#### TRONCO: a tool for TRanslational ONCOlogy
#### Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Marco Antoniotti, Giulio Caravagna, Luca De Sano,
#### Alex Graudenzi, Giancarlo Mauri, Bud Mishra and Daniele Ramazzotti.
#### All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
#### are made available under the terms of the GNU GPL v3.0
#### which accompanies this distribution.
#' Reconstruct a progression model using CAPRESE algorithm. For details and examples
#' regarding the inference process and on the algorithm implemented in the package,
#' we refer to the Vignette Section 6.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset_no_hypos)
#' recon = tronco.caprese(test_dataset_no_hypos)
#' @title tronco caprese
#' @param data A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param lambda Coefficient to combine the raw estimate with a correction factor into a shrinkage estimator.
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @param epos Error rate of false positive errors.
#' @param eneg Error rate of false negative errors.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant object with reconstructed model
#' @export tronco.caprese
#' @importFrom stats phyper
#' @importFrom bnlearn empty.graph set.arc
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency get.shortest.paths
tronco.caprese <- function(data,
lambda = 0.5,
silent = FALSE,
epos = 0.0,
eneg = 0.0) {
## Check for the inputs to be correct
if (is.null(data) || is.null(data$genotypes)) {
stop("The dataset given as input is not valid.")
if (lambda < 0 || lambda > 1) {
stop("The value of the shrinkage parameter lambda has to be in [0:1]!",
call. = FALSE)
## check for the input to be compliant
## check if there are hypotheses
if (npatterns(data) > 0) {
warning("Patters found in input for tronco.caprese\n")
if (is.null(data$hypotheses)) {
data$hypotheses = NA
## Reconstruct the reconstruction with CAPRESE
if (silent == FALSE) {
cat('*** Checking input events.\n')
invalid = consolidate.data(data, TRUE)
if (length(unlist(invalid)) > 0)
warning("Input events should be consolidated - see consolidate.data.")
'*** Inferring a progression model with the following settings.\n',
'\tDataset size: n = ',
', m = ',
'\tAlgorithm: CAPRESE with shrinkage coefficient: ',
reconstruction = caprese.fit(
dataset = data$genotypes,
lambda = lambda,
silent = silent,
epos = epos,
eneg = eneg,
hypotheses = data$hypotheses
## Structure to save the results
results = data
results$confidence = reconstruction$confidence
results$model = reconstruction$model
results$parameters = reconstruction$parameters
results$execution.time = reconstruction$execution.time
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Evaluating LogLik informations.\n')
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = 'caprese')
logLik = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
results$model$caprese$logLik = logLik
## The reconstruction has been completed.
if (!silent)
"The reconstruction has been successfully completed in",
digits = 0),
tz = "GMT"
#' Reconstruct a progression model using CAPRI algorithm. For details and examples
#' regarding the inference process and on the algorithm implemented in the package,
#' we refer to the Vignette Section 6.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset)
#' recon = tronco.capri(test_dataset, nboot = 1)
#' @title tronco capri
#' @param data A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param command Parameter to define to heuristic search to be performed. Hill Climbing and Tabu search are currently available.
#' @param regularization Select the regularization for the likelihood estimation, e.g., BIC, AIC.
#' @param do.boot A parameter to disable/enable the estimation of the error rates give the reconstructed model.
#' @param nboot Number of bootstrap sampling (with rejection) to be performed when estimating the selective advantage scores.
#' @param pvalue Pvalue to accept/reject the valid selective advantage relations.
#' @param min.boot Minimum number of bootstrap sampling to be performed.
#' @param min.stat A parameter to disable/enable the minimum number of bootstrap sampling required besides nboot if any sampling is rejected.
#' @param boot.seed Initial seed for the bootstrap random sampling.
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @param epos Error rate of false positive errors.
#' @param eneg Error rate of false negative errors.
#' @param restart An integer, the number of random restarts.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant object with reconstructed model
#' @export tronco.capri
#' @importFrom bnlearn hc tabu empty.graph set.arc
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency get.adjacency graph.union edge
#' @importFrom igraph get.shortest.paths is.dag
#' @importFrom stats phyper AIC BIC wilcox.test
tronco.capri <- function(data,
command = "hc",
regularization = c("bic", "aic"),
do.boot = TRUE,
nboot = 100,
pvalue = 0.05,
min.boot = 3,
min.stat = TRUE,
boot.seed = NULL,
silent = FALSE,
epos = 0.0,
eneg = 0.0,
restart = 100) {
## Check for the inputs to be correct
if (is.null(data) || is.null(data$genotypes)) {
stop("The dataset given as input is not valid.")
## Enforce data to be numeric
data = enforce.numeric(data)
if (is.null(data$hypotheses)) {
data$hypotheses = NA
if (!command %in% c("hc", "tabu")) {
stop("The inference can be performed either by hill climbing or tabu search!",
call. = FALSE)
if (pvalue < 0 || pvalue > 1) {
stop("The value of the pvalue has to be in [0:1]!", call. = FALSE)
if (!all(regularization %in% c('loglik', 'bic', 'aic'))) {
stop("Possible regularization are loglik, bic or aic", call. = FALSE)
if (epos < 0 || epos >= 0.5 || eneg < 0 || eneg >= 0.5) {
stop("The values of the error rates have to be in [0:0.5)!",
call. = FALSE)
## Check for the input to be compliant
## Reconstruct the reconstruction with CAPRI
if (is.null(boot.seed)) {
my.seed = "NULL"
else {
my.seed = boot.seed
if (silent == FALSE) {
cat('*** Checking input events.\n')
invalid = consolidate.data(data, TRUE)
if (length(unlist(invalid)) > 0)
warning("Input events should be consolidated - see consolidate.data.")
'*** Inferring a progression model with the following settings.\n',
'\tDataset size: n = ',
', m = ',
'\tAlgorithm: CAPRI with \"',
paste0(regularization, collapse = ", "),
'\" regularization and \"',
'\" likelihood-fit strategy.\n',
'\tRandom seed: ',
'\tBootstrap iterations (Wilcoxon): ',
ifelse(do.boot, nboot, 'disabled'),
'\t\texhaustive bootstrap: ',
'.\n\t\tp-value: ',
'.\n\t\tminimum bootstrapped scores: ',
reconstruction =
command = command,
regularization = regularization,
do.boot = do.boot,
nboot = nboot,
pvalue = pvalue,
min.boot = min.boot,
min.stat = min.stat,
boot.seed = boot.seed,
silent = silent,
epos = epos,
eneg = eneg,
restart = restart
## Structure to save the results.
results = data
results$adj.matrix.prima.facie = reconstruction$adj.matrix.prima.facie
results$confidence = reconstruction$confidence
results$model = reconstruction$model
results$parameters = reconstruction$parameters
results$execution.time = reconstruction$execution.time
## Add BIC/AIC/LogLik informations
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Evaluating BIC / AIC / LogLik informations.\n')
if ("loglik" %in% regularization) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = 'capri_loglik')
score = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = score
results$model$capri_loglik$score = score
results$model$capri_loglik$logLik = logLik
if ("bic" %in% regularization) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = 'capri_bic')
score = BIC(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
results$model$capri_bic$score = score
results$model$capri_bic$logLik = logLik
if ("aic" %in% regularization) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = 'capri_aic')
score = AIC(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
results$model$capri_aic$score = score
results$model$capri_aic$logLik = logLik
## the reconstruction has been completed.
if (!silent)
"The reconstruction has been successfully completed in",
digits = 0),
tz = "GMT"
#' Reconstruct a progression model using Edmonds algorithm combined
#' with probabilistic causation. For details and examples
#' regarding the inference process and on the algorithm implemented in the package,
#' we refer to the Vignette Section 6.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset_no_hypos)
#' recon = tronco.edmonds(test_dataset_no_hypos, nboot = 1)
#' @title Tronco Edmonds
#' @param data A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param regularization Select the regularization for the
#' likelihood estimation, e.g., BIC, AIC.
#' @param score Select the score for the estimation of
#' the best tree, e.g., pointwise mutual information (pmi), conditional entropy (entropy).
#' @param do.boot A parameter to disable/enable the estimation
#' of the error rates give the reconstructed model.
#' @param nboot Number of bootstrap sampling (with rejection)
#' to be performed when estimating the selective advantage scores.
#' @param pvalue Pvalue to accept/reject the valid selective
#' advantage relations.
#' @param min.boot Minimum number of bootstrap sampling to be
#' performed.
#' @param min.stat A parameter to disable/enable the minimum number
#' of bootstrap sampling required besides nboot if any sampling
#' is rejected.
#' @param boot.seed Initial seed for the bootstrap random sampling.
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @param epos Error rate of false positive errors.
#' @param eneg Error rate of false negative errors.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant object with reconstructed model
#' @export tronco.edmonds
#' @importFrom bnlearn hc tabu empty.graph set.arc
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency get.adjacency graph.union edge
#' @importFrom igraph get.shortest.paths is.dag
#### @importFrom infotheo mutinformation
#' @importFrom stats phyper AIC BIC
tronco.edmonds <- function(data,
regularization = "no_reg",
score = "pmi",
do.boot = TRUE,
nboot = 100,
pvalue = 0.05,
min.boot = 3,
min.stat = TRUE,
boot.seed = NULL,
silent = FALSE,
epos = 0.0,
eneg = 0.0) {
if (is.null(data) || is.null(data$genotypes)) {
stop("The dataset given as input is not valid.")
## Enforce data to be numeric
data = enforce.numeric(data)
## Check for the inputs to be correct.
if (is.null(data$hypotheses)) {
data$hypotheses = NA
if (pvalue < 0 || pvalue > 1) {
stop("The value of the pvalue has to be in [0:1]!", call. = FALSE)
if (!all(regularization %in% c('no_reg', 'loglik', 'bic', 'aic'))) {
stop("Possible regularization are no-reg, loglik, bic or aic",
call. = FALSE)
if (!all(score %in% c('pmi', 'mi', 'entropy', 'cpmi'))) {
stop("Possible scores are pmi, mi, entropy or cpmi", call. = FALSE)
if (epos < 0 || epos >= 0.5 || eneg < 0 || eneg >= 0.5) {
stop("The values of the error rates have to be in [0:0.5)!",
call. = FALSE)
## Check for the input to be compliant.
## check if there are hypotheses
if (npatterns(data) > 0) {
warning("Patters found in input for tronco.edmonds\n")
## Reconstruct the reconstruction with Edmonds.
if (is.null(boot.seed)) {
my.seed = "NULL"
else {
my.seed = boot.seed
if (silent == FALSE) {
cat('*** Checking input events.\n')
invalid = consolidate.data(data, TRUE)
if (length(unlist(invalid)) > 0)
warning("Input events should be consolidated - see consolidate.data.")
'*** Inferring a progression model with the following settings.\n',
'\tDataset size: n = ',
', m = ',
'\tAlgorithm: Edmonds with \"',
paste0(regularization, collapse = ", "),
'\" regularization',
'\tRandom seed: ',
'\tBootstrap iterations (Wilcoxon): ',
ifelse(do.boot, nboot, 'disabled'),
'\t\texhaustive bootstrap: ',
'.\n\t\tp-value: ',
'.\n\t\tminimum bootstrapped scores: ',
reconstruction =
regularization = regularization,
score = score,
do.boot = do.boot,
nboot = nboot,
pvalue = pvalue,
min.boot = min.boot,
min.stat = min.stat,
boot.seed = boot.seed,
silent = silent,
epos = epos,
eneg = eneg,
hypotheses = data$hypotheses
## Structure to save the results.
results = data
results$adj.matrix.prima.facie = reconstruction$adj.matrix.prima.facie
results$adj.matrix.prima.facie.cyclic = reconstruction$adj.matrix.prima.facie.cyclic
results$confidence = reconstruction$confidence
results$model = reconstruction$model
results$parameters = reconstruction$parameters
results$execution.time = reconstruction$execution.time
## Add BIC/AIC/LogLik informations
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Evaluating BIC / AIC / LogLik informations.\n')
search_scores = score
if ("no_reg" %in% regularization) {
for (my_s in search_scores) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = paste('edmonds_no_reg', my_s, sep =
score = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = score
results$model[[paste('edmonds_no_reg', my_s, sep = "_")]]$score = score
results$model[[paste('edmonds_no_reg', my_s, sep = "_")]]$logLik = logLik
if ("loglik" %in% regularization) {
for (my_s in search_scores) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = paste('edmonds_loglik', my_s, sep =
score = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = score
results$model[[paste('edmonds_loglik', my_s, sep = "_")]]$score = score
results$model[[paste('edmonds_loglik', my_s, sep = "_")]]$logLik = logLik
if ("bic" %in% regularization) {
for (my_s in search_scores) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = paste('edmonds_bic', my_s, sep =
score = BIC(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
results$model[[paste('edmonds_bic', my_s, sep = "_")]]$score = score
results$model[[paste('edmonds_bic', my_s, sep = "_")]]$logLik = logLik
if ("aic" %in% regularization) {
for (my_s in search_scores) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = paste('edmonds_aic', my_s, sep =
score = AIC(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
results$model[[paste('edmonds_aic', my_s, sep = "_")]]$score = score
results$model[[paste('edmonds_aic', my_s, sep = "_")]]$logLik = logLik
## the reconstruction has been completed
if (!silent)
"The reconstruction has been successfully completed in",
digits = 0),
tz = "GMT"
#' Reconstruct a progression model using Gabow algorithm combined
#' with probabilistic causation. For details and examples
#' regarding the inference process and on the algorithm implemented in the package,
#' we refer to the Vignette Section 6.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset_no_hypos)
#' recon = tronco.gabow(test_dataset_no_hypos, nboot = 1)
#' @title Tronco Gabow
#' @param data A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param regularization Select the regularization for the
#' likelihood estimation, e.g., BIC, AIC.
#' @param score Select the score for the estimation of
#' the best tree, e.g., pointwise mutual information (pmi), conditional entropy (entropy).
#' @param do.boot A parameter to disable/enable the estimation
#' of the error rates give the reconstructed model.
#' @param nboot Number of bootstrap sampling (with rejection)
#' to be performed when estimating the selective advantage scores.
#' @param pvalue Pvalue to accept/reject the valid selective
#' advantage relations.
#' @param min.boot Minimum number of bootstrap sampling to be
#' performed.
#' @param min.stat A parameter to disable/enable the minimum number
#' of bootstrap sampling required besides nboot if any sampling
#' is rejected.
#' @param boot.seed Initial seed for the bootstrap random sampling.
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @param epos Error rate of false positive errors.
#' @param eneg Error rate of false negative errors.
#' @param do.raising Whether to use or not the raising condition as a prior.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant object with reconstructed model
#' @export tronco.gabow
#' @importFrom bnlearn hc tabu empty.graph set.arc score amat<- amat
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency get.adjacency graph.union edge
#' @importFrom igraph get.shortest.paths graph_from_adjacency_matrix clusters unfold.tree
#' @importFrom igraph is.dag
#' @importFrom gtools permutations
#' @importFrom stats phyper AIC BIC logLik runif
tronco.gabow <- function(data,
regularization = "no_reg",
score = "pmi",
do.boot = TRUE,
nboot = 100,
pvalue = 0.05,
min.boot = 3,
min.stat = TRUE,
boot.seed = NULL,
silent = FALSE,
epos = 0.0,
eneg = 0.0,
do.raising = TRUE) {
if (is.null(data) || is.null(data$genotypes)) {
stop("The dataset given as input is not valid.")
## Enforce data to be numeric
data = enforce.numeric(data)
## Check for the inputs to be correct.
if (is.null(data$hypotheses)) {
data$hypotheses = NA
if (pvalue < 0 || pvalue > 1) {
stop("The value of the pvalue has to be in [0:1]!", call. = FALSE)
if (!all(regularization %in% c('no_reg', 'loglik', 'bic', 'aic'))) {
stop("Possible regularization are no-reg, loglik, bic or aic",
call. = FALSE)
if (!all(score %in% c('pmi', 'mi', 'entropy', 'cpmi'))) {
stop("Possible scores are pmi, mi, entropy or cpmi", call. = FALSE)
if (epos < 0 || epos >= 0.5 || eneg < 0 || eneg >= 0.5) {
stop("The values of the error rates have to be in [0:0.5)!",
call. = FALSE)
## Check for the input to be compliant.
## check if there are hypotheses
if (npatterns(data) > 0) {
warning("Patters found in input for tronco.gabow\n")
## Reconstruct the reconstruction with MLE.
if (is.null(boot.seed)) {
my.seed = "NULL"
else {
my.seed = boot.seed
if (silent == FALSE) {
cat('*** Checking input events.\n')
invalid = consolidate.data(data, TRUE)
if (length(unlist(invalid)) > 0)
warning("Input events should be consolidated - see consolidate.data.")
'*** Inferring a progression model with the following settings.\n',
'\tDataset size: n = ',
', m = ',
'\tAlgorithm: Gabow with \"',
paste0(regularization, collapse = ", "),
'\" regularization',
'\tRandom seed: ',
'\tBootstrap iterations (Wilcoxon): ',
ifelse(do.boot, nboot, 'disabled'),
'\t\texhaustive bootstrap: ',
'.\n\t\tp-value: ',
'.\n\t\tminimum bootstrapped scores: ',
reconstruction =
regularization = regularization,
score = score,
do.boot = do.boot,
nboot = nboot,
pvalue = pvalue,
min.boot = min.boot,
min.stat = min.stat,
boot.seed = boot.seed,
silent = silent,
epos = epos,
eneg = eneg,
do.raising = do.raising,
hypotheses = data$hypotheses
## Structure to save the results.
results = data
results$adj.matrix.prima.facie = reconstruction$adj.matrix.prima.facie
results$confidence = reconstruction$confidence
results$model = reconstruction$model
results$parameters = reconstruction$parameters
results$execution.time = reconstruction$execution.time
## Add BIC/AIC/LogLik informations
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Evaluating BIC / AIC / LogLik informations.\n')
search_scores = score
is.acyclic = TRUE
models.adj.matrix = as.adj.matrix(results)
if ("no_reg" %in% regularization) {
for (my_s in search_scores) {
mod.name = paste('gabow_no_reg', my_s, sep = "_")
this.matrix = models.adj.matrix[[mod.name]]
if (is.dag(graph.adjacency(this.matrix))) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = mod.name)
score = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = score
} else {
score = -1
logLik = -1
is.acyclic = FALSE
results$model[[paste('gabow_no_reg', my_s, sep = "_")]]$score = score
results$model[[paste('gabow_no_reg', my_s, sep = "_")]]$logLik = logLik
if ("loglik" %in% regularization) {
for (my_s in search_scores) {
mod.name = paste('gabow_loglik', my_s, sep = "_")
this.matrix = models.adj.matrix[[mod.name]]
if (is.dag(graph.adjacency(this.matrix))) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = mod.name)
score = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = score
} else {
score = -1
logLik = -1
is.acyclic = FALSE
results$model[[paste('gabow_loglik', my_s, sep = "_")]]$score = score
results$model[[paste('gabow_loglik', my_s, sep = "_")]]$logLik = logLik
if ("bic" %in% regularization) {
for (my_s in search_scores) {
mod.name = paste('gabow_bic', my_s, sep = "_")
this.matrix = models.adj.matrix[[mod.name]]
if (is.dag(graph.adjacency(this.matrix))) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = mod.name)
score = BIC(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
} else {
score = -1
logLik = -1
is.acyclic = FALSE
results$model[[paste('gabow_bic', my_s, sep = "_")]]$score = score
results$model[[paste('gabow_bic', my_s, sep = "_")]]$logLik = logLik
if ("aic" %in% regularization) {
for (my_s in search_scores) {
mod.name = paste('gabow_aic', my_s, sep = "_")
this.matrix = models.adj.matrix[[mod.name]]
if (is.dag(graph.adjacency(this.matrix))) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = mod.name)
score = AIC(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
} else {
score = -1
logLik = -1
is.acyclic = FALSE
results$model[[paste('gabow_aic', my_s, sep = "_")]]$score = score
results$model[[paste('gabow_aic', my_s, sep = "_")]]$logLik = logLik
## the reconstruction has been completed.
if (!is.acyclic) {
save(results, file = paste0('result_',
) * 10000)),
if (!silent)
"The reconstruction has been successfully completed in",
digits = 0),
tz = "GMT"
#' Reconstruct a progression model using Chow Liu
#' algorithm combined with probabilistic causation. For details and examples
#' regarding the inference process and on the algorithm implemented in the package,
#' we refer to the Vignette Section 6.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset_no_hypos)
#' recon = tronco.chowliu(test_dataset_no_hypos, nboot = 1)
#' @title Tronco Chow Liu
#' @param data A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param regularization Select the regularization for the
#' likelihood estimation, e.g., BIC, AIC.
#' @param do.boot A parameter to disable/enable the estimation
#' of the error rates give the reconstructed model.
#' @param nboot Number of bootstrap sampling (with rejection)
#' to be performed when estimating the selective advantage scores.
#' @param pvalue Pvalue to accept/reject the valid selective
#' advantage relations.
#' @param min.boot Minimum number of bootstrap sampling
#' to be performed.
#' @param min.stat A parameter to disable/enable the minimum
#' number of bootstrap sampling required besides nboot if
#' any sampling is rejected.
#' @param boot.seed Initial seed for the bootstrap random
#' sampling.
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose
#' messages.
#' @param epos Error rate of false positive errors.
#' @param eneg Error rate of false negative errors.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant object with reconstructed
#' model
#' @export tronco.chowliu
#' @importFrom bnlearn hc tabu empty.graph set.arc chow.liu
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency get.adjacency graph.union edge
#' @importFrom igraph get.shortest.paths is.dag
#' @importFrom stats phyper AIC BIC
tronco.chowliu <- function(data,
regularization = c("bic", "aic"),
do.boot = TRUE,
nboot = 100,
pvalue = 0.05,
min.boot = 3,
min.stat = TRUE,
boot.seed = NULL,
silent = FALSE,
epos = 0.0,
eneg = 0.0) {
## Check for the inputs to be correct.
if (is.null(data) || is.null(data$genotypes)) {
stop("The dataset given as input is not valid.")
## Enforce data to be numeric
data = enforce.numeric(data)
if (is.null(data$hypotheses)) {
data$hypotheses = NA
if (pvalue < 0 || pvalue > 1) {
stop("The value of the pvalue has to be in [0:1]!", call. = FALSE)
if (!all(regularization %in% c('loglik', 'bic', 'aic'))) {
stop("Possible regularization are loglik, bic or aic", call. = FALSE)
if (epos < 0 || epos >= 0.5 || eneg < 0 || eneg >= 0.5) {
stop("The values of the error rates have to be in [0:0.5)!",
call. = FALSE)
## Check for the input to be compliant.
## check if there are hypotheses
if (npatterns(data) > 0) {
warning("Patters found in input for tronco.chow.liu\n")
## Reconstruct the reconstruction with Chow Liu.
if (is.null(boot.seed)) {
my.seed = "NULL"
else {
my.seed = boot.seed
if (silent == FALSE) {
cat('*** Checking input events.\n')
invalid = consolidate.data(data, TRUE)
if (length(unlist(invalid)) > 0)
warning("Input events should be consolidated - see consolidate.data.")
'*** Inferring a progression model with the following settings.\n',
'\tDataset size: n = ',
', m = ',
'\tAlgorithm: Chow Liu with \"',
paste0(regularization, collapse = ", "),
'\" regularization',
'\tRandom seed: ',
'\tBootstrap iterations (Wilcoxon): ',
ifelse(do.boot, nboot, 'disabled'),
'\t\texhaustive bootstrap: ',
'.\n\t\tp-value: ',
'.\n\t\tminimum bootstrapped scores: ',
reconstruction =
regularization = regularization,
do.boot = do.boot,
nboot = nboot,
pvalue = pvalue,
min.boot = min.boot,
min.stat = min.stat,
boot.seed = boot.seed,
silent = silent,
epos = epos,
eneg = eneg,
hypotheses = data$hypotheses
## Structure to save the results.
results = data
results$adj.matrix.prima.facie = reconstruction$adj.matrix.prima.facie
results$confidence = reconstruction$confidence
results$model = reconstruction$model
results$parameters = reconstruction$parameters
results$execution.time = reconstruction$execution.time
## Add BIC/AIC/LogLik informations
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Evaluating BIC / AIC / LogLik informations.\n')
if ("loglik" %in% regularization) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = 'chow_liu_loglik')
score = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = score
results$model$chow_liu_loglik$score = score
results$model$chow_liu_loglik$logLik = logLik
if ("bic" %in% regularization) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = 'chow_liu_bic')
score = BIC(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
results$model$chow_liu_bic$score = score
results$model$chow_liu_bic$logLik = logLik
if ("aic" %in% regularization) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = 'chow_liu_aic')
score = AIC(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
results$model$chow_liu_aic$score = score
results$model$chow_liu_aic$logLik = logLik
## the reconstruction has been completed.
if (!silent)
"The reconstruction has been successfully completed in",
digits = 0),
tz = "GMT"
#' Reconstruct a progression model using Prim algorithm combined with probabilistic causation. For details and examples
#' regarding the inference process and on the algorithm implemented in the package,
#' we refer to the Vignette Section 6.
#' @examples
#' data(test_dataset_no_hypos)
#' recon = tronco.prim(test_dataset_no_hypos, nboot = 1)
#' @title Tronco Prim
#' @param data A TRONCO compliant dataset.
#' @param regularization Select the regularization for the
#' likelihood estimation, e.g., BIC, AIC.
#' @param do.boot A parameter to disable/enable the estimation
#' of the error rates give the reconstructed model.
#' @param nboot Number of bootstrap sampling (with rejection)
#' to be performed when estimating the selective advantage scores.
#' @param pvalue Pvalue to accept/reject the valid selective
#' advantage relations.
#' @param min.boot Minimum number of bootstrap sampling to
#' be performed.
#' @param min.stat A parameter to disable/enable the minimum
#' number of bootstrap sampling required besides nboot if
#' any sampling is rejected.
#' @param boot.seed Initial seed for the bootstrap random sampling.
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @param epos Error rate of false positive errors.
#' @param eneg Error rate of false negative errors.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant object with reconstructed model
#' @export tronco.prim
#' @importFrom bnlearn hc tabu empty.graph set.arc
#' @importFrom igraph get.edgelist E E<-
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency get.adjacency graph.union edge
#' @importFrom igraph get.shortest.paths minimum.spanning.tree is.dag
#### @importFrom infotheo mutinformation
#' @importFrom stats phyper AIC BIC
tronco.prim <- function(data,
regularization = "no_reg",
do.boot = TRUE,
nboot = 100,
pvalue = 0.05,
min.boot = 3,
min.stat = TRUE,
boot.seed = NULL,
silent = FALSE,
epos = 0.0,
eneg = 0.0) {
## Check for the inputs to be correct.
if (is.null(data) || is.null(data$genotypes)) {
stop("The dataset given as input is not valid.")
## Enforce data to be numeric
data = enforce.numeric(data)
if (is.null(data$hypotheses)) {
data$hypotheses = NA
if (pvalue < 0 || pvalue > 1) {
stop("The value of the pvalue has to be in [0:1]!", call. = FALSE)
if (!all(regularization %in% c('no_reg', 'loglik', 'bic', 'aic'))) {
stop("Possible regularization are no-reg, loglik, bic or aic",
call. = FALSE)
if (epos < 0 || epos >= 0.5 || eneg < 0 || eneg >= 0.5) {
stop("The values of the error rates have to be in [0:0.5)!",
call. = FALSE)
## Check for the input to be compliant.
## check if there are hypotheses
if (npatterns(data) > 0) {
warning("Patters found in input for tronco.prim\n")
## Reconstruct the reconstruction with Prim.
if (is.null(boot.seed)) {
my.seed = "NULL"
else {
my.seed = boot.seed
if (silent == FALSE) {
cat('*** Checking input events.\n')
invalid = consolidate.data(data, TRUE)
if (length(unlist(invalid)) > 0)
warning("Input events should be consolidated - see consolidate.data.")
'*** Inferring a progression model with the following settings.\n',
'\tDataset size: n = ',
', m = ',
'\tAlgorithm: Prim with \"',
paste0(regularization, collapse = ", "),
'\" regularization',
'\tRandom seed: ',
'\tBootstrap iterations (Wilcoxon): ',
ifelse(do.boot, nboot, 'disabled'),
'\t\texhaustive bootstrap: ',
'.\n\t\tp-value: ',
'.\n\t\tminimum bootstrapped scores: ',
reconstruction =
regularization = regularization,
do.boot = do.boot,
nboot = nboot,
pvalue = pvalue,
min.boot = min.boot,
min.stat = min.stat,
boot.seed = boot.seed,
silent = silent,
epos = epos,
eneg = eneg,
hypotheses = data$hypotheses
## Structure to save the results.
results = data
results$adj.matrix.prima.facie = reconstruction$adj.matrix.prima.facie
results$confidence = reconstruction$confidence
results$model = reconstruction$model
results$parameters = reconstruction$parameters
results$execution.time = reconstruction$execution.time
## Add BIC/AIC/LogLik informations
if (!silent) {
cat('*** Evaluating BIC / AIC / LogLik informations.\n')
if ("no_reg" %in% regularization) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = 'prim_no_reg')
score = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = score
results$model$prim_no_reg$score = score
results$model$prim_no_reg$logLik = logLik
if ("loglik" %in% regularization) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = 'prim_loglik')
score = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = score
results$model$prim_loglik$score = score
results$model$prim_loglik$logLik = logLik
if ("bic" %in% regularization) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = 'prim_bic')
score = BIC(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
results$model$prim_bic$score = score
results$model$prim_bic$logLik = logLik
if ("aic" %in% regularization) {
bayes.net = as.bnlearn.network(results, model = 'prim_aic')
score = AIC(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
logLik = logLik(bayes.net$net, data = bayes.net$data)
results$model$prim_aic$score = score
results$model$prim_aic$logLik = logLik
## the reconstruction has been completed
if (!silent)
"The reconstruction has been successfully completed in",
digits = 0),
tz = "GMT"
#' Bootstrap a reconstructed progression model. For details and examples
#' regarding the statistical assesment of an inferred model,
#' we refer to the Vignette Section 7.
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' boot = tronco.bootstrap(test_model, nboot = 1, cores.ratio = 0)
#' @title tronco bootstrap
#' @param reconstruction The output of tronco.capri or
#' tronco.caprese
#' @param type Parameter to define the type of sampling
#' to be performed, e.g., non-parametric for uniform sampling.
#' @param nboot Number of bootstrap sampling to be performed
#' when estimating the model confidence.
#' @param cores.ratio Percentage of cores to use
#' coresRate * (numCores - 1)
#' @param silent A parameter to disable/enable verbose messages.
#' @return A TRONCO compliant object with reconstructed model
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom iterators icount
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster makeCluster detectCores
#' @export tronco.bootstrap
tronco.bootstrap <- function(reconstruction,
type = "non-parametric",
nboot = 100,
cores.ratio = 1,
silent = FALSE) {
## Check for the input to be compliant.
## Check for the inputs to be given.
if (type == "statistical"
&& !((
reconstruction$parameters$algorithm == "CAPRI"
|| reconstruction$parameters$algorithm == "PRIM"
|| reconstruction$parameters$algorithm == "CHOW_LIU"
|| reconstruction$parameters$algorithm == "EDMONDS"
&& reconstruction$parameters$do.boot == TRUE
)) {
"To perform statistical bootstrap, the algorithm used for",
"the reconstruction must be CAPRI, PRIM, CHOW_LIU or EDMONDS",
"with bootstrap."
call. = FALSE
## Set all the needed parameters to perform the bootstrap estimation
if (!type %in% c("non-parametric", "statistical")) {
"The types of bootstrap that can be performed are:",
"non-parametric or statistical."
call. = FALSE
## Perform the selected bootstrap procedure
if (!silent) {
cat("*** Executing now the bootstrap procedure, this may take a long time...\n")
parameters = as.parameters(reconstruction)
if (parameters$algorithm == "CAPRESE") {
lambda = parameters$lambda
curr.boot = bootstrap(reconstruction,
silent = silent)
if (!silent) {
"bootstrap with",
"resampling and",
"as shrinkage parameter.\n"
} else {
curr.boot = bootstrap(reconstruction,
silent = silent)
if (!silent) {
cat("Performed", type,
"bootstrap with", nboot,
if (parameters$do.boot == TRUE) {
cat(" and",
"as pvalue for the statistical tests")
reconstruction$bootstrap = curr.boot
#' Plots a progression model from a recostructed dataset. For details and examples
#' regarding the visualization of an inferred model,
#' we refer to the Vignette Section 7.
#' @title tronco.plot
#' @examples
#' data(test_model)
#' tronco.plot(test_model)
#' @param x A reconstructed model (the output of the inference
#' by a tronco function)
#' @param models A vector containing the names of the
#' algorithms used (caprese, capri_bic, etc)
#' @param fontsize For node names. Default NA for
#' automatic rescaling
#' @param height Proportion node height - node width.
#' Default height 2
#' @param width Proportion node height - node width.
#' Default width 2
#' @param height.logic Height of logical nodes.
#' Defaul 1
#' @param pf Should I print Prima Facie?
#' Default False
#' @param disconnected Should I print disconnected
#' nodes? Default False
#' @param scale.nodes Node scaling coefficient
#' (based on node frequency). Default NA (autoscale)
#' @param title Title of the plot. Default as.description(x)
#' @param confidence Should I add confidence
#' informations? No if NA
#' @param p.min p-value cutoff. Default automatic
#' @param legend Should I visualise the legend?
#' @param legend.cex CEX value for legend. Default 1.0
#' @param edge.cex CEX value for edge labels. Default 1.0
#' @param label.edge.size Size of edge labels.
#' Default NA for automatic rescaling
#' @param expand Should I expand hypotheses? Default TRUE
#' @param genes Visualise only genes in this list.
#' Default NULL, visualise all.
#' @param relations.filter Filter relations to dispaly
#' according to this functions. Default NA
#' @param edge.color Edge color. Default 'black'
#' @param pathways.color RColorBrewer colorser
#' for patways. Default 'Set1'.
#' @param file String containing filename for PDF output.
#' If NA no PDF output will be provided
#' @param legend.pos Legend position. Default 'bottom',
#' @param pathways A vector containing pathways information
#' as described in as.patterns()
#' @param lwd Edge base lwd. Default 3
#' @param samples.annotation = List of samples to search
#' for events in model
#' @param export.igraph If TRUE export the generated igraph
#' object
#' @param create.new.dev If TRUE create a new graphical device
#' when calling trono.plot. Set this to FALSE, e.g., if you do not
#' wish to create a new device when executing the command with
#' export.igraph = TRUE
#' @param ... Additional arguments for RGraphviz
#' plot function
#' @return Information about the reconstructed model
#' @export tronco.plot
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal.info brewer.pal
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency get.adjacency graph.union edge
#' @importFrom igraph V V<- igraph.to.graphNEL igraph.from.graphNEL
#' @importFrom Rgraphviz edgeNames plot
#' @importFrom graphics locator
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.copy2pdf
tronco.plot <- function(x,
models = names(x$model),
fontsize = NA,
height = 2,
width = 3,
height.logic = 1,
pf = FALSE,
disconnected = FALSE,
scale.nodes = NA,
title = as.description(x),
confidence = NA,
p.min = 0.05,
legend = TRUE,
legend.cex = 1.0,
edge.cex = 1.0,
label.edge.size = NA,
expand = TRUE,
genes = NULL,
relations.filter = NA,
edge.color = 'black',
pathways.color = 'Set1',
file = NA,
# print to pdf,
legend.pos = 'bottom',
pathways = NULL,
lwd = 3,
samples.annotation = NA,
export.igraph = FALSE,
create.new.dev = TRUE,
...) {
## Checks if reconstruction exists.
logical_op = list("AND", "OR", "NOT", "XOR", "*", "UPAND", "UPOR", "UPXOR")
if (length(models) > 2) {
stop("Too many regularizators (max is 2)", call. = FALSE)
if (!all(models %in% names(x$model))) {
paste(models, collapse = ' '),
"not in reconstructed models. Use: ",
paste(names(x$model), collapse = ' ')
call. = FALSE)
if (!all(is.na(samples.annotation)) && !is.null(pathways))
stop('Select either to annotate pathways or a sample.')
## Annotate samples.
if (!all(is.na(samples.annotation))) {
if (!all(samples.annotation %in% as.samples(x))) {
stop('Sample(s) to annotate are not in the dataset -- see as.samples.')
if (npatterns(x) > 0) {
nopatt.data = delete.model(x)
nopatt.data = delete.type(nopatt.data, 'Pattern')
} else {
nopatt.data = x
sample.events = as.events.in.sample(nopatt.data, samples.annotation)
sample.events = unique(sample.events[, 'event'])
'Annotating sample',
'with color red. Annotated genes:',
paste(sample.events, collapse = ', '),
pathways = list(sample.events)
names(pathways) = paste(samples.annotation, collapse = ', ')
if (nchar(names(pathways)) > 15)
names(pathways) = paste0(substr(names(pathways), 1, 15), '...')
pathways.color = 'red'
sec = ifelse(length(models) == 2, TRUE, FALSE)
if (sec && !models[2] %in% names(x$model)) {
stop(paste(models[2], "not in model"), call. = FALSE)
## Models objects.
primary = as.models(x, models = models[1])[[1]]
if (sec)
secondary = as.models(x, models = models[2])[[1]]
## USARE getters adj.matrix.
if (sec && !all(
%in% rownames(secondary$adj.matrix$adj.matrix.fit)
)) {
"primary and secondary must have the same adj.matrix! See: the function tronco.bootstrap.",
call. = FALSE
## Get the adjacency matrix - this could have been donw with
## getters.
adj.matrix = primary$adj.matrix
if (sec)
adj.matrix = secondary$adj.matrix
c_matrix = adj.matrix$adj.matrix.fit
if (is.function(relations.filter)) {
'*** Filtering relations according to function "relations.filter", visualizing:\n'
adj.matrix = as.adj.matrix(x, models = models)
sel.relation = as.selective.advantage.relations(x, models = models)
## Select only relations which get TRUE by "relations.filter".
sel.relation = lapply(sel.relation,
function(z) {
## Apply can not be used - implicit coercion to char is crap
## z[ apply(z, 1, relations.filter), ]
mask = rep(TRUE, nrow(z))
for (i in 1:nrow(z))
mask[i] = relations.filter(z[i, ])
return(z[mask, , drop = FALSE])
sel.relation = get(models[2], sel.relation)
c_matrix.names = rownames(c_matrix)
c_matrix = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(c_matrix), ncol = ncol(c_matrix))
rownames(c_matrix) = c_matrix.names
colnames(c_matrix) = c_matrix.names
'Selected relations: ',
' [out of ',
models = models)[[2]]),
if (nrow(sel.relation) > 0) {
for (i in 1:nrow(sel.relation)) {
c_matrix[nameToKey(x, sel.relation[i, 'SELECTS']),
nameToKey(x, sel.relation[i, 'SELECTED'])] = 1
## Get the probabilities.
probabilities = primary$probabilities
if (sec) {
probabilities = secondary$probabilities
marginal_p = probabilities$probabilities.observed$marginal.probs
## If prima facie change the adj matrix.
if (pf) {
c_matrix = adj.matrix$adj.matrix.pf
if (all(c_matrix == FALSE)
(sec && all(primary$adj.matrix$adj.matrix.fit == FALSE))) {
warning('No edge in adjacency matrix! Nothing to show here.')
## Get algorithm parameters.
parameters = x$parameters
## Get hypotheses.
hypotheses = x$hypotheses
hstruct = NULL
if (!is.null(hypotheses) && !all(is.na(hypotheses))) {
hstruct = hypotheses$hstructure
## Get event from genes list.
events = NULL
if (is.vector(genes)) {
events =
function(x) {
names(which(as.events(x)[, 'event'] == x))
cat('*** Expanding hypotheses syntax as graph nodes:')
## Expand hypotheses.
expansion =
hypo_mat = expansion[[1]]
hypos_new_name = expansion[[2]]
cat('\n*** Rendering graphics\n')
## Remove disconnected nodes.
if (!disconnected) {
cat('Nodes with no incoming/outgoing edges will not be displayed.\n')
del = which(rowSums(hypo_mat) + colSums(hypo_mat) == 0)
w = !(rownames(hypo_mat) %in% names(del))
hypo_mat = hypo_mat[w,]
hypo_mat = hypo_mat[, w]
attrs = list(node = list())
hypo_graph = graph.adjacency(hypo_mat)
v_names = gsub("_.*$", "", V(hypo_graph)$name)
if (!expand) {
v_names = gsub("^[*]_(.+)", "*", V(hypo_graph)$name)
new_name = list()
for (v in v_names) {
if (v %in% rownames(x$annotations)) {
n = x$annotations[v, "event"]
new_name = append(new_name, n)
} else {
new_name = append(new_name, v)
V(hypo_graph)$label = new_name
graph = igraph.to.graphNEL(hypo_graph)
node_names = V(hypo_graph)$name
nAttrs = list()
nAttrs$label = V(hypo_graph)$label
names(nAttrs$label) = node_names
## Set a default color.
nAttrs$fillcolor = rep('White', length(node_names))
names(nAttrs$fillcolor) = node_names
## Set fontsize.
if (!is.na(fontsize)) {
nAttrs$fontsize = rep(fontsize, length(node_names))
names(nAttrs$fontsize) = node_names
## Set node shape.
nAttrs$shape = rep('ellipse', length(node_names))
names(nAttrs$shape) = node_names
## Set node height.
nAttrs$height = rep(height, length(node_names))
names(nAttrs$height) = node_names
## Set node width.
nAttrs$width = rep(width, length(node_names))
names(nAttrs$width) = node_names
short.label = nAttrs$label
names(short.label) = names(nAttrs$label)
## Set gene cases
nAttrs$cases = rep(0, length(node_names))
names(nAttrs$cases) = node_names
## Set sumGenotypes
nAttrs$sum.genotypes = rep(0, length(node_names))
names(nAttrs$sum.genotypes) = node_names
if (!is.na(scale.nodes)) {
## Foreach node.
min_p = min(marginal_p)
max_p = max(marginal_p)
for (node in node_names) {
prefix = gsub("_.*$", "", node)
if (!(prefix %in% logical_op)) {
increase_coeff = scale.nodes + (marginal_p[node,] - min_p) / (max_p - min_p)
nAttrs$width[node] = nAttrs$width[node] * increase_coeff
nAttrs$height[node] = nAttrs$height[node] * increase_coeff
nAttrs$cases[node] = round(marginal_p[node, ] * 100, 0)
nAttrs$sum.genotypes[node] = sum(as.genotypes(x)[, node])
nAttrs$label[node] =
' (',
## Use colors defined in
## tronco$types.
w =
function(w) {
if (w %in% rownames(x$annotations)) {
x$types[x$annotations[w, 'type'], 'color']
} else
nAttrs$fillcolor[] = w
legend_logic = NULL
## Set color, size form and shape each logic nodes (if hypos
## expansion actived)
node.type = 'box'
if (expand) {
w = unlist(nAttrs$label[names(nAttrs$fillcolor)]) == 'OR'
if (any(w)) {
legend_logic['Exclusivity (soft)'] = 'orange'
nAttrs$fillcolor[which(w)] = 'orange'
nAttrs$label[which(w)] = ''
nAttrs$shape[which(w)] = node.type
nAttrs$height[which(w)] = height.logic
nAttrs$width[which(w)] = height.logic
w = unlist(nAttrs$label[names(nAttrs$fillcolor)]) == 'AND'
if (any(w)) {
legend_logic['Co-occurence'] = 'darkgreen'
nAttrs$fillcolor[which(w)] = 'darkgreen'
nAttrs$label[which(w)] = ''
nAttrs$shape[which(w)] = node.type
nAttrs$height[which(w)] = height.logic
nAttrs$width[which(w)] = height.logic
w = unlist(nAttrs$label[names(nAttrs$fillcolor)]) == 'XOR'
if (any(w)) {
legend_logic['Exclusivity (hard)'] = 'red'
nAttrs$fillcolor[which(w)] = 'red'
nAttrs$label[which(w)] = ''
nAttrs$shape[which(w)] = node.type
nAttrs$height[which(w)] = height.logic
nAttrs$width[which(w)] = height.logic
w = unlist(nAttrs$label[names(nAttrs$fillcolor)]) == 'UPOR'
if (any(w)) {
legend_logic['Exclusivity (soft)'] = 'orange'
nAttrs$fillcolor[which(w)] = 'orange'
nAttrs$label[which(w)] = ''
nAttrs$shape[which(w)] = node.type
nAttrs$height[which(w)] = height.logic
nAttrs$width[which(w)] = height.logic
w = unlist(nAttrs$label[names(nAttrs$fillcolor)]) == 'UPAND'
if (any(w)) {
legend_logic['Co-occurence'] = 'lightgreen'
nAttrs$fillcolor[which(w)] = 'lightgreen'
nAttrs$label[which(w)] = ''
nAttrs$shape[which(w)] = node.type
nAttrs$height[which(w)] = height.logic
nAttrs$width[which(w)] = height.logic
w = unlist(nAttrs$label[names(nAttrs$fillcolor)]) == 'UPXOR'
if (any(w)) {
legend_logic['Exclusivity (hard)'] = 'red'
nAttrs$fillcolor[which(w)] = 'red'
nAttrs$label[which(w)] = ''
nAttrs$shape[which(w)] = node.type
nAttrs$height[which(w)] = height.logic
nAttrs$width[which(w)] = height.logic
w = unlist(nAttrs$label[names(nAttrs$fillcolor)]) == '*'
if (any(w)) {
legend_logic['Co-occurence'] = 'darkgreen'
nAttrs$fillcolor[which(w)] = 'darkgreen'
nAttrs$label[which(w)] = ''
nAttrs$shape[which(w)] = node.type
nAttrs$height[which(w)] = height.logic
nAttrs$width[which(w)] = height.logic
## Node border to black.
nAttrs$color = rep("black", length(node_names))
names(nAttrs$color) = node_names
nAttrs$fontcolor = rep("black", length(node_names))
names(nAttrs$fontcolor) = node_names
nAttrs$lwd = rep(1, length(node_names))
names(nAttrs$lwd) = node_names
## Set node border based on pathways information.
legend_pathways = NULL
if (!is.null(pathways)) {
cat('Annotating nodes with pathway information. \n')
if (length(pathways.color) == 1
&& pathways.color %in% rownames(brewer.pal.info)) {
cat('Annotating pathways with RColorBrewer color palette',
n = length(names(pathways))
if (n < 3) {
n = 3
cols = brewer.pal(n = n, name = pathways.color)
} else {
if (length(pathways.color) != length(names(pathways)))
'You did not provide enough colors to annotate',
Either set pathways.color to a valid RColorBrewer palette or provide the explicit correct number of colors.'
cols = pathways.color
names(cols) = names(pathways)
names(nAttrs$col) = node_names
for (path in names(pathways)) {
n = short.label[which(short.label %in% pathways[[path]])]
nAttrs$color[unlist(names(n))] = cols[[path]]
nAttrs$fontcolor[unlist(names(n))] = cols[[path]]
nAttrs$lwd[unlist(names(n))] = 4
if (length(n) > 0) {
legend_pathways[path] = cols[[path]]
## Edges properties.
edge_names = edgeNames(graph)
eAttrs = list()
## If confidences are given create a column for each confidence
if (any(!is.na(confidence))) {
eAttrs$confidences = matrix('', length(edge_names), length(confidence))
colnames(eAttrs$confidences) = confidence
rownames(eAttrs$confidences) = edge_names
names(eAttrs$confidences) = edge_names
## Set temporary edge shape.
eAttrs$lty = rep("solid", length(edge_names))
names(eAttrs$lty) = edge_names
## Set temporary fontocolor.
eAttrs$fontcolor = rep("darkblue", length(edge_names))
names(eAttrs$fontcolor) = edge_names
## Set edge thikness based on prob.
eAttrs$lwd = rep(1, length(edge_names))
names(eAttrs$lwd) = edge_names
## Set edge name based on prob.
eAttrs$label = rep('', length(edge_names))
names(eAttrs$label) = edge_names
## Set fontsize to label.edge.size (default)
if (!is.na(label.edge.size)) {
eAttrs$fontsize = rep(label.edge.size, length(edge_names))
names(eAttrs$fontsize) = edge_names
} else if (!is.na(fontsize)) {
label.edge.size = fontsize / 2
cat('Set automatic fontsize for edge labels: ',
eAttrs$fontsize = rep(label.edge.size, length(edge_names))
names(eAttrs$fontsize) = edge_names
## Set edge color to black (default).
eAttrs$color = rep(ifelse(sec, 'darkgrey', edge.color), length(edge_names))
names(eAttrs$color) = edge_names
## Set edge arrowsize to 1 (default).
eAttrs$arrowsize = rep(1 * edge.cex, length(edge_names))
names(eAttrs$arrowsize) = edge_names
## Record logic edge.
eAttrs$logic = rep(FALSE, length(edge_names))
names(eAttrs$logic) = edge_names
pval.names = c('hg', 'pr', 'tp')
boot.names = c('npb', 'pb', 'sb')
edge_label = function(value, conf, edge, model, pvalue) {
ret = list()
if (conf %in% boot.names) {
ret$lwd = 1 + (value * 3)
} else {
ret$lwd = eAttrs$lwd[edge]
if (c %in% c('posterr', 'prederr')) {
value = mean(unlist(value))
if (value < 0.01) {
tmp = "< 0.01"
} else {
tmp = round(value, 2)
ret$label = paste0(eAttrs$label[edge], tmp)
ret$confidence = tmp
} else {
if (value < 0.01) {
tmp = "< 0.01"
} else {
tmp = round(value, 2)
ret$label = paste0(eAttrs$label[edge], tmp)
ret$confidence = tmp
# insert here edges visualization rules
if (c == 'hg' && value > pvalue) {
ret$fontcolor = 'red'
ret$label = paste0(ret$label, ' *')
else if (c %in% c('pr', 'tp')
&& model != 'caprese'
&& value > pvalue) {
ret$fontcolor = 'red'
ret$label = paste0(ret$label, ' *')
} else {
ret$fontcolor = eAttrs$fontcolor[edge]
ret$label = paste0(ret$label, '\\\n')
if (any(!is.na(confidence))) {
cat('Adding confidence information: ')
conf = as.confidence(x, confidence, models)
cat(paste(paste(confidence, collapse = ', '), '\n'))
for (c in confidence) {
if (c == 'eloss') {
cat('skip eloss \n')
if (c == 'posterr') {
conf_sel = as.kfold.posterr(x, models = models, table = TRUE)
} else if (c == 'prederr') {
conf_sel = as.kfold.prederr(x, models = models, table = TRUE)
} else {
conf_sel = get(c, as.confidence(x, c))
for (e in edge_names) {
# configure conf_from and conf_to
edge = unlist(strsplit(e, '~'))
from = edge[1]
to = edge[2]
if (is.logic.node.up(from) ||
is.logic.node.down(to)) {
if (from %in% names(hypos_new_name)) {
conf_from = hypos_new_name[[from]]
} else {
conf_from = from
if (to %in% names(hypos_new_name)) {
conf_to = hypos_new_name[[to]]
} else {
conf_to = to
conf_p = conf_sel
mod = ''
if (!c %in% pval.names) {
if (sec &&
primary$adj.matrix$adj.matrix.fit[conf_from, conf_to] == 0) {
conf_p = get(models[[2]], conf_sel)
mod = models[[2]]
} else {
conf_p = get(models[[1]], conf_sel)
mod = models[[1]]
if (c == 'prederr') {
value = conf_p[[conf_to]]
} else {
value = conf_p[conf_from, conf_to]
if (c != 'prederr' &&
!(conf_from %in% rownames(conf_p) &&
conf_to %in% colnames(conf_p))) {
} else if (c == 'prederr' &&
!(conf_to %in% names(conf_p))) {
edge_info = edge_label(value, c, e, mod, p.min)
eAttrs$label[e] = edge_info$label
eAttrs$lwd[e] = edge_info$lwd
eAttrs$fontcolor[e] = edge_info$fontcolor
if (any(!is.na(confidence))) {
eAttrs$confidences[e, c] = edge_info$confidence
cat('RGraphviz object prepared.\n')
## Remove arrows from logic node.
for (e in edge_names) {
edge = unlist(strsplit(e, '~'))
from = edge[1]
to = edge[2]
if (is.logic.node.down(to)) {
eAttrs$logic[e] = TRUE
eAttrs$arrowsize[e] = 0
if (substr(to, start = 1, stop = 2) == 'OR')
eAttrs$color[e] = 'orange'
if (substr(to, start = 1, stop = 3) == 'XOR')
eAttrs$color[e] = 'red'
if (substr(to, start = 1, stop = 3) == 'AND')
eAttrs$color[e] = 'darkgreen'
eAttrs$lty[e] = 'dashed'
nAttrs$shape[to] = 'circle'
if (is.logic.node.up(from)) {
eAttrs$logic[e] = TRUE
eAttrs$arrowsize[e] = 0
eAttrs$lty[e] = 'dashed'
if (substr(from, start = 1, stop = 4) == 'UPOR')
eAttrs$color[e] = 'orange'
if (substr(from, start = 1, stop = 5) == 'UPXOR')
eAttrs$color[e] = 'red'
if (substr(from, start = 1, stop = 5) == 'UPAND')
eAttrs$color[e] = 'darkgreen'
} else if (substr(from, start = 1, stop = 1) == '*') {
eAttrs$logic[e] = TRUE
eAttrs$arrowsize[e] = 0
eAttrs$color[e] = 'black'
if (pf) {
cat('*** Add prima facie edges: ')
## For each edge...
bic = adj.matrix$adj.matrix.bic
for (e in edge_names) {
edge = unlist(strsplit(e, '~'))
from = edge[1]
old_name = hypos_new_name[[from]]
if (!is.null(old_name)) {
from = old_name
to = edge[2]
if (substr(to, start = 1, stop = 1) == '*') {
to = substr(to, start = 3, stop = nchar(to))
## ...checks if edge is present in BIC
## Check if edge in BIC (valid only if not logic edge) and
## 'to' is not a fake and
if ((from %in% rownames(bic))
&& (to %in% colnames(bic))
&& !eAttrs$logic[e]
&& bic[from, to] == 0) {
eAttrs$color[e] = 'red'
} else {
## No PF
if (sec) {
pri.adj = primary$adj.matrix$adj.matrix.fit
for (from in rownames(pri.adj)) {
for (to in colnames(pri.adj)) {
from.alt.name = from
to.alt.name = to
if (from %in% hypos_new_name) {
matching_nodes = names(which(hypos_new_name == from))
for (node in matching_nodes) {
if (is.logic.node.down(node)) {
from.alt.name = node
if (to %in% hypos_new_name) {
matching_nodes = names(which(hypos_new_name == to))
for (node in matching_nodes) {
if (is.logic.node.up(node)) {
to.alt.name = node
if (pri.adj[from, to] == 1) {
eAttrs$color[paste(from.alt.name, to.alt.name, sep = '~')] = edge.color
if(create.new.dev) {
cat('Plotting graph and adding legends.\n')
nodeAttrs = nAttrs,
edgeAttrs = eAttrs,
main = title,
## Adds the legend to the plot.
if (legend) {
valid_events = colnames(hypo_mat)[which(colnames(hypo_mat) %in% colnames(c_matrix))]
legend_names = unique(x$annotations[which(rownames(x$annotations) %in% valid_events), 'type'])
pt_bg = x$types[legend_names, 'color']
legend_colors = rep('black', length(legend_names))
pch = rep(21, length(legend_names))
if (length(legend_logic) > 0) {
pch = c(pch, 0, 0, rep(22, length(legend_logic)))
legend_names = c(legend_names,
' ',
legend_colors = c(legend_colors, 'white', 'white', rep('black', length(legend_logic)))
pt_bg = c(pt_bg, 'white', 'white', legend_logic)
if (length(legend_pathways) > 0) {
pch = c(pch, 0, 0, rep(21, length(legend_pathways)))
legend_names = c(legend_names,
' ',
pt_bg = c(pt_bg, 'white', 'white', rep('white', length(legend_pathways)))
legend_colors = c(legend_colors, 'white', 'white', legend_pathways)
if (legend.pos == 'bottom') {
legend.pos.l = 'bottomleft'
legend.pos.r = 'bottomright'
} else if (legend.pos == 'top') {
legend.pos.l = 'topleft'
legend.pos.r = 'topright'
} else {
legend.pos.l = locator(1)
legend.pos.r = locator(1)
legend = legend_names,
title = expression(bold('Events type')),
bty = 'n',
cex = legend.cex,
pt.cex = 1.5 * legend.cex,
pch = pch,
col = legend_colors,
pt.bg = pt_bg
## Add thickness legend.
valid_names = node_names
if (!disconnected) {
del = which(rowSums(hypo_mat) + colSums(hypo_mat) == 0)
w = !(rownames(hypo_mat) %in% names(del))
valid_names = rownames(hypo_mat[w,])
if (expand) {
valid_names =
function(x) {
valid_names = grep('^[*]_(.+)$',
value = TRUE,
invert = TRUE)
text = ""
stat.pch = 0
pt.bg = "white"
col = "white"
eloss = FALSE
if ('eloss' %in% confidence) {
eloss = TRUE
confidence = confidence[confidence != 'eloss']
if (any(!is.na(confidence))) {
text =
expression(bold('Edge confidence')),
function(x) {
if (x == "hg")
return("Hypergeometric test")
if (x == "tp")
return("Temporal Priority")
if (x == "pr")
return("Probability Raising")
if (x == "pb")
return("Parametric Bootstrap")
if (x == "sb")
return("Statistical Bootstrap")
if (x == "npb")
return("Non Parametric Bootstrap")
if (x == "prederr")
return("Prediction Error")
if (x == "posterr")
return("Posterior Classification Error")
paste("p-value cutoff <", p.min)
stat.pch = c(0, rep(18, length(confidence)), 0)
pt.bg = c('white', rep('white', length(confidence)), 'white')
col = c('white', rep('black', length(confidence)), 'white')
if ('Pattern' %in% as.types(x)) {
y = delete.model(x)
y = delete.type(y, 'Pattern')
} else
y = x
text =
' ',
expression(bold('Sample size')),
paste0('n = ', nsamples(x), ', m = ', nevents(x)),
paste0('|G| = ', ngenes(y), ', |P| = ', npatterns(x))
stat.pch = c(stat.pch, rep(0, 2), rep(20, 2), rep(0, 2))
pt.bg = c(pt.bg, rep('white', 2), rep('black', 2), rep('white', 2))
col = c(col, rep('white', 2), rep('white', 2), rep('white', 2))
mods = NULL
if (eloss) {
for (model in models) {
mods_label = gsub('_', ' ', model)
if (!is.null(x$kfold) &&
!is.null(get(model, x$kfold)$eloss)) {
mods_label = paste(mods_label, '- eloss:', round(mean(get(
model, x$kfold
)$eloss), 5))
mods = c(mods, mods_label)
} else {
for (model in models) {
mods_label = gsub('_', ' ', model)
mods = c(mods, mods_label)
text =
c(text, '\n',
stat.pch = c(stat.pch, 20)
pt.bg = c(pt.bg, 'black')
col = c(col, 'black')
if (length(models) > 1) {
stat.pch = c(stat.pch, 20)
pt.bg = c(pt.bg, 'darkgrey')
col = c(col, 'darkgrey')
legend = text,
title = "",
bty = 'n',
box.lty = 3,
box.lwd = .3,
pch = stat.pch,
pt.cex = 1.5 * legend.cex,
ncol = 1,
pt.bg = pt.bg,
cex = legend.cex,
col = col
if (!is.na(file)) {
cat('Saving visualized device to file:', file)
dev.copy2pdf(file = file)
if (export.igraph) {
output = list()
output$graph = igraph.from.graphNEL(graph)
output$nodes = nAttrs
output$edges = eAttrs
output$description = title
output$models = models
#### end of file -- tronco.R
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