#### FIXME: hay que arreglar trace.plot!!!!!
#### Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Oscar Rueda Palacio and Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
#### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#### modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#### as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
#### of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#### GNU General Public License for more details.
#### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
#### USA.
### zz: FIXME: remove .__DELETE_GZIPPED <- TRUE ## turn to true for real
#### .__DELETE_BETA <- FALSE ## later set to TRUE, when we have summaries from C
#### return name of temporary directory!! and have a function for extraction
#### TODO:
#### - Rewrite getEdges using the stored viterbi sequences!!!!
#### DEFINE SUPERSEED; only needed for debugging
#### SUPERSEED <- 123
#### Includes the code that returns probs of states being gained/lost/no-change
#### For now until we set in stone what we do with dummy chroms.
## this is just for having nice names in output
dummyChr <- "-"
.__DELETE_GZIPPED <- TRUE ## turn to true for real
.__DELETE_BETA <- FALSE ## later set to TRUE, when we have summaries from C
##Functions for Non Homogeneous Hidden Markov Models with normal
##probability emissions
##Function to compute the transition matrix
## q are the intercept probabilities
## beta is the vector of regression coefficients
## x is the distance to the next gene
QNH <- function(beta, x, q=-beta) {
k <- nrow(q)
Q <- exp(q + beta*x)
Q <- Q / rowSums(Q)
## filter and likelihood of the non - homogeneous HMM
## q, beta, x are the same as before
## mu & sigma.2 are the normal distribution parameters
## stat is the initial distribution
## k is the number of hidden states
normal.HMM.likelihood.NH.filter <- function(y, k, beta, x, mu, sigma.2,
stat=NULL, q=-beta) {
## Prevents that c, denominator never gets zero
TOL <- 1E-10
if (is.null(stat)) stat <- rep(1/k, k)
##last x is not observed. Besides, it doesn't count on the likelihood
x <- c(x, 0)
n <- length(y)
if (k==1) {
loglik <- sum(dnorm(y, mu, sqrt(sigma.2), log=TRUE))
filter.cond <- matrix(rep(1, n+1), n+1)
filter <- matrix(rep(1, n), n)
res <- list(loglik=loglik, filter.cond=filter.cond, filter=filter)
else {
filter <- matrix(NA, n,k)
filter.cond <- matrix(NA, n+1,k)
c <- rep(NA, n)
filter.cond[1,] <- stat
for (i in 1:n) {
c[i] <- sum(filter.cond[i,]*dnorm(y[i], mu, sqrt(sigma.2)))
c[i] <- ifelse(identical(c[i], 0), TOL, c[i])
filter[i,] <- filter.cond[i,]*dnorm(y[i], mu, sqrt(sigma.2))/c[i]
Q <- QNH(q=q, beta=beta, x=x[i])
for (j in 1:k) {
filter.cond[i+1,j] <- sum(filter[i,]*Q[,j,drop=FALSE])
res <- list(loglik=sum(log(c)), filter.cond=filter.cond, filter=filter, c=log(c))
## likelihood of the non - homogeneous HMM. C version
## q, beta, x are the same as before
## mu & sigma.2 are the normal distribution parameters
## stat is the initial distribution
## k is the number of hidden states
normal.HMM.likelihood.NH.C <- function(y, x, mu,
sigma.2, beta, stat=NULL) {
k <- length(mu)
if (is.null(stat)) stat <- rep(1/k, k)
##last x is not observed. Besides, it doesn't count on the likelihood
x <- c(x, 0)
q <- -beta
loglik <- .C("normalNHHMMlikelihood", y=as.double(y), k=as.integer(k),
x=as.double(x), n=as.integer(length(y)),
q=as.double(as.vector(q)), ## beta=as.double(beta),
stat=as.double(stat), mu=as.double(mu),
loglik$x <- loglik$x[-length(x)]
## Function to simulate hidden state sequence by backward smoothing
## The call to normal.HMM.likelihood.NH should be changed for c++ version
## Slightly modified. Doesn't sample, it chooses the state with maximal
## probability.
## now can do model averaging
## now viterbi is used instead of this one
<- function(obj, x) {
k <- length(obj$mu)
n <- length(obj$y)
filter <- normal.HMM.likelihood.NH.filter(y=obj$y, k=k, q=-obj$beta,
beta=obj$beta, x=x, mu=obj$mu,
sigma.2=obj$sigma.2, stat=obj$stat)$filter
states <-rep(NA, n)
B <- array(NA, c(n, k))
B[n,] <- filter[n,]
states[n] <- which.max(B[n,])
for (i in (n-1):1) {
Q <- QNH(q=-obj$beta, beta=obj$beta, x=x[i])
den <- sum(filter[i,]*Q[,states[i+1]])
den <-ifelse(den==0, 1, den)
B[i,] <- filter[i,]*Q[,states[i+1]]
B[i,] <- B[i,] / den
states[i] <- which.max(B[i,])
res <- list(states=states, prob.states=B)
simulateRJaCGH <- function(n, x=NULL, mu, sigma.2, beta, start) {
y <- rep(NA, n)
states <- rep(NA, n)
k <- length(mu)
if (is.null(x)) x <- rep(0, n-1)
states[1] <- start
y[1] <- rnorm(1, mu[states[1]], sqrt(sigma.2[states[1]]))
for (i in 2:n) {
Q <- QNH(beta=beta, x=x[i-1], q=-beta)
states[i] <- sample(x=1:k, size=1, prob=Q[states[i-1],])
y[i] <- rnorm(1, mu[states[i]], sqrt(sigma.2[states[i]]))
list(states=states, y=y)
## Plot transition probabilities
plotQNH <- function(x, beta, q=-beta, col=NULL,...) {
n<- length(x)
k <- nrow(q)
prob <- matrix(NA, n, k)
if (is.null(col)) {
col <- rep(1, k)
col[grep("[G]", rownames(beta))] <- 2
col[grep("[L]", rownames(beta))] <- 3
for (i in 1:n) {
prob[i,] <- diag(QNH(q=q, beta=beta, x=x[i]))
plot(prob[order(x),1] ~ sort(x), type="l", ylim=c(min(prob), max(prob)), col=col[1], ...)
## case with homogeneous probabilities
if (min(x)==0 && max(x)==0) abline(h=prob[1,1], col=col[1])
if (k >1) {
for (i in 2:k) {
lines(prob[order(x),i] ~ sort(x), col=col[i])
## case with homogeneous probabilities
if (min(x)==0 && max(x)==0) abline(h=prob[1,i], col=col[i])
get.viterbi.seq2 <- function(res) {
ffnames <- unlist(strsplit(res$viterbi.filename, "\n"))
## the following does not work well
### mapply(function(x, y, z)
### list(num_sequences = x,
### sum_mcmc_iter = y,
### gzipped_filename = z),
### x = res$viterbi.num_sequences,
### y = res$viterbi.sum_mcmc_iter,
### z = ffnames)
retv <- list()
n1 <- length(res$viterbi.num_sequences)
if(n1 != length(ffnames))
stop("FATAL error in get.viterbi.seq2")
### if(n1 == 1)
### return(list(num_sequences = res$viterbi.num_sequences[1],
### sum_mcmc_iter = res$viterbi.sum_mcmc_iter,
### gzipped_filename = ffnames[1]))
### else {
for(i in 1:n1) {
cat("\n get.viterbi.seq2 cannot find file ", ffnames[i]," \n")
retv[[i]] <- list()
retv[[i]]$num_sequences <- res$viterbi.num_sequences[i]
retv[[i]]$sum_mcmc_iter <- res$viterbi.sum_mcmc_iter
retv[[i]]$gzipped_filename <- ffnames[i]
### }
MetropolisSweep.C <- function(y, x, k.max, Chrom, model=NULL,
burnin, TOT, prob.k, pb, ps, mu.alfa,
mu.beta, s1, s2,,
init.beta,, sigma.tau.sigma.2,
tau.split.beta=NULL, stat, start.k,
NC, deltaT,
window = NULL,
singleState = FALSE,
delete_gzipped = .__DELETE_GZIPPED,
temp.dir) {
n <- length(y)
##Size of vectors
## Now we've had to put 2 * TOT beacuse of swap move
## In a sweep, we can get two values for a same r <- 2 * TOT * k.max*(k.max+1)/2
size.sigma.2 <- 2 * TOT * k.max*(k.max+1)/2
size.beta <- 2 * TOT * k.max * (k.max+1) * (2*k.max+1) / 6
mu <- rep(0,
sigma.2 <- rep(0, size.sigma.2)
beta <- rep(0, size.beta)
probStates <- rep(0, n*(k.max^2 - k.max) / 2)
loglik <- rep(0, 2 * TOT * k.max)
if (is.null(start.k)) start.k <- 0
## new parameter for split/combine
tau.split.beta <- 1/ (1-median(x))
if(model != "Chrom") {
index <- c(which(!duplicated(Chrom)) - 1, length(y))
genome.param <- length(index) - 1
num_sequences <- rep(-99, genome.param)
} else {
index <- c(0, length(y))
genome.param <- 1
num_sequences <- -99
if(length(y) != (length(x) + 1)) {
stop(paste("Length of vector of distances and data vector are different in MetropolisSweep.C", model))
## viterbi seqs stuff
if(write_seq) {
filename <- tempfile2(pattern = "rjacgh_seq", tmpdir = temp.dir)
if(model != "Chrom") {
filenames <- paste(filename, "_chr_", unique(Chrom),
".gz", sep = "")
lapply(filenames, file.create) ## create now, so no same name later
filename <- paste(filenames, collapse="\n")
} else {
if(is.null(Chrom)) {
chtmp <- "na"
} else {
chtmp <- Chrom[1]
filename <- paste(filename, "_chr_", chtmp, ".gz", sep = "")
} else {
filename <- NULL
## set.seed(SUPERSEED)
## cat("\n RUNIF BEFORE METROPOLIS ", runif(1), "\n")
res <- .C("MetropolisSweep", y=as.double(y), x=as.double(x),
varEqual=as.integer(var.equal), genome= as.integer(genome.param),
kMax=as.integer(k.max), n=as.integer(length(y)),
TOT=as.integer(TOT), times=as.integer(rep(0, k.max)),
probB=as.integer(c(0,0)), probD=as.integer(c(0,0)),
pb=as.double(pb), ps=as.double(ps),
k=as.integer(rep(0, 3*(TOT-1)+1)), mu=as.double(mu),
sigma2=as.double(sigma.2), beta=as.double(beta),
stat=as.double(stat), startK=as.integer(start.k),
RJ=as.integer(1*RJ), maxVar=as.double(maxVar),
write_seq = as.integer(write_seq),
filename = as.character(filename),
num_sequences = as.integer(num_sequences)
## cat("\n RUNIF AFTER METROPOLIS ", runif(1), "\n")
##Reconstruct objects
obj <- list()
obj$fit.k <- list()
indexStat <- 1
indexStates <- 1
indexJointStates <- 1
indexMu <- 1
indexBeta <- 1
indexLoglik <- 1
for (i in 1:k.max) {
obj$fit.k[[i]] <- list()
obj$fit.k[[i]]$stat <- res$stat[indexStat:(indexStat + i-1)]
## we create some tmps so that computing does not require readRO2 <- matrix(res$mu[indexMu: (indexMu + res$times[i]*i -1)],
ncol=i, byrow=TRUE)
tmp.sigma.2 <- matrix(res$sigma2[indexMu: (indexMu + res$times[i]*i -1)],
ncol=i, byrow=TRUE)
tmp.loglik <- res$loglik[indexLoglik:(indexLoglik + res$times[i] -1)]
tmp.beta <- array(res$beta[indexBeta: (indexBeta + res$times[i]*i*i-1)],
dim=c(i, i, res$times[i]))
obj$fit.k[[i]]$mu <- writeRO2(, "mu", temp.dir)
obj$fit.k[[i]]$sigma.2 <- writeRO2(tmp.sigma.2, "sigma.2", temp.dir)
obj$fit.k[[i]]$loglik <- writeRO2(tmp.loglik, "loglik", temp.dir)
obj$fit.k[[i]]$beta <- writeRO2(tmp.beta, "beta", temp.dir)
indexMu <- indexMu + TOT*i
indexLoglik <- indexLoglik + TOT
indexBeta <- indexBeta + TOT*i*i
indexStat <- indexStat + i
frull <- function(x) return(length(unique(x))/length(x))
if(i == 1) {
## zz FIXME: all except beta are the same for i==1 or more!!!
obj$fit.k[[1]]$ <- frull(
obj$fit.k[[1]]$prob.sigma.2 <- frull(tmp.sigma.2)
obj$fit.k[[1]]$prob.beta <- frull(tmp.beta) ## but this is always 1! zz??
obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.states <- writeRO2(matrix(rep(1, length(y)), ncol=1),
"prob.states", temp.dir)
} else {
obj$fit.k[[i]]$ <- frull([, 1])
obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.sigma.2 <- frull(tmp.sigma.2[, 1])
obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.beta <- frull(tmp.beta[2, 1, ])
if (nrow( > 0) {
tmp.psts <- res$probStates[indexStates : (indexStates +
n*(i-1) -1)]
tmp.psts <- matrix(tmp.psts, nrow=n, ncol=i-1)
obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.states <- writeRO2(cbind(tmp.psts, 1 - rowSums(tmp.psts)),
"prob.states", temp.dir)
else {
obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.states <- NULL
indexStates <- indexStates + n*(i-1)
obj$y <- writeRO2(y, "y", temp.dir)
##it has to be here, as simpler for many calls.
obj$sdY <- sd(y)
obj$lengthY <- length(y)
obj$k <- res$k
## If there are random moves we won't have 3*TOT k values ##
## we take out the missing values (zero's) ##
obj$k <- obj$k[obj$k > 0]
obj$k <- factor(obj$k , levels=1:k.max)
## Relabel states
sllist <- relabel.core(obj = obj,
normal.reference = normal.reference,
window = window,
singleState = singleState)
k.max <- max(as.numeric(levels(obj$k)))
for(i in (1:k.max))
obj$fit.k[[i]]$state.labels <- sllist[[i]]
obj$prob.b <- res$probB
obj$prob.d <- res$probD
obj$prob.s <- res$probS
obj$prob.c <- res$probC
obj$prob.e <- res$probE
## obj$x <- x
## obj$x[obj$x==-1] <- NA
obj$viterbi.filename <- filename
obj$viterbi.num_sequences <- res$num_sequences
obj$viterbi.sum_mcmc_iter <- sum(unlist(res$times))
class(obj) <- "internal.Metropolis.Sweep.C"
RJMCMC.NH.HMM.Metropolis <- function(y, Chrom=NULL, x=NULL,
index=NULL, maxVar,
model=NULL, var.equal, max.dist=NULL,
window = NULL,
burnin=0, TOT=1000, k.max=6,
stat=NULL, mu.alfa=NULL,
s1=NULL, s2=NULL,,
init.beta, prob.k=NULL,, sigma.tau.sigma.2, sigma.tau.beta,, tau.split.beta,
start.k, RJ=RJ,
NC, deltaT,
temp.dir) {
if(is.null(mu.alfa)) mu.alfa <- median(y)
if(is.null(mu.beta)) mu.beta <- diff(range(y))
if(is.null(s1)) s1 <- mu.beta
if(is.null(s2)) s2 <- mu.beta
if(is.null(maxVar)) maxVar <- diff(range(y))^2
## Prior over the number of states ####################
if (is.null(prob.k)) {
prob.k <- rep(1/k.max, k.max)
pb <- c(1,rep(1/2, k.max-2),0)
ps <- c(1, rep(1/2, k.max-2),0)
if (is.null(stat)) {
for(i in 1:k.max) stat <- c(stat, rep(1/i, i))
if(is.null( | is.null(sigma.tau.sigma.2) | is.null(sigma.tau.beta)
| is.null( {
cat("Searching jump parameters...\n")
if(length(y) != (length(x) + 1))
stop("Length of vector of distances and data vector are different in get jump!")
params <- get.jump(y=y, x=x, k.max=k.max, Chrom=Chrom, model=model,
var.equal=var.equal, mV=maxVar,
window = window,
prob.k=prob.k, pb=pb, ps=ps,
mu.alfa=mu.alfa, mu.beta=mu.beta, stat=stat,
temp.dir = temp.dir)
if (is.null( <- params$
if (is.null(sigma.tau.sigma.2)) sigma.tau.sigma.2 <- params$sigma.tau.sigma.2
if (is.null(sigma.tau.beta)) sigma.tau.beta <- params$sigma.tau.beta
if(is.null( <- mean(params$ ^2
## These checks have to live here: cannot be anywhere before
## prior params are set.
if(k.max != length( stop("k.max != length(")
if(k.max != length(sigma.tau.sigma.2)) stop("k.max != length(sigma.tau.sigma.2)")
if(k.max != length(sigma.tau.beta)) stop("k.max != length(sigma.tau.beta)")
cat(" Starting Reversible Jump\n")
if(length(y) != (length(x) + 1))
stop("Length of vector of distances and data vector are different in metropolis!")
res <- MetropolisSweep.C(y=y, x=x, k.max=k.max, Chrom=Chrom,
model=model, var.equal=var.equal,
window = window,
burnin=burnin, TOT=TOT,
prob.k=prob.k, pb=pb, ps=ps,
mu.alfa=mu.alfa, mu.beta=mu.beta,
s1=s1, s2=s2,,
tau.split.beta=tau.split.beta, stat=stat,
start.k=start.k, RJ=RJ,
NC=NC, deltaT=deltaT,
write_seq = 1,
temp.dir = temp.dir)
scale.bound.Dist <- function(x, max.dist, nrowy) {
## Distance vector: scale, bound, and miscell checks
## would allow to use a max.dist that differs by chromosome
x.old <- x
## if all distances are the same, they should be zero
if (is.null(x) |
isTRUE(all.equal(min(x.old, na.rm=TRUE),
max(x.old, na.rm=TRUE)))) {
x <- rep(0, nrowy) ## zz:??? a "rep"?
## Scale x'2 to avoid overflow
if (!is.null(max.dist)) {
x <- x/max.dist
else {
xmax <- max(x, na.rm=TRUE)
if(xmax < 0)
stop("Negative distances. There is probably a problem with the Pos you used")
if(xmax != 0)
x <- x/max(x, na.rm=TRUE)
## bound x, and delete NAs
x[x > 1] <- 1
x[x < 0] <- 0
## in Genome model, there are NAs, which are never used, but we do not
## want C to complaint
x[] <- -1
RJaCGH <- function(y, Chrom=NULL, Start=NULL, End=NULL, Pos=NULL,
Dist=NULL, probe.names=NULL, maxVar=NULL,
model="Genome", var.equal=TRUE, max.dist=NULL,
window = NULL,
burnin=10000, TOT=10000, k.max=6,
stat=NULL, mu.alfa=NULL, mu.beta=NULL,
s1=NULL, s2=NULL,, init.sigma.2=NULL,
prob.k=NULL, jump.parameters=list(),
start.k=NULL, RJ=TRUE,
NC=1, deltaT=2,
delete_gzipped = .__DELETE_GZIPPED,
singleState = FALSE) {
cl <- <- jump.parameters$
sigma.tau.sigma.2 <- jump.parameters$sigma.tau.sigma.2
sigma.tau.beta <- jump.parameters$sigma.tau.beta <- jump.parameters$
tau.split.beta <- NULL
## one or more arrays?
if (is.null(dim(y))) {
narrays <- 1
y <- matrix(y, ncol = 1)
colnames(y) <- "array1"
} else {
narrays <- ncol(y)
if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
colnames(y) <- paste("array", 1:ncol(y))
if (!is.null(Pos)) {
if (length(Pos) != nrow(y)) {
stop ("Positions and log-ratios must have the same length\n")
if (!is.null(Chrom)) {
if (length(Chrom) != nrow(y)) {
stop ("Chromosomes and log-ratios must have the same length\n")
## FIXME ZZ: verify no array name is the same as a name of
## any of the other components of the object. If it is, rename.
## set to null el colnames(y) and do el rep
############# Checks
if (k.max < 2) stop("k.max must be 2 or more\n")
if(!is.null(start.k)) {
if(k.max < start.k)
stop("start.k cannot be larger than k.max")
if (length( != start.k &
length(init.sigma.2) != start.k &
length(init.beta) != start.k * start.k) {
stop ("lengths of starting values incorrect\n")
if (!is.null(start.k) & is.null( & is.null(init.sigma.2) &
is.null(init.beta)) {
stop ("If start.k is selected, starting values must be provided\n")
## Allow Chroms to have numbers or characters or a mix
if(!is.null(Chrom)) {
Chrom <- as.character(Chrom)
uniqueChrom <- unique(Chrom)
} else {
Chrom <- rep(dummyChr, nrow(y))
uniqueChrom <- dummyChr
## Pos, Pos.rel, Distances, etc
## Pos.rel <- NULL
if(is.null(Pos) && (xor(is.null(Start), is.null(End)))) {
stop("If Pos is NULL, BOTH Start and End must be provided")
if(is.null(Pos) && is.null(Start) && is.null(End)) {
warning("Pos, Start, End are all NULL: ",
"Pos created as vector of consecutive integers")
Pos <- 1:nrow(y)
if(!is.null(Pos) && !is.null(Start) && !is.null(End)) {
warning("Pos, Start, End are ALL non-NULL. ",
"Only Pos will be used")
if(is.null(Pos) && !is.null(Start) && !is.null(End)) {
Pos <- Start + (End - Start) / 2
## Sort data in case...
if (!is.null(Dist)) {
if(length(Dist) != (nrow(y) - 1))
stop("Length of Dist should be number of observations minus 1")
Dist <- c(Dist, NA)
## In order to subset chromosome from Dist
for (i in uniqueChrom) {
if (any(Pos[Chrom==i] < 0)) {
ids <- order(Pos[Chrom==i])
if(!identical(ids, seq_along(ids)))
warning("Need to reorder data because of Pos, Start, End. ",
"In addition, a probably meaningless value of 0 might ",
"be assigned to one entry of Dist")
y[Chrom==i,] <- y[Chrom==i,][ids,]
Start[Chrom==i] <- Start[Chrom==i][ids]
End[Chrom==i] <- End[Chrom==i][ids]
Pos[Chrom==i] <- Pos[Chrom==i][ids]
if (!is.null(probe.names)) {
probe.names[Chrom==i] <- probe.names[Chrom==i][ids]
if (!is.null(Dist)) {
Dist[Chrom==i] <- Dist[Chrom==i][ids]
if (!is.null(Dist)) {
## Take out last value and check last NA has not moved
## As we re-order Dist, the last position (NA)
## could have moved. We ensure Dist is the correct length,
## and set to 0 all NA.
Dist <- Dist[-length(Dist)]
Dist[] <- 0
if (is.null(Dist)) {
## Posible definition of distance between probes
Dist <- Start[-1] - End[-length(End)]
Pos.rel <- Pos
if (!is.null(Chrom) && any(diff(Pos)<0)) {
## zz: FIXME: but Pos.rel only saved rarely!!!
## save relative positions for pREC_A, plots, etc.
## Pos.rel <- Pos
last.Pos <- 0
for (i in 2:length(Pos)) {
if (Chrom[i] != Chrom[i-1]) {
last.Pos <- Pos[i-1]
Pos[i] <- Pos[i] + last.Pos
chrom.Dist <- diff(Pos) - 1
for (i in uniqueChrom)
chrom.Dist[Chrom==i][length(chrom.Dist[Chrom==i])] <- NA
if(any(na.omit(chrom.Dist) < -1))
stop("chrom.Dist < - 1; the Pos values used are not valid")
if (!is.null(Dist)) chrom.Dist <- Dist
x.for.model <- chrom.Dist
if(model != "Chrom") {
x.for.model <- scale.bound.Dist(x.for.model, max.dist, nrow(y))
if(model == "Chrom") {
for(chr in seq_along(uniqueChrom)) {
x.for.model[Chrom == chr] <-
scale.bound.Dist(x.for.model[Chrom == chr], max.dist,
sum(Chrom == chr))
temp.dir <- tempdir2()
out <- list()
for(arr in colnames(y)) {
cat(" Doing Array ", arr, "\n")
## This big loop we do not want to duplicate code for either
## iterating over Chroms (model == Chrom) or not. We always
## iterate, though might iterate only once if model not chrom. If
## model = "Chrom", we make as many fits as Chromosomes,
## otherwise, a single fit.
## If same model, this is fixed
if(model != "Chrom") {
yyC <- y[, arr]
ChromC <- Chrom
chrom.DistC <- x.for.model[-length(x.for.model)]
if(model == "Chrom") {
iterChrom <- uniqueChrom
tmp.viterbi <- list()
} else iterChrom <- 1
for(chr in iterChrom) { ## loop over chroms, if needed
## if Chrom, need to alter arguments
if(model == "Chrom") {
yyC <- y[Chrom == chr, arr]
ChromC <- Chrom[Chrom == chr]
chrom.DistC <- x.for.model[Chrom == chr]
chrom.DistC <- chrom.DistC[-length(chrom.DistC)]
cat(" Doing Chromosome", chr, "\n")
## FIXME: code for filenames of viterbi could come here?
res <- RJMCMC.NH.HMM.Metropolis(y=yyC, Chrom=ChromC,
max.dist=max.dist, maxVar=maxVar,
window = window,
burnin=burnin, TOT=TOT,
k.max=k.max, stat=stat,
mu.alfa=mu.alfa, mu.beta=mu.beta,
s1=s1, s2=s2,,
init.beta=init.beta, prob.k=prob.k,,
start.k=start.k, RJ=RJ,
NC=NC, deltaT=deltaT,
temp.dir = temp.dir)
ret.list <- list(normal.reference = normal.reference,
window = window,
singleState = singleState,
prob.s = res$prob.s,
prob.b = res$prob.b,
prob.d = res$prob.d,
prob.c = res$prob.c,
prob.e = res$prob.e,
k = res$k,
y = res$y,
sdY = res$sdY,
lengthY = res$lengthY,
fit.k = res$fit.k
if(model == "Chrom") {
## tmp.viterbi is used to force viterbi to be the last
## component in object
tmp.viterbi[[chr]] <- get.viterbi.seq2(res)[[1]]
### out[[arr]]$viterbi[[chr]] <- get.viterbi.seq2(res)
out[[arr]][[chr]] <- ret.list
class(out[[arr]][[chr]]) <- "iRJaCGH"
out[[arr]] <- ret.list
} ## end loop over chroms
if(model != "Chrom") {
out[[arr]]$viterbi <- get.viterbi.seq2(res)
class(out[[arr]]) <- c("RJaCGH.Genome", "iRJaCGH")
else {
out[[arr]]$viterbi <- tmp.viterbi
class(out[[arr]]) <- "RJaCGH.Chrom"
} ## end loop over arrays
out$array.names <- colnames(y)
out$Start <- Start
out$End <- End
out$Pos <- Pos
out$Pos.rel <- Pos.rel
out$Dist <- Dist
out$Chrom <- Chrom
out$Dist.for.model <- x.for.model
out$probe.names <- probe.names
out$call <- cl
out$temp.dir <- temp.dir
## out$Y <- y
class(out) <- "RJaCGH"
tempdir.RJaCGH <- function(obj) {
cat("\n Directory for files associated to this object is ",
obj$temp.dir, "\n")
} <- function(x) {
### Checks a vector is made up of integers
our.float <- function(x) {
else if(!is.null(x))
!(isTRUE(all.equal(round(x), x)))
"seems to cointain non-integer values"),
call. = FALSE)
summary.iRJaCGH <- function(object, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL,
k=NULL, point.estimator="median",
quantiles=NULL, ...) {
res <- list()
if (is.null(k)) {
k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(object$k))))
res$stat <- object$fit.k[[k]]$stat
if (point.estimator=="mode") {
dens <- apply(readRO2(object$fit.k[[k]]$mu), 2, density, bw="nrd0")
res$mu <- unlist(lapply(dens, function(x) x$x[which.max(x$y)]))
dim(res$mu) <- c(k, 1)
colnames(res$mu) <- "mode"
dens <- apply(readRO2(object$fit.k[[k]]$sigma.2), 2, density, bw="nrd0")
res$sigma.2 <- unlist(lapply(dens, function(x)
dim(res$sigma.2) <- c(k, 1)
colnames(res$sigma.2) <- "mode"
if(!(.__DELETE_BETA)) {
dens <- apply(readRO2(object$fit.k[[k]]$beta), c(1,2), density, bw="nrd0")
res$beta <- unlist(lapply(dens, function(x) x$x[which.max(x$y)]))
res$beta <- matrix(res$beta, k)
diag(res$beta) <- 0
} else {
res$beta <- NA
if (is.null(quantiles)) {
quantiles <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9)
res$mu <- apply(matrix(readRO2(object$fit.k[[k]]$mu), ncol=k), 2, quantile,
res$mu <- t(res$mu)
dim(res$mu) <- c(k, length(quantiles))
colnames(res$mu) <- paste(round(100*quantiles), "%", sep="")
res$sigma.2 <- apply(matrix(readRO2(object$fit.k[[k]]$sigma.2), ncol=k), 2,
quantile, probs=quantiles)
res$sigma.2 <- t(res$sigma.2)
dim(res$sigma.2) <- c(k, length(quantiles))
colnames(res$sigma.2) <- paste(round(100*quantiles), "%", sep="")
if(!(.__DELETE_BETA)) {
res$beta <- apply(readRO2(object$fit.k[[k]]$beta), c(1,2), point.estimator)
} else {
res$beta <- NA
## browser()
if (!is.null(object$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)) {
rownames(res$mu) <- rownames(object$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)
rownames(res$sigma.2) <- rownames(object$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)
if(!(.__DELETE_BETA)) {
rownames(res$beta) <- rownames(object$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)
colnames(res$beta) <- rownames(object$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)
names(res$stat) <- rownames(object$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)
res$k <- table(object$k)
class(res) <- "summary.iRJaCGH"
summary.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(object, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL,
k=NULL, point.estimator="median",
quantiles=NULL, ...) {
res <- list()
if(length(Chrom) == 1) {
res <- summary(object[[Chrom]], k=k,
point.estimator=point.estimator, quantiles=quantiles)
else {
for (chr in Chrom) {
k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(object[[chr]]$k))))
res[[chr]] <- summary.iRJaCGH(object[[chr]], array=array, Chrom=Chrom, k=k,
names(res) <- Chrom
class(res) <- "summary.RJaCGH.Chrom"
summary.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(object, array=NULL,
Chrom=NULL, k=NULL,
quantiles=NULL, ...) {
res <- summary.iRJaCGH(object, array=array,
Chrom=Chrom, k=k, point.estimator, quantiles)
summary.RJaCGH <- function(object, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL,
k=NULL, point.estimator="median",
quantiles=NULL, ...) {
res <- list()
if (is.null(array)) {
array <- object$array.names
if (is.null(Chrom)) {
Chrom <- unique(object$Chrom)
for (i in array) {
res[[i]] <- summary(object[[i]], array=array, Chrom=Chrom,
k=k, point.estimator=point.estimator,
class(res) <- "summary.RJaCGH"
print.summary.iRJaCGH <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\nDistribution of the number of hidden states:\n")
print(round(prop.table(x$k), 3), ...)
cat("\nModel with ", length(x$stat), " states:\n")
cat("\nDistribution of the posterior means of hidden states:\n")
print(round(x$mu, 3), ...)
cat("\nDistribution of the posterior variances of hidden states:\n")
print(round(x$sigma.2, 3), ...)
cat("\nParameters of the transition functions:\n")
print(round(x$beta, 3), ...)
print.summary.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(x, ...) {
print.summary.iRJaCGH(x, ...)
print.summary.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(x, ...) {
for(chr in names(x)) {
cat("\nSummary for chromosome ", chr, ":\n")
print(x[[chr]], ...)
print.summary.RJaCGH <- function(x, ...) {
for(arr in 1:length(x)) {
cat("\nSummary for ARRAY ", names(x)[arr], ":\n")
print(x[[arr]], ...)
smoothMeans <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
smoothMeans.iRJaCGH <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
n <- obj$lengthY # n <- length(readRO2(obj$y))
sumfit <- summary(obj$k)
if (!is.null(k)) {
if (sumfit[k] == 0) stop("No observations in that model\n")
probs <- 1
else {
k <- as.numeric(names(sumfit))
probs <- prop.table(sumfit)
res <- matrix(0, n, length(k))
for (i in 1:length(k)) {
if(sumfit[i] > 0) {
## res[,i] <- apply(obj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.states *
prob.states <- readRO2(obj$fit.k[[k[i]]]$prob.states)
mu <- readRO2(obj$fit.k[[k[i]]]$mu)
res[,i] <- apply(prob.states *
matrix(rep(apply(mu, 2, mean),
n), n, byrow=TRUE), 1, sum)
else {
res[,i] <- 0
res <- res %*% probs
smoothMeans.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
res <- smoothMeans.iRJaCGH(obj, array=array, Chrom=Chrom, k=NULL)
smoothMeans.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(obj, array=NULL,
Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
res <- list()
for (chr in Chrom) {
res[[chr]] <- smoothMeans.iRJaCGH(obj[[chr]], array=array,
Chrom=Chrom, k=k)
res <-"c", res)
smoothMeans.RJaCGH <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
if (is.null(array)) {
array <- obj$array.names
if (is.null(Chrom)) {
Chrom <- unique(obj$Chrom)
if (inherits(obj[[array[1]]], 'RJaCGH.Genome')) {
N <- obj[[array[1]]]$lengthY
else if (inherits(obj[[array[1]]], 'RJaCGH.Chrom')) {
N <- 0
for (i in Chrom) {
N <- N + obj[[array[1]]][[i]]$lengthY
res <- matrix(NA, nrow = N,
ncol = length(array))
for (i in seq_along(array)) {
res[, i] <- smoothMeans(obj[[i]], Chrom=Chrom, k = k)
states <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
## Now does the same with joint probs.
states.iRJaCGH <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
res <- NULL
if (is.null(k)) {
k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(obj$k))))
##if (nrow(obj[[k]]$mu)==0) stop ("No observations in that HMM\n")
## res$states <- apply(obj$fit.k[[k]]$prob.states, 1, which.max)
res$states <- apply(readRO2(obj$fit.k[[k]]$prob.states), 1, which.max) ## This could easily be done in C?
res$states <- factor(res$states, levels=1:k)
res$prob.states <- readRO2(obj$fit.k[[k]]$prob.states)
## Region of normal, gain and loss
if (is.null(obj$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)) {
ref <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(res$states))))
colnames(res$prob.states) <- 1:k
colnames(res$prob.states)[ref] <- "Normal"
levels(res$states)[ref] <- "Normal"
if (ref < k) {
colnames(res$prob.states)[(ref+1):k] <- paste("Gain", 1:(k-ref), sep="-")
levels(res$states)[(ref+1):k] <- paste("Gain", 1:(k-ref), sep="-")
if (ref > 1) {
colnames(res$prob.states)[1:(ref-1)] <- paste("Loss", (ref-1):1, sep="-")
levels(res$states)[1:(ref-1)] <- paste("Loss", (ref-1):1, sep="-")
else {
idnames <- apply(obj$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels, 1, which.max)
all.names <- colnames(obj$fit.k[[k]]$state.labels)[idnames]
colnames(res$prob.states) <- all.names
levels(res$states) <- all.names
res <- list(states=res$states, prob.states=res$prob.states)
states.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom =NULL, k=NULL) {
res <- list()
for (i in Chrom) {
if (is.null(k)) {
k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(obj[[i]]$k))))
res[[i]] <- states(obj[[i]], array=array, Chrom=Chrom, k=k)
states.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom = NULL, k=NULL) {
states.iRJaCGH(obj, array=array, Chrom=Chrom, k=k)
states.RJaCGH <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom = NULL, k=NULL) {
res <- list()
if (is.null(array)) {
array <- obj$array.names
if (is.null(Chrom)) {
Chrom <- unique(obj$Chrom)
for (i in array) {
res[[i]] <- states(obj[[i]], array=array, Chrom = Chrom, k=k)
modelAveraging <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL) {
modelAveraging.iRJaCGH <-function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom = NULL) {
res <- list()
n <- obj$lengthY # n <- length(readRO2(obj$y))
probs <- prop.table(table(obj$k))
Loss <- rep(0, n)
Normal <- rep(0, n)
Gain <- rep(0, n)
k.max <- max(as.numeric(as.character(obj$k)))
for (i in 1:k.max) {
if (probs[i] > 0) {
objSummary <- states.iRJaCGH(obj, k=i)
prob.hiddenStates <- obj$fit.k[[i]]$state.labels
prob.states <- objSummary$prob.states
prob.states <- prob.states %*% prob.hiddenStates
Loss <- Loss + probs[i] * prob.states[,1]
Normal <- Normal + probs[i] * prob.states[,2]
Gain <- Gain + probs[i] * prob.states[,3]
res$prob.states <- cbind(Loss, Normal, Gain)
colnames(res$prob.states) <- c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain")
res$states <- apply(res$prob.states, 1, function(x) names(which.max(x)))
res$states <- ordered(res$states, levels=c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain"))
if (!is.null(obj$probe.names)) {
names(res$states) <- obj$probe.names
rownames(res$prob.states) <- obj$probe.names
res <- list(states=res$states, prob.states=res$prob.states)
modelAveraging.RJaCGH.Chrom <-function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom = NULL) {
res <- list()
for (ch in Chrom) {
res[[ch]] <- modelAveraging(obj[[ch]])
modelAveraging.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom = NULL) {
modelAveraging.iRJaCGH(obj=obj, array=array, Chrom=Chrom)
modelAveraging.RJaCGH <- function(obj, array=NULL, Chrom = NULL) {
res <- list()
if (is.null(array)) {
array <- obj$array.names
if (is.null(Chrom)) {
Chrom <- unique(obj$Chrom)
for (i in array) {
res[[i]] <- modelAveraging(obj[[i]], array=array, Chrom = Chrom)
plot.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(x, array=NULL, k=NULL, Dist.for.model=NULL,
model.averaging=TRUE, cex=1,
smoother=FALSE, Pos=NULL,
Pos.rel = NULL, Chrom=NULL, ...) {
layout(matrix(c(1,3,5,2,4, 5),3,2), heights=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))
opar <- par(cex.lab=cex*0.8, cex.main=cex*0.9,
cex.axis=cex*0.8, mar=c(5,4,4,4) + 0.1)
y <- readRO2(x$y)
if (is.null(k)) {
k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(x$k))))
if (model.averaging) {
res <- modelAveraging(x)
cols <- colnames(states(x, k)$prob.states)
else {
res <- states(x, k=k)
cols <- colnames(res$prob.states)
barplot(prop.table(table(x$k)), xlab="# of hidden states", ylab="probability",
main="Prob. of number of hidden states", col="red", ylim=c(0,1))
if(model.averaging) {
names.colors <- colnames(states(x, k)$prob.states)
col <- rep(1, k)
col[grep("[G]", names.colors)] <- 2
col[grep("[L]", names.colors)] <- 3
} else {
col <- rep(1, k)
col[grep("[G]", cols)] <- 2
col[grep("[L]", cols)] <- 3
mu <- readRO2(x$fit.k[[k]]$mu)
sigma.2 <- readRO2(x$fit.k[[k]]$sigma.2)
plot(density(mu[,1], bw=sd(mu[,1])), col=col[1], xlim=range(y),
main="Posterior probability of mean of hidden states")
if (k >1) for (i in 2:k) lines(density(mu[,i],
bw=sd(mu[,i])), col=col[i])
bw=sd(sigma.2[,1]), from=0), col=col[1], main="Posterior probability of variance of hidden states")
if (k >1) for (i in 2:k) lines(density(sigma.2[,i],
bw=sd(sigma.2[,i])), col=col[i])
summary.obj <- summary(x, k)
plotQNH(q=-summary.obj$beta, beta=summary.obj$beta, x=Dist.for.model[!],
main="Probability of permanence in the same hidden state", xlab="Distance", ylab="Prob.", col=col)
internal.plot.obs.pred(y = y,
Pos = Pos,
Pos.rel = Pos.rel,
states = res$states,
Chrom = Chrom,
model.averaging = model.averaging,
prob.states = res$prob.states,
smoother = smoother,
cex = cex, k=k)
internal.plot.obs.pred <- function(y, Pos, Pos.rel, states, Chrom,
model.averaging, prob.states,
smoother, cex, k, prob=TRUE) {
if (model.averaging)
main.text <- "Prediction of copy gain/loss. Bayesian Model Averaging"
main.text <- paste("Prediction of copy gain/loss. Number of hidden states: ", k)
ylim <- range(y)
margin <- diff(ylim) / 4
ylim[1] <- ylim[1] - margin - 1
ylim[2] <- ylim[2] + margin
col <- rep(1, length(y))
col[as.numeric(states) %in% grep("[G]", levels(states))] <- 2
col[as.numeric(states) %in% grep("[L]", levels(states))] <- 3
pch <- rep(16, length(y))
pch[as.numeric(states) %in% grep("[2-9]", levels(states))] <- 17
if(!is.null(Chrom)) {
## Start of every Chromosome
start.Chrom <- c(Pos[which(!duplicated(Chrom))],
Pos[length(Chrom)] + 1)
xx <- rep(start.Chrom, rep(2, length(start.Chrom)))
## Small hack for the case of even number of chroms
if (length(start.Chrom) %% 2 !=0) {
xx <- c(xx, xx[2])
yy <- rep(c(ylim, rev(ylim)), length.out=length(xx))
## Pos <- x$Pos
} else {
## Pos <- x$Pos
if (!is.null(Pos.rel)) Pos <- Pos.rel
plot(y ~ Pos, pch=pch, col=col, ylim=ylim, ylab="Log2 ratio", xlab="Pos.Base",
main=main.text, type="n")
if(!is.null(Chrom)) {
## here, or points will not be visible
polygon(xx, yy, col="gray85", xpd=TRUE)
text(x = start.Chrom[-length(start.Chrom)] + diff(start.Chrom)/2,
y = rep(ylim[2] , length(start.Chrom)), labels=unique(Chrom),
cex=cex*0.6, pos=1)
points(y ~ Pos, pch=pch, col=col)
abline(h=0, lty=2)
if (smoother) {
smoothed.means <- smoothMeans(y)
lines(smoothed.means~Pos, col="orange")
if (prob) {
plot(apply(prob.states, 1, max) ~ Pos, yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="",
col="blue", ylim=c(0,5), type="s")
abline(h=c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75,1), lty=2, yaxt="n")
axis(4, at=c(0, 0.5, 0.75, 1), labels=c(0, 0.5, 0.75, 1))
mtext("Probability", side = 4, line = 2, cex = cex*0.6, at = 0.5)
plot.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(x, Chrom=NULL, array=NULL,
model.averaging=TRUE, cex=1, k=NULL,
smoother=FALSE, ...) {
if (is.null(array)) stop ("Must specify array\n")
if (is.null(Chrom)) {
states <- NULL
prob.states <- NULL
## Always model.averaging if Chrom==NULL
model.averaging <- TRUE
res <- modelAveraging(x)
## FIXME: cambiara algo de esto cuando guardemos summaires
## en el objeto? Creo que no. Pero estar al loro!!!
max.levels <- lapply(res[[array]], function(x) levels(x$states))
max.levels <- names(table(unlist(max.levels)))
states <- lapply(res[[array]], function(x) as.character(x$states))
states <- factor(unlist(states), levels=max.levels)
prob.states <- lapply(res[[array]], function(x) x$prob.states)
prob.states <-"rbind", prob.states)
par(cex.lab=cex*0.8, cex.main=cex*0.9, cex.axis=cex*0.8)
par(mar=c(5,4,4,4) + 0.1)
## y <- NULL
## for (chr in unique(x$Chrom)) {
## y <- c(y, x[[chr]]$y)
## }
ncrom <- length(unique(x$Chrom))
y <- numeric(length(x$Pos))
id <- 1
for (i in 1:ncrom) {
tmp <- readRO2(x[[array]][[i]]$y)
y[id:(id + length(tmp)-1)] <- tmp
id <- id + length(tmp)
Pos <- x$Pos
internal.plot.obs.pred(y = y, Pos = Pos, Pos.rel = NULL,
states = states, Chrom = x$Chrom,
model.averaging = model.averaging,
prob.states = prob.states,
smoother = smoother,
cex = cex, k=k)
else {
plot.RJaCGH.Genome(x[[array]][[Chrom]], array=array,
Dist.for.model = x$Dist.for.model,
cex=cex, k=k, smoother = smoother,
## There could be a weights argument for array precision
plot.RJaCGH <- function(x, array=NULL, k=NULL, Chrom=NULL, show="average", weights=NULL,
cex=1, smoother=FALSE,...) {
if (!is.null(array)) {
if(inherits(x[[array]], 'RJaCGH.Genome'))
plot.RJaCGH.Genome(x=x[[array]], k=k, Dist.for.model = x$Dist.for.model,
model.averaging=model.averaging, cex=cex,
smoother=smoother, Pos=x$Pos, Chrom=x$Chrom,...)
if(inherits(x[[array]], 'RJaCGH.Chrom'))
plot.RJaCGH.Chrom(x=x, array=array, k=k, Chrom=Chrom, model.averaging=
model.averaging, cex=cex, smoother=smoother,...)
else {
if (show!="average" & show!="frequency") {
stop("'show' must be either 'average' or 'frequency'\n")
uChrom <- unique(x$Chrom)
array.names <- x$array.names
##To make apply only on arrays we take out element 'array.names'
## FIXME!! Ojo, no, mejor hace apply solo en los elementos apropiados
## (1:numero arrays) y asi evitamos modificar x.
# x$array.names <- NULL
if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1/length(array.names), length(array.names))
weights <- weights / sum(weights)
model.averaging <- TRUE
res <- modelAveraging(x)
y <- matrix(0, length(x$Pos), length(x$array.names))
prob.states <- matrix(0, length(x$Pos), 3)
if(inherits(x[[array.names[1]]], 'RJaCGH.Genome')) {
res <- lapply(res, function(x) x$prob.states)
for (i in 1:length(array.names)) {
prob.states <- prob.states + res[[i]] * weights[i]
y[,i] <- readRO2(x[[array.names[i]]]$y)
states <- apply(prob.states, 1, which.max)
states <- factor(states, levels=1:3, labels=
c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain"))
else if(inherits(x[[array.names[[1]]]], 'RJaCGH.Chrom')) {
ncrom <- length(unique(x$Chrom))
res <- lapply(res, function(x) lapply(x, function(y) y$prob.states))
for (i in 1:length(array.names)) {
id <- 1
prob.states <- prob.states +"rbind",res[[i]]) *
for (j in 1:ncrom) {
tmp <- readRO2(x[[array.names[i]]][[j]]$y)
y[id:(id + length(tmp)-1),i] <- tmp
id <- id + length(tmp)
id <- 1
states <- apply(prob.states, 1, which.max)
states <- factor(states, levels=1:3, labels=
c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain"))
if (show=="average") {
y <- y %*% weights
internal.plot.obs.pred(y = y, Pos = x$Pos, Pos.rel = NULL,
states = states, Chrom = x$Chrom,
model.averaging = model.averaging,
prob.states = prob.states,
smoother = smoother,
cex = cex, k=k)
else {
code <- apply(prob.states[,-2], 1, which.max)
max.prob.states <- rep(0, nrow(prob.states))
max.prob.states[code == 1] <- -prob.states[code == 1,1]
max.prob.states[code == 2] <- prob.states[code == 2,3]
internal.plot.obs.pred(y = max.prob.states, Pos = x$Pos,
Pos.rel = NULL,
states = states, Chrom = x$Chrom,
model.averaging = model.averaging,
prob.states = prob.states,
smoother = smoother,
cex = cex, k=k, prob=FALSE)
trace.plot <- function(x, k=NULL, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, main.text=NULL) {
if (is.null(array)) {
stop ("'array' must be specified\n")
if(inherits(x[[array]], 'RJaCGH.Genome')) {
mod <- x[[array]]$k
if (is.null(k)) {
k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(x[[array]]$k))))
mu <- readRO2(x[[array]]$fit.k[[k]]$mu)
sigma.2 <- readRO2(x[[array]]$fit.k[[k]]$sigma.2)
beta <- readRO2(x[[array]]$fit.k[[k]]$beta)
if(inherits(x[[array]], 'RJaCGH.Chrom')) {
if (is.null(Chrom)) {
stop ("'Chrom' must be specified\n")
mod <- x[[array]][[Chrom]]$k
if (is.null(k)) {
k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(x[[array]][[Chrom]]$k))))
mu <- readRO2(x[[array]][[Chrom]]$fit.k[[k]]$mu)
sigma.2 <- readRO2(x[[array]][[Chrom]]$fit.k[[k]]$sigma.2)
beta <- readRO2(x[[array]][[Chrom]]$fit.k[[k]]$beta)
## Something must be made with colors
par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
matplot(as.numeric(as.character(mod)), pch=16, cex=0.2, main="Trace plot of number of states",
xlab="iteration", ylab="Number of states", type="l")
matplot(mu, type="l", main="Trace plot of means", xlab="iteration",
ylab="Mean of states")
matplot(sigma.2, type="l", main="Trace plot of variance", xlab="iteration",
ylab="Variance of the states")
if (k >1) {
if(!(.__DELETE_BETA)) {
matplot(t(beta[1,,]), type="n", main="Trace plot of beta", xlab="iteration",
for (i in 1:k)
matplot(t(beta[i,,]), type="l", add=TRUE)
if (is.null(main.text)) {
main.text <- paste("Whole genome.", k, "hidden states")
else {
main.text <- paste(main.text, k, "hidden states")
mtext(main.text, outer=TRUE)
## Adapt parameters intra model
get.jump <- function(y, x, Chrom, model, k.max=6, normal.reference,
## normal.ref.percentile,
prob.k=NULL, pb=NULL, ps=NULL,
s1=NULL, s2=NULL,,
mu.alfa=NULL, mu.beta=NULL, stat,
increment=2, max.tries=10,
temp.dir) {
TOL <- 0.01 <- increment
increment.sigma.2 <- increment
increment.beta <- increment <- rep(0, k.max)
optim.sigma.2 <- rep(0, k.max)
optim.beta <- rep(0, k.max)
for (k in 2:k.max) {
### set.seed(SUPERSEED + k)
### cat("\n RUNIF in get.jump ", runif(1), "\n")
## cat("max",, "\n")
## cat("mu",, "\n")
## cat("min",, "\n") <- 0
p.sigma.2 <- 0
p.beta <- 0
prob.lim <- c(0.2, 0.5) <- 0.005
sigma.tau.sigma.2 <- 0.005
sigma.tau.beta <- 0.01
tries <- 1
## Overdispersed init <- runif(k, -2, 2)
if (!var.equal) {
init.sigma.2 <- runif(k, 0, mV)
else {
init.sigma.2 <- rep(runif(1, 0, mV), k)
init.beta <- matrix(rgamma(k * k, 1, 1), k)
diag(init.beta) <- 0
## Check if min == max
while ((! | !p.sigma.2 | !p.beta) & tries < max.tries) {
### set.seed(SUPERSEED + k + 8)
### cat("\n RUNIF in get.jump before metropolis", runif(1), "\n")
fit <- MetropolisSweep.C(y=y, x=x, k.max=k.max, Chrom=Chrom,
model=model, var.equal=var.equal,
burnin=0, TOT=1000,
window = window,
## normal.ref.percentile=normal.ref.percentile,
prob.k=prob.k, pb=pb, ps=ps,
mu.alfa=mu.alfa, mu.beta=mu.beta,
s1=s1, s2=s2,,
sigma.tau.sigma.2=rep(sigma.tau.sigma.2, k.max),
sigma.tau.beta=rep(sigma.tau.beta, k.max),
stat=stat, RJ=FALSE, start.k=k, NC=1, deltaT=2,
write_seq = 0,
delete_gzipped = TRUE,
temp.dir = temp.dir) <- fit$fit.k[[k]]$
prob.sigma.2 <- fit$fit.k[[k]]$prob.sigma.2
prob.beta <- fit$fit.k[[k]]$prob.beta
## cat("par=",, " prob=",, "\n")
## cat("le voy a multiplicar por ",, "\n")
## Check mu prob. of acceptance
if ( < prob.lim[1] & ! { <- increment * (prob.lim[1] / <- /
if ( > prob.lim[2] | ! { <- increment * ( / prob.lim[2]) <- *
if ( > prob.lim[1] & < prob.lim[2] & ! { <- 1
## Check sigma.2 prob. of acceptance
if (prob.sigma.2 < prob.lim[1] & !p.sigma.2) {
increment.sigma.2 <- increment * (prob.lim[1] / prob.sigma.2)
sigma.tau.sigma.2 <- sigma.tau.sigma.2 / increment.sigma.2
if (prob.sigma.2 > prob.lim[2] | !p.sigma.2) {
increment.sigma.2 <- increment * (prob.sigma.2 / prob.lim[2])
sigma.tau.sigma.2 <- sigma.tau.sigma.2 * increment.sigma.2
if (prob.sigma.2 > prob.lim[1] & prob.sigma.2 < prob.lim[2] & !p.sigma.2) {
p.sigma.2 <- 1
## Check beta prob. of acceptance
if (prob.beta < prob.lim[1] & !p.beta) {
increment.beta <- increment * (prob.lim[1] / prob.beta)
sigma.tau.beta <- sigma.tau.beta / increment
if (prob.beta > prob.lim[2] | !p.beta) {
increment.beta <- increment * (prob.beta / prob.lim[2])
sigma.tau.beta <- sigma.tau.beta * increment.beta
if (prob.beta > prob.lim[1] & prob.beta < prob.lim[2] & !p.beta) {
p.beta <- 1
## cat("Iteration=", i, "\n")
## cat("max",, "\n")
## cat("mu",, "\n")
## cat("min",, "\n")
tries <- tries + 1
}[k] <-
optim.sigma.2[k] <- sigma.tau.sigma.2
optim.beta[k] <- sigma.tau.beta
}[1] <-[2]
optim.sigma.2[1] <- optim.sigma.2[2]
optim.beta[1] <- optim.beta[2]
res <- list(, sigma.tau.sigma.2=abs(optim.sigma.2),
akaike <- function(logliks, param=NULL) {
if (is.null(param)) {
param <- 1:length(logliks)
param <- 2 * param + param * (param-1)
AIC <- -2*logliks + 2*param
AIC <- AIC - min(AIC)
akaike <- exp(-0.5*AIC)
akaike <- akaike / sum(akaike)
genomePlot <- function(obj, array=NULL, weights=NULL,
col=NULL, breakpoints=NULL, legend.pos=NULL,...) {
if (!is.null(col) & !is.null(breakpoints)) {
if(length(col) != length(breakpoints) + 1)
stop("length(col) must be length(breakpoints + 1\n")
if(length(breakpoints) < 2)
stop("length(breakpoints) must be at least 2\n")
if (is.null(array)) {
array <- obj$array.names
if (is.null(weights))
weights <- rep(1/length(array), length(array))
weights <- weights / sum(weights)
res <- modelAveraging(obj)
y <- matrix(0, length(obj$Pos), length(array))
probs <- matrix(0, length(obj$Pos), 3)
Pos <- obj$Pos.rel
if(inherits(obj[[array[1]]], 'RJaCGH.Genome')) {
res <- lapply(res, function(x) x$prob.states)
for (i in 1:length(array)) {
probs <- probs + res[[i]] * weights[i]
y[,i] <- readRO2(obj[[array[i]]]$y)
else if(inherits(obj[[array[[1]]]], 'RJaCGH.Chrom')) {
ncrom <- length(unique(obj$Chrom))
res <- lapply(res, function(x) lapply(x, function(y) y$prob.states))
for (i in 1:length(array)) {
id <- 1
probs <- probs +"rbind",res[[i]]) *
for (j in 1:ncrom) {
tmp <- readRO2(obj[[array[i]]][[j]]$y)
y[id:(id + length(tmp)-1),i] <- tmp
id <- id + length(tmp)
id <- 1
probs <- round(probs, 2)
## what if c(0, 0.5, 0.5) ? which.max=2
states <- apply(probs, 1, which.max)
## Assign he normal probes to gain if y>0 or loss if y<0
index <- 1*(y<0) + 3*(y>=0)
states[states==2] <- index[states==2]
index <- states
colo <- rep(0, length(index))
for(i in 1:length(index)) {
colo[i] <- probs[i,index[i]]
colo[index==1] <- -colo[index==1]
colo.round <- floor(colo*10) / 10
colo.recoded <- rep(0, length(colo.round))
if (is.null(col)) {
col <- colors()
col <- col[c(86, 50, 51, 24, 555, 552, 404)]
if(is.null(breakpoints)) {
breakpoints <- c(-0.9, -0.7, -0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)
MidPoint <- floor(length(col)/2)
colo.recoded[colo.round <= -breakpoints[1]] <- col[1]
label.legend <- paste("P.Loss >= ", -breakpoints[1], sep="")
if (length(breakpoints) > 2) {
for (i in 2:MidPoint) {
colo.recoded[colo.round > breakpoints[i-1] & colo.round <=
breakpoints[i]] <- col[i]
label.legend <- c(label.legend, paste(-breakpoints[i],
" <= P.Loss < ", -breakpoints[i-1], sep=""))
colo.recoded[colo.round > breakpoints[MidPoint] & colo.round <
breakpoints[MidPoint +1]] <- col[MidPoint +1]
label.legend <- c(label.legend, paste("P.Loss < ", -breakpoints[MidPoint],
" or P.Gain < ", breakpoints[MidPoint+1], sep=""))
if (length(breakpoints) > 2) {
for (i in (MidPoint+2):length(breakpoints)) {
colo.recoded[colo.round >=breakpoints[i-1] & colo.round
< breakpoints[i]] <- col[i]
label.legend <- c(label.legend, paste(breakpoints[i-1],
" <= P.Gain < ", breakpoints[i], sep=""))
colo.recoded[colo.round >=breakpoints[length(breakpoints)]] <-
label.legend <- c(label.legend, paste("P.Gain >= ",
breakpoints[length(breakpoints)], sep=""))
Chrom <- obj$Chrom
n.chrom <- length(unique(Chrom))
par(mar=c(0,0,0,2), oma=c(0, 4, 4, 4))
layout(rbind(c(1, 2), c(3, 3)), widths=c(1,1), heights=c(9,2.5))
xmax <- max(Pos)
plot(0,0, type="n", xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(1, ceiling(n.chrom/2)),
axes=FALSE, ylab="Chromosome", xlab="",...)
axis(side=2, at=c(1:ceiling(n.chrom/2)), labels=unique(Chrom)[1:ceiling(n.chrom/2)])
chrom.count <- 1
for(i in unique(Chrom)[1:ceiling(n.chrom/2)]) {
lines(c(0, max(Pos[Chrom==i])), c(chrom.count,chrom.count))
points(Pos[Chrom==i], chrom.count + y[Chrom==i]/ (2*max(abs(y))),
pch=19,col=colo.recoded[Chrom==i], cex=0.5)
chrom.count <- chrom.count + 1
plot(0,0, type="n", xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(1, ceiling(n.chrom/2)),
axes=FALSE, ylab="Chromosome", xlab="")
axis(side=2, at=1:(n.chrom - ceiling(n.chrom/2)), labels=unique(Chrom)[(ceiling(n.chrom/2)+1):n.chrom])
chrom.count <- 1
for(i in unique(Chrom)[(ceiling(n.chrom/2) +1):n.chrom]) {
lines(c(0, max(Pos[Chrom==i])), c(chrom.count,chrom.count))
points(Pos[Chrom==i], chrom.count + y[Chrom==i]/ (2*max(abs(y))),
pch=16,col=colo.recoded[Chrom==i], cex=0.5)
chrom.count <- chrom.count + 1
if(is.null(legend.pos)) {
plot(0,0, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
legend("bottom", legend=label.legend,
col=col, pch=19, cex=0.9)
else {
plot(0,0, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
legend(x=legend.pos[1], y=legend.pos[2], legend=label.legend,
col=col, pch=19, cex=0.9)
relabelStates <- function(obj, normal.reference=0, window=NULL,
singleState = FALSE, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL) {
## singleState = TRUE assigns each state to a single state,
## so each state has a p = 1 of being something and
## a p = 0 for everything else. Emulates the old
## relabelStates.
relabel.core <- function(obj, normal.reference=0, window=NULL,
singleState = FALSE) {
if (is.null(window)) {
window <- obj$sdY
} else {
window <- window * obj$sdY
k.max <- max(as.numeric(levels(obj$k)))
model.probs <- prop.table(table(obj$k))
state.labels.list <- list()
for (i in 1:k.max) {
if (model.probs[i] > 0) {
if(!is.null(dim(obj$fit.k[[i]]$state.labels))) {
obj.sum <- summary.iRJaCGH(obj, k=i, point.estimator="median",
quantiles = 0.5)
else {
obj.sum <- list()
obj.sum$mu <- apply(readRO2(obj$fit.k[[i]]$mu), 2, median)
obj.sum$sigma.2 <- apply(readRO2(obj$fit.k[[i]]$sigma.2), 2, median)
limits <- normal.reference + c(-1, 1) * window
probs <- matrix(0, nrow=i, ncol=3)
probs[,1] <- pnorm(limits[1], obj.sum$mu,
probs[,3] <- pnorm(limits[2], obj.sum$mu,
probs[,2] <- 1 - probs[,1] - probs[,3]
state.labels.list[[i]] <- probs
modal.state <- apply(probs, 1, which.max)
if(singleState) {
msarray <- cbind(seq_along(modal.state), modal.state)
state.labels.list[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow = length(modal.state),
ncol = 3)
state.labels.list[[i]][msarray] <- 1
colnames(state.labels.list[[i]]) <- c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain")
## rownames of state.labels
rownames(state.labels.list[[i]]) <- letters[1:nrow(probs)]
basicLabel <- c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain")
for(ii in c(1, 2, 3)) {
this.type <- which(modal.state == ii)
l.this.type <- length(this.type)
if(l.this.type == 0) next
this.label <- basicLabel[ii]
if(l.this.type == 1)
rownames(state.labels.list[[i]])[this.type] <- this.label
rownames(state.labels.list[[i]])[this.type] <-
paste(this.label, 1:l.this.type, sep = "-")
} else {## did not visit these states
state.labels.list[[i]] <- matrix(rep(-9, 3 * i), ncol = 3)
colnames(state.labels.list[[i]]) <- c("Loss", "Normal", "Gain")
relabelStates.iRJaCGH <- function(obj, normal.reference=0, window=NULL,
singleState = FALSE,
array=NULL, Chrom=NULL) {
sllist <- relabel.core(obj = obj,
normal.reference = normal.reference,
window = window,
singleState = singleState)
k.max <- max(as.numeric(levels(obj$k)))
for(i in (1:k.max)) {
obj$fit.k[[i]]$state.labels <- sllist[[i]]
relabelStates.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(obj, normal.reference=0, window=NULL,
singleState = FALSE,
array=NULL, Chrom=NULL) {
for(chr in Chrom) {
obj[[chr]] <- relabelStates.iRJaCGH(obj[[chr]], normal.reference=
normal.reference, window=window,
singleState = singleState)
relabelStates.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(obj, normal.reference=0, window=NULL,
singleState = FALSE,
array=NULL, Chrom=NULL) {
obj <- relabelStates.iRJaCGH(obj, normal.reference=
normal.reference, window=window,
singleState = singleState)
relabelStates.RJaCGH <- function(obj, normal.reference=0, window=NULL,
singleState = FALSE,
array=NULL, Chrom=NULL) {
if (is.null(array)) {
array <- obj$array.names
if (is.null(Chrom)) {
Chrom <- unique(obj$Chrom)
for (i in array) {
obj[[i]] <- relabelStates(obj[[i]], normal.reference=
normal.reference, window=window,
singleState = singleState,
array=array, Chrom=Chrom)
pREC_A <- function(obj, p, alteration = "Gain",
array.weights = NULL,
verbose = FALSE) {
pREC(method = "pREC_A", obj = obj,
p = p, alteration = alteration,
array.weights = array.weights,
verbose = verbose)
pREC_S <- function(obj, p, freq.array, alteration = "Gain",
verbose = FALSE) {
pREC(method = "pREC_S", obj = obj,
p = p, alteration = alteration,
freq.array = freq.array,
verbose = verbose,
array.weights = NULL)
pREC <- function(method, obj, p, freq.array = NULL,
alteration = "Gain", array.weights = NULL,
verbose = FALSE) {
if (method == "pREC_A") {
method_prec <- 0
freq.array <- -9
} else if (method == "pREC_S") {
method_prec <- 1
} else {
stop ("method can only be one of pREC_A or pREC_S")
if((method == "pREC_S") & is.null(freq.array))
stop("pREC_S requires a value for freq.array")
if(alteration == "Gain") { <- 1
} else if (alteration == "Loss") { <- -1
} else {
stop("alteration can only be one of 'Gain' or 'Loss'")
array.names <- obj$array.names
narrays <- length(obj$array.names)
idchr <- unique(obj$Chrom)
nchrom <- length(idchr)
if(any(array.weights < 0)) {
stop("array.weights cannot have any negative element")
if (is.null(array.weights)) {
array.weights <- -9.9
} else {
array.weights <- array.weights / sum(array.weights)
## less typing
first.array <- array.names[1]
objChrom <- inherits(obj[[first.array]], "RJaCGH.Chrom")
objGenome <- inherits(obj[[first.array]], "RJaCGH.Genome")
## we could process objects without chrom as objGenome,
## but for coherence with former approaches, and to avoid
## ugly "dummyChr" we continue with the objNone approach
objNone <- ifelse(idchr[1] == dummyChr, TRUE, FALSE)
if(objNone) objGenome <- FALSE
## Main loop: each chromosome is done separately.
## For each chrom, do all arrays.
## If Genome or None type objects probs of states common for all
## chroms.
if(!objChrom) {
stretchedProbsList <- lapply(obj[1:narrays],
tmpres <- list()
for(chromNum in 1:nchrom) {
if(!objNone) {
thisChromChar <- idchr[chromNum]
tmpres[[thisChromChar]] <- list()
if(verbose) {
cat("\n -----------------------------------------------")
cat("\n Doing chromosome ", chromNum, "\n")
if(objChrom) {
nprobes <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$lengthY
} else if(objGenome) {
nprobes <- sum(obj$Chrom == idchr[chromNum])
} else {
nprobes <- length(obj$Chrom) ## FIXME!
## should be same as obj[[1]]$lengthY
if(objChrom) {
stretchedProbsList <-
function(x) getStretchedStateProbs(x[[chromNum]]))
filename.tmp <- sapply(obj[array.names],
function(x) f2tmp(x$viterbi[[chromNum]]$gzipped_filename,
tempdir = obj$temp.dir))
fe <- sapply(filename.tmp, file.exists)
if(!all(fe)) {
m1 <- "Some of the gzipped files which should exist don't.\n"
m2 <- "Please rerun with option 'force.write.files = TRUE'"
stop(paste(m1, m2))
filename <- paste(filename.tmp, collapse = "\n")
num.sequences <- sapply(obj[1:narrays],
function(x) x$viterbi[[chromNum]]$num_sequences)
## Indices as C indices: start at 0.
## These give: c(0, last index)
## and last index = index of starting pos of a new seq.
## so last index = total number of sequences.
starting.indices.sequences <- c(0, cumsum(num.sequences))
starting.indices.state.probs <-
c(0, cumsum(sapply(stretchedProbsList, length)))
res <- .C("wrap_pREC",
alteration = as.integer(,
numarrays = as.integer(narrays),
num_sequences = as.integer(num.sequences),
num_probes = as.integer(nprobes),
starting_indices_sequences =
starting_indices_state_probs =
filename = as.character(filename),
threshold = as.double(p),
freq_arrays = as.integer(freq.array),
array_weights = as.double(array.weights),
state_probs = as.double(unlist(stretchedProbsList)),
numregions = as.integer(-9),
total_narrays = as.integer(-9),
regionsStart = as.integer(rep(-9, nprobes)),
regionsEnd = as.integer(rep(-9, nprobes)),
regionsProb = as.double(rep(-9.9, nprobes)),
verboseC = as.integer(ifelse(verbose, 1, 0)),
method_prec = as.integer(method_prec))
if(method == "pREC_S") {
## Second call to C, to get results
number.regionsS <- res$numregions
total.arrays.S <- res$total_narrays
if(number.regionsS > 0) {
res <- .C("return_pREC_S",
regionsStart = as.integer(rep(-99, number.regionsS)),
regionsEnd = as.integer(rep(-99, number.regionsS)),
regionsNarrays = as.integer(rep(-99, number.regionsS)),
allArrays = as.integer(rep(-99, total.arrays.S)))
## Recall that C gives last elements first, because the head of
## of the linked list is the last region found. Thus,
## revert order, for easier visualization of results.
res$regionsStart <- rev(res$regionsStart)
res$regionsEnd <- rev(res$regionsEnd)
res$regionsNarrays <- rev(res$regionsNarrays)
res$allArrays <- rev(res$allArrays)
res$regionsCumNarrays <- c(0, cumsum(res$regionsNarrays))
res$numregions <- number.regionsS
## Some redundancy above, but leave for now.
## could change C code and return cumulative sum directly
## as already available from regS->sum_num_arrays.
## But messier with reverse order
} else {
res <- list()
res$numregions <- 0
################ Build output objects ############
### Common to all pREC: get Start and End
if(!objNone) {
if (!is.null(obj$Start)) {
Start <- obj$Start[obj$Chrom == thisChromChar]
End <- obj$End[obj$Chrom == thisChromChar]
} else if (!is.null(obj$Pos.rel)) {
Start <- obj$Pos.rel[obj$Chrom == thisChromChar]
End <- obj$Pos.rel[obj$Chrom == thisChromChar]
} else {
Start <- obj$Pos[obj$Chrom == thisChromChar]
End <- obj$Pos[obj$Chrom == thisChromChar]
## if(objChrom) {
## if (!is.null(obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Start)) {
## Start <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Start
## End <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$End
## } else if (!is.null(obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Pos.rel)) {
## Start <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Pos.rel
## End <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Pos.rel
## } else {
## Start <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Pos
## End <- obj[[1]][[chromNum]]$Pos
## }
## } else if(objGenome) {
## if (!is.null(obj[[1]]$Start)) {
## Start <- obj[[1]]$Start[obj[[1]]$Chrom == thisChromChar]
## End <- obj[[1]]$End[obj[[1]]$Chrom == thisChromChar]
## } else if (!is.null(obj[[1]]$Pos.rel)) {
## Start <- obj[[1]]$Pos.rel[obj[[1]]$Chrom == thisChromChar]
## End <- obj[[1]]$Pos.rel[obj[[1]]$Chrom == thisChromChar]
## } else {
## Start <- obj[[1]]$Pos[obj[[1]]$Chrom == thisChromChar]
## End <- obj[[1]]$Pos[obj[[1]]$Chrom == thisChromChar]
## }
## }
if(!objNone) {
regionstmp <- createRegionsList(res, Start, End,
if(!is.null(regionstmp)) {
attr(regionstmp, "alteration") <- alteration
attr(regionstmp, "Chrom") <- thisChromChar
class(regionstmp) <- paste(method, ".chr", sep = "")
tmpres[[thisChromChar]] <- regionstmp
if(objNone) { ## outside the chromosome loop as this has no chrom.
if (!is.null(obj$Start)) {
Start <- obj$Start
End <- obj$End
} else if (!is.null(obj$Pos.rel)) {
Start <- obj$Pos.rel
End <- obj$Pos.rel
} else {
Start <- obj$Pos
End <- obj$Pos
regions <- createRegionsList(res, Start, End, obj$array.names)
if(is.null(regions)) regions <- list()
attr(regions, "alteration") <- alteration
class(regions) <- c(paste(method, ".none", sep = ""), method)
} else {
regions <- tmpres
class(regions) <- c(paste(method, ".Chromosomes", sep = ""),
attr(regions, "alteration") <- alteration
if(method == "pREC_S") {
attr(regions, "p") <- p
attr(regions, "freq.array") <- freq.array
attr(regions, "array.names") <- array.names
################ Some auxiliary functions called only from pREC
getStretchedStateProbs <- function(obj) {
## for sequence probs.
## returns the state probs, from k = 1 to k = max.k,
## in row-major order.
function(x) as.vector(t(x$state.labels)))))
createRegionsList <- function(res, Start, End, array.names) {
### Creates the "regions" object, a list.
### Used by both pREC-S and pREC-A.
if(res$numregions == 0)
regions <- list()
for(i in 1:res$numregions) {
regions[[i]] <- list()
regions[[i]]$start <- Start[res$regionsStart[i] + 1]
regions[[i]]$end <- End[res$regionsEnd[i] + 1]
regions[[i]]$indexStart <- res$regionsStart[i] + 1
regions[[i]]$indexEnd <- res$regionsEnd[i] + 1
regions[[i]]$genes <- (res$regionsEnd[i] - res$regionsStart[i]) + 1
if(!is.null(res$regionsProb[i])) ##pREC-A
regions[[i]]$prob <- res$regionsProb[i]
if(!is.null(res$regionsNarrays[i])) { ## pREC-S
## rev for nicer output
regions[[i]]$arrays <-
rev(res$allArrays[(res$regionsCumNarrays[i] + 1):
(res$regionsCumNarrays[i + 1])]) + 1
regions[[i]]$members <- array.names[regions[[i]]$arrays]
f2tmp <- function(x, tempdir) {
## the name of tempfiles has "./" under Linux and ".\\" under Windoze.
## split, and paste.
fnam <- paste("rjacgh_seq",
unlist(strsplit(x, "rjacgh_seq"))[2], sep = "")
return(file.path(tempdir, fnam))
print.pREC_A.none <- function(x,...) {
if(length(x) == 0) {
res <- "No common regions found"
} else {
res <- sapply(x, function(y) c(y$start, y$end, y$genes, y$prob)
res <- t(res)
if (ncol(res)>0) {
colnames(res) <- c("Start", "End", "Probes",
paste("Prob.", attr(x, "alteration")))
res <-
else {
res <- "No common regions found"
print.pREC_A <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("print.pREC_A", ...)
print.pREC_A.Chromosomes <- function(x,...) {
if(length(x) == 0) {
res <- "No common regions found"
} else {
res <- NULL
names(x) <- seq_along(x)
for(i in unique(names(x))) {
if(length(x[[i]]) > 0) {
tmp <- sapply(x[[i]], function(z) {
c(i, z$start, z$end, z$genes, z$prob)})
res <- rbind(res, t(tmp))
if(!is.null(res)) {
colnames(res) <- c("Chromosome", "Start", "End", "Probes",
paste("Prob.", attr(x, "alteration")))
res <-
print.pREC_S <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("print.pREC_S", ...)
print.pREC_S.none <- function(x,...) {
cat("Common regions of", attr(x, 'alteration'), "of at least",
attr(x, 'p'), "probability:\n")
if(length(x) == 0) {
res <- "No regions found"
} else {
res <- sapply(x, function(z) {
c(z$start, z$end, z$indexEnd - z$indexStart + 1,
paste(z$members, collapse=";"))
res <- t(res)
if (!is.null(res)) {
colnames(res) <- c("Start", "End", "Probes",
res <-
print.pREC_S.Chromosomes <- function(x,...) {
cat("Common regions of", attr(x, 'alteration'), "of at least",
attr(x, 'p'), "probability:\n")
if(length(x) == 0) {
res <- "No regions found"
} else {
res <- NULL
if (is.null(names(x)))
names(x) <- 1:length(x)
for(i in unique(names(x))) {
if(length(x[[i]]) > 0) {
tmp <- sapply(x[[i]], function(z) {
c(i, z$start, z$end, z$indexEnd - z$indexStart + 1,
paste(z$members, collapse=";"))
res <- rbind(res, t(tmp))
if (!is.null(res)) {
colnames(res) <- c("Chromosome", "Start", "End", "Probes",
res <-
plot.pREC_S <- function(x, array.labels=NULL,
col=NULL, breaks=NULL,
dend=TRUE, method="single",
Chrom=NULL, ...) {
#### Helper functions used only here
f.create.grid <- function(x, array.names) {
probes <- x$indexStart:x$indexEnd
members <- factor(x$members, levels=array.names)
probes.length <- (x$end - x$start + 1) / length(probes)
expand.grid(members, members, probes, probes.length)
f2 <- function(z, array.names) {
tmp <- lapply(z, function(x)
f.create.grid(x, array.names = array.names))
tmp <-"rbind", tmp)
tmp <- unique(tmp)
return(list( = table(tmp[ , -c(3,4)]),
internal.length.mat =
xtabs(Var4 ~ Var1 + Var2, data=tmp)))
array.names <- attr(x, 'array.names')
if (is.null(array.labels)) array.labels <- array.names
k <- length(array.names)
par(oma=c(2, 2, 4, 2))
layout(matrix(c(1, 2), 1, 2), widths=c(1, 7))
if(!is.null(Chrom)) {
if(!inherits(x, "pREC_S.Chromosomes")) {
stop("With this type of object it makes no sense to use the Chrom argument")
## Don't do this before, as array.names
## not available in x[[Chrom]]
x <- x[[Chrom]]
if(is.null(x)) {
stop("No common regions with Chromosome ", Chrom)
class(x) <- "pREC_S.none"
### The only difference between objects with or without chromosomes:
### this if
if(inherits(x, "pREC_S.none")) {
t1 <- f2(x, array.names)
inc.mat <- t1$
length.mat <- t1$internal.length.mat
} else {
inc.mat <- matrix(0, length(array.names), length(array.names))
length.mat <- matrix(0, length(array.names), length(array.names))
for(chr in names(x)) {
if(length(x[[chr]]) > 0) {
t1 <- f2(x[[chr]], array.names)
inc.mat <- inc.mat + t1$
length.mat <- length.mat + t1$internal.length.mat
##### The rest is all common
length.mat[inc.mat > 0] <- length.mat[inc.mat > 0] /
inc.mat[inc.mat > 0]
diag(inc.mat) <- 0
diag(length.mat) <- 0
distances <- 1 - (inc.mat / matrix(max(inc.mat),
obj.dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(as.dist(distances),
par(mai=c(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5))
if (dend) {
reordering <- order.dendrogram(obj.dend)
inc.mat <- inc.mat[reordering, reordering]
length.mat <- length.mat[reordering, reordering]
plot(obj.dend, ylab="", main="", axes=FALSE,
xlab="", horiz=TRUE, yaxs="i", leaflab="none")
else {
reordering <- 1:length(array.labels)
if (is.null(col)) {
## default palette taken from redgreen from
## gplots, Gregory R. Warnes
col <- c("#FF0000", "#DF0000", "#BF0000", "#800000", "#600000",
"#400000", "#200000", "#000000", "#002000", "#004000",
"#006000", "#008000", "#00BF00", "#00DF00", "#00FF00")
if (attr(x, "alteration") == "Gain") {
col <- col[8:1]
else {
col <- col[8:15]
if (is.null(breaks)) {
breaks <- quantile(inc.mat[inc.mat>0],
p=seq(from=0, to=1,
length=length(col) - 1))
breaks <- c(0, 0.1, breaks)
breaks <- breaks - 0.05
breaks[length(breaks)] <- breaks[length(breaks)] + 0.10
image(x=1:k, y=1:k, z=inc.mat,
axes=FALSE, col=col, breaks=breaks, xlab="", ylab="",...)
axis(side=1, at=1:k, labels=array.labels[reordering], las=2,
axis(side=2, at=1:k, labels=array.labels[reordering],
las=2, tick=FALSE,...)
if (stats) {
for(i in 1:k) {
text(rep(i, k), 1:k,
paste(inc.mat[,i], " (", round(length.mat[,i], 1), ")",
sep=""), col="white", ...)
list(probes=inc.mat, length=length.mat)
getHostname.System <- function (static, ...) {
## From the function of the same name in package R.utils (v. 1.0.1)
## by Henrik Bengtsson
host <- Sys.getenv(c("HOST", "HOSTNAME", "COMPUTERNAME"))
host <- host[host != ""]
if (length(host) == 0) {
host <-["nodename"]
host <- host[host != ""]
if (length(host) == 0) {
host <- readLines(pipe("/usr/bin/env uname -n"))
} <- function() {
uu <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())
return(paste(uu$hour, uu$min,
paste(unlist(strsplit(as.character(uu$sec), "\\.")),
collapse = ""), sep = ""))
tempdir2 <- function() {
direxists <- TRUE
while(direxists) {
p1 <- paste(getHostname.System(), round(runif(1, 1, 9999)),, sep = "_")
p1 <- paste(tempfile(pattern = "tmpdir_RJaCGH_",
tmpdir = "."),
p1, sep = "_")
if(!file.exists(p1)) direxists <- FALSE
tempfile2 <- function(pattern = "rjacgh_seq", tmpdir = ".") {
## return complete path name to a temp file
## generates the root filename
## no file type accepted
p00 <- tempfile00(pattern = pattern)
filename <- tempfile(pattern = p00, tmpdir = tmpdir)
tempfile3 <- function(fname, tmpdir = ".", ftype = "RData") {
## return complete path name to a temp file
## root filename is parameter
filename <- paste(
tempfile(pattern = fname, tmpdir = tmpdir),
ftype, sep = ".")
tempfile00 <- function(pattern = "rjacgh_seq") {
## generates "root" (no dir) of a temp file
pattern1 <- paste(getHostname.System(), round(runif(1, 1, 9999)),, sep = "_")
return(paste(pattern, pattern1, sep = "_"))
### Using save and load or saveRDS and readRDS are about equally
### fast and memory consuming. But the RDS files deal with an object
### directly, not the name of an object. Some experiments follow way down.
writeRO2 <- function(x, rootn, tmpdir, ftype = "RData") {
fname <- tempfile3(tempfile00(rootn), ".", ftype = ftype)
fnfull <- file.path(tmpdir, fname)
saveRDS(x, file = fnfull, compress = FALSE)
return(list(tmpdir = tmpdir, fname = fname))
readRO2 <- function(x) {
fname <- file.path(x$tmpdir, x$fname)
if(!file.exists(fname)) {
stop(paste("Cannot acces file", fname,
". Either you are in the wrond directory",
"or the file has been deleted (the later is ",
"a non-recoverable error)."))
### writeRO <- function(x, rootn, tmpdir) {
### ## x has to be an object name
### ############################################
### #########################################
### ## tempfile2 has only 2 arguments
### fn <- tempfile2(rootn, tmpdir, ftype = "RData")
### save(x, file = fn, compress = FALSE)
### ## zz: FIXME: broken! does not return filenames
### }
### readRO <- function(x) {
### fname <- file.path(x$tmpdir, x$fname)
### if(!file.exists(fname)) {
### stop(paste("Cannot acces file", fname,
### ". Either you are in the wrond directory",
### "or the file has been deleted (the later is ",
### "a non-recoverable error)."))
### }
### return(get(load(fname)))
### }
###### chainsSelect stuff ###############################
### I stop work with that. The problem is how to, later, collapse
### the Viterbi sequences.
### Guide to the new code:
### try to have a single select chains (chainsSelect.New)
### that iterates slightly differntly depending on model Chrom or genome
### two small new functs. are used
### gelman.rubin is also obsoleted (does not apply) and collapseChains too.
### note some comments on "multipleChains" function above for further work.
### chainsSelect.New <- function(obj, nutrim = NULL, trim = NULL) {
### if((is.null(nutrim) & is.null(trim)) |
### (!is.null(nutrim) & !is.null(trim)))
### stop("Exactly one of nutrim or trim must have non-NULL values")
### n <- length(obj) ## obj is a list
### uChrom <- unique(obj[[1]]$Chrom)
### array.names <- obj[[1]]$array.names
### if (is.null(nutrim)) {
### nutrim <- floor(n * trim)
### trim <- NULL
### }
### LH <- selectChainsLimit(n, nutrim, trim)
### newobj <- list()
### for (j in 1:(n - nutrim)) {
### newobj[[j]] <- list()
### for(arr in array.names)
### newobj[[j]][[arr]] <- list()
### }
### viterbi.tmp <- list()
### for (arr in array.names) {
### viterbi.tmp[[arr]] <- list()
### if(model == "Chrom") {
### for (chr in uChrom) {
### viterbi.tmp[[arr]][[chr]] <- list()
### cssl <-
### chainsToRetain(lapply(obj[1:n],
### function(x) x[[arr]][[chr]]$k),
### LH['Low'], LH['High'])
### for(j in 1:(n - nutrim)) {
### newobj[[j]][[arr]][[chr]] <- obj[[ cssl[j] ]][[arr]][[chr]]
### viterbi.tmp[[arr]][[chr]][[j]] <-
### obj[[ cssl[j] ]][[arr]]$viterbi[[chr]]
### }
### }
### for(j in 1:(n - nutrim)) {
### for(chr in uChrom) {
### newobj[[j]][[arr]]$viterbi[[chr]] <-
### viterbi.tmp[[arr]][[chr]][[j]]
### }
### }
### } else { ##model is Genome
### cssl <- chainsToRetain(lapply(obj[1:n], function(x) x[[arr]]$k),
### LH['Low'], LH['High'])
### for(j in 1:(n - nutrim)) {
### newobj[[j]][[arr]] <- obj[[ cssl[j] ]][[arr]]
### }
### }
### }
### ### obj.temp <- list()
### ### ### for (j in 1:n) {
### ### ### obj.temp[[j]] <- obj[[j]][[i]]
### ### ### }
### ### obj.temp <- chainsSelect(obj.temp, nutrim = nutrim, trim = trim,
### ### uChrom = uChrom)
### ### for (j in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
### ### newobj[[j]][[i]] <- obj.temp[[j]]
### ### class(newobj[[j]]) <- class(obj[[j]])
### ### }
### ### }
### for (j in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
### newobj[[j]]$array.names <- obj[[j]]$array.names
### newobj[[j]]$Pos <- obj[[j]]$Pos
### newobj[[j]]$Chrom <- obj[[j]]$Chrom
### newobj[[j]]$Dist.for.model <- obj[[j]]$Dist.for.model
### newobj[[j]]$call <- obj[[j]]$call
### newobj[[j]]$temp.dir <- obj[[j]]$temp.dir
### ## attr(newobj[[j]], 'names') <- attr(obj[[j]], 'names')
### }
### class(newobj) <- class(obj)
### newobj
### }
### selectChainsLimits <- function(n, nutrim, trim) {
### if((is.null(nutrim) & is.null(trim)) |
### (!is.null(nutrim) & !is.null(trim)))
### stop("Exactly one of nutrim or trim must have non-NULL values")
### if (is.null(nutrim)) {
### nutrim <- round(trim * n)
### if(nutrim >= n)
### stop(paste("Specify a smaller trim: your trim ",
### trim, "leads to selecting no chains"))
### }
### else {
### if(nutrim >= n)
### stop("Number to trim must be smaller than number of chains")
### }
### lo <- floor(nutrim/2) + 1
### hi <- n - (nutrim - lo + 1)
### return(c(Low = lo, High = hi))
### }
### chainsToRetain <- function(obj, lo, hi) {
### ##obj: a list; each entry is a the "k"
### cat("\n chains to retain \n")
### meank <- unlist(lapply(obj,function(x)
### mean(as.numeric(as.character(x)))))
### keepInd <- order(meank)[lo:hi]
### print(paste("keepInd ", paste(keepInd, collapse = " ")))
### return(keepInd)
### }
### chainsSelect <- function(obj, nutrim = NULL, trim = NULL, ...) {
### UseMethod("chainsSelect", obj[[1]])
### }
### chainsSelect.iRJaCGH <- function(obj, nutrim = NULL, trim = NULL, ...) {
### cat("\ncs iRJ\n")
### ## This uses too much memory: obj is passed by
### ## copy, and we make yet another partial copy at the end
### n <- length(obj)
### if((is.null(nutrim) & is.null(trim)) |
### (!is.null(nutrim) & !is.null(trim)))
### stop("Exactly one of nutrim or trim must have non-NULL values")
### if (is.null(nutrim)) {
### nutrim <- round(trim * n)
### if(nutrim >= n)
### stop(paste("Specify a smaller trim: your trim ",
### trim, "leads to selecting no chains"))
### }
### else {
### if(nutrim >= n)
### stop("Number to trim must be smaller than number of chains")
### }
### lo <- floor(nutrim/2) + 1
### hi <- n - (nutrim - lo + 1)
### meank <- unlist(lapply(obj,function(x)
### mean(as.numeric(as.character(x$k)))))
### keepInd <- order(meank)[lo:hi]
### print(paste("keepInd ", paste(keepInd, collapse = " ")))
### newobj <- list()
### j <- 1
### for(i in keepInd) {
### newobj[[j]] <- obj[[i]]
### j <- j + 1
### }
### class(newobj) <- class(obj)
### newobj
### }
### chainsSelect.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(obj, nutrim = NULL, trim = NULL, uChrom) {
### cat("\ncs genome\n")
### newobj <- chainsSelect.iRJaCGH(obj, nutrim = nutrim, trim = trim, uChrom)
### class(newobj) <- class(obj)
### newobj
### }
### chainsSelect.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(obj, nutrim = NULL, trim = NULL, uChrom) {
### cat("\ncs chrom\n")
### if((is.null(nutrim) & is.null(trim)) |
### (!is.null(nutrim) & !is.null(trim)))
### stop("Exactly one of nutrim or trim must have non-NULL values")
### newobj <- list()
### n <- length(obj)
### if (is.null(nutrim)) {
### nutrim <- floor(n * trim)
### trim <- NULL
### }
### ## trim
### for (i in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
### newobj[[i]] <- list()
### }
### for (chr in uChrom) {
### oldobj <- lapply(obj, function(x) x[[chr]])
### tmpobj <- chainsSelect.iRJaCGH(oldobj, nutrim=nutrim, trim=trim)
### for (i in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
### newobj[[i]][[chr]] <- tmpobj[[i]]
### }
### }
### for (i in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
### newobj[[i]]$viterbi <- obj[[i]]$viterbi
### ## newobj[[i]]$Pos <- obj[[i]]$Pos
### ## newobj[[i]]$Pos.rel <- obj[[i]]$Pos.rel
### ## newobj[[i]]$Chrom <- obj[[i]]$Chrom
### ## que hacia esto? zz: FIXME
### ## attr(newobj[[i]], 'names') <- attr(obj[[i]], 'names')
### class(newobj[[i]]) <- "RJaCGH.Chrom"
### }
### newobj
### }
### chainsSelect.formerdefault <- function(obj, nutrim = NULL, trim = NULL) {
### if((is.null(nutrim) & is.null(trim)) |
### (!is.null(nutrim) & !is.null(trim)))
### stop("Exactly one of nutrim or trim must have non-NULL values")
### n <- length(obj) ## obj is a list
### newobj <- list()
### uChrom <- unique(obj[[1]]$Chrom)
### array.names <- obj[[1]]$array.names
### if (is.null(nutrim)) {
### nutrim <- floor(n * trim)
### trim <- NULL
### }
### for (j in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
### newobj[[j]] <- list()
### }
### for (i in array.names) {
### obj.temp <- list()
### for (j in 1:n) {
### obj.temp[[j]] <- obj[[j]][[i]]
### }
### obj.temp <- chainsSelect(obj.temp, nutrim = nutrim, trim = trim,
### uChrom = uChrom)
### for (j in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
### newobj[[j]][[i]] <- obj.temp[[j]]
### class(newobj[[j]]) <- class(obj[[j]])
### }
### }
### for (j in 1:(n-nutrim)) {
### newobj[[j]]$array.names <- obj[[j]]$array.names
### newobj[[j]]$Pos <- obj[[j]]$Pos
### newobj[[j]]$Chrom <- obj[[j]]$Chrom
### newobj[[j]]$Dist.for.model <- obj[[j]]$Dist.for.model
### newobj[[j]]$call <- obj[[j]]$call
### newobj[[j]]$temp.dir <- obj[[j]]$temp.dir
### ## attr(newobj[[j]], 'names') <- attr(obj[[j]], 'names')
### }
### class(newobj) <- class(obj)
### newobj
### }
### ## very wasteful in terms of storage to use a list of RJaCGH obj.
### ## and slow access
### ## Now a bit less, but still
### ## try also to support futhre parallelization
### multipleChains <- function(...) {
### ## "standard" RJaCGH
### ## the rest as lists, with only unique stuff.
### ## change how RJaCGH runs
### ## New structure ought to ease:
### ## a) collapseChain
### ## b) chainsSelect [change to selectChain]
### ## c) gelman.rubin plot
### ## Common:
### ## "array.names" "Pos" "Chrom"
### ## "Dist.for.model" "call" "temp.dir"
### ## other things not to keep: Y.
### ## BEWARE: temp.dir!!!
### }
### collapseChain <- function(obj) {
### UseMethod("collapseChain", obj[[1]])
### }
### collapseChain.iRJaCGH <- function(obj) {
### normal.reference <- attr(obj, "normal.reference")
### window <- attr(obj, "window")
### singleState <- attr(obj, "singleState")
### newobj <- list()
### class(newobj) <- "RJaCGH"
### newobj$y <- NULL
### newobj$x <- NULL
### newobj$Pos <- NULL
### newobj$prob.b <- NULL
### newobj$prob.d <- NULL
### newobj$prob.s <- NULL
### newobj$prob.c <- NULL
### newobj$k <- NULL
### C <- length(obj)
### k <- max(as.numeric(as.character(levels(obj[[1]]$k))))
### for (i in 1:k) {
### newobj$fit.k[[i]] <- list()
### newobj$fit.k[[i]]$stat <- NULL
### newobj$fit.k[[i]]$mu <- NULL
### newobj$fit.k[[i]]$sigma.2 <- NULL
### newobj$fit.k[[i]]$beta <- NULL
### newobj$fit.k[[i]]$loglik <- NULL
### newobj$fit.k[[i]]$prob.states <- matrix(0, nrow=length(obj[[1]]$y),
### ncol=i)
### ### newobj$fit.k[[i]]$state.labels <- NULL
### }
### newobj$prob.b <- c(0, 0)
### newobj$prob.d <- c(0, 0)
### newobj$prob.s <- 0
### newobj$prob.c <- 0
### for (i in 1:C) {
### newobj$k <- c(newobj$k, obj[[i]]$k)
### newobj$prob.b <- newobj$prob.b + obj[[i]]$prob.b
### newobj$prob.d <- newobj$prob.d + obj[[i]]$prob.d
### newobj$prob.s <- newobj$prob.s + obj[[i]]$prob.s
### newobj$prob.c <- newobj$prob.c + obj[[i]]$prob.c
### newobj$y <- obj[[i]]$y
### newobj$x <- obj[[i]]$x
### newobj$Pos <- obj[[i]]$Pos
### newobj$Pos.rel <- obj[[i]]$Pos.rel
### for (j in 1:k) {
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$stat <- obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$stat
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$mu <- rbind(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$mu, obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$mu)
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$sigma.2 <- rbind(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$sigma.2, obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$sigma.2)
### ## FIXME: do not grow things this way!!!
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta <- c(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta, obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$beta)
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$loglik <- c(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$loglik,
### obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$loglik)
### if (!is.null(obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$prob.states)) {
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states <- newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states +
### obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$prob.states * nrow(obj$fit.k[[i]][[j]]$mu)
### }
### else {
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states <- newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states
### }
### }
### }
### for (j in 1:k) {
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta <- array(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta,
### c(j, j, length(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta)/(j*j)))
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$ <- length(unique(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$mu[,1])) /
### length(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$mu[,1])
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.sigma.2 <- length(unique(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$sigma.2[,1])) /
### length(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$sigma.2[,1])
### if (j >1) {
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.beta <- length(unique(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta[1,2,])) /
### length(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$beta[1,2,])
### }
### else newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.beta <- NULL
### if(nrow(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$mu)) {
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states <- newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states /
### nrow(newobj$fit.k[[j]]$mu)
### }
### else {
### newobj$fit.k[[j]]$prob.states <- NULL
### }
### }
### newobj$k <- factor(newobj$k, levels=1:k)
### ## Recompute state labels
### sllist <- relabel.core(obj = newobj,
### normal.reference = normal.reference,
### window = window,
### singleState = singleState)
### k.max <- max(as.numeric(levels(newobj$k)))
### for(i in (1:k.max))
### newobj$fit.k[[i]]$state.labels <- sllist[[i]]
### attr(newobj, "normal.reference") <- normal.reference
### attr(newobj, "window") <- window
### attr(newobj, "singleState") <- singleState
### newobj
### }
### collapseChain.RJaCGH.Genome <- function(obj) {
### newobj <- collapseChain.RJaCGH(obj)
### newobj$model <- obj[[1]]$model
### newobj$Chrom <- obj[[1]]$Chrom
### class(newobj) <- class(obj[[1]]) ## zz: fixme: will this work?
### newobj
### }
### collapseChain.RJaCGH.Chrom <- function(obj) {
### C <- length(obj)
### newobj <- list()
### for (i in unique(obj[[1]]$Chrom)) {
### obj.temp <- list()
### for (j in 1:C) {
### obj.temp[[j]] <- obj[[j]][[i]]
### }
### newobj[[i]] <- collapseChain(obj.temp)
### }
### newobj$model <- obj[[1]]$model
### newobj$Chrom <- obj[[1]]$Chrom
### newobj$Pos <- obj[[1]]$Pos
### newobj$Pos.rel <- obj[[1]]$Pos.rel
### class(newobj) <- "RJaCGH.Chrom"
### newobj
### }
### collapseChain.RJaCGH <- function(obj) {
### C <- length(obj)
### newobj <- list()
### newobj$array.names <- obj[[1]]$array.names
### for (i in newobj$array.names) {
### newobj[[i]] <- list()
### obj.temp <- list()
### for (j in 1:C) {
### obj.temp[[j]] <- obj[[j]][[i]]
### }
### newobj[[i]] <- collapseChain(obj.temp)
### }
### class(newobj) <- "RJaCGH"
### newobj
### }
### ##Gelman, A. and Rubin, D.
### ##Inference from Iterative simulation using multiple sequences
### ##Statistical Science 7, 457--511
### gelman.rubin.plot <- function(obj, bin=1000, array=NULL, Chrom=NULL, k=NULL) {
### obj.R <- list()
### if (class(obj[[1]])=="RJaCGH.array" && is.null(array)) {
### stop("Must specify array\n")
### }
### if (class(obj[[1]])=="RJaCGH.Chrom" && is.null(Chrom)) {
### stop("Must specify chromosome\n")
### }
### for (i in 1:length(obj)) {
### if (!is.null(array)) obj[[i]] <- obj[[i]][[array]]
### if (!is.null(Chrom)) obj[[i]] <- obj[[i]][[Chrom]]
### }
### par(mfrow=c(2,2), oma=c(1,1,3,1))
### C <- length(obj)
### ## Graph of number of states
### T <- min(unlist(lapply(obj, function(x) length(x$k))))
### t <- floor(T / bin)
### R <- rep(0, t+1)
### for (i in 1:(t+1)) {
### chain.mean <- rep(0, C)
### chain.var <- rep(0, C)
### for(j in 1:C) {
### if (i>t) batch <- obj[[j]]$k
### else batch <- obj[[j]]$k[1:(bin*i)]
### chain.mean[j] <- mean(as.numeric(as.character(batch)))
### chain.var[j] <- var(as.numeric(as.character(batch)))
### }
### n <- length(batch)
### B.k <- sum(((chain.mean-mean(chain.mean))^2) * (n)/(C-1))
### W.k <- mean(chain.var)
### R[i] <- sqrt((((n-1) / n) * W.k + B.k/n) / W.k)
### }
### obj.R$k <- R[length(R)]
### plot(seq(bin, by=bin, length=t+1), R, type="l",
### ylim=c(0.8, 1.2), main="Parameter: k", xlab="Batch size")
### abline(h=1, lty=2)
### abline(h=c(0.9, 1.1), lty=3)
### ## Choose k, the max of all chains (changed 07/07/08)
### if (is.null(k)) {
### k <- apply(, lapply(obj, function(x) summary(x$k))), 2, sum)
### k <- as.numeric(names(which.max(k)))
### }
### for (i in 1:C) obj[[i]] <- obj[[i]][[k]]
### T <- min(unlist(lapply(obj, function(x) nrow(x$mu))))
### if (T==0)
### stop ("MCMC not converged.\n Gelman-Brooks values can't be computed and graph will not be drawn")
### ## no two chains ever visited the same state
### t <- floor(T / bin)
### ## Graph of mu
### R <- matrix(0, t+1, k)
### for (i in 1:(t+1)) {
### chain.mean <- matrix(0, C, k)
### chain.var <- matrix(0, C, k)
### ## Number of observations in every chain
### TOT <- rep(0, C)
### for (j in 1:C) {
### if (i>t) batch <- obj[[j]]$mu
### else batch <- obj[[j]]$mu[1:(bin*i), ]
### batch <- matrix(batch, ncol=k)
### TOT[j] <- nrow(batch)
### chain.mean[j,] <- colMeans(batch)
### chain.var[j,] <- apply(batch, 2, var)
### }
### mean.chain.mean <- matrix(colMeans(chain.mean), C, k, byrow=TRUE)
### B <- ((chain.mean - mean.chain.mean)^2) * matrix(TOT/(C-1), C, k)
### B <- colSums(B)
### W <- colMeans(chain.var)
### n <- mean(TOT)
### R[i,] <- sqrt((((n-1) / n) * W + B/n) / W)
### }
### matplot(seq(bin, by=bin, length=t+1), R, type="l",
### ylim=c(0.8, 1.2), main="Parameter: mean", xlab="Batch size")
### abline(h=c(0.9, 1.1), lty=3)
### abline(h=1, lty=2)
### obj.R$mu <- R[nrow(R),]
### ## Graph of sigma2
### R <- matrix(0, t+1, k)
### for (i in 1:(t+1)) {
### chain.mean <- matrix(0, C, k)
### chain.var <- matrix(0, C, k)
### ## Number of observations in every chain
### TOT <- rep(0, C)
### for (j in 1:C) {
### if (i>t) batch <- obj[[j]]$sigma.2
### else batch <- obj[[j]]$sigma.2[1:(bin*i), ]
### batch <- matrix(batch, ncol=k)
### TOT[j] <- nrow(batch)
### chain.mean[j,] <- colMeans(batch)
### chain.var[j,] <- apply(batch, 2, var)
### }
### mean.chain.mean <- matrix(apply(chain.mean, 2, mean), C, k, byrow=TRUE)
### B <- ((chain.mean - mean.chain.mean)^2) * matrix(TOT/(C-1), C, k)
### B <- colSums(B)
### W <- colMeans(chain.var)
### n <- mean(TOT)
### R[i,] <- sqrt((((n-1) / n) * W + B/n) / W)
### }
### matplot(seq(bin, by=bin, length=t+1), R, type="l",
### ylim=c(0.8, 1.2),main="Parameter: sigma.2", xlab="Batch size")
### abline(h=1, lty=2)
### abline(h=c(0.9, 1.1), lty=3)
### obj.R$sigma.2 <- R[nrow(R),]
### ## Graph of beta
### if (k >1) {
### R <- matrix(0, t+1, k*(k-1))
### for (i in 1:(t+1)) {
### chain.mean <- matrix(0, C, k*(k-1))
### chain.var <- matrix(0, C, k*(k-1))
### ## Number of observations in every chain
### TOT <- rep(0, C)
### for (j in 1:C) {
### batch <-NULL
### if (i>t) {
### for (r in 1:k) {
### for (c in 1:k) {
### if (r!=c) batch <- cbind(batch,log(obj[[j]]$beta[r,c,]))
### }
### }
### }
### else {
### for (r in 1:k) {
### for (c in 1:k) {
### if (r!=c) batch <- cbind(batch,log(obj[[j]]$beta[r, c, 1:(bin*i)]))
### }
### }
### }
### TOT[j] <- nrow(batch)
### chain.mean[j,] <- colMeans(batch)
### chain.var[j,] <- apply(batch, 2, var)
### }
### mean.chain.mean <- matrix(apply(chain.mean, 2, mean), C, k*(k-1), byrow=TRUE)
### B <- ((chain.mean - mean.chain.mean)^2) * matrix(TOT/(C-1), C, k*(k-1))
### B <- colSums(B)
### W <- colMeans(chain.var)
### n <- mean(TOT)
### R[i,] <- sqrt((((n-1) / n) * W + B/n) / W)
### }
### matplot(seq(bin, by=bin, length=t+1), R, type="l",
### ylim=c(0.8, 1.2), main="Parameter: beta", xlab="Batch size")
### abline(h=1, lty=2)
### abline(h=c(0.9, 1.1), lty=3)
### }
### obj.R$beta <- R[nrow(R),]
### mtext("Gelman-Rubin diagnostic plots", outer=TRUE)
### obj.R
### }
## Examples for chainsSelect
###### A test of chainsSelect
## one array
## y <- c(rnorm(100, 0, 1), rnorm(10, -3, 1), rnorm(20, 3, 1),
## rnorm(100,0, 1))
## Pos <- runif(230)
## Pos <- cumsum(Pos)
## Chrom <- rep(1:23, rep(10, 23))
## jp <- list(, 4), sigma.tau.sigma.2=rep(0.3, 4),
## sigma.tau.beta=rep(0.7, 4),, tau.split.beta=0.5)
## fit.genome <- list()
## for (i in 1:8) {
## fit.genome[[i]] <- RJaCGH(y=y, Pos=Pos, Chrom=Chrom, model="genome",
## burnin=10, TOT=1000, jump.parameters=jp, k.max = 4)
## }
## fit.chrom <- list()
## for (i in 1:8) {
## fit.chrom[[i]] <- RJaCGH(y=y, Pos=Pos, Chrom=Chrom, model="Chrom",
## burnin=10, TOT=1000, jump.parameters=jp, k.max = 4)
## }
## ## many arrays
## y1 <- c(rnorm(100, 0, 1), rnorm(10, -3, 1), rnorm(20, 3, 1),
## rnorm(100,0, 1))
## y2 <- c(rnorm(100, 0, 1), rnorm(10, -3, 1), rnorm(20, 3, 1),
## rnorm(100,0, 1))
## y3 <- c(rnorm(100, 0, 1), rnorm(10, -3, 1), rnorm(20, 3, 1),
## rnorm(100,0, 1))
## Y <- cbind(y1, y2, y3)
## fit.genome.arrays <- list()
## for (i in 1:8) {
## fit.genome.arrays[[i]] <- RJaCGH(y=Y, Pos=Pos, Chrom=Chrom, model="genome",
## burnin=10, TOT=1000, jump.parameters=jp, k.max = 4)
## }
## fit.chrom.arrays <- list()
## for (i in 1:8) {
## fit.chrom.arrays[[i]] <- RJaCGH(y=Y, Pos=Pos, Chrom=Chrom, model="Chrom",
## burnin=10, TOT=1000, jump.parameters=jp, k.max = 4)
## }
## #####
## o1 <- chainsSelect(fit.chrom.arrays)
## o2 <- chainsSelect(fit.genome.arrays)
## o3 <- chainsSelect(fit.chrom)
## o4 <- chainsSelect(fit.genome)
## Not correct (does not take into account mixing proportions)
## RJaCGHDensity <- function(obj, k=NULL,...) {
## UseMethod("RJaCGHDensity")
## }
## RJaCGHDensity.RJaCGH <- function(obj, k=NULL,...) {
## hist(obj$y, probability=TRUE,...)
## if (is.null(k)) {
## k <- which.max(summary(obj$k))
## }
## obj.sum <- summary(obj, k=k, quantiles=0.5)
## x <- seq(from=min(obj$y), to=max(obj$y), length=1000)
## y <- matrix(0, 1000, k)
## for (i in 1:k) {
## y[,i] <-
## dnorm(x, obj.sum$mu[i], sqrt(obj.sum$sigma.2[i]))
## }
## y <- apply(y, 1, mean)
## lines(x, y, col=2)
## }
######### Old code, no longer used
### getSequence <- function(obj, filename, alteration) {
### K <- max(as.numeric(as.character(levels(obj$k))))
### probs <- prop.table(table(obj$k))
### for (k in 1:K) {
### if(probs[k] > 0) {
### inds <- grep(paste("[", substr(alteration, 1, 1), "]"),
### obj[[k]]$state.labels)
### if (length(inds) > 0) {
### ## Viterbi of all iterations
### N <- nrow(obj[[k]]$mu)
### if (inherits(obj, "RJaCGH.genome")) {
### index <- c(which(!duplicated(obj$Chrom)) - 1, length(obj$y))
### genome <- length(index) -1
### }
### else {
### index <- c(0, length(obj$y))
### genome <- 1
### }
### obj$x[$x)] <- -1
### res <- .C("wholeViterbi", y=as.double(obj$y), x=as.double(obj$x),
### genome=as.integer(genome),
### index=as.integer(index), k=as.integer(k),
### n=as.integer(length(obj$y)), N=as.integer(N),
### mu=as.double(t(obj[[k]]$mu)), sigma.2=as.double(t(obj[[k]]$sigma.2)),
### beta=as.double(obj[[k]]$beta),
### stat=as.double(obj[[k]]$stat),
### filename=as.character(paste(filename, k, sep=""))
### )
### }
### }
### }
### }
### ## Example for viterbi
### viterbi.C <- function(y, x=NULL, Chrom=NULL, mu, sigma.2, beta, stat=NULL) {
### if (!is.null(Chrom)) {
### index <- diff(Chrom)
### index <- which(index>0)
### index <- c(0, index, length(y))
### genome <- length(index) - 1
### }
### else {
### genome <- 1
### index <- c(0, length(y))
### }
### if (is.null(x)) x <- rep(0, length(y)-1)
### k <- length(mu)
### n <- length(y)
### if (is.null(stat)) stat <- rep(1/k, k)
### states <- .C("viterbi", y=as.double(y), x=as.double(x),
### genome=as.integer(genome),
### index = as.integer(index), k =as.integer(k),
### n=as.integer(n), mu=as.double(mu),
### sigma2=as.double(sigma.2), beta=as.double(beta),
### stat=as.double(stat), states=as.integer(rep(0, n)))
### states <- states$states
### states
### }
### ## Maybe we could avoid passing obj
### prob.seq <- function(obj, from, to, filename, alteration="Gain") {
### if (from > to)
### stop("'from' must be an integer < than 'to'\n")
### if (alteration!="Gain" && alteration!="Loss")
### stop("'alteration' must be either 'Loss' or 'Gain'\n")
### K <- max(as.numeric(as.character(levels(obj$k))))
### n <- length(obj$y)
### probs <- prop.table(table(obj$k))
### prob.seq <- rep(0, K)
### for (k in 1:K) {
### if(probs[k] > 0) {
### inds <- grep(paste("[", substr(alteration, 1, 1), "]"),
### colnames(obj[[k]]$state.labels))
### if (length(inds) > 0) {
### seq.iter <- readLines(paste(filename, k, sep=""))
### seq.iter <- strsplit(seq.iter, "\t")
### for (i in 1:length(seq.iter)) {
### seq.iter[[i]] <- as.numeric(seq.iter[[i]])
### breakpoints <- seq.iter[[i]][seq(from=2, by=2,
### length=length(seq.iter[[i]])/2-1)]
### breakstates <- seq.iter[[i]][seq(from=1, by=2,
### length=length(seq.iter[[i]])/2-1)]
### breaks <- c(which.max(from <= breakpoints),
### which.max(to <=breakpoints))
### ## if([1]) |[2])) browser()
### break.states <- breakstates[breaks[1]:breaks[2]]
### if (sum(break.states %in% inds)==length(break.states)) {
### prob.seq[k] <- prob.seq[k] + seq.iter[[i]][length(seq.iter[[i]])]
### }
### }
### prob.seq[k] <- prob.seq[k] / nrow(obj[[k]]$mu)
### }
### }
### }
### prob.seq <- as.numeric(prob.seq %*% probs)
### prob.seq
### }
### getEdges <- function(obj) {
### K <- max(as.numeric(as.character(levels(obj$k))))
### probs <- prop.table(table(obj$k))
### res.tot <- rep(0, length(obj$y))
### N.tot <- 0
### for (k in 1:K) {
### if(probs[k] > 0) {
### ## inds <- grep(paste("[", substr(alteration, 1, 1), "]"),
### ## obj[[k]]$state.labels)
### ## if (length(inds) > 0) {
### ## Viterbi of all iterations
### N <- nrow(obj[[k]]$mu)
### if (inherits(obj, "RJaCGH.genome")) {
### index <- diff(obj$Chrom)
### index <- which(index>0)
### index <- c(0, index, length(obj$y))
### genome <- length(index) -1
### }
### else {
### index <- c(0, length(obj$y))
### genome <- 1
### }
### obj$x[$x)] <- -1
### res <- .C("edges", y=as.double(obj$y), x=as.double(obj$x),
### genome=as.integer(genome),
### index=as.integer(index), k=as.integer(k),
### n=as.integer(length(obj$y)), N=as.integer(N),
### mu=as.double(t(obj[[k]]$mu)),
### sigma.2=as.double(t(obj[[k]]$sigma.2)),
### beta=as.double(obj[[k]]$beta),
### stat=as.double(obj[[k]]$stat),
### count_edge = as.integer(rep(0,length(obj$y)))
### )
### res.tot <- res.tot + res$count_edge
### N.tot <- N.tot + N
### }
### }
### tmp <- res.tot/N.tot
### if(any(tmp > 1)) stop("a count larger than 1 !!!!")
### return(tmp)
### }
### readRO1 <- function(x) {
### fname <- file.path(x$tmpdir, x$fname)
### if(!file.exists(fname)) {
### stop(paste("Cannot acces file", fname,
### ". Either you are in the wrond directory",
### "or the file has been deleted (the later is ",
### "a non-recoverable error)."))
### }
### nameobj <- load(fname)
### tmp <- get(nameobj)
### rm(nameobj)
### return(tmp)
### }
### O <- list()
### O$tmpdir <- "t1"
### O$fname <- "sx3.RData"
### unix.time(cucu <- readRO(O)) ##47.65
### > gc()
### used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
### Ncells 134675 7.2 350000 18.7 350000 18.7
### Vcells 100141052 764.1 110743003 845.0 100142729 764.1
### O <- list()
### O$tmpdir <- "t1"
### O$fname <- "sx3.RData"
### unix.time(cucu <- readRO1(O)) ##45.234
### > gc()
### used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
### Ncells 134776 7.2 350000 18.7 350000 18.7
### Vcells 100141064 764.1 110743003 845.0 100143380 764.1
### ## time and object size and memory of both read and write
### writeRO <- function(x, rootn, tmpdir) {
### fn <- tempfile2(rootn, tmpdir, ftype = "RData")
### .saveRDS(x, file = fn, compress = FALSE)
### }
### ### difference betwen .saveRDS and serialize
### ### zz <- matrix(rnorm(10000 * 1000), ncol = 1000)
### ### rm(ff)
### ### rm(fn)
### ### system("rm sx9.RData")
### ### ff <- "sx9.RData"
### ### unix.time(.saveRDS(zz, ff, compress = FALSE)) # 1, 1, 1
### ### rm(ff)
### ### rm(fn)
### ### system("rm sx9.RData")
### ### ff <- "sx9.RData"
### ### unix.time(.saveRDS(zz, ff)) ## 8, 8, 8
### ### rm(ff)
### ### rm(fn)
### ### system("rm sx9.RData")
### ### ff <- "sx9.RData"
### ### fn <- file(ff, "wb") ## it has to be binary; ow. toooooo slow
### ### unix.time(serialize(zz, fn)) ## ~ 8
### ### close(fn)
### ### .saveRDS(zz, "t1/sx10.RData", compress = FALSE)
### ### save(file= "t1/sx11.RData", zz, compress = FALSE)
### ### O1 <- list()
### ### O1$tmpdir <- "t1"
### ### O1$fname <- "sx11.RData"
### ### O2 <- list()
### ### O2$tmpdir <- "t1"
### ### O2$fname <- "sx10.RData"
### ### unix.time(cucuA <- readRO2(O1)) ## 1.345
### ### gc()
### ### used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
### ### Ncells 134848 7.3 350000 18.7 350000 18.7
### ### Vcells 10141116 77.4 11518085 87.9 10142793 77.4
### ### unix.time(cucuB <- readRO(O2)) ## 1.346
### ### gc()
### ### > gc()
### ### used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
### ### Ncells 134857 7.3 350000 18.7 350000 18.7
### ### Vcells 20141118 153.7 22543147 172.0 20141568 153.7
### ### ## bail out and repeat
### ### unix.time(cucuB <- readRO(O2)) ## 1.346
### ### gc()
### ### unix.time(cucuA <- readRO2(O1)) ## 1.345
### ### gc()
### ### unix.time(save(file= "t1/sx11A.RData", cucuA, compress = FALSE))
### ### unix.time(save(file= "t1/sx11B.RData", cucuA, compress = TRUE))
## ## iassign.comp <- function(name, obj = obj, res = res) {
## ## eval(substitute(obj$var <- res$var,
## ## list(var = name, obj = obj, res = res)))
## ## }
## assign.components <- function(obj, res) {
## obj$normal.reference <- normal.reference
## obj$window <- window
## obj$singleState <- singleState
## obj$prob.s <- res$prob.s
## return(obj)
## }
## assign.components <- function(obj, res) {
## obj$prob.s <- res$prob.s
## return(obj)
## }
## ### ### difference betwen .saveRDS and serialize
## nr <- nc <- 3000
## zz <- matrix(rnorm(nr * nc), ncol = nc)
## rm(zzz)
## rm(ff)
## rm(fn)
## system("rm sx9.RData")
## ff <- "sx9.RData"
## unix.time(.saveRDS(zz, ff, compress = FALSE)) # 1, 1, 1
## unix.time(zzz <- .readRDS(ff)) # 1, 1, 1
## rm(ff)
## rm(fn)
## system("rm sx9.RData")
## ff <- "sx9.RData"
## system.time(.saveRDS(zz, ff)) ## 8, 8, 8
## rm(zzz)
## rm(ff)
## rm(fn)
## system("rm sx9.RData")
## ff <- "sx9.RData"
## fn <- file(ff, "wb")
## system.time(serialize(zz, fn)) ##33, 33, 33
## close(fn)
## fn <- file(ff, "rb")
## system.time(zzz <- unserialize(fn))
## close(fn)
## rm(ff)
## rm(fn)
## system("rm sx9.RData")
## ff <- "sx9.RData"
## fn <- file(ff, "w")
## system.time(serialize(zz, fn)) ##33, 33, 33
## close(fn)
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