
Defines functions diversity compareSplits print.summary.clanistics summary.clanistics getDiv getSlices

Documented in diversity getSlices summary.clanistics

#' Clans, slices and clips
#' Functions for clanistics to compute clans, slices, clips for unrooted trees
#' and functions to quantify the fragmentation of trees.
#' Every split in an unrooted tree defines two complementary clans. Thus for an
#' unrooted binary tree with \eqn{n} leaves there are \eqn{2n - 3} edges, and
#' therefore \eqn{4n - 6} clans (including \eqn{n} trivial clans containing
#' only one leave).
#' Slices are defined by a pair of splits or tripartitions, which are not
#' clans. The number of distinguishable slices for a binary tree with \eqn{n}
#' tips is \eqn{2n^2 - 10n + 12}.
#' %A clip is a different type of partition as it is defined by evolutionary or
#' cophenetic distance and not by the topology. Namely clips are groups of
#' leaves for which the maximum pairwise distance is smaller than threshold.
#' %For a better separation we additionally demand that the maximum pairwise
#' distance within a clip is lower than the distance between any member of the
#' clip and any other tip.
#' A clip is a different type of partition, defining groups of leaves that are
#' related in terms of evolutionary distances and not only topology.  Namely,
#' clips are groups of leaves for which all pairwise path-length distances are
#' smaller than a given threshold value (Lapointe et al. 2010). There exists
#' different numbers of clips for different thresholds, the largest (and
#' trivial) one being the whole tree.  There is always a clip containing only
#' the two leaves with the smallest pairwise distance.
#' Clans, slices and clips can be used to characterize how well a vector of
#' categorial characters (natives/intruders) fit on a tree. We will follow the
#' definitions of Lapointe et al.(2010).  A complete clan is a clan that
#' contains all leaves of a given state/color, but can also contain leaves of
#' another state/color. A clan is homogeneous if it only contains leaves of one
#' state/color.
#' \code{getDiversity} computes either the \cr Shannon Diversity: \eqn{H =
#' -\sum_{i=1}^{k}(N_i/N) log(N_i/N), N=\sum_{i=1}^{k} N_i}{H = -sum(N_i/N) *
#' log(N_i/N), N=sum(N_i)} \cr or the \cr Equitability Index: \eqn{E = H /
#' log(N)} \cr where \eqn{N_i} are the sizes of the \eqn{k} largest homogeneous
#' clans of intruders.  If the categories of the data can be separated by an
#' edge of the tree then the E-value will be zero, and maximum equitability
#' (E=1) is reached if all intruders are in separate clans. getDiversity
#' computes these Intruder indices for the whole tree, complete clans and
#' complete slices. Additionally the parsimony scores (p-scores) are reported.
#' The p-score indicates if the leaves contain only one color (p-score=0), if
#' the the leaves can be separated by a single split (perfect clan, p-score=1)
#' or by a pair of splits (perfect slice, p-score=2).
#' So far only 2 states are supported (native, intruder), however it is also
#' possible to recode several states into the native or intruder state using
#' contrasts, for details see section 2 in vignette("phangorn-specials").
#' Furthermore unknown character states are coded as ambiguous character, which
#' can act either as native or intruder minimizing the number of clans or
#' changes (in parsimony analysis) needed to describe a tree for given data.
#' Set attribute labels to "old" for analysis as in Schliep et al. (2010) or to
#' "new" for names which are more intuitive.
#' \code{diversity} returns a data.frame with the parsimony score for each tree
#' and each levels of the variables in \code{X}. \code{X} has to be a
#' \code{data.frame} where each column is a factor and the rownames of \code{X}
#' correspond to the tips of the trees.
#' %TODO See also vignette("Clanistic").
#' @param tree An object of class phylo or multiPhylo (getDiversity).
#' @param all A logical, return all or just the largest clip.
#' @param x An object of class phyDat.
#' @param norm A logical, return Equitability Index (default) or Shannon
#' Diversity.
#' @param var.names A vector of variable names.
#' @param labels see details.
#' @param X a data.frame
#' @param object an object for which a summary is desired.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return getClans, getSlices and getClips return a matrix of partitions, a
#' matrix of ones and zeros where rows correspond to a clan, slice or clip and
#' columns to tips. A one indicates that a tip belongs to a certain partition.
#' \cr getDiversity returns a list with tree object, the first is a data.frame
#' of the equitability index or Shannon divergence and parsimony scores
#' (p-score) for all trees and variables. The data.frame has two attributes,
#' the first is a splits object to identify the taxa of each tree and the
#' second is a splits object containing all partitions that perfectly fit.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{klaus.schliep@@snv.jussieu.fr}
#' Francois-Joseph Lapointe \email{francois-joseph.lapointe@@umontreal.ca}
#' @seealso \code{\link{parsimony}}, Consistency index \code{\link{CI}},
#' Retention index \code{\link{RI}}, \code{\link{phyDat}}
#' @references Lapointe, F.-J., Lopez, P., Boucher, Y., Koenig, J., Bapteste,
#' E. (2010) Clanistics: a multi-level perspective for harvesting unrooted gene
#' trees. \emph{Trends in Microbiology} 18: 341-347
#' Wilkinson, M., McInerney, J.O., Hirt, R.P., Foster, P.G., Embley, T.M.
#' (2007) Of clades and clans: terms for phylogenetic relationships in unrooted
#' trees. \emph{Trends in Ecology and Evolution} 22: 114-115
#' Schliep, K., Lopez, P., Lapointe F.-J., Bapteste E. (2011) Harvesting
#' Evolutionary Signals in a Forest of Prokaryotic Gene Trees, \emph{Molecular
#' Biology and Evolution} 28(4): 1393-1405
#' @keywords cluster
#' @examples
#' set.seed(111)
#' tree <- rtree(10)
#' getClans(tree)
#' getClips(tree, all=TRUE)
#' getSlices(tree)
#' set.seed(123)
#' trees <- rmtree(10, 20)
#' X <- matrix(sample(c("red", "blue", "violet"), 100, TRUE, c(.5,.4, .1)),
#'    ncol=5, dimnames=list(paste('t',1:20, sep=""), paste('Var',1:5, sep="_")))
#' x <- phyDat(X, type = "USER", levels = c("red", "blue"), ambiguity="violet")
#' plot(trees[[1]], "u", tip.color = X[trees[[1]]$tip,1])  # intruders are blue
#' (divTab <- getDiversity(trees, x, var.names=colnames(X)))
#' summary(divTab)
#' @rdname getClans
#' @export
getClans <- function (tree)
	if (is.rooted(tree))
        tree <- unroot(tree)
    bp <- bip(tree)
    nTips <- length(tree$tip.label)
    root <- nTips + 1
    bp[root] <- NULL
    X <- matrix(0, length(bp) - nTips, nTips)
    k <- 1
    nl <- NULL
    if (!is.null(tree$node.label)) {
        nl <- c(rep("-1", nTips), rep("-1", nTips), tree$node.label[-1],
        for (i in root:length(bp)) {
           X[k, bp[[i]]] <- 1
           k <- k + 1
    res <- rbind(diag(nTips), 1 - diag(nTips), X, 1 - X)
    colnames(res) <- tree$tip.label
    if (!is.null(nl))
        rownames(res) <- nl

#' @rdname getClans
#' @export
getSlices <- function(tree){
    nTips <- length(tree$tip.label)
    clans <- getClans(tree)
    m <- dim(clans)[1]
    X <- tcrossprod(clans)
    z <- rowSums(clans)
    Z1 <- matrix(z,m,m)
    Z2 <- t(Z1)
    Z <- matrix(0,m,m)
    Z[Z1<=Z2] <- Z1[Z1<=Z2]
    Z[Z2<Z1] <- Z2[Z2<Z1]

    diag(X) <- 0
    X[upper.tri(X)] <- 0
    X[X==1] <- 0
    X[X==Z] <- 0
    index <- which(X>0,arr.ind=TRUE)
    l <- dim(index)[1]
    nSlices <- 2 * nTips^2 -10 * nTips + 12
    result <- matrix(0, nSlices, nTips)
    strClan <- do.call("paste", c(as.data.frame(clans), sep = ""))
    k <- 1
    for(i in 1:l){
        tmp1 <- as.numeric((clans[index[i,1],] + clans[index[i,2],])==2)
        tmp <- paste(tmp1,sep="",collapse="")
            result[k,] <- tmp1
            k <- k+1
    if(k<nSlices) result <- result[1:(k-1),]
    colnames(result) <- tree$tip.label

#' @rdname getClans
#' @export
getClips <- function (tree, all = TRUE)
    if (any(is.na(tree$edge.length)))
    dm <- cophenetic(tree)
    tips <- tree$tip.label
    nTips <- length(tips)
    res <- numeric(nTips)
    result <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nTips) {
        ord <- order(dm[i, ])
        for (j in 2:(nTips - 1)) {
            ind <- ord[1:j]

            if(i>min(ind) ) break()
            within <- max(dm[ind, ind])
            between <- min(dm[ind, -ind])
            if (within < between) {
                res <- numeric(nTips)
                res[ind] <- 1L
                result <- rbind(result, res)
    dimnames(result) <- list(NULL, tips)
    if (all)
    ind <- which.max(rowSums(result))
    result[ind, ]

shannon <- function (x, norm=TRUE)
    p <- x/sum(x)
    ShD <- -sum(p * log10(p))
        if (sum(x) == 1) return(0)
        ShD <- ShD/log10(sum(x))

shannon2 <- function (x, norm=TRUE)
    p <- x/sum(x)
    ShD <- -sum(p * log(p))
        if (sum(x) == 1) return(0)
        ShD <- ShD/log(sum(x))

getE <- function (tree, x, clans = NULL, norm = TRUE)
    if (is.rooted(tree))
        tree <- unroot(tree)
    if (is.null(clans))
        clans <- getClans(tree)
    labels <- tree$tip.label
    x <- x[labels]
    result <- rep(NA, 12)
    names(result) <- c("E* tree", "# natives", "# intruder", "# unknown",
        "E* clan", "# intruder", "# unknown", "E* slice", "# intruder",
        "# unknown", "bs 1", "bs 2")
    result[2] <- sum(x == 1)
    result[3] <- sum(x == 2)
    result[4] <- sum(x == 3)
    if (result[2] == 0 || result[3] == 0) {
        if (result[2] > 1)
            return(list(result, labels))
        else return(list(result, integer(0)))
    LHG <- E_Intruder(clans, x)
    d <- dim(LHG)[1]
    if (d == 1) {
        result[1] <- 0
        if (!is.null(tree$node.label))
            result[11] <- as.numeric(rownames(LHG))
        return(list(result, labels[LHG == 0]))
    intr <- drop(LHG %*% as.numeric(x == 2))
    result[1] <- shannon2(intr, norm = norm)
    o <- order(intr, decreasing = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(tree$node.label))
        result[11:12] <- as.numeric(rownames(LHG)[o[c(1, 2)]])
    ind <- which(LHG[o[1], ] == 1)
    result[6] <- sum(x[-ind] == 2)
    result[7] <- sum(x[-ind] == 3)

    if (length(x[-ind]) < 4)
        return(list(result, NULL))
    result[5] <- shannon2(intr[-o[1]], norm = norm)
    ind2 <- c(which(LHG[o[1], ] == 1), which(LHG[o[2], ] == 1))

    spl <- structure(list(which(colSums(LHG)==0)), labels=labels, weights=1)
    class(spl) <- "splits"

    if (d == 2) {
         return(list(result, spl))
    result[9] <- sum(x[-ind2] == 2)
    result[10] <- sum(x[-ind2] == 3)
    if (length(x[-ind2]) < 4){
         return(list(result, spl))
    result[8] <- shannon2(intr[-c(o[1], o[2])], norm = norm)
    return(list(result, spl))

E_Intruder <- function (clans, x)
    cp <- drop(clans %*% as.numeric(x == 1))
    ci <- drop(clans %*% as.numeric(x == 2))
    homo <- which(cp == 0 & ci > 0)
    l <- length(homo)
    if (l > 0) {
        HG <- clans[homo, , drop = FALSE]
        lhg <- rep(TRUE, l)
        rsh <- rowSums(HG)
        Z <- tcrossprod(HG)>0
        Z <- Z * rsh
        zmax <- apply(Z,2,max)
        lhg <- !(zmax > rsh)
        LHG <- HG[lhg, , drop = FALSE]

E_Intruder_2 <- function (clans, x, native=NULL)
    contr <- attr(x, "contr")
    d <- dim(contr)
    if(d[1]>d[2]) contr[(d[2]+1):d[1],] <- 0
    cp <- clans %*% contr[as.numeric(x),]

	homo <- which(rowSums(cp > 0) == 1)

    l <- length(homo)
    if (l > 0) {
        HG <- clans[homo, , drop = FALSE]
        lhg <- rep(TRUE, l)
        rsh <- rowSums(HG)
        Z <- tcrossprod(HG)>0
        Z <- Z * rsh
        zmax <- apply(Z,2,max)
        lhg <- !(zmax > rsh)
        LHG <- HG[lhg, , drop = FALSE]

getDiv <- function(tree, x, native=NULL){
    clans <- getClans(tree)
    labels <- tree$tip.label
    x <- subset(x, labels)
    LHG <- E_Intruder_2(clans, subset(x,,1))
	    ll <- match(native, attr(x, "allLevels"))
	    ind <- (as.numeric(x) %in% ll)
	    rs <- rowSums(clans)
	    intr <- clans %*% ind
	    clans <- clans[intr==0,]
	    d <- which.max(rs[intr==0])
	    tree2 <- drop.tip(tree, tip=labels[which(clans[d, ]==1)])
    else tree2 <- NULL
    summary(factor(attr(x, "allLevels"))[as.numeric(subset(x,,1))]),
          parsimony(tree, x)), tree2 )

#' @rdname getClans
#' @export
getDiversity <- function (tree, x, norm = TRUE, var.names = NULL, labels="new")
    k <- 1
        k <- length(tree)
    l <- attr(x, "nr")
    tmp <- matrix(0, k * l, 12)

    tnam <- 1
    if (inherits(tree,"multiPhylo")) {
        tnam <- names(tree)
        if (is.null(tnam))
            tnam <- seq_along(tree)
    if(is.null(var.names)) var.names <- 1:l
    PM <- data.frame("t1", "a", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(PM) <- c("Tree", "Var")
    PM <- PM[FALSE,]
    PM[1 :(k*l), ] <- NA
#    perfect <- names(x)
    L <- vector("list",k*l)
    m <- 1
#    o <- 1
#    ok <- 0
    for (i in 1:k) {
        if (inherits(tree,"multiPhylo"))
            tmptree <- tree[[i]]
        else tmptree <- tree
        if (is.rooted(tmptree))
            tmptree <- unroot(tmptree)
        clans <- getClans(tmptree)
        for (j in 1:l) {
            TMP <- getE(tmptree, getRows(x, j), clans, norm = norm)
            tmp[m, ] <- TMP[[1]]
            L[[m]] <- TMP[[2]] # if class =splits else NULL
            PM[m, 1] <- tnam[i]
            PM[m, 2] <- var.names[j]
            m <- m + 1

    tnam <- rep(tnam, each = l)
    dnam <- var.names
    dnam <- rep(dnam, k)
    pscore <- as.numeric(sankoff(tree, x, site = "site"))
    res <- data.frame(tnam, dnam, tmp, pscore)
    if(labels=="old")names(res) <- c("tree", "variable", "E tree", "# natives",
        "# intruder", "# unknown", "E clan", "# intruder", "# unknown",
        "E slice", "# intruder", "# unknown", "bs 1", "bs 2", "p-score")
        names(res) <- c("tree", "variable", "E clan", "# natives",
            "# intruder", "# unknown", "E slice", "# intruder", "# unknown",
            "E melange", "# intruder", "# unknown", "bs 1", "bs 2", "p-score")
        warning("The variable names have changed")
    attr(res, "Perfect") <- L
    class(res) <- c("clanistics", "data.frame")

#' @rdname getClans
#' @export
summary.clanistics <- function(object, ...){
    res <- matrix(FALSE, nrow(object), 5)
    res[,1] <- object[,4]>0 & object[,"p-score"]==0 # "natives"
    res[,2] <- object[,5]>0 & object[,"p-score"]==0 # "intruder"
    res[,3] <- object[,"p-score"]==1
    res[,4] <- ( (object[,"p-score"]==2) & (object[,7]==0) &
                   (!is.na(object[,7])) ) |
             ( (object[,"p-score"]==2) & (object[,4]==2) & (is.na(object[,7])) )
    res[,5] <- object[,"p-score"]>=2 & (object[,7]>0) & (!is.na(object[,7]))
    res[] <- as.numeric(res)
    tmp <- data.frame(factor(object[,"variable"]), res)
    colnames(tmp) <- c("Variable", "Natives_only", "Intruder_only", "Clan",
                       "Slice", "Melange")
#        colnames(res) = c("Natives only", "Intruder only", "Clan", "Melange")
    class(tmp) <- c("summary.clanistics", "data.frame")

#' @export
print.summary.clanistics <- function(x, ...){
    print(aggregate(x[,-1], list(Variable=x[,1]), sum), ...)

compareSplits <- function(res, nam1, nam2){
    wide <- reshape(res[, c("tree", "E tree", "variable")], v.names="E tree",
        idvar="tree", timevar="variable", direction="wide")
    wideI <- reshape(res[, c("tree", "# natives", "variable")],
        v.names="# natives", idvar="tree", timevar="variable", direction="wide")
    for(i in 2:dim(wide)[2])
        colnames(wide)[i] <- strsplit(colnames(wide)[i],"E tree.")[[1]][2]
    for(i in 2:dim(wide)[2])
        colnames(wideI)[i] <- strsplit(colnames(wideI)[i],"# natives.")[[1]][2]
	ntrees <- wide[,1]
	splits <- attr(res, "Perfect")
	dat <- attr(attr(res, "Perfect"), "data")
    res <- matrix(NA, length(ntrees), length(nam1)*length(nam2))
    for(m in 1:ntrees){
        k <- 1
        trnam <- ntrees[m]
        for(i in nam1){
            E1 <- wide[m, i]
            for(j in nam2){
                E2 <- wide[m, j]
                if(!is.na(E1) & !is.na(E2)){
                    if(E1 == E2){ # if(E1 == 0 & E2 == 0){
	                if( (wideI[m, i] >0) & (wideI[m, j]) >0){
                            ind1 <- which(dat[,1]==trnam & dat[,2]==i)
                            sp1 <- splits[[ind1]]
                            ind2 <- which(dat[,1]==trnam & dat[,2]==j)
                            sp2 <- splits[[ind2]]
                            if(length(ind1)>0 & length(ind2)>0 )
                                    res[m, k] <- drop(compatible3(sp1, sp2))
            k <- k+1

#' @rdname getClans
#' @export
diversity <- function(tree, X){
# from kknn
    contr.dummy <- function (n, contrasts = TRUE)
        if (length(n) <= 1) {
            if (is.numeric(n) && length(n) == 1 && n > 1)
                levels <- 1:n
            else stop("contrasts are not defined for 0 degrees of freedom")
        else levels <- n
        lenglev <- length(levels)
       cont <- array(0, c(lenglev, lenglev), list(levels, levels))
       cont[col(cont) == row(cont)] <- 1

    l <- dim(X)[2]
    m <- ifelse(inherits(tree,"multiPhylo"), length(tree), 1)

    contr <- as.list(rep("contr.dummy", l))
    names(contr) <- names(X)
    tmp <- model.matrix(~.-1, X, contrast=contr)
    tmp1 <- phyDat.default(tmp, levels=c(1,0), compress = FALSE)
    attr(tmp1, "varnames") <- colnames(tmp)
    fd <- sankoff(tree,tmp1,site = "site")
    fd <- matrix(fd, ncol=m)

         if(is.null(names(tree))) tnames <- paste("tree", 1:m, sep=".")
         else tnames <- names(tree)
    else tnames <- "tree"
    dimnames(fd) <- list(colnames(tmp), tnames)
    res <- stack(data.frame(fd))

    if(m>1)nt <- rep(sapply(tree, function(x)length(x$tip.label)),
    else nt <- rep(length(tree$tip.label), each=dim(fd)[1])
    if(m>1)res2 <- as.vector(sapply(tree, function(x,y)
                 colSums(y[x$tip.label,,drop=FALSE]) , y=tmp))
    else res2 <- colSums(tmp[tree$tip.label,,drop=FALSE])
    result <- data.frame(tree = res[,2], variable=rep(colnames(tmp),m),
                         pscore=res[,1], ntips=nt, natives=res2)

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