# Gene usage analysis
#### Calculation functions ####
#' Tabulates V(D)J allele, gene or family usage.
#' Determines the count and relative abundance of V(D)J alleles, genes or families within
#' groups.
#' @param data data.frame with AIRR-format or Change-O style columns.
#' @param gene column containing allele assignments. Only the first allele in the
#' column will be considered when \code{mode} is "gene", "family" or
#' "allele". The value will be used as it is with \code{mode="asis"}.
#' @param groups columns containing grouping variables. If \code{NULL} do not group.
#' @param copy name of the \code{data} column containing copy numbers for each
#' sequence. If this value is specified, then total copy abundance
#' is determined by the sum of copy numbers within each gene.
#' This argument is ignored if \code{clone} is specified.
#' @param clone name of the \code{data} column containing clone identifiers for each
#' sequence. If this value is specified, then one gene will be considered
#' for each clone. Note, this is accomplished by using the most
#' common gene within each \code{clone} identifier. As such,
#' ambiguous alleles within a clone will not be accurately represented.
#' @param mode one of \code{c("gene", "family", "allele", "asis")} defining
#' the degree of specificity regarding allele calls. Determines whether
#' to return counts for genes (calling \code{getGene}),
#' families (calling \code{getFamily}), alleles (calling
#' \code{getAllele}) or using the value as it is in the column
#' \code{gene}, without any processing.
#' @param fill logical of \code{c(TRUE, FALSE)} specifying when if groups (when specified)
#' lacking a particular gene should be counted as 0 if TRUE or not (omitted)
#' @param remove_na removes rows with \code{NA} values in the gene column if \code{TRUE} and issues a warning.
#' Otherwise, keeps those rows and considers \code{NA} as a gene in the final counts
#' and relative abundances.
#' @return A data.frame summarizing family, gene or allele counts and frequencies
#' with columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{gene}: name of the family, gene or allele.
#' \item \code{seq_count}: total number of sequences for the gene.
#' \item \code{seq_freq}: frequency of the gene as a fraction of the total
#' number of sequences within each grouping.
#' \item \code{copy_count}: sum of the copy counts in the \code{copy} column.
#' for each gene. Only present if the \code{copy}
#' argument is specified.
#' \item \code{copy_freq}: frequency of the gene as a fraction of the total
#' copy number within each group. Only present if
#' the \code{copy} argument is specified.
#' \item \code{clone_count}: total number of clones for the gene. Only present if
#' the \code{clone} argument is specified.
#' \item \code{clone_freq}: frequency of the gene as a fraction of the total
#' number of clones within each grouping. Only present if
#' the \code{clone} argument is specified.
#' }
#' Additional columns defined by the \code{groups} argument will also be present.
#' @examples
#' # Without copy numbers
#' genes <- countGenes(ExampleDb, gene="v_call", groups="sample_id", mode="family")
#' genes <- countGenes(ExampleDb, gene="v_call", groups="sample_id", mode="gene")
#' genes <- countGenes(ExampleDb, gene="v_call", groups="sample_id", mode="allele")
#' # With copy numbers and multiple groups
#' genes <- countGenes(ExampleDb, gene="v_call", groups=c("sample_id", "c_call"),
#' copy="duplicate_count", mode="family")
#' # Count by clone
#' genes <- countGenes(ExampleDb, gene="v_call", groups=c("sample_id", "c_call"),
#' clone="clone_id", mode="family")
#' # Count absent genes
#' genes <- countGenes(ExampleDb, gene="v_call", groups="sample_id",
#' mode="allele", fill=TRUE)
countGenes <- function(data, gene, groups=NULL, copy=NULL, clone=NULL, fill=FALSE,
mode=c("gene", "allele", "family", "asis"), remove_na=TRUE) {
# data=ExampleDb; gene="c_call"; groups=NULL; mode="gene"; clone="clone_id"
# data=subset(db, clond_id == 3138)
# Hack for visibility of dplyr variables
. <- NULL
# Check input
mode <- match.arg(mode)
check <- checkColumns(data, c(gene, groups, copy))
if (check != TRUE) {
warning(check) # instead of throwing an error and potentially disrupting a workflow
# Handle NAs
if (remove_na) {
bool_na <-[, gene])
if (any(bool_na)) {
if (!all(bool_na)){
msg <- paste0("NA(s) found in ", sum(bool_na), " row(s) of the ", gene,
" column and excluded from tabulation")
data <- data[!bool_na, ]
# Extract gene, allele or family assignments
if (mode != "asis") {
gene_func <- switch(mode,
data[[gene]] <- gene_func(data[[gene]], first=TRUE)
# Tabulate abundance
if (is.null(copy) & is.null(clone)) {
# Tabulate sequence abundance
gene_tab <- data %>%
group_by(!!!rlang::syms(c(groups, gene))) %>%
dplyr::summarize(seq_count=n()) %>%
mutate(., seq_freq=!!rlang::sym("seq_count")/sum(!!rlang::sym("seq_count"), na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
} else if (!is.null(clone) & is.null(copy)) {
# Find count of genes within each clone and keep first with maximum count
gene_tab <- data %>%
group_by(!!!rlang::syms(c(groups, clone, gene))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(clone_gene_count=n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(!!!rlang::syms(c(groups, clone))) %>%
slice(which.max(!!rlang::sym("clone_gene_count"))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(!!!rlang::syms(c(groups, gene))) %>%
dplyr::summarize(clone_count=n()) %>%
mutate(clone_freq=!!rlang::sym("clone_count")/sum(!!rlang::sym("clone_count"), na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
} else {
if (!is.null(clone) & !is.null(copy)) {
warning("Specifying both 'copy' and 'clone' columns is not meaningful. ",
"The 'clone' argument will be ignored.")
# Tabulate copy abundance
gene_tab <- data %>%
group_by(!!!rlang::syms(c(groups, gene))) %>%
copy_count=sum(!!rlang::sym(copy), na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(seq_freq=!!rlang::sym("seq_count")/sum(!!rlang::sym("seq_count"), na.rm=TRUE),
copy_freq=!!rlang::sym("copy_count")/sum(!!rlang::sym("copy_count"), na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
# If a gene is present in one GROUP but not another, will fill the COUNT and FREQ with 0s
if (fill) {
gene_tab <- gene_tab %>%
ungroup() %>%
tidyr::complete(!!!rlang::syms(as.list(c(groups, gene))),
fill = list(seq_count = 0, seq_freq = 0, copy_count = 0, copy_freq = 0, clone_count = 0, clone_freq = 0))
# Rename gene column
gene_tab <- gene_tab %>% rename(all_of(c("gene"=gene)))
#### Annotation functions ####
#' Get Ig segment allele, gene and family names
#' \code{getSegment} performs generic matching of delimited segment calls with a custom
#' regular expression. \link{getAllele}, \link{getGene} and \link{getFamily} extract
#' the allele, gene and family names, respectively, from a character vector of
#' immunoglobulin (Ig) or TCR segment allele calls in IMGT format.
#' @param segment_call character vector containing segment calls delimited by commas.
#' @param segment_regex string defining the segment match regular expression.
#' @param first if \code{TRUE} return only the first call in
#' \code{segment_call}; if \code{FALSE} return all calls
#' delimited by commas.
#' @param collapse if \code{TRUE} check for duplicates and return only unique
#' segment assignments; if \code{FALSE} return all assignments
#' (faster). Has no effect if \code{first=TRUE}.
#' @param strip_d if \code{TRUE} remove the "D" from the end of gene annotations
#' (denoting a duplicate gene in the locus);
#' if \code{FALSE} do not alter gene names.
#' @param omit_nl if \code{TRUE} remove non-localized (NL) genes from the result.
#' Only applies at the gene or allele level.
#' @param sep character defining both the input and output segment call
#' delimiter.
#' @return A character vector containing allele, gene or family names.
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @seealso \link{countGenes}
#' @examples
#' # Light chain examples
#' kappa_call <- c("Homsap IGKV1D-39*01 F,Homsap IGKV1-39*02 F,Homsap IGKV1-39*01",
#' "Homsap IGKJ5*01 F")
#' getAllele(kappa_call)
#' getAllele(kappa_call, first=FALSE)
#' getAllele(kappa_call, first=FALSE, strip_d=FALSE)
#' getGene(kappa_call)
#' getGene(kappa_call, first=FALSE)
#' getGene(kappa_call, first=FALSE, strip_d=FALSE)
#' getFamily(kappa_call)
#' getFamily(kappa_call, first=FALSE)
#' getFamily(kappa_call, first=FALSE, collapse=FALSE)
#' getFamily(kappa_call, first=FALSE, strip_d=FALSE)
#' getLocus(kappa_call)
#' getChain(kappa_call)
#' # Heavy chain examples
#' heavy_call <- c("Homsap IGHV1-69*01 F,Homsap IGHV1-69D*01 F",
#' "Homsap IGHD1-1*01 F",
#' "Homsap IGHJ1*01 F")
#' getAllele(heavy_call, first=FALSE)
#' getAllele(heavy_call, first=FALSE, strip_d=FALSE)
#' getGene(heavy_call, first=FALSE)
#' getGene(heavy_call, first=FALSE, strip_d=FALSE)
#' getFamily(heavy_call)
#' getLocus(heavy_call)
#' getChain(heavy_call)
#' # Filtering non-localized genes
#' nl_call <- c("IGHV3-NL1*01,IGHV3-30-3*01,IGHV3-30*01",
#' "Homosap IGHV3-30*01 F,Homsap IGHV3-NL1*01 F",
#' "IGHV1-NL1*01")
#' getAllele(nl_call, first=FALSE, omit_nl=TRUE)
#' getGene(nl_call, first=FALSE, omit_nl=TRUE)
#' getFamily(nl_call, first=FALSE, omit_nl=TRUE)
#' # Temporary designation examples
#' tmp_call <- c("IGHV9S3*01", "IGKV10S12*01")
#' getAllele(tmp_call)
#' getGene(tmp_call)
#' getFamily(tmp_call)
#' @export
getSegment <- function(segment_call, segment_regex, first=TRUE, collapse=TRUE,
strip_d=TRUE, omit_nl=FALSE, sep=",") {
# Define boundaries of individual segment calls
edge_regex <- paste0("[^", sep, "]*")
# Remove NL genes
if (omit_nl) {
# Clean segment_call to keep only the name (remove species)
allele_regex <- '((IG[HKL]|TR[ABDG])[VDJADEGMC][A-R0-9\\(\\)]*[-/\\w]*[-\\*]*[\\.\\w]+)'
segment_call <- gsub(paste0(edge_regex, "(", allele_regex, ")", edge_regex), "\\1",
segment_call, perl=T)
# non-localized regex
nl_regex <- paste0('(IG[HKL]|TR[ABDG])[VDJADEGMC][0-9]+-NL[0-9]([-/\\w]*[-\\*][\\.\\w]+)*(',
sep, "|$)")
# delete non-localized calls
segment_call <- gsub(nl_regex, "", segment_call, perl=TRUE)
# Extract calls
r <- gsub(paste0(edge_regex, "(", segment_regex, ")", edge_regex), "\\1",
segment_call, perl=T)
# Strip D from gene names if required
if (strip_d) {
strip_regex <- paste0("(?<=[A-Z0-9][0-9])D(?=\\*|-|", sep, "|$)")
r <- gsub(strip_regex, "", r, perl=TRUE)
# Collapse to unique set if required
if (first) {
r <- gsub(paste0(sep, ".*$"), "", r)
} else if (collapse) {
r <- sapply(strsplit(r, sep), function(x) paste(unique(x), collapse=sep))
#' @rdname getSegment
#' @export
getAllele <- function(segment_call, first=TRUE, collapse=TRUE,
strip_d=TRUE, omit_nl=FALSE, sep=",") {
allele_regex <- '((IG[HKL]|TR[ABDG])[VDJADEGMC][A-R0-9\\(\\)]*[-/\\w]*[-\\*]*[\\.\\w]+)'
r <- getSegment(segment_call, allele_regex, first=first, collapse=collapse,
strip_d=strip_d, omit_nl=omit_nl, sep=sep)
#' @rdname getSegment
#' @export
getGene <- function(segment_call, first=TRUE, collapse=TRUE,
strip_d=TRUE, omit_nl=FALSE, sep=",") {
gene_regex <- '((IG[HKL]|TR[ABDG])[VDJADEGMC][A-R0-9\\(\\)]*[-/\\w]*)'
r <- getSegment(segment_call, gene_regex, first=first, collapse=collapse,
strip_d=strip_d, omit_nl=omit_nl, sep=sep)
#' @rdname getSegment
#' @export
getFamily <- function(segment_call, first=TRUE, collapse=TRUE,
strip_d=TRUE, omit_nl=FALSE, sep=",") {
family_regex <- '((IG[HKL]|TR[ABDG])[VDJADEGMC][A-R0-9\\(\\)]*)'
r <- getSegment(segment_call, family_regex, first=first, collapse=collapse,
strip_d=strip_d, omit_nl=omit_nl, sep=sep)
#' @rdname getSegment
#' @export
getLocus <- function(segment_call, first=TRUE, collapse=TRUE,
strip_d=TRUE, omit_nl=FALSE, sep=",") {
locus_regex <- '((IG[HLK]|TR[ABDG]))'
r <- getSegment(segment_call, locus_regex, first=first, collapse=collapse,
strip_d=strip_d, omit_nl=omit_nl, sep=sep)
#' @rdname getSegment
#' @export
getChain <- function(segment_call, first=TRUE, collapse=TRUE,
strip_d=TRUE, omit_nl=FALSE, sep=",") {
r <- getLocus(segment_call, first=first, collapse=collapse,
strip_d=strip_d, omit_nl=omit_nl, sep=sep)
r <- gsub("(IGH)|(TR[BD])", "VH", r)
r <- gsub("(IG[KL])|(TR[AG])", "VL", r)
#### Utility functions ####
# Get all VJ(L) combinations from one or more chains of the same type
# Input:
# V annotation, J annotation, and optionally junction length of
# one of more chains of the same type
# - v: V annotation
# - j: J annotation
# - l: junction length (optional)
# - sep_chain: character separting multiple chains
# - sep_anno: character separating multiple/ambiguous annotations within each chain
# - first: to be passed to getGene()
# Output:
# A vector containing all unique VJ(L) combinations represented
# Assumption:
# 1) number of chains match across v, j, l
# 2) if length value is supplied, each chain has a single length value
# Example input
# v <- "Homsap IGLV2-20*09 F,Homsap IGLV3-30*09 F;Homsap IGKV1-27*01 F;Homsap IGKV1-25*01 F,Homsap IGKV1-25*38 F,Homsap IGKV1-32*02 F"
# j <- "Homsap IGLJ3*02 F;Homsap IGKJ5*02 F;Homsap IGKJ3*03 F,Homsap IGKJ9*03 F"
# l <- "36;39;60"
# getAllVJL(v, j, l, ";", ",", FALSE)
# - 3 light chains
# - number of V annotations per chain: 2/1/3
# - number of J annotations per chain: 1/1/2
# - Expected supremum of the number of VJL combinations: 2*1 + 1*1 + 3*2 = 9
# - Note that this is the supremum because the ACTUAL number (7) CAN be lower due to presence
# of different alleles from the SAME gene (since computation is performed at the gene level)
getAllVJL <- function(v, j, l, sep_chain, sep_anno, first) {
# is l NULL?
l_NULL <- is.null(l)
# are there multiple chains?
# assumes that number of chains match across v, j, l
# (pre-checked in groupGenes)
multi_chain <- stringi::stri_detect_fixed(str=v, pattern=sep_chain)
# are there multiple annotations per chain?
multi_anno_v <- stringi::stri_detect_fixed(str=v, pattern=sep_anno)
multi_anno_j <- stringi::stri_detect_fixed(str=j, pattern=sep_anno)
# separate chains
# gets a vector of strings
# each vector entry corresponds to a chain
if (multi_chain) {
v <- stringi::stri_split_fixed(str=v, pattern=sep_chain)[[1]]
j <- stringi::stri_split_fixed(str=j, pattern=sep_chain)[[1]]
if (!l_NULL) { l <- stringi::stri_split_fixed(str=l, pattern=sep_chain)[[1]] }
# separate annotations
# gets a list
# each list entry has a vector of one or more strings
if (multi_anno_v) {
v <- stringi::stri_split_fixed(str=v, pattern=sep_anno)
# take care of 'first' here because getGene will not split by ","
if (first) { v <- lapply(v, function(x){x[1]}) }
if (multi_anno_j) {
j <- stringi::stri_split_fixed(str=j, pattern=sep_anno)
if (first) { j <- lapply(j, function(x){x[1]}) }
# get gene
# gets a list
# each list entry corresponds to a chain, and is a vector of one or more strings
v <- sapply(v, getGene, collapse=TRUE, simplify=FALSE, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
j <- sapply(j, getGene, collapse=TRUE, simplify=FALSE, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
# if there is multiple chains and/or multiple annotations
if ( multi_chain | (multi_anno_v & first) | (multi_anno_j & first) ) {
# gets a list
# each list entry is a vector of one or more strings
# do if/else outside sapply so it only gets evaluated once
if (!l_NULL) {
exp <- sapply(1:length(v), function(i){
#eg_df <- expand.grid(v[[i]], j[[i]], l[i])
#eg_vec <- apply(eg_df, 1, stringi::stri_paste, collapse="@")
n_v <- length(v[[i]])
n_j <- length(j[[i]])
eg_vec = stringi::stri_paste([[i]], times=n_j),
rep(j[[i]], each=n_v),[i], times=n_v*n_j),
} else {
exp <- sapply(1:length(v), function(i){
#eg_df = expand.grid(v[[i]], j[[i]])
#eg_vec = apply(eg_df, 1, stringi::stri_paste, collapse="@")
n_v <- length(v[[i]])
n_j <- length(j[[i]])
eg_vec <- stringi::stri_paste([[i]], times=n_j),
rep(j[[i]], each=n_v),
# concat and convert to vector; keep distinct values
exp <- unique(unlist(exp, use.names=FALSE))
} else {
n_v <- length(v[[1]])
n_j <- length(j[[1]])
if (!l_NULL) {
exp <- stringi::stri_paste([[1]], times=n_j),
rep(j[[1]], each=n_v),[1], times=n_v*n_j),
} else {
exp <- stringi::stri_paste([[1]], times=n_j),
rep(j[[1]], each=n_v),
#' Group sequences by gene assignment
#' \code{groupGenes} will group rows by shared V and J gene assignments,
#' and optionally also by junction lengths. IGH:IGK/IGL, TRB:TRA, and TRD:TRG
#' paired single-cell BCR/TCR sequencing and unpaired bulk sequencing
#' (IGH, TRB, TRD chain only) are supported. In the case of ambiguous (multiple)
#' gene assignments, the grouping may be specified to be a union across all
#' ambiguous V and J gene pairs, analogous to single-linkage clustering
#' (i.e., allowing for chaining).
#' @param data data.frame containing sequence data.
#' @param v_call name of the column containing the heavy/long chain
#' V-segment allele calls.
#' @param j_call name of the column containing the heavy/long chain
#' J-segment allele calls.
#' @param junc_len name of column containing the junction length.
#' If \code{NULL} then 1-stage partitioning is perform
#' considering only the V and J genes is performed.
#' See Details for further clarification.
#' @param cell_id name of the column containing cell identifiers or barcodes.
#' If specified, grouping will be performed in single-cell mode
#' with the behavior governed by the \code{locus} and
#' \code{only_heavy} arguments. If set to \code{NULL} then the
#' bulk sequencing data is assumed.
#' @param locus name of the column containing locus information.
#' Only applicable to single-cell data.
#' Ignored if \code{cell_id=NULL}.
#' @param only_heavy use only the IGH (BCR) or TRB/TRD (TCR) sequences
#' for grouping. Only applicable to single-cell data.
#' Ignored if \code{cell_id=NULL}.
#' @param first if \code{TRUE} only the first call of the gene assignments
#' is used. if \code{FALSE} the union of ambiguous gene
#' assignments is used to group all sequences with any
#' overlapping gene calls.
#' @return Returns a modified data.frame with disjoint union indices
#' in a new \code{vj_group} column.
#' If \code{junc_len} is supplied, the grouping this \code{vj_group}
#' will have been based on V, J, and junction length simultaneously. However,
#' the output column name will remain \code{vj_group}.
#' The output \code{v_call}, \code{j_call}, \code{cell_id}, and \code{locus}
#' columns will be converted to type \code{character} if they were of type
#' \code{factor} in the input \code{data}.
#' @details
#' To invoke single-cell mode the \code{cell_id} argument must be specified and the \code{locus}
#' column must be correct. Otherwise, \code{groupGenes} will be run with bulk sequencing assumptions,
#' using all input sequences regardless of the values in the \code{locus} column.
#' Values in the \code{locus} column must be one of \code{c("IGH", "IGI", "IGK", "IGL")} for BCR
#' or \code{c("TRA", "TRB", "TRD", "TRG")} for TCR sequences. Otherwise, the function returns an
#' error message and stops.
#' Under single-cell mode with paired chained sequences, there is a choice of whether
#' grouping should be done by (a) using IGH (BCR) or TRB/TRD (TCR) sequences only or
#' (b) using IGH plus IGK/IGL (BCR) or TRB/TRD plus TRA/TRG (TCR).
#' This is governed by the \code{only_heavy} argument.
#' Specifying \code{junc_len} will force \code{groupGenes} to perform a 1-stage partitioning of the
#' sequences/cells based on V gene, J gene, and junction length simultaneously.
#' If \code{junc_len=NULL} (no column specified), then \code{groupGenes} performs only the first
#' stage of a 2-stage partitioning in which sequences/cells are partitioned in the first stage
#' based on V gene and J gene, and then in the second stage further splits the groups based on
#' junction length (the second stage must be performed independently, as this only returns the
#' first stage results).
#' In the input \code{data}, the \code{v_call}, \code{j_call}, \code{cell_id}, and \code{locus}
#' columns, if present, must be of type \code{character} (as opposed to \code{factor}).
#' It is assumed that ambiguous gene assignments are separated by commas.
#' All rows containing \code{NA} values in any of the \code{v_call}, \code{j_call}, and \code{junc_len}
#' (if \code{junc_len != NULL}) columns will be removed. A warning will be issued when a row
#' containing an \code{NA} is removed.
#' @section Expectations for single-cell data:
#' Single-cell paired chain data assumptions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item every row represents a sequence (chain).
#' \item heavy/long and light/short chains of the same cell are linked by \code{cell_id}.
#' \item the value in \code{locus} column indicates whether the chain is the heavy/long or light/short chain.
#' \item each cell possibly contains multiple heavy/long and/or light/short chains.
#' \item every chain has its own V(D)J annotation, in which ambiguous V(D)J
#' annotations, if any, are separated by a comma.
#' }
#' Single-cell example:
#' \itemize{
#' \item A cell has 1 heavy chain and 2 light chains.
#' \item There should be 3 rows corresponding to this cell.
#' \item One of the light chains may have an ambiguous V annotation which looks like \code{"Homsap IGKV1-39*01 F,Homsap IGKV1D-39*01 F"}.
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Group by genes
#' db <- groupGenes(ExampleDb)
#' head(db$vj_group)
#' @export
groupGenes <- function(data, v_call="v_call", j_call="j_call", junc_len=NULL,
cell_id=NULL, locus="locus", only_heavy=TRUE,
first=FALSE) {
# Check base input
check <- checkColumns(data, c(v_call, j_call, junc_len))
if (check!=TRUE) { stop("A column or some combination of columns v_call, j_call, and junc_len were not found in the data") }
# Check single-cell input
if (!is.null(cell_id)) {
check <- checkColumns(data, c(cell_id))
if (check != TRUE) { stop(check) }
# Check locus
# message locus is required
if (is.null(locus)) { stop("`locus`, is a required parameter.") }
check <- checkColumns(data, locus)
if (check != TRUE) { stop(check) }
# if necessary, cast select columns to character (factor not allowed later on)
if (!is(data[[v_call]], "character")) { data[[v_call]] <- as.character(data[[v_call]]) }
if (!is(data[[j_call]], "character")) { data[[j_call]] <- as.character(data[[j_call]]) }
# e.g.: "Homsap IGHV3-7*01 F,Homsap IGHV3-6*01 F;Homsap IGHV1-4*01 F"
separator_within_seq <- ","
separator_between_seq <- ";"
# single-cell mode?
if (!is.null(cell_id) & !is.null(locus)) {
single_cell <- TRUE
if (!is(data[[cell_id]], "character")) { data[[cell_id]] <- as.character(data[[cell_id]]) }
if (!is(data[[locus]], "character")) { data[[locus]] <- as.character(data[[locus]]) }
# check locus column
valid_loci <- c("IGH", "IGI", "IGK", "IGL", "TRA", "TRB", "TRD", "TRG")
check <- !all(unique(data[[locus]]) %in% valid_loci)
if (check) {
stop("The locus column contains invalid loci annotations.")
} else {
single_cell <- FALSE
# only set if `single_cell` & `only_heavy`
v_call_light <- NULL
j_call_light <- NULL
junc_len_light <- NULL
# single-cell mode
if (single_cell) {
# regardless of using heavy only, or using both heavy and light
# for each cell
# - index wrt data of heavy chain
# - index wrt data of light chain(s)
cell_id_uniq <- unique(data[[cell_id]])
cell_seq_idx <- sapply(cell_id_uniq, function(x){
# heavy chain
idx_h <- which( data[[cell_id]]==x & data[[locus]] %in% c("IGH", "TRB", "TRD"))
# light chain
idx_l <- which( data[[cell_id]]==x & data[[locus]] %in% c("IGK", "IGL", "TRA", "TRG") )
return(list(heavy=idx_h, light=idx_l))
# make a copy
data_orig <- data; rm(data)
# use heavy chains only
# Straightforward subsetting like below won't work in cases
# where multiple HCs are present for a cell
# subset to heavy only
data <- data_orig[data_orig[[locus]] %in% c("IGH","TRB","TRD"), ]
# flatten data
cols <- c(cell_id, v_call, j_call, junc_len)
data <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=length(cell_seq_idx), ncol=length(cols)))
colnames(data) <- cols
for (i_cell in 1:length(cell_seq_idx)) {
i_cell_h <- cell_seq_idx[[i_cell]][["heavy"]]
data[[cell_id]][i_cell] <- cell_id_uniq[i_cell]
# heavy chain V, J, junc_len
data[[v_call]][i_cell] <- paste0(data_orig[[v_call]][i_cell_h],
data[[j_call]][i_cell] <- paste0(data_orig[[j_call]][i_cell_h],
if (!is.null(junc_len)) {
data[[junc_len]][i_cell] <- paste0(data_orig[[junc_len]][i_cell_h],
} else {
# use heavy AND light chains for grouping
v_call_light <- "v_call_light"
j_call_light <- "j_call_light"
# ifelse won't return NULL
if (is.null(junc_len)) {
junc_len_light <- NULL
} else {
junc_len_light <- "len_light"
# flatten data
cols <- c(cell_id, v_call, j_call, junc_len, v_call_light, j_call_light, junc_len_light)
data <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=length(cell_seq_idx), ncol=length(cols)))
colnames(data) <- cols
for (i_cell in 1:length(cell_seq_idx)) {
i_cell_h <- cell_seq_idx[[i_cell]][["heavy"]]
i_cell_l <- cell_seq_idx[[i_cell]][["light"]]
data[[cell_id]][i_cell] <- cell_id_uniq[i_cell]
# heavy chain V, J, junc_len
data[[v_call]][i_cell] <- paste0(data_orig[[v_call]][i_cell_h],
data[[j_call]][i_cell] <- paste0(data_orig[[j_call]][i_cell_h],
if (!is.null(junc_len)) {
data[[junc_len]][i_cell] <- paste0(data_orig[[junc_len]][i_cell_h],
# light chain V, J, junc_len
data[[v_call_light]][i_cell] <- paste0(data_orig[[v_call]][i_cell_l],
data[[j_call_light]][i_cell] <- paste0(data_orig[[j_call]][i_cell_l],
if (!is.null(junc_len_light)) {
data[[junc_len_light]][i_cell] <- paste0(data_orig[[junc_len]][i_cell_l],
# It cannot be the case that there are 2 V annotations but only 1 J annotation for
# the two light chains. Both J annotations must be spelled out for each light chain,
# separated by \code{separator_between_seq}, even if the annotated alleles are the same.
# This one-to-one annotation-to-chain correspondence for both V and J is explicitly
# checked and an error raised if the requirement is not met.
# one-to-one annotation-to-chain correspondence for both V and J (light)
# for each cell/row, number of bewteen_seq separators in light V annotation and in light J annotation must match
n_separator_btw_seq_v_light <- stringi::stri_count_fixed(str=data[[v_call_light]], pattern=separator_between_seq)
n_separator_btw_seq_j_light <- stringi::stri_count_fixed(str=data[[j_call_light]], pattern=separator_between_seq)
if (any( n_separator_btw_seq_v_light != n_separator_btw_seq_j_light )) {
stop("Requirement not met: one-to-one annotation-to-chain correspondence for both V and J (light)")
# one-to-one annotation-to-chain correspondence for both V and J (heavy)
# for each cell/row, number of bewteen_seq separators in heavy V annotation and in heavy J annotation must match
# (in theory, there should be 1 heavy chain per cell; but 10x can return cell with >1 heavy chains and
# you never know if the user will supply this cell as input)
n_separator_btw_seq_v_heavy <- stringi::stri_count_fixed(str=data[[v_call]], pattern=separator_between_seq)
n_separator_btw_seq_j_heavy <- stringi::stri_count_fixed(str=data[[j_call]], pattern=separator_between_seq)
if (any( n_separator_btw_seq_v_heavy != n_separator_btw_seq_j_heavy )) {
stop("Requirement not met: one-to-one annotation-to-chain correspondence for both V and J (heavy)")
# NULL will disappear when doing c()
# c(NULL,NULL) gives NULL still
cols_for_grouping_heavy <- c(v_call, j_call, junc_len)
cols_for_grouping_light <- c(v_call_light, j_call_light, junc_len_light)
# cols cannot be factor
if (any( sapply(cols_for_grouping_heavy, function(x){class(data[[x]]) == "factor"}) )) {
stop("one or more of { ", v_call, ", ", j_call,
ifelse(is.null(junc_len), " ", ", "), junc_len,
"} is factor. Must be character.\nIf using read.table(), make sure to set stringsAsFactors=FALSE.\n")
if (single_cell & !only_heavy) {
if (any( sapply(cols_for_grouping_light, function(x) {class(data[[x]]) == "factor"}) )) {
stop("one or more of { ", v_call_light, ", ", j_call_light,
ifelse(is.null(junc_len_light), " ", ", "), junc_len_light,
"} is factor. Must be character.\nIf using read.table(), make sure to set stringsAsFactors=FALSE.\n")
# Check NA(s) in columns
bool_na <- rowSums( data[, c(cols_for_grouping_heavy, cols_for_grouping_light)] ) ) >0
if (any(bool_na)) {
entityName <- ifelse(single_cell, " cell(s)", " sequence(s)")
msg <- paste0("NA(s) found in one or more of { ",
v_call, ", ", j_call,
ifelse(is.null(junc_len), "", ", "), junc_len,
ifelse(is.null(v_call_light), "", ", "), v_call_light,
ifelse(is.null(j_call_light), "", ", "), j_call_light,
ifelse(is.null(junc_len_light), "", ", "), junc_len_light,
" } columns. ", sum(bool_na), entityName, " removed.\n")
data <- data[!bool_na, ]
if (single_cell) {
# maintain one-to-one relationship between
# rows of data, cell_id_uniq, and cell_seq_idx
cell_id_uniq <- cell_id_uniq[!bool_na]
cell_seq_idx <- cell_seq_idx[!bool_na]
### expand
# speed-up strategy
# compute expanded VJL combos for unique rows
# then distribute back to all rows
# unique combinations of VJL
# heavy chain seqs only
if ( (!single_cell) | (single_cell & only_heavy) ) {
combo_unique <- unique(data[, cols_for_grouping_heavy])
# unique components
v_unique <- unique(combo_unique[[v_call]])
j_unique <- unique(combo_unique[[j_call]])
# map each row in full data to unique combo
m_v <- match(data[[v_call]], v_unique)
m_j <- match(data[[j_call]], j_unique)
if (is.null(junc_len)) {
combo_unique_full_idx <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i) {
idx_v <- which (v_unique == combo_unique[[v_call]][i])
idx_j <- which (j_unique == combo_unique[[j_call]][i])
idx <- which(m_v==idx_v & m_j==idx_j)
} else {
l_unique <- unique(combo_unique[[junc_len]])
m_l <- match(data[[junc_len]], l_unique)
combo_unique_full_idx <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i) {
idx_v <- which(v_unique == combo_unique[[v_call]][i])
idx_j <- which(j_unique == combo_unique[[j_call]][i])
idx_l <- which(l_unique == combo_unique[[junc_len]][i])
idx <- which(m_v==idx_v & m_j==idx_j & m_l==idx_l)
# expand combo_unique
if (is.null(junc_len)) {
exp_lst <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
getAllVJL(v=combo_unique[[v_call]][i], j=combo_unique[[j_call]][i],
l=NULL, first=first,
sep_anno=separator_within_seq, sep_chain=separator_between_seq)
}, simplify=F, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
} else {
exp_lst <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
getAllVJL(v=combo_unique[[v_call]][i], j=combo_unique[[j_call]][i],
l=combo_unique[[junc_len]][i], first=first,
sep_anno=separator_within_seq, sep_chain=separator_between_seq)
}, simplify=F, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
} else {
# single_cell & !only_heavy
# important: do not do this separately for heavy and light
# must keep the pairing structure
combo_unique <- unique(data[, c(cols_for_grouping_heavy, cols_for_grouping_light)])
# unique components
v_unique_h <- unique(combo_unique[[v_call]])
j_unique_h <- unique(combo_unique[[j_call]])
v_unique_l <- unique(combo_unique[[v_call_light]])
j_unique_l <- unique(combo_unique[[j_call_light]])
# map each row in full data to unique combo
m_v_h <- match(data[[v_call]], v_unique_h)
m_j_h <- match(data[[j_call]], j_unique_h)
m_v_l <- match(data[[v_call_light]], v_unique_l)
m_j_l <- match(data[[j_call_light]], j_unique_l)
if (!is.null(junc_len)) {
l_unique_h <- unique(combo_unique[[junc_len]])
m_l_h <- match(data[[junc_len]], l_unique_h)
if (!is.null(junc_len_light)) {
l_unique_l <- unique(combo_unique[[junc_len_light]])
m_l_l <- match(data[[junc_len_light]], l_unique_l)
# expand combo_unique
if (is.null(junc_len) & is.null(junc_len_light)) {
# map
combo_unique_full_idx <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
idx_v_h <- which( v_unique_h == combo_unique[[v_call]][i] )
idx_j_h <- which( j_unique_h == combo_unique[[j_call]][i] )
idx_v_l <- which( v_unique_l == combo_unique[[v_call_light]][i] )
idx_j_l <- which( j_unique_l == combo_unique[[j_call_light]][i] )
idx <- which(m_v_h==idx_v_h & m_j_h==idx_j_h & m_v_l==idx_v_l & m_j_l==idx_j_l)
# heavy
exp_h <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
getAllVJL(v=combo_unique[[v_call]][i], j=combo_unique[[j_call]][i],
l=NULL, first=first,
sep_anno=separator_within_seq, sep_chain=separator_between_seq)
# light
exp_l <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
getAllVJL(v=combo_unique[[v_call_light]][i], j=combo_unique[[j_call_light]][i],
l=NULL, first=first,
sep_anno=separator_within_seq, sep_chain=separator_between_seq)
} else if (!is.null(junc_len) & !is.null(junc_len_light)) {
# map
combo_unique_full_idx <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
idx_v_h <- which( v_unique_h == combo_unique[[v_call]][i] )
idx_j_h <- which( j_unique_h == combo_unique[[j_call]][i] )
idx_l_h <- which( l_unique_h == combo_unique[[junc_len]][i] )
idx_v_l <- which( v_unique_l == combo_unique[[v_call_light]][i] )
idx_j_l <- which( j_unique_l == combo_unique[[j_call_light]][i] )
idx_l_l <- which( l_unique_l == combo_unique[[junc_len_light]][i] )
idx <- which(m_v_h==idx_v_h & m_j_h==idx_j_h & m_l_h==idx_l_h &
m_v_l==idx_v_l & m_j_l==idx_j_l & m_l_l==idx_l_l)
# heavy
exp_h <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
getAllVJL(v=combo_unique[[v_call]][i], j=combo_unique[[j_call]][i],
l=combo_unique[[junc_len]][i], first=first,
sep_anno=separator_within_seq, sep_chain=separator_between_seq)
# light
exp_l <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
getAllVJL(v=combo_unique[[v_call_light]][i], j=combo_unique[[j_call_light]][i],
l=combo_unique[[junc_len_light]][i], first=first,
sep_anno=separator_within_seq, sep_chain=separator_between_seq)
} else if (is.null(junc_len) & !is.null(junc_len_light)) {
# map
combo_unique_full_idx <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
idx_v_h <- which( v_unique_h == combo_unique[[v_call]][i] )
idx_j_h <- which( j_unique_h == combo_unique[[j_call]][i] )
idx_v_l <- which( v_unique_l == combo_unique[[v_call_light]][i] )
idx_j_l <- which( j_unique_l == combo_unique[[j_call_light]][i] )
idx_l_l <- which( l_unique_l == combo_unique[[junc_len_light]][i] )
idx <- which(m_v_h==idx_v_h & m_j_h==idx_j_h &
m_v_l==idx_v_l & m_j_l==idx_j_l & m_l_l==idx_l_l)
# heavy
exp_h <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
getAllVJL(v=combo_unique[[v_call]][i], j=combo_unique[[j_call]][i],
l=NULL, first=first,
sep_anno=separator_within_seq, sep_chain=separator_between_seq)
# light
exp_l <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
getAllVJL(v=combo_unique[[v_call_light]][i], j=combo_unique[[j_call_light]][i],
l=combo_unique[[junc_len_light]][i], first=first,
sep_anno=separator_within_seq, sep_chain=separator_between_seq)
} else if (!is.null(junc_len) & is.null(junc_len_light)) {
# map
combo_unique_full_idx <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
idx_v_h <- which( v_unique_h == combo_unique[[v_call]][i] )
idx_j_h <- which( j_unique_h == combo_unique[[j_call]][i] )
idx_l_h <- which( l_unique_h == combo_unique[[junc_len]][i] )
idx_v_l <- which( v_unique_l == combo_unique[[v_call_light]][i] )
idx_j_l <- which( j_unique_l == combo_unique[[j_call_light]][i] )
idx <- which(m_v_h==idx_v_h & m_j_h==idx_j_h & m_l_h==idx_l_h &
m_v_l==idx_v_l & m_j_l==idx_j_l)
# heavy
exp_h <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
getAllVJL(v=combo_unique[[v_call]][i], j=combo_unique[[j_call]][i],
l=combo_unique[[junc_len]][i], first=first,
sep_anno=separator_within_seq, sep_chain=separator_between_seq)
# light
exp_l <- sapply(1:nrow(combo_unique), function(i){
getAllVJL(v=combo_unique[[v_call_light]][i], j=combo_unique[[j_call_light]][i],
l=NULL, first=first,
sep_anno=separator_within_seq, sep_chain=separator_between_seq)
# pair heavy & light
stopifnot( length(exp_h) == length(exp_l) )
exp_lst <- sapply(1:length(exp_h), function(i){
n_h <- length(exp_h[[i]])
n_l <- length(exp_l[[i]])
stringi::stri_paste([[i]], times=n_l),
rep(exp_l[[i]], each=n_h),
# one-to-one correspondence btw exp_lst and combo_unique_full_idx
# exp_lst: VJL combinations
# combo_unique_full_idx: rows in data carrying each exp_lst
# exp_lst may not be all unique because gene-level info is kept instead of allele-level
# make exp_lst unique
exp_lst_uniq <- unique(exp_lst)
exp_lst_uniq_full_idx <- sapply(exp_lst_uniq, function(x){
# wrt exp_lst, therefore also wrt combo_unique_full_idx
idx_lst <- which(unlist(lapply(exp_lst, function(y){
length(y)==length(x) && all(y==x)
# merge
unlist(combo_unique_full_idx[idx_lst], use.names=FALSE)
stopifnot( length(unique(unlist(exp_lst_uniq_full_idx, use.names=FALSE))) == nrow(data) )
# tip: unlist with use.names=F makes it much faster (>100x)
exp_uniq <- sort(unique(unlist(exp_lst_uniq, use.names=FALSE)))
n_cells_or_seqs <- nrow(data)
# notes on implementation
# regular/dense matrix is more straightforward to implement but very costly memory-wise
# sparse matrix is less straightforward to implement but way more memory efficient
# sparse matrix is very slow to modify to on-the-fly (using a loop like for dense matrix)
# way faster to construct in one go
# for illustrating the concept
# this is the way to go if using regular matrix (memory-intensive)
# same concept implemented using sparse matrix
# mtx_cell_VJL <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(data), ncol=length(exp_uniq))
# colnames(mtx_cell_VJL) <- exp_uniq
# mtx_adj <- matrix(0, nrow=length(exp_uniq), ncol=length(exp_uniq))
# rownames(mtx_adj) <- exp_uniq
# colnames(mtx_adj) <- exp_uniq
# outdated:
# for (i_cell in 1:length(exp_lst)) {
# #if (i_cell %% 1000 == 0) { cat(i_cell, "\n") }
# cur_uniq <- unique(exp_lst[[i_cell]])
# mtx_cell_VJL[i_cell, cur_uniq] <- 1
# mtx_adj[cur_uniq, cur_uniq] <- 1
# }
# actual implementation using sparse matrix from Matrix package
### matrix indicating relationship between cell and VJ(L) combinations
# row: cell
# col: unique heavy VJ(L) (and light VJ(L))
# row indices
m1_i <- lapply(1:length(exp_lst_uniq), function(i){
rep(exp_lst_uniq_full_idx[[i]], each=length(exp_lst_uniq[[i]]))
m1_i_v <- unlist(m1_i, use.names=FALSE)
# column indices
m1_j <- lapply(1:length(exp_lst_uniq), function(i){
# wrt exp_uniq
idx <- match(exp_lst_uniq[[i]], exp_uniq)
#stopifnot( all.equal( exp_uniq[idx], exp_lst_uniq[[i]] ) ), length(exp_lst_uniq_full_idx[[i]]))
m1_j_v <- unlist(m1_j, use.names=FALSE)
stopifnot( length(m1_i_v) == length(m1_j_v) )
# no particular need for this to be not of class "nsparseMatrix"
# so no need to specify x=rep(1, length(m1_i))
# not specifying makes it even more space-efficient
mtx_cell_VJL <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i=m1_i_v, j=m1_j_v,
dims=c(n_cells_or_seqs, length(exp_uniq)),
symmetric=F, triangular=F, index1=T,
dimnames=list(NULL, exp_uniq))
### adjacency matrix
# row and col: unique heavy VJ(L) (and light VJ(L))
# row indices
m2_i <- lapply(1:length(exp_lst_uniq), function(i){
# wrt exp_uniq
idx <- match(exp_lst_uniq[[i]], exp_uniq)
#stopifnot( all.equal( exp_uniq[idx], exp_lst_uniq[[i]] ) )
rep(idx, each=length(exp_lst_uniq[[i]]))
m2_i_v <- unlist(m2_i, use.names=FALSE)
# col indices
m2_j <- lapply(1:length(exp_lst_uniq), function(i){
# wrt exp_uniq
idx <- match(exp_lst_uniq[[i]], exp_uniq)
#stopifnot( all.equal( exp_uniq[idx], exp_lst_uniq[[i]] ) ), length(exp_lst_uniq[[i]]))
m2_j_v <- unlist(m2_j, use.names=FALSE)
stopifnot( length(m2_i_v) == length(m2_j_v) )
# important: x must be specified for mtx_adj in order to make it not of class "nsparseMatrix"
# this is because igraph accepts sparse matrix from Matrix but not the "pattern" matrices variant
mtx_adj <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i=m2_i_v, j=m2_j_v, x=rep(1,length(m2_i_v)),
dims=c(length(exp_uniq), length(exp_uniq)),
symmetric=F, triangular=F, index1=T,
dimnames=list(exp_uniq, exp_uniq))
rm(m1_i, m1_j, m2_i, m2_j, m1_i_v, m1_j_v, m2_i_v, m2_j_v, exp_lst)
### identify connected components based on adjcencey matrix
# this is the grouping
# source:
g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adjmatrix=mtx_adj, mode="undirected", diag=FALSE)
#plot(g, vertex.size=10, vertex.label.cex=1, vertex.color="skyblue", vertex.label.color="black", vertex.frame.color="transparent", edge.arrow.mode=0)
connected <- igraph::components(g)
VJL_groups <- igraph::groups(connected)
names(VJL_groups) <- paste0("G", 1:length(VJL_groups))
### identify cells associated with each connected component (grouping)
# each entry corresponds to a group/partition
# each element within an entry is a cell
cellIdx_byGroup_lst <- lapply(VJL_groups, function(x){
if (length(x)>1) {
# matrix
# important to specify rowSums from Matrix package
# base::rowSums will NOT work
cell_idx <- which(Matrix::rowSums(mtx_cell_VJL[, x, drop=F ])>0)
} else {
# vector
cell_idx <- which(mtx_cell_VJL[, x]>0)
# sanity check: there should be perfect/disjoint partitioning
# (each cell has exactly one group assignment)
stopifnot( n_cells_or_seqs == length(unique(unlist(cellIdx_byGroup_lst, use.names=FALSE))) )
# assign
data$vj_group <- NA
for (i in 1:length(cellIdx_byGroup_lst)) {
data[["vj_group"]][cellIdx_byGroup_lst[[i]]] <- names(VJL_groups)[i]
if (!single_cell) {
} else {
data_orig$vj_group <- NA
# map back to data_orig
for (i_cell in 1:nrow(data)) {
# wrt data_orig
i_orig_h <- cell_seq_idx[[i_cell]][["heavy"]]
i_orig_l <- cell_seq_idx[[i_cell]][["light"]]
# sanity check
stopifnot( all( data_orig[[cell_id]][c(i_orig_h, i_orig_l)] == cell_id_uniq[i_cell] ) )
# grouping
data_orig$vj_group[c(i_orig_h, i_orig_l)] <- data$vj_group[i_cell]
# remove rows with $vj_group values of NA
# these had already been removed by the NA check for `data`
data_orig <- data_orig[!$vj_group), ]
#' Sort V(D)J genes
#' \code{sortGenes} sorts a vector of V(D)J gene names by either lexicographic ordering
#' or locus position.
#' @param genes vector of strings respresenting V(D)J gene names.
#' @param method string defining the method to use for sorting genes. One of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"name"}: sort in lexicographic order. Order is by
#' family first, then gene, and then allele.
#' \item \code{"position"}: sort by position in the locus, as
#' determined by the final two numbers
#' in the gene name. Non-localized genes
#' are assigned to the highest positions.
#' }
#' @return A sorted character vector of gene names.
#' @seealso See \code{getAllele}, \code{getGene} and \code{getFamily} for parsing
#' gene names.
#' @examples
#' # Create a list of allele names
#' genes <- c("IGHV1-69D*01","IGHV1-69*01","IGHV4-38-2*01","IGHV1-69-2*01",
#' "IGHV2-5*01","IGHV1-NL1*01", "IGHV1-2*01,IGHV1-2*05",
#' "IGHV1-2", "IGHV1-2*02", "IGHV1-69*02")
#' # Sort genes by name
#' sortGenes(genes)
#' # Sort genes by position in the locus
#' sortGenes(genes, method="pos")
#' @export
sortGenes <- function(genes, method=c("name", "position")) {
# method="name"
# Check arguments
method <- match.arg(method)
# Build sorting table
sort_tab <- tibble(CALL=sort(getAllele(genes, first=FALSE, strip_d=FALSE))) %>%
# Determine the gene and family
mutate(FAMILY=getFamily(!!rlang::sym("CALL"), first=TRUE, strip_d=FALSE),
GENE=getGene(!!rlang::sym("CALL"), first=TRUE, strip_d=FALSE),
ALLELE=getAllele(!!rlang::sym("CALL"), first=TRUE, strip_d=FALSE)) %>%
# Identify first gene number, second gene number and allele number
mutate(G1=gsub("[^-]+-([^-\\*D]+).*", "\\1", !!rlang::sym("GENE")),
G1=as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9]+", "99", !!rlang::sym("G1"))),
G2=gsub("[^-]+-[^-]+-?", "", !!rlang::sym("GENE")),
G2=as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9]+", "99", !!rlang::sym("G2"))),
A1=as.numeric(sub("[^\\*]+\\*|[^\\*]+$", "", !!rlang::sym("ALLELE")))
# Convert missing values to 0
sort_tab[] <- 0
# Sort
if (method == "name") {
sorted_genes <- arrange(sort_tab, !!!rlang::syms(c("FAMILY", "G1", "G2", "A1")))[["CALL"]]
} else if (method == "position") {
sorted_genes <- arrange(sort_tab,
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