# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# BEGIN: Affymetrix specific
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# @author "HB"
setMethodS3("allocateFromCdf", "AromaCellSequenceFile", function(static, cdf, path=NULL, tags="*", ...) {
# Argument 'cdf':
cdf <- Arguments$getInstanceOf(cdf, "AffymetrixCdfFile")
# Argument 'tags':
tags <- Arguments$getTags(tags, collapse=NULL)
# Generate filename: <chipType>(,tags)*.<ext>
chipType <- getChipType(cdf)
# Move chip type tags to the other tags, if asterisk is used.
parts <- strsplit(chipType, split=",", fixed=TRUE)
parts <- unlist(parts, use.names=FALSE)
tags[tags == "*"] <- paste(parts[-1], collapse=",")
chipType <- parts[1]
# Exclude 'monocell' tags (AD HOC)
chipType <- gsub(",monocell", "", chipType)
# Output path
if (is.null(path)) {
path <- file.path("annotationData", "chipTypes", chipType)
path <- Arguments$getWritablePath(path)
# Get platform
platform <- getPlatform(cdf)
# Number of cells
nbrOfCells <- nbrOfCells(cdf)
fullname <- paste(c(chipType, tags), collapse=",")
ext <- getFilenameExtension(static)
filename <- sprintf("%s.%s", fullname, ext)
# Create microarray tabular binary file
allocate(static, filename=filename, path=path, nbrOfCells=nbrOfCells,
platform=platform, chipType=chipType, ...)
}, static=TRUE)
setMethodS3("importFromAffymetrixProbeTabFile", "AromaCellSequenceFile", function(this, srcFile, rows=NULL, ..., onDuplicates=c("warning", "error", "ignore"), keepSequenceLengths=NULL, ram=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'srcFile':
if (inherits(srcFile, "AffymetrixProbeTabFile")) {
# Validate chip type
chipType <- getChipType(this, fullname=FALSE)
chipTypeSrc <- getChipType(srcFile, fullname=FALSE)
if (!identical(chipTypeSrc, chipType)) {
throw("Argument 'srcFile' has a different chip type: ",
chipTypeSrc, " != ", chipType)
} else {
throw("Argument 'srcFile' is not an AffymetrixProbeTabFile: ",
# Argument 'rows':
nbrOfCells <- nbrOfCells(this)
if (is.null(rows)) {
rows <- 1:nbrOfCells
} else {
rows <- Arguments$getIndices(rows, max=nbrOfCells)
rows <- sort(unique(rows))
# Argument 'onDuplicates':
onDuplicates <- match.arg(onDuplicates)
# Argument 'keepSequenceLengths':
if (!is.null(keepSequenceLengths)) {
keepSequenceLengths <- Arguments$getIndices(keepSequenceLengths)
# Argument 'ram':
ram <- getRam(aromaSettings, ram)
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Assert that the CDF can be found
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
chipType <- getChipType(this)
nbrOfCells <- nbrOfCells(this)
cdf <- NULL
cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType(chipType, nbrOfCells=nbrOfCells)
}, error = function(ex) {
cdf <<- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType(chipType, tags=".*", nbrOfCells=nbrOfCells)
# Figure out the number of columns on the array
nbrOfColumns <- nbrOfColumns(cdf)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Importing probe sequences")
verbose && cat(verbose, "Pathname: ", getPathname(srcFile))
verbose && cat(verbose, "Chip type: ", getChipType(srcFile))
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of cell columns: ", nbrOfColumns)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Rows:")
verbose && str(verbose, rows)
colClasses <- c("probe(X|Y)Pos"="integer", "probeSequence"="character", "targetStrandedness"="character")
count <- 0
CHUNK.SIZE <- as.integer(ram*1.5e6)
rowOffset <- as.integer(1)
idxs <- 1:CHUNK.SIZE
while (length(rows) > 0) {
if (length(rows) < CHUNK.SIZE) {
idxs <- 1:length(rows)
rowsChunk <- rows[idxs]
verbose && printf(verbose, "Row: %d-%d\n", min(rowsChunk), max(rowsChunk))
df <- readDataFrame(srcFile, colClasses=colClasses,
rows=rowsChunk, ..., verbose=less(verbose, 25))
if (nrow(df) == 0)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Data read:")
verbose && str(verbose, df)
if (nrow(df) < length(idxs)) {
idxs <- 1:nrow(df)
cells <- nbrOfColumns*df[,"probeYPos"] + df[,"probeXPos"] + as.integer(1)
# Check for duplicated cell indices
dups <- duplicated(cells)
hasDuplicates <- any(dups)
if (hasDuplicates) {
setOfDups <- cells[dups]
n <- length(setOfDups)
msg <- paste("Identified ", n, " duplicated cell indices: ",
paste(head(setOfDups), collapse=", "), sep="")
verbose && cat(verbose, msg)
verbose && print(verbose, head(df[dups,]))
if (onDuplicates == "error") {
} else if (onDuplicates == "warning") {
} else if (onDuplicates == "ignore") {
# Not needed anymore
dups <- NULL
# Clean up to save memory
df[["probeXPos"]] <- df[["probeYPos"]] <- NULL
seqs <- df[,"probeSequence"]
strands <- df[,"targetStrandedness"]
# Not needed anymore
df <- NULL
gc <- gc()
verbose && str(verbose, cells)
verbose && str(verbose, seqs)
verbose && str(verbose, strands)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Unique probe-sequence lengths:")
verbose && str(verbose, seqs)
n <- nchar(seqs)
verbose && print(verbose, table(n))
# Identify probe sequences to be kept?
if (!is.null(keepSequenceLengths)) {
keep <- is.element(n, keepSequenceLengths)
keep <- which(keep)
if (length(keep) != length(seqs)) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Dropping probe sequence with odd lengths")
msg <- paste("Dropped ", length(seqs)-length(keep),
" sequences, because they are of unwanted lengths: ",
paste(keepSequenceLengths, collapse=", "), sep="")
verbose && cat(verbose, msg)
cells <- cells[keep]
seqs <- seqs[keep]
strands <- strands[keep]
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Not needed anymore
keep <- NULL
updateSequences(this, cells=cells, seqs=seqs, verbose=less(verbose, 25))
updateTargetStrands(this, cells=cells, strands=strands, verbose=less(verbose, 25))
count <- count + length(cells)
# Next set of rows
rows <- rows[-idxs]
} # while(TRUE)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Update footer with import information
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Updating file footer:")
footer <- readFooter(this)
keys <- paste("srcFile", c("", 2:99), sep="")
key <- keys[(!keys %in% names(footer))][1]
footer[[key]] <- list(
filename = getFilename(srcFile),
filesize = getFileSize(srcFile),
checksum = getChecksum(srcFile)
writeFooter(this, footer)
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && exit(verbose)
setMethodS3("inferMmFromPm", "AromaCellSequenceFile", function(this, cdf, units=NULL, ..., safe=FALSE, ram=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Local functions
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Contract: X == dnaComplement(dnaComplement(X)) is always true
dnaComplement <- function(X, ...) {
# A (0x01) -> T (0x04)
# C (0x02) -> G (0x03)
# G (0x03) -> C (0x02)
# T (0x04) -> A (0x01)
from <- as.raw(1:4)
to <- as.raw(4:1)
Xc <- X
for (kk in 1:4) {
idxs <- which(X == from[kk])
Xc[idxs] <- to[kk]
} # dnaComplement()
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'cdf':
cdf <- Arguments$getInstanceOf(cdf, "AffymetrixCdfFile")
chipType <- getChipType(this, fullname=FALSE)
if (getChipType(cdf, fullname=FALSE) != chipType) {
throw("Argument 'cdf' is of a different chip type than this: ",
getChipType(cdf, fullname=FALSE), " != ", chipType)
# Argument 'safe':
safe <- Arguments$getLogical(safe)
if (safe) {
throw("Argument 'safe' was TRUE. There is no implementation available that infers MM cell indices safely from the CDF. The non-safe version assumes that stratifyBy=\"pmmm\" will return MMs in every 2nd index.")
# Argument 'ram':
ram <- getRam(aromaSettings, ram)
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
if (is.null(units)) {
units <- seq_len(nbrOfUnits(cdf))
} else {
units <- Arguments$getIndices(units, max=nbrOfUnits(cdf))
CHUNK.SIZE <- as.integer(ram*100e3)
nbrOfChunks <- ceiling(length(units) / CHUNK.SIZE)
chunk <- 1
while (length(units) > 0) {
verbose && enter(verbose, sprintf("Chunk #%d of %d", chunk, nbrOfChunks))
uu <- 1:min(length(units), CHUNK.SIZE)
unitsChunk <- units[uu]
verbose && cat(verbose, "Units in this chunk:")
verbose && str(verbose, unitsChunk)
# Read cell indices from CDF
verbose && enter(verbose, "Querying CDF for cell indices")
cells <- getCellIndices(cdf, units=unitsChunk, stratifyBy="pmmm",
unlist=TRUE, useNames=FALSE)
# Not needed anymore
unitsChunk <- NULL
# Sanity check
if (length(cells) %% 2 != 0) {
throw("Expected an even number of cell indices: ", length(cells))
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Create (PM,MM) pairs
cells <- matrix(cells, nrow=2)
rownames(cells) <- c("pm", "mm")
verbose && cat(verbose, "(PM,MM) cell indices:")
verbose && str(verbose, cells)
# Read all PM sequences
verbose && cat(verbose, "PM cell indices:")
verbose && str(verbose, cells["pm",])
seqs <- readSequenceMatrix(this, cells=cells["pm",], what="raw",
verbose=less(verbose, 5))
verbose && cat(verbose, "PM sequences:")
verbose && str(verbose, seqs)
# Keep only (PM,MM) pairs for which we know the PM sequence
keep <- (seqs[,1] != as.raw(0))
keep <- which(keep)
verbose && printf(verbose, "Keeping %d of %d (%.1f%%) non-missing PM sequences\n", length(keep), nrow(seqs), 100*length(keep)/nrow(seqs))
seqs <- seqs[keep,, drop=FALSE]
cells <- cells[,keep, drop=FALSE]
strands <- readTargetStrands(this, cells=cells["pm",], what="raw",
verbose=less(verbose, 5))
verbose && cat(verbose, "PM strands:")
verbose && str(verbose, strands)
# Keep only MM cell indices
cells <- cells["mm",]
# Not needed anymore
keep <- NULL
verbose && cat(verbose, "MM cell indices:")
verbose && str(verbose, cells)
# Update target strands for MM cells
verbose && cat(verbose, "MM strands (same as PM strands):")
verbose && str(verbose, strands)
updateTargetStrands(this, cells=cells, strands=strands, verbose=less(verbose, 5))
# Not needed anymore
strands <- NULL
# Complement 13th base to get MM sequences
seqs[,13] <- dnaComplement(seqs[,13])
# Build MM sequences
verbose && cat(verbose, "MM sequences:")
verbose && str(verbose, seqs)
updateSequenceMatrix(this, cells=cells, seqs=seqs, verbose=less(verbose, 5))
# Not needed anymore
cells <- seqs <- NULL
# Next chunk of units
units <- units[-uu]
# Not needed anymore
uu <- NULL
gc <- gc()
verbose && print(verbose, gc)
chunk <- chunk + 1
verbose && exit(verbose)
} # while()
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Update footer with MM infer information
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Updating file footer:")
footer <- readFooter(this)
footer$updates <- list(
srcForMMs = list(
filename = getFilename(cdf),
filesize = getFileSize(cdf),
checksum = getChecksum(cdf)
writeFooter(this, footer)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# END: Affymetrix specific
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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