### =========================================================================
### SQL functions
### -------------
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
assign("debugSQL", FALSE, envir=RTobjs)
debugSQL <- function()
debugSQL <- !get("debugSQL", envir=RTobjs)
assign("debugSQL", debugSQL, envir=RTobjs)
## Needed to deal properly with "NULL data frames with 0 rows" returned
## by RSQLite when the result of a SELECT query has 0 row
.make0rowDataFrame <- function(colnames)
args <- sapply(colnames, function(col) character(0))
args <- c(args, list(check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
do.call(data.frame, args)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Generate SQL code.
### Some string constants
.LBRACE_REGX <- '\\{'
.RBRACE_REGX <- '\\}'
"([^{}", .SINGLE_QUOTE, "]*)",
### Replace out-of-context SQL colnames by their "contextualized" versions.
### Example:
### > .contextualizeColnames("{aa} < {bb}", "SOMECONTEXT")
### 'template': a character vector where elements are out-of-context SQL code.
### 'context': a single string providing the "context" i.e. a table name
### or table alias.
.contextualizeColnames <- function(template, context)
replacement <- "\\1"
if (!missing(context) && !is.na(context) && context != "")
replacement <- paste(context, replacement, sep=".")
gsub(.OUTOFCONTEXT_COLNAME_REGX, replacement, template)
.toSQLStringSet <- function(names)
if (length(names) == 0)
names <- gsub(.SINGLE_QUOTE, .TWO_SINGLE_QUOTE, names, fixed=TRUE)
paste0(.SINGLE_QUOTE, names, .SINGLE_QUOTE, collapse=",")
toSQLStringSet <- .toSQLStringSet # an alias for export
.toSQLWhere <- function(colname, names)
if (length(names) == 1 && is.na(names))
paste(colname, "IS NOT NULL")
paste0(colname, " IN (", .toSQLStringSet(names), ")")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### L2Rlink/L2Rchain manipulation.
### AnnDbBimap objects have an L2Rchain slot which must be a non-empty list of
### L2Rlink objects.
### Unlike the default "initialize" method, ours allows partial matching.
setMethod("initialize", "L2Rlink",
function(.Object, ...)
args <- list(...)
if (length(args) != 0) {
argnames <- names(args)
if (is.null(argnames) || any(argnames == ""))
stop("all arguments must be named")
argnames <- match.arg(argnames, slotNames(.Object), several.ok=TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(length(args)))
slot(.Object, argnames[i]) <- args[[i]]
L2Rlink <- function(...) new("L2Rlink", ...)
setMethod("toString", "L2Rlink",
paste0("{", x@Lcolname, "}", x@tablename, "{", x@Rcolname, "}")
setMethod("show", "L2Rlink",
## FIXME: code below is broken
s <- paste("{Lcolname}table{Rcolname}:", toString(object))
extracols <- c(
if (!is.na(L2Rlink@tagname)) L2Rlink@tagname,
if (length(extracols) != 0) {
if (!is.null(names(extracols)))
extracols <- paste(extracols, "AS", names(extracols))
extracols <- paste(extracols, collapse=", ")
s <- c(s, paste("extracols:", extracols))
if (!is.na(object@Rattrib_join[1]))
s <- c(s, paste("Rattrib_join:", object@Rattrib_join))
s <- c(s, paste("filter:", object@filter))
cat(strwrap(s, exdent=4), sep="\n")
setMethod("rev", "L2Rlink",
tmp <- x@Lcolname
x@Lcolname <- x@Rcolname
x@Rcolname <- tmp
L2Rchain.rev <- function(L2Rchain) rev(lapply(L2Rchain, rev))
.L2Rchain.toString <- function(L2Rchain) paste(sapply(L2Rchain, toString), collapse="-")
L2Rchain.Ltablename <- function(L2Rchain) L2Rchain[[1]]@tablename
L2Rchain.Rtablename <- function(L2Rchain) L2Rchain[[length(L2Rchain)]]@tablename
L2Rchain.Lfilter <- function(L2Rchain)
filter <- L2Rchain[[1]]@filter
if (filter == "1")
paste0("(", .contextualizeColnames(filter), ")")
L2Rchain.Rfilter <- function(L2Rchain)
filter <- L2Rchain[[length(L2Rchain)]]@filter
if (filter == "1")
paste0("(", .contextualizeColnames(filter), ")")
L2Rchain.Lkeyname <- function(L2Rchain) L2Rchain[[1]]@Lcolname
L2Rchain.Rkeyname <- function(L2Rchain) L2Rchain[[length(L2Rchain)]]@Rcolname
### Return the first tag colname found (from left to right) or NA if the
### L2Rchain chain has no tag.
L2Rchain.tagname <- function(L2Rchain)
tagname <- sapply(L2Rchain, function(L2Rlink) L2Rlink@tagname)
tagname <- tagname[!is.na(tagname)][1]
if (is.na(tagname))
if (!is.null(names(tagname)))
L2Rchain.Rattribnames <- function(L2Rchain)
Rattribnames0 <- L2Rchain[[length(L2Rchain)]]@Rattribnames
if (length(Rattribnames0) == 0)
`L2Rchain.Rattribnames<-` <- function(L2Rchain, value)
if (is.null(value)) {
L2Rchain[[length(L2Rchain)]]@Rattribnames <- character(0)
L2Rchain[[length(L2Rchain)]]@Rattrib_join <- as.character(NA)
if (!is.character(value))
stop("Rattrib names must be a character vector or NULL")
Rattribnames0 <- L2Rchain[[length(L2Rchain)]]@Rattribnames
if (!all(value %in% names(Rattribnames0)))
stop("invalid Rattrib names")
if (any(duplicated(value)))
stop("can't assign duplicated Rattrib names")
L2Rchain[[length(L2Rchain)]]@Rattribnames <- Rattribnames0[value]
### THIS IS THE CURRENT DESIGN: the left col is the 1st col, the right col is
### the 2nd col and the (optional) tag is the 3rd col, IT MUST BE KEPT
L2Rchain.colmetanames <- function(L2Rchain)
tagname <- L2Rchain.tagname(L2Rchain)
if (!is.na(tagname)) "tagname"
L2Rchain.colnames <- function(L2Rchain)
tagname <- L2Rchain.tagname(L2Rchain)
if (!is.na(tagname)) tagname,
### Return a named list of 6 elements. Those elements are pieces of a SQL
### SELECT statement used by some of the DB functions in this file to build
### appropriate ( and hopefully valid ;-) ) full SELECT statements.
### Those code chunks correspond to the following parts of the SELECT
### statement:
### SELECT what FROM from WHERE where
### hence the 6 elements returned by .makeSQLchunks() are divided in
### 3 groups:
### 1) The "what" group:
### - what_Lkey: single string containing the "contextualized" name of
### the leftmost col of 'L2Rchain'.
### - what_Rkey: same but for the rightmost col.
### - what_tag: same for the tag col (character(0) if no tag) which in
### addition is right-pasted with " AS <tagname>".
### - what_Rattribs: character vector (can be of length 0) where each
### element is the "contextualized" name of a right attribute
### right-pasted with " AS <Rattribname>".
### 2) The "from" group:
### - from: single string containing the "from" part of the SELECT.
### - this will have to append the altDB IF it is something other than the default DB
### 3) The "where" group:
### - where: single string obtained by "contextualizing" all filters
### contained in 'L2Rchain', putting them in parenthezis and pasting
### them together with the " AND " separator.
### If 'L2Rchain' contains no filters then 'where' is the string "1".
###I need things to be pretty general here because I want to loop through and attach all needed databases, and then at the end, after we have made all the objects, I need to detach all the databases Right now, this assumes that there will not need to be more than about 16 different databases attached for a single session, but I think this is a safe assumption, and also, if we attached and detached them ALL then we would be possibly inviting bad performance to the party. So this seems like an ok compromise for now...
### Need to swap periods for underscores, because periods have a special meaning in SQLite statements.
.mangleDBName <- function(name){
.getaltDBs <- function(map){
.getDB <- function(link){
unique(unlist(lapply(map@L2Rchain, .getDB)))
.attachDBs <- function(dbconn, dbList){
dbListLen = length(dbList)
for(i in seq_len(dbListLen)){
altDB = dbList[i]
altDBFile = system.file("extdata", paste0(altDB,".sqlite"), package=paste0(altDB,".db"))
SQL <- paste0("ATTACH DATABASE '",altDBFile,"' AS ", .mangleDBName(altDB),";")
dbAttach(dbconn, SQL)
attachDBs <- function(dbconn, ann_objs){
lengthObjs = length(ann_objs)
allAltDBs = unique(unlist(lapply(ann_objs,.getaltDBs)))
.attachDBs(dbconn, allAltDBs)
.makeSQLchunks <- function(L2Rchain)
what_tag <- what_Rattribs <- where <- character(0)
chainlen <- length(L2Rchain)
for (i in seq_len(chainlen)) {
L2Rlink <- L2Rchain[[i]]
tablename <- L2Rlink@tablename
Lcolname <- L2Rlink@Lcolname
Rcolname <- L2Rlink@Rcolname
##This should define the tablename to be prefixed ONLY when it matters
##Then just append the name onto the table
tablename = paste0(.mangleDBName(L2Rlink@altDB),".",tablename)
if (chainlen == 1) {
context <- from <- tablename
what_Lkey <- paste(context, Lcolname, sep=".")
what_Rkey <- paste(context, Rcolname, sep=".")
} else {
if (i == 1) {
context <- "_L"
what_Lkey <- paste(context, Lcolname, sep=".")
from <- paste(tablename, "AS", context)
} else {
if (i == chainlen) {
context <- "_R"
what_Rkey <- paste(context, Rcolname, sep=".")
} else {
context <- paste0("_", i)
on <- paste0(prev_context, ".", prev_Rcolname, "=",
context, ".", Lcolname)
from <- paste(from, "INNER JOIN", tablename, "AS", context, "ON", on)
prev_context <- context
prev_Rcolname <- Rcolname
if (!is.na(L2Rlink@tagname)) {
if (length(what_tag) != 0)
stop("'L2Rchain' has more than one tag")
tagname <- L2Rlink@tagname
what_tag <- .contextualizeColnames(tagname, context)
if (!is.null(names(tagname)))
what_tag <- paste(what_tag, "AS", names(tagname))
if (i == chainlen && length(L2Rlink@Rattribnames) != 0) {
Rattribnames <- L2Rlink@Rattribnames
what_Rattribs <- .contextualizeColnames(Rattribnames, context)
if (is.null(names(Rattribnames)))
stop("Rattribnames in 'L2Rchain' must be a named character vector")
what_Rattribs <- paste(what_Rattribs, "AS", names(Rattribnames))
Rattrib_join <- L2Rlink@Rattrib_join
if (!is.na(Rattrib_join))
from <- paste(from, .contextualizeColnames(Rattrib_join, context))
filter <- L2Rlink@filter
if (filter != "1")
where <- c(where, .contextualizeColnames(filter, context))
if (length(where) == 0)
where <- "1"
where <- paste0("(", where, ")", collapse=" AND ")
SQLchunks <- list(
#if (get("debugSQL", envir=RTobjs)) {
# cat("SQLchunks:\n")
# cat(" what_Lkey: ", SQLchunks$what_Lkey, "\n", sep="")
# cat(" what_Rkey: ", SQLchunks$what_Rkey, "\n", sep="")
# cat(" what_tag: ", SQLchunks$what_tag, "\n", sep="")
# cat(" what_Rattribs:\n")
# show(SQLchunks$what_Rattribs)
# cat(" from: ", SQLchunks$from, "\n", sep="")
# cat(" where:\n")
# show(SQLchunks$where)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### DB functions.
### Use dbQuery(conn, SQL, 1) instead of dbQuery(conn, SQL)[[1]],
### it's much safer!
dbQuery <- function(conn, SQL, j0=NA)
if (get("debugSQL", envir=RTobjs)) {
if (!is.character(SQL) || length(SQL) != 1 || is.na(SQL))
stop("[debugSQL] 'SQL' must be a single string")
cat("[debugSQL] SQL query: ", SQL, "\n", sep="")
st <- system.time(data0 <- dbGetQuery(conn, SQL))
cat("[debugSQL] time: ", st["user.self"], " seconds\n", sep="")
} else {
data0 <- dbGetQuery(conn, SQL)
if (is.na(j0))
## Needed to deal properly with data frame with 0 column ("NULL data
## frames with 0 rows") returned by RSQLite when the result of a SELECT
## query has 0 row
if (nrow(data0) == 0)
dbAttach <- function(conn, SQL){
obj <- dbSendStatement(conn, SQL)
dbGetTable <- function(conn, tablename, extra.SQL=NULL)
SQL <- paste0("SELECT * FROM ", tablename)
if (!is.null(extra.SQL))
SQL <- paste(SQL, extra.SQL)
dbQuery(conn, SQL)
dbRawAnnDbMapToTable <- function(conn, Ltablename, Lkeyname, Lkeys,
Rtablename, Rkeyname, Rkeys,
show.colnames, from)
# if (!is.null(Rtablename))
# Rkeyname <- paste(Rtablename, Rkeyname, sep=".")
# Lkeyname <- paste(Ltablename, Lkeyname, sep=".")
SQL <- paste("SELECT", paste(show.colnames, collapse=","), "FROM", from)
SQL <- paste(SQL, "WHERE", .toSQLWhere(Lkeyname, Lkeys))
if (!is.null(Rtablename))
SQL <- paste(SQL, "AND", .toSQLWhere(Rkeyname, Rkeys))
dbQuery(conn, SQL)
dbCountRawAnnDbMapRows <- function(conn, Ltablename, Lkeyname,
Rtablename, Rkeyname, from)
SQL <- paste("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM", from)
SQL <- paste(SQL, "WHERE", .toSQLWhere(Lkeyname, NA))
if (!is.null(Rtablename))
SQL <- paste(SQL, "AND", .toSQLWhere(Rkeyname, NA))
dbQuery(conn, SQL, 1)
.makeSQL <- function(SQLchunks, SQLwhat, Lkeys, Rkeys)
where <- c(
.toSQLWhere(SQLchunks$what_Lkey, Lkeys),
.toSQLWhere(SQLchunks$what_Rkey, Rkeys)
where <- paste(where, collapse=" AND ")
paste("SELECT", SQLwhat, "FROM", SQLchunks$from, "WHERE", where)
dbSelectFromL2Rchain <- function(conn, L2Rchain, Lkeys, Rkeys)
SQLchunks <- .makeSQLchunks(L2Rchain)
cols <- c(
SQLwhat <- paste(cols, collapse=",")
SQL <- .makeSQL(SQLchunks, SQLwhat, Lkeys, Rkeys)
data0 <- dbQuery(conn, SQL)
colnames(data0) <- L2Rchain.colnames(L2Rchain)
if (nrow(data0) != 0)
dbCountRowsFromL2Rchain <- function(conn, L2Rchain, Lkeys, Rkeys)
SQLchunks <- .makeSQLchunks(L2Rchain)
SQLwhat <- "COUNT(*)"
SQL <- .makeSQL(SQLchunks, SQLwhat, Lkeys, Rkeys)
dbQuery(conn, SQL, 1)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### dbUniqueVals() and dbCountUniqueVals()
.dbUniqueVals.SQLresultname <- function(datacache, tablename, colname, filter)
if (is.null(datacache) || filter != "1")
full.colname <- paste(tablename, colname, sep=".")
paste("dbUniqueVals", full.colname, sep="-")
dbUniqueVals <- function(conn, tablename, colname, filter, datacache=NULL)
SQLresultname <- .dbUniqueVals.SQLresultname(datacache,
tablename, colname, filter)
if (!is.null(SQLresultname)) {
if (exists(SQLresultname, envir=datacache, inherits=FALSE)) {
SQLresult <- get(SQLresultname, envir=datacache)
if (get("debugSQL", envir=RTobjs))
cat("[debugSQL] Using cached result from SQL query: ", SQLresult$SQL, "\n", sep="")
what <- paste("DISTINCT", colname)
where <- .toSQLWhere(colname, NA)
SQL <- paste("SELECT", what, "FROM", tablename, "WHERE", where)
if (filter != "1")
SQL <- paste(SQL, "AND", filter)
vals <- dbQuery(conn, SQL, 1)
if (!is.character(vals))
vals <- as.character(vals)
if (!is.null(SQLresultname)) {
if (get("debugSQL", envir=RTobjs))
cat("[debugSQL] Putting last SQL query and result in cache\n")
SQLresult <- list(SQL=SQL, result=vals)
assign(SQLresultname, SQLresult, envir=datacache)
### Read-only caching!
dbCountUniqueVals <- function(conn, tablename, colname, filter, datacache=NULL)
SQLresultname <- .dbUniqueVals.SQLresultname(datacache,
tablename, colname, filter)
if (!is.null(SQLresultname)) {
if (exists(SQLresultname, envir=datacache, inherits=FALSE)) {
SQLresult <- get(SQLresultname, envir=datacache)
if (get("debugSQL", envir=RTobjs))
cat("[debugSQL] Using cached result from SQL query: ", SQLresult$SQL, "\n", sep="")
what <- paste0("COUNT(DISTINCT ", colname, ")")
SQL <- paste("SELECT", what, "FROM", tablename)
if (filter != "1")
SQL <- paste(SQL, "WHERE", filter)
dbQuery(conn, SQL, 1)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### dbUniqueMappedKeys() and dbCountUniqueMappedKeys()
### IMPORTANT: Use shared cached symbols!
.dbUniqueMappedKeys.SQLresultname <- function(datacache,
L2Rchain, Lkeys, Rkeys,
where, direction)
if (is.null(datacache)
|| length(Lkeys) != 1 || !is.na(Lkeys)
|| length(Rkeys) != 1 || !is.na(Rkeys)
|| where != "1")
if (direction == 1)
symbol <- "uniqueLeftMappedKeys"
symbol <- "uniqueRightMappedKeys"
paste(symbol, .L2Rchain.toString(L2Rchain), sep="-")
dbUniqueMappedKeys <- function(conn, L2Rchain, Lkeys, Rkeys,
direction, datacache=NULL)
SQLchunks <- .makeSQLchunks(L2Rchain)
SQLresultname <- .dbUniqueMappedKeys.SQLresultname(datacache,
L2Rchain, Lkeys, Rkeys,
SQLchunks$where, direction)
if (!is.null(SQLresultname)) {
if (exists(SQLresultname, envir=datacache, inherits=FALSE)) {
SQLresult <- get(SQLresultname, envir=datacache)
if (get("debugSQL", envir=RTobjs))
cat("[debugSQL] Using cached result from SQL query: ", SQLresult$SQL, "\n", sep="")
what_Lkey <- SQLchunks$what_Lkey
what_Rkey <- SQLchunks$what_Rkey
if (direction == 1)
distinct_col <- what_Lkey
distinct_col <- what_Rkey
what <- paste("DISTINCT", distinct_col)
SQL <- .makeSQL(SQLchunks, what, Lkeys, Rkeys)
vals <- dbQuery(conn, SQL, 1)
if (!is.null(SQLresultname)) {
if (get("debugSQL", envir=RTobjs))
cat("[debugSQL] Putting last SQL query and result in cache\n")
SQLresult <- list(SQL=SQL, result=vals)
assign(SQLresultname, SQLresult, envir=datacache)
### Read-only caching!
dbCountUniqueMappedKeys <- function(conn, L2Rchain, Lkeys, Rkeys,
direction, datacache=NULL)
SQLchunks <- .makeSQLchunks(L2Rchain)
SQLresultname <- .dbUniqueMappedKeys.SQLresultname(datacache,
L2Rchain, Lkeys, Rkeys,
SQLchunks$where, direction)
if (!is.null(SQLresultname)) {
if (exists(SQLresultname, envir=datacache, inherits=FALSE)) {
SQLresult <- get(SQLresultname, envir=datacache)
if (get("debugSQL", envir=RTobjs))
cat("[debugSQL] Using cached result from SQL query: ", SQLresult$SQL, "\n", sep="")
what_Lkey <- SQLchunks$what_Lkey
what_Rkey <- SQLchunks$what_Rkey
if (direction == 1)
distinct_col <- what_Lkey
distinct_col <- what_Rkey
SQLwhat <- paste0("COUNT(DISTINCT ", distinct_col, ")")
SQL <- .makeSQL(SQLchunks, SQLwhat, Lkeys, Rkeys)
dbQuery(conn, SQL, 1)
## ### Bimap filter function
## L2Rchain.bimapFilter <- function(L2Rchain){
## filter <- sapply(L2Rchain, function(x){x@filter})
## filter <- filter[!is.na(filter)]
## return(filter)
## }
## ### BimapFilterReplace function
## L2Rchain.bimapFilterReplace <- function(L2Rchain, value){
## ori_filt_1 <- L2Rchain[[1]]@filter
## ori_filt_2 <- L2Rchain[[2]]@filter
## message(ori_filt_1)
## message(ori_filt_2)
## species_filt_1 <- gsub("{seed_status}=.+AND","", ori_filt_1, perl=TRUE)
## species_filt_2 <- gsub("{seed_status}=.+AND","", ori_filt_2, perl=TRUE)
## new_filt_1 <- as.character(paste0("{seed_status}='",value,"' AND",species_filt_1))
## new_filt_2 <- as.character(paste0("{seed_status}='",value,"' AND",species_filt_2))
## message(new_filt_1)
## message(new_filt_2)
## L2Rchain[[1]]@filter <- new_filt_1
## L2Rchain[[2]]@filter <- new_filt_2
## ##output
## ## filter <- sapply(L2Rchain, function(x){x@filter})
## ## filter <- filter[!is.na(filter)][1]
## ## message(cat("the new filter is:",filter))
## }
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