
Defines functions greedyRes2Matrix greedy .greedy2 .removeZeroRows

Documented in greedy greedyRes2Matrix

.removeZeroRows <- function(x){
    tmp <- rowSums(x)
    y = x[tmp > 0,, drop = FALSE ]

.greedy2 <- function(pepprot){
    ncolX = ncol(pepprot)
    res <- vector(ncolX , mode = "list")
    oldtime <- Sys.time()
    for (i in seq_len(ncolX))
        if (nrow(pepprot) == 0) {
            return(res[seq_len(i - 1)])
        pepsPerProt <- colSums(pepprot)
        if (max(pepsPerProt) == 0) {
            return(res[seq_len(i - 1)])
        idx <- which.max(pepsPerProt)
        if (length(idx) > 1) {
            idx <- idx[1]
        dele <- pepprot[,idx] > 0
        tmpRes = list(prot = colnames(pepprot)[idx], peps = rownames(pepprot)[dele])
        pepprot <- pepprot[!dele,-idx,drop = FALSE]
        res[[i]] <- tmpRes
    newtime <- Sys.time()
    message("time : ", newtime - oldtime)

#' given matrix (columns protein rows peptides), compute minimal protein set using greedy algorithm
#' @param pepprot matrix as returned by prepareMatrix
#' @return list of peptide protein assignment
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #library(prozor)
#' data(protpepmetashort)
#' colnames(protpepmetashort)
#' dim(unique(protpepmetashort[,4]))
#' xx = prepareMatrix(protpepmetashort, peptideID = "peptideModSeq")
#' dim(xx)
#' stopifnot(dim(xx)[1] == dim(unique(protpepmetashort[,4]))[1])
#' es = greedy(xx)
#' stopifnot(length(unique(names(es))) == dim(unique(protpepmetashort[,4]))[1])
greedy <- function(pepprot) {
    protPepAssingments <- .greedy2(pepprot)
    matrixlist <- lapply(protPepAssingments,function(x){ t(cbind(x$peps, rep(x$prot,length(x$peps)))) })
    res = matrix(unlist(matrixlist), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    ltmp = as.list(res[,2])
    names(ltmp) <- res[,1]
#' converts result of greedy function to a matrix with 3 columns - peptide - charge and protein
#' @return matrix of peptide protein assignments
#' @param res result of function prozor::greedy
#' @export
greedyRes2Matrix <- function(res){
    res <- (cbind(names(res),unlist(res)))
    cnamessplit <- strsplit(as.character(res[,1]),split = "\\.")
    protnam <- do.call("rbind",cnamessplit)
    res <- cbind(protnam,res[,2])
    colnames(res) <- c("Peptide", "precursorCharge", "Protein")
    res <- as.data.frame(res)

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prozor documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:51 a.m.