#' Creation of Mc_all new (only antares > V6)
#' Creation of Mc_all new (only antares > V6)
#' @param opts \code{list} of simulation parameters returned by the function \link{setSimulationPath}
#' @param nbcl \code{numeric} Number of parralel process
#' @param verbose \code{numeric} show log in console. Defaut to 1
#' - 0 : No log
#' - 1 : Short log
#' - 2 : Long log
#' @param timestep \code{character} antares timestep
#' @param writeOutput \code{boolean} write result or not.
#' @param mcWeights \code{numeric} vector of weigth for mcYears.
#' @param mcYears \code{numeric} mcYears to load.
#' @param filtering \code{boolean} filtering control
#' @param selected \code{list} named list (pass to antaresRead) : list(areas = 'a', links = 'a - e')
#' @param legacy \code{boolean} run old version of the function
#' @import data.table
#' @import doParallel
#' @importFrom plyr llply
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom stringi stri_replace_last_fixed
#' @importFrom memuse Sys.meminfo
#' @return Object `list` of data.tables, each element representing one type
#' of element (areas, links, clusters)
#' @export
#' @rdname aggregatate_mc_all
parAggregateMCall <- function(opts,
nbcl = 8,
verbose = 2,
timestep = c("annual", "daily", "hourly", "monthly", "weekly"),
writeOutput = TRUE, # for ADPatch compatibility
mcWeights = NULL,
mcYears = NULL,
filtering = FALSE,
selected = NULL,
legacy = FALSE){
total_time <- Sys.time()
if (isTRUE(legacy)) {
cat("\nRunning Legacy mode\n")
parAggregateMCall_old(opts = opts, nbcl = nbcl, verbose = verbose,
timestep = timestep, writeOutput = writeOutput,
mcWeights = mcWeights,
mcYears = NULL)
return (2)
# browser()
resultat <- list()
#Get all available timestep####
firstYear_folder <- list.dirs(file.path(opts$simDataPath,"mc-ind"), recursive = F)[1]
timestep_dispo <- grep(".txt", list.files(firstYear_folder, recursive = T), value = T)
timestep_dispo <- unique(gsub(".*-(.+)\\..*", "\\1", timestep_dispo))
timestep <- intersect(timestep, timestep_dispo)
if (verbose > 0) print(timestep)
if (is.null(timestep)){
cat("No data found")
return (1)
# Renommer le dossier mc_all si exist####
if (writeOutput && dir.exists(file.path(opts$simDataPath,"mc-all"))){
if (dir.exists(file.path(opts$simDataPath, "original-mc-all"))){
unlink(file.path(opts$simDataPath,"mc-all"), recursive = T)
} else {
file.rename(file.path(opts$simDataPath,"mc-all"), file.path(opts$simDataPath,"original-mc-all"))
for (tmstp in timestep){
pathEtude <- opts$simPath
parallel <- (nbcl > 1)
Folder <- Files <- Mode <- Name <- progNam <- `production EXP` <- `NODU EXP`<- `NP Cost EXP` <- `production` <- `NODU`<- `NP Cost` <- NULL
# opts
# verbose = 1
# filtering = FALSE
# selected = NULL
# timestep = "houry"
# writeOutput = FALSE
# mcWeights = c(1, 2)
# mcYears = c(1, 3)
if(writeOutput == FALSE){ coef = 1.4 } else { coef = 1 }
if(writeOutput == FALSE & length(tmstp)>1) stop("If you want data return you must choose a unique timestep")
if(verbose > 0) try ({pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)})
opts <- suppressWarnings(setSimulationPath(opts$simPath))
# Version which readAntares####
RES_mode <- F
if (opts$antaresVersion >= 810)
if (opts$parameters$`other preferences`$`renewable-generation-modelling` == "clusters")
RES_mode <- T
linkTable_file <- ifelse(RES_mode, "/format_output/tableOutput_aggreg_v8.csv", "/format_output/tableOutput_aggreg.csv")
linkTable <- try({
data.table::fread(system.file(linkTable_file, package = "antaresRead"))},
silent = TRUE
.errorTest(linkTable, verbose, "\nLoad of link table")
# load link table####
linkTable$progNam <- linkTable$Stats
linkTable$progNam[which(linkTable$progNam == "values")] <- "EXP"
# dtaMc <- paste0(opts$simDataPath, "/mc-ind")
numMc <- mcYears
if(length(numMc) == 1) if(numMc%in% c("all", "All")) numMc <- opts$mcYears
} else numMc <- opts$mcYears
if(is.null(mcWeights)) mcWeights <- rep(1, length(numMc))
if(length(mcWeights)!=length(numMc)) stop('length of mcWeights must be the same as mcYears')
coef_div_mc_pond <- sum(mcWeights)
coef_div_mc_pond_2 <- sum(mcWeights * mcWeights)
#sapply on timeStep
#allTyped <- c("annual", "daily", "hourly", "monthly", "weekly")
#allTyped <- 'hourly'
#Dynamic batch value####
batch = floor(((as.numeric(Sys.meminfo()[[2]])/(1024*1024*1024)) * 0.7)/2)
if (batch > 1 & length(numMc)%%batch == 1) batch <- batch + 1
if (verbose > 0) cat("\nBatch :",batch,"\n")
#Parallel config####
if (parallel){
cl <- makeCluster(nbcl)
paropts <- list(preschedule=TRUE)
clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 123)
#Start mc-all calculation####
output <- sapply(tmstp, function(type, verbose)
.addMessage(verbose, paste0("------- Mc-all : ", type, " -------"))
#load first MC-year####
a <- Sys.time()
oldw <- getOption("warn")
clustersSelect <- clustersResSelect <- areasselect <- linksSelect <- "all"
} else {
areasselect <- .getAreasToAggregate(opts, type)
linksSelect <- .getLinksToAggregate(opts, type)
clustersSelect <- clustersResSelect <- areasselect
} else {
areasselect <- selected$areas
linksSelect <- selected$links
clustersSelect <- selected[["clusters"]]
clustersResSelect <- selected[["clustersRes"]]
#get image of memory before and after reading one mcYear
#tt <- sum(.Internal(gc(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))[13:14])
dta <- suppressWarnings(readAntares(areas = areasselect,
links = linksSelect,
clusters = clustersSelect,
clustersRes = clustersResSelect,
timeStep = type,
simplify = FALSE,
mcYears = numMc[1],
showProgress = FALSE))
#tt = sum(.Internal(gc(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))[13:14]) - tt
#print(tt, units = "Mb")
dtaLoadAndcalcul <- try({
aTot <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - a)
SDcolsStartareas <- switch(type,
daily = 6,
annual = 4,
hourly = 7,
monthly = 5,
weekly = 4
SDcolsStartClust <- SDcolsStartareas + 1
#make structure####
struct <- list()
for (elmt in c("areas","links","clusters","clustersRes")){
if (!is.null(dta[[elmt]]))
struct[[elmt]] <- dta[[elmt]][,.SD, .SDcols = 1:ifelse(elmt %in% c("areas","links"), SDcolsStartareas, SDcolsStartClust)]
if (!is.null(struct[[elmt]]$day))
struct[[elmt]]$day <- sprintf(struct[[elmt]]$day, fmt = "%02.0f")
if (type == "weekly"){
if (!is.null(struct[[elmt]]))
struct[[elmt]]$timeId <- as.numeric(substr(struct[[elmt]]$time,
b <- Sys.time()
#value structure####
value <- .giveValue(dta, SDcolsStartareas, SDcolsStartClust)
N <- length(numMc)
W_sum = w_sum2 = mean_m = S = 0
value <- lapply(value, function(X){.creatStats(X, W_sum, w_sum2, mean_m, S, mcWeights[1])})
btot <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - b)
if(verbose>0) try({.progBar(pb, type, 1, N, coef)})
#Record years####
recordYears <- .createRecordYears(value, numMc[1])
LOLD_data <- data.table(area = unique(dta$areas[, area]), isLOLD_cum = 0)
LOLD_data[area %in% unique(dta$areas[LOLD > 0, area]), isLOLD_cum := isLOLD_cum + mcWeights[numMc == numMc[1]]]
#sequentially add values####
for (j in 1:ceiling(N/batch)){
lst_idx = 0
left = max((j-1)*batch + 1, 2)
right = min(N, j*batch)
curr_years = setdiff(numMc[left:right],NA)
lst_dtaTP <- list() #init lst pour execution monocore
if (parallel){
par_time <- Sys.time()
lst_dtaTP <- suppressWarnings(plyr::llply(curr_years, .parReadAntares, .parallel = T,
.paropts = list(.options.snow = paropts),
pth = opts$simPath, type = type, areasselect = areasselect,
linksSelect = linksSelect, clustersSelect = clustersSelect,
clustersResSelect = clustersResSelect))
if (verbose > 0) cat("\n\n",Sys.time() - par_time)
for(i in curr_years){
lst_idx = lst_idx + 1
a <- Sys.time()
if (!parallel){
dtaTP <- suppressWarnings(readAntares(areas = areasselect,
links = linksSelect,
clusters = clustersSelect,
clustersRes = clustersResSelect,
timeStep = type,
simplify = FALSE,
mcYears = i,
showProgress = FALSE))
} else { dtaTP <- lst_dtaTP[[lst_idx]]}
aTot <- aTot + as.numeric(Sys.time() - a)
b <- Sys.time()
valueTP <- .giveValue(dtaTP, SDcolsStartareas, SDcolsStartClust)
nmKeep <- names(valueTP)
valueTP <- lapply(names(valueTP), function(X){
.creatStats(valueTP[[X]], value[[X]]$W_sum, value[[X]]$w_sum2, value[[X]]$mean_m, value[[X]]$S , mcWeights[numMc == i])
names(valueTP) <- nmKeep
#LOLP and record years
LOLD_data[area %in% unique(dtaTP$areas[LOLD > 0, area]), isLOLD_cum := isLOLD_cum + mcWeights[numMc == i]]
recordYears <- .updateRecordYears(recordYears, value, valueTP, i)
# valueTP <- mapply(function(X, Y){.creatStats(X, Y$W_sum, Y$w_sum2, Y$mean_m, Y$S , mcWeights[i])}, X = valueTP, Y = value, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
for (elmt in c("areas","links","clusters","clustersRes")){
if (!is.null(value[[elmt]]))
value[[elmt]] <- .updateStats(value[[elmt]], valueTP[[elmt]])
btot <- btot + as.numeric(Sys.time() - b)
if(verbose>0) try({.progBar(pb, type, i, N, coef)})
#free memory after each iteration####
lst_dtaTP[[lst_idx]] <- 0
#Calcul of sd
b <- Sys.time()
coef_div_var = (coef_div_mc_pond )#- coef_div_mc_pond_2 / coef_div_mc_pond
for (elmt in c("areas","links","clusters","clustersRes")){
if (!is.null(value[[elmt]])){
value[[elmt]]$std <- sqrt(value[[elmt]]$var / coef_div_var)
#nan due to round
for (i in names(value[[elmt]]$std))
value[[elmt]]$std[is.nan(get(i)), (i) := 0]
} else {
# std to 0
value <- lapply(value, function(x){
x$std <- x$sumC
x$std[, c(colnames(x$std)) := lapply(.SD, function(x) 0), .SDcols = colnames(x$std)]
colnames(x$std) <- gsub("_std$", "", colnames(x$std))
for (itm in names(value)){
value[[itm]]$sumC <- NULL
value[[itm]]$var <- NULL
value[[itm]]$S <- NULL
value[[itm]]$W_sum <- NULL
value[[itm]]$w_sum2 <- NULL
value[[itm]]$mean_m <- NULL
if (!is.null(names(value[[itm]]$std))){
names(value[[itm]]$std) <- paste0(names(value[[itm]]$std) , "_std")
value[[itm]]$sum <- value[[itm]]$sum / coef_div_mc_pond
btot <- btot + as.numeric(Sys.time() - b)
.addMessage(verbose, paste0("\nTime for reading data : ", round(aTot,1), " secondes"))
.addMessage(verbose, paste0("Time for calculating : ", round(btot,1), " secondes"))
}, silent = TRUE)
.errorTest(dtaLoadAndcalcul, verbose, "Load data and calcul")
# browser()
#write mc-all files####
allfiles <- c("values", "id")
if(writeOutput == FALSE){
if(verbose>0) .progBar(pb, type, 1, 1, 1, terminate = TRUE)
return(.formatOutput( lapply(value, function(X)(Reduce(cbind, X))), struct))
} else {
if(!is.null(value$clustersRes) &&$clustersRes) && nrow(value$clustersRes) > 0){
warning("Writing clusterRes file is not at moment available")
#write areas + record years####
areaWrite <- try(sapply(allfiles, function(f)
#prepare data for all country
areaSpecialFile <- linkTable[Folder == "area" &
Files == "values" & Mode == tolower(opts$mode)]
if (f == "id") areaSpecialFile <- areaSpecialFile[Stats %in% c("min","max")]
#mc-all variables !
mcall_vars_area <- paste0(areaSpecialFile$Name, "_", areaSpecialFile$progNam)
mcall_vars_area <- gsub("_EXP", "", mcall_vars_area)
if (f == "values")
areas <- cbind(value$areas$sum, value$areas$std, value$areas$min, value$areas$max)
areas <- cbind(recordYears$areas$min, recordYears$areas$max)
if(nrow(areas) > 0)
# areas <- areas[, .SD, .SDcols = which(names(areas)%in%opts$variables$areas)]
# areas <- areas[, .SD, .SDcols = match(opts$variables$areas, names(areas))]
areas <- areas[, .SD, .SDcols = intersect(mcall_vars_area,names(areas))]
nbvar <- ncol(areas)
areas <- cbind(struct$areas, areas)
ncolFix <- ncol(struct$areas) - 3
areas[, c("mcYear", "time") := NULL]
allAreas <- unique(areas$area)
if (f == "values")
for(i in 1:length(mcall_vars_area))
var <- mcall_vars_area[i]
dig <- areaSpecialFile[Name == var | paste0(Name,"_",progNam) == var]$digits
if(length(dig)>0)areas[, c(var) := .(, args = list(get(var), digits = dig)))]
if(length(allAreas) > 0)
sapply(allAreas, function(areasel){
#for each country prepare file
areastowrite <- areas[area == areasel]
areastowrite[,c("area") := NULL]
indexMin <- min(areas$timeId)
indexMax <- max(areas$timeId)
kepNam <- names(struct$areas)[!names(struct$areas)%in%c("area","mcYear","time")]
nameIndex <- ifelse(type == "weekly", "week", "index")
kepNam[which(kepNam == "timeId")] <- nameIndex
#write txt
.writeFileOut(dta = areastowrite, timestep = type, fileType = f,
ctry = areasel, opts = opts, folderType = "areas", nbvar = nbvar,
indexMin = indexMin, indexMax = indexMax, ncolFix = ncolFix,
nomcair = areaSpecialFile$Name, unit = areaSpecialFile$Unit,
nomStruct = kepNam,Stats = areaSpecialFile$Stats)
}), silent = TRUE)
.errorTest(areaWrite, verbose, "Area (+ record years) write")
allfiles <- c("values", "id")
#write links + record years ####
linkWrite <- try(sapply(allfiles, function(f)
#prepare data for all link
linkSpecialFile <- linkTable[Folder == "link" &
Files == "values" & Mode == tolower(opts$mode)]
if (f == "id") linkSpecialFile <- linkSpecialFile[Stats %in% c("min","max")]
#mc-all variables !
mcall_vars_links <- paste0(linkSpecialFile$Name, "_", linkSpecialFile$progNam)
mcall_vars_links <- gsub("_EXP", "", mcall_vars_links)
if (f == "values")
links <- cbind(value$links$sum, value$links$std, value$links$min, value$links$max)
links <- cbind(recordYears$links$min, recordYears$links$max)
if(nrow(links) > 0)
links <- links[, .SD, .SDcols = intersect(mcall_vars_links,names(links))]
# links <- links[, .SD, .SDcols = which(names(links)%in%opts$variables$links)]
# links <- links[, .SD, .SDcols = match(opts$variables$links, names(links))]
nbvar <- ncol(links)
links <- cbind(struct$links, links)
ncolFix <- ncol(struct$links)-3
links[, c("mcYear", "time") := NULL]
allLink<- unique(links$link)
if (f == "values"){
for(i in 1:length(mcall_vars_links))
var <- mcall_vars_links[i]
dig <- linkSpecialFile[Name == var | paste0(Name,"_",progNam) == var]$digits
if(length(dig)>0)links[, c(var) := .(, args = list(get(var), digits = dig)))]
sapply(allLink, function(linksel){
#for eatch link prepare file
linkstowrite <- links[link == linksel]
linkstowrite[,c("link") := NULL]
indexMin <- min(links$timeId)
indexMax <- max(links$timeId)
kepNam <- names(struct$link)[!names(struct$link)%in%c("link","mcYear","time")]
nameIndex <- ifelse(type == "weekly", "week", "index")
kepNam[which(kepNam == "timeId")] <- nameIndex
#write txt
.writeFileOut(dta = linkstowrite, timestep = type, fileType = f,
ctry = linksel, opts = opts, folderType = "links", nbvar = nbvar,
indexMin = indexMin, indexMax = indexMax, ncolFix = ncolFix,
nomcair = linkSpecialFile$Name, unit = linkSpecialFile$Unit,
nomStruct = kepNam,Stats = linkSpecialFile$Stats)
}), silent = TRUE)
.errorTest(linkWrite, verbose, "Link (+ record years) write")
#write details####
if (!is.null(value$clustersRes)){
details <- value$clusters$sum
if(!is.null(struct$clusters$day) | 1)
if(length(struct$clusters$day) > 0 | 1)
endClust <- cbind(struct$clusters, details)
endClust[, c("mcYear") := NULL]
detailWrite <- try(sapply(unique(endClust$area), function(ctry){
#for each country prepare file
endClustctry <- endClust[area == ctry]
orderBeg <- unique(endClustctry$time)
endClustctry[,c("area") := NULL]
nameBy <- setdiff(names(endClustctry), names(struct$clusters))
# if("NP Cost"%in%names(endClustctry)){}
nomStruct <- names(endClustctry)[!names(endClustctry) %in% c("cluster", nameBy)]
tmp_formula <- nomStruct
# tmp_formula <- gsub(" ", "_", tmp_formula)
tmp_formula <- paste0("`", tmp_formula, "`")
tmp_formula <- as.formula(paste0(paste0(tmp_formula, collapse = " + "), "~cluster"))
endClustctry[, c(nameBy) := lapply(.SD, round), .SDcols = nameBy]
endClustctry <- data.table::dcast(endClustctry, tmp_formula,
value.var = c(nameBy))
endClustctry <- endClustctry[match(orderBeg, endClustctry$time)]
endClustctry[,c("time") := NULL]
nomStruct <- nomStruct[-which(nomStruct == "time")]
nomcair <- names(endClustctry)
nomcair <- nomcair[!nomcair%in%nomStruct]
nbvar <- length(nomcair)
unit <- rep("", length(nomcair))
unit[grep("production",nomcair)] <- "MWh"
unit[grep("NP Cost",nomcair)] <- "NP Cost - Euro"
unit[grep("NODU",nomcair)] <- "NODU"
unit[grep("profit",nomcair)] <- "Profit - Euro"
nomcair <- gsub("production_","",nomcair)
nomcair <- gsub("NP Cost_","",nomcair)
nomcair <- gsub("NODU_","",nomcair)
nomcair <- gsub("profit_","",nomcair)
Stats <- rep("EXP", length(unit))
nameIndex <- ifelse(type == "weekly", "week", "index")
nomStruct[which(nomStruct == "timeId")] <- nameIndex
indexMin <- min(endClustctry$timeId)
indexMax <- max(endClustctry$timeId)
ncolFix <- length(nomStruct)
#write details txt
.writeFileOut(dta = endClustctry, timestep = type, fileType = "details",
ctry = ctry, opts = opts, folderType = "areas", nbvar = nbvar,
indexMin = indexMin, indexMax = indexMax, ncolFix = ncolFix,
nomcair = nomcair, unit = unit, nomStruct = nomStruct,Stats = Stats)
}), silent = TRUE)
.errorTest(detailWrite, verbose, "Detail write")
#write details-res####
if (!is.null(value$clustersRes)){
detailsRes <- value$clustersRes$sum
if(!is.null(struct$clustersRes$day) | 1)
if(length(struct$clustersRes$day) > 0 | 1)
endClust <- cbind(struct$clustersRes, detailsRes)
endClust[, c("mcYear") := NULL]
detailResWrite <- try(sapply(unique(endClust$area), function(ctry){
#for each country prepare file
endClustctry <- endClust[area == ctry]
orderBeg <- unique(endClustctry$time)
endClustctry[,c("area") := NULL]
nameBy <- c("production", "col2")
nomStruct <- names(endClustctry)[!names(endClustctry) %in% c("cluster", nameBy)]
tmp_formula <- nomStruct
# tmp_formula <- gsub(" ", "_", tmp_formula)
tmp_formula <- paste0("`", tmp_formula, "`")
tmp_formula <- as.formula(paste0(paste0(tmp_formula, collapse = " + "), "~cluster"))
endClustctry[, c(nameBy) := list(round(`production`))]
endClustctry <- data.table::dcast(endClustctry, tmp_formula,
value.var = c(nameBy))
endClustctry <- endClustctry[match(orderBeg, endClustctry$time)]
endClustctry[,c("time", grep("col2",names(endClustctry),value = T)) := NULL]
nomStruct <- nomStruct[-which(nomStruct == "time")]
nomcair <- names(endClustctry)
nomcair <- nomcair[!nomcair%in%nomStruct]
nbvar <- length(nomcair)
unit <- rep("", length(nomcair))
unit[grep("production",nomcair)] <- "MWh"
nomcair <- gsub("production_","",nomcair)
Stats <- rep("EXP", length(unit))
nameIndex <- ifelse(type == "weekly", "week", "index")
nomStruct[which(nomStruct == "timeId")] <- nameIndex
indexMin <- min(endClustctry$timeId)
indexMax <- max(endClustctry$timeId)
ncolFix <- length(nomStruct)
#write detailsRes txt
.writeFileOut(dta = endClustctry, timestep = type, fileType = "details-res",
ctry = ctry, opts = opts, folderType = "areas", nbvar = nbvar,
indexMin = indexMin, indexMax = indexMax, ncolFix = ncolFix,
nomcair = nomcair, unit = unit, nomStruct = nomStruct,Stats = Stats)
}), silent = TRUE)
.errorTest(detailResWrite, verbose, "Detail Res write")
LOLD_data[, isLOLD_cum := 100 * isLOLD_cum/sum(mcWeights)]
# browser()
.addMessage(verbose, paste0("------- End Mc-all : ", type, " -------"))
outputlist <- .formatOutput( lapply(value, function(X)(Reduce(cbind, X))), struct)
list(outputlist, LOLD_data)
}, verbose = verbose, simplify = FALSE)
if(verbose>0) try({ close(pb) })
if (writeOutput){
if (tmstp == "hourly" | (tmstp == "annual" & !("hourly" %in% timestep))){
# Create grid folder####
.gridFolderCreation(opts, verbose)
# Create digest####
suppressWarnings(.writeDigestFile(opts, output[[1]], tmstp, linkTable, verbose, LOLD_data = output[[1]][[2]]))
mc_all <- file.path(opts$simDataPath, "mc-all")
file.rename(from = mc_all, stri_replace_last_fixed(mc_all, "mc-all", paste0("mc-all-",tmstp)))
resultat[[tmstp]] <- output[[1]]
if (writeOutput){
#aggregate timesteps####
mc_all_hourly <- file.path(opts$simDataPath, "mc-all-hourly")
mc_all <- file.path(opts$simDataPath, "mc-all")
if (file.exists(mc_all_hourly)){
file.rename(from = mc_all_hourly, str_replace(mc_all_hourly, "mc-all-hourly", "mc-all"))
} else {
mc_alls <- grep("mc-all-", list.dirs(opts$simDataPath, recursive = F), value = T)
for (mc_all_step in mc_alls){
t <- Sys.time()
files <- list.dirs(mc_all_step, recursive = F)
file.copy(files, mc_all, recursive = T)
if (verbose > 0){
print(paste(mc_all_step,": Done"))
print(Sys.time() - t)
unlink(mc_alls, recursive = T)
#add other nodes from original mc-all####
original_mc_all_path <- file.path(opts$simDataPath,"original-mc-all")
if (file.exists(original_mc_all_path)){
print("Adding original mc-all data")
old_areas <- list.dirs(file.path(original_mc_all_path,"areas"), recursive = F)
old_links <- list.dirs(file.path(original_mc_all_path,"links"), recursive = F)
old_thermal <- file.path(original_mc_all_path,"grid","thermal.txt")
new_areas <- file.path(mc_all,"areas")
new_links <- file.path(mc_all,"links")
new_thermal <- file.path(mc_all,"grid")
file.copy(old_areas, new_areas, overwrite = F, recursive = T)
file.copy(old_links, new_links, overwrite = F, recursive = T)
file.copy(old_thermal, new_thermal)
##merge digests
finalDigest <- mergeDigests(readDigestFile(opts),
readDigestFile(opts, endpoint = "original-mc-all/grid/digest.txt"))
suppressWarnings(writeDigest(finalDigest, opts))
if(verbose > 0){
print("mc-all total time :")
print(Sys.time() - total_time)
if (!writeOutput){
if (length(resultat) == 1) return (resultat[[1]])
#' @param opts \code{list} of simulation parameters returned by the function \link{setSimulationPath}
#' @param timestep \code{character} antares timestep
#' @param writeOutput \code{boolean} write result or not.
#' @param mcWeights \code{numeric} vector of weigth for mcYears.
#' @param mcYears \code{numeric} mcYears to load.
#' @param filtering \code{boolean} filtering control
#' @param selected \code{list} named list (pass to antaresRead) : list(areas = 'a', links = 'a - e')
#' @param legacy \code{boolean} run old version of the function
#' @export
#' @rdname aggregatate_mc_all
aggregateResult <- function(opts,
verbose = 2,
timestep = c("annual", "daily", "hourly", "monthly", "weekly"),
writeOutput = TRUE, # for ADPatch compatibility
mcWeights = NULL,
mcYears = NULL,
filtering = FALSE,
selected = NULL,
legacy = FALSE){
if (isFALSE(legacy)){
parAggregateMCall(opts = opts, nbcl = 1, verbose = verbose, timestep = timestep, writeOutput = writeOutput,
mcWeights = mcWeights, mcYears = mcYears, filtering = filtering,
selected = selected, legacy = legacy)
} else {
aggregateResult_old(opts = opts, verbose = verbose, filtering = filtering,
selected = selected, timestep = timestep, writeOutput = writeOutput,
mcWeights = mcWeights, mcYears = mcYears)
#' @title Transform link table
#' @description Transform link table to adapt to v8 antares
#' @param linkTable \code{data.table} of data load which antaresRead::readAntares
#' @param RES_mode \code{boolean} True if clusters for renewables
#' @return linkTableMini {data.table} filtered linkTable and adjusted to antares version
#' @noRd
.transformLinkTable <- function(linkTable, RES_mode){
linkTableMini <- linkTable[Folder == "area" & Mode == "economy" & Stats %in% c("EXP","values"),
## linkTable doit etre adaptée pour la V8 dans le package
## adaptation manuelle pour le moment
if (RES_mode == T){
linkTableMini <- linkTableMini[!(Name %in% c("WIND", "SOLAR"))]
linkTableMini <- rbind(linkTableMini[1:17],
setDT(as.list(c("MISC. DTG 2","MWh","EXP"))),
setDT(as.list(c("MISC. DTG 3","MWh","EXP"))),
setDT(as.list(c("MISC. DTG 4","MWh","EXP"))),
setDT(as.list(c("WIND OFFSHORE","MWh","EXP"))),
setDT(as.list(c("WIND ONSHORE","MWh","EXP"))),
setDT(as.list(c("SOLAR CONCRT.","MWh","EXP"))),
setDT(as.list(c("SOLAR PV","MWh","EXP"))),
setDT(as.list(c("SOLAR ROOFT","MWh","EXP"))),
setDT(as.list(c("RENW. 1","MWh","EXP"))),
setDT(as.list(c("RENW. 2","MWh","EXP"))),
setDT(as.list(c("RENW. 3","MWh","EXP"))),
setDT(as.list(c("RENW. 4","MWh","EXP"))),
use.names = F)
linkTableMini <- transpose(rbind(setDT(as.list(c("area","",""))),
use.names = F),
make.names = "V1")
#' @title Create links digest linear flow
#' @description Create links digest linear flow
#' @param testPar \code{list} of all data areas/links/clusters
#' @param tmstp \code{character} current timestep
#' @return result {data.table} results for linear flow
#' @noRd
.createDigestLinksLIN <- function(testPar, tmstp){
digest <- testPar[["links"]][, c("link","FLOW LIN.")]
ars <- unique(as.character(testPar[["areas"]][, area]))
result <- data.table(matrix(0, nrow = length(ars), ncol = length(ars) + 1))
setnames(result, c("...To",ars))
result[, "...To" := ars]
## Aggregate by link
if (tmstp != "annual"){
digest <- digest[, .("FLOW LIN." = sum(`FLOW LIN.`)), by = link]
for (i in 1:nrow(digest)){
data_link = strsplit(as.character(digest[i,link]), " - ")
result[`...To` == data_link[[1]][2], data_link[[1]][1] := ifelse(round(as.numeric(digest[i,"FLOW LIN."])) == 0,
round(as.numeric(digest[i,"FLOW LIN."])))]
result[`...To` == data_link[[1]][1], data_link[[1]][2] := ifelse(-round(as.numeric(digest[i,"FLOW LIN."])) == 0,
-round(as.numeric(digest[i,"FLOW LIN."])))]
suppressWarnings(result[`...To` == data_link[[1]][1], data_link[[1]][1] := "X"])
result[result == 0] <- "--"
result[result == 1000000000000000] <- 0
for (col in colnames(result)[-1]) result <- result[`...To` == col, col := "X", with = F]
#' @title Create links digest quadratic flow
#' @description Create links digest quadratic flow
#' @param testPar \code{list} of all data areas/links/clusters
#' @param tmstp \code{character} current timestep
#' @return result {data.table} results for quadratic flow
#' @noRd
.createDigestLinksQUAD <- function(testPar, tmstp){
digest <- testPar[["links"]][, c("link","FLOW QUAD.")]
ars <- unique(as.character(testPar[["areas"]][, area]))
result <- data.table(matrix(0, nrow = length(ars), ncol = length(ars) + 1))
setnames(result, c("...To",ars))
result[, "...To" := ars]
## Aggregate by link
if (tmstp != "annual"){
digest <- digest[, .("FLOW QUAD." = sum(`FLOW QUAD.`)), by = link]
for (i in 1:nrow(digest)){
data_link = strsplit(as.character(digest[i,link]), " - ")
result[`...To` == data_link[[1]][2], data_link[[1]][1] := ifelse(round(as.numeric(digest[i,"FLOW QUAD."])) == 0,
round(as.numeric(digest[i,"FLOW QUAD."])))]
result[`...To` == data_link[[1]][1], data_link[[1]][2] := ifelse(-round(as.numeric(digest[i,"FLOW QUAD."])) == 0,
-round(as.numeric(digest[i,"FLOW QUAD."])))]
suppressWarnings(result[`...To` == data_link[[1]][1], data_link[[1]][1] := "X"])
result[result == 0] <- "--"
result[result == 1000000000000000] <- 0
for (col in colnames(result)[-1]) result <- result[`...To` == col, col := "X", with = F]
#' @title Create areas digest from annual data
#' @description Create areas digest from annual data
#' @param testPar \code{list} of all data areas/links/clusters
#' @param linkTable \code{data.table} table of expressions
#' @return digest {data.table} results for areas
#' @noRd
.createDigestAreasAnnual <- function(testPar, linkTable, verbose){
digest <- testPar[["areas"]]
cols_remove = c("timeId", "time", grep("_",names(digest),value = T))
digest <- digest[, -cols_remove, with = F]
for(i in 2:length(names(digest)))
var <- names(digest)[i]
dig <- linkTable[Folder == "area" & Mode == "economy" & Stats %in% c("EXP","values") &
(Name == var | paste0(Name,"_",progNam) == var)]$digits
if(length(dig)>0) digest[, c(var) := .(, args = list(get(var), digits = dig)))]
digest_names <- transpose(linkTable[Folder == "area" & Mode == "economy" & progNam == "EXP", c("Name", "Unit", "Stats")])
setnames(digest_names, as.character(digest_names[1]))
digest <- rbind(cbind(data.table(area = list("","")), digest_names[-1]), digest)
if (verbose > 0) cat("Digest : Ok\n")
#' @title Create areas digest from hourly data
#' @description Create areas digest from hourly data
#' @param testPar \code{list} of all data areas/links/clusters
#' @param linkTable \code{data.table} table of expressions
#' @return digest {data.table} results for areas
#' @noRd
.createDigestAreasHourly <- function(testPar, linkTable, verbose, LOLD_data){
digest <- testPar[["areas"]]
cols_remove = c("month","hour","timeId","time","day", grep("_",names(digest),value = T))
digest <- digest[, -cols_remove, with = F]
colorder <- colnames(digest)
digest <- digest[, `:=` (`MRG. PRICE` = `MRG. PRICE`/8736,
`H. LEV` = `H. LEV`/8736)][, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm=TRUE), by="area"]
digest <- merge(digest, LOLD_data)[, LOLP := isLOLD_cum][, isLOLD_cum := NULL]
for(i in 2:length(names(digest)))
var <- names(digest)[i]
dig <- linkTable[Folder == "area" & Mode == "economy" & Stats %in% c("EXP","values") &
(Name == var | paste0(Name,"_",progNam) == var)]$digits
if(length(dig)>0) digest[, c(var) := .(, args = list(get(var), digits = dig)))]
#rapid fix for extra columns in antares 8.1 (to do)
digest_names <- transpose(linkTable[Folder == "area" & Mode == "economy" & progNam == "EXP", c("Name", "Unit", "Stats")])
setnames(digest_names, as.character(digest_names[1]))
digest <- rbind(cbind(data.table(area = list("","")), digest_names[-1]), digest)
if (verbose > 0) cat("Digest (hourly) : Ok\n")
#' @title Create grid folder
#' @description Create grid folder
#' @noRd
.gridFolderCreation <- function(opts, verbose){
##create grid folder if doesnt exist
grid_folder <- file.path(opts$simDataPath, "mc-all","grid")
if (!dir.exists(grid_folder)){
dir.create(paste0(opts$simDataPath, "/mc-all/grid"),
recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
ars <- fread(file = paste0(opts$inputPath,"/areas/list.txt"), header = F)
setnames(ars, "V1", "name")
ars <- ars[, id := tolower(name)][, c("id","name")][order(id)]
write.table(ars, file = paste0(opts$simDataPath, "/mc-all/grid/areas.txt"),
row.names = F, quote = F, sep = "\t")
lnks <- getLinks(namesOnly = F)
lnks <- sapply(lnks, function(X){X <- strsplit(X, " - ")})
dt_lnks <- data.table()
for (lnk in lnks){
dt_lnks <- rbind(dt_lnks, data.table(upstream = lnk[1], downstream = lnk[2]))
dt_lnks <- dt_lnks[order(upstream)][!( |]
write.table(dt_lnks, file = paste0(opts$simDataPath, "/mc-all/grid/links.txt"),
row.names = F, quote = F, sep = "\t")
if (verbose > 0) cat("Grid folder : Ok\n")
} else {if (verbose > 0) cat("Grid folder : already exists\n")}
#' @title Write digest file
#' @description Write digest file
#' @param output \code{list} of data after aggregation
#' @param tmstp \code{character} current timestep
#' @param linkTable \code{data.table} table of expressions
#' @param verbose \code{integer} level of console output detail
#' @param LOLD_data \code{data.table} data for number of mcYears with LOLD
#' @noRd
.writeDigestFile <- function(opts, output, tmstp, linkTable, verbose, LOLD_data){
digest <- list()
if (tmstp == "annual") {
digesta <- .createDigestAreasAnnual(output[[1]], linkTable, verbose)
} else if (tmstp == "hourly") { digesta <- .createDigestAreasHourly(output[[1]], linkTable, verbose, LOLD_data)}
digest$begin <- data.table(VARIABLES = ncol(digesta) - 1, AREAS = nrow(digesta) - 2, LINKS = 0)
digest$areas <- digesta
digest$middle <- data.table(VARIABLES = 0, AREAS = 0, LINKS = 0)
digest$lin <- .createDigestLinksLIN(output[[1]], tmstp)
digest$quad <- .createDigestLinksQUAD(output[[1]], tmstp)
writeDigest(digest, opts)
#' @title parallel read antares
#' @description read antares adapted for parallel execution
#' @param mcYear \code{numeric} mcYear to read data
#' @param pth \code{character} study path
#' @param type \code{character} current timestep
#' @param areasselect \code{character} Areas to select
#' @param linksSelect \code{character} links to select
#' @param clustersSelect \code{character} clusters to select
#' @param clustersResSelect \code{character} renewable clusters to select
#' @noRd
.parReadAntares <- function(mcYear, pth, type,
areasselect, linksSelect,
clustersSelect, clustersResSelect){
dt <- readAntares(areas = areasselect, links = linksSelect,
clusters = clustersSelect, clustersRes = clustersResSelect,
timeStep = type, simplify = FALSE,
mcYears = mcYear, showProgress = FALSE)
.createRecordYears <- function(value, year){
recordYears <- list()
recordYears$areas$min <- copy(value$areas$min)
recordYears$areas$max <- copy(value$areas$max)
recordYears$links$min <- copy(value$links$min)
recordYears$links$max <- copy(value$links$max)
recordYears$areas$min[!$areas$min)] <- year
recordYears$areas$max[!$areas$max)] <- year
recordYears$links$min[!$links$min)] <- year
recordYears$links$max[!$links$max)] <- year
.updateRecordYears <- function(recordYears, value, valueTP, year){
recordYears$areas$min[!$areas$min) & valueTP$areas$min < value$areas$min] <- year
recordYears$areas$max[!$areas$max) & valueTP$areas$max > value$areas$max] <- year
recordYears$links$min[!$links$min) & valueTP$links$min < value$links$min] <- year
recordYears$links$max[!$links$max) & valueTP$links$max > value$links$max] <- year
.formatOutput <- function(out, struct){
# out <- lapply(value, function(X)(Reduce(cbind, X)))
for(i in names(struct)){
struct[[i]] <- NULL
} else {
out[[i]]$TPmerge <- 1:nrow(out[[i]])
struct[[i]]$TPmerge <- 1:nrow(struct[[i]])
struct[[i]] <- merge(struct[[i]], out[[i]], by = 'TPmerge')
struct[[i]]$TPmerge <- NULL
struct[[i]][, c("mcYear", "OV. COST_min","CO2 EMIS._min", "ROW BAL._min", "PSP_min","MISC. NDG_min", "LOLP_min", "OV. COST_max", "CO2 EMIS._max",
"ROW BAL._max", "PSP_max", "MISC. NDG_max", "LOLP_max","OV. COST_std", "CO2 EMIS._std", "ROW BAL._std", "PSP_std", "MISC. NDG_std", "LOLP_std",
"LOOP FLOW_min", "FLOW QUAD._min", "CONG. PROB +_min", "CONG. PROB -_min", "LOOP FLOW_max", "FLOW QUAD._max", "CONG. PROB +_max", "CONG. PROB -_max",
"LOOP FLOW_std", "FLOW QUAD._std", "CONG. PROB +_std", "CONG. PROB -_std" ) := NULL]
if(i == "clusters"){
struct[[i]][, c( "production_min", "NP Cost_min", "NODU_min", "production_max", "NP Cost_max", "NODU_max", "production_std", "NP Cost_std", "NODU_std") := NULL]
if(i == "clustersRes"){
struct[[i]][, c( "production_min", "production_max", "production_std") := NULL]
if(!is.null( struct[[i]]$day)){
struct[[i]]$day <- as.numeric(struct[[i]]$day)
#' @title Extract value part of data
#' @description Extract value part of data
#' @param dta \code{data.table} of data load which antaresRead::readAntares
#' @param SDcolsStartareas \code{numeric} first column of data for areas
#' @param SDcolsStartClust \code{numeric} first column of data for details
#' @return value {data.table} value selected
#' @noRd
.giveValue <- function(dta, SDcolsStartareas, SDcolsStartClust)
value = list()
value$areas <- dta$areas[,lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = (SDcolsStartareas+1):ncol(dta$areas)]
value$links <- dta$links[,lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = (SDcolsStartareas+1):ncol(dta$links)]
value$clusters <- dta[["clusters"]][,lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = (SDcolsStartClust+1):ncol(dta[["clusters"]])]
value$clustersRes <- dta[["clustersRes"]][,lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = (SDcolsStartClust+1):ncol(dta[["clustersRes"]])]
#' @title Create stat file compute min, max sd and mean
#' @description Create stat file compute min, max sd and mean
#' @param X \code{data.table} data load which
#' antaresRead::readAntares and extract which .giveValue
#' @return res {data.table} stats computed
#' @noRd
.creatStats <- function(X, W_sum, w_sum2, mean_m, S, pond = 1){
# browser()
W_sum = W_sum + pond
w_sum2 = w_sum2 + pond * pond
mean_m2 = mean_m + (pond / W_sum) * (X - mean_m)
S = S + pond * (X - mean_m2) * (X - mean_m)
XP = X * pond
res <- list(sum = XP, min = X, max = X, sumC = XP*XP, S = S, W_sum = W_sum, w_sum2 = w_sum2, mean_m = mean_m2)
names(res$sum) <- paste(names(X))
names(res$min) <- paste0(names(X), "_min")
names(res$max) <- paste0(names(X), "_max")
names(res$sumC) <- paste0(names(X), "_std")
#' @title Update data min, max sd and mean
#' @description Update data min, max sd and mean
#' @param X \code{data.table} data init which .creatStats
#' @param Y \code{data.table} data load which
#' antaresRead::readAntares and extract which .giveValue
#' @return X {data.table} stats updated
#' @noRd
.updateStats <- function(X, Y){
X$sum <- X$sum + Y$sum
X$min <-$min , Y$min)
X$max <-$max , Y$max)
X$sumC <- X$sumC + Y$sumC
X$var <- Y$S
X$S <- Y$S
X$W_sum <- Y$W_sum
X$w_sum2 <- Y$w_sum2
X$mean_m <- Y$mean_m
# fast pmin and pmax for two elements <- function(k,x) (x+k - abs(x-k))/2 <- function(k,x) (x+k + abs(x-k))/2
#' @title Write mc-all files
#' @description Write mc-all files
#' @param dta \code{data.table} data
#' @param timestep \code{character} must be annual, monthly, weekly, daily or hourly
#' @param fileType \code{character} must be values or details
#' @param ctry \code{character} country.
#' @param opts \code{list} of simulation parameters returned by the function \link{setSimulationPath}
#' @param folderType \code{character} must be areas or links
#' @param nbvar \code{numeric} for header write, currently ncol(dta)
#' @param indexMin \code{numeric} for header write, depend of number of row write and calandar
#' @param indexMax \code{numeric} for header write, depend of number of row write and calandar
#' @param ncolFix \code{numeric} for header write
#' @param nomcair \code{character} for header write, names of variables
#' @param unit \code{character} for header write, unit of variables
#' @param nomStruct \code{character} for header write, depend of timestep
#' @param Stats \code{character} for header write, stats compute for eatch variables
#' @noRd
.writeFileOut <- function(dta, timestep, fileType, ctry, opts, folderType, nbvar,
indexMin, indexMax, ncolFix, nomcair, unit, nomStruct, Stats){
# threads for fwrite
folderTypesansS <- substr(folderType, 1, nchar(folderType)-1)
abrtype <- substr(fileType, 1, 2)
if (fileType == "details-res") abrtype <- "res"
if(timestep == "annual"){
nomStruct <- ""
dta$timeId <- "Annual"
if(folderType == "links"){
ctryDecomp <- strsplit(as.character(ctry), " - ")
ctryDecomp <- unlist(ctryDecomp)
entete <- paste0(ctryDecomp[1], "\t",folderTypesansS,"\t",abrtype,
"\t",timestep,"\n",ctryDecomp[2] ,"\tVARIABLES\tBEGIN\tEND\n\t",
nbvar, "\t",indexMin, "\t",indexMax, "\n\n",
ctryDecomp[1], "\t", timestep, paste0(rep("\t", ncolFix), collapse = ""),
paste0(nomcair, collapse = "\t"),"\n",
paste0(rep("\t", ncolFix+1), collapse = ""),paste0(unit, collapse = "\t"),"\n",
"\t", paste0(nomStruct, collapse = "\t"), "\t", paste0(Stats, collapse = "\t"), "\n")
entete <- paste0(ctry, "\t",folderTypesansS,"\t",abrtype, "\t",timestep,"\n\tVARIABLES\tBEGIN\tEND\n\t",
nbvar, "\t",indexMin, "\t",indexMax, "\n\n",
ctry, "\t", timestep, paste0(rep("\t", ncolFix), collapse = ""),
paste0(nomcair, collapse = "\t"),"\n",
paste0(rep("\t", ncolFix+1), collapse = ""),paste0(unit, collapse = "\t"),"\n",
"\t", paste0(nomStruct, collapse = "\t"), "\t", paste0(Stats, collapse = "\t"), "\n")
dir.create(paste0(opts$simDataPath, "/mc-all", "/",folderType,"/", ctry),
recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
outputFile <- paste0(opts$simDataPath, "/mc-all", "/",folderType,"/", ctry, "/",
fileType, "-",timestep,".txt")
file <- file(outputFile, "wb")
write.table(entete,file , row.names = FALSE, eol = "",
quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
# write.table(cbind(NA, dta), file,
# append = TRUE,
# row.names = FALSE,
# col.names =FALSE,
# quote = FALSE,sep = "\t",
# na = "")
# cols <- setdiff(which(sapply(dta, is.numeric)), c("MRG. PRICE", "LOLD", "LOLP", "H. LEV"))
# dta[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, round), .SDcols = cols]
# if ("MRG. PRICE" %in% colnames(dta)) dta[, `MRG. PRICE` := round(`MRG. PRICE`, 2)]
# if ("LOLD" %in% colnames(dta)) dta[, `LOLD` := round(`LOLD`, 2)]
# if ("LOLP" %in% colnames(dta)) dta[, `LOLP` := round(`LOLP`, 2)]
# if ("H. LEV" %in% colnames(dta)) dta[, `H. LEV` := round(`H. LEV`, 2)]
data.table::fwrite(cbind(NA, dta), outputFile,
append = TRUE,
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
eol = "\n", na = "N/A")
#' @title Edit info on output folder
#' @description Edit info on output folder
#' @param outData \code{character} out folder path
#' @param simulationName \code{character} simulation name
#' @param dateTim2 \code{datetime} simulation begin date time
#' @param dtTim \code{datetime} simulation end date time
#' @noRd
.editOutputInfo <- function(outData, simulationName, dateTim2, dtTim)
#Edit infos output simulation
iniPath <- paste0(outData, "/info.antares-output")
infosIni <- readIniFile(iniPath)
infosIni$general$name <- substr(simulationName, 1, nchar(simulationName)-10)
dateTim2 <- gsub("-" , ".", dateTim2)
dateTim2 <- gsub(" " , " - ", dateTim2)
infosIni$general$date <- dateTim2
infosIni$general$title <- dateTim2
infosIni$general$timestamp <- round(as.numeric(difftime(dtTim,
as.POSIXct("1970-01-01 00:00:00"), units = "sec")), 0)
.writeIni(infosIni, iniPath)
#' @title Progress bar
#' @description Progress bar
#' @param pb \code{progressbar} progress bar to update
#' @param timestep \code{character} must be annual, monthly, weekly, daily or hourly
#' @param timestep \code{character} must be annual, monthly, weekly, daily or hourly
#' @param mcALLNum \code{numeric} current mcYears position
#' @param nbmcallTOT \code{numeric} number of mcYear
#' @return progress bar update
#' @noRd
.progBar <- function(pb, timeStep, mcALLNum, nbmcallTOT, coef = 1, terminate = FALSE)
usalTime <- data.frame(period = c("start","annual", "daily", "hourly", "monthly", "weekly"),
value = c(0, 20, 200, 600, 800, 1000))
per <- which(usalTime$period == timeStep)
dif <- usalTime$value[per] - usalTime$value[per - 1]
approxEnd <- mcALLNum*coef/nbmcallTOT
i = (dif * approxEnd + usalTime$value[per - 1]) / usalTime$value[length( usalTime$value)]
if(terminate&!is.null(pb)){setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1)}else{ setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)}
.getAreasToAggregate <- function(opts, timeStep){
inputsAreas <- paste0(opts$studyPath, "/input/areas")
allAreas <- list.dirs(inputsAreas, full.names = FALSE)
allAreas <- allAreas[!allAreas == ""]
out <- sapply(allAreas, function(X){
Ini <- paste0(inputsAreas, "/", X, "/optimization.ini")
gsub(" ", "", unlist(strsplit(readIniFile(Ini)$filtering$`filter-synthesis`, ",")))
}, simplify = FALSE)
out <- lapply(out, function(X){
any(X == timeStep)
.getLinksToAggregate <- function(opts, timeStep){
inputsLinks <- paste0(opts$studyPath, "/input/links")
allLinks <- list.dirs(inputsLinks, full.names = FALSE)
allLinks <- allLinks[!allLinks == ""]
out <- sapply(allLinks, function(X){
Ini <- paste0(inputsLinks, "/", X, "/properties.ini")
res <- lapply(readIniFile(Ini), function(X){X$`filter-synthesis`})
lapply(res, function(X)gsub(" ", "", unlist(strsplit(X, ","))))
out <- out[lapply(out, length)!=0]
out <- lapply(out, function(X){
lapply(X, function(Y){
any(Y == timeStep)
out <- lapply(out, unlist)
out <- lapply(out, function(X)X[X])
res <- list()
for(i in 1:length(out)){
res[[i]] <- paste(names(out)[i], names(out[[i]]), sep = " - ")
res <- unlist(res)
.recupeFilesUser <- function(opts){
if(dir.exists(paste0(opts$studyPath, "/user/tempfile/")))
tocp <- paste0(opts$studyPath, "/user/tempfile/", list.files(paste0(opts$studyPath, "/user/tempfile"), recursive = TRUE))
initialFile <- gsub("/user/tempfile/","/input/", tocp)
file.copy(tocp, initialFile, overwrite = TRUE)
unlink(paste0(opts$studyPath, "/user/tempfile"), recursive = TRUE)
#' @title error test
#' @description error test
#' @param tryReturn return from try
#' @param verbose \code{numeric} show log in console. Defaut to 1
#' @param msg \code{character} message to display if no error
#' @noRd
.errorTest <- function(tryReturn, verbose, msg)
if("try-error" %in% class(tryReturn)){
stop(msg, " : ", tryReturn[1])
if(verbose == 2){
cat(paste0(msg, " : Ok\n"))
#' @title Display message on console
#' @description Display message on console
#' @param verbose \code{numeric} show log in console. Defaut to 1
#' @param valAf \code{numeric} show log in console if valAf == verbose.
#' @param msg \code{character} message to display if no error
#' @noRd
.addMessage <- function(verbose, msg, valAf = 2){
if(verbose == valAf){
cat(paste0(msg, "\n"))
# From antaresFlowbased duplicated necessary
#' Write ini file from list obtain by antaresRead::readIniFile and modify by user
#' @param listData \code{list}, modified list obtained by antaresRead::readIniFile.
#' @param pathIni \code{Character}, Path to ini file.
#' @param overwrite logical, should file be overwritten if already exist?
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pathIni <- "D:/exemple_test/settings/generaldata.ini"
#' generalSetting <- antaresRead::readIniFile(pathIni)
#' generalSetting$output$synthesis <- FALSE
#' writeIni(generalSetting, pathIni)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
.writeIni <- function(listData, pathIni, overwrite = FALSE) {
if (file.exists(pathIni)) {
if (overwrite) {
} else {
stop("files already exist")
con <- file(pathIni, "wb")
X = seq_along(listData),
FUN = .formatedIniList,
dtaToTransform = listData,
namesdtaToTransform = names(listData),
con = con
#' Change R format to ini format
#' @param val value to format
#' @return val formated value
#' @noRd
.formatedIni <- function(val) {
if (class(val) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) {
format(val, nsmall = 6, scientific = FALSE)
} else if (class(val) %in% c("logical")) {
if ( {
} else {
} else {
#' write ini (raw by raw)
#' @param dtaToTransform \code{list} data to write
#' @param namesdtaToTransform \code{character} names of data to write
#' @param con file connection where data are write
#' @noRd
.formatedIniList <- function(x, dtaToTransform, namesdtaToTransform, con) {
if (length(dtaToTransform[[x]]) > 0) {
if (!is.null(namesdtaToTransform)) {
writeChar( paste0("[", namesdtaToTransform[x], "]\n"), con, eos = NULL)
} else {
writeChar(paste0("[", x-1, "]\n"), con, eos = NULL)
tmp_data <- dtaToTransform[[x]]
# format values
values <- lapply(X = tmp_data, FUN = .formatedIni)
values <- lapply(X = values, FUN = paste, collapse = ", ")
# write
writeChar(paste(paste0(names(tmp_data), " = ", values), collapse = "\n"), con, eos = NULL)
writeChar("\n\n", con, eos = NULL)
} else {
if (nzchar(namesdtaToTransform[x]))
writeChar( paste0("[", namesdtaToTransform[x], "]\n"), con, eos = NULL)
writeChar("\n\n", con, eos = NULL)
#' Creation of Mc_all (only antares > V6)
#' Creation of Mc_all (only antares > V6)
#' @param opts \code{list} of simulation parameters returned by the function \link{setSimulationPath}
#' @param verbose \code{numeric} show log in console. Defaut to 1
#' \itemize{
#' \item{0}{ : No log}
#' \item{1}{ : Short log}
#' \item{2}{ : Long log}
#' @param filtering \code{boolean} filtering control
#' @param timestep \code{character} antares timestep
#' @param selected \code{list} named list (pass to antaresRead) : list(areas = 'a', links = 'a - e')
#' @param writeOutput \code{boolean} write result or not.
#' @param mcWeights \code{numeric} vector of weigth for mcYears.
#' @param mcYears \code{numeric} mcYears to load.
#' @import data.table
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' aggregateResult(opts)
#' }
aggregateResult_old <- function(opts, verbose = 1,
filtering = FALSE,
selected = NULL,
timestep = c("annual", "daily", "hourly", "monthly", "weekly"),
writeOutput = FALSE,
mcWeights = NULL,
mcYears = NULL){
# browser()
Folder <- Files <- Mode <- Name <- progNam <- `production EXP` <- `NODU EXP`<- `NP Cost EXP` <- `production` <- `NODU`<- `NP Cost` <- NULL
# opts
# verbose = 1
# filtering = FALSE
# selected = NULL
# timestep = "houry"
# writeOutput = FALSE
# mcWeights = c(1, 2)
# mcYears = c(1, 3)
if(writeOutput == FALSE){
coef = 1.4
coef = 1
if(writeOutput == FALSE & length(timestep)>1){
stop("If you want data return you must choose a unique timestep")
if(verbose > 0)
pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
opts <- setSimulationPath(opts$simPath)
# Version which readAntares
linkTable <- try({
data.table::fread(system.file("/format_output/tableOutput_aggreg.csv", package = "antaresRead"))},
silent = TRUE
.errorTest(linkTable, verbose, "\nLoad of link table")
# load link table
linkTable$progNam <- linkTable$Stats
linkTable$progNam[which(linkTable$progNam == "values")] <- "EXP"
# dtaMc <- paste0(opts$simDataPath, "/mc-ind")
numMc <- mcYears
if(length(numMc) == 1){
if(numMc%in% c("all", "All")){
numMc <- opts$mcYears
} else{
numMc <- opts$mcYears
mcWeights <- rep(1, length(numMc))
stop('length of mcWeights must be the same as mcYears')
coef_div_mc_pond <- sum(mcWeights)
coef_div_mc_pond_2 <- sum(mcWeights * mcWeights)
#sapply on timeStep
#allTyped <- c("annual", "daily", "hourly", "monthly", "weekly")
#allTyped <- 'hourly'
output <- sapply(timestep, function(type, verbose)
.addMessage(verbose, paste0("------- Mc-all : ", type, " -------"))
# browser()
# load first MC-year
a <- Sys.time()
dta <- readAntares(areas = "all", links = "all", clusters = "all",
clustersRes = "all", timeStep = type, simplify = FALSE,
mcYears = numMc[1], showProgress = FALSE)
} else {
areasselect <- .getAreasToAggregate(opts, type)
linksSelect <- .getLinksToAggregate(opts, type)
dta <- readAntares(areas = areasselect,
links = linksSelect,
clusters = areasselect,
clustersRes = areasselect,
timeStep = type,
simplify = FALSE,
mcYears = numMc[1],
showProgress = FALSE)
} else {
dta <- readAntares(areas = selected$areas,
links = selected$links,
clusters = selected[["clusters"]],
clustersRes = selected[["clustersRes"]],
timeStep = type,
simplify = FALSE,
mcYears = numMc[1],
showProgress = FALSE)
dtaLoadAndcalcul <- try({
aTot <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - a)
SDcolsStartareas <- switch(type,
daily = 6,
annual = 4,
hourly = 7,
monthly = 5,
weekly = 4
SDcolsStartClust <- SDcolsStartareas + 1
#make structure
struct <- list()
struct$areas <- dta$areas[,.SD, .SDcols = 1:SDcolsStartareas]
struct$links <- dta$links[,.SD, .SDcols = 1:SDcolsStartareas]
struct$clusters <- dta[["clusters"]][,.SD, .SDcols = 1:SDcolsStartClust]
struct$clustersRes <- dta[["clustersRes"]][,.SD, .SDcols = 1:SDcolsStartClust]
if(type == "weekly"){
struct$areas$timeId <- as.numeric(substr(struct$areas$time, nchar(as.character(struct$areas$time[1]))-1,
struct$links$timeId <- as.numeric(substr(struct$link$time, nchar(as.character(struct$link$time[1]))-1,
struct$clusters$timeId <- as.numeric(substr(struct$clusters$time, nchar(as.character(struct$clusters$time[1]))-1,
struct$clustersRes$timeId <- as.numeric(substr(struct$clustersRes$time, nchar(as.character(struct$clustersRes$time[1]))-1,
struct$areas$day <- ifelse(nchar(struct$areas$day) == 1,
paste0("0", struct$areas$day),
struct$links$day <- ifelse(nchar(struct$links$day) == 1,
paste0("0", struct$links$day),
struct$clusters$day <- ifelse(nchar(struct$clusters$day) == 1,
paste0("0", struct$clusters$day),
struct$clustersRes$day <- ifelse(nchar(struct$clustersRes$day) == 1,
paste0("0", struct$clustersRes$day),
b <- Sys.time()
#value structure
value <- .giveValue(dta, SDcolsStartareas, SDcolsStartClust)
N <- length(numMc)
W_sum = 0
w_sum2 = 0
mean_m = 0
S = 0
value <- lapply(value, function(X){.creatStats(X, W_sum, w_sum2, mean_m, S, mcWeights[1])})
btot <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - b)
.progBar(pb, type, 1, N, coef)
#sequentially add values
for(i in 2:N){
a <- Sys.time()
dtaTP <- readAntares(areas = "all", links = "all", clusters = "all", clustersRes = "all",
timeStep = type, simplify = FALSE, mcYears = numMc[i], showProgress = FALSE)
} else {
dtaTP <- readAntares(areas = areasselect,
links = linksSelect,
clusters = areasselect,
clustersRes = areasselect,
timeStep = type, simplify = FALSE,
mcYears = numMc[i], showProgress = FALSE)
} else{
dtaTP <- readAntares(areas = selected$areas,
links = selected$links,
clusters = selected[["clusters"]],
clustersRes = selected[["clustersRes"]],
timeStep = type,
simplify = FALSE,
mcYears = numMc[i],
showProgress = FALSE)
aTot <- aTot + as.numeric(Sys.time() - a)
b <- Sys.time()
valueTP <- .giveValue(dtaTP, SDcolsStartareas, SDcolsStartClust)
nmKeep <- names(valueTP)
valueTP <- lapply(names(valueTP), function(X){
.creatStats(valueTP[[X]], value[[X]]$W_sum, value[[X]]$w_sum2, value[[X]]$mean_m, value[[X]]$S , mcWeights[i])
names(valueTP) <- nmKeep
# valueTP <- mapply(function(X, Y){.creatStats(X, Y$W_sum, Y$w_sum2, Y$mean_m, Y$S , mcWeights[i])}, X = valueTP, Y = value, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
value$areas <- .updateStats(value[["areas"]], valueTP[["areas"]])
value$links <- .updateStats(value[["links"]], valueTP[["links"]])
value$clusters <- .updateStats(value[["clusters"]], valueTP[["clusters"]])
value$clustersRes <- .updateStats(value[["clustersRes"]], valueTP[["clustersRes"]])
btot <- btot + as.numeric(Sys.time() - b)
.progBar(pb, type, i, N, coef)
#Calcul of sd
b <- Sys.time()
coef_div_var = (coef_div_mc_pond )
value$areas$std <- sqrt(value$areas$var / coef_div_var)
#nan due to round
for (i in names(value$areas$std))
value$areas$std[is.nan(get(i)), (i) := 0]
value$links$std <- sqrt(value$links$var / coef_div_var)
#nan due to round
for (i in names(value$links$std))
value$links$std[is.nan(get(i)), (i) := 0]
value$clusters$std <- sqrt(value$clusters$var / coef_div_var)
#nan due to round
for (i in names(value$clusters$std))
value$clusters$std[is.nan(get(i)), (i) := 0]
value$clustersRes$std <- sqrt(value$clustersRes$var / coef_div_var)
#nan due to round
for (i in names(value$clustersRes$std))
value$clustersRes$std[is.nan(get(i)), (i) := 0]
} else {
# std to 0
value <- lapply(value, function(x){
x$std <- x$sumC
x$std[, c(colnames(x$std)) := lapply(.SD, function(x) 0), .SDcols = colnames(x$std)]
colnames(x$std) <- gsub("_std$", "", colnames(x$std))
value$areas$sumC <- NULL
value$links$sumC <- NULL
value$clusters$sumC <- NULL
value$clustersRes$sumC <- NULL
value$areas$var <- NULL
value$areas$S <- NULL
value$areas$W_sum <- NULL
value$areas$w_sum2 <- NULL
value$areas$mean_m <- NULL
value$links$var <- NULL
value$links$S <- NULL
value$links$W_sum <- NULL
value$links$w_sum2 <- NULL
value$links$mean_m <- NULL
value$clusters$var <- NULL
value$clusters$S <- NULL
value$clusters$W_sum <- NULL
value$clusters$w_sum2 <- NULL
value$clusters$mean_m <- NULL
value$clustersRes$var <- NULL
value$clustersRes$S <- NULL
value$clustersRes$W_sum <- NULL
value$clustersRes$w_sum2 <- NULL
value$clustersRes$mean_m <- NULL
if(!is.null(value$areas) && !is.null(names(value$areas$std))){names(value$areas$std) <- paste0(names(value$areas$std) , "_std")}
if(!is.null(value$links) && !is.null(names(value$links$std))){names(value$links$std) <- paste0(names(value$links$std) , "_std")}
if(!is.null(value[["clusters"]]) && !is.null(names(value[["clusters"]]$std))){names(value[["clusters"]]$std) <- paste0(names(value[["clusters"]]$std) , "_std")}
if(!is.null(value[["clustersRes"]]) && !is.null(names(value[["clustersRes"]]$std))){names(value[["clustersRes"]]$std) <- paste0(names(value[["clustersRes"]]$std) , "_std")}
value$areas$sum <- value$areas$sum / coef_div_mc_pond
value$links$sum <- value$links$sum / coef_div_mc_pond
value$clusters$sum <- value$clusters$sum / coef_div_mc_pond
value$clustersRes$sum <- value$clustersRes$sum / coef_div_mc_pond
btot <- btot + as.numeric(Sys.time() - b)
.addMessage(verbose, paste0("Time for reading data : ", round(aTot,1), " secondes"))
.addMessage(verbose, paste0("Time for calculating : ", round(btot,1), " secondes"))
}, silent = TRUE)
.errorTest(dtaLoadAndcalcul, verbose, "\nLoad data and calcul")
# browser()
#Write area
allfiles <- c("values")
if(writeOutput == FALSE){
.progBar(pb, type, 1, 1, 1, terminate = TRUE)
return(.formatOutput( lapply(value, function(X)(Reduce(cbind, X))), struct))
} else {
if(!is.null(value$clustersRes) &&$clustersRes) && nrow(value$clustersRes) > 0){
warning("Writing clusterRes file is not at moment available")
areaWrite <- try(sapply(allfiles, function(f)
#prepare data for all country
areaSpecialFile <- linkTable[Folder == "area" & Files == f & Mode == tolower(opts$mode)]
namekeep <- paste(areaSpecialFile$Name, areaSpecialFile$Stats)
namekeepprog <- paste(areaSpecialFile$Name, areaSpecialFile$progNam)
areas <- cbind(value$areas$sum, value$areas$std, value$areas$min, value$areas$max)
if(nrow(areas) > 0)
areas <- areas[, .SD, .SDcols = which(names(areas)%in%opts$variables$areas)]
areas <- areas[, .SD, .SDcols = match(opts$variables$areas, names(areas))]
nbvar <- ncol(areas)
areas <- cbind(struct$areas, areas)
ncolFix <- ncol(struct$areas) - 3
areas[, c("mcYear", "time") := NULL]
allAreas <- unique(areas$area)
for(i in 1:length(opts$variables$areas))
var <- opts$variables$areas[i]
dig <- areaSpecialFile[var == paste(Name,progNam )]$digits
if(length(dig)>0)areas[, c(var) := .(, args = list(get(var), digits = dig)))]
if(length(allAreas) > 0)
sapply(allAreas, function(areasel){
#for each country prepare file
areastowrite <- areas[area == areasel]
areastowrite[,c("area") := NULL]
indexMin <- min(areas$timeId)
indexMax <- max(areas$timeId)
kepNam <- names(struct$areas)[!names(struct$areas)%in%c("area","mcYear","time")]
nameIndex <- ifelse(type == "weekly", "week", "index")
kepNam[which(kepNam == "timeId")] <- nameIndex
#write txt
.writeFileOut(dta = areastowrite, timestep = type, fileType = f,
ctry = areasel, opts = opts, folderType = "areas", nbvar = nbvar,
indexMin = indexMin, indexMax = indexMax, ncolFix = ncolFix,
nomcair = areaSpecialFile$Name, unit = areaSpecialFile$Unit,
nomStruct = kepNam,Stats = areaSpecialFile$Stats)
}), silent = TRUE)
.errorTest(areaWrite, verbose, "Area write")
allfiles <- c("values")
linkWrite <- try(sapply(allfiles, function(f)
#prepare data for all link
linkSpecialFile <- linkTable[Folder == "link" & Files == f & Mode == tolower(opts$mode)]
namekeep <- paste(linkSpecialFile$Name, linkSpecialFile$Stats)
namekeepprog <- paste(linkSpecialFile$Name, linkSpecialFile$progNam)
links <- cbind(value$links$sum, value$links$std, value$links$min, value$links$max)
if(nrow(links) > 0)
links <- links[, .SD, .SDcols = which(names(links)%in%opts$variables$links)]
links <- links[, .SD, .SDcols = match(opts$variables$links, names(links))]
# areas <- areas[, .SD, .SDcols = which(names(areas)%in%opts$variables$links)]
# areas <- areas[, .SD, .SDcols = match(opts$variables$areas, names(areas))]
nbvar <- ncol(links)
links <- cbind(struct$links, links)
ncolFix <- ncol(struct$links)-3
links[, c("mcYear", "time") := NULL]
allLink<- unique(links$link)
for(i in 1:length(opts$variables$links))
var <- opts$variables$links[i]
dig <- linkSpecialFile[var == paste(Name,progNam )]$digits
if(length(dig)>0)links[, c(var) := .(, args = list(get(var), digits = dig)))]
sapply(allLink, function(linksel){
#for eatch link prepare file
linkstowrite <- links[link == linksel]
linkstowrite[,c("link") := NULL]
indexMin <- min(links$timeId)
indexMax <- max(links$timeId)
kepNam <- names(struct$link)[!names(struct$link)%in%c("link","mcYear","time")]
nameIndex <- ifelse(type == "weekly", "week", "index")
kepNam[which(kepNam == "timeId")] <- nameIndex
#write txt
.writeFileOut(dta = linkstowrite, timestep = type, fileType = f,
ctry = linksel, opts = opts, folderType = "links", nbvar = nbvar,
indexMin = indexMin, indexMax = indexMax, ncolFix = ncolFix,
nomcair = linkSpecialFile$Name, unit = linkSpecialFile$Unit,
nomStruct = kepNam,Stats = linkSpecialFile$Stats)
}), silent = TRUE)
.errorTest(linkWrite, verbose, "Link write")
details <- value$clusters$sum
if(length(struct$clusters$day) > 0)
endClust <- cbind(struct$clusters, details)
endClust[, c("mcYear") := NULL]
detailWrite <- try(sapply(unique(endClust$area), function(ctry){
#for each country prepare file
endClustctry <- endClust[area == ctry]
orderBeg <- unique(endClustctry$time)
endClustctry[,c("area") := NULL]
if(tolower(opts$mode) == "economy")
nameBy <- c("production", "NP Cost", "NODU")
nameBy <- c("production")
# if("NP Cost"%in%names(endClustctry)){}
nomStruct <- names(endClustctry)[!names(endClustctry) %in% c("cluster", nameBy)]
tmp_formula <- nomStruct
# tmp_formula <- gsub(" ", "_", tmp_formula)
tmp_formula <- paste0("`", tmp_formula, "`")
tmp_formula <- as.formula(paste0(paste0(tmp_formula, collapse = " + "), "~cluster"))
if(tolower(opts$mode) == "economy")
endClustctry[, c(nameBy) := list(round(`production`),
round(`NP Cost`),
endClustctry[, c(nameBy) := list(round(`production`))]
endClustctry <- data.table::dcast(endClustctry, tmp_formula,
value.var = c(nameBy))
endClustctry <- endClustctry[match(orderBeg, endClustctry$time)]
endClustctry[,c("time") := NULL]
nomStruct <- nomStruct[-which(nomStruct == "time")]
nomcair <- names(endClustctry)
nomcair <- nomcair[!nomcair%in%nomStruct]
nbvar <- length(nomcair)
unit <- rep("", length(nomcair))
unit[grep("production",nomcair)] <- "MWh"
unit[grep("NP Cost",nomcair)] <- "NP Cost - Euro"
unit[grep("NODU",nomcair)] <- "NODU"
nomcair <- gsub("production","",nomcair)
nomcair <- gsub("NP Cost","",nomcair)
nomcair <- gsub("NODU","",nomcair)
Stats <- rep("EXP", length(unit))
nameIndex <- ifelse(type == "weekly", "week", "index")
nomStruct[which(nomStruct == "timeId")] <- nameIndex
indexMin <- min(endClustctry$timeId)
indexMax <- max(endClustctry$timeId)
ncolFix <- length(nomStruct)
#write details txt
.writeFileOut(dta = endClustctry, timestep = type, fileType = "details",
ctry = ctry, opts = opts, folderType = "areas", nbvar = nbvar,
indexMin = indexMin, indexMax = indexMax, ncolFix = ncolFix,
nomcair = nomcair, unit = unit, nomStruct = nomStruct,Stats = Stats)
}), silent = TRUE)
.errorTest(detailWrite, verbose, "Detail write")
.addMessage(verbose, paste0("------- End Mc-all : ", type, " -------"))
.formatOutput( lapply(value, function(X)(Reduce(cbind, X))), struct)
}, verbose = verbose, simplify = FALSE)
#' @param nbcl \code{numeric} Number of parralel process
#' @param verbose \code{numeric} see logs (1) or not (0)
#' @import data.table parallel
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply pboptions
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @noRd
parAggregateMCall_old <- function(opts,
nbcl = 8,
verbose = 1,
timestep = c("annual", "daily", "hourly", "monthly", "weekly"),
writeOutput = TRUE, # for ADPatch compatibility
mcWeights = NULL,
mcYears = NULL){
if(verbose == 1){
cat("Mc all start\n")
if(verbose == 0){
pboptions(type = "none")
areas <- getAreas(opts = opts)
links <- getLinks(opts = opts)
# clusters <- areas
clusters <- getAreas(withClustersOnly = TRUE, opts = opts)
todo <- data.table(V1 = c(areas, links, clusters),
V2 = c(rep("area", length(areas)),
rep("link", length(links)),
rep("cluster", length(clusters))
todo <- apply(todo, 1, function(X)list(X))
parallel <- TRUE
parallel <- FALSE
cl <- makeCluster(nbcl)
clusterExport(cl, c("opts", "timestep", "writeOutput", "mcWeights", "mcYears"), envir = environment())
cl <- NULL
pblapply(todo, function(X){
d <- list(X[[1]][1])
names(d) <- X[[1]][2]
aggregateResult_old(opts, filtering = TRUE, verbose = 0, selected = d,
timestep = timestep, writeOutput = writeOutput, mcWeights = mcWeights, mcYears = mcYears)
gc() # clean memory
}, cl = cl)
if(verbose == 1){
cat("Start computing\n")
if(verbose == 1){
cat("Mc all done\n")
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