.matchgrids <- function(x) {
nat <- names(x)
SP <- paste(c("\\bSite\\b", "\\bSites\\b", "\\bgrids\\b", "\\bgrid\\b",
"\\blocality\\b", "\\blocation\\b"), collapse = "|")
grids <- nat[grepl(SP, nat, = TRUE)]
x <- x[, grids, drop = FALSE]
names(x) <- "grids"
#dissolve_poly <- function(x){
# Now the dissolve
# x <- x[!$cluster),]
# region <- rgeos::gUnaryUnion(x, id = x@data$cluster)
# # make sure row names match
# row.names(region) <- as.character(seq_along(region))
# # Extract the data you want (the larger geography)
# fx <- unique(x$cluster)
# fx <-
# colnames(fx) <- "cluster"
# # And add the data back in
# SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(region, fx)
#' Compute phylogenetic regionalization and evolutionary distinctiveness of phyloregions
#' This function estimates evolutionary distinctiveness of each phyloregion by
#' computing the mean value of phylogenetic beta diversity between a focal
#' phyloregion and all other phyloregions in the study area.
#' @param x A distance matrix
#' @param k The desired number of phyloregions, often as determined by
#' \code{optimal_phyloregion}.
#' @param method the agglomeration method to be used. This should be (an
#' unambiguous abbreviation of) one of \dQuote{ward.D}, \dQuote{ward.D2},
#' \dQuote{single},
#' \dQuote{complete}, \dQuote{average} (= UPGMA), \dQuote{mcquitty} (= WPGMA),
#' \dQuote{median}
#' (= WPGMC) or \dQuote{centroid} (= UPGMC).
#' @param pol a vector polygon of grid cells or spatial points.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @rdname phyloregion
#' @keywords phyloregion
#' @importFrom stats as.dist hclust cutree
#' @importFrom terra merge geomtype aggregate
#' @importFrom graphics legend par points rect segments strheight strwidth text
#' xinch yinch lines
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb hcl.colors as.graphicsAnnot xy.coords
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{phyloregion} containing
#' \itemize{
#' \item a data frame membership with columns grids and cluster
#' \item k the number of clusters
#' and additionally there can be an shape file and other objects.
#' This representation may still change.
#' }
#' @references
#' Daru, B.H., Van der Bank, M., Maurin, O., Yessoufou, K., Schaefer, H.,
#' Slingsby, J.A. & Davies, T.J. (2016) A novel phylogenetic regionalization of
#' the phytogeographic zones of southern Africa reveals their hidden
#' evolutionary affinities. \emph{Journal of Biogeography} \strong{43}: 155-166.
#' Daru, B.H., Elliott, T.L., Park, D.S. & Davies, T.J. (2017) Understanding the
#' processes underpinning patterns of phylogenetic regionalization.
#' \emph{Trends in Ecology and Evolution} \strong{32}: 845-860.
#' Daru, B.H., Holt, B.G., Lessard, J.P., Yessoufou, K. & Davies, T.J. (2017)
#' Phylogenetic regionalization of marine plants reveals close evolutionary
#' affinities among disjunct temperate assemblages.
#' \emph{Biological Conservation} \strong{213}: 351-356.
#' @author Barnabas H. Daru \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{evol_distinct}}, \code{\link{optimal_phyloregion}},
#' \code{\link[picante]{evol.distinct}} for a different approach.
#' @examples
#' library(ape)
#' tree <- read.tree(text = "((t1:1,t2:1)N2:1,(t3:1,t4:1)N3:1)N1;")
#' com <- sparseMatrix(c(1,3,4,1,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,3,4,6),
#' c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4),x=1,
#' dimnames = list(paste0("g", 1:6), tree$tip.label))
#' pbc <- phylobeta(com, tree)
#' # phyloregion(pbc[[1]], k = 3)
#' @export
phyloregion <- function(x, k = 10, method = "average", pol = NULL, ...) {
if(!inherits(x, "dist")){
stop("\n x must be a dist object \n")
if(is.numeric(k) != TRUE){
stop("\n k must be a scalar \n")
Q <- as.dist(x)
P1 <- hclust(Q, method = method)
g <- cutree(P1, k)
dx <- data.frame(grids=names(g), cluster = unname(g))
x <- as.matrix(x)
colnames(x) <- rownames(x)
region.mat <- matrix(NA, k, k, dimnames = list(1:k, 1:k))
for (i in 1:k) {
for (j in 1:k) {
region.mat[i, j] <- mean(x[names(g)[g == i], names(g)[g == j]])
region.dist <- as.dist(region.mat)
region.mat <- as.matrix(region.dist)
evol_distinct <- colSums(region.mat) / (nrow(region.mat) - 1)
evol_distinct <- data.frame(ED = evol_distinct)
evol_distinct <- cbind(cluster = rownames(evol_distinct),
data.frame(evol_distinct, row.names = NULL))
if (is.null(pol)) {
c1 <- vegan::metaMDS(region.dist, trace = 0)
v <- data.frame(colorspace::hex2RGB(hexcols(c1))@coords)
v$r <- v$R * 255
v$g <- v$G * 255
v$b <- v$B * 255
v$COLOURS <- rgb(v$r, v$g, v$b, maxColorValue = 255)
v$cluster <- rownames(v)
y <- cbind(dx, v[match(dx$cluster, v$cluster),])
y <- y[-ncol(y)]
z <-
r <- list(membership = dx, k = k,
evol_distinct = evol_distinct, region.dist = region.dist,
region.df = z, NMDS = c1)
class(r) <- c("phyloregion")
} else {
pol <- .matchgrids(pol)
m <- terra::merge(pol, dx, by = "grids")
if (geomtype(m)=="points") {
region <- m[!$cluster), ]
m1 <- cbind(region, evol_distinct$ED[match(region$cluster,
names(m1)[3] <- "ED"
c1 <- vegan::metaMDS(region.dist, trace = 0)
v <- data.frame(hex2RGB(hexcols(c1))@coords)
v$r <- v$R * 255
v$g <- v$G * 255
v$b <- v$B * 255
v$COLOURS <- rgb(v$r, v$g, v$b, maxColorValue = 255)
v$cluster <- rownames(v)
y <- cbind(m1, v[match(m1$cluster, v$cluster),])
y <- y[-ncol(y)]
z <-
r <- list(membership=dx, k=k, pol = y,
region.dist = region.dist, region.df = z, NMDS = c1)
class(r) <- "phyloregion"
} else if (geomtype(m)=="polygons") {
m <- m[!$cluster), ]
region <- terra::aggregate(m, by = "cluster")
m1 <- base::merge(region, evol_distinct, by = "cluster")
m1 <- m1[, c("cluster", "ED")]
c1 <- vegan::metaMDS(region.dist, trace = 0)
v <- data.frame(colorspace::hex2RGB(hexcols(c1))@coords)
v$r <- v$R * 255
v$g <- v$G * 255
v$b <- v$B * 255
v$COLOURS <- rgb(v$r, v$g, v$b, maxColorValue = 255)
v$cluster <- rownames(v)
y <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, by = "cluster", all = TRUE),
list(region, m1, v))
index <- match(dx$cluster, y$cluster)
z <- cbind(dx, ED = y$ED[index], COLOURS = y$COLOURS[index])
# membership
r <- list(membership=dx, k=k, pol = y,
region.dist = region.dist, region.df = z, NMDS = c1)
class(r) <- "phyloregion"
} else stop("Invalid geometry, needs spatial vectors")
#' @rdname phyloregion
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_incidence_matrix cluster_infomap communities
#' @importFrom igraph membership
#' @export
infomap <- function(x, pol = NULL, ...){
x@x[x@x >1e-8] <- 1
g <- graph_from_incidence_matrix(x)
imc <- cluster_infomap(g, ...)
ms <- membership(imc)
k <- max(ms)
ind <- names(ms) %in% rownames(x)
dx <- data.frame(grids=names(ms)[ind], cluster=unname(ms)[ind])
pol <- terra::merge(pol, dx, by = "grids")
pol <- terra::aggregate(pol, by = 'cluster')
result <- list(membership=dx, k=k, pol=pol)
class(result) <- "phyloregion"
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