
Defines functions interpolate_data .stars2sf .binding_interpolation_results .interpolation_spatial_dispatcher .interpolation_point

Documented in interpolate_data

#' Interpolation core function
#' Interpolation core process
#' This function takes the points to be interpolated, the interpolator object
#' and an optional vector of dates to perform the interpolation. It uses the
#' vectorised C++ methods, so no need to loop through points or dates.
#' @param sf sf object with the points topography
#' @param interpolator interpolator object
#' @param dates vector with dates (dates must be inside the interpolator date
#'   range)
#' @param variables vector with variable names to be interpolated. NULL (default),
#' will interpolate all variables. Accepted names are "Temperature", "Precipitation",
#' "RelativeHumidity", "Radiation" and "Wind"
#' @param verbose Logical indicating if the function must show messages and info.
#' Default value checks \code{"meteoland_verbosity"} option and if not set, defaults
#' to TRUE. It can be turned off for the function with FALSE, or session wide with
#' \code{options(meteoland_verbosity = FALSE)}
#' @param ignore_convex_hull_check Logical indicating if convex hull check for points
#' must be honoured. This is useful (and needed) for the
#' \code{\link{interpolation_cross_validation}} function, because when removing stations
#' from the vertices of the convex hull, the latter is reduced and the station removed can
#' be outside the buffered convex hull, triggering an error (100 % of points lay outside
#' the convex hull buffer). It can also be useful to users interpolating on a few points close 
#' but outside of the convex hull.
#' @family interpolator functions
#' @return A tibble for each point, with the dates as rows and the interpolated
#'   data as columns
#' @noRd
.interpolation_point <- function(
    sf, interpolator, dates = NULL, variables = NULL, verbose,
    ignore_convex_hull_check = FALSE
) {
  ## debug
  # browser()

  ## assertions
  # crs assertion. CRS of sf must be changed in the parent env before calling
  # .interpolation_point method, but we check here just in case
    identical(sf::st_crs(interpolator), sf::st_crs(sf)),
    msg = "CRS of sf must be the same as the interpolator"

  ## dates checks
  if (is.null(dates)) {
    dates <- stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, 'date')
  } else {
    dates_ref <- stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, 'date')
    dates_index <- dplyr::between(dates, as.Date(min(dates_ref)), as.Date(max(dates_ref)))
    dates_inside <- dates[dates_index]

    # No dates in range
    if (length(dates_inside) < 1) {
        "{.arg dates} supplied are outside the {.arg interpolator} date range. No possible interpolation.",
        "i" = "{.arg interpolator} date range is from {dates_ref[1]} to {dates_ref[length(dates_ref)]}"

    # some dates in range, not all
    if (length(dates_inside) < length(dates)) {
        "Some {.arg dates} are outside the {.arg interpolator} date range, only dates inside will be used",
        "x" = "Used {.arg dates} {?is/are} {as.character(dates_inside)}"

    # set correct dates
    dates <- dates_inside

  ## checks point
  # we need to check if points are inside the convex hull. Some points outside is ok (convex hull
  # can left some near border points outside), but a large proportion of points outside can be
  # a sign of wrong interpolator or wrong points used, so:
  #   - warning if some points are outside (< 10%)
  #   - error if more points are outside (>= 10%)
  #   - also, in any case, indicate the points inside and outside
  # Buffer is done with `dist = 10000` for a 10km distance. This is because sf::st_buffer
  # with dist without units, independently of the crs is taken as meters (due to s2 pacakge).
  # As sf imports s2, both packages will be installed, so dist is always to be in meters.
  interpolator_convex_hull <-
    stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station") |>
    sf::st_union() |>
    sf::st_convex_hull() |>
    sf::st_buffer(dist = 10000)

  sf_contained <- sf::st_contains(interpolator_convex_hull, sf, sparse = FALSE)
  if (any(!sf_contained) & !ignore_convex_hull_check) {

    # if less than 10% go ahead
    if (sum(!sf_contained)/length(sf_contained) < 0.1) {
        "Some points are outside the convex hull of the {.arg interpolator} object.",
        "x" = "Index{?es} of outside point{?s} {?is/are} {.val {as.character(which(!sf_contained))}}"
    } else {
        "More than 10% of the points in {.arg spatial_data} fall outside the convex hull of the interpolator object.",
        "x" = "Aborting interpolation",
        "i" = "{.arg spatial_data} index{?es} outside {?is/are} {.val {as.character(which(!sf_contained))}}"

    cli::cli_alert_info("Starting interpolation..."),
  ## extraction and calculations
  # filtered interpolator, just once
  filtered_interpolator <- interpolator |> dplyr::filter(as.Date(date) %in% as.Date(dates))
  tmin_interpolator <- t(filtered_interpolator[["MinTemperature"]])
  tmax_interpolator <- t(filtered_interpolator[["MaxTemperature"]])
  # constants and helpers
  DOY <- as.numeric(format(dates, "%j"))
  J <- radiation_dateStringToJulianDays(as.character(dates))
  latrad <- sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_transform(sf, 4326))[,2] * (pi/180)
  slorad <- sf[["slope"]] * (pi/180)
  asprad <- sf[["aspect"]] * (pi/180)

  .as_interpolator_res_array <- function(vector, ref_dim) {
    return(array(vector, dim = ref_dim))

  # default NULL objects to substitute for calculations
  tmean <- NULL
  tmin <- NULL
  tmax <- NULL
  prec <- NULL
  rhmean <- NULL
  rhmin <- NULL
  rhmax <- NULL
  rad <- NULL
  wind <- NULL
  pet <- NULL

  # Logical vector excluding points with no elevation values (e.g. incomplete rasters)
  target_filter <- !is.na(sf$elevation)
  dim_out <- c(length(latrad), ncol(tmin_interpolator))
  # temperature (needed also if interpolating relative humidity and radiation)
  if (is_null_or_variable(variables, c("Temperature", "RelativeHumidity", "Radiation", "PET"))) {

    if (is_null_or_variable(variables, c("RelativeHumidity", "Radiation", "PET"))) {
        cli::cli_alert_info("Temperature interpolation is needed also..."),

      cli::cli_ul("Interpolating temperature..."),

    tmin <- array(NA, dim_out)
    tmax <- array(NA, dim_out)

    tmin[target_filter,] <- .interpolateTemperatureSeriesPoints(
      Xp = sf::st_coordinates(sf)[target_filter,1], Yp = sf::st_coordinates(sf)[target_filter,2],
      Zp = sf$elevation[target_filter],
      X = sf::st_coordinates(stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station"))[,1],
      Y = sf::st_coordinates(stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station"))[,2],
      Z = interpolator$elevation[1,],
      T = tmin_interpolator,
      iniRp = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$initial_Rp,
      alpha = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$alpha_MinTemperature,
      N = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$N_MinTemperature,
      iterations = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$iterations,
      debug = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$debug

    tmax[target_filter, ] <- .interpolateTemperatureSeriesPoints(
      Xp = sf::st_coordinates(sf)[target_filter,1], Yp = sf::st_coordinates(sf)[target_filter,2],
      Zp = sf$elevation[target_filter],
      X = sf::st_coordinates(stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station"))[,1],
      Y = sf::st_coordinates(stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station"))[,2],
      Z = interpolator$elevation[1,],
      T = tmax_interpolator,
      iniRp = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$initial_Rp,
      alpha = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$alpha_MaxTemperature,
      N = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$N_MaxTemperature,
      iterations = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$iterations,
      debug = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$debug

    tmean <- 0.606*tmax+0.394*tmin

  # precipitation (needed also if interpolating radiation)
  if (is_null_or_variable(variables, c("Precipitation", "Radiation", "PET"))) {
    if (is_null_or_variable(variables, c("Radiation", "PET"))) {
        cli::cli_alert_info("Precipitation interpolation is needed also..."),

      cli::cli_ul("Interpolating precipitation..."),
    prec <- array(NA, dim = dim_out)
    prec[target_filter,] <- .interpolatePrecipitationSeriesPoints(
      Xp = sf::st_coordinates(sf)[target_filter,1], Yp = sf::st_coordinates(sf)[target_filter,2],
      Zp = sf$elevation[target_filter],
      X = sf::st_coordinates(stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station"))[,1],
      Y = sf::st_coordinates(stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station"))[,2],
      Z = interpolator$elevation[1,],
      P = t(filtered_interpolator[["Precipitation"]]),
      Psmooth = t(filtered_interpolator[["SmoothedPrecipitation"]]),
      iniRp = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$initial_Rp,
      alpha_event = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$alpha_PrecipitationEvent,
      alpha_amount = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$alpha_PrecipitationAmount,
      N_event = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$N_PrecipitationEvent,
      N_amount = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$N_PrecipitationAmount,
      iterations = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$iterations,
      popcrit = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$pop_crit,
      fmax = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$f_max,
      debug = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$debug

  # relative humidity (needed also if interpolating radiation)
  if (is_null_or_variable(variables, c("RelativeHumidity", "Radiation", "PET"))) {
    if (is_null_or_variable(variables, c("Radiation", "PET"))) {
        cli::cli_alert_info("Relative humidity interpolation is needed also..."),
      cli::cli_ul("Interpolating relative humidity..."),
    # relative humidity, depends on if we have it or not
    # If we dont, estimate VP assuming that dew-point temperature is equal to Tmin
    if (all(is.na(filtered_interpolator[["RelativeHumidity"]]))) {

      rhmean <- .relativeHumidityFromMinMaxTemp(tmin, tmax) |>
      VP <- .temp2SVP(tmin) |> #kPA
      rhmax <- rep(100, length(rhmean)) |>
      rhmin <- pmax(0, .relativeHumidityFromDewpointTemp(tmax, tmin)) |>

    } else {

      TdewM <- .dewpointTemperatureFromRH(
        0.606 * filtered_interpolator[["MaxTemperature"]] +
          0.394 * filtered_interpolator[["MinTemperature"]],

      tdew <- array(NA, dim = dim_out)
      tdew[target_filter, ] <- .interpolateTdewSeriesPoints(
        Xp = sf::st_coordinates(sf)[target_filter,1], Yp = sf::st_coordinates(sf)[target_filter,2],
        Zp = sf$elevation[target_filter],
        X = sf::st_coordinates(stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station"))[,1],
        Y = sf::st_coordinates(stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station"))[,2],
        Z = interpolator$elevation[1,],
        T = t(TdewM),
        iniRp = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$initial_Rp,
        alpha = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$alpha_DewTemperature,
        N = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$N_DewTemperature,
        iterations = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$iterations,
        debug = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$debug

      rhmean <- .relativeHumidityFromDewpointTemp(tmean, tdew) |>
      VP <- .temp2SVP(tdew) |>
        .as_interpolator_res_array(dim_out) #kPa
      rhmax = pmin(100, .relativeHumidityFromDewpointTemp(tmin, tdew)) |>
      rhmin = pmax(0, .relativeHumidityFromDewpointTemp(tmax, tdew)) |>

  # radiation
  if (is_null_or_variable(variables, c("Radiation", "PET"))) {

    if (is_null_or_variable(variables, c("PET"))) {
        cli::cli_alert_info("Radiation calculation is needed also..."),
      cli::cli_ul("Calculating radiation..."),
    diffTemp <- abs(tmax - tmin)
    diffTempMonth <- array(NA, dim = dim_out)
    diffTempMonth[target_filter,] <- .interpolateTemperatureSeriesPoints(
      Xp = sf::st_coordinates(sf)[target_filter,1], Yp = sf::st_coordinates(sf)[target_filter,2],
      Zp = sf$elevation[target_filter],
      X = sf::st_coordinates(stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station"))[,1],
      Y = sf::st_coordinates(stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station"))[,2],
      Z = interpolator$elevation[1,],
      T = abs(t(filtered_interpolator[["SmoothedTemperatureRange"]])),
      iniRp = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$initial_Rp,
      alpha = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$alpha_MinTemperature,
      N = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$N_MinTemperature,
      iterations = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$iterations,
      debug = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$debug

    rad <- array(NA, dim = dim_out)
    points_wo_precip <- numeric(0)
    for (i in which(target_filter)) {
      if (any(is.na(prec[i,]))) {
        points_wo_precip <- c(points_wo_precip, i)
      rad[i,] <- .radiationSeries(
        latrad[i], sf$elevation[i], slorad[i], asprad[i],
        diffTemp[i,], diffTempMonth[i,],
        VP[i,], prec[i,]
    if (length(points_wo_precip) > 0) {
        "Some/All dates for points {.val {points_wo_precip}} have missing precipitation values, assuming clear days when interpolating radiation for these days"

  # Wind
  if (is_null_or_variable(variables, c("Wind", "PET"))) {

    if (is_null_or_variable(variables, c("PET"))) {
        cli::cli_alert_info("Wind interpolation is needed also..."),
      cli::cli_ul("Interpolating wind..."),
    wind_speed <- array(NA, dim_out)
    wind_direction <- array(NA, dim_out)
    wind <- .interpolateWindStationSeriesPoints(
      Xp = sf::st_coordinates(sf)[target_filter,1], Yp = sf::st_coordinates(sf)[target_filter,2],
      WS = t(filtered_interpolator[["WindSpeed"]]),
      WD = t(filtered_interpolator[["WindDirection"]]),
      X = sf::st_coordinates(stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station"))[,1],
      Y = sf::st_coordinates(stars::st_get_dimension_values(interpolator, "station"))[,2],
      iniRp = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$initial_Rp,
      alpha = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$alpha_Wind,
      N = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$N_Wind,
      iterations = get_interpolation_params(interpolator)$iterations
    wind_speed[target_filter, ] <- wind[["WS"]]
    wind_direction[target_filter, ] <- wind[["WD"]]
    wind <- list("WS" = wind_speed, "WD" = wind_direction)

  # PET
  if (is_null_or_variable(variables, c("PET"))) {
      cli::cli_ul("Calculating PET..."),

    pet <- array(NA, dim = dim_out)

    params <- get_interpolation_params(interpolator)
    #Sets defaults if missing
    if(!("wind_height" %in% names(params))) params$wind_roughness_height = 10
    if(!("wind_roughness_height" %in% names(params))) params$wind_roughness_height = 0.001
    if(!("penman_albedo" %in% names(params))) params$penman_albedo = 0.25
    if(!("penman_windfun" %in% names(params))) params$penman_windfun = "1956"
    for (i in which(target_filter)) {
      pet[i,] <- .penmanpoint(
        latrad[i], sf$elevation[i], slorad[i], asprad[i], J,
        tmin[i,], tmax[i,], rhmin[i,], rhmax[i,], rad[i,],

  # return the res df
  res <- purrr::map(
    ~ dplyr::tibble(
      dates = dates,
      DOY = DOY,
      MeanTemperature = as.vector(null2na(tmean[.x,])),
      MinTemperature = as.vector(null2na(tmin[.x,])),
      MaxTemperature = as.vector(null2na(tmax[.x,])),
      Precipitation = as.vector(null2na(prec[.x,])),
      MeanRelativeHumidity = null2na(rhmean[.x,]),
      MinRelativeHumidity = null2na(rhmin[.x,]),
      MaxRelativeHumidity = null2na(rhmax[.x,]),
      Radiation = null2na(rad[.x,]),
      WindSpeed = as.vector(null2na(wind$WS[.x,])),
      WindDirection = as.vector(null2na(wind$WD[.x,])),
      PET = null2na(pet[.x,])

    cli::cli_alert_success("Interpolation done..."),


#' Dispatcher of spatial data to interpolation points
#' Dispatcher of different kinds (stars, sf) of spatial data to interpolation
#' point function
#' This function takes the spatial data, checks its class (stars or sf), apply
#' some assertions specific of the class and pass the spatial data to the
#' \code{\linl{.interpolation_point}} function
#' @param spatial_data stars or sf object with the spatial data
#' @param interpolator meteoland interpolator object, as created by
#'   \code{\link{create_meteo_interpolator}}
#' @param dates vector with dates to interpolate (must be within the
#'   interpolator date range). Default to NULL (all dates present in the
#'   interpolator object)
#' @param variables vector with variable names to be interpolated. NULL (default),
#' will interpolate all variables. Accepted names are "Temperature", "Precipitation",
#' "RelativeHumidity", "Radiation" and "Wind"
#' @param ignore_convex_hull_check Logical indicating whether errors in convex hull checks should be ignored. 
#' Checking for points to be inside the convex hull will normally raise an error
#' if >10% of points are outside. Setting \code{ignore_convex_hull_check = TRUE} means
#' that a warning is raised but interpolation is performed, which can be useful to users interpolating 
#' on a few points close but outside of the convex hull.
#' @param verbose Logical indicating if the function must show messages and info.
#' Default value checks \code{"meteoland_verbosity"} option and if not set, defaults
#' to TRUE. It can be turned off for the function with FALSE, or session wide with
#' \code{options(meteoland_verbosity = FALSE)}
#' @return the same as \code{\link{.interpolation_point}} function.
#' @noRd
.interpolation_spatial_dispatcher <- function(
    spatial_data, interpolator, dates = NULL, variables = NULL, 
    ignore_convex_hull_check = FALSE, verbose
) {

  # sf
  if (inherits(spatial_data, "sf")) {
    # assertions
      inherits(sf::st_geometry(spatial_data), "sfc_POINT"),
      msg = paste0(
        "Spatial data must inhertis from sfc_POINT, not ",

    # interpolation
      spatial_data |>
        sf::st_transform(sf::st_crs(interpolator)) |>
        .interpolation_point(interpolator, dates, variables, 
                             ignore_convex_hull_check = ignore_convex_hull_check, 
                             verbose = verbose)


  # stars
  if (inherits(spatial_data, 'stars')) {
      spatial_data |>
        .stars2sf() |>
        sf::st_transform(sf::st_crs(interpolator)) |>
        .interpolation_point(interpolator, dates, variables, 
                             ignore_convex_hull_check = ignore_convex_hull_check, 
                             verbose = verbose)

    "No compatible {.arg spatial_data} found.",
    "x" = "{.arg spatial_data} must be an {.pkg sf} or a {.pkg stars} object"

#' Binding interpolation results to spatial data provided
#' Binding interpolation results to spatial data provided
#' This function takes the results list of the interpolation and join it with
#' the provided spatial data (raster or sf)
#' @param res_list results list as generated by \code{\link{.interpolation_point}}
#' @param spatial_data spatial data provided
#' @param verbose Logical indicating if the function must show messages and info.
#' Default value checks \code{"meteoland_verbosity"} option and if not set, defaults
#' to TRUE. It can be turned off for the function with FALSE, or session wide with
#' \code{options(meteoland_verbosity = FALSE)}
#' @return an object with the same class and structure as the provided spatial
#'   data with the results of the interpolation joined. In the case of spatial
#'   data being an sf, the results are added as a list-type column that can be
#'   unnested with \code{\link[tidyr]{unnest}}. In the case of a stars raster
#'   object, interpolation results are added as attributes (variables)
#' @noRd
.binding_interpolation_results <- function(res_list, spatial_data, verbose) {
  # debug
  # browser()

  ## points
  if (inherits(spatial_data, 'sf')) {
    binded_result <-
      spatial_data |>
      dplyr::as_tibble() |>
      dplyr::mutate(interpolated_data = res_list) |>


  ## rasters
  # check on dimensions
  x_name_index <-
      names(stars::st_dimensions(spatial_data)) %in% c('x', 'X', 'long', 'longitude')
  y_name_index <-
      names(stars::st_dimensions(spatial_data)) %in% c('y', 'Y', 'lat', 'latitude')

    length(x_name_index) > 0,
    msg = "Can't find x dimension. x dimension in spatial data must be named 'x', 'X', 'long' or 'longitude'"
    length(y_name_index) > 0,
    msg = "Can't find y dimension. y dimension in spatial data must be named 'y', 'Y', 'lat' or 'latitude'"

  # dimensions
  result_dimensions <- stars::st_dimensions(
    x = stars::st_get_dimension_values(spatial_data, x_name_index),
    y = stars::st_get_dimension_values(spatial_data, y_name_index),
    date = res_list[[1]][['dates']]

  # info
    cli::cli_alert_info("Binding together interpolation results"),

  # helper
  .result_arrays_creator <- function(variable, res_list, dims) {
    variable_vecs <- purrr::map(res_list, ~ .x[[variable]])
    # array_dims <- c(y = dims[['y']], x = dims[['x']], date = dims[['date']])

    var_long_vec <- numeric()
    for (i in 1:length(variable_vecs[[1]])) {
      var_long_vec <- c(
        variable_vecs |> purrr::map_dbl(~.x[i])
    var_long_vec |> array(dim = dims)

  res_vars <- names(res_list[[1]]) |>
    purrr::keep(~ !.x %in% c("dates", "DOY"))
  binded_result <- res_vars |>
    purrr::map(~ .result_arrays_creator(.x, res_list, dim(result_dimensions))) |>
    purrr::set_names(res_vars) |>
    stars::st_as_stars(dimensions = result_dimensions)

  # crs
  sf::st_crs(binded_result) <- sf::st_crs(spatial_data)

  # user data, if slope and/or aspect are null, they will be null
  binded_result[["elevation"]] <- spatial_data[["elevation"]]
  binded_result[["slope"]] <- spatial_data[["slope"]]
  binded_result[["aspect"]] <- spatial_data[["aspect"]]

    cli::cli_alert_success("Interpolation process finished"),


#' Topography raster (stars) cells to points
#' Converting stars cells to a topography point object compatible with
#' .interpolation_point
#' This function takes on a stars raster and check for mandatory variables,
#' returning an sf object
#' @param stars topography stars object with at least elevation variable
#' @return a sf object with raster cells converted to points (taking the center
#'   of the cell)
#' @noRd
.stars2sf <- function(stars) {
  # assertions
    inherits(stars, "stars"), msg = "No stars class object detected"
    "elevation" %in% names(stars),
    msg = "No elevation variable/attribute found in data"

  stars |>
    sf::st_as_sf(as_points = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE) |>
    dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(c("elevation", "slope", "aspect")))


#' Interpolation process for spatial data
#' Interpolate spatial data to obtain downscaled meteorologic variables
#' This function takes a spatial data object (sf or stars raster), an
#' interpolator object (\code{\link{create_meteo_interpolator}}) and a
#' vector of dates to perform the interpolation of the meteorologic variables
#' for the spatial locations present in the \code{spatial_data} object.
#' @param spatial_data An sf or stars raster object to interpolate
#' @param interpolator A meteoland interpolator object, as created by
#' \code{\link{create_meteo_interpolator}}
#' @param dates vector with dates to interpolate (must be within the
#' interpolator date range). Default to NULL (all dates present in the
#' interpolator object)
#' @param variables vector with variable names to be interpolated. NULL (default),
#' will interpolate all variables. Accepted names are "Temperature", "Precipitation",
#' "RelativeHumidity", "Radiation" and "Wind"
#' @param ignore_convex_hull_check Logical indicating whether errors in convex hull checks should be ignored. 
#' Checking for points to be inside the convex hull will normally raise an error
#' if >10% of points are outside. Setting \code{ignore_convex_hull_check = TRUE} means
#' that a warning is raised but interpolation is performed, which can be useful to users interpolating 
#' on a few points close but outside of the convex hull.
#' @param verbose Logical indicating if the function must show messages and info.
#' Default value checks \code{"meteoland_verbosity"} option and if not set, defaults
#' to TRUE. It can be turned off for the function with FALSE, or session wide with
#' \code{options(meteoland_verbosity = FALSE)}
#' @return an object with the same class and structure as the provided spatial
#' data with the results of the interpolation joined. In the case of spatial
#' data being an sf, the results are added as a list-type column that can be
#' unnested with \code{\link[tidyr]{unnest}}. In the case of a stars raster
#' object, interpolation results are added as attributes (variables)
#' @section Spatial data:
#' The spatial data provided must be of two types. (I) A sf object containing
#' POINT for each location to interpolate or (II) a stars raster object for
#' which the interpolation should be done. Independently of the class of
#' \code{spatial_data} it has to have some mandatory variables, namely
#' \code{elevation}. It should also contain \code{aspect} and \code{slope} for
#' a better interpolation process, though this two variables are not mandatory.
#' @author 
#' Victor Granda \enc{García}{Garcia}, EMF-CREAF
#' Miquel De \enc{Cáceres}{Caceres} Ainsa, EMF-CREAF
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # example of data to interpolate and example interpolator
#' data("points_to_interpolate_example")
#' data("meteoland_interpolator_example")
#' # interpolate data
#' res <- interpolate_data(points_to_interpolate_example, meteoland_interpolator_example)
#' # check result
#' # same class as input data
#' class(res)
#' # data
#' res
#' # results for the first location
#' res[["interpolated_data"]][1]
#' # unnest results
#' tidyr::unnest(res, cols = "interpolated_data")
#' }
#' @export interpolate_data
interpolate_data <- function(
    spatial_data, interpolator,
    dates = NULL, variables = NULL,
    ignore_convex_hull_check = FALSE,
    verbose = getOption("meteoland_verbosity", TRUE)
) {
  # debug
  # browser()

  ## assertions
  # spatial

  if (inherits(spatial_data, 'stars')) {
    # curvilinear
      !attr(stars::st_dimensions(spatial_data), "raster")$curvilinear,
      msg = "Curvilinear grids are not yet supported. Please reproject/warp the raster to regular coordinates."

  # dates
  if (!is.null(dates)) {
      assertthat::is.date(dates) | assertthat::is.time(dates),
      msg = "dates object provided doesn't contain dates (POSIX)"

  # variables
  if (!is.null(variables)) {
      all(variables %in% c("Temperature", "Precipitation", "RelativeHumidity", "Wind", "Radiation", "PET")),
      msg = "variables argument must be NULL (all variables) or a character vector with one o more of the following: 'Temperture', 'Precipitation', 'RelativeHumidity', 'Wind', 'Radiation'"

  # interpolator

  # last spatial check. Here because that way all essential checks are done
  # before
  optional_topo_names <- c("slope", "aspect")
  if (!all(optional_topo_names %in% names(spatial_data))) {
      "{.var aspect} and {.var slope} variables are not mandatory, but the interpolation will be less accurate without them"

  # Interpolation
  res <-
    .interpolation_spatial_dispatcher(spatial_data, interpolator, dates, variables, 
                                      ignore_convex_hull_check = ignore_convex_hull_check, 
                                      verbose = verbose) |>
    # results binding
    .binding_interpolation_results(spatial_data, verbose = verbose)


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meteoland documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:07 a.m.