summarise_interpolated_data: Summarise interpolated data by temporal dimension

View source: R/tidy_summary_interpolated_data.R

summarise_interpolated_dataR Documentation

Summarise interpolated data by temporal dimension



Summarises the interpolated meteorology in one or more locations by the desired temporal scale


  fun = "mean",
  frequency = NULL,
  vars_to_summary = c("MeanTemperature", "MinTemperature", "MaxTemperature",
    "Precipitation", "MeanRelativeHumidity", "MinRelativeHumidity",
    "MaxRelativeHumidity", "Radiation", "WindSpeed", "WindDirection", "PET"),
  dates_to_summary = NULL,
  months_to_summary = 1:12,
  verbose = getOption("meteoland_verbosity", TRUE),



An interpolated data object as returned by interpolate_data.


The function to use for summarising the data.


A string indicating the interval specification (allowed ones are "week", "month", "quarter" and "year"). If NULL (default), aggregation is done in one interval for all the dates present.


A character vector with one or more variable names to summarise. By default, all interpolated variables are summarised.


A Date object to define the dates to be summarised. If NULL (default), all dates in the interpolated data are processed.


A numeric vector with the month numbers to subset the data before summarising. (e.g. c(7,8) for July and August). This parameter allows studying particular seasons, when combined with frequency. For example frequency = "years" and months = 6:8 leads to summarizing summer months of each year.


Logical indicating if the function must show messages and info. Default value checks "meteoland_verbosity" option and if not set, defaults to TRUE. It can be turned off for the function with FALSE, or session wide with options(meteoland_verbosity = FALSE)


Arguments needed for fun


If interpolated_data is a nested interpolated data sf object, as returned by interpolate_data, temporal summary is done for each location present in the interpolated data. If interpolated_data is an unnested interpolated data sf object, temporal summary is done for all locations together. If interpolated_data is a single location data.frame containing the dates and the interpolated variables, temporal summary is done for that location. If interpolated_data is a stars object as returned by interpolate_data, temporal summary is done for all the raster.


For a nested interpolated data, the same sf object with a new column with the temporal summaries. For an unnested interpolated data, a data.frame with the summarised meteo variables. For an interpolated raster (stars object), the same raster with the temporal dimension aggregated as desired.


Víctor Granda García, CREAF


# points interpolation aggregation
points_to_interpolate_example |>
  interpolate_data(meteoland_interpolator_example, verbose = FALSE) |>

# raster interpolation aggregation
raster_to_interpolate_example |>
  interpolate_data(meteoland_interpolator_example, verbose = FALSE) |>

meteoland documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:07 a.m.