
Defines functions .UCSCTrackMetadata .UCSCTrackSourceTracks .cachedTracks .checkAllTracks .getBadTracksForGenomes .findBadTracks .getTracksForGenomes trackToGRangesRecipe

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Import UCSC track to GRanges

trackToGRangesRecipe <- function(ahm)
    outputFile <- outputFile(ahm)
    if (!file.exists(outputFile)) {
        trackName <- basename(metadata(ahm)$SourceFile)
        session <- browserSession()
        genome(session) <- metadata(ahm)$Genome
        query <- ucscTableQuery(session, trackName)
        gr <- track(query)
        save(gr, file=outputFile)
        ## if (!getOption("AnnotationHub_Use_Disk", FALSE)) {
        ##     upload_to_S3(outputFile, metadata(ahm)$RDataPath)
        ## }

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Memo-ize some web access, to avoid unnecessary internet traffic

.ucscSession <- local({
    session <- NULL
    function() {
        if (is.null(session)) {
            session <<- browserSession()

.GRangesForUSCSGenome <- local({
    env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
    function(genome) {
        if (!exists(genome, envir=env))
            env[[genome]] <- GRangesForUCSCGenome(genome)

.ucscTableQuery <- local({
    env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
    function(genome, trackName) {
        if (!exists(genome, envir=env)) {
            range <- .GRangesForUSCSGenome(genome)
            env[[genome]] <- ucscTableQuery(.ucscSession(), trackName, range)
        } else {
            trackName(env[[genome]]) <- trackName

## Pre-Processing code to allow saving of "bad" tracks that will not load...
## Run these helper functions ahead of time and save output objects

## This function takes about 20 + minutes to run.  The next two (for
## finding bad tracks) take overnight.
.getTracksForGenomes <- function(genomes, session){

    res <- list()
    ## Temp only look at a couple genomes
    ## genomes <- genomes[1:3]
    ## This step alone takes a very long time.
    for (i in seq_along(genomes)){
        genome(session) <- genomes[[i]]
        res[[i]] <- trackNames(session)
    ## return a list of genomes with a character of tracks for each.
    names(res) <- genomes
    ## save(res, file="allPossibleTracks.rda") ## auto-save
## Usage:
## genomes <- ucscGenomes()$db; session <- browserSession()
## tracks <- .getTracksForGenomes(genomes, session)

## Need a helper to find "bad tracks" for a genome.
.findBadTracks <- function(tracks, genome){
    session <- .ucscSession()
    genome(session) <- genome    
    errors <- list()
    for(i in seq_along(tracks)){
        errors[[i]] <- tryCatch({
            ucscTableQuery(session, tracks[[i]])
        }, error = function(err){return(err)})
    idx = unlist(lapply(errors, is, "error"))
    badTracks <- tracks[idx]
    ## save(badTracks, file=paste0(genome,"BadTracks.rda")) ## safety net
## Takes a vector of possible tracks, and a genome (as a string)
## Usage: (after calling:  tracks <- .getTracksForGenomes(genomes, session) )
## badTracks = .findBadTracks(tracks[[1]], "hg19")

## helper to find bad tracks for ALL the genomes (this takes all night)
.getBadTracksForGenomes <- function(genomes, tracksList){
    allBadTracks <- list()
    ## This step takes a lot of very long times.
    for(i in seq_along(genomes)){
        allBadTracks[[i]] <- .findBadTracks(tracksList[[i]], genomes[[i]])
    ## return a list of genomes with a character of tracks for each.
    names(allBadTracks) <- genomes
    ## save(allBadTracks, file="allBadTracks.rda") ## auto-save
## just gets the bad tracks for all the genomes (should take ages to run)
## Usage: (after calling:  tracks <- .getTracksForGenomes(genomes, session))
## badTracks = .getBadTracksForGenomes(genomes, tracks)


## Code to import tracks from UCSC and to make them into AHMs
UCSCTrackImportPreparer <-
    setClass("UCSCTrackImportPreparer", contains="ImportPreparer")

UCSCFullTrackImportPreparer <-
    setClass("UCSCFullTrackImportPreparer", contains="ImportPreparer")

## To store data on each track:
## ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/<genome name>/database/<track name>

## SO: hg19, track oreganno looks like this.
## ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/hg19/database/oreganno
## The reason is that the 1st part (up to oreganno) is actual location
## of ftp data the oreganno data will be there in several files dumped
## from the DB.

.checkAllTracks <- function(allTracks) {
    species <-
    if (any(idx <- is.na(species))) {
        badSpecies <- names(species)[idx]
        stop("update GenomicFeatures:::lookup_organism_by_UCSC_genome",
             " to support ", paste(sQuote(badSpecies), collapse=","))

## Helper for loading tracks
.cachedTracks <- function(filename) {
    loadFile <- system.file("extdata","badUCSCTracks", filename,
                            package = "AnnotationHubData")
    x <- load(loadFile)

.UCSCTrackSourceTracks <- function(){
    ## retrieve all possible tracks from UCSC
    genomes <- ucscGenomes()$db

    ## get the tracks for each genome. (pre-computed)
    allTracks <- .cachedTracks("allPossibleTracks.rda")
    badTracks <- .cachedTracks("allBadTracks.rda")

    ## check that we can know all species names for all these tracks.
    ## Now I just have to merge the results of these two things
    Map(function(a, b) a[!(a %in% b)], allTracks, badTracks)

## FIXME: does not pass BiocVersion
## STEP 1: make a function to process metadata into AHMs
.UCSCTrackMetadata <-
    function(type = c("FULL", "TRACKONLY"))
    ## just process all the sourceTracks
    sourceTracks <- .UCSCTrackSourceTracks()
    type <- match.arg(type)
    recipe <- switch(type, FULL="trackandTablesToGRangesRecipe",
                     stop("No valid type argument"))
    ## To store data on each track:
    ## ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/<genome>/database/<track>

    genome <- rep(names(sourceTracks), sapply(sourceTracks,length))
    track <- unlist(sourceTracks, use.names=FALSE)
    names(track) <- genome    
    trackName <- unlist(lapply(sourceTracks, names), use.names=FALSE)

    ## This really has to be the same for both. (parsed later on for trackName)
    sourceFile <- paste0("goldenpath/", genome, "/database/", track)
    ## customize name and description depending if it's the full track or not
    description <-
        paste0("GRanges object from UCSC track ", sQuote(trackName))
    if (type=="FULL")
        description <- paste0(description, ", with additional tables")

    sourceUrl <- paste0("rtracklayer://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/", sourceFile)
    title <- trackName
    species <-  unname(GenomicFeatures:::lookup_organism_by_UCSC_genome(genome))

    sourceVersion <- genome
    stockTags <- c("UCSC", "track", "Gene", "Transcript", "Annotation")
    tags <- lapply(track, c, stockTags)

    uspecies <- unique(species)
    utaxid <- vapply(uspecies, GenomeInfoDb:::lookup_tax_id_by_organism,
    taxonomyId <- utaxid[match(species, uspecies)]

    ## use Map to make all these from vectors

          ## AnnotationHubRoot=NA_character_,
          Coordinate_1_based = TRUE,
          DataProvider = "hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu",
          Maintainer = "Marc Carlson <mcarlson@fhcrc.org>",
          RDataClass = "GRanges",
          RDataDateAdded = format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d GMT"),
          RDataVersion = "0.0.1",
          Recipe = c(recipe, package="AnnotationHubData"),

## Open questions:
## 1) How did I decide which method to call (which recipe?) before?  (methods)
## 2) make sure that allGoodTracks is used when we make the metadata, and that the AHMs are made based on the answer to #1.

## STEP 2: Make a recipe function
## In this case these live in: trackToGRangesRecipe.R and
## trackWithAuxiliaryTableToGRangesRecipe.R

## STEP 3:  Call the helper to set up the newResources() method


## Then comment all that is below this:

## TODO: find an alternative way to get the extra stuff below called.  (there should be some other examples by now).
## Also the code at the top of these two methods does not even look 'correct' (subsetting issues)

## ## method for track only recipe
## setMethod(newResources, "UCSCTrackImportPreparer",
##     function(importPreparer, currentMetadata=list(), numberGenomesToProcess=NULL,
##              ...)
## {
##     allGoodTracks <- .UCSCTrackSourceTracks()
##     if( is.null(numberGenomesToProcess)){
##         sourceTracks <- allGoodTracks
##     }else{
##         sourceTracks <- allGoodTracks[numberGenomesToProcess]
##     }

##     ## filter known    
## ##     knownTracks <- sapply(currentMetadata, function(elt) {
## ##         sub("^.+/database/","",(metadata(elt)@SourceFile) 
## ##     })
## ##     sourceTracks <- sourceTracks[!sourceTracks %in% knownTracks]
##     ## AnnotationHubMetadata
##     .UCSCTrackMetadata(sourceTracks, type="TRACKONLY")
## })

## ## For full tracks
## setMethod(newResources, "UCSCFullTrackImportPreparer",
##     function(importPreparer, currentMetadata=list(), numberGenomesToProcess=NULL,
##              ...)
## {
##     allGoodTracks <- .UCSCTrackSourceTracks()
##     if( is.null(numberGenomesToProcess)){
##         sourceTracks <- allGoodTracks
##     }else{
##         sourceTracks <- allGoodTracks[1:numberGenomesToProcess]
##     }

##     ## filter known    
## ##     knownTracks <- sapply(currentMetadata, function(elt) {
## ##         sub("^.+/database/","",(metadata(elt)@SourceFile) 
## ##     })
## ##     sourceTracks <- sourceTracks[!sourceTracks %in% knownTracks]

##     ## AnnotationHubMetadata
##     .UCSCTrackMetadata(sourceTracks, type="FULL")
## })

## I need to be able to learn what the files are that are associated
## with each track in an automatic way.  Maybe I can use rtracklayer?
## Or maybe I will just have to look for common names in the dir
## listed?

## ?trackName
## library(rtracklayer)
## session <- browserSession()
## head(ucscGenomes())
## genome(session) <- "hg19"
## head(trackNames(session))

## Already can do stuff like this:
## query <- ucscTableQuery(session, "Conservation",
##                         GRangesForUCSCGenome("mm9", "chr12",
##                                              IRanges(57795963, 57815592)))
## track(query)  # gets a GRanges object

## So does this work with my example track?  Well only "kinda".
## You get the main table alright, but you don't get the rest.
## query <- ucscTableQuery(session, "oreganno")
## foo = track(query)  

## But here is something that is more useful (potentially)
## tableNames(query)  ## lists table names
## This is good so long as table names match the filenames...

## or how about just doing this:
## tableName(query) <- "oregannoAttr"
## bar  = getTable(query)

## ?ucscGenomes

## There are some other issues: (some tracks are listed but are also unknown).
## BUT: these failure tracks seem to be consistently failing.

## So for example: c("ruler", "oligoMatch","cutters") all fail on hg19 and hg16.
## And others too?  (untested).  This suggests that I can probably
## just make a black list and use that to prevent certain things.

Bioconductor/AnnotationHubData documentation built on Oct. 31, 2024, 8:13 a.m.