#' @name module_registry
#' @title 'RAVE' module registry
#' @description Create, view, or reserve the module registry
#' @param title title of the registry, usually identical to the description
#' title in \code{'DESCRIPTION'} or \code{RAVE-CONFIG} file
#' @param repo 'Github' repository
#' @param modules characters of module ID, must only contain letters, digits,
#' underscore, dash; must not be duplicated with existing registered modules
#' @param authors a list of module authors; there must be one and only one
#' author with \code{'cre'} role (see \code{\link[utils]{person}}). This
#' author will be considered maintainer, who will be in charge if editing the
#' registry
#' @param url the web address of the repository
#' @param dry_run whether to generate and preview message content instead of
#' opening an email link
#' @param description path to \code{'DESCRIPTION'} or \code{RAVE-CONFIG} file
#' @param update whether to force updating the registry
#' @returns a registry object, or a list of registries
#' @details A 'RAVE' registry contains the following data entries: repository
#' title, name, 'URL', authors, and a list of module IDs. 'RAVE' requires
#' that each module must use a unique module ID. It will cause an issue if two
#' modules share the same ID. Therefore 'RAVE' maintains a public registry
#' list such that the module maintainers can register their own module ID
#' and prevent other people from using it.
#' To register your own module ID, please use \code{add_module_registry} to
#' validate and send an email to the 'RAVE' development team.
#' @examples
#' library(raveio)
#' # get current registries
#' get_modules_registries(FALSE)
#' # create your own registry
#' module_registry(
#' repo = "rave-ieeg/rave-pipelines",
#' title = "A Collection of 'RAVE' Builtin Pipelines",
#' authors = list(
#' list("Zhengjia", "Wang", role = c("cre", "aut"),
#' email = "")
#' ),
#' modules = "brain_viewer"
#' )
#' # If your repository is on Github and RAVE-CONFIG file exists
#' module_registry2("rave-ieeg/rave-pipelines")
#' # send a request to add your registry
#' if(interactive()) {
#' reg <- module_registry2("rave-ieeg/rave-pipelines")
#' add_module_registry(reg)
#' }
#' @export
`print.rave-module-registry` <- function(x, ...) {
s <- c(
"[RAVE Registry]",
sprintf(" Title: %s", x$title),
sprintf(" Repository: %s", x$repo),
sprintf(" URL: %s", x$url),
sprintf(" Maintainer: %s", as.character(, x$maintainer))),
sprintf(" Authors: "),
paste(" -", sapply(x$authors, function(aut) {
as.character(, aut))
sprintf(" Modules: [%s]", paste(x$modules, collapse = ", "))
cat(s, sep = "\n")
#' @rdname module_registry
#' @export
module_registry <- function(
title, repo, modules, authors,
url = sprintf("", repo)
) {
# check authors
if(missing(authors)) {
stop("`module_registry`: Authors must be specified in repository: ", repo)
maintainer <- NULL
person <- function(
given = NULL, family, middle = NULL, email,
role = NULL, comment = NULL
) {
list(given = given, family = family, middle = middle,
email = email, role = role, comment = comment)
authors <- lapply(authors, function(aut) {
aut <-, aut)
if(length(aut$email) != 1 ||$email) ||
!grepl("^[^@]+@[^@.]+\\.[^@]+$", aut$email)) {
stop("`module_registry`: Each item in the author list must contains email - ",
if(!length(aut$role)) {
aut$role <- "aut"
if("cre" %in% aut$role) {
if(!is.null(maintainer)) {
stop("`module_registry`: A RAVE module/pipeline must have only one maintainer - ", repo)
maintainer <<- aut
if(is.null(maintainer)) {
stop("`module_registry`: A RAVE module/pipeline must have one maintainer. Please specify the role of each author. See ?person for details. Repository: ", repo)
valid_modules <- modules[! & grepl("^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$", modules)]
invalids <- modules[! & !modules %in% valid_modules]
if(!length(valid_modules)) {
stop("`module_registry`: no valid module ID found. Repository: ", repo)
if(length(invalids)) {
stop("`module_registry`: invalid module ID found in repository [", repo,
"] - ", paste(invalids, collapse = ", "))
item <- structure(
title = title,
url = url,
repo = repo,
maintainer = maintainer,
authors = authors,
modules = valid_modules
class = "rave-module-registry"
#' @rdname module_registry
#' @export
module_registry2 <- function(repo, description) {
# repo <- "rave-ieeg/rave-pipelines"
# description <-
if(missing(description) || !length(description)) {
description <- sprintf("", repo)
if(is.character(description) && startsWith(description, "http")) {
description <- url(description)
desc <- read.dcf(description, all = TRUE)
desc <-
modules <- trimws(c(
unlist(strsplit(desc$InteractiveModules, ",")),
unlist(strsplit(desc$SubPipelines, ","))
modules <- sapply(strsplit(modules, "/"), function(x) {
expr <- parse(text = desc$`Authors@R`)
authors <- eval(expr, list(
person = function(
given = NULL, family = NULL, middle = NULL, email = NULL,
role = NULL, comment = NULL
) {
list(given = given, family = family, middle = middle,
email = email, role = role, comment = comment)
if(!is.list(authors[[1]])) {
authors <- list(authors)
urls <- unlist(strsplit(desc$URL, "[ ]{0,1}http"))
urls <- trimws(urls)
urls <- urls[!urls %in% ""]
urls <- sprintf("http%s", urls)
if(length(urls) > 1) {
idx <- c(which(grepl("github\\.com", urls, = TRUE)), 1)
urls <- urls[[idx[[1]]]]
} else {
urls <- sprintf("", repo)
title = desc$Title,
repo = repo, modules = modules,
authors = authors, url = urls
validate_modules_registries <- function(registries, verbose = TRUE) {
modules <- NULL
registries <- lapply(registries, function(item) {
if(verbose) {
catgl("Loading registry: {item$repo}", level = "trace")
item <- module_registry(title = item$title, repo = item$repo, modules = item$modules, authors = item$authors, url = item$url)
dups <- item$modules[item$modules %in% modules]
if(length(dups)) {
stop("Duplicated module ID found: \n ", paste(dups, collapse = ", "),
". \n\nIf you are the maintainer, please modify your module ID.",
call. = FALSE)
modules <<- item$modules
repo_name <- sapply(registries, '[[', 'repo')
names(registries) <- repo_name
#' @rdname module_registry
#' @export
get_modules_registries <- function(update = NA) {
conf_root <- R_user_dir("raveio", which = "config")
registry_path <- file.path(conf_root, "module-registry.yaml")
updated <- TRUE
if(!isFALSE(update)) {
if(! && is.character(update)) {
url <- update
} else {
url <- ""
} else if(file.exists(registry_path)){
updated <- FALSE
url <- registry_path
} else {
url <- system.file("module-registry.yaml", package = "raveio")
regs <- tryCatch({
# try to download current registry file
}, error = function(e) {
updated <<- TRUE
system.file("module-registry.yaml", package = "raveio")
# validate
regs <- validate_modules_registries(regs, verbose = FALSE)
# save
if( updated ) {
save_yaml(regs, file = registry_path)
} else if(isTRUE(update)) {
stop("Failed to update the RAVE module registry: Cannot access to \n")
#' @rdname module_registry
#' @export
add_module_registry <- function(title, repo, modules, authors, url,
dry_run = FALSE) {
if(missing(repo)) {
reg <- title
} else {
if(missing(url)) {
url <- sprintf("", repo)
reg <- list(
title = title,
repo = repo,
modules = modules,
authors = authors,
url = url
if(!inherits(reg, "rave-module-registry")) {
reg <-, reg)
# get current registries
regs <- get_modules_registries(update = TRUE)
reg_names <- names(regs)
is_new <- !(reg$repo %in% reg_names)
reg_old <- regs[[reg$repo]]
regs[[reg$repo]] <- reg
regs <- validate_modules_registries(regs)
if(!is_new) {
if(!identical(reg$maintainer$email, reg_old$maintainer$email)) {
msg <- sprintf("You are trying to change the repository [%s] that is currently maintained by [%s]. We will hold your request until it is confirmed by the previous maintainer", reg$repo, reg_old$maintainer$email)
# prepare the email
from <- reg$maintainer$email
rec <- ""
subj <- "Request to add/change a RAVE module registry"
body <- paste0(
"Dear RAVE Team,\n",
sprintf("I am the maintainer of the module repository [%s]. Please consider %s the registry:\n\n", reg$repo, ifelse(is_new, "adding", "changing")),
utils::capture.output({save_yaml(list(reg), stdout())}),
collapse = "\n"
"This registry is generated from `raveio::add_module_registry` with no conflict/error/modification.\n\n",
"%s, %s %s",
paste(reg$maintainer$family, collapse = ""),
paste(reg$maintainer$given, collapse = ""),
paste(reg$maintainer$middle, collapse = "")
if(!dry_run && interactive()) {
rec, subj, body
sep = "\n",
sprintf("From: %s", from),
sprintf("To: %s", rec),
sprintf("Title: %s", subj),
"Please copy and send the above message to [", rec,
"] with your **maintainer**'s email: ", from
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