#### Plot functions for each chromosome and sample
#### 27/04/2019
#### by Rafael Campos Martin
#' This funciton creates an RViterbi object.
#' @param object an RTIGER or RViterbi object with the filtered data
#' @param samp character with the sample name as specified in the experimentalDesign
#' @param chr character with the chromosome to plot
#' @param col color to define segments in P1, P2 and heterozygous regions.
#' @param size size of each panel (see Gviz documentation)
#' @param main an overall title for the plot. If null, the sample and chromosome are the default.
#' @param showGenAxis boolean parameter whether or not show the genome axis.
#' @param ratio boolean parameter wether or not to plot the ratio counts
#' @param window if ratio TRUE, what is the window for the sliding window to be computed of the ratios.
#' @param from If specified, which to start plotting. Default is one.
#' @param to If specified, till which position to plot. Default is final chromosomoe.
#' @return plot with the genomic segmentation for chromosome chr in sample samp.
#' @usage plotGenotype(object, samp, chr,
#' col = c("red", "blue", "mediumorchid4"),
#' size = c(1,1), main = NULL,
#' showGenAxis = TRUE, ratio = FALSE, window = 10)
#' @examples
#' data("fittedExample")
#' info = myDat@info
#' plotGenotype(myDat, samp = info$sample_names[1],chr = info$part_names[1])
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
plotGenotype = function(object,
col = c("red", "blue", "mediumorchid4"),
size = c(1,1),
main = NULL,
showGenAxis = TRUE,
ratio = FALSE,
window = 10,
from = NULL,
to = NULL){
# if(sum(c("Gviz") %in% rownames(installed.packages())) != 1) stop("To generate this plot you need to have installed Gviz Bioconductor package.\n
DataViterbi_GR = object@Viterbi
FinalRes_chr = DataViterbi_GR[[samp]]
FinalRes_chr = FinalRes_chr[seqnames(FinalRes_chr) == chr]
ratio_V = FinalRes_chr$P1.Allele.Count/FinalRes_chr$total
ratio_V = ((ratio_V - .5)/.5)*100
ratio_V = myrunningMean(ratio_V, window)
posRatio = ratio_V
posRatio[posRatio < 0] = NA
negRatio = ratio_V
negRatio[negRatio >= 0 ] = NA
# "P1.Allele.Count"
# rat io[] = 0
# FinalRes_chr$ratio = ratio_V
myratio = FinalRes_chr
myratio$P1.Allele.Count = posRatio
myratio$P2.Allele.Count = negRatio
myratio = myratio[,c("P2.Allele.Count", "P1.Allele.Count")]
ratlim = c(-100,100)
ratgviz = Gviz::DataTrack(myratio, type = "l", col = col[1:2], name = "Allele frequency Ratio", ylim = ratlim)
size = c(1,1,1)
Viterbi = Vit2GrangesGen(FinalRes_chr, value = "Viterbi")
dat = FinalRes_chr[,c("P1.Allele.Count", "total")]
dat$P2.Allele.Count = - (dat$total - dat$P1.Allele.Count)
dat = dat[,c("P1.Allele.Count", "P2.Allele.Count")]
colnames(mcols(dat)) = c( "Reference", "Alternate")
lim = max(abs(as.matrix(mcols(dat))), na.rm = TRUE) + 2
coldata = col[1:2]
names(coldata) = c("Alternate", "Reference")
mcols(dat) = mcols(dat)[, c("Alternate", "Reference")]
datgviz = Gviz::DataTrack(dat, type = "h", name = "Allele frequency", col = coldata, ylim = c(-lim, lim))
names(col) = c("mat", "pat", "het")
myclass = "Genotype"
vitGviz = Gviz::AnnotationTrack(Viterbi, name = myclass,
fill = col[Viterbi$Viterbi],
col = "transparent", stacking = "dense")
mySize = size
mytracks = c(datgviz, vitGviz)
mytracks = c(datgviz, ratgviz, vitGviz)
gtrack <- Gviz::GenomeAxisTrack()
mytracks = c(gtrack, mytracks)
mySize = c(.5,size)
if(is.null(main)){ = samp
if("OName" %in% colnames(object@info$expDesign)){
rev.newn = object@info$expDesign$OName
names(rev.newn) = object@info$expDesign$name = rev.newn[samp]
main = paste(, "\n", chr)
to = ifelse(is.null(to), seqlengths(FinalRes_chr)[chr], to)
from = ifelse(is.null(from), 1, from)
Gviz::plotTracks(mytracks, groups = colnames(mcols(dat)),
background.title="darkgrey", lwd=2,
from = from,
to= to,
main = main,
legend = TRUE,
fontcolor.feature="black", background.title="darkgrey",
showId=TRUE, cex.main = 0.7)
myrunningMean = function(x, winHalfSize = 2)
out = x
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
start = (max(c(1, i - winHalfSize)))
end = (min(c(length(x), i + winHalfSize)))
out[i] = mean(x[start:end], na.rm = TRUE)
Vit2GrangesGen = function (FinalRes_chr, value)
chr = seqnames(FinalRes_chr)[1]
myRle = rle(mcols(FinalRes_chr)[[value]])
len = myRle$lengths
vals = myRle$values
cum = len[1]
if(length(len) > 1){
for(i in 2:length(len)) cum[i] = cum[i-1] + len[i]
starts = start(FinalRes_chr)
ends = end(FinalRes_chr)
good.ends = ends[cum]
good.start = vector(length = length(len))
good.start[1] = starts[1]
if(length(len) > 1) good.start[2:length(good.start)] = starts[cum[-length(cum)] + 1]
myGR = data.frame(seqnames = rep(chr, length(good.start)),
start = good.start,
end = good.ends)
myGR[[value]] = vals
myGR = GRanges(myGR)
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