
Defines functions getLatestTrackDates .getLatestTrackDate .getTrackTablesForAllGenomes .getTrackTablesForGenome .findTrackTables getLatestTableDates .getTableDates .getNamedGenomeBreakPoints .getAllBreakPoints .getGenomeAbbrevs .getListing .filter

### Code to get the dir list and then filter it etc.

## helper to filter for each
.filter <- function(allTracks, badTracks){
    allTracks[!(allTracks %in% badTracks)]
## goodTracks <- mapply(.filter, allTracks, badTracks)

## Try a new strategy for getting ALL the dir listings at ONCE.

.goldenPathUrl <- "ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/"

.getListing <- function(){
    listing <- .ftpDirectoryInfo(.goldenPathUrl)
    save(listing, file="listing.Rda")

# Get a list of genomes from the UCSC FTP server
.getGenomeAbbrevs <- function(genomes){
    res <- .listRemoteFiles(.goldenPathUrl)
    # By arrow I mean symlinks
    dirsWithoutArrow <- sub(" -> [[:alnum:]]+/?$", "", res)
    listOfDirs <- read.table(text=dirsWithoutArrow, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[[1]]
    # The dir list points to the current and parent, remove them
    listOfDirs <- listOfDirs[! (listOfDirs %in% c(".", "..")) ]
    listOfDirs <- listOfDirs[ listOfDirs %in% genomes ]

## make this into a couple of functions and call
## Now I need to split that up based on subdirs of interest.
## there are empty rows whenever we switch dirs.
.getAllBreakPoints <- function(listing){
    grep('^$',listing) ## index of ALL split points
## subsIdx <- .getAllBreakPoints(listing)

## SECOND function
## There are a subset of other dirs that I want after some of those...
## To get these 1st make a set of strings based on genomes
.getNamedGenomeBreakPoints <- function(genomes, listing){
    genStrs1 <- paste(genomes, "/database:",sep="")
    genStrs2 <- paste("^", genomes, "/database:",sep="")
    ## and then grep to get these indices
    genDbIdx <- unlist(lapply(genStrs2, grep, listing))  ## takes a min
    names(genDbIdx) <- sub("/database:","",listing[genDbIdx])
## genDbIdx <- .getNamedGenomeBreakPoints(genomes2, listing)

.getTableDates <- function(genome, listing, subsIdx, genDbIdx){

    ## helper takes all subsIdx and one genDbIdx
    getRange <- function(genIdx, subsIdx, listing){
        if(length(genIdx) >1){ message("too many genIdxs for: \n", genome)}
        end <- min(subsIdx[subsIdx > genIdx])
        ## if(length(end) >1){ message("too many ends for: \n", genome)}
    dirs <- getRange(genDbIdx[names(genDbIdx) %in% genome],
                     subsIdx, listing)
    dirs <- dirs[-(1:3)]
    ## drop all but the txt.gz files.
    dirs <- dirs[grep(".txt.gz$",dirs)]

    ## Then remove unwanted stuff from the front end
    dirs <- sub("^.+ftp\\s+\\d+\\s","",dirs)
    ## remove .txt.gz from name
    dirs <- sub(".txt.gz$","",dirs)

    ## UCSC means for abbreviating months.
    months <- c('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep',
    names(months) <- c('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10',
    ## helper for cleanup
    dateClean <- function(str){
        ## then replace whitespaces with single tabs
        swp = gsub("\\s+","\t",str)
        ## then split on tabs
        res <- unlist(strsplit(swp, "\t"))
            res[3] <- "2013"
              names(months)[months %in% res[1]],
        ##as.POSIXct(date, tz = "GMT")

    dates <- unlist(lapply(dirs, dateClean))
    nameClean <- function(str){
        swp = gsub("\\s+","\t",str)
        res <- unlist(strsplit(swp, "\t"))[4]
    tables <- unlist(lapply(dirs, nameClean))
    ## hand back as data.frame
    #data.frame(dates=dates, tables=tables)
    names(tables) <- dates
## example of how you can use this for a particular genome.
## res <- .getTableDates(genome="hg19", listing, subsIdx, genDbIdx)

## Wrapper function to do all the work of getting and processing the
## latest date information from the FTP site.
getLatestTableDates <- function(){
    listing <- .getListing()
    allTracks <- .cachedTracks("allPossibleTracks.rda") 
    badTracks <- .cachedTracks("allBadTracks.rda")
    goodTracks <- mapply(.filter, allTracks, badTracks)
    genomes <- names(goodTracks)
    genomes2 <- .getGenomeAbbrevs(genomes)
    subsIdx <- .getAllBreakPoints(listing)
    genDbIdx <- .getNamedGenomeBreakPoints(genomes2, listing)
    curTables <- lapply(genomes2, .getTableDates, listing, subsIdx, genDbIdx)
    names(curTables) <- genomes
## curTables <- getLatestTableDates()

## I also need the association between a table and it's tracks

## get a list of tables for a genome and track
.findTrackTables <- function(track, session){
    query <- ucscTableQuery(session, track)
## session <- browserSession()
## genome(session) <- "hg19"
## res <- .findTrackTables("cytoBand", session)

## get all tables for a genome based on tracks
.getTrackTablesForGenome <- function(genome, tracks){
    ## iterate through the list to get all the tableNames for each track
    session <- browserSession()
    genome(session) <- genome
    tables <- lapply(tracks, .findTrackTables, session)
    names(tables) <- tracks
## tracks <- goodTracks[[1]][1:3] ## reduce to a simple vector o track names
## genome <- "hg19"
## res <- .getTrackTablesForGenome(genome, tracks)

## Actual code to make and save this will be done as a loop instead of
## the more elegant mapply just so that I can save as I go...
.getTrackTablesForAllGenomes <- function(genomes, trackLists){
    if(length(genomes) != length(trackLists)) stop("The number of genomes must equal the number of track lists.")
    genomeTrackTable <- list()
    for(i in seq_along(genomes)){
        message("Now processing: ",genomes[i])
        genomeTrackTable[[i]] <- .getTrackTablesForGenome(genomes[i],
        names(genomeTrackTable)[i] <- genomes[i]
## res <- .getTrackTablesForAllGenomes(genomes, goodTracks)
## Can also load this with load("genomeTrackTable.Rda")  ## it will be saved

## Helpers for translating table dates to track dates.
.getLatestTrackDate <- function(track, genome, genomeTrackTable, curTables){
    tables <- genomeTrackTable[[genome]][[track]]
    dates <- curTables[[genome]][curTables[[genome]] %in% tables]
    maxDate <- max(as.POSIXct(names(dates)))
    as.character(maxDate) ## cast because there were issues storing this data.
## genome <- "hg19"
## track <- "stsMap"
## res <- .getLatestTrackDate(track, genome, genomeTrackTable, curTables)

getLatestTrackDates <- function(){
    curTables <- getLatestTableDates()
    genomeTrackTable <-
    ## rough sketch (for now)
    trackDates <- list()
    for(i in seq_along(names(genomeTrackTable))){
        genome <- names(genomeTrackTable[i])
        tracks <- names(genomeTrackTable[[i]])
        trackDates[[i]] <- unlist(lapply(tracks, .getLatestTrackDate,
                                         genome,  genomeTrackTable, curTables))
        names(trackDates[[i]]) <- tracks
    names(trackDates) <- names(genomeTrackTable)
## This runs
## trackDates <- getLatestTrackDates()

## BUT there are strange warnings!
##  1: In max.default(structure(numeric(0), class = c("POSIXct",  ... :
##  no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

## It causes me to have some NA values for some of the dates...
## This in turn is caused by a small percentage of the tracks
## (134/3573) that are misnamed in the FS presented by UCSC (named
## differently from the tracks).

### Not used:

### Now I just need some code to compare this data with what is in the
### metadata
### So get the metadata
#getAHTrackDates <- function(){
#    ah = AnnotationHub()
#    m = AnnotationHub:::.metadata(snapshotUrl(ah),
#      filters = list(DataProvider="hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu"),
#      cols = c("SourceFile","RDataDateAdded","DataProvider"))
#    ## SourceFile is easier to clean up than sourceUrl...
#    data <- strsplit(m$SourceFile,"/")
#    trackNames <- unlist(lapply(data, function(x){x[4]}))
#    genNames <- unlist(lapply(data, function(x){x[2]}))
#    if(length(trackNames) == length(genNames) &&
#       dim(m)[1] == length(trackNames)){
#        m <- cbind(as.data.frame(m), trackNames, genNames)
#    }
#    ## Now make m into a similar structure to trackDates
#    trx <- as.character(m$RDataDateAdded)
#    names(trx) <- trackNames
#    ## then split it
#    split(trx, f=m$genNames)
### ahTrackDates <-  getAHTrackDates()

### And now we can use this to write code that compares and just lists
### tracks that are out of date.
#tracksToUpdate <- function(){
#    trackDates <- getLatestTrackDates()
#    ahTrackDates <-  getAHTrackDates()
#    ## go along and for each list element in ahTrackDates we will need
#    ## to look at the equivalent element from trackDates and then
#    ## compare the dates.  Dates will be not OK (TRUE for update
#    ## this), OK, or NA.
#    ## This requires a helper to test indiv, elements of a vector
#    .testDate <- function(x, other){
#        if(is.na(x)){
#            return(NA)
#        }else if(is.na(other[names(x)])){
#            return(NA)
#        }else{
#            if(as.POSIXct(x) > as.POSIXct(other[names(x)])){
#                return(FALSE)
#            }else{ ## this means it needs an update 
#                return(TRUE)
#            }
#        }
#    }
#    ## And another helper to lets us loop across genomes
#    .compareDates <- function(genomeDateSet,trackDates){
#        ah <- genomeDateSet[[1]]
#        other <- trackDates[names(genomeDateSet)][[1]]
#        ## res <- lapply(ah, .testDate, other=other) ## rips names from vector
#        res <- vector()
#        for(i in seq_along(ah)){
#            res[i] <- .testDate(ah[i], other)
#        }
#        names(res) <- names(ah)
#        res
#    }
#    ## I have to loop along the ahTrackDates object. I can use lapply
#    ## (but not mapply), and have to pass in all of trackDates every
#    ## time.
#    ## And again I am burned because lapply() jetisons the names...
#    res <- list()
#    for(i in seq_along(ahTrackDates)){
#        res[[i]] <- .compareDates(ahTrackDates[i], trackDates)
#    }
#    names(res) <- names(ahTrackDates)
#    ## return list of vectors.
#    res
### res <- tracksToUpdate()
Bioconductor/AnnotationHubData documentation built on Oct. 31, 2024, 8:13 a.m.