# Ig lineage reconstruction via maximum parsimony
#' @include Classes.R
#### Preprocessing functions ####
#' Generate a ChangeoClone object for lineage construction
#' \code{makeChangeoClone} takes a data.frame with AIRR or Change-O style columns as input and
#' masks gap positions, masks ragged ends, removes duplicates sequences, and merges
#' annotations associated with duplicate sequences. It returns a \code{ChangeoClone}
#' object which serves as input for lineage reconstruction.
#' @param data data.frame containing the AIRR or Change-O data for a clone. See Details
#' for the list of required columns and their default values.
#' @param id name of the column containing sequence identifiers.
#' @param seq name of the column containing observed DNA sequences. All
#' sequences in this column must be multiple aligned.
#' @param germ name of the column containing germline DNA sequences. All entries
#' in this column should be identical for any given clone, and they
#' must be multiple aligned with the data in the \code{seq} column.
#' @param v_call name of the column containing V-segment allele assignments. All
#' entries in this column should be identical to the gene level.
#' @param j_call name of the column containing J-segment allele assignments. All
#' entries in this column should be identical to the gene level.
#' @param junc_len name of the column containing the length of the junction as a
#' numeric value. All entries in this column should be identical
#' for any given clone.
#' @param locus name of the column containing locus specification. Must be present
#' and only contain the value "IGH", representing heavy chains.
#' @param clone name of the column containing the identifier for the clone. All
#' entries in this column should be identical.
#' @param mask_char character to use for masking and padding.
#' @param max_mask maximum number of characters to mask at the leading and trailing
#' sequence ends. If \code{NULL} then the upper masking bound will
#' be automatically determined from the maximum number of observed
#' leading or trailing Ns amongst all sequences. If set to \code{0}
#' (default) then masking will not be performed.
#' @param pad_end if \code{TRUE} pad the end of each sequence with \code{mask_char}
#' to make every sequence the same length.
#' @param text_fields text annotation columns to retain and merge during duplicate removal.
#' @param num_fields numeric annotation columns to retain and sum during duplicate removal.
#' @param seq_fields sequence annotation columns to retain and collapse during duplicate
#' removal. Note, this is distinct from the \code{seq} and \code{germ}
#' arguments, which contain the primary sequence data for the clone
#' and should not be repeated in this argument.
#' @param add_count if \code{TRUE} add an additional annotation column called
#' \code{collapse_count} during duplicate removal that indicates the
#' number of sequences that were collapsed.
#' @param verbose passed on to \code{collapseDuplicates}. If \code{TRUE}, report the
#' numbers of input, discarded and output sequences; otherwise, process
#' sequences silently.
#' @return A \link{ChangeoClone} object containing the modified clone.
#' @details
#' The input data.frame (\code{data}) must columns for each of the required column name
#' arguments: \code{id}, \code{seq}, \code{germ}, \code{v_call}, \code{j_call},
#' \code{junc_len}, and \code{clone}. The default values are as follows:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{id = "sequence_id"}: unique sequence identifier.
#' \item \code{seq = "sequence_alignment"}: IMGT-gapped sample sequence.
#' \item \code{germ = "germline_alignment"}: IMGT-gapped germline sequence.
#' \item \code{v_call = "v_call"}: V segment allele call.
#' \item \code{j_call = "j_call"}: J segment allele call.
#' \item \code{junc_len = "junction_length"}: junction sequence length.
#' \item \code{clone = "clone_id"}: clone identifier.
#' }
#' Additional annotation columns specified in the \code{text_fields}, \code{num_fields}
#' or \code{seq_fields} arguments will be retained in the \code{data} slot of the return
#' object, but are not required. If the input data.frame \code{data} already contains a
#' column named \code{sequence}, which is not used as the \code{seq} argument, then that
#' column will not be retained.
#' The default columns are IMGT-gapped sequence columns, but this is not a requirement.
#' However, all sequences (both observed and germline) must be multiple aligned using
#' some scheme for both proper duplicate removal and lineage reconstruction.
#' The value for the germline sequence, V-segment gene call, J-segment gene call,
#' junction length, and clone identifier are determined from the first entry in the
#' \code{germ}, \code{v_call}, \code{j_call}, \code{junc_len} and \code{clone} columns,
#' respectively. For any given clone, each value in these columns should be identical.
#' @seealso Executes in order \link{maskSeqGaps}, \link{maskSeqEnds},
#' \link{padSeqEnds}, and \link{collapseDuplicates}.
#' Returns a \link{ChangeoClone} object which serves as input to
#' \link{buildPhylipLineage}.
#' @examples
#' # Example data
#' db <- data.frame(sequence_id=LETTERS[1:4],
#' sequence_alignment=c("CCCCTGGG", "CCCCTGGN", "NAACTGGN", "NNNCTGNN"),
#' germline_alignment="CCCCAGGG",
#' v_call="Homsap IGKV1-39*01 F",
#' j_call="Homsap IGKJ5*01 F",
#' junction_length=2,
#' clone_id=1,
#' locus=rep("IGH", length=4),
#' c_call=c("IGHM", "IGHG", "IGHG", "IGHA"),
#' duplicate_count=1:4,
#' stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' # Without end masking
#' makeChangeoClone(db, text_fields="c_call", num_fields="duplicate_count")
#' # With end masking
#' makeChangeoClone(db, max_mask=3, text_fields="c_call", num_fields="duplicate_count")
#' @export
makeChangeoClone <- function(data, id="sequence_id", seq="sequence_alignment",
germ="germline_alignment", v_call="v_call", j_call="j_call",
junc_len="junction_length", clone="clone_id", mask_char="N",
locus="locus", max_mask=0, pad_end=FALSE, text_fields=NULL,
num_fields=NULL, seq_fields=NULL, add_count=TRUE, verbose=FALSE) {
# Check for valid fields
check <- checkColumns(data, c(id, seq, germ, v_call, j_call, junc_len, clone,
text_fields, num_fields, seq_fields, locus))
if (check != TRUE) { stop(check) }
if(sum([[locus]])) > 0){
stop(paste("Missing values found in",locus,"column"))
if(sum(data[[locus]] != "IGH") > 0){
stop(paste("Only heavy chain (IGH) allowed in",locus,"column.",
"Heavy+light chain trees only supported in Dowser:"))
# Replace gaps with Ns and masked ragged ends
tmp_df <- data[, c(id, seq, text_fields, num_fields, seq_fields)]
tmp_df[[seq]] <- maskSeqGaps(tmp_df[[seq]], mask_char=mask_char, outer_only=FALSE)
tmp_df[[seq]] <- maskSeqEnds(tmp_df[[seq]], mask_char=mask_char, max_mask=max_mask, trim=FALSE)
germline <- maskSeqGaps(data[[germ]][1], mask_char=mask_char, outer_only=FALSE)
# Pad ends
if (pad_end) {
tmp_df[[seq]] <- padSeqEnds(tmp_df[[seq]], pad_char=mask_char)
germline <- padSeqEnds(germline, pad_char=mask_char)
seq_len <- stringi::stri_length(tmp_df[[seq]])
if (any(seq_len != seq_len[1])) {
len_message <- paste0("All sequences are not the same length for data with first ",
id, " = ", tmp_df[[id]][1], ".")
if (!pad_end) {
len_message <- paste(len_message,
"Consider specifying pad_end=TRUE and verify the multiple alignment.")
} else {
len_message <- paste(len_message,
"Verify that all sequences are properly multiple-aligned.")
# Remove duplicates
tmp_df <- collapseDuplicates(tmp_df, id=id, seq=seq, text_fields=text_fields,
num_fields=num_fields, seq_fields=seq_fields,
add_count=add_count, verbose=verbose)
# Define return object
tmp_names <- names(tmp_df)
if ("sequence" %in% tmp_names & seq != "sequence") {
tmp_df <- tmp_df[, tmp_names != "sequence"]
tmp_names <- names(tmp_df)
names(tmp_df)[tmp_names == seq] <- "sequence"
names(tmp_df)[tmp_names == id] <- "sequence_id"
if (length(unique(data[[junc_len]]))>1) {
message("Junctions of multiple lengths found. `ChangeoClone` will use the length of the first one in slot `junc_len`.")
clone <- new("ChangeoClone",,
#### PHYLIP functions ####
# Create PHYLIP input files in a temporary folder
# @param clone a ChangeoClone object
# @param path a directory to store the write the output files to
# @return a named vector translating sequence_id (names) to PHYLIP taxa (values)
writePhylipInput <- function(clone, path) {
# Define PHYLIP columns
nseq <- nrow(clone@data)
v1 <- c(sprintf('%-9s', nseq + 1),
sprintf("%-9s", "Germline"),
sprintf("SAM%-6s", 1:nseq))
v2 <- c(stringi::stri_length(clone@germline),
phy_df <- data.frame(v1, v2, stringsAsFactors=F)
# Define names vector mapping taxa names to original sequence identifiers
id_map <- setNames(gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", v1[-(1:2)]), clone@data[["sequence_id"]])
# Create PHYLIP input file
infile <- file.path(path, "infile")
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
infile <- gsub("/","\\\\",infile)
write.table(phy_df, file=infile,
quote=F, sep=" ", col.names=F, row.names=F)
# Run PHYLIP dnapars or dnaml application
# @param path temporary directory containing infile.
# @param phylip_exec path to dnapars or dnaml executable.
# @param verbose if TRUE suppress phylip console output.
# @param onetree if TRUE save only one tree
# @return TRUE if phylip ran successfully and FALSE otherwise
runPhylip <- function(path, phylip_exec, verbose=FALSE, onetree=FALSE) {
# Expand shell variables
phylip_exec <- path.expand(phylip_exec)
# Remove old files
outfile <- file.path(path, "outfile")
outtree <- file.path(path, "outtree")
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
outfile <- gsub("/","\\\\",outfile)
outtree <- gsub("/","\\\\",outtree)
if (file.exists(outfile)) { file.remove(outfile) }
if (file.exists(outtree)) { file.remove(outtree) }
# Set platform specific options
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
quiet_params <- list(stdout=FALSE, stderr=FALSE)
invoke <- system2
} else {
quiet_params <- list(stdout=FALSE, stderr=FALSE)
invoke <- system2
# Set dnapars or dnaml options
if ( grepl("dnaml$",phylip_exec) | grepl("dnaml\\.exe$",phylip_exec)){
phy_options <- c("I", "5")
}else if (grepl("dnapars$",phylip_exec) | grepl("dnapars\\.exe$",phylip_exec)) {
phy_options <- c("S", "Y", "I", "4", "5", ".")
stop("Executable not recognized! Must end with dnapars or dnaml")
if (onetree) {
phy_options <- c(phy_options, "V", "1")
params <- list(phylip_exec, input=c(phy_options, "Y"), wait=TRUE)
if (!verbose) {
params <- append(params, quiet_params)
# Call phylip
wd <- getwd()
status <- tryCatch(, params), error=function(e) e)
# Return TRUE if phylip ran successfully
invisible(status == 0)
# Reads in the PHYLIP outfile
# @param path the temporary folder containing the dnapars outfile
# @return a character vector with each item as a line in the outfile
readPhylipOutput <- function(path) {
outfile <- file.path(path, "outfile")
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
outfile <- gsub("/","\\\\",outfile)
phylip_out <- scan(outfile, what="character", sep="\n",
blank.lines.skip=FALSE, strip.white=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)
# Test for successful PHYLIP dnapars run by checking the outfile
# @param phylip_out a character vector returned by readPhylipOut
# @return TRUE if trees built
# FALSE if no trees built
checkPhylipOutput <- function(phylip_out) {
# Check for failed tree build
result <- !(any(grepl('-1 trees in all found', phylip_out)))
# Extracts inferred sequences from PHYLIP dnapars or dnaml outfile
# @param phylip_out a character vector returned by readPhylipOutput
# @return a list containing an id vector, a sequence vector and an annotation data.frame
getPhylipInferred <- function(phylip_out) {
# Process dnapars and dnaml output
pars_starts = grep("From\\s+To\\s+Any Steps\\?\\s+State at upper node",
phylip_out, perl=T, fixed=F)
ml_start = grep("node\\s+Reconstructed sequence",
phylip_out, perl=T, fixed=F)
if(length(pars_starts) > 0){
seq_start <- min(pars_starts)
seq_empty <- grep("^\\s*$", phylip_out[seq_start:length(phylip_out)], perl=T, fixed=F)
seq_len <- seq_empty[min(which(seq_empty[-1] == (seq_empty[-length(seq_empty)] + 1)))]
seq_block <- paste(phylip_out[(seq_start + 2):(seq_start + seq_len - 2)], collapse="\n")
tc <- textConnection(seq_block)
seq_df <- read.table(tc,, fill=T, blank.lines.skip=F)
# Correct first line of block and remove blank rows
fix.row <- c(1, which([,1])) + 1)
end_col <- ncol(seq_df) - 2
seq_df[fix.row, ] <- data.frame(cbind(0, seq_df[fix.row, 1], "no", seq_df[fix.row, 2:end_col]), stringsAsFactors=F)
if (length(fix.row)>1) {
seq_df <- seq_df[-(fix.row[-1] - 1), ]
# Create data.frame of inferred sequences
inferred_num <- unique(grep("^[0-9]+$", seq_df[, 2], value=T))
inferred_seq <- sapply(inferred_num, function(n) {
paste(t(as.matrix(seq_df[seq_df[, 2] == n, -c(1:3)])), collapse="") })
}else if(length(ml_start) > 0){
seq_start <- min(ml_start)
seq_empty <- grep("^\\s*$", phylip_out[seq_start:length(phylip_out)], perl=T, fixed=F)
seq_len <- max(seq_empty)
seq_block <- paste(phylip_out[(seq_start + 2):(seq_start + seq_len - 2)], collapse="\n")
tc <- textConnection(seq_block)
seq_df <- read.table(tc,, fill=T, blank.lines.skip=F)
# Correct first line of block and remove blank rows
fix.row <- c(which(seq_df[,1]==""))
if (length(fix.row)>1) {
seq_df <- seq_df[-(fix.row), ]
# Create data.frame of inferred sequences
inferred_num <- unique(grep("^[0-9]+$", seq_df[, 1], value=T))
inferred_seq <- sapply(inferred_num, function(n) {
paste(t(as.matrix(seq_df[seq_df[, 1] == n, -1])), collapse="") })
inferred_seq = toupper(inferred_seq)
stop("Input file format not recognized")
if (length(inferred_num)>0) {
return(data.frame(sequence_id=paste0("Inferred", inferred_num),
sequence=inferred_seq, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
data.frame(sequence_id=c(), sequence=c(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Extracts graph edge list from a PHYLIP dnapars or dnaml outfile
# @param phylip_out character vector returned by readPhylipOutput
# @param id_map named vector of PHYLIP taxa names (values) to sequence
# identifiers (names) that will be translated. If NULL
# no taxa name translation is performed
# @return a data.frame of edges with columns (from, to, weight)
getPhylipEdges <- function(phylip_out, id_map=NULL) {
pars_start = grep('between\\s+and\\s+length', phylip_out,
perl=TRUE, fixed=FALSE)
ml_start = grep('Between\\s+And\\s+Length', phylip_out,
perl=TRUE, fixed=FALSE)
if(length(pars_start) > 0){
# Process dnapars output
edge_start <- min(pars_start)
edge_len <- min(grep('^\\s*$', phylip_out[edge_start:length(phylip_out)],
perl=TRUE, fixed=FALSE))
edge_block <- paste(phylip_out[(edge_start + 2):(edge_start + edge_len - 2)], collapse='\n')
tc <- textConnection(edge_block)
edge_df <- read.table(tc, col.names=c('from', 'to', 'weight'),
}else if(length(ml_start) > 0){
edge_start <- min(ml_start)+3
edge_len <- min(grep('^\\s*$', phylip_out[edge_start:length(phylip_out)],
perl=TRUE, fixed=FALSE))
block = phylip_out[(edge_start + 0):(edge_start + edge_len - 2)]
block = unlist(lapply(strsplit(block,split="\\s+"),function(x){
paste(x[1:(min(which(x == "("))-1)],collapse=" ")
edge_block <- paste(block, collapse='\n')
tc <- textConnection(edge_block)
edge_df <- read.table(tc, col.names=c('from', 'to', 'weight'),
# Modify inferred taxa names to include "Inferred"
inf_map <- unique(grep("^[0-9]+$", c(edge_df$from, edge_df$to), value=T))
names(inf_map) <- paste0("Inferred", inf_map)
edge_df$from <- translateStrings(edge_df$from, inf_map)
edge_df$to <- translateStrings(edge_df$to, inf_map)
if (!is.null(id_map)) {
# Reassign PHYLIP taxa names to sequence IDs
edge_df$from <- translateStrings(edge_df$from, id_map)
edge_df$to <- translateStrings(edge_df$to, id_map)
# Modify edges of phylip output
# @param edges data.frame of edges returned by getPhylipEdges
# @param clone a ChangeoClone object containg sequence data
# @param dist_mat DNA character distance matrix
# @return a list of modified edges data.frame and clone object
modifyPhylipEdges <- function(edges, clone, dist_mat=getDNAMatrix(gap=0)) {
# Move germline to root position
germ_idx <- which(edges$to == "Germline")
edges[germ_idx, c('from', 'to')] <- edges[germ_idx, c('to', 'from')]
# Calculate edge mutations
for (i in 1:nrow(edges)) {
if (edges$from[i] == "Germline") {
seq1 <- clone@germline
} else {
seq1 <- clone@data[["sequence"]][clone@data[["sequence_id"]] == edges$from[i]]
seq2 <- clone@data[["sequence"]][clone@data[["sequence_id"]] == edges$to[i]]
edges$weight[i] <- seqDist(seq1, seq2, dist_mat)
# Find rows zero weight edges with inferred parent nodes
remove_row <- which(edges$weight == 0 &
edges$from != "Germline" &
grepl('^Inferred\\d+$', edges$from))
# Replace inferred parent nodes with child nodes when edge weight is zero
while (length(remove_row) > 0) {
# Remove first node with zero distance to parent
r <- remove_row[1]
r_idx <- which(edges[c('from', 'to')] == edges$from[r], arr.ind=T)
edges[r_idx] <- edges$to[r]
# Recalculate edge weights for modified rows
r_mod <- r_idx[, 1][r_idx[, 1] != r]
for (i in r_mod) {
if (edges$from[i] == "Germline") {
seq1 <- clone@germline
} else {
seq1 <- clone@data[["sequence"]][clone@data[["sequence_id"]] == edges$from[i]]
seq2 <- clone@data[["sequence"]][clone@data[["sequence_id"]] == edges$to[i]]
edges$weight[i] <- seqDist(seq1, seq2, dist_mat)
# Remove row
edges <- edges[-r, ]
# Re-determine rows to remove
remove_row <- which(edges$weight == 0 &
edges$from != "Germline" &
grepl('^Inferred\\d+$', edges$from))
# Remove rows from clone
keep_clone <- clone@data[["sequence_id"]] %in% unique(c(edges$from, edges$to))
clone@data <-[keep_clone, ])
return(list(edges=edges, clone=clone))
# Convert edge data.frame and clone object to igraph graph object
# @param edges data.frame of edges returned by getPhylipEdges
# @param clone a ChangeoClone object containg sequence data
# @return an igraph graph object
phylipToGraph <- function(edges, clone) {
# Create igraph object
g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(edges, directed=T)
# Add germline sequence
germ_idx <- which(igraph::V(g)$name == "Germline")
g <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(g, "sequence", index=germ_idx, clone@germline)
# Add sample sequences and names
clone_idx <- match(clone@data[["sequence_id"]], igraph::V(g)$name)
g <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(g, "sequence", index=clone_idx, clone@data[["sequence"]])
# Add annotations
ann_fields <- names(clone@data)[!(names(clone@data) %in% c("sequence_id", "sequence"))]
for (n in ann_fields) {
g <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(g, n, index=germ_idx, NA)
g <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(g, n, index=clone_idx, clone@data[[n]])
# Add edge and vertex labels
igraph::V(g)$label <- igraph::V(g)$name
igraph::E(g)$label <- igraph::E(g)$weight
# Add graph attributes
g$clone <- clone@clone
g$v_gene <- clone@v_gene
g$j_gene <- clone@j_gene
g$junc_len <- clone@junc_len
#' Infer an Ig lineage using PHYLIP
#' \code{buildPhylipLineage} reconstructs an Ig lineage via maximum parsimony using the
#' dnapars application, or maximum liklihood using the dnaml application of the PHYLIP package.
#' @param clone \link{ChangeoClone} object containing clone data.
#' @param phylip_exec absolute path to the PHYLIP dnapars executable.
#' @param dist_mat character distance matrix to use for reassigning edge weights.
#' Defaults to a Hamming distance matrix returned by \link{getDNAMatrix}
#' with \code{gap=0}. If gap characters, \code{c("-", ".")}, are assigned
#' a value of -1 in \code{dist_mat} then contiguous gaps of any run length,
#' which are not present in both sequences, will be counted as a
#' distance of 1. Meaning, indels of any length will increase
#' the sequence distance by 1. Gap values other than -1 will
#' return a distance that does not consider indels as a special case.
#' @param rm_temp if \code{TRUE} delete the temporary directory after running dnapars;
#' if \code{FALSE} keep the temporary directory.
#' @param verbose if \code{FALSE} suppress the output of dnapars;
#' if \code{TRUE} STDOUT and STDERR of dnapars will be passed to
#' the console.
#' @param branch_length specifies how to define branch lengths; one of \code{"mutations"}
#' or \code{"distance"}. If set to \code{"mutations"} (default), then branch
#' lengths represent the number of mutations between nodes.
#' If set to \code{"distance"}, then branch lengths represent
#' the expected number of mutations per site, unaltered from PHYLIP output.
#' @param temp_path specific path to temp directory if desired.
#' @param onetree if \code{TRUE} save only one tree.
#' @return An igraph \code{graph} object defining the Ig lineage tree. Each unique input
#' sequence in \code{clone} is a vertex of the tree, with additional vertices being
#' either the germline (root) sequences or inferred intermediates. The \code{graph}
#' object has the following attributes.
#' Vertex attributes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{name}: value in the \code{sequence_id} column of the \code{data}
#' slot of the input \code{clone} for observed sequences.
#' The germline (root) vertex is assigned the name
#' "Germline" and inferred intermediates are assigned
#' names with the format {"Inferred1", "Inferred2", ...}.
#' \item \code{sequence}: value in the \code{sequence} column of the \code{data}
#' slot of the input \code{clone} for observed sequences.
#' The germline (root) vertex is assigned the sequence
#' in the \code{germline} slot of the input \code{clone}.
#' The sequence of inferred intermediates are extracted
#' from the dnapars output.
#' \item \code{label}: same as the \code{name} attribute.
#' }
#' Additionally, each other column in the \code{data} slot of the input
#' \code{clone} is added as a vertex attribute with the attribute name set to
#' the source column name. For the germline and inferred intermediate vertices,
#' these additional vertex attributes are all assigned a value of \code{NA}.
#' Edge attributes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{weight}: Hamming distance between the \code{sequence} attributes
#' of the two vertices.
#' \item \code{label}: same as the \code{weight} attribute.
#' }
#' Graph attributes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{clone}: clone identifier from the \code{clone} slot of the
#' input \code{ChangeoClone}.
#' \item \code{v_gene}: V-segment gene call from the \code{v_gene} slot of
#' the input \code{ChangeoClone}.
#' \item \code{j_gene}: J-segment gene call from the \code{j_gene} slot of
#' the input \code{ChangeoClone}.
#' \item \code{junc_len}: junction length (nucleotide count) from the
#' \code{junc_len} slot of the input \code{ChangeoClone}.
#' Alternatively, this function will return an \code{phylo} object, which is compatible
#' with the ape package. This object will contain reconstructed ancestral sequences in
#' \code{nodes} attribute.
#' }
#' @details
#' \code{buildPhylipLineage} builds the lineage tree of a set of unique Ig sequences via
#' maximum parsimony through an external call to the dnapars application of the PHYLIP
#' package. dnapars is called with default algorithm options, except for the search option,
#' which is set to "Rearrange on one best tree". The germline sequence of the clone is used
#' for the outgroup.
#' Following tree construction using dnapars, the dnapars output is modified to allow
#' input sequences to appear as internal nodes of the tree. Intermediate sequences
#' inferred by dnapars are replaced by children within the tree having a Hamming distance
#' of zero from their parent node. With the default \code{dist_mat}, the distance calculation
#' allows IUPAC ambiguous character matches, where an ambiguous character has distance zero
#' to any character in the set of characters it represents. Distance calculation and movement of
#' child nodes up the tree is repeated until all parent-child pairs have a distance greater than zero
#' between them. The germline sequence (outgroup) is moved to the root of the tree and
#' excluded from the node replacement processes, which permits the trunk of the tree to be
#' the only edge with a distance of zero. Edge weights of the resultant tree are assigned
#' as the distance between each sequence.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Felsenstein J. PHYLIP - Phylogeny Inference Package (Version 3.2).
#' Cladistics. 1989 5:164-166.
#' \item Stern JNH, Yaari G, Vander Heiden JA, et al. B cells populating the multiple
#' sclerosis brain mature in the draining cervical lymph nodes.
#' Sci Transl Med. 2014 6(248):248ra107.
#' }
#' @seealso Takes as input a \link{ChangeoClone}.
#' Temporary directories are created with \link{makeTempDir}.
#' Distance is calculated using \link{seqDist}.
#' See [igraph](
#' and [igraph.plotting](
#' for working with igraph \code{graph} objects.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Preprocess clone
#' db <- subset(ExampleDb, clone_id == 3138)
#' clone <- makeChangeoClone(db, text_fields=c("sample_id", "c_call"),
#' num_fields="duplicate_count")
#' # Run PHYLIP and process output
#' phylip_exec <- "~/apps/phylip-3.695/bin/dnapars"
#' graph <- buildPhylipLineage(clone, phylip_exec, rm_temp=TRUE)
#' # Plot graph with a tree layout
#' library(igraph)
#' plot(graph, layout=layout_as_tree, vertex.label=V(graph)$c_call,
#' vertex.size=50, edge.arrow.mode=0, vertex.color="grey80")
#' # To consider each indel event as a mutation, change the masking character
#' # and distance matrix
#' clone <- makeChangeoClone(db, text_fields=c("sample_id", "c_call"),
#' num_fields="duplicate_count", mask_char="-")
#' graph <- buildPhylipLineage(clone, phylip_exec, dist_mat=getDNAMatrix(gap=-1),
#' rm_temp=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
buildPhylipLineage <- function(clone, phylip_exec, dist_mat=getDNAMatrix(gap=0),
rm_temp=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, temp_path=NULL, onetree=FALSE,
branch_length=c("mutations", "distance")) {
# Check clone size
if (nrow(clone@data) < 2) {
warning("Clone ", clone@clone, " was skipped as it does not contain at least
2 unique sequences")
# determine branch length type
branch_length <- match.arg(branch_length)
# Check fields
seq_len <- unique(stringi::stri_length(clone@data[["sequence"]]))
germ_len <- ifelse(length(clone@germline) == 0, 0, stringi::stri_length(clone@germline))
if(germ_len == 0) {
stop("Clone ", clone@clone, "does not contain a germline sequence.")
if(length(seq_len) != 1) {
stop("Clone ", clone@clone, "does not contain sequences of equal length.")
if(seq_len != germ_len) {
stop("The germline and input sequences are not the same length for clone ", clone@clone)
# Check dnapars access
if (file.access(phylip_exec, mode=1) == -1) {
stop("The file ", phylip_exec, " cannot be executed.")
# Create temporary directory
temp_path <- makeTempDir(paste0(clone@clone, "-phylip"))
if (verbose) {
cat("TEMP_DIR> ", temp_path, "\n", sep="")
id_map <- writePhylipInput(clone, temp_path)
runPhylip(temp_path, phylip_exec, verbose=verbose, onetree=onetree)
phylip_out <- readPhylipOutput(temp_path)
# Remove temporary directory
if (rm_temp) {
unlink(temp_path, recursive=TRUE)
# Check output for trees
if (!checkPhylipOutput(phylip_out)) {
warning('PHYLIP failed to generate trees for clone ', clone)
# Extract inferred sequences from PHYLIP output
inf_df <- getPhylipInferred(phylip_out)
# Extract edge table from PHYLIP output
edges <- getPhylipEdges(phylip_out, id_map=id_map)
clone@data <-, inf_df))
# Convert edges and clone data to igraph graph object
if( branch_length == "mutations" ){
mod_list <- modifyPhylipEdges(edges, clone, dist_mat=dist_mat)
graph <- phylipToGraph(mod_list$edges, mod_list$clone)
# or just keep everything the same
germ_idx <- which(edges$to == "Germline")
edges[germ_idx, c('from', 'to')] <- edges[germ_idx, c('to', 'from')]
graph <- phylipToGraph(edges, clone)
#' Convert a tree in ape \code{phylo} format to igraph \code{graph} format.
#' \code{phyloToGraph} converts a tree in \code{phylo} format to and
#' \code{graph} format.
#' @param phylo An ape \code{phylo} object.
#' @param germline If specified, places specified tip sequence as the direct
#' ancestor of the tree
#' @return A \code{graph} object representing the input tree.
#' @details
#' Convert from phylo to graph object. Uses the node.label vector to label internal nodes. Nodes
#' may rotate but overall topology will remain constant.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Hoehn KB, Lunter G, Pybus OG - A Phylogenetic Codon Substitution Model for Antibody
#' Lineages. Genetics 2017 206(1):417-427
#' \item Hoehn KB, Vander Heiden JA, Zhou JQ, Lunter G, Pybus OG, Kleinstein SHK -
#' Repertoire-wide phylogenetic models of B cell molecular evolution reveal
#' evolutionary signatures of aging and vaccination. bioRxiv 2019
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(igraph)
#' library(ape)
#' #convert to phylo
#' phylo = graphToPhylo(graph)
#' #plot tree using ape
#' plot(phylo,show.node.label=TRUE)
#' #store as newick tree
#' write.tree(phylo,file="tree.newick")
#' #read in tree from newick file
#' phylo_r = read.tree("tree.newick")
#' #convert to igraph
#' graph_r = phyloToGraph(phylo_r,germline="Germline")
#' #plot graph - same as before, possibly rotated
#' plot(graph_r,layout=layout_as_tree)
#' }
#' @export
phyloToGraph <- function(phylo, germline="Germline") {
names <- 1:length(unique(c(phylo$edge[, 1],phylo$edge[, 2])))
for(i in 1:length(phylo$tip.label)){
names[i] <- phylo$tip.label[i]
for(j in 1:length(phylo$node.label)){
i <- i + 1
names[i] <- phylo$node.label[j]
d <- data.frame(cbind(phylo$edge,phylo$edge.length))
names(d)=c("from", "to", "weight")
seqs <- unlist(lapply(phylo$nodes,function(x)x$sequence))
names(seqs) <- lapply(phylo$nodes,function(x)x$id)
germnode <- which(phylo$tip.label == germline)
phylo$uca <- phylo$edge[phylo$edge[,2] == germnode,1]
if(sum(d$from == phylo$uca) == 2){
d[d$from == phylo$uca, ]$from <- germnode
d <- d[!(d$from == germnode & d$to == germnode),]
row <- which(d$from == phylo$uca & d$to == germnode)
d[row,]$to <- phylo$uca
d[row,]$from <- germnode
d$to <- as.character(d$to)
d$from <- as.character(d$from)
g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(d)
igraph::V(g)$name <- names[as.numeric(igraph::V(g)$name)]
igraph::E(g)$label <- igraph::E(g)$weight
igraph::V(g)$sequence <- seqs[igraph::V(g)$name]
#' Convert a tree in igraph \code{graph} format to ape \code{phylo} format.
#' \code{graphToPhylo} a tree in igraph \code{graph} format to ape \code{phylo}
#' format.
#' @param graph An igraph \code{graph} object.
#' @return A \code{phylo} object representing the input tree. Tip and internal node names are
#' stored in the \code{tip.label} and \code{node.label} vectors, respectively.
#' @details
#' Convert from igraph \code{graph} object to ape \code{phylo} object. If \code{graph} object
#' was previously rooted with the germline as the direct ancestor, this will re-attach the
#' germline as a descendant node with a zero branch length to a new universal common ancestor (UCA)
#' node and store the germline node ID in the \code{germid} attribute and UCA node number in
#' the \code{uca} attribute. Otherwise these attributes will not be specified in the \code{phylo} object.
#' Using \code{phyloToGraph(phylo, germline=phylo$germid)} creates a \code{graph} object with the germline
#' back as the direct ancestor. Tip and internal node names are
#' stored in the \code{tip.label} and \code{node.label} vectors, respectively.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Hoehn KB, Lunter G, Pybus OG - A Phylogenetic Codon Substitution Model for Antibody
#' Lineages. Genetics 2017 206(1):417-427
#' \item Hoehn KB, Vander Heiden JA, Zhou JQ, Lunter G, Pybus OG, Kleinstein SHK -
#' Repertoire-wide phylogenetic models of B cell molecular evolution reveal
#' evolutionary signatures of aging and vaccination. bioRxiv 2019
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(igraph)
#' library(ape)
#' #convert to phylo
#' phylo = graphToPhylo(graph)
#' #plot tree using ape
#' plot(phylo,show.node.label=TRUE)
#' #store as newick tree
#' write.tree(phylo,file="tree.newick")
#' #read in tree from newick file
#' phylo_r = read.tree("tree.newick")
#' #convert to igraph
#' graph_r = phyloToGraph(phylo_r,germline="Germline")
#' #plot graph - same as before, possibly rotated
#' plot(graph_r,layout=layout_as_tree)
#' }
#' @export
graphToPhylo <- function(graph) {
df <- igraph::as_data_frame(graph)
node_counts <- table(c(df$to,df$from))
tips <- names(node_counts)[node_counts == 1]
nodes <- names(node_counts)[node_counts > 1]
attr <- igraph::vertex_attr(graph)
seqs <- attr$sequence
names(seqs) <- attr$name
germline <- tips[tips %in% df$from]
if(length(germline) > 0){
ucanode <- paste0(germline,"_UCA")#max(as.numeric(nodes))+1
nodes <- c(ucanode,nodes)
df[df$from == germline,]$from <- ucanode
row <- c(ucanode,germline,0.0, 0.0)
names(row) <- c("from","to","weight", "label")
df <- rbind(df, row)
seqs <- c(seqs,seqs["Germline"])
names(seqs)[length(seqs)] = paste0(germline,"_UCA")
tipn <- 1:length(tips)
names(tipn) <- tips
noden <- (length(tips)+1):(length(tips)+length(nodes))
names(noden) <- nodes
renumber <- c(tipn,noden)
df$from <- as.numeric(renumber[df$from])
df$to <- as.numeric(renumber[df$to])
phylo <- list()
phylo$edge <- matrix(cbind(df$from,df$to),ncol=2)
phylo$edge.length <- as.numeric(df$weight)
phylo$tip.label <- tips
phylo$node.label <- nodes
phylo$Nnode <- length(nodes)
phylo$node.label <- nodes
class(phylo) <- "phylo"
nnodes <- length(renumber)
phylo$nodes <- lapply(1:nnodes,function(x){
n <- list()
n$id <- names(renumber[renumber == x])
n$sequence <- seqs[n$id]
phylo = ape::ladderize(phylo, right=FALSE)
# Reroot phylogenetic tree to have its germline sequence at a zero-length branch
# to a node which is the direct ancestor of the tree's UCA. Assigns \code{uca}
# to be the ancestral node to the tree's germline sequence, as \code{germid} as
# the tree's germline sequence ID.
# @param tree An ape \code{phylo} object
# @param germid ID of the tree's predicted germline sequence
# @param resolve If \code{TRUE} reroots tree to specified germline sequnece.
# usually not necessary with IgPhyML trees analyzed with HLP model.
rerootGermline <- function(tree, germid, resolve=FALSE){
if(resolve) {
tree <- ape::root(phy=tree, outgroup=germid, resolve.root=T, edge.label=TRUE)
tree <- ape::reorder.phylo(tree, "postorder")
edges <- tree$edge
rootnode <- which(tree$tip.label==germid)
rootedge <- which(edges[, 2] == rootnode)
rootanc <- edges[edges[, 2] == rootnode, 1]
mrcaedge <- which(edges[, 1] == rootanc & edges[, 2] != rootnode)
if(length(mrcaedge) > 1){
quit(save="no", status=1, runLast=FALSE)
tree$edge.length[mrcaedge] <- tree$edge.length[mrcaedge] + tree$edge.length[rootedge]
tree$edge.length[rootedge] <- 0
tree$uca <- rootanc
tree$germid <- germid
#' Read in output from IgPhyML
#' \code{readIgphyml} reads output from the IgPhyML phylogenetics inference package for
#' B cell repertoires
#' @param file IgPhyML output file (.tab).
#' @param id ID to assign to output object.
#' @param format if \code{"graph"} return trees as igraph \code{graph} objects.
#' if \code{"phylo"} return trees as ape \code{phylo} objects.
#' @param branches if \code{"distance"} branch lengths are in expected mutations per
#' site. If \code{"mutations"} branches are in expected mutations.
#' @param collapse if \code{TRUE} transform branch lengths to units of substitutions,
#' rather than substitutions per site, and collapse internal nodes
#' separated by branches < 0.1 substitutions. Will also remove all
#' internal node labels, as it makes them inconsistent.
#' @return A list containing IgPhyML model parameters and estimated lineage trees.
#' Object attributes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{param}: Data.frame of parameter estimates for each clonal
#' lineage. Columns include: \code{CLONE}, which is the
#' clone id; \code{NSEQ}, the total number of sequences in
#' the lineage; \code{NSITE}, the number of codon sites;
#' \code{TREE_LENGTH}, the sum of all branch lengths in
#' the estimated lineage tree; and \code{LHOOD}, the log
#' likelihood of the clone's sequences given the tree and
#' parameters. Subsequent columns are parameter estimates
#' from IgPhyML, which will depend on the model used.
#' Parameter columns ending with \code{_MLE} are maximum
#' likelihood estimates; those ending with \code{_LCI} are
#' the lower 95%% confidence interval estimate; those ending
#' with \code{_UCI} are the upper 95%% confidence interval
#' estimate. The first line of \code{param} is for clone
#' \code{REPERTOIRE},
#' which is a summary of all lineages within the repertoire.
#' For this row, \code{NSEQ} is the total number of sequences,
#' \code{NSITE} is the average number of sites, and
#' \code{TREE_LENGTH} is the mean tree length. For most
#' applications, parameter values will be the same for all
#' lineages within the repertoire, so access them simply by:
#' \code{<object>$param$OMEGA_CDR_MLE[1]} to, for instance,
#' get the estimate of dN/dS on the CDRs at the repertoire level.
#' \item \code{trees}: List of tree objects estimated by IgPhyML. If
#' \code{format="graph"} these are igraph \code{graph} objects.
#' If \code{format="phylo"}, these are ape \code{phylo} objects.
#' \item \code{command}: Command used to run IgPhyML.
#' }
#' @details
#' \code{readIgphyml} reads output from the IgPhyML repertoire phylogenetics inference package.
#' The resulting object is divded between parameter estimates (usually under the HLP19 model),
#' which provide information about mutation and selection pressure operating on the sequences.
#' Trees returned from this function are either igraph objects or phylo objects, and each may be
#' visualized accordingly. Futher, branch lengths in tree may represent either the expected number of
#' substitutions per site (codon, if estimated under HLP or GY94 models), or the total number of
#' expected substitutions per site. If the latter, internal nodes - but not tips - separated by branch
#' lengths less than 0.1 are collapsed to simplify viewing.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Hoehn KB, Lunter G, Pybus OG - A Phylogenetic Codon Substitution Model for Antibody
#' Lineages. Genetics 2017 206(1):417-427
#' \item Hoehn KB, Vander Heiden JA, Zhou JQ, Lunter G, Pybus OG, Kleinstein SHK -
#' Repertoire-wide phylogenetic models of B cell molecular evolution reveal
#' evolutionary signatures of aging and vaccination. bioRxiv 2019
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Read in and plot a tree from an igphyml run
#' library(igraph)
#' s1 <- readIgphyml("", id="+7d")
#' print(s1$param$OMEGA_CDR_MLE[1])
#' plot(s1$trees[[1]], layout=layout_as_tree, edge.label=E(s1$trees[[1]])$weight)
#' }
#' @export
readIgphyml <- function(file, id=NULL, format=c("graph", "phylo"), collapse=FALSE,
branches=c("mutations","distance")) {
# Check arguments
format <- match.arg(format)
branches <- match.arg(branches)
out <- list()
trees <- list()
df <- read.table(file, sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
params <- df[, !names(df) %in% c("TREE")]
names(params) = tolower(names(params))
out[["param"]] <- params
out[["command"]] <- df[1, ]$TREE
for (i in 2:nrow(df)) {
tree <- ape::read.tree(text=df[i, ][["TREE"]])
germ_base <- paste0(df[["CLONE"]][i], "_GERM")
germ_id <- tree$tip.label[grepl(germ_base,tree$tip.label)]
if(length(germ_id) > 1){
stop("Can only be one tip of the form '<cloneid>_GERM'")
warning(paste("Tree",germ_base,"is not rooted and should be!"))
tree <- rerootGermline(tree,germ_id,resolve=TRUE)
tree$node.label <- NULL
rtree <- ape::ladderize(tree)
rtree$germid <- germ_id
if (branches == "mutations") {
rtree$edge.length <- round(rtree$edge.length*df[i, ]$NSITE, digits=1)
if (collapse) {
rtree$node.label <- NULL
if(branches == "mutations"){
rtree <- ape::di2multi(rtree, tol=0.1)
rtree <- ape::di2multi(rtree, tol=0.0001)
if (format == "graph") {
ig <- phyloToGraph(rtree, germline=rtree$germid)
trees[[df[["CLONE"]][i]]] <- ig
} else if (format == "phylo") {
trees[[df[["CLONE"]][i]]] <- rtree
} else {
stop("Format must be either 'graph' or 'phylo'.")
out[["trees"]] <- trees
if (!is.null(id)) {
out$param$id <- id
#' Combine IgPhyML object parameters into a dataframe
#' \code{combineIgphyml} combines IgPhyML object parameters into a data.frame.
#' @param iglist list of igphyml objects returned by \link{readIgphyml}.
#' Each must have an \code{id} column in its \code{param} attribute,
#' which can be added automatically using the \code{id} option of
#' \code{readIgphyml}.
#' @param format string specifying whether each column of the resulting data.frame
#' should represent a parameter (\code{wide}) or if
#' there should only be three columns; i.e. id, varable, and value
#' (\code{long}).
#' @return A data.frame containing HLP model parameter estimates for all igphyml objects.
#' Only parameters shared among all objects will be returned.
#' @details
#' \code{combineIgphyml} combines repertoire-wide parameter estimates from mutliple igphyml
#' objects produced by readIgphyml into a dataframe that can be easily used for plotting and
#' other hypothesis testing analyses.
#' All igphyml objects used must have an "id" column in their \code{param} attribute, which
#' can be added automatically from the \code{id} flag of \code{readIgphyml}.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Hoehn KB, Lunter G, Pybus OG - A Phylogenetic Codon Substitution Model for Antibody
#' Lineages. Genetics 2017 206(1):417-427
#' \item Hoehn KB, Vander Heiden JA, Zhou JQ, Lunter G, Pybus OG, Kleinstein SHK -
#' Repertoire-wide phylogenetic models of B cell molecular evolution reveal
#' evolutionary signatures of aging and vaccination. bioRxiv 2019
#' }
#' @seealso \link{readIgphyml}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Read in and combine two igphyml runs
#' s1 <- readIgphyml("", id="+7d")
#' s2 <- readIgphyml("", id="s2")
#' combineIgphyml(list(s1, s2))
#' }
#' @export
combineIgphyml <- function(iglist, format=c("wide", "long")) {
# Check arguments
format <- match.arg(format)
ordered_params <- c(
"id", "nseq", "nsite", "lhood", "tree_length",
"omega_fwr_mle", "omega_fwr_lci", "omega_fwr_uci",
"omega_cdr_mle", "omega_cdr_lci", "omega_cdr_uci",
"kappa_mle", "kappa_lci", "kappa_uci",
"wrc_2_mle", "wrc_2_lci", "wrc_2_uci",
"gyw_0_mle", "gyw_0_lci", "gyw_0_uci",
"wa_1_mle", "wa_1_lci", "wa_1_uci",
"tw_0_mle", "tw_0_lci", "tw_0_uci",
"syc_2_mle", "syc_2_lci", "syc_2_uci",
"grs_0_mle", "grs_0_lci", "grs_0_uci")
paramCount <- table(unlist(lapply(iglist, function(x) names(x$param))))
params <- names(paramCount[paramCount == max(paramCount)])
params <- ordered_params[ordered_params %in% params]
if (sum(params == "id") == 0) {
message <- "id not specified in objects. Use 'id' flag in readIgphyml."
repertoires <- lapply(iglist, function(x) x$param[1, params])
combined <- dplyr::bind_rows(repertoires)
if (format == "long") {
combined <- tidyr::gather(combined, "variable", "value", -!!rlang::sym("id"))
combined$variable <- factor(combined$variable, levels=params)
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