# Representing gene models as GRanges from imported BEDFILE
exonGRanges <- function(geneAnnot_GR){
iChr <- GenomicAlignments::seqnames(geneAnnot_GR) %>% as.character()
iStart <- GenomicRanges::start(geneAnnot_GR)
iEnd <- GenomicRanges::end(geneAnnot_GR)
iStrand <- GenomicRanges::strand(geneAnnot_GR)
tmpA <- GenomicRanges::start(geneAnnot_GR$blocks) %>%
magrittr::subtract(1) %>% magrittr::add(iStart)
tmpB <- GenomicAlignments::width(geneAnnot_GR$blocks) %>%
magrittr::subtract(1) %>% magrittr::add(tmpA)
listLen <- unlist(lapply(tmpA, length))
group <- rep(1:length(geneAnnot_GR), times = listLen)
data.frame(rep(iChr, times = listLen),
rep(iStrand, times = listLen)) %>%
magrittr::set_colnames(c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand")) %>%
plyranges::as_granges() %>%
split(group) %>%
GenomicRanges::GRangesList() %>% magrittr::set_names(geneAnnot_GR$name)
# Generate exon coordinates block
# Note: It actually takes a bit less time than exonGRanges
exonBlockGen <- function(iGene, geneAnnot_GR){
iStart <- GenomicRanges::start(geneAnnot_GR[geneAnnot_GR$name == iGene])
iEnd <- GenomicRanges::end(geneAnnot_GR[geneAnnot_GR$name == iGene])
iStrand <- GenomicRanges::strand(geneAnnot_GR[geneAnnot_GR$name == iGene]) %>% as.character()
tmpA <- unlist(GenomicRanges::start(geneAnnot_GR[geneAnnot_GR$name == iGene]$blocks)) -1
tmpB <- unlist(GenomicAlignments::width(geneAnnot_GR[geneAnnot_GR$name == iGene]$blocks))
iBlocks <- sapply(1:length(tmpA), function(i){
c(tmpA[i], (tmpA[i] + tmpB[i] -1))
}) %>% t %>% magrittr::add(iStart)
if(iEnd %in% as.vector(iBlocks)){
if(iStrand == "+"){
sapply(1:nrow(iBlocks), function(k){
}) %>% unlist %>% as.numeric
}else if(iStrand == "-"){
sapply(1:nrow(iBlocks), function(k){
}) %>% unlist %>% rev %>% as.numeric
}else{stop(paste("Malformed exon structure at gene", iGene))}
# Reads overlapping gene models
hlpr_splitReadsByGenes <- function(reads, bedR, overlapType, minReads, ignore.strand){
allOver_1 <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(GenomicAlignments::first(
reads, real.strand = TRUE), bedR, type = overlapType, ignore.strand = TRUE)
allOver_2 <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(GenomicAlignments::last(
reads, real.strand = TRUE), bedR, type = overlapType, ignore.strand = TRUE)
allOver_1 <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(GenomicAlignments::first(
reads, real.strand = TRUE), bedR, type = overlapType, ignore.strand = FALSE)
allOver_2 <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(GenomicAlignments::last(
reads, real.strand = TRUE), bedR, type = overlapType, ignore.strand = FALSE)
split_1 <- split(allOver_1@from, allOver_1@to)
split_2 <- split(allOver_2@from, allOver_2@to)
names(split_1) <- bedR[names(split_1) %>% as.numeric()]$name
names(split_2) <- bedR[names(split_2) %>% as.numeric()]$name
inBoth <- intersect(names(split_1), names(split_2))
split_1 <- split_1[inBoth]
split_2 <- split_2[inBoth]
split_i <- vIntersect(split_1, split_2)
names(split_i) <- names(split_1)
split_i <- split_i[unlist(lapply(split_i, length)) %>%
magrittr::is_weakly_greater_than(minReads) %>% which]
# For single-end reads
hlpr_splitReadsByGenes_singleEnd <- function(reads, bedR, overlapType, minReads, ignore.strand){
allOver_1 <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(reads, bedR, type = overlapType, ignore.strand = TRUE)
allOver_1 <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(reads, bedR, type = overlapType, ignore.strand = FALSE)
split_1 <- split(allOver_1@from, allOver_1@to)
names(split_1) <- bedR[as.numeric(names(split_1))]$name
split_1 <- split_1[sapply(split_1, length) %>%
magrittr::is_weakly_greater_than(minReads) %>% which()]
# Process reads into transcripts
hlpr_ReadsInGene <- function(reads, iGene, geneAnnot, split_i, allExons, minReads, withSeq, ignore.strand){
iStrand <- as.character(GenomicRanges::strand(geneAnnot[which(geneAnnot$name == iGene)]))
iExon <- exonBlockGen(iGene = iGene, geneAnnot_GR = geneAnnot)
selReadsbyPair <- split_i[[iGene]]
# Selecting paired reads to merge
iReads_r1 <- GenomicAlignments::first(reads, real.strand = FALSE)[selReadsbyPair]
iReads_r2 <- GenomicAlignments::last(reads, real.strand = FALSE)[selReadsbyPair]
r1Strand <- as.logical(GenomicRanges::strand(iReads_r1) == iStrand)
newR1 <- c(iReads_r1[r1Strand], iReads_r2[!r1Strand])
newR2 <- c(iReads_r2[r1Strand], iReads_r1[!r1Strand])
iReads_r1 <- newR1; rm(newR1)
iReads_r2 <- newR2; rm(newR2)
iReads_r1 <- GenomicAlignments::first(reads, real.strand = TRUE)[selReadsbyPair]
iReads_r2 <- GenomicAlignments::last(reads, real.strand = TRUE)[selReadsbyPair]
# Filtering reads strictly inside exons
# Both ends of both reads fall into the gene model
stEndTable <- as.matrix(data.frame(r1_S = GenomicRanges::start(iReads_r1),
r1_E = GenomicRanges::end(iReads_r1),
r2_S = GenomicRanges::start(iReads_r2),
r2_E = GenomicRanges::end(iReads_r2)))
pass <- (stEndTable %in% iExon) %>% matrix(ncol = 4, byrow = F) %>%
rowSums %>% magrittr::equals(4) %>% which()
if(length(pass) < minReads){return(GenomicRanges::GRanges())} # No reads Return empty GA
# Check gaps match intron-exon junction structure
which_N <- GenomicAlignments::njunc(iReads_r1[pass]) > 0 |
GenomicAlignments::njunc(iReads_r2[pass]) > 0
if(sum(which_N) > 0){
selAligns_r1 <- iReads_r1[pass][which_N]
selAligns_r2 <- iReads_r2[pass][which_N]
selExons <- allExons[[iGene]]
tmpRanges_r1 <- GenomicAlignments::cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace(
GenomicAlignments::cigar(selAligns_r1), ops = "M", with.ops = TRUE,
pos = GenomicRanges::start(selAligns_r1))
tmpRanges_r2 <- GenomicAlignments::cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace(
GenomicAlignments::cigar(selAligns_r2), ops = "M", with.ops = TRUE,
pos = GenomicRanges::start(selAligns_r2))
tmp1 <- S4Vectors::`%in%`(GenomicRanges::end(tmpRanges_r1), GenomicRanges::end(selExons)) |
S4Vectors::`%in%`(GenomicRanges::start(tmpRanges_r1), GenomicRanges::start(selExons))
tmp1[unlist(lapply(tmp1, "length")) == 1] <- TRUE
tmp2 <- S4Vectors::`%in%`(GenomicRanges::end(tmpRanges_r2), GenomicRanges::end(selExons)) |
S4Vectors::`%in%`(GenomicRanges::start(tmpRanges_r2), GenomicRanges::start(selExons))
tmp2[unlist(lapply(tmp2, "length")) == 1] <- TRUE
which_N[which_N] <- !(all(tmp1) & all(tmp2))
pass <- pass[!which_N]
if(length(pass) < minReads){return(GenomicRanges::GRanges())} # No reads Return empty GA
# Boundaries of merged reads
if(iStrand == "+"){
tReads <- data.frame(start = match(GenomicRanges::start(iReads_r1[pass]), iExon),
end = match(GenomicRanges::end(iReads_r2[pass]), iExon),
strand = iStrand,
seqnames = iGene)
}else if(iStrand == "-"){
tReads <- data.frame(start = match(GenomicRanges::end(iReads_r1[pass]), iExon),
end = match(GenomicRanges::start(iReads_r2[pass]), iExon),
strand = iStrand,
seqnames = iGene)
pass <- pass[tReads$end >= (tReads$start -1)]
if(length(pass) < minReads){return(GenomicRanges::GRanges())} # No reads Return empty GA
tReads <- check_DFforGRanges(tReads) %>% plyranges::as_granges()
names(tReads) <- names(reads)[selReadsbyPair][pass]
GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(tReads) <- length(iExon)
# Result if no sequence is input or required
if(withSeq == F){
# Merging sequences
if(iStrand == "+"){
tReads$seq1 <- GenomicAlignments::sequenceLayer(S4Vectors::mcols(iReads_r1[pass])$seq,
to = "reference-N-regions-removed")
tReads$seq2 <- GenomicAlignments::sequenceLayer(S4Vectors::mcols(iReads_r2[pass])$seq,
to = "reference-N-regions-removed")
}else if(iStrand == "-"){
tReads$seq1 <- GenomicAlignments::sequenceLayer(S4Vectors::mcols(iReads_r1[pass])$seq,
to = "reference-N-regions-removed") %>%
tReads$seq2 <- GenomicAlignments::sequenceLayer(S4Vectors::mcols(iReads_r2[pass])$seq,
to = "reference-N-regions-removed") %>%
# Trim overflown reads
i <- which(Biostrings::nchar(tReads$seq1) > GenomicAlignments::width(tReads))
tReads[i]$seq1 <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(stringr::str_sub(as.character(tReads[i]$seq1),
start = 1, GenomicAlignments::width(tReads[i])))
i <- which(Biostrings::nchar(tReads$seq2) > GenomicAlignments::width(tReads))
tReads[i]$seq2 <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(stringr::str_sub(as.character(tReads[i]$seq2),
start = - GenomicAlignments::width(tReads[i])))
# Calculate overlap
tReads$diffSeq <- Biostrings::nchar(tReads$seq1) + Biostrings::nchar(tReads$seq2) - GenomicAlignments::width(tReads)
tReads$oL <- tReads$diffSeq %>% magrittr::is_greater_than(0)
tReads$mergedSeq <- "." # Place holder
# No overlap reads
i <- which(!(tReads$oL))
if(length(i) > 0){
gapLen <- GenomicAlignments::width(tReads[i]) -
Biostrings::nchar(tReads[i]$seq1) - Biostrings::nchar(tReads[i]$seq2)
insSeq <- stringr::str_dup(string = ".", gapLen)
tReads[i]$mergedSeq <- paste(tReads[i]$seq1, insSeq,
tReads[i]$seq2, sep = "") %>%
# Overlapped reads
i <- which(tReads$oL)
if(length(i) > 0){
tmp1 <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(stringr::str_sub(as.character(tReads[i]$seq1), start = -tReads[i]$diffSeq))
tmp2 <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(stringr::str_sub(as.character(tReads[i]$seq2), start = 1, end = tReads[i]$diffSeq))
ovSeq <- rep(".", length(i))
for(j in 1:length(i)){
if(tmp1[j] == tmp2[j]){
ovSeq[j] <- tmp1[j]
ovSeq[j] <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(c(tmp1[j], tmp2[j])) %>%
Biostrings::consensusMatrix() %>%
Biostrings::consensusString(ambiguityMap = txtools::IUPAC_CODE_MAP_extended,
threshold = 0.16)
tReads[i]$mergedSeq <- paste0(Biostrings::DNAStringSet(stringr::str_sub(as.character(tReads[i]$seq1),
start = 1,
end = Biostrings::nchar(tReads[i]$seq1) -
ovSeq, Biostrings::DNAStringSet(stringr::str_sub(as.character(tReads[i]$seq2),
start = tReads[i]$diffSeq + 1,
end = Biostrings::nchar(tReads[i]$seq2))))
# Final reads
fReads <- tReads
S4Vectors::mcols(fReads) <- NULL
fReads$seq <- tReads$mergedSeq
# Vectorized version of helper
v_hlpr_ReadsInGene <- Vectorize(hlpr_ReadsInGene, "iGene")
# reads in gene single-end
hlpr_ReadsInGene_SingleEnd <- function(reads, iGene, geneAnnot, split_i,
allExons, minReads, withSeq){
iStrand <- geneAnnot[which(geneAnnot$name == iGene)] %>%
GenomicRanges::strand() %>% as.character()
iExon <- exonBlockGen(iGene = iGene, geneAnnot_GR = geneAnnot)
selReadsbyPair <- split_i[[iGene]]
# Selecting paired reads to merge
iReads_r1 <- reads[selReadsbyPair]
# Filtering reads extrictly inside exons
# Both ends must fall into the gene model
stEndTable <- as.matrix(data.frame(r1_S = GenomicRanges::start(iReads_r1),
r1_E = GenomicRanges::end(iReads_r1)))
pass <- (stEndTable %in% iExon) %>% matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = F) %>%
rowSums() %>% magrittr::equals(2) %>% which()
if(length(pass) < minReads){return(GenomicRanges::GRanges())} # No reads Return empty GA
# Check gaps match intron-exon junction structure
which_N <- GenomicAlignments::njunc(iReads_r1[pass]) > 0
if(sum(which_N) > 0){
selAligns_r1 <- iReads_r1[pass][which_N]
selExons <- allExons[[iGene]]
tmpRanges_r1 <- GenomicAlignments::cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace(
GenomicAlignments::cigar(selAligns_r1), ops = "M", with.ops = TRUE,
pos = GenomicRanges::start(selAligns_r1))
tmp1 <- S4Vectors::`%in%`(GenomicRanges::end(tmpRanges_r1), GenomicRanges::end(selExons)) |
S4Vectors::`%in%`(GenomicRanges::start(tmpRanges_r1), GenomicRanges::start(selExons))
tmp1[unlist(lapply(tmp1, "length")) == 1] <- TRUE
which_N[which_N] <- !(all(tmp1))
pass <- pass[!which_N]
if(length(pass) < minReads){return(GenomicRanges::GRanges())} # No reads Return empty GA
# Boundaries of merged reads
if(iStrand == "+"){
tReads <- data.frame(start = match(GenomicRanges::start(iReads_r1[pass]), iExon),
end = match(GenomicRanges::end(iReads_r1[pass]), iExon),
strand = GenomicRanges::strand(iReads_r1[pass]),
seqnames = iGene)
}else if(iStrand == "-"){
tReads <- data.frame(start = match(GenomicRanges::end(iReads_r1[pass]), iExon),
end = match(GenomicRanges::start(iReads_r1[pass]), iExon),
strand = GenomicRanges::strand(iReads_r1[pass]),
seqnames = iGene)
pass <- pass[tReads$end >= (tReads$start -1)]
tReads <- check_DFforGRanges(tReads) %>% plyranges::as_granges()
names(tReads) <- names(reads)[selReadsbyPair][pass]
GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(tReads) <- length(iExon)
# Removing reads that don't match in length when passed to transcriptomic space
R1_len <- GenomicAlignments::cigarWidthAlongReferenceSpace(
GenomicAlignments::cigar(iReads_r1[pass]), N.regions.removed = T)
tReads_c <- tReads[which(GenomicRanges::width(tReads) == R1_len)]
pass <- pass[which(GenomicRanges::width(tReads) == R1_len)]
if(length(pass) < minReads){return(GenomicRanges::GRanges())} # No reads Return empty GA
tReads <- tReads_c
# Result if no sequence is input or required
if(withSeq == F){
# Merging sequences
# tReads$start_r1 <- GenomicRanges::start(iReads_r1[pass])
# tReads$end_r1 <- GenomicRanges::end(iReads_r1[pass])
# tReads$strand_r1 <- GenomicRanges::strand(iReads_r1[pass])
# tReads$cigar_r1 <- GenomicAlignments::cigar(iReads_r1[pass])
# tReads$seq_r1 <- S4Vectors::mcols(iReads_r1[pass])$seq
# Constructing the merged read sequence
if(iStrand == "+"){
tReads$seq1 <- GenomicAlignments::sequenceLayer(S4Vectors::mcols(iReads_r1[pass])$seq,
to = "reference-N-regions-removed")
}else if(iStrand == "-"){
tReads$seq1 <- Biostrings::reverseComplement(
to = "reference-N-regions-removed"))
# Trim overflowing reads
i <- which(Biostrings::nchar(tReads$seq1) > GenomicAlignments::width(tReads))
if(length(i) > 0){
tReads[i]$seq1 <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(stringr::str_sub(as.character(tReads[i]$seq1), start = 1,
# Calculate overlap
tReads$diffSeq <- Biostrings::nchar(tReads$seq1) - GenomicAlignments::width(tReads)
tReads$oL <- magrittr::is_greater_than(tReads$diffSeq, 0)
tReads$mergedSeq <- "." # Place holder
# No overlap reads
i <- which(!(tReads$oL))
if(length(i) > 0){
gapLen <- GenomicAlignments::width(tReads[i]) - Biostrings::nchar(tReads[i]$seq1)
insSeq <- stringr::str_dup(string = ".", gapLen)
tReads[i]$mergedSeq <- paste(tReads[i]$seq1, insSeq, sep = "") %>%
# Final reads
fReads <- tReads
S4Vectors::mcols(fReads) <- NULL
fReads$seq <- tReads$mergedSeq
# Calculate coverage table: coverage, 5prime-starts, and 3prime-ends
hlp_coverageTab <- function(x){
if(class(x) != "CompressedGRangesList"){
stop("x must be of class CompressedGRangesList")
if(names(x) %>% duplicated() %>% sum() %>% magrittr::is_greater_than(0)){
stop("List contains duplicated gene models")
cov <- hlp_coverage(x) %>% lapply(as.vector)
sta <- GenomicRanges::start(x) %>% lapply(table) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(x))
end <- GenomicRanges::end(x) %>% lapply(table) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(x))
len <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(x)
OUT <- lapply(names(x), function(i){
tmpMat <- matrix(0, nrow = len[[i]], ncol = 3) %>% data.frame() %>%
data.table::data.table() %>%
magrittr::set_rownames(1:len[[i]]) %>%
magrittr::set_colnames(c("cov", "start_5p", "end_3p"))
tmpMat[names(sta[[i]]), "start_5p"] <- sta[[i]]
tmpMat[names(end[[i]]), "end_3p"] <- end[[i]]
tmpMat[, "cov"] <- cov[[i]] %>% as.numeric()
tmpMat$cov <- as.integer(tmpMat$cov)
tmpMat$start_5p <- as.integer(tmpMat$start_5p)
tmpMat$end_3p <- as.integer(tmpMat$end_3p)
}) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(x))
#' Calculate coverage table (coverage, ends, starts) for all gene models
#' without gene coordinates (Multicore)
#' @param x CompressedGRangesList. Genomic Ranges list containing genomic
#' alignments data by gene. Constructed via tx_reads().
#' @param nCores integer. Number of cores to run the function with. Multicore
#' capability not available in Windows OS.
#' @return data.table
#' @export
#' @author M.A. Garcia-Campos
hlp_coverageTab_mc <- function(x, nCores){
if(class(x) != "CompressedGRangesList"){
stop("x must be of class SimpleGRangesList")
if(names(x) %>% duplicated() %>% sum() %>% magrittr::is_greater_than(0)){
stop("List contains duplicated gene models")
cov <- hlp_coverage(x) %>% parallel::mclapply(as.vector, mc.cores = nCores)
sta <- GenomicRanges::start(x) %>% lapply(table) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(x))
end <- GenomicRanges::end(x) %>% lapply(table) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(x))
len <- lapply(cov, length) %>% unlist
OUT <- parallel::mclapply(mc.cores = nCores, 1:length(x), function(i){
tmpMat <- matrix(0, nrow = len[i], ncol = 3) %>% data.frame() %>%
magrittr::set_rownames(1:len[i]) %>%
magrittr::set_colnames(c("cov", "start_5p", "end_3p"))
tmpMat[names(sta[[i]]), "start_5p"] <- sta[[i]]
tmpMat[names(end[[i]]), "end_3p"] <- end[[i]]
tmpMat[, "cov"] <- cov[[i]] %>% as.numeric()
tmpMat <- tmpMat %>% data.table::data.table()
tmpMat$cov <- as.integer(tmpMat$cov)
tmpMat$start_5p <- as.integer(tmpMat$start_5p)
tmpMat$end_3p <- as.integer(tmpMat$end_3p)
}) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(x))
#' Calculate nucleotide frequency pileup for all gene models
#' @param x CompressedGRangesList. Genomic Ranges list containing genomic
#' alignments data by gene. Constructed via tx_reads().
#' @param simplify_IUPAC character. Method to simplify ambiguous reads:
#' 1) 'not': Ambiguous reads will be left as their IUPAC_ambiguous code, e.g.
#' for positions in which a 'G' and and 'A' where read an 'R' will note this.
#' 2) "splitHalf': Ambiguous reads will be divided in half, in odd cases having
#' fractions of reads assigned.
#' 3) "splitForceInt": Ambiguous reads will be divided in half, but forced to be
#' integers, unassigned fraction of reads will be summed and assigned as 'N'.
#' @param nCores integer. Number of cores to run the function with. Multicore
#' capability not available in Windows OS.
#' @return data.table
#' @export
hlp_nucFreqTab_mc <- function(x, simplify_IUPAC = "not", nCores){
iGenes <- names(x)
parallel::mclapply(mc.cores = nCores, X = iGenes, function(iGene){
y <- Biostrings::consensusMatrix(x = x[[iGene]]$seq,
shift = GenomicRanges::start(x[[iGene]]) -1,
width = GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(x[[iGene]])[iGene])
if(simplify_IUPAC == "splitForceInt"){
hlp_splitNucsForceInt(y) %>% t %>% apply(MARGIN = 2, FUN = "as.integer") %>% data.table::data.table()
}else if(simplify_IUPAC == "splitHalf"){
hlp_splitNucsHalf(y) %>% t %>% data.table::data.table()
}else if(simplify_IUPAC == "not"){
hlp_addMissingNucs(y) %>% t %>% data.table::data.table()
}) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(x))
#' Coordinate system table generator
#' Generates a table with both genomic and transcriptomic coordinates
#' @param x CompressedGRangesList. Genomic Ranges list containing genomic
#' alignments data by gene. Constructed via tx_reads().
#' @param geneAnnot GRanges. Gene annotation as loaded by \code{\link{tx_load_bed}}().
#' @param nCores integer. Number of cores to run the function with. Multicore
#' capability not available in Windows OS.
#' @return data.table
#' @export
hlp_genCoorTab_mc <- function(x, geneAnnot, nCores){
if(all(names(x) %in% geneAnnot$name)){
parallel::mclapply(mc.cores = nCores, X = names(x), function(iGene){
tmp2 <- geneAnnot[which(geneAnnot$name == iGene)]
tmp3 <- c(GenomicAlignments::seqnames(tmp2),
GenomicRanges::strand(tmp2)) %>% as.character() %>% c(iGene)
tmpDT <- rep(tmp3, GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(x[[iGene]])[iGene]) %>%
matrix(ncol = 3, byrow = T) %>%
cbind(exonBlockGen(iGene, geneAnnot)) %>%
cbind(seq(1, GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(x[[iGene]])[iGene]))
tmpDT <- tmpDT[,c(1,4,2,3,5)] %>% data.table::data.table() %>%
magrittr::set_colnames(c("chr", "gencoor", "strand", "gene", "txcoor"))
tmpDT$chr <- as.factor(tmpDT$chr)
tmpDT$gencoor <- as.integer(tmpDT$gencoor)
tmpDT$strand <- as.factor(tmpDT$strand)
tmpDT$gene <- as.factor(tmpDT$gene)
tmpDT$txcoor <- as.integer(tmpDT$txcoor)
}) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(x))
stop("Names of x are not contained in geneAnnot$name .\n")
# Calculate coverage for all gene models
hlp_coverage <- function(x){
suppressWarnings(unlist(x)) %>% GenomicRanges::coverage()
# Add missing nucleotides in nuc frequency table
hlp_addMissingNucs <- function(x){
misNucs <- txtools::IUPAC_code_2nucs[which(!(txtools::IUPAC_code_2nucs %in% rownames(x)))]
if(length(misNucs) > 0){
tmp <- matrix(0, nrow = length(misNucs), ncol = ncol(x)) %>%
magrittr::set_rownames(misNucs) %>% rbind(x)
# Split nucleotides in half
hlp_splitNucsHalf <- function(x){
misNucs <- txtools::IUPAC_code_simpl[which(!(txtools::IUPAC_code_simpl %in% rownames(x)))]
altNucs <- intersect(txtools::IUPAC_code_2nucs[5:10], rownames(x))
x <- hlp_addMissingNucs(x)
for(i in altNucs){
resNuc <- Biostrings::IUPAC_CODE_MAP[i] %>% stringr::str_split("") %>% unlist
x[resNuc[1],] <- x[resNuc[1],] + (x[i, ] / 2)
x[resNuc[2],] <- x[resNuc[2],] + (x[i, ] / 2)
# Split nucleotides in half, forcing integers
hlp_splitNucsForceInt <- function(x){
misNucs <- txtools::IUPAC_code_simpl[which(!(txtools::IUPAC_code_simpl %in% rownames(x)))]
altNucs <- intersect(txtools::IUPAC_code_2nucs[5:10], rownames(x))
x <- hlp_addMissingNucs(x)
for(i in altNucs){
if(all(x[i,] %% 2 == 0)){
resNuc <- Biostrings::IUPAC_CODE_MAP[i] %>% stringr::str_split("") %>% unlist
x[resNuc[1],] <- x[resNuc[1],] + (x[i,] / 2)
x[resNuc[2],] <- x[resNuc[2],] + (x[i,] / 2)
resNuc <- Biostrings::IUPAC_CODE_MAP[i] %>% stringr::str_split("") %>% unlist
x[resNuc[1],] <- x[resNuc[1],] + (x[i,] %>% magrittr::divide_by(2) %>% floor)
x[resNuc[2],] <- x[resNuc[2],] + (x[i,] %>% magrittr::divide_by(2) %>% floor)
x["N", ] <- x["N",] + (x[i,] - (x[i,] %>% magrittr::divide_by(2) %>%
floor %>% magrittr::multiply_by(2)))
# Helper bind two results tables
hlp_cbind2Tabs <- function(gencoorT, tab1){
if(all(names(gencoorT) == names(tab1))){
lapply(seq(1, length(gencoorT)), function(i){
cbind(gencoorT[[i]], tab1[[i]])
}) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(gencoorT))
# Helper bind three results tables
hlp_cbind3Tabs <- function(gencoorT, tab1, tab2){
if(all(names(gencoorT) == names(tab1) &
names(tab2) == names(gencoorT))){
lapply(seq(1, length(gencoorT)), function(i){
cbind(gencoorT[[i]], tab1[[i]], tab2[[i]])
}) %>% magrittr::set_names(names(gencoorT))
# Unlist if IrangesList
if_IRangesList_Unlist <- function(x){
if(methods::is(x, "IRangesList")){
# Helper add reference sequence to DT
hlp_add_refSeqDT <- function (DT, genome, geneAnnot){
iGene <- as.character(DT$gene[1])
iChr <- as.character(DT$chr[1])
iStr <- as.character(DT$strand[1])
iGA <- geneAnnot[geneAnnot$name == iGene]
iBlocks <- S4Vectors::mcols(iGA)$blocks %>% if_IRangesList_Unlist() %>%
IRanges::shift(IRanges::start(iGA) - 1)
tmp <- Biostrings::DNAString(
paste(collapse = "",
stringr::str_sub(string = as.character(genome[[iChr]]),
start = IRanges::start(iBlocks),
end = IRanges::end(iBlocks))))
if (iStr == "-") {
tmp <- Biostrings::reverseComplement(tmp)
tmp <- stringr::str_split(as.character(tmp), "") %>% unlist()
tibble::add_column(DT, refSeq = tmp, .after = "txcoor")
# Remove reads with nucleotide sequence length of 0 (bug detected when using Nanopore reads from Amit)
hlp_cleanBam_emptySeq <- function(reads, verbose){
if(methods::is(reads, class2 = "GAlignments")){
lSel <- BiocGenerics::width(S4Vectors::mcols(reads)$seq) != 0
if(verbose){cat(length(reads) - sum(lSel), "reads filtered out for empty sequence field")}
}else if(methods::is(reads, class2 = "GAlignmentPairs")){
lSel <- BiocGenerics::width(S4Vectors::mcols(GenomicAlignments::first(reads, real.strand = TRUE))$seq) != 0 &
BiocGenerics::width(S4Vectors::mcols(GenomicAlignments::last(reads, real.strand = TRUE))$seq) != 0
if(verbose){cat(length(reads) - sum(lSel), "reads filtered out for empty sequence field")}
.dump_envir_txtools <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.dumpEnvirTxtools <- function() .dump_envir_txtools
# Dump not assigned alignments to dump environment
# reads <- dm3_PEreads
# OUT <- reads_SE
hlp_dump_notAssigned <- function(reads, OUT){
reads[!(names(reads) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(OUT, names))))],
envir = .dumpEnvirTxtools())
# Flush unassigned
tx_flushUnassigned <- function(){
objnames <- ls(envir = .dumpEnvirTxtools())
rm(list = objnames, envir = .dumpEnvirTxtools())
# Get vector elements from start to end
hlp_getVectorElements <- function(x, start, end){
get_VectorElements <- Vectorize(hlp_getVectorElements, c("start", "end"), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# tx_add_XXX() #################################################################
# Mark motif location in tx_DT as TRUE, it can be set for specific nuc positions or all
hlp_add_motifPresence <- function(DT, motif, nucPositions, midMot){
DTseq <- paste(DT$refSeq, collapse = "")
tmpLoc <- Biostrings::matchPattern(Biostrings::DNAString(motif),
Biostrings::DNAString(DTseq), fixed = F)
tmpLoc <- data.frame(tmpLoc@ranges)
addMotif <- rep(FALSE, nrow(DT))
if(!nrow(tmpLoc) == 0){
for(i in 1:nrow(tmpLoc)){
addMotif[(tmpLoc[i, 1]) + nucPositions - 1] <- TRUE
}else if(nucPositions == "all"){
for(i in 1:nrow(tmpLoc)){
addMotif[(tmpLoc[i, 1]):(tmpLoc[i, 2])] <- TRUE
}else if(nucPositions == "center"){
for(i in 1:nrow(tmpLoc)){
addMotif[(tmpLoc[i, 1]) + midMot - 1] <- TRUE
tibble::add_column(DT, addMotif)
# Helper add annotation of sites in GRanges
hlp_add_siteAnnotation <- function (x, GRanges, colName){
subGR <- GRanges[as.character(x$chr[1]) == GenomicRanges::seqnames(GRanges)]
oNames <- names(x)
addAnnot <- rep(FALSE, nrow(x))
if(length(subGR) == 0){
tibble::add_column(x, addAnnot) %>% magrittr::set_names(c(oNames, colName))
foundGenLoc <- GenomicRanges::start(subGR)[
which(as.logical((GenomicRanges::start(subGR) %in% x$gencoor) &
(GenomicRanges::strand(subGR) == as.character(unique(x$strand)))))]
if(length(foundGenLoc) == 0){
tibble::add_column(x, addAnnot) %>% magrittr::set_names(c(oNames,
addAnnot[match(foundGenLoc, x$gencoor)] <- TRUE
tibble::add_column(x, addAnnot) %>% magrittr::set_names(c(oNames, colName))
# Vectorized intersect
vIntersect <- Vectorize(intersect, c("x", "y"), SIMPLIFY = F)
# Object size
oSize <- function(x){
print(utils::object.size(x), units = "auto")
# Stretching 5p-most blocks
stretchBlocks_5p <- function(blocks, extend, strand){
blocks <- GenomicRanges::shift(blocks, shift = ifelse(strand == "+", extend, 0))
part <- IRanges::PartitioningByEnd(blocks)
collapsed <- unlist(blocks)
ind_5p_pos <- IRanges::start(part)[as.logical(strand == "+")]
ind_5p_neg <- IRanges::end(part)[as.logical(strand == "-")]
IRanges::start(collapsed[ind_5p_pos]) <- IRanges::start(collapsed[ind_5p_pos]) - extend
IRanges::end(collapsed[ind_5p_neg]) <- IRanges::end(collapsed[ind_5p_neg]) + extend
return(IRanges::relist(collapsed, part))
# Stretching 3p-most blocks
stretchBlocks_3p <- function(blocks, extend, strand){
blocks <- GenomicRanges::shift(blocks, shift = ifelse(strand == "-", extend, 0))
part <- IRanges::PartitioningByEnd(blocks)
collapsed <- unlist(blocks)
ind_3p_pos <- IRanges::start(part)[as.logical(strand == "-")]
ind_3p_neg <- IRanges::end(part)[as.logical(strand == "+")]
IRanges::start(collapsed[ind_3p_pos]) <- IRanges::start(collapsed[ind_3p_pos]) - extend
IRanges::end(collapsed[ind_3p_neg]) <- IRanges::end(collapsed[ind_3p_neg]) + extend
return(IRanges::relist(collapsed, part))
# Generating DTs ###############################################################
# Generates transcriptomic coordinates table from a list of genes
hlpr_genCoorTabGenes <- function(genes, geneAnnot, genome = NULL, nCores = 1){
if(all(genes %in% geneAnnot$name)){
parallel::mclapply(mc.cores = nCores, genes, function(iGene){
tmp2 <- geneAnnot[which(geneAnnot$name == iGene)]
tmp3 <- c(GenomicAlignments::seqnames(tmp2), GenomicRanges::strand(tmp2)) %>%
as.character() %>% c(iGene)
exonBlock <- exonBlockGen(iGene, geneAnnot)
tmpDT <- rep(tmp3, length(exonBlock)) %>%
matrix(ncol = 3, byrow = T) %>% cbind(exonBlock) %>%
cbind(seq(1, length(exonBlock)))
tmpDT <- tmpDT[, c(1, 4, 2, 3, 5)] %>% data.table::data.table() %>%
magrittr::set_colnames(c("chr", "gencoor", "strand",
"gene", "txcoor"))
tmpDT$chr <- as.factor(tmpDT$chr)
tmpDT$gencoor <- as.integer(tmpDT$gencoor)
tmpDT$strand <- as.factor(tmpDT$strand)
tmpDT$gene <- as.factor(tmpDT$gene)
tmpDT$txcoor <- as.integer(tmpDT$txcoor)
tmpDT <- tx_add_refSeqDT(tmpDT, genome, geneAnnot)
}) %>% magrittr::set_names(genes)
stop("Not all gene names are in geneAnnot")
# Manipulating DTs #############################################################
# Removing UTR portions of DT, assuming first bases are
hlp_remove_UTR <- function(x, cut_5p = 0, cut_3p = 0){
if(!all(diff(x$txcoor) == 1)){
stop("Transcript coordinates 'txcoors' column is not continuous or has ",
"gaps for gene: ", unique(x$gene))
tmp <- x[x$txcoor %in% (utils::tail(x$txcoor, -cut_5p) %>% utils::head(-cut_3p)),]
tmp$txcoor <- tmp$txcoor - cut_5p
# Removing column if present
hlp_removeColumnIfPresent <- function(DT, colName){
if(colName %in% colnames(DT)){
DT[, colnames(DT) != colName, with = FALSE]
# Plotting helper funs #########################################################
txBrowser_colors <- list(
"li_gray" = "#d3d3da",
"l_gray" = "#b1b1be",
"k_green" = "#00c201",
"d_blue" = "#0098fd",
"h_yellow" = "#f3b018",
"scarlet" = "#fc2b06",
"white" = "#ffffff",
"r_black" = "#0b090b")
txBrowser2_colors <- list(
"l_gray" = "#b1b1be",
"k_green" = "#00c201",
"d_blue" = "#0098fd",
"h_yellow" = "#f3b018",
"scarlet" = "#fc2b06",
"white" = "#ffffff",
"r_black" = "#0b090b")
txBrowser_pal <- function(primary = "l_gray", other = "li_gray", direction = 1){
# stopifnot(primary %in% names(txBrowser_colors))
function(n) {
if (n > 8) warning("txBrowser Color Palette only has 8 colors.")
if (n == 2) {
other <- if (!other %in% names(txBrowser_colors)) {
} else {
color_list <- c(other, txBrowser_colors[primary])
} else {
color_list <- txBrowser_colors[1:n]
color_list <- unname(unlist(color_list))
if (direction >= 0) color_list else rev(color_list)
txBrowser_pal_2 <- function(direction = 1){
function(n) {
if (n > 7) warning("txBrowser Color Palette only has 8 colors.")
color_list <- txBrowser2_colors[1:n]
color_list <- unname(unlist(color_list))
if (direction >= 0){color_list}else{rev(color_list)}
# scale_fill with and without insert color
scale_fill_txBrowser <- function(primary = "l_gray", other = "li_gray", direction = 1) {
ggplot2::discrete_scale("fill", "txBrowser",
txBrowser_pal(primary, other, direction))
scale_fill_txBrowser_2 <- function(direction = 1) {
ggplot2::discrete_scale("fill", "txBrowser_2",
palette = txBrowser_pal_2(direction))
# Checking data objects and environment ########################################
# Check for data.table class, if DT is dataframe, convert to data.table
check_DT <- function(DT){
stop("DT must be either a data.table or a data.frame")
DT <- data.table::data.table(DT)
# Check if OS is unix-like to allow multi-core operations
check_windows <- function(){Sys.info()[['sysname']] == "Windows"}
# Stop if nCores is greater than 1 and OS is windows
check_mc_windows <- function(nCores){
if(nCores > 1 & check_windows()){
stop("The multi-core capability of this function is ", "
not available in Windows operating systems")
# Check that DT object has $refSeq column
check_refSeq <- function(DT){
if(!("refSeq" %in% names(DT))){
stop("DT must contain the column 'refSeq' with the transcript ",
"reference sequence")
# Check that gene annotation and reads to be processed share chromosomes.
check_GA_reads_compatibility <- function(reads, geneAnnot){
intChr <- intersect(as.character(unique(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(geneAnnot))),
if(length(intChr) == 0){
stop("reads and geneAnnot objects do not have chromosome names in common.")
# Check that gene annotation and genome share chromosome names
check_GA_genome_chrCompat <- function(geneAnnot, genome){
if(sum(unique(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(geneAnnot)) %in% names(genome)) == 0){
stop("No coinciding chromosome names between geneAnnot and genome")
# Check integer argument
check_integer_arg <- function(x, argName){
if(!is.numeric(x)){stop("Argument '", argName, "' must be an integer")}
if((x - floor(x)) > 0){stop("Argument '", argName, "' must be an integer")}
# Check argument
check_integerGreaterThanZero_arg <- function(x, argName){
check_integer_arg(x, argName)
if(x <= 0){stop("Argument '", argName, "' must be greater than zero")}
# Check that resulting GRanges have the seq meta-column
check_GR_has_seq <- function(x, argName){
if(class(x) == "CompressedGRangesList"){
x <- unlist(x)
if(!("seq" %in% names(GenomicRanges::mcols(x)))){
stop("'", argName, "' has no seq (sequences) meta-column.",
"\nMake sure you set the argument 'withSeq' to TRUE in tx_reads()")
check_BAM_has_seq <- function(x){
pairedEnd <- switch(class(x), GAlignmentPairs = TRUE, GAlignments = FALSE)
if(!all(c("seq" %in% names(GenomicRanges::mcols(GenomicAlignments::first(x, real.strand = TRUE))),
"seq" %in% names(GenomicRanges::mcols(GenomicAlignments::last(x, real.strand = TRUE)))))){
stop("Input GAlignmentPairs object has no 'seq' metacolumn for either
first or last reads")
if(!"seq" %in% names(GenomicRanges::mcols(x))){
stop("Input GAlignments object has no 'seq' metacolumn for either ",
"first or last reads, required to work with nucleotide sequence. ",
"Load sequence information using the tx_load_bam() function by ",
"setting the 'loadSeq' argument to TRUE.")
#TODO: manage omitted ranges, print a warning if possible
# Check that end of range is >= to start -1, to make GenomicRanges from dataframes
check_DFforGRanges <- function(x){
x[x$end >= (x$start -1),]
# Check that txDTs have same genes
check_sameGenesInDTL <- function(DTL){
tmpL <- lapply(DTL, function(x) base::unique(x$gene))
tmpA <- base::Reduce(x = tmpL, union)
tmpB <- base::Reduce(x = tmpL, intersect)
all(tmpA %in% tmpB)
# Annotate CDS start in tx_get_metageneAtCDS()
annot_CDSsta_DTL <- Vectorize(function(DT, CDS_start){
DT$CDS_start[DT$gencoor == CDS_start[CDS_start$gene == DT$gene[1],]$gencoor] <- TRUE
DT}, vectorize.args = "DT", SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# Annotate CDS end. tx_get_metageneAtCDS()
annot_CDSend_DTL <- Vectorize(function(DT, CDS_end){
DT$CDS_end[DT$gencoor == CDS_end[CDS_end$gene == DT$gene[1],]$gencoor] <- TRUE
}, vectorize.args = "DT", SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# Check that all genes in DT are in geneAnnot
check_GA_txDT_compat <- function(DT, geneAnnot){
check_DThasCol(DT, "gene")
if(!all(as.character(unique(DT$gene)) %in% geneAnnot$name)){
stop("Not all genes in DT are contained in geneAnnot")
# Check DT has a column with nam 'colName'
check_DThasCol <- function(DT, colName){
DT <- check_DT(DT)
if(!colName %in% colnames(DT)){stop("DT does not contain '", colName, "' column.")}
# Make a table of functions from other packages used in .R files in path
check_funsPkg <- function(path = "R", pattern = ".R$"){
scripts <- list.files(path = path, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE)
pkg_fun <- lapply(scripts, function(script_i){
tmpF <- readLines(script_i)
tmpD <- stringr::str_extract_all(tmpF, pattern = "([[:alnum:]]+)::([[:alnum:]]+)") %>%
unlist() %>%
data.table::data.table(stringr::str_split(x, pattern = "::", simplify = TRUE))
}) %>% do.call(what = "rbind")
if(!is.null(tmpD)){tmpD$script <- script_i}
}) %>% do.call(what = "rbind")
colnames(pkg_fun) <- c("package", "function", "script")
# "Hidden" functions (to decide if they'll be incorporated) ###################
#' Merge lists of data.tables
#' @param DTL1 list List of data.table with gene names. As output of the
#' \code{\link{tx_coverageDT}}, \code{\link{tx_nucFreqDT}}, and
#' \code{\link{tx_covNucFreqDT}} functions.
#' @param DTL2 list List of data.table with gene names.
#' @param colsToAdd character. Numeric column(s) to be aggregated (added).
#' @param keepAll logical. Set to FALSE for just keeping data.tables which
#' name's are in both DTL.
#' @return list
hid_aggregate_DTlist <- function (DTL1, DTL2, colsToAdd, keepAll = TRUE){
allNames <- union(names(DTL1), names(DTL2))
namesInBoth <- intersect(names(DTL1), names(DTL2))
namesOnly1 <- setdiff(names(DTL1), names(DTL2))
namesOnly2 <- setdiff(names(DTL2), names(DTL1))
tmpDTL <- lapply(namesInBoth, function(iGene){
if(!identical(DTL1[[iGene]][, c("chr", "gencoor", "strand", "gene", "txcoor")],
DTL2[[iGene]][, c("chr", "gencoor", "strand", "gene", "txcoor")])){
stop(paste("Coordinate data in", iGene, " data.tables are not compatible"))
tmp <- DTL1[[iGene]][, colsToAdd, with = FALSE] +
DTL2[[iGene]][, colsToAdd, with = FALSE]
cbind(DTL1[[iGene]][, c("chr", "gencoor", "strand", "gene", "txcoor"), with = FALSE], tmp)
}) %>% magrittr::set_names(namesInBoth)
c(tmpDTL, DTL1[namesOnly1], DTL2[namesOnly2])[allNames]
indexAlignmentsByGenomicRegion <- function(GAlignments, geneAnnot, overlapType = "within"){
splitByChr <- split(geneAnnot, GenomicRanges::seqnames(geneAnnot))
chrLen <- lapply(splitByChr, function(x) max(GenomicRanges::end(x))) %>% unlist()
exonic <- unlist(exonGRanges(geneAnnot))
allChr_GR <- rbind(data.frame(seqnames = names(chrLen),
start = 1 ,
end = chrLen,
strand = "+"),
data.frame(seqnames = names(chrLen),
start = 1 ,
end = chrLen,
strand = "-")) %>% plyranges::as_granges()
notExon <- plyranges::setdiff_ranges_directed(allChr_GR, exonic)
tmpGR <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(notExon, geneAnnot, type = "within")@from
intronic <- notExon[tmpGR]
intergen <- notExon[-tmpGR]
if(class(GAlignments) == "GAlignmentPairs"){
ovExonic <- intersect(
GenomicAlignments::first(GAlignments, real.strand = TRUE),
exonic, type = overlapType)@from,
GenomicAlignments::last(GAlignments, real.strand = TRUE),
exonic, type = overlapType)@from)
ovIntron <- intersect(
GenomicAlignments::first(GAlignments, real.strand = TRUE),
intronic, type = overlapType)@from,
GenomicAlignments::last(GAlignments, real.strand = TRUE),
intronic, type = overlapType)@from)
ovInterg <- intersect(
GenomicAlignments::first(GAlignments, real.strand = TRUE),
intergen, type = overlapType)@from,
GenomicAlignments::last(GAlignments, real.strand = TRUE),
intergen, type = overlapType)@from)
ovRest <- setdiff(1:length(GAlignments), union(union(ovExonic, ovIntron), ovInterg))
}else if(class(GAlignments) == "GAlignments"){
ovExonic <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(GAlignments, exonic, type = overlapType)@from
ovIntron <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(GAlignments, intronic, type = overlapType)@from
ovInterg <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(GAlignments, intergen, type = overlapType)@from
ovRest <- setdiff(1:length(GAlignments), union(union(ovExonic, ovIntron), ovInterg))
list(exonic = ovExonic,
intronic = ovIntron,
intergenic = ovInterg,
rest = ovRest) %>% return()
# RowMeans by column groups
rowMeansColG <- function(DF, colGroups, na.rm = T){
cG <- unique(colGroups)
out <- sapply(cG, function(x){
rowMeans(DF[,colGroups == x], na.rm = na.rm)
}) %>% as.data.frame()
colnames(out) <- cG
rownames(out) <- rownames(DF)
hlp_splLog <- function(iGene, GA_GR, splDT){
splGenCoors <- c(utils::tail(GenomicRanges::start(GA_GR[[iGene]]), -1), utils::head(GenomicRanges::end(GA_GR[[iGene]]), -1))
splDT[[iGene]]$spliceSite <- splDT[[iGene]]$gencoor %in% splGenCoors
hlp_splLog_v <- Vectorize(hlp_splLog, vectorize.args = "iGene", SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
warn_nCores <- function(nCores){
if(nCores == 1){
cat("Running using 1 core.\n Consider increasing the ",
"'nCores' argument if function takes too long\n")}
oppStrand <- function(x){switch(x, "-" = "+", "+" = "-")}
rmAmbigStrandAligns <- function(reads){
tmp <- GenomicAlignments::strand(reads) == "*"
tmp2 <- sum(tmp)
if(tmp2 > 0){
warning("Removing ", tmp2, " alignments with ambiguous strand (*)\n")
## usethis namespace: start
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated
## usethis namespace: end
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