#' Definitions of electrode with 'LFP' signal type
#' @description Please use a safer \code{\link{new_electrode}} function to
#' create instances. This documentation is to describe the member methods
#' of the electrode class \code{LFP_electrode}
#' @examples
#' # Download subject demo/DemoSubject
#' subject <- as_rave_subject("demo/DemoSubject", strict = FALSE)
#' if(dir.exists(subject$path)) {
#' # Electrode 14 in demo/DemoSubject
#' e <- new_electrode(subject = subject, number = 14, signal_type = "LFP")
#' # Load CAR reference "ref_13-16,24"
#' ref <- new_reference(subject = subject, number = "ref_13-16,24",
#' signal_type = "LFP")
#' e$set_reference(ref)
#' # Set epoch
#' e$set_epoch(epoch = 'auditory_onset')
#' # Set loading window
#' e$trial_intervals <- list(c(-1, 2))
#' # Preview
#' print(e)
#' # Now epoch power
#' power <- e$load_data("power")
#' names(dimnames(power))
#' # Subset power
#' subset(power, Time ~ Time < 0, Electrode ~ Electrode == 14)
#' # Draw baseline
#' tempfile <- tempfile()
#' bl <- power_baseline(power, baseline_windows = c(-1, 0),
#' method = "decibel", filebase = tempfile)
#' collapsed_power <- collapse2(bl, keep = c(2,1))
#' # Visualize
#' dname <- dimnames(bl)
#' image(collapsed_power, x = dname$Time, y = dname$Frequency,
#' xlab = "Time (s)", ylab = "Frequency (Hz)",
#' main = "Mean power over trial (Baseline: -1~0 seconds)",
#' sub = glue('Electrode {e$number} (Reference: {ref$number})'))
#' abline(v = 0, lty = 2, col = 'blue')
#' text(x = 0, y = 20, "Audio onset", col = "blue", cex = 0.6)
#' # clear cache on hard disk
#' e$clear_cache()
#' ref$clear_cache()
#' }
#' @export
LFP_electrode <- R6::R6Class(
classname = 'LFP_electrode',
inherit = RAVEAbstarctElectrode,
portable = FALSE,
lock_class = TRUE,
private = list(
.type = 'LFP',
.location = 'iEEG',
.is_reference = FALSE,
.power_enabled = TRUE,
check_dimensions = function(type = c("voltage", "power", "phase", "wavelet-coefficient")){
type <- match.arg(type)
# Check time-points
if(type == "voltage"){
srate <- self$raw_sample_rate
freq <- NULL
} else {
srate <- self$power_sample_rate
freq <- self$subject$meta_data("frequencies")
if(! || !length(freq) || !length(freq[[1]])){
stop("Frequency length is zero. Have you applied time-frequency decomposition?")
tidx <- unlist(lapply(self$trial_intervals, function(x){
x <- round(x * srate)
seq(x[1], x[2])
stopifnot2(length(tidx), msg = "Trial window has length of 0")
# Check blocks
epoch_tbl <- self$epoch$table
blocks <- unique(epoch_tbl$Block)
if(!all(blocks %in% self$subject$blocks)){
blocks <- blocks[!blocks %in% self$subject$blocks]
stop("Some blocks cannot be found: ", paste(blocks, collapse = ", "))
tidx = tidx,
srate = srate,
epoch_tbl = epoch_tbl,
blocks = blocks,
freq = freq
public = list(
#' @description print electrode summary
print = function(){
cat(sprintf(" Project: %s\n", self$subject$project_name))
cat(sprintf(" Subject: %s\n", self$subject$subject_code))
cat(sprintf(" Electrode number: %s\n", self$number))
cat(sprintf(" Referenced against: %s\n", self$reference_name))
cat(" Location type:", self$location, "\n")
cat(" Signal type:", self$type, "\n")
cat(" Sample rates:\n")
cat(" - Analog-trace (voltage):", self$raw_sample_rate, "\n")
cat(" - Power-phase (coefficients):", self$power_sample_rate, "\n")
cat(" Epoch: ", self$epoch_name, "\n")
} else {
cat("* Epoch not set\n")
cat(" Trial windows: ", deparse1(self$trial_intervals), "\n")
} else {
cat("* Trial windows not set\n")
#' @description set reference for current electrode
#' @param reference either \code{NULL} or \code{LFP_electrode} instance
set_reference = function(reference){
if(reference == "noref"){
ref_inst <- LFP_reference$new(subject = self$subject, number = reference)
stop("Cannot find reference: ", reference)
if(!inherits(reference, "LFP_reference")){
stop("Reference must be a valid `LFP_reference` instance or characters")
stop("Cannot find reference: ", reference$number)
#' @description constructor
#' @param subject,number,quiet see constructor in
#' \code{\link{RAVEAbstarctElectrode}}
initialize = function(subject, number, quiet = FALSE){
super$initialize(subject, number)
has_power <- file.exists(self$power_file)
has_phase <- file.exists(self$phase_file)
has_volt <- file.exists(self$voltage_file)
if(!all(has_power, has_phase, has_volt)){
if(!quiet) {
catgl("Electrode {self$number} is missing {ifelse(has_power, '', 'power')}{ifelse(has_phase, '', ', phase')}{ifelse(has_volt, '', ', voltage')} data\n", level = "WARNING")
#' @description load non-referenced wavelet coefficients (internally used)
#' @param reload whether to reload cache
#' @returns if the reference number if \code{NULL} or \code{'noref'}, then
#' returns 0, otherwise returns a \code{\link[filearray]{FileArray-class}}
.load_noref_wavelet = function(reload = FALSE){
check_res <- private$check_dimensions("wavelet-coefficient")
arr_path <- file.path(self$cache_root, "noref", "wavelet-coefficient")
unlink(arr_path, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
} else {
filebase = arr_path, mode = "readonly",
rave_data_type = "wavelet-coefficient",
symlink_ok = FALSE, valid = TRUE
}, error = function(e){
unlink(arr_path, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
tidx <- check_res$tidx
srate <- check_res$srate
epoch_tbl <- check_res$epoch_tbl
blocks <- check_res$blocks
freq <- check_res$freq
nfreq <- nrow(freq)
ntrial <- nrow(epoch_tbl)
ntime <- length(tidx)
blocks <- unique(epoch_tbl$Block)
if(!all(blocks %in% self$subject$blocks)){
blocks <- blocks[!blocks %in% self$subject$blocks]
stop("Some blocks cannot be found: ", paste(blocks, collapse = ", "))
# freq x time x trial
arr <- filearray::filearray_create(
dimension = c(nfreq, ntime, ntrial, 1),
type = "complex",
partition_size = 1
arr$set_header("rave_data_type", "wavelet-coefficient", save = FALSE)
dimnames(arr) <- list(
Frequency = freq$Frequency,
Time = tidx / srate,
Trial = sort(epoch_tbl$Trial),
Electrode = self$number
# Copy the HDF5 file to temporary folder and read
tempdir(check = TRUE)
power_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5", pattern = "temppower_")
phase_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5", pattern = "tempphase_")
}, add = TRUE, after = TRUE)
file.copy(self$power_file, to = power_file)
file.copy(self$phase_file, to = phase_file)
} else {
power_file <- self$power_file
phase_file <- self$phase_file
for(b in blocks){
sel <- epoch_tbl$Block == b
trials <- epoch_tbl$Trial[sel]
onsets <- epoch_tbl$Time[sel]
tp <- sapply(onsets, function(o){
idx <- round(o * srate)
idx + tidx
if( !is.numeric(self$number) ){
h5_name <- sprintf('/wavelet/coef/%s', b)
block_data <- load_h5(file = power_file, name = h5_name, ram = HDF5_EAGERLOAD)
coef <- block_data[,tp,]
dim(coef) <- c(nrow(coef), dim(tp), 2)
coef <- coef[,,,1] * exp(1i * coef[,,,2])
} else {
h5_name <- sprintf('/raw/power/%s', b)
block_data <- load_h5(file = power_file, name = h5_name, ram = HDF5_EAGERLOAD)
power <- block_data[, tp]
dim(power) <- c(nrow(power), dim(tp))
h5_name <- sprintf('/raw/phase/%s', b)
block_data <- load_h5(file = phase_file, name = h5_name, ram = HDF5_EAGERLOAD)
phase <- block_data[, tp]
dim(phase) <- c(nrow(phase), dim(tp))
coef <- sqrt(power) * exp(1i * phase)
arr[,,trials,1] <- coef
arr$set_header("valid", TRUE)
arr$.mode <- "readonly"
#' @description load non-referenced voltage (internally used)
#' @param srate voltage signal sample rate
#' @param reload whether to reload cache
.load_noref_voltage = function(reload = FALSE){
check_res <- private$check_dimensions("voltage")
arr_path <- file.path(self$cache_root, "noref", "voltage")
unlink(arr_path, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
} else {
filebase = arr_path, mode = "readonly",
rave_data_type = "voltage",
symlink_ok = FALSE, valid = TRUE
}, error = function(e){
unlink(arr_path, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
tidx <- check_res$tidx
srate <- check_res$srate
epoch_tbl <- check_res$epoch_tbl
blocks <- check_res$blocks
ntrial <- nrow(epoch_tbl)
ntime <- length(tidx)
# freq x time x trial
arr <- filearray::filearray_create(
dimension = c(ntime, ntrial, 1),
type = "double",
partition_size = 1
arr$set_header("rave_data_type", "voltage", save = FALSE)
dimnames(arr) <- list(
Time = tidx / srate,
Trial = sort(epoch_tbl$Trial),
Electrode = self$number
for(b in blocks){
sel <- epoch_tbl$Block == b
trials <- epoch_tbl$Trial[sel]
onsets <- epoch_tbl$Time[sel]
tp <- sapply(onsets, function(o){
idx <- round(o * srate)
idx + tidx
if( file.exists(self$voltage_file) ) {
if( !is.numeric(self$number) ){
h5_name <- sprintf('/voltage/%s', b)
block_data <- load_h5(file = self$voltage_file, name = h5_name, ram = HDF5_EAGERLOAD)
} else {
h5_name <- sprintf('/raw/voltage/%s', b)
block_data <- load_h5(file = self$voltage_file, name = h5_name, ram = HDF5_EAGERLOAD)
} else {
if( !is.numeric(self$number) ){
stop("Cannot find the voltage signal for calculated reference signal: ", self$number, ". Please generate the reference first.")
} else {
h5_name <- sprintf('/notch/%s', b)
block_data <- load_h5(file = self$preprocess_file, name = h5_name, ram = HDF5_EAGERLOAD)
voltage <- block_data[tp]
dim(voltage) <- dim(tp)
arr[,trials,1] <- voltage
arr$set_header("valid", TRUE)
arr$.mode <- "readonly"
#' @description load referenced wavelet coefficients (internally used)
#' @param type type of data to load
#' @param reload whether to reload cache
.load_wavelet = function(type = c("power", "phase", "wavelet-coefficient"),
reload = FALSE){
type <- match.arg(type)
private$check_dimensions(type = "wavelet-coefficient")
arr_path <- file.path(self$cache_root, self$reference_name, type)
unlink(arr_path, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
} else {
filebase = arr_path, mode = "readonly",
rave_data_type = type,
symlink_ok = FALSE, valid = TRUE
}, error = function(e){
unlink(arr_path, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
noref_e <- self$.load_noref_wavelet()
if(!inherits(self$reference, "LFP_reference") || self$reference_name == "noref"){
ref_e <- 0
no_reference <- TRUE
if( type == "wavelet-coefficient" ){
} else {
ref_e <- self$reference$.load_noref_wavelet()
no_reference <- FALSE
dim <- dim(noref_e)
arr <- filearray::filearray_create(
filebase = arr_path,
dimension = dim,
type = ifelse(type == "wavelet-coefficient", "complex", "float"),
partition_size = 1
arr$set_header("rave_data_type", type, save = FALSE)
dimnames(arr) <- dimnames(noref_e)
# noref_e
f <- switch (
"power" = {
filearray::fmap(list(noref_e), function(v){
}, .y = arr)
} else {
filearray::fmap(list(noref_e, ref_e), function(v){
Mod(v[[1]] - v[[2]])^2
}, .y = arr)
"phase" = {
filearray::fmap(list(noref_e), function(v){
}, .y = arr)
} else {
filearray::fmap(list(noref_e, ref_e), function(v){
Arg(v[[1]] - v[[2]])
}, .y = arr)
"wavelet-coefficient" = {
} else {
filearray::fmap(list(noref_e, ref_e), function(v){
v[[1]] - v[[2]]
}, .y = arr)
}, {
stop("Code bug: unregistered data type: ", type)
arr$set_header("valid", TRUE)
arr$.mode <- "readonly"
#' @description load referenced voltage (internally used)
#' @param reload whether to reload cache
.load_voltage = function(reload = FALSE){
# self$.load_noref_voltage(reload = reload)
check_res <- private$check_dimensions(type = "voltage")
arr_path <- file.path(self$cache_root, self$reference_name, "voltage")
arr <- filearray_checkload_or_remove(
filebase = arr_path, mode = "readonly",
symlink_ok = FALSE, valid = TRUE,
rave_data_type = "voltage"
if(inherits(arr, "FileArray")){
noref_e <- self$.load_noref_voltage()
if(self$reference_name == "noref"){
ref_e <- self$reference$.load_noref_voltage()
tidx <- check_res$tidx
srate <- check_res$srate
epoch_tbl <- check_res$epoch_tbl
blocks <- check_res$blocks
ntrial <- nrow(epoch_tbl)
ntime <- length(tidx)
# when noref and type=="wavelet-coefficient"
dim <- dim(noref_e)
arr <- filearray_create2(
filebase = arr_path,
dimension = dim,
type = "double",
partition_size = 1,
dimnames = dimnames(noref_e)
arr$set_header("rave_data_type", "voltage", save = FALSE)
filearray::fmap(list(noref_e, ref_e), function(input){
input[[1]] - input[[2]]
}, .y = arr)
arr$set_header("valid", TRUE)
arr$.mode <- "readonly"
#' @description load raw voltage (no process)
#' @param reload whether to reload cache
.load_raw_voltage = function(reload = FALSE){
# subject <- raveio::as_rave_subject("devel/PAV007")
# self <- raveio::new_electrode(subject, 14)
# private <- self$.__enclos_env__$private
# self$trial_intervals <- c(-1, 2)
# self$epoch <- raveio:::RAVEEpoch$new(subject, "stimulation")
check_res <- private$check_dimensions(type = "voltage")
# get array dimensions
tidx <- as.integer(check_res$tidx)
srate <- check_res$srate
epoch_tbl <- check_res$epoch_tbl
blocks <- check_res$blocks
ntrial <- nrow(epoch_tbl)
ntime <- length(tidx)
arr_path <- file.path(self$cache_root, "noref", "raw-voltage")
if(reload && dir.exists(arr_path)) {
unlink(arr_path, recursive = TRUE)
arr <- filearray::filearray_load_or_create(
filebase = arr_path, type = "float", symlink_ok = FALSE,
partition_size = 1L, verbose = FALSE, mode = "readwrite",
sample_rate = srate, n_time_points = ntime,
tidx_start = tidx[[1]], blocks = blocks, n_trials = ntrial,
dimension = c(ntime, ntrial, 1),
rave_data_type = "raw-voltage",
on_missing = function(arr) {
dimnames(arr) <- list(
Time = tidx / srate,
Trial = sort(epoch_tbl$Trial),
Electrode = self$number
if(!isTRUE(arr$get_header("valid"))) {
for(b in blocks) {
sel <- epoch_tbl$Block == b
if(!any(sel)){ next }
trials <- epoch_tbl$Trial[sel]
onsets <- epoch_tbl$Time[sel]
tp <- sapply(onsets, function(o){
idx <- round(o * srate)
idx + tidx
h5_name <- sprintf('/raw/%s', b)
block_data <- load_h5(file = self$preprocess_file, name = h5_name, ram = HDF5_EAGERLOAD)
voltage <- block_data[tp]
dim(voltage) <- dim(tp)
arr[,trials,1] <- voltage
arr$set_header("valid", TRUE)
arr$.mode <- "readonly"
#' @description method to load electrode data
#' @param type data type such as \code{"power"}, \code{"phase"},
#' \code{"voltage"}, \code{"wavelet-coefficient"}, and
#' \code{"raw-voltage"}. For \code{"power"}, \code{"phase"},
#' and \code{"wavelet-coefficient"}, 'Wavelet' transforms are required.
#' For \code{"voltage"}, 'Notch' filters must be applied. All these
#' types except for \code{"raw-voltage"} will be referenced.
#' For \code{"raw-voltage"}, no reference will be performed since the data
#' will be the "raw" signal (no processing).
load_data = function(type = c(
"power", "phase", "voltage", "wavelet-coefficient",
type <- match.arg(type)
"raw-voltage" = {
"voltage" = {
#' @description load electrode block-wise data (with no reference),
#' useful when epoch is absent
#' @param blocks session blocks
#' @param type data type such as \code{"power"}, \code{"phase"},
#' \code{"voltage"}, \code{"raw-voltage"} (with no filters applied, as-is
#' from imported), \code{"wavelet-coefficient"}. Note that if type
#' is \code{"raw-voltage"}, then the data only needs to be imported;
#' for \code{"voltage"} data, 'Notch' filters must be applied; for
#' all other types, 'Wavelet' transforms are required.
#' @param simplify whether to simplify the result
#' @returns If \code{simplify} is enabled, and only one block is loaded,
#' then the result will be a vector (\code{type="voltage"}) or a matrix
#' (others), otherwise the result will be a named list where the names
#' are the blocks.
load_blocks = function(blocks, type = c("power", "phase", "voltage", "wavelet-coefficient", "raw-voltage"),
simplify = TRUE) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if(!length(blocks)) {
if(simplify){ return(NULL) }
stopifnot2(all(blocks %in% self$subject$blocks),
msg = "Electrode `load_blocks`: all blocks must exist")
sel <- self$subject$electrodes %in% self$number
imported <- self$subject$preprocess_settings$data_imported[sel]
if(!isTRUE(imported)) {
stop("load_blocks: please import electrode ", self$number, " first.")
if(type == "raw-voltage") {
dat <- structure(lapply(blocks, function(block){
name = sprintf("/raw/%s", block),
ram = TRUE)
}), names = blocks)
if(simplify && length(blocks) == 1) {
dat <- dat[[1]]
# check whether notch filtered
notch_filtered <- self$subject$notch_filtered[sel]
has_wavelet <- self$subject$has_wavelet[sel]
if(type == "voltage" && !isTRUE(notch_filtered)) {
stop("load_blocks: please apply notch filters to electrode ", self$number, " first.")
if(type != "voltage" && !isTRUE(has_wavelet)) {
stop("load_blocks: please apply wavelets to electrode ", self$number, " first.")
has_reference <- !is.null(self$reference) && !self$reference$number %in% c('noref', '')
if(type == "voltage") {
dat <- load_blocks_voltage_single(self = self, blocks = blocks)
if(has_reference) {
ref <- self$reference$load_blocks(blocks = blocks, simplify = FALSE, type = "voltage")
for(block in blocks) {
dat[[block]] <- dat[[block]] - ref[[block]]
} else {
if(has_reference) {
ref <- self$reference$load_blocks(blocks = blocks, simplify = FALSE, type = "wavelet-coefficient")
dat <- load_blocks_wavelet_single(self = self, blocks = blocks, type = "wavelet-coefficient")
for(block in blocks) {
dat[[block]] <- dat[[block]] - ref[[block]]
if(type == "power") {
dat[[block]] <- Mod(dat[[block]])^2
} else if (type == "phase") {
dat[[block]] <- Arg(dat[[block]])
} else {
dat <- load_blocks_wavelet_single(self = self, blocks = blocks, type = type)
if(simplify && length(blocks) == 1) {
dat <- dat[[1]]
#' @description method to clear cache on hard drive
#' @param ... ignored
clear_cache = function(...){
dir <- self$cache_root
if(! && dir.exists(dir)){
unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE)
}, silent = TRUE)
#' @description method to clear memory
#' @param ... ignored
clear_memory = function(...){
active = list(
#' @field h5_fname 'HDF5' file name
h5_fname = function(){
sprintf('%s.h5', self$number)
#' @field valid whether current electrode is valid: subject exists and
#' contains current electrode or reference; subject electrode type matches
#' with current electrode type
valid = function(){
if(!self$exists) {return(FALSE)}
elec <- self$subject$electrodes
if(!self$number %in% elec){ return(FALSE) }
# type matches with subject
if(!isTRUE(self$subject$electrode_types[elec %in% self$number] == self$type)){
#' @field raw_sample_rate voltage sample rate
raw_sample_rate = function(){
sel <- self$subject$electrode_types == self$type
} else {
#' @field power_sample_rate power/phase sample rate
power_sample_rate = function(){
sel <- self$subject$electrode_types == self$type
} else {
#' @field preprocess_info preprocess information
preprocess_info = function(){
self$subject$preprocess_settings$electrode_info(electrode = self$number)
#' @field power_file path to power 'HDF5' file
power_file = function(){
#' @field phase_file path to phase 'HDF5' file
phase_file = function(){
#' @field voltage_file path to voltage 'HDF5' file
voltage_file = function(){
# self = LFP_electrode$new('demo/DemoSubject', 14); self$trial_intervals <- c(-1,2); self$set_epoch("auditory_onset")
# self$load_data('wave')
# self$load_data('volt')
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