
Defines functions summarise_interpolator summarise_interpolated_data .summary_interpolated_stars .summary_interpolated_sf .summary_col_name .summary_by_date_and_var .check_month_filtering

Documented in summarise_interpolated_data summarise_interpolator

# helper to check the month filtering
.check_month_filtering <- function(data, months_to_summary) {

  # data.frame/sf
  if (inherits(data, "data.frame")) {
    if (nrow(data) < 1) {
        "Selected months ({.val {months_to_summary}}) are not present in the data"

  if (inherits(data, "stars")) {
    if (length(stars::st_get_dimension_values(data, "date")) < 1) {
        "Selected months ({.val {months_to_summary}}) are not present in the data"


.summary_by_date_and_var <- function(
  fun = "mean",
  frequency = NULL,
  vars_to_summary = c(
    "MeanTemperature", "MinTemperature","MaxTemperature", "Precipitation",
    "MeanRelativeHumidity", "MinRelativeHumidity", "MaxRelativeHumidity",
    "Radiation", "WindSpeed", "WindDirection", "PET"
  dates_to_summary = NULL,
  months_to_summary = 1:12,
  verbose = getOption("meteoland_verbosity", TRUE),
) {

  # assertions
    msg = "interpolated_data provided lacks the usual variable names.
    Are you sure it comes from interpolate_data function?"
  if (!is.null(dates_to_summary)) {
      msg = "dates_to_summary is not a Date object"

    # if not null, filter by the dates supplied
      cli::cli_alert_info("Filtering the desired dates"),
    meteo_interpolated <- meteo_interpolated |>
      dplyr::filter(as.Date(.data$dates) %in% dates_to_summary)

  .group_by_freq <- function(data, frequency) {
    ## frequency alone, if data spans more than one year can group together data from different years
    ## (in the original code it was a cut(dates, breaks = freq), so we have to imitate it)
    ## Also, the frequency can be NULL, so, we have to take that into account. We create a helper to
    ## do the mutate and group_by steps depending on the freq data

    # if there is no frequency, means no frequency_fun, then return data as is
    if (is.null(frequency)) {
        data |>
          # and select the vars wanted

    # match args
    frequency <- match.arg(frequency, c("month", "week", "quarter", "year"))
    # lubridate frequency function
    frequency_fun <- parse(text = paste0("lubridate::", frequency)) |> eval()

    # weekly is fu**ed. If we use lubridate::week, the week number is not
    # the standard ISO. If we use lubridate::isoweek, the week number is
    # the correct iso one, but in fringe cases (first days of the year) when
    # adding also the year, the week number corresponds to the previous year, not
    # the date one. To see this in action:
    # dates <- seq(as.Date("2021-12-26"), as.Date("2022-01-31"), 1)
    # tururu <- dplyr::tibble(dates = dates)
    # tururu |>
    #   dplyr::mutate(
    #     month = lubridate::month(.data$dates),
    #     week = lubridate::week(.data$dates),
    #     isoweek = lubridate::isoweek(.data$dates),
    #     year_wtf = lubridate::year(.data$dates),
    #     year_ok = dplyr::if_else(.data$week - .data$isoweek < 0, lubridate::year(.data$dates) - 1, lubridate::year(.data$dates))
    #   )
    # But we cannot use the fixing if_else for all frequencies, as the month
    # column indicates. We need to apply it only in week frequency, hence the
    # block for itself
    if (frequency == "week") {
      frequency_fun <- lubridate::isoweek
      weekly_case <- data |>
        # create and group by the frequency desired
          {{frequency}} := frequency_fun(.data$dates),
          year = dplyr::if_else(
            lubridate::week(.data$dates) - lubridate::isoweek(.data$dates) < 0,
            lubridate::year(.data$dates) - 1, # negative means isoweek is from last year
            lubridate::year(.data$dates) # current year
        ) |>
        dplyr::group_by(.data[[frequency]], .data$year) |>
        # and select the vars wanted
        dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(c(frequency, "year", vars_to_summary)))


    # year is another fringe case, as the year var is already created, not like
    # the other frequencies. So we need to remove the year creation and selection
    if (frequency == "year") {
      yearly_case <- data |>
        # create and group by the frequency desired
          {{frequency}} := frequency_fun(.data$dates)
        ) |>
        dplyr::group_by(.data[[frequency]]) |>
        # and select the vars wanted
        dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(c(frequency, vars_to_summary)))


    # normal process, create and group by the frequency desired and select the
    # vars wanted
    data |>
        {{frequency}} := frequency_fun(.data$dates),
        year = lubridate::year(.data$dates)
      ) |>
      dplyr::group_by(.data[[frequency]], .data$year) |>
      dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(c(frequency, "year", vars_to_summary)))

  meteo_interpolated |>
    # filtering the months to summary
    dplyr::filter(lubridate::month(.data$dates) %in% months_to_summary) |>
    # check the filtering return rows, if not trigger a warning
    .check_month_filtering(months_to_summary) |>
    # group by desired frequency (if any)
    .group_by_freq(frequency) |>
    # summarise by frequency
        .cols = dplyr::everything(),
        .fns = \(column) {
          fun_to_apply <- parse(text = fun) |> eval()
          fun_to_apply(column, ...)
    ) |>
    # ungroup any group left

.summary_col_name <- function(frequency, fun) {
  freq_fixed <- paste0(frequency, 'ly')
  if (is.null(frequency)) {
    freq_fixed <- 'all'

  return(paste0(c(freq_fixed, fun), collapse = '_'))

.summary_interpolated_sf <- function(
    fun = "mean",
    frequency = NULL,
    vars_to_summary = c(
      "MeanTemperature", "MinTemperature","MaxTemperature", "Precipitation",
      "MeanRelativeHumidity", "MinRelativeHumidity", "MaxRelativeHumidity",
      "Radiation", "WindSpeed", "WindDirection", "PET"
    dates_to_summary = NULL,
    months_to_summary = 1:12,
    verbose = getOption("meteoland_verbosity", TRUE),
) {

  ## sf nested
  if ("interpolated_data" %in% names(meteo_interpolated) & inherits(meteo_interpolated, "sf")) {

    summary_name <- .summary_col_name(frequency, fun)
    res <- meteo_interpolated |>
        !!summary_name := purrr::map(
          .data$interpolated_data, .f = .summary_by_date_and_var,
          fun = fun, frequency = frequency, vars_to_summary = vars_to_summary,
          dates_to_summary = dates_to_summary, months_to_summary = months_to_summary,
          verbose = verbose, ...


  # warning if unnested interpolation is supplied, as all locations will be merged
  # together
  if (
    has_meteo_names(meteo_interpolated) &
    inherits(meteo_interpolated, "sf") &
    !"interpolated_data" %in% names(meteo_interpolated)
  ) {
      "meteo_interpolated object seen to have meteo variables and more than one location. All locations will be summarise together"

  # data frame not nested
  meteo_interpolated |>
      fun = fun, frequency = frequency, vars_to_summary = vars_to_summary,
      dates_to_summary = dates_to_summary, months_to_summary = months_to_summary,
      verbose = verbose, ...

.summary_interpolated_stars <- function(
    fun = "mean",
    frequency = NULL,
    vars_to_summary = c(
      "MeanTemperature", "MinTemperature","MaxTemperature", "Precipitation",
      "MeanRelativeHumidity", "MinRelativeHumidity", "MaxRelativeHumidity",
      "Radiation", "WindSpeed", "WindDirection", "PET"
    dates_to_summary = NULL,
    months_to_summary = 1:12,
    verbose = getOption("meteoland_verbosity", TRUE),
) {

  # assertions
    msg = "interpolated_data provided lacks the usual variable names.
    Are you sure it comes from interpolate_data function?"

  # first is to filter dates if dates is supplied
  if (!is.null(dates_to_summary)) {
      msg = "dates_to_summary is not a Date object"

    # if not null, filter by the dates supplied
      cli::cli_alert_info("Filtering the desired dates"),
    meteo_interpolated <- meteo_interpolated |>
      dplyr::filter(as.Date(date) %in% dates_to_summary)

  # check the NULLness of frequency, if frequency is NULL, the aggregation is
  # done between all dates in date dimension
  if (!is.null(frequency)) {
    # match args if frequency is not null
    frequency <- match.arg(frequency, c("month", "week", "quarter", "year"))
  } else {
    # count the number of days and set it as frequency
    frequency <- paste0(
      length(stars::st_get_dimension_values(meteo_interpolated, "date")),
      " days"

  # stars aggregation by frequency
  meteo_interpolated |>
    # select the vars to summarise
    dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(vars_to_summary)) |>
    # filter the months to aggregate if supplied, if not all
    dplyr::filter(lubridate::month(date) %in% months_to_summary) |>
    # check the filtering return dates, if not trigger a warning
    .check_month_filtering(months_to_summary) |>
    # perform the aggregation
    aggregate(by = frequency, FUN = parse(text = fun) |> eval())

#' Summarise interpolated data by temporal dimension
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Summarises the interpolated meteorology in one or more locations by the desired
#' temporal scale
#' @details
#' If \code{interpolated_data} is a nested interpolated data sf object, as
#' returned by \code{\link{interpolate_data}}, temporal summary is done for each
#' location present in the interpolated data. If \code{interpolated_data} is
#' an unnested interpolated data sf object, temporal summary is done for all
#' locations together. If \code{interpolated_data} is a single location data.frame
#' containing the dates and the interpolated variables, temporal summary is done
#' for that location. If \code{interpolated_data} is a stars object as returned
#' by \code{\link{interpolate_data}}, temporal summary is done for all the raster.
#' @param interpolated_data An interpolated data object as returned by
#'   \code{\link{interpolate_data}}.
#' @param fun The function to use for summarising the data.
#' @param frequency A string indicating the interval specification (allowed ones
#'   are "week", "month", "quarter" and "year"). If NULL (default), aggregation
#'   is done in one interval for all the dates present.
#' @param vars_to_summary A character vector with one or more variable names to
#'   summarise. By default, all interpolated variables are summarised.
#' @param dates_to_summary A Date object to define the dates to be summarised.
#'   If NULL (default), all dates in the interpolated data are processed.
#' @param months_to_summary A numeric vector with the month numbers to subset
#'   the data before summarising. (e.g. \code{c(7,8)} for July and August).
#'   This parameter allows studying particular seasons, when combined with
#'   \code{frequency}. For example \code{frequency = "years"} and
#'   \code{months = 6:8} leads to summarizing summer months of each year.
#' @param verbose Logical indicating if the function must show messages and info.
#'   Default value checks \code{"meteoland_verbosity"} option and if not set, defaults
#'   to TRUE. It can be turned off for the function with FALSE, or session wide with
#'   \code{options(meteoland_verbosity = FALSE)}
#' @param ... Arguments needed for \code{fun}
#' @return For a nested interpolated data, the same sf object with a new column
#' with the temporal summaries. For an unnested interpolated
#' data, a data.frame with the summarised meteo variables. For an interpolated
#' raster (stars object), the same raster with the temporal dimension aggregated
#' as desired.
#' @author \enc{Víctor}{Victor} Granda \enc{García}{Garcia}, CREAF
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # points interpolation aggregation
#' points_to_interpolate_example |>
#'   interpolate_data(meteoland_interpolator_example, verbose = FALSE) |>
#'   summarise_interpolated_data()
#' # raster interpolation aggregation
#' raster_to_interpolate_example |>
#'   interpolate_data(meteoland_interpolator_example, verbose = FALSE) |>
#'   summarise_interpolated_data()
#' }
#' @export
summarise_interpolated_data <- function(
  fun = "mean",
  frequency = NULL,
  vars_to_summary = c(
    "MeanTemperature", "MinTemperature","MaxTemperature", "Precipitation",
    "MeanRelativeHumidity", "MinRelativeHumidity", "MaxRelativeHumidity",
    "Radiation", "WindSpeed", "WindDirection", "PET"
  dates_to_summary = NULL,
  months_to_summary = 1:12,
  verbose = getOption("meteoland_verbosity", TRUE),
) {

  # assertions
    is.character(fun), msg = "fun must be a character"
    (is.null(frequency)) || is.character(frequency),
    msg = "frequency must be NULL or a character"
    is.character(vars_to_summary), msg = "vars_to_summary must be a character vector"
    any(vars_to_summary %in% c(
      "MeanTemperature", "MinTemperature","MaxTemperature", "Precipitation",
      "MeanRelativeHumidity", "MinRelativeHumidity", "MaxRelativeHumidity",
      "Radiation", "WindSpeed", "WindDirection", "PET"
    msg = "vars_to_summary must be one or more of
    'MeanTemperature', 'MinTemperature','MaxTemperature', 'Precipitation',
    'MeanRelativeHumidity', 'MinRelativeHumidity', 'MaxRelativeHumidity',
    'Radiation', 'WindSpeed', 'WindDirection', 'PET'"
    is.numeric(months_to_summary), msg = "months_to_summary must be a numeric vector"

  # interpolated data dispatcher
  summary_fun <- NULL

  if (inherits(interpolated_data, "stars")) {
    summary_fun <- .summary_interpolated_stars

  if (inherits(interpolated_data, "sf") || inherits(interpolated_data, "data.frame")) {
    summary_fun <- .summary_interpolated_sf

  if (is.null(summary_fun)) {
      "interpolated_data provided is not either a stars object or a sf/data.frame object. Are you sure it comes from interpolate_data function?"

  res <- summary_fun(
    fun = fun,
    frequency = frequency,
    vars_to_summary = vars_to_summary,
    dates_to_summary = dates_to_summary,
    months_to_summary = months_to_summary,
    verbose = verbose,


#' Summarise interpolator objects by temporal dimension
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Summarises an interpolator object by the desired temporal scale.
#' @inheritParams summarise_interpolated_data
#' @param interpolator An interpolator object as created by \code{\link{create_meteo_interpolator}}.
#' @return
#' \code{summarise_interpolator} function returns the same interpolator object provided with the
#' temporal dimension aggregated to desired frequency.
#' @author \enc{Víctor}{Victor} Granda \enc{García}{Garcia}, CREAF
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # example interpolator
#' meteoland_interpolator_example
#' # aggregate all dates in the interpolator, calculating the maximum values
#' summarise_interpolator(meteoland_interpolator_example, fun = "max")
#' # aggregate weekly, calculating mean values
#' summarise_interpolator(meteoland_interpolator_example, frequency = "week")
#' }
#' @export
summarise_interpolator <- function(
  fun = "mean",
  frequency = NULL,
  vars_to_summary = c(
    "Temperature", "MinTemperature","MaxTemperature", "Precipitation",
    "RelativeHumidity", "MinRelativeHumidity", "MaxRelativeHumidity",
    "Radiation", "WindSpeed", "WindDirection", "PET",
    "SmoothedPrecipitation", "SmoothedTemperatureRange",
    "elevation", "slope", "aspect"
  dates_to_summary = NULL,
  months_to_summary = 1:12,
  verbose = getOption("meteoland_verbosity", TRUE),
) {

  # assertions
    is.character(fun), msg = "fun must be a character"
    (is.null(frequency)) || is.character(frequency),
    msg = "frequency must be NULL or a character"
    is.character(vars_to_summary), msg = "vars_to_summary must be a character vector"
    any(vars_to_summary %in% c(
      "MeanTemperature", "MinTemperature","MaxTemperature", "Precipitation",
      "MeanRelativeHumidity", "MinRelativeHumidity", "MaxRelativeHumidity",
      "Radiation", "WindSpeed", "WindDirection", "PET",
      "SmoothedPrecipitation", "SmoothedTemperatureRange",
      "elevation", "slope", "aspect"
    msg = "vars_to_summary must be one or more of
    'MeanTemperature', 'MinTemperature','MaxTemperature', 'Precipitation',
    'MeanRelativeHumidity', 'MinRelativeHumidity', 'MaxRelativeHumidity',
    'Radiation', 'WindSpeed', 'WindDirection', 'PET',
    'SmoothedPrecipitation', 'SmoothedTemperatureRange',
    'elevation', 'aspect', 'slope'"
    is.numeric(months_to_summary), msg = "months_to_summary must be a numeric vector"

  # helper function to put col and row names again after summarising
  .apply_colrows <- function(x, column_names, row_names) {
    colnames(x) <- column_names
    rownames(x) <- row_names

  # summarising (using the .summary_interpolated_stars, because at the end,
  # the interpolator object is a star object)
  temp_res <- .summary_interpolated_stars(
    fun = fun,
    frequency = frequency,
    vars_to_summary = vars_to_summary,
    dates_to_summary = dates_to_summary,
    months_to_summary = months_to_summary,
    verbose = verbose,
  ) |>
    # we are summarising an interpolator, dont forget to add again the parameters
      params = get_interpolation_params(interpolator),
      verbose = verbose

  # also, aggregating with aggregate.stars method rename the temporal dimension
  # so we need to ensure to maintain the old ones
  dimnames(temp_res) <- dimnames(interpolator)

  # dont forget also to put again the names of the columns and rows in the
  # interpolator data also
  attributes_with_rowcol_names <- temp_res |>
      .f = .apply_colrows,
      column_names = colnames(interpolator[["elevation"]]),
      row_names = as.character(stars::st_get_dimension_values(temp_res, "date"))

  for (attribute in names(attributes_with_rowcol_names)) {
    temp_res[[attribute]] <- attributes_with_rowcol_names[[attribute]]



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meteoland documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:07 a.m.