#' @title Screen target sequences for recurrent motifs
#' @description The function getMotifs() scans the target sequences for the
#' presence of recurrent motifs of a specific length defined in input.
#' By setting rbp equals to TRUE, the identified motifs are matched with motifs
#' of known RNA Binding Proteins (RBPs) deposited in the ATtRACT
#' (\url{http://attract.cnic.es}) or MEME database (\url{http://meme-suite.org/})
#' and with motifs specified by the user.
#' The user motifs must go in the file motifs.txt. If this file is absent or
#' empty, only motifs from the ATtRACT or MEME database are considered in the analysis.
#' By setting rbp equals to FALSE, only motifs that do not match with any motifs
#' deposited in the databases or user motifs are reported in the final
#' output. Location of the selected motifs is also reported. This corresponds
#' to the start position of the motif within the sequence (1-index based).
#' @param targets A list containing the target sequences to analyze.
#' It can be generated with \code{\link{getCircSeqs}},
#' \code{\link{getSeqsAcrossBSJs}} or \code{\link{getSeqsFromGRs}}.
#' @param width An integer specifying the length of all possible motifs to
#' extract from the target sequences. Default value is 6.
#' @param database A string specifying the RBP database to use. Possible options
#' are ATtRACT or MEME. Default database is "ATtRACT".
#' @param species A string specifying the species of the ATtRACT RBP motifs to
#' use. Type data(attractSpecies) to see the possible options.
#' Default value is "Hsapiens".
#' @param memeIndexFilePath An integer specifying the index of the file path
#' of the meme file to use.Type data(memeDB) to see the possible options.
#' Default value is 18 corresponding to the following file:
#' motif_databases/RNA/Ray2013_rbp_Homo_sapiens.meme
#' @param rbp A logical specifying whether to report only motifs matching
#' with known RBP motifs from ATtRACT database or user motifs specified in
#' motifs.txt. If FALSE is specified only motifs that do not match with any of
#' these motifs are reported. Default values is TRUE.
#' @param reverse A logical specifying whether to reverse the motifs collected
#' from ATtRACT database and from motifs.txt. If TRUE is specified all the
#' motifs are reversed and analyzed together with the direct motifs as they are
#' reported in the ATtRACT db and motifs.txt. Default value is FALSE.
#' @param pathToMotifs A string containing the path to the motifs.txt
#' file. The file motifs.txt contains motifs/regular expressions specified
#' by the user. It must have 3 columns with headers:
#' \describe{
#' \item{id:}{ (1st column) - name of the motif. - e.g. RBM20 or motif1).}
#' \item{motif:}{(2nd column) -motif/pattern to search.}
#' \item{length:}{(3rd column) - length of the motif.}
#' }
#' By default pathToMotifs is set to NULL and the file it is searched in the
#' working directory. If motifs.txt is located in a different directory then
#' the path needs to be specified. If this file is absent or empty only the
#' motifs of RNA Binding Proteins in the ATtRACT database are considered in
#' the motifs analysis.
#' @return A list.
#' @examples
#' # Load data frame containing detected back-spliced junctions
#' data("mergedBSJunctions")
#' # Load short version of the gencode v19 annotation file
#' data("gtf")
#' # Example with the first back-spliced junction
#' # Multiple back-spliced junctions can also be analyzed at the same time
#' # Annotate the first back-spliced junction
#' annotatedBSJs <- annotateBSJs(mergedBSJunctions[1, ], gtf)
#' # Get genome
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19", quietly = TRUE)){
#' genome <- BSgenome::getBSgenome("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19")
#' # Retrieve target sequences
#' targets <- getSeqsFromGRs(
#' annotatedBSJs,
#' genome,
#' lIntron = 200,
#' lExon = 10,
#' type = "ie"
#' )
#' # Get motifs
#' motifs <- getMotifs(
#' targets,
#' width = 6,
#' database = 'ATtRACT',
#' species = "Hsapiens",
#' rbp = TRUE,
#' reverse = FALSE)
#' }
#' @importFrom readr read_tsv
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @importFrom utils untar
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom IRanges reverse
#' @importFrom stringr str_count
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom stringi stri_locate_all
#' @importFrom Biostrings RNAStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings oligonucleotideFrequency
#' @importFrom universalmotif read_meme
#' @import dplyr
#' @import magrittr
#' @export
getMotifs <-
width = 6,
database = 'ATtRACT',
species = "Hsapiens",
memeIndexFilePath = 18,
rbp = TRUE,
reverse = FALSE,
pathToMotifs = NULL) {
if (width < 4 | width > 20) {
stop("width must be an integer between 4 and 20")
# Compute all motifs of a given length (width)
computedMotifs <- .computeMotifs(targets, width)
# Filter motifs matching with RBPs
filteredMotifs <-
# Create list to store motif reults
motifs <- .createMotifsList(targets, filteredMotifs)
for (i in seq_along(motifs)) {
targetsToAnalyze <- motifs[[i]]$targets
# Get sequences in RNAStringSet format
rnaSS <- .getRNAss(targetsToAnalyze, width)
# Count occurence and location of the filtered motifs
for (j in seq_along(motifs[[i]]$motif$motif)) {
stringMotif <- motifs[[i]]$motif$motif[j]
# Find location. Consider also overlapping patterns (?=pattern)
locations <- stringi::stri_locate_all(as.character(rnaSS),
regex = paste("(?=", stringMotif, ")", sep = ""))
if (names(motifs)[1] == "circ") {
motifs[[i]]$locations[stringMotif] <-
FUN = function(locations)
paste(locations[, 1] + 29, collapse = ",")
} else{
motifs[[i]]$locations[stringMotif] <-
FUN = function(locations)
paste(locations[, 1], collapse = ",")
# Count occurences
motifs[[i]]$counts[stringMotif] <-
paste("(?=", stringMotif, ")", sep = ""))
# The function computeMotifs() first computes all possible motifs
.computeMotifs <-
function(targets, width = 6) {
# Compute all motifs of length width
computedMotifs <- as.character()
for (i in seq_along(targets)) {
targetsToAnalyze <- targets[[i]]
# Get sequences in RNAStringSet format
rnaSS <- .getRNAss(targetsToAnalyze, width)
computedMotifs <- c(
Biostrings::oligonucleotideFrequency(rnaSS, width, step = 1, simplify.as =
"collapsed") %>%
.[. > 0] %>%
) %>%
# retrieve target sequence to analyze in RNAStringSet format
.getRNAss <- function(targetsToAnalyze, width = 6) {
# Put NA to avoid error when calling RNAStringSet
targetsToAnalyze$seq[is.na(targetsToAnalyze$seq)] <- "NA"
# Adjust sequences
if (targetsToAnalyze$type[1] == "circ") {
# Adjust the length of circ seqs
ss <- base::substring(targetsToAnalyze$seq, 30,
((targetsToAnalyze$length + 30) + (width - 1)))
# Put NA to avoid error when calling RNAStringSet
ss[is.na(ss)] <- "NA"
rnaSS <- Biostrings::RNAStringSet(ss)
} else if (targetsToAnalyze$type[1] == "bsj") {
# We adjust the length of BSJ seqs. Motifs must have at least
# 1 nucleotide crossing the BSJ.
r1 <-
(base::nchar(targetsToAnalyze$seq) / 2) - (width - 2)
r2 <-
(base::nchar(targetsToAnalyze$seq) / 2) + (width - 1)
rnaSS <-
Biostrings::RNAStringSet(base::substring(targetsToAnalyze$seq, r1, r2))
} else{
rnaSS <- Biostrings::RNAStringSet(targetsToAnalyze$seq)
# The function getUserDBmotifs() reads the user motifs
# in motifs.txt and retrieves the motifs deposited in the ATtRACT database
# (\url{http://attract.cnic.es}).
.getUserDBmotifs <-
function(database = 'ATtRACT',
species = "Hsapiens",
memeIndexFilePath = 18,
reverse = FALSE,
pathToMotifs = NULL) {
options(readr.num_columns = 0)
if (database == 'ATtRACT') {
# Get motifs from attract data base (it contains motifs for 159 human RBPs)
rbpMotifsFromDB <- .getRBPmotifsAttract(species)
} else if (database == 'MEME') {
# Get MEME motifs (it contains motifs for 80 human RBPs)
rbpMotifsFromDB <- .getRBPmotifsMEME(memeIndexFilePath)
} else{
stop("database not correct, only ATtRACT or MEME are allowed")
# Read motifs.txt
motifsFromFile <- .readMotifs(pathToMotifs)
if (nrow(motifsFromFile) == 0) {
cat("motifs.txt is empty or absent. Only",
"motifs will be analyzed if available")
# we reverse the motifs so that they can be analyzed also
# in the other orientation
if (reverse) {
# If the file is empty then only the ATtRACT or MEME motifs are analyzed
if (nrow(motifsFromFile) > 0) {
# reverse motifs given in input
motifsFromFileNew <-
if (database == 'ATtRACT' & nrow(rbpMotifsFromDB) > 0) {
rbpMotifsFromDBnew <-
} else if (nrow(rbpMotifsFromDB) > 0) {
rbpMotifsFromDBnew <- getReverseMotifs(rbpMotifsFromDB)
} else{
motifsFromFileNew <- motifsFromFile
rbpMotifsFromDBnew <- rbpMotifsFromDB
userDBmotifs <-
rbind(motifsFromFileNew[, c(1, 2)], rbpMotifsFromDBnew)
# The function filterMotifs() finds motifs that match with motifs
# of known RNA Binding Proteins (RBPs) deposited in the ATtRACT database and
# with motifs specified by the user reported in motifs.txt. Subsequently,
# they are filtered based on the value of rbp argument.
.filterMotifs <-
database = 'ATtRACT',
species = "Hsapiens",
memeIndexFilePath = 18,
rbp = TRUE,
reverse = FALSE,
pathToMotifs = NULL) {
# Identify motifs matching with RBPs
filteredMotifs <- .createFilteredMotifsDF(computedMotifs)
# Get user and ATtRACT RBP motifs
userDBmotifs <-
# Check whether the motifs matches with or it is contanined within
# any RBP motifs
filteredMotifs <-
.matchWithKnowRBPs(filteredMotifs, userDBmotifs, computedMotifs)
# Filter
if (rbp) {
# Keep motifs matching with known RBP motifs
filteredMotifs <- filteredMotifs %>%
} else{
# Keep unknown motifs
filteredMotifs <- filteredMotifs %>%
dplyr::filter(is.na(id)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(id = paste("m", seq(1, length(id)), sep = ""))
# Create filteredMotifs data frame
.createFilteredMotifsDF <- function(computedMotifs) {
filteredMotifs <-
data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(computedMotifs),
ncol = 2))
colnames(filteredMotifs) <- c("motif", "id")
filteredMotifs$motif <- computedMotifs
# Check whether the motifs matches with or it is contanined within
# any RBP motifs
.matchWithKnowRBPs <-
computedMotifs) {
widthCompMotifs <- nchar(computedMotifs[1])
for (j in seq_along(filteredMotifs$motif)) {
# Grep do not work with pattern. In motifs.txt the user can reports
# patterns.
# By using grep there is a hit if there is a perfect match between
# 2 strings or the first string it is contained as substring within
# the second
grepedM <-
userDBmotifs[base::grep(filteredMotifs$motif[j], userDBmotifs$motif), ] %>%
dplyr::mutate(motif = as.character(motif),
id = as.character(id))
# str_extract works with pattern.
extractedM <-
stringr::str_extract(filteredMotifs$motif[j], userDBmotifs$motif),
) %>%
magrittr::set_colnames(c("motif", "id")) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
dplyr::select(id, motif) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(motif)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(motif = as.character(motif),
id = as.character(id)) %>%
dplyr::filter(base::nchar(motif) >= widthCompMotifs)
joinedM <- dplyr::bind_rows(grepedM, extractedM) %>%
if (nrow(joinedM) > 0) {
filteredMotifs$id[j] <- paste(unique(joinedM$id), collapse = ",")
# Create list to store motif results
.createMotifsList <-
function(targets, filteredMotifs) {
if (length(targets) == 2 & names(targets)[[1]] == "upGR") {
# Create an empty list of 2 elements
motifs <- vector("list", 2)
names(motifs)[1] <- "upGR"
names(motifs)[2] <- "downGR"
} else if (length(targets) == 1 &
names(targets)[[1]] == "bsj") {
# Create a enmpty list of 1 elements
motifs <- vector("list", 1)
names(motifs)[1] <- "bsj"
} else if (length(targets) == 1 &
names(targets)[[1]] == "circ") {
# Create a enmpty list of 1 elements
motifs <- vector("list", 1)
names(motifs)[1] <- "circ"
for (i in seq_along(motifs)) {
# Put the string NA so that the we do not get error when calling
# RNAStringSet
targets[[i]]$seq[is.na(targets[[i]]$seq)] <- "NA"
# Create an empty list of 4 elements to store the extracted
# information
motifs[[i]] <- vector("list", 4)
names(motifs[[i]])[1] <- "targets"
names(motifs[[i]])[2] <- "counts"
names(motifs[[i]])[3] <- "locations"
names(motifs[[i]])[4] <- "motifs"
# Fill the dataframe with the target sequences
motifs[[i]]$targets <- targets[[i]]
# Fill the data frame with the found motifs
motifs[[i]]$motifs <- filteredMotifs
if (nrow(filteredMotifs) > 0) {
# Create the empty dataframe to store the occurences of motifs
# found in the target sequences
motifs[[i]]$counts <-
nrow = nrow(targets[[i]]),
ncol = length(filteredMotifs$motif) + 1
colnames(motifs[[i]]$counts) <-
c("id", c(filteredMotifs$motif))
motifs[[i]]$counts$id <- targets[[i]]$id
# Create the empty dataframe to store the location of motifs
# found in the target sequences
motifs[[i]]$locations <-
nrow = nrow(targets[[i]]),
ncol = length(filteredMotifs$motif) + 1
colnames(motifs[[i]]$locations) <-
c("id", c(filteredMotifs$motif))
motifs[[i]]$locations$id <- targets[[i]]$id
#' @title Group motifs shared by multiple RBPs
#' @description A same RBP can recognize multiple motifs, the function
#' mergeMotifs() groups all the motifs found for each RBP and report the
#' total counts.
#' @param motifs A data frame generated with \code{\link{getMotifs}}.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @examples
#' # Load data frame containing detected back-spliced junctions
#' data("mergedBSJunctions")
#' # Load short version of the gencode v19 annotation file
#' data("gtf")
#' # Example with the first back-spliced junctions.
#' # Multiple back-spliced junctions can also be analyzed at the same time.
#' # Annotate detected back-spliced junctions
#' annotatedBSJs <- annotateBSJs(mergedBSJunctions[1, ], gtf)
#' # Get genome
#' genome <- BSgenome::getBSgenome("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19")
#' # Retrieve target sequences
#' targets <- getSeqsFromGRs(
#' annotatedBSJs,
#' genome,
#' lIntron = 200,
#' lExon = 10,
#' type = "ie"
#' )
#' # Get motifs
#' motifs <-
#' getMotifs(
#' targets,
#' width = 6,
#' species = "Hsapiens",
#' rbp = TRUE,
#' reverse = FALSE)
#' # Group motifs
#' mergedMotifs <- mergeMotifs(motifs)
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @import dplyr
#' @import magrittr
#' @export
mergeMotifs <- function(motifs) {
if (nrow(motifs[[1]]$motifs) == 0) {
# Make empty data frame
mergedMotifsAll <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 3))
colnames(mergedMotifsAll) <- c("id", "count", "motif")
} else{
mergedMotifs <- list()
for (i in seq_along(motifs)) {
# Reshape the data frame
counts <- motifs[[i]]$counts
mergedMotifs[[i]] <- .reshapeCounts(counts)
# For the up and the down sequences motifs[[1]]$motifs and
# motifs[[2]]$motifs are the same, so we use the motifs reported
# in motifs[[1]]$motif.
motifsToSplit <- motifs[[1]]$motifs
# Check whether a same motif is shared by multiple RBPs.
# If so retrive and duplicate those motifs by reporting one
# RBP name.
splittedRBPs <- .splitRBPs(motifsToSplit)
if (length(mergedMotifs) == 2) {
mergedMotifsAll <-
dplyr::bind_rows(mergedMotifs[[1]], mergedMotifs[[2]]) %>%
dplyr::group_by(motif) %>%
dplyr::summarise(count = sum(count)) %>%
by = "motif",
all = TRUE,
sort = FALSE
) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
count = sum(count),
motif = paste(motif, collapse = ",")
) %>%
} else {
mergedMotifsAll <- mergedMotifs[[1]] %>%
by = "motif",
all = TRUE,
sort = FALSE
) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
count = sum(count),
motif = paste(motif, collapse = ",")
) %>%
# Reshape the data frame
.reshapeCounts <- function(counts) {
reshapedCounts <- counts %>%
id.vars = c("id"),
variable.name = "motif",
value.name = "count"
) %>%
# dplyr::mutate_all(funs(replace(., is.na(.), 0)))%>%
dplyr::group_by(motif) %>%
dplyr::summarise(count = sum(count, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(motif = as.character(motif))
# Check whether a same motif is shared by multiple RBPs.
# If so retrive and duplicate those motifs by reporting one
# RBP name.
# For the up and the down sequences motifs[[1]]$motifs and
# motifs[[2]]$motifs are the same, so we use the motifs reported
# in motifs[[1]]$motif.
.splitRBPs <- function(motifsToSplit) {
toSplit <-
motifsToSplit[base::grep(",", motifsToSplit$id), ]
if (nrow(toSplit) >= 1) {
# Remove motifs shared by multiple RBPs
cleanedMotifs <-
motifsToSplit[-base::grep(",", motifsToSplit$id), ]
# Ducplicate motifs
rbpsWithSharedMotifs <-
as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
colnames(rbpsWithSharedMotifs) <- c("id", "motif")
for (j in seq_along(toSplit$motif)) {
id <- base::strsplit(toSplit$id[j], ",")[[1]]
for (b in seq_along(id)) {
rbpsWithSharedMotifs <- rbind(
as.data.frame(cbind(id[b], toSplit$motif[j])) %>%
magrittr::set_colnames(c("id", "motif")) %>%
id = as.character(id),
motif = as.character(motif)
splittedRBPs <-
dplyr::bind_rows(rbpsWithSharedMotifs, cleanedMotifs)
} else{
splittedRBPs <- motifsToSplit
# Get RBP motifs from attract data base.
# Download the https://attract.cnic.es/attract/static/ATtRACT.zip.
# Motifs from the following file were used: ATtRACT_db.txt
.getRBPmotifsAttract <- function(species) {
# Create a temporary directory
td = tempdir()
# Create the placeholder file
tf = tempfile(tmpdir = td, fileext = "ATtRACT.zip")
# download into the placeholder file
url <- "https://attract.cnic.es/attract/static/ATtRACT.zip"
tc <-
utils::download.file(url, tf),
warning = function(w)
if (!is.null(tc)) {
db <- suppressWarnings(read_tsv(unz(tf, "ATtRACT_db.txt"), show_col_types=FALSE))
# Reformat how the species name is reported in ATtRACT database so
# that it can be compared with the species given in input.
# E.g Mus_musculus in ATtRACT db becomes Mmusculus. the last one is
# how it is reported in BSgenome.
el1 <-
base::strsplit(db$Organism, "_"), "[", 1
)), 1, 1)
el2 <-
base::strsplit(db$Organism, "_"), "[", 2
db$Organism <- paste0(el1, el2)
# if the organims given in input is not present in ATtRACT db
# then take the human motifs.
if (species %in% db$Organism) {
attractRBPmotifs <- db %>%
dplyr::filter(Organism == species) %>%
Motif) %>%
dplyr::rename(id = Gene_name,
motif = Motif)
} else{
"Organism not found in ATtRACT db, the human RBP
motifs in the ATtRACT database will be analyzed.",
sep = " "
attractRBPmotifs <- db %>%
dplyr::filter(Organism == "Hsapiens") %>%
Motif) %>%
dplyr::rename(id = Gene_name,
motif = Motif)
} else{
attractRBPmotifs <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
colnames(attractRBPmotifs) <- c("id", "motif")
cat('URL can not be reached: ',
'.\nATtRACT motif can not be analyzed.')
# Rerieve MEME consensus sequences and convert it to a regular expression.
# Download the http://meme-suite.org/meme-software/Databases/motifs/motif_databases.12.19.tgz.
# Motifs from the following file are used: RNA\Ray2013_rbp_All_Species.meme
.getRBPmotifsMEME <-
function(memeIndexFilePath = 5,
isDNA = FALSE) {
# Create a temporary directory
td = tempdir()
# Create the placeholder file
tf = tempfile(tmpdir = td, fileext = 'db')
# download into the placeholder file
url <-
tc <-
utils::download.file(url, tf),
warning = function(w)
if (!is.null(tc)) {
# Get the name of the first file in the zip archive
memeDB <- utils::untar(tf, list = TRUE)
memeFile <- grep('rbp', memeDB, value = TRUE) %>%
data.frame() %>%
magrittr::set_colnames('path') %>%
dplyr::filter(., !grepl("dna_encoded",path)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(index = seq_along(.data$path)) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$index == memeIndexFilePath)
if (nrow(memeFile)) {
# unzip the file to the temporary directory
utils::untar(tf, files = memeFile$path, exdir = td)
# fpath is the full path to the extracted file
fpath = file.path(td, memeFile$path)
# Read meme motifs from file
memeMotifs <- .readMemeMotifs(fpath)
} else{
'Index not found, MEME motifs can not be analyzed.\nType(memeDB) to see all possible options.'
} else{
memeMotifs <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 3))
colnames(memeMotifs) <- c("id", "motif", "length")
cat('URL can not be reached: ',
'.\nMEme motifs can not be analyzed.')
# Read meme motifs from file
.readMemeMotifs <- function(fpath) {
meme <-
skip = 0,
readsites = FALSE,
readsites.meta = FALSE
# Create empty data frame
memeMotifs <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(meme), ncol = 3))
colnames(memeMotifs) <- c("id", "motif",'length')
# Convert the sequence to UPPER CASE
for (i in seq_along(meme)) {
memeMotifs$id[i] <- meme[[i]]@altname
memeMotifs$length[i] <- nchar(meme[[i]]@consensus)
memeMotifs$motif[i] <-
getRegexPattern(meme[[i]]@consensus, isDNA = FALSE)
memeMotifs$motif <- gsub('T', 'U', memeMotifs$motif)
# get reverse motifs from file
getReverseMotifs <- function(motifsWithRegExp) {
# reverse motifs given in input
reversedMotifs <- motifsWithRegExp
for (m in seq_along(reversedMotifs$motif)) {
reversedMotifs$motif[m] <-
reversedMotifs$motif[m] %>%
gsub("\\[", "Z", .) %>%
gsub("]", "X", .) %>%
IRanges::reverse() %>%
gsub("X", "\\[", .) %>%
gsub("Z", "]", .)
motifsNew <-
dplyr::bind_rows(motifsWithRegExp, reversedMotifs)
# Reverse motifs from attract data base
.getReverseAttractRBPmotifs <- function(rbpMotifsFromDB) {
reverseAttractRBPmotifs <- rbpMotifsFromDB
reverseAttractRBPmotifs$motif <-
rbpMotifsFromDBnew <-
dplyr::bind_rows(rbpMotifsFromDB, reverseAttractRBPmotifs)
rbpMotifsFromDBnew <-
# If the function you are looking for is not here check supportFunction.R
# Functions in supportFunction.R are used by multiple functions.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.