Summary <- function(.Generic, x, ..., na.rm=FALSE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA)
GENERIC <- match.fun(.Generic)
objects <- .collect_objects(x, ...)
FUN <- function(block, init) {
## We get a warning with max(), min(), and range() if 'block'
## is empty (which should happen only when 'x' itself is empty,
## in which case blockReduce() uses a single block that has the
## dimensions of 'x'), or if 'na.rm' is TRUE and 'block' contains
## only NA's or NaN's. How we handle this warning depends on
## whether 'init' is NULL (i.e. we've seen no data yet) or not:
## - if 'init' is NULL: we use tryCatch() to catch the warning
## - otherwise: we just suppress (and ignore) the warning
if (is.null(init)) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary array or SVT_SparseArray object.
reduced_block <- tryCatch(GENERIC(block, na.rm=na.rm),
if (is(reduced_block, "warning"))
} else {
## 'block' is either an ordinary array or SVT_SparseArray object.
reduced_block <- suppressWarnings(GENERIC(block, na.rm=na.rm))
GENERIC(reduced_block, init)
init <- NULL
BREAKIF <- function(init) {
if (is.null(init))
if (na.rm) {
max= init == Inf,
min= init == -Inf,
range= all(init == c(-Inf, Inf)),
sum=, prod= is.nan(init),
any= init,
all= !init,
FALSE) # fallback (actually not needed)
} else {
max=, min=, sum= is.na(init) && !is.nan(init),
range= is.na(init[[1L]]) && !is.nan(init[[1L]]),
prod= is.na(init), # NA or NaN
any= identical(init, TRUE), # 'init' could be NA
all= identical(init, FALSE), # 'init' could be NA
FALSE) # fallback (actually not needed)
for (x in objects)
init <- blockReduce(FUN, x, init, BREAKIF=BREAKIF,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse)
if (is.null(init))
init <- GENERIC()
.Summary_DelayedArray <- function(x, ..., na.rm=FALSE)
.BLOCK_Summary(.Generic, x, ..., na.rm=na.rm)
setMethod("Summary", "DelayedArray", .Summary_DelayedArray)
### We override the "range" method defined above via the "Summary" method
### because we want to support the 'finite' argument like S3 method
### base::range.default() does.
### An IMPORTANT RESTRICTION is that the specified grid must be compatible
### with all the objects in '...', which means that the objects in '...'
### must be conformable!
.BLOCK_range <- function(..., na.rm=FALSE, finite=FALSE,
grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA)
objects <- .collect_objects(...)
FUN <- function(block, init) {
## We get a warning if 'block' is empty (which should happen only
## when 'x' itself is empty, in which case blockReduce() uses a
## single block that has the dimensions of 'x'), or if 'na.rm'
## is TRUE and 'block' contains only NA's or NaN's.
## We handle this warning like in .BLOCK_Summary() above.
if (is.null(init)) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary array or SVT_SparseArray object.
reduced_block <- tryCatch(range(block, na.rm=na.rm, finite=finite),
if (is(reduced_block, "warning"))
} else {
## 'block' is either an ordinary array or SVT_SparseArray object.
reduced_block <- suppressWarnings(range(block, na.rm=na.rm,
range(reduced_block, init)
init <- NULL
BREAKIF <- function(init) {
if (is.null(init))
if (na.rm) {
all(init == c(-Inf, Inf))
} else {
is.na(init[[1L]]) && !is.nan(init[[1L]])
for (object in objects)
init <- blockReduce(FUN, object, init, BREAKIF=BREAKIF,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse)
if (is.null(init))
init <- range()
### S3/S4 combo for range.DelayedArray
range.DelayedArray <- function(..., na.rm=FALSE, finite=FALSE)
.BLOCK_range(..., na.rm=na.rm, finite=finite)
### The signature of all the members of the S4 "Summary" group generic is
### 'x, ..., na.rm' (see getGeneric("range")) which means that the S4 methods
### cannot add arguments after 'na.rm'. So we add the 'finite' argument before.
setMethod("range", "DelayedArray",
function(x, ..., finite=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE)
.BLOCK_range(x, ..., na.rm=na.rm, finite=finite)
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### mean()
### Gotcha with how base::mean() handles NAs/NaNs:
### > mean(c(NA, NaN)) # consistent with sum()
### [1] NA
### > mean(c(NaN, NA)) # INCONSISTENT with sum()!
### [1] NaN
### Same arguments as base::mean.default().
.BLOCK_mean <- function(x, trim=0, na.rm=FALSE, grid=NULL, as.sparse=NA)
if (!identical(trim, 0))
stop(wmsg("mean() method for DelayedArray objects ",
"does not support the 'trim' argument yet"))
FUN <- function(block, init) {
## 'block' is either an ordinary array or SVT_SparseArray object.
block_sum <- sum(block, na.rm=na.rm)
block_nval <- length(block)
if (na.rm)
block_nval <- block_nval - sum(is.na(block))
c(block_sum, block_nval) + init
init <- numeric(2) # sum and nval
BREAKIF <- function(init) is.na(init[[1L]]) # NA or NaN
ans <- blockReduce(FUN, x, init, BREAKIF=BREAKIF,
grid=grid, as.sparse=as.sparse)
ans[[1L]] / ans[[2L]]
### S3/S4 combo for mean.DelayedArray
mean.DelayedArray <- function(x, trim=0, na.rm=FALSE, ...)
.BLOCK_mean(x, trim=trim, na.rm=na.rm, ...)
setMethod("mean", "DelayedArray", .BLOCK_mean)
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### apply()
setGeneric("apply", signature="X")
.simplify_apply_answer <- function(ans)
if (!all(vapply(ans, is.atomic, logical(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)))
return(ans) # won't simplify
ans_lens <- lengths(ans, use.names=FALSE)
mat_nrow <- ans_lens[[1L]]
if (!all(ans_lens == mat_nrow))
return(ans) # won't simplify
mat_data <- unlist(unname(ans))
if (mat_nrow == 0L)
return(mat_data) # zero-length atomic vector
mat_colnames <- names(ans)
if (mat_nrow == 1L)
return(setNames(mat_data, mat_colnames)) # atomic vector parallel
# to 'ans'
## Simplify as matrix.
mat_data_names <- names(mat_data) # comes from the 'ans' inner names
if (is.null(mat_data_names)) {
mat_rownames <- NULL
} else {
mat_rownames <- head(mat_data_names, n=mat_nrow)
if (!all(mat_data_names == mat_rownames))
mat_rownames <- NULL
if (is.null(mat_rownames) && is.null(mat_colnames)) {
mat_dimnames <- NULL
} else {
mat_dimnames <- list(mat_rownames, mat_colnames)
matrix(mat_data, ncol=length(ans), dimnames=mat_dimnames)
### MARGIN must be a single integer.
.apply_DelayedArray <- function(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)
FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
X_dim <- dim(X)
if (!isSingleNumber(MARGIN))
stop("'MARGIN' must be a single integer")
if (!is.integer(MARGIN))
MARGIN <- as.integer(MARGIN)
if (MARGIN < 1L || MARGIN > length(X_dim))
stop("'MARGIN' must be >= 1 and <= length(dim(X))")
if (X_dim[[MARGIN]] == 0L) {
## base::apply seems to be doing something like that!
ans <- FUN(X, ...)
## TODO: Try using sapply() instead of lapply(). Maybe we're lucky
## and it achieves the kind of simplification that we're doing with
## .simplify_apply_answer() so we can get rid of .simplify_apply_answer().
ans_names <- dimnames(X)[[MARGIN]]
ans <- lapply(setNames(seq_len(X_dim[[MARGIN]]), ans_names),
function(i) {
Nindex <- vector("list", length=length(X_dim))
Nindex[[MARGIN]] <- i
slice <- S4Arrays:::subset_by_Nindex(X, Nindex, drop=FALSE)
slice <- S4Arrays:::set_dim(slice, dim(slice)[-MARGIN])
FUN(slice, ...)
## Try to simplify the answer.
setMethod("apply", "DelayedArray", .apply_DelayedArray)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### sweep()
setGeneric("sweep", signature="x")
### Only supports a MARGIN of length 1 for now.
### Ignores 'check.margin'.
### Works if 'FUN' is a member of the Ops group or, more generally, if 'FUN'
### works on a DelayedArray object and preserves its dimensions (e.g. pmax2()
### or pmin2() above).
setMethod("sweep", "DelayedArray",
function(x, MARGIN, STATS, FUN="-", check.margin=TRUE, ...)
FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
if (!identical(check.margin, TRUE))
warning(wmsg("'check.margin' is ignored when 'x' is ",
"a DelayedArray object or derivative"))
x_dim <- dim(x)
x_ndim <- length(x_dim)
if (!isSingleNumber(MARGIN))
stop(wmsg("the \"sweep\" method for DelayedArray objects ",
"only supports a MARGIN of length 1 at the moment"))
if (!is.integer(MARGIN))
MARGIN <- as.integer(MARGIN)
if (MARGIN < 1 || MARGIN > x_ndim)
stop("invalid 'MARGIN'")
## Check 'STATS' length.
## If 'FUN' is a member of the Ops group, it will check the length
## of 'STATS' and possibly reject it but it will display an obscure
## error message (see .normarg_Ops_vector_arg() in this file). By
## checking the length early, we can display a more appropriate
## error message.
.check_Ops_vector_arg_length(STATS, x_dim[[MARGIN]],
x_what="the extent of 'dim(x)[MARGIN]'",
perm <- c(MARGIN, seq_len(x_ndim)[-MARGIN])
x2 <- aperm(x, perm)
ans2 <- FUN(x2, STATS, ...)
aperm(ans2, order(perm))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### scale()
setGeneric("scale", signature="x")
### S3/S4 combo for scale.DelayedMatrix
scale.DelayedMatrix <- function(x, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
tx <- t(x)
if (!isFALSE(center)) {
if (isTRUE(center)) {
center <- colMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)
} else if (!is.numeric(center)) {
stop(wmsg("'center' must be TRUE or FALSE or a numeric vector"))
tx <- tx - center
if (!isFALSE(scale)) {
if (isTRUE(scale)) {
scale <- rowSds(tx, center=0, na.rm=TRUE)
## Work around a bug in some DelayedMatrixStats methods (e.g.
## row/colVars() and row/colSds()) where the method is not
## propagating the row/colnames of the supplied DelayedMatrix
## object in some situations e.g. when the object carries a
## delayed transposition.
if (is.null(names(scale)))
names(scale) <- rownames(tx)
} else if (!is.numeric(scale)) {
stop(wmsg("'center' must be TRUE or FALSE or a numeric vector"))
tx <- tx / scale
ans <- t(tx)
if (is.numeric(center))
attr(ans, "scaled:center") <- center
if (is.numeric(scale))
attr(ans, "scaled:scale") <- scale
setMethod("scale", "DelayedMatrix", scale.DelayedMatrix)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### paste2()
### We define the delayed paste2() methods like the delayed "Ops" methods.
setMethod("paste2", c("DelayedArray", "vector"),
function(x, y)
.DelayedArray_Ops_with_right_vector("paste2", x, y)
setMethod("paste2", c("vector", "DelayedArray"),
function(x, y)
.DelayedArray_Ops_with_left_vector("paste2", x, y)
setMethod("paste2", c("DelayedArray", "DelayedArray"),
function(x, y)
.DelayedArray_Ops("paste2", x, y)
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