#' Class definition to load data from 'BlackRock' 'Micro-systems' files
#' @description Currently only supports minimum file specification version
#' \code{2.3}. Please contact the package maintainer or 'RAVE' team
#' if older specifications are needed
#' @export
BlackrockFile <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "BlackrockFile",
portable = TRUE,
private = list(
.NS_MAX = 6L,
.path = character(0L),
.filebase = character(0L),
.nev_file = character(0L),
.nev = NULL,
.ns1_file = character(0L),
.ns1_data = NULL,
.ns2_file = character(0L),
.ns2_data = NULL,
.ns3_file = character(0L),
.ns3_data = NULL,
.ns4_file = character(0L),
.ns4_data = NULL,
.ns5_file = character(0L),
.ns5_data = NULL,
.ns6_file = character(0L),
.ns6_data = NULL,
.initialize = function(path, header_only = TRUE, force = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, nev_data = TRUE) {
# Get parent directory and file prefix
path <- gsub(sprintf("\\.(ccf|nev|ns[1-%d])$", private$.NS_MAX),
'', path[[1]], = TRUE)
dir_path <- normalizePath(dirname(path), mustWork = TRUE)
filebase <- filenames(path)
fs <- list.files(dir_path, pattern = sprintf("\\.(nev|ns[1-%d])$", private$.NS_MAX), = TRUE, full.names = FALSE,
all.files = TRUE, recursive = FALSE,
include.dirs = FALSE)
is_nev <- tolower(fs) == sprintf("%s.nev", tolower(filebase))
nsx <- seq_len(private$.NS_MAX)
is_nsx <- tolower(fs) %in% sprintf("%s.ns%.0f", tolower(filebase), nsx)
nev_path <- file.path(dir_path, fs[is_nev])
nsx_files <- file.path(dir_path, fs[is_nsx])
if(length(nev_path) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find any .nev file with this path: ", path)
private$.path <- dir_path
private$.filebase <- filebase
private$.nev_file <- fs[is_nev][[1]]
if(!inherits(private$.nev, "fastmap2")) {
private$.nev <- dipsaus::fastmap2()
# private$.nev <- NULL
for(i in seq_len(private$.NS_MAX)) {
private[[sprintf(".ns%d_file", i)]] <- character(0L)
private[[sprintf(".ns%d_data", i)]] <- NULL
lapply(fs[is_nsx], function(fname) {
nm <- unlist(strsplit(fname, "\\."))
ext <- tolower(nm[[length(nm)]])
private[[sprintf(".%s_file", ext)]] <- fname
# load nev
headers <- read_nsx_nev(paths = nsx_files, nev_path = nev_path,
header_only = header_only, verbose = verbose,
ram = FALSE, force_update = force,
nev_data = nev_data)
# save nev data
if(nev_data || !inherits(private$.nev, "fastmap2")) {
private$.nev <- headers$nev
} else {
private$.nev$basic_header <- headers$nev$basic_header
private$.nev$extended_header <- headers$nev$extended_header
# save nsx data
for(fname in names(headers$nsx)) {
nm <- unlist(strsplit(fname, "\\."))
ext <- tolower(nm[[length(nm)]])
private[[sprintf(".%s_data", ext)]] <- headers$nsx[[fname]]
.has_data = function() {
sapply(paste0("ns", seq_len(private$.NS_MAX)), function(nm) {
nsx <- private[[sprintf(".%s_data", nm)]]
if(!length(nsx)) {
return(inherits(nsx$data, "FileArray"))
}, simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
.electrode_ids = function() {
has_nsx <- self$has_nsx
nms <- names(has_nsx)[has_nsx]
time_origin <- private$.nev$basic_header$time_origin$value
re <- lapply(nms, function(nm) {
header <- private[[sprintf(".%s_data", nm)]]
if(!length(header$ext_header$CC) || !nrow(header$ext_header$CC)) {
global_srate <- header$basic_header$time_resolution_timestamp$value
channel_srate <- global_srate / header$basic_header$period$value
# TODO: what if nsx is created the next day of nev? that's weird...
start_time <- sum((
header$basic_header$time_origin$value - time_origin
) * c(
0, 0, 0, 0, 3600000, 60000, 1000, 1
)) / 1000
# Already tried to convert to uV
Electrode = header$ext_header$CC$electrode_id,
Label = header$ext_header$CC$electrode_label,
SampleRate = channel_srate,
NSType = nm,
NSOrder = seq_along(header$ext_header$CC$electrode_id),
TimeStart = start_time,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
re <- dipsaus::drop_nulls(re)"rbind", re)
public = list(
#' @field block character, session block ID
block = character(),
#' @description print user-friendly messages
print = function() {
has_nsx <- self$has_nsx
available_nsx <- names(has_nsx)[has_nsx]
etable <- self$electrode_table
sample_rates <- self$sample_rates
recording_duration <- self$recording_duration
epoch <- self$get_epoch()
nsx_info <- lapply(available_nsx, function(nm) {
sel <- etable$NSType == nm
elec <- etable$Electrode[sel]
" - %s: sample rate [%.1f Hz], duration [%.2f sec], electrode [%s, n=%d]\n",
sample_rates[[nm]], recording_duration[[nm]],
dipsaus::deparse_svec(elec), length(elec)
"BlackRock Micro-systems file: [", private$.filebase, ']\n',
"Directory: ", private$.path, "\n",
"Version: ", paste0(sprintf("%.0f", self$version), collapse = "."), "\n",
"Block: ", self$block, "\n",
"# of comments/trial: ", ifelse(, nrow(epoch), "N/A"), "\n",
"Available NSx: ", paste0("ns", seq_len(private$.NS_MAX)[self$has_nsx], collapse = ", "), "\n",
), sep = "")
#' @description constructor
#' @param path the path to 'BlackRock' file, can be with or without file
#' extensions
#' @param block session block ID; default is the file name
#' @param nev_data whether to load comments and 'waveforms'
initialize = function(path, block, nev_data = TRUE) {
if(missing(block)) {
block <- filenames(path)
block <- gsub("\\.(nev|ns[0-9]|ccf)$", "", block, = TRUE)
self$block <- block
private$.initialize(path, nev_data = nev_data)
#' @description get 'NEV' file path
#' @returns absolute file path
nev_path = function() {
file.path(private$.path, private$.nev_file)
#' @description get 'NSx' file paths
#' @param which which signal file to get, or \code{NULL} to return all
#' available paths, default is \code{NULL}; must be integers
#' @returns absolute file paths
nsx_paths = function(which = NULL) {
which <- as.integer(which)
if(!length(which)) {
which <- which(self$has_nsx)
} else if (any( {
stop("$nsx_paths: parameter `which` must be an integer")
sapply(sprintf("ns%d", which), function(nm) {
file.path(private$.path, private[[sprintf(".%s_file", nm)]])
}, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
#' @description refresh and load 'NSx' data
#' @param force whether to force reload data even if the data has been
#' loaded and cached before
#' @param verbose whether to print out messages when loading
#' @param nev_data whether to refresh 'NEV' extended data; default is false
#' @returns nothing
refresh_data = function(force = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, nev_data = FALSE) {
private$.initialize(self$base_path, header_only = FALSE,
force = force, verbose = verbose, nev_data = nev_data)
#' @description get epoch table from the 'NEV' comment data packet
#' @returns a data frame
get_epoch = function() {
srate <- self$sample_rate_nev_timestamp
re <- lapply(as.list(private$.nev$data_packets), function(packet) {
if(!identical(packet$value$event, "comment")) {
# extract comment, usually epoch
Block = self$block,
Time = packet$value$timestamp / srate,
Condition = packet$value$comment,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
re <- dipsaus::drop_nulls(re)
if(!length(re)) {
Block = character(0L),
Time = numeric(0L),
Condition = character(0L),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
re <-"rbind", re)
#' @description get 'waveform' of the spike data
#' @returns a list of spike 'waveform' (without normalization)
get_waveform = function() {
srate_timestamp <- self$sample_rate_nev_timestamp
wave_table <- private$.nev$extended_header$NEUEVWAV
srate_waveform <- private$.nev$basic_header$time_resolution_samples$value
re <- lapply(as.list(private$.nev$data_packets), function(packet) {
if(!identical(packet$value$event, "spike")) {
re <- packet$value
re$time <- re$timestamp / srate_timestamp
re$electrode <- re$packet_id
sel <- wave_table$electrode_id == re$electrode
if(!any(sel)) {
spike_width <- wave_table$spike_width[sel][[1]]
re$sample_rate <- srate_waveform
re$duration <- spike_width / srate_waveform
re$timestamp <- NULL
re$packet_id <- NULL
re$reserved <- NULL
re$event <- NULL
re <- dipsaus::drop_nulls(re)
attr(re, "NEUEVWAV") <- wave_table
#' @description get electrode data
#' @param electrode integer, must be a length of one
#' @param nstype which signal bank, for example, \code{'ns3'}, \code{'ns5'}
#' @returns a normalized numeric vector (analog signals with \code{'uV'}
#' as the unit)
get_electrode = function(electrode, nstype = NULL) {
if(length(electrode) != 1) {
stop("$get_electrode: electrode length must be one")
elec_table <- private$.electrode_ids()
sel <- elec_table$Electrode %in% electrode
if(length(nstype)) {
sel <- sel & elec_table$NSType %in% nstype
sel <- which(sel)
if(!length(sel)) {
stop("$get_electrode: electrode cannot be found [", electrode, "]")
sel <- sel[[1]]
ns_type <- elec_table$NSType[[sel]]
ns_order <- elec_table$NSOrder[[sel]]
if(!private$.has_data()[[ns_type]]) {
self$refresh_data(verbose = FALSE)
header <- private[[sprintf(".%s_data", ns_type)]]
re <- header$data[, ns_order]
attr(re, "meta") <- elec_table[sel, ]
attr(re, "unit") <- "uV"
active = list(
#' @field base_path absolute base path to the file
base_path = function() {
file.path(private$.path, private$.filebase)
#' @field version 'NEV' specification version
version = function() {
#' @field electrode_table electrode table
electrode_table = function() {
#' @field sample_rate_nev_timestamp sample rate of 'NEV' data packet
#' time-stamps
sample_rate_nev_timestamp = function() {
re <- private$.nev$basic_header$time_resolution_timestamp$value
if(!length(re)) {
re <- NA
#' @field has_nsx named vector of 'NSx' availability
has_nsx = function() {
nms <- paste0("ns", seq_len(private$.NS_MAX))
sapply(nms, function(nm) {
length(private[[sprintf(".%s_file", nm)]]) == 1
}, simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE),
names = nms
#' @field recording_duration recording duration of each 'NSx'
recording_duration = function() {
has_nsx <- self$has_nsx
nms <- names(has_nsx)[has_nsx]
sapply(nms, function(nm) {
header <- private[[sprintf(".%s_data", nm)]]
ntp <- header$data_header$data_header$value$number_of_data_points
srate <- header$basic_header$time_resolution_timestamp$value /
ntp / srate
#' @field sample_rates sampling frequencies of each 'NSx' file
sample_rates = function() {
has_nsx <- self$has_nsx
nms <- names(has_nsx)[has_nsx]
sapply(nms, function(nm) {
header <- private[[sprintf(".%s_data", nm)]]
header$basic_header$time_resolution_timestamp$value /
load_nev_events <- function(nsp, epoch_types) {
readNSx_get_event <- get_namespace_function("readNSx", "get_event")
epoch_table <- lapply(epoch_types, function(epoch_type){
event <- readNSx_get_event(nsp, epoch_type)
if(! { return() }
condition <- switch(
"comment" = event$comment,
"digital_inputs" = event$digital_input,
"recording" = c("start", "stop", "pause", "resume")[event$event_reason + 1],
"configuration" = event$config_changed,
"log" = paste(event$app_name, event$log_comment, sep = "|"),
"button_trigger" = c("undefined", "button_press", "event_reset")[event$trigger_type + 1],
"tracking" = sprintf("parent_%s-node_%s-node_count_%s-parent_count_%s-tracking_%s",
event$parent_id, event$node_id, event$node_count,
event$parent_count, event$tracking_point),
"video_sync" = sprintf("video_%s-frame_%s-elapsed_%s-source_%s",
event$video_file_number, event$video_frame_number,
event$video_elapsed_time, event$video_source_id),
default = {
SourceFile = event$original_filename,
Condition = condition,
EventType = epoch_type,
AbsoluteTime = event$time_in_seconds
epoch_table <- dipsaus::drop_nulls(epoch_table)
if(!length(epoch_table)) { return() }
epoch_table <-, epoch_table)
if(!nrow(epoch_table)) { return() }
epoch_table <- epoch_table[order(epoch_table$AbsoluteTime), ]
epoch_table$Specification <- nsp$nev$specification$version
epoch_table$EventOrder <- seq_len(nrow(epoch_table))
#' Convert 'BlackRock' 'NEV/NSx' files
#' @param file path to any 'NEV/NSx' file
#' @param block the block name, default is file name
#' @param subject subject code to save the files; default is \code{NULL}
#' @param to save to path, must be a directory; default is under the file path.
#' If \code{subject} is provided, then the default is \code{subject} raw
#' directory path
#' @param epoch what type of events should be included in epoch file; default
#' include comment, digital inputs, recording trigger, configuration change,
#' log comment, button trigger, tracking, and video trigger.
#' @param format output format, choices are \code{'mat'} or \code{'hdf5'}
#' @param header_only whether just to generate channel and epoch table; default
#' is false
#' @param ... ignored for enhanced backward compatibility
#' @returns The results will be stored in directory specified by \code{to}.
#' Please read the output message carefully.
#' @export
convert_blackrock <- function(
file, block = NULL, subject = NULL, to = NULL,
epoch = c("comment", "digital_inputs", "recording", "configuration",
"log", "button_trigger", "tracking", "video_sync"),
format = c("mat", "hdf5"), header_only = FALSE, ...) {
# file <- '~/Downloads/BLOCK016_SpeechModalityLocalizer/PAV020_Datafile_016.nev'
# format <- "mat"
# block <- NULL
# to <- NULL
# comments <- FALSE
format <- match.arg(format)
epoch_types <- epoch[epoch %in% c("comment", "digital_inputs", "recording", "configuration", "log", "button_trigger", "tracking", "video_sync")]
if(length(block) != 1 || !nzchar(block)) {
block <- filenames(file)
block <- gsub("\\.(ccf|nev|ns[1-6])", "", block, = TRUE)
# prepare saving directory
if(!length(to)) {
if(length(subject)) {
root_path <- file.path(raveio_getopt("raw_data_dir"), subject[[1]])
} else {
root_path <- dirname(file)
extraction_prefix <- file.path(root_path, gsub("\\.(nev|ns[0-9])", "", filenames(file), = TRUE), "block")
to <- file.path(root_path, block)
} else {
extraction_prefix <- file.path(to[[1]], "extraction", "data")
to <- to[[1]]
catgl("Loading NEV/NSx files...", level = "INFO")
nsp <- tryCatch({
get_namespace_function("readNSx", "get_nsp")(x = extraction_prefix)
}, error = function(e) {
get_namespace_function("readNSx", "import_nsp")(path = file, prefix = extraction_prefix, exclude_events = "spike", partition_prefix = "_part")
electrode_list <- lapply(seq_len(9), function(ii) {
nsx <- nsp[[sprintf("ns%d", ii)]]
if(!length(nsx)) { return() }
names(electrode_list) <- sprintf("ns%d", seq_len(9))
electrode_list <- electrode_list[!vapply(electrode_list, is.null, FALSE)]
if(!length(electrode_list)) {
catgl("No channel found. Exit...", level = "INFO")
return(invisible(structure(to, extraction_prefix = extraction_prefix, nparts = 1)))
for(nsx in names(electrode_list)) {
catgl("Found channel(s) { dipsaus::deparse_svec(electrode_list[[nsx]]) } in [{ nsx }]", level = "INFO")
to <- normalizePath(to, mustWork = FALSE)
electrodes <- unname(unlist(electrode_list))
electrode_list_table <-, lapply(names(electrode_list), function(nsx) {
Electrode = electrode_list[[nsx]],
NSType = nsx,
ChannelOrder = order(electrode_list[[nsx]])
electrode_table_raw <- readRDS(sprintf("%s_channels.rds", nsp$nev$prefix))
nparts <- max(c(unlist(lapply(seq_len(9), function(part) {
nsx <- nsp[[sprintf("ns%s", part)]]
if(length(nsx)) { return(nsx$nparts) }
})), 1))
# generate epoch
epoch_table <- load_nev_events(nsp, epoch_types)
lapply(seq_len(nparts), function(part) {
if(nparts > 1) {
dir <- sprintf("%s_part%s", to, part)
} else {
dir <- to
dir <- dir_create2(dir)
flag <- file.path(dir, "rave_conversion_flag.txt")
if(file.exists(flag)) {
flag_data <- load_yaml(flag)
flag_has_header <- isTRUE(flag_data$header_converted)
flag_has_content <- isTRUE(flag_data$data_converted)
} else {
flag_has_header <- FALSE
flag_has_content <- FALSE
if(!flag_has_header || !(header_only || flag_has_content)) {
block_meta <- lapply_async(electrodes, function(e) {
channel <- get_namespace_function("readNSx", "get_channel")(nsp, e)
partition_data <- channel$channel_detail[[sprintf("part%s", part)]]
row <- electrode_list_table[which(electrode_list_table$Electrode == e)[[1]], ]
label <- electrode_table_raw$name[electrode_table_raw$original_channel == e][[1]]
re <- data.frame(
Electrode = e,
Label = label,
SampleRate = partition_data$meta$sample_rate,
NSType = row$NSType,
ChannelOrder = row$ChannelOrder,
TimeStart = partition_data$meta$relative_time,
Partition = part,
Duration = partition_data$meta$duration,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if(!header_only) {
info_str <- jsonlite::toJSON(as.list(re), auto_unbox = TRUE)
if( format == "mat" ) {
fname <- file.path(dir, sprintf("channel_%s.mat", e))
s <- as.vector(partition_data$data[])
R.matlab::writeMat(fname, data = s, meta = info_str)
} else {
fname <- file.path(dir, sprintf("channel_%s.h5", e))
s <- as.vector(partition_data$data[])
save_h5(info_str, file = fname, name = "meta", quiet = TRUE, replace = TRUE, new_file = TRUE)
save_h5(s, file = fname, name = "data", quiet = TRUE, replace = TRUE)
}, callback = function(e) {
sprintf("%s|Electrode %s", ifelse(header_only, "Collecting data", "Writing data"), e)
electrode_table <-, block_meta)
safe_write_csv(electrode_table, file = file.path(dir, "channels.csv"),
row.names = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)
saveRDS(electrode_table, file = file.path(dir, "channels.rds"))
if(length(epoch_table)) {
time_start <- min(electrode_table$TimeStart)
time_end <- max(electrode_table$TimeStart + electrode_table$Duration)
epoch_table_sub <- epoch_table[
epoch_table$AbsoluteTime > time_start - 0.01 &
epoch_table$AbsoluteTime < time_end + 0.01, ]
if(nrow(epoch_table_sub) > 0) {
epoch_table_sub$Block <- basename(dir)
epoch_table_sub$Time <- epoch_table_sub$AbsoluteTime - time_start
epoch_table_sub, row.names = FALSE, quiet = TRUE,
file = file.path(dir, "events.csv")
saveRDS(object = epoch_table_sub, file = file.path(dir, "events.rds"))
flag_has_header <- TRUE
if(header_only) {
flag_has_content <- FALSE
} else {
flag_has_content <- TRUE
header_converted = flag_has_header,
data_converted = flag_has_content,
comment = "Please remove this file if you want RAVE to overwrite the data here."
), file = flag)
catgl("Conversion done. Please check the output path prefix: [{to}]", level = "INFO")
return(invisible(structure(to, extraction_prefix = extraction_prefix, nparts = nparts)))
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