#' @importFrom dipsaus %?<-%
#' @importFrom dipsaus %OF%
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom filearray filearray_load
#' @importFrom filearray filearray_create
#' @importFrom filearray fmap
#' @importFrom promises as.promise
#' @importFrom promises %...>%
#' @importFrom promises %...T>%
#' @importFrom promises %...!%
#' @importFrom promises %...T!%
#' @name raveio-constants
#' @title The constant variables
#' @details
#' \code{SIGNAL_TYPES} has the following options: \code{'LFP'}, \code{'Spike'},
#' \code{'EKG'}, \code{'Audio'}, \code{'Photodiode'}, or \code{'Unknown'}. As
#' of 'raveio' \code{0.0.6}, only \code{'LFP'} (see \code{\link{LFP_electrode}})
#' signal type is supported.
#' \code{LOCATION_TYPES} is a list of the electrode location types:
#' \code{'iEEG'} (this includes the next two), \code{'sEEG'} (stereo),
#' \code{'ECoG'} (surface), \code{'EEG'} (scalp),
#' \code{'Others'}. See field \code{'location'} in
#' \code{\link{RAVEAbstarctElectrode}}
#' \code{MNI305_to_MNI152} is a 4-by-4 matrix converting \code{'MNI305'}
#' coordinates to \code{'MNI152'} space. The difference of these two
#' spaces is: \code{'MNI305'} is an average of 305 human subjects,
#' while \code{'MNI152'} is the average of 152 people. These two coordinates
#' differs slightly. While most of the 'MNI' coordinates reported by
#' 'RAVE' and 'FreeSurfer' are in the \code{'MNI305'} space, many other
#' programs are expecting \code{'MNI152'} coordinates.
#' @export
SIGNAL_TYPES <- c('LFP', 'Spike', 'EKG', 'Audio', 'Photodiode', 'Unknown')
#' @rdname raveio-constants
#' @export
LOCATION_TYPES <- c('iEEG', 'sEEG', 'ECoG', 'EEG', 'Others')
#' @rdname raveio-constants
#' @export
MNI305_to_MNI152 <- matrix(
c(0.9975, 0.0146, -0.013, 0,
-0.0073, 1.0009, -0.0093, 0,
0.0176, -0.0024, 0.9971, 0,
-0.0429, 1.5496, 1.184, 1),
nrow = 4L, byrow = FALSE
# The following pipeline files will be copied
#' @rdname raveio-constants
#' @export
PIPELINE_FORK_PATTERN <- "(^data|^R|^py|\\.R$|\\.py$|\\.yaml$|\\.txt$|\\.csv$|\\.fst$|\\.conf$|\\.json$|\\.rds$|\\.Rmd$)"
#' @export
#' @export
#' @export
#' @export
#' @export
r6_reserved_fields <- c('.__enclos_env__', 'clone', 'print', 'initialize', 'private')
verbose_levels <-
levels = c("DEBUG", "DEFAULT", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FATAL"),
ordered = TRUE
str2lang_alt <- function (s) {
s <- sprintf("quote(%s)", stringr::str_trim(s))
eval(parse(text = s))
str2lang <- function (s) {
get0("str2lang", envir = baseenv(), ifnotfound = str2lang_alt)(s)
byte_size_lut <- list(
"uint8" = 1, "int8" = 1,
"uint16" = 2, "int16" = 2,
"uint32" = 4, "int32" = 4,
"uint64" = 8, "int64" = 8,
"float" = 4, "double" = 8
#' @title Check if current session is on 'CRAN'
#' @description
#' Use this function only for examples and test. The goal is to comply with the
#' 'CRAN' policy. Do not use it in normal functions to cheat. Violating 'CRAN'
#' policy will introduce instability to your code. Make sure reading Section
#' 'Details' before using this function.
#' @param if_interactive whether interactive session will be considered as
#' on 'CRAN'; default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param verbose whether to print out reason of return; default is no
#' @details
#' According to 'CRAN' policy, package examples and test functions may only
#' use maximum 2 'CPU' cores. Examples running too long should be suppressed.
#' Normally package developers will use \code{interactive()} to avoid running
#' examples or parallel code on 'CRAN'. However, when checked locally, these
#' examples will be skipped too. Coding bug in those examples will not be
#' reported.
#' The objective is to allow 'RAVE' package developers to write and test
#' examples locally or on integrated development environment (such as
#' 'Github'), while suppressing them on 'CRAN'. In such way, bugs in the
#' examples will be revealed and fixed promptly.
#' Do not use this function inside of the package functions to cheat or slip
#' illegal code under the eyes of 'CRAN' folks. This will increase their work
#' load and introduce instability to your code. If I find it out, I will report
#' your package to 'CRAN'. Only use this function to make your package more
#' robust. If you are developing 'RAVE' module, this function
#' is explicitly banned. I'll implement a check for this, sooner or later.
#' @returns A logical whether current environment should be considered as on
#' 'CRAN'.
#' @export
is_on_cran <- function(if_interactive = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
# check if this is on CRAN
not_cran_flag <- identical(toupper(as.character(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN", ""))), "TRUE")
limit_core_flag <- identical(toupper(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_")), "TRUE")
shiny_flag <- dipsaus::shiny_is_running()
interactive_flag <- interactive()
if( limit_core_flag ) {
# CRAN checks will add _R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_ to environment
if( verbose ) {
message("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_ is TRUE/true (on CRAN)")
if ( not_cran_flag ) {
# testthat on local uses this flag to indicate not on CRAN
message("NOT_CRAN is TRUE/true (not on CRAN)")
if( shiny_flag ) {
# Shiny is enabled, cannot be on CRAN
message("Inside of shiny reactive context (not on CRAN)")
if ( interactive_flag ) {
if_interactive <- isTRUE(if_interactive)
message(sprintf("Session is interactive (%son CRAN)", ifelse(if_interactive, "", "not ")))
message("No flag detected, default is on CRAN")
return( TRUE )
get_namespace_function <- function(ns, func, on_missing) {
if(system.file(package = ns) == "") {
if(missing(on_missing)) {
stop("There is no package called ", sQuote(ns), ". No alternative is provided. Please install this package first")
return( asNamespace(ns)[[func]] )
#' @title Print colored messages
#' @param ...,.envir passed to \code{\link[glue]{glue}}
#' @param level passed to \code{\link[dipsaus]{cat2}}
#' @param .pal see \code{pal} in \code{\link[dipsaus]{cat2}}
#' @param .capture logical, whether to capture message and return it without
#' printing
#' @returns The message as characters
#' @details The level has order that sorted from low to high: \code{"DEBUG"},
#' \code{"DEFAULT"}, \code{"INFO"}, \code{"WARNING"}, \code{"ERROR"},
#' \code{"FATAL"}. Each different level will display different colors and
#' icons before the message. You can suppress messages with certain levels
#' by setting 'raveio' options via
#' \code{raveio_setopt('verbose_level', <level>)}. Messages with levels lower
#' than the threshold will be muffled. See examples.
#' @examples
#' # ------------------ Basic Styles ---------------------
#' # Temporarily change verbose level for example
#' raveio_setopt('verbose_level', 'DEBUG', FALSE)
#' # debug
#' catgl('Debug message', level = 'DEBUG')
#' # default
#' catgl('Default message', level = 'DEFAULT')
#' # info
#' catgl('Info message', level = 'INFO')
#' # warning
#' catgl('Warning message', level = 'WARNING')
#' # error
#' catgl('Error message', level = 'ERROR')
#' try({
#' # fatal, will call stop and raise error
#' catgl('Error message', level = 'FATAL')
#' }, silent = TRUE)
#' # ------------------ Muffle messages ---------------------
#' # Temporarily change verbose level to 'WARNING'
#' raveio_setopt('verbose_level', 'WARNING', FALSE)
#' # default, muffled
#' catgl('Default message')
#' # message printed for level >= Warning
#' catgl('Default message', level = 'WARNING')
#' catgl('Default message', level = 'ERROR')
#' @export
catgl <- function(..., .envir = parent.frame(), level = 'DEBUG', .pal, .capture = FALSE){
level <- stringr::str_to_upper(level)
opt_level <- raveio_getopt('verbose_level')
args <- list(...)
msg <- tryCatch({
structure(glue::glue(..., .envir = .envir), log_level = level)
}, error = function(...){
s <- args
s <- s[names(s) %in% c('', 'sep', 'collapse')]
s[[length(s) + 1]] <- '''paste', s)
.capture || (
sum(verbose_levels >= opt_level, na.rm = TRUE) <
sum(verbose_levels >= level, na.rm = TRUE)
) {
# opt_level is too high, message is muffled. depending on level
# return or stop
if(level == 'FATAL'){
call <-
call <- deparse1(call, collapse = '\n')
# .envir = parent.frame(), level = 'DEBUG', .pal, .capture = FALSE
ns <-'asNamespace', list('ravedash'))
ns$logger(msg, level = switch (
"DEFAULT" = "trace",
"DEBUG" = "debug",
"INFO" = "info",
"WARNING" = "warning",
'ERROR' = 'error',
'FATAL' = 'fatal',
{ "trace" }
if(level == 'FATAL') {
} else {
dipsaus::cat2(msg, level = level)
dipsaus::cat2(msg, level = level, pal = .pal)
stopifnot2 <- function(..., msg = 'Condition not satisfied'){
append_el <- function(el, value, method = 'c'){
el_expr <- substitute(el)
value <-, list(quote(el), quote(value)))'<-', list(el_expr, value), envir = parent.frame())
# These functions are available in R 4.0. However, to be backward compatible
deparse1 <- function(expr, collapse = ' '){
paste(deparse(expr), collapse = collapse)
R_user_dir <- function (package, which = c("data", "config", "cache")) {
stopifnot(is.character(package), length(package) == 1L)
which <- match.arg(which)
home <- normalizePath("~")
path <- switch(which, data = {
if (nzchar(p <- Sys.getenv("R_USER_DATA_DIR"))) p
else if (nzchar(p <- Sys.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"))) p
else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") file.path(Sys.getenv("APPDATA"), "R", "data")
else if (["sysname"] == "Darwin") file.path(home, "Library", "Application Support", "org.R-project.R")
else file.path(home, ".local", "share")
}, config = {
if (nzchar(p <- Sys.getenv("R_USER_CONFIG_DIR"))) p
else if (nzchar(p <- Sys.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))) p
else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") file.path(Sys.getenv("APPDATA"), "R", "config")
else if (["sysname"] == "Darwin") file.path(home, "Library", "Preferences", "org.R-project.R")
else file.path(home, ".config")
}, cache = {
if (nzchar(p <- Sys.getenv("R_USER_CACHE_DIR"))) p
else if (nzchar(p <- Sys.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"))) p
else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") file.path(Sys.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"), "R", "cache")
else if (["sysname"] == "Darwin") file.path(home, "Library", "Caches", "org.R-project.R")
else file.path(home, ".cache")
file.path(path, "R", package)
# These functions uses ravetools/dipsaus
collapse <- function(x, keep, average = FALSE, ...) {
if(isTRUE(getOption("raveio.use.ravetools", FALSE))) {
return(ravetools::collapse(x = x, keep = keep, average = average, ...))
} else {
return(dipsaus::collapse(x = x, keep = keep, average = average))
baseline_array <- function(
x, along_dim, baseline_indexpoints = NULL, unit_dims = seq_along(dim(x))[-along_dim],
method = c("percentage", "sqrt_percentage", "decibel", "zscore", "sqrt_zscore", "subtract_mean"),
...) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if(isTRUE(getOption("raveio.use.ravetools", FALSE))) {
x = x, along_dim = along_dim, unit_dims = unit_dims,
method = method, baseline_indexpoints = baseline_indexpoints, ...))
} else {
x = x, along_dim = along_dim, unit_dims = unit_dims,
method = method, baseline_indexpoints = baseline_indexpoints))
#' Enable parallel computing provided by 'future' package within the context
#' @param expr the expression to be evaluated
#' @param env environment of the \code{expr}
#' @param quoted whether \code{expr} has been quoted; default is false
#' @param on_failure alternative 'future' plan to use if forking a process
#' is disallowed; this usually occurs on 'Windows' machines; see details.
#' @param max_workers maximum of workers; default is automatically set by
#' \code{raveio_getopt("max_worker",1L)}
#' @param ... additional parameters passing into
#' \code{\link[dipsaus]{make_forked_clusters}}
#' @returns The evaluation results of \code{expr}
#' @details Some 'RAVE' functions such as \code{\link{prepare_subject_power}}
#' support parallel computing to speed up. However, the parallel computing is
#' optional. You can enable it by wrapping the function calls within
#' \code{with_future_parallel} (see examples).
#' The default plan is to use 'forked' R sessions. This is a convenient, fast,
#' and relative simple way to create multiple R processes that share the same
#' memories. However, on some machines such as 'Windows' the support has not
#' yet been implemented. In such cases, the plan fall backs to a back-up
#' specified by \code{on_failure}. By default, \code{on_failure} is
#' \code{'multisession'}, a heavier implementation than forking the process, and
#' slightly longer ramp-up time.
#' However, the difference should be marginal for most of the functions.
#' When parallel computing is enabled, the number of parallel workers is
#' specified by the option \code{raveio_getopt("max_worker", 1L)}.
#' @examples
#' library(raveio)
#' demo_subject <- as_rave_subject("demo/DemoSubject", strict = FALSE)
#' if(dir.exists(demo_subject$path)) {
#' with_future_parallel({
#' prepare_subject_power("demo/DemoSubject")
#' })
#' }
#' @export
with_future_parallel <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE,
on_failure = 'multisession', max_workers = NA,
expr <- substitute(expr)
if(! && max_workers >= 1){
max_workers <- min(as.integer(max_workers), raveio_getopt("max_worker", 1L))
} else {
max_workers <- raveio_getopt("max_worker", 1L)
auto_parallel_old <- getOption("", default = TRUE)
options("" = FALSE)
workers = max_workers,
on_failure = on_failure, clean = FALSE, ...
options("" = auto_parallel_old)
}, add = TRUE, after = FALSE)
re <- eval(expr, envir = env)
options("" = auto_parallel_old)
#' Run \code{\link{lapply}} in parallel
#' @description
#' Uses \code{\link[dipsaus]{lapply_async2}}, but allows better parallel
#' scheduling via \code{\link{with_future_parallel}}. On 'Unix', the function
#' will fork processes. On 'Windows', the function uses strategies specified
#' by \code{on_failure}
#' @param x iterative elements
#' @param FUN function to apply to each element of \code{x}
#' @param FUN.args named list that will be passed to \code{FUN} as arguments
#' @param callback callback function or \code{NULL}. When passed as function,
#' the function takes one argument (elements of \code{x}) as input, and it
#' suppose to return one string character.
#' @param ncores number of cores to use, constraint by the \code{max_worker}
#' option (see \code{\link{raveio_getopt}}); default is the maximum number
#' of workers available
#' @param on_failure alternative strategy if fork process is
#' disallowed (set by users or on 'Windows')
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link[dipsaus]{lapply_async2}}
#' @examples
#' if(!is_on_cran()) {
#' library(raveio)
#' # ---- Basic example ----------------------------
#' lapply_async(1:16, function(x) {
#' # function that takes long to fun
#' Sys.sleep(1)
#' x
#' })
#' # With callback
#' lapply_async(1:16, function(x){
#' Sys.sleep(1)
#' x + 1
#' }, callback = function(x) {
#' sprintf("Calculating|%s", x)
#' })
#' # With ncores
#' pids <- lapply_async(1:16, function(x){
#' Sys.sleep(0.5)
#' Sys.getpid()
#' }, ncores = 2)
#' # Unique number of PIDs (cores)
#' unique(unlist(pids))
#' # ---- With scheduler ----------------------------
#' # Scheduler pre-initialize parallel workers and temporary
#' # switches parallel context. The workers ramp-up
#' # time can be saved by reusing the workers.
#' #
#' with_future_parallel({
#' # lapply_async block 1
#' pids <- lapply_async(1:16, function(x){
#' Sys.sleep(1)
#' Sys.getpid()
#' }, callback = function(x) {
#' sprintf("lapply_async without ncores|%s", x)
#' })
#' print(unique(unlist(pids)))
#' # lapply_async block 2
#' pids <- lapply_async(1:16, function(x){
#' Sys.sleep(1)
#' Sys.getpid()
#' }, callback = function(x) {
#' sprintf("lapply_async with ncores|%s", x)
#' }, ncores = 4)
#' print(unique(unlist(pids)))
#' })
#' }
#' @export
lapply_async <- function(
x, FUN, FUN.args = list(), callback = NULL, ncores = NULL,
on_failure = "multisession", ...) {
if(length(ncores) == 1) {
if(ncores < 1) { ncores <- 1}
max_workers <- raveio_getopt("max_worker", 1L)
if(ncores < max_workers) {
chunk_size <- ceiling(length(x) / ncores)
} else {
chunk_size <- NULL
} else {
chunk_size <- NULL
ncores <- raveio_getopt("max_worker", 1L)
plan <- getOption("", default = TRUE)
# check if fork is disabled
if(isTRUE(plan)) {
workers = ncores,
on_failure = on_failure, clean = FALSE, ...
future <- asNamespace("future")
}, add = FALSE)
re <- dipsaus::lapply_async2(x, FUN = FUN, FUN.args = FUN.args, callback = callback,
plan = FALSE, future.chunk.size = chunk_size)
if(isTRUE(plan)) {
future <- asNamespace("future")
on.exit({}, add = FALSE)
guess_libpath <- function() {
lib_path <- getOption("ravemanager.libpath", default = NULL)
try(silent = TRUE, expr = {
if(length(lib_path) == 1 && ! && is.character(lib_path) && dir.exists(lib_path)) {
lib_path <- Sys.getenv("RAVE_LIB_PATH", unset = Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER", unset = ""))
ostype <- get_os()
if(ostype == 'windows') {
lib_path <- strsplit(lib_path, ";")[[1]]
} else {
lib_path <- strsplit(lib_path, ":")[[1]]
if(length(lib_path)) {
install_deps <- function(root, upgrade = FALSE, force = FALSE, lib = guess_libpath(), ...) {
succeed <- FALSE
try(silent = TRUE, expr = {
if(dipsaus::package_installed("pak")) {
pak <- asNamespace("pak")
pak$local_install_deps(root = root, upgrade = upgrade, ask = FALSE, dependencies = NA, lib = lib)
succeed <- TRUE
if(!succeed) {
remotes::install_deps(pkgdir = root, upgrade = upgrade, force = force, lib = lib, ...)
install_cran <- function(pkgs, upgrade = FALSE, lib = guess_libpath(), ...) {
succeed <- FALSE
try(silent = TRUE, expr = {
if(dipsaus::package_installed("pak")) {
pak <- asNamespace("pak")
pak$pkg_install(pkg = pkgs, lib = lib, upgrade = upgrade, ask = FALSE, dependencies = NA)
succeed <- TRUE
if(!succeed) {
remotes::install_cran(pkgs, upgrade = ifelse(isTRUE(upgrade), "always", "never"),
lib = lib, ...)
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