#' @title Plot a pathway network
#' @description This function plots a pathway network.
#' This function needs an interactive environment with browser view support to work.
#' @param PAResults A named list of data frame of Pathway analysis results.
#' The columns of each data frame should be at least ID, name, p.value and pFDR.
#' An optional column "color" can be used to specify the color of the nodes.
#' If the column "color" is not specified, the color of the nodes will be determined by the mode and the statistic.
#' @param genesets A genesets object that is obtained from getGeneSets function.
#' @param statistic A character value of the statistic to use for the network.
#' The statistic should be one of the columns of the data frame in the results.
#' @param selectedPathways A vector of pathway IDs to be included in the plot.
#' If it is NULL, all pathways from genesets will be included.
#' @param mode A character value of the mode to use to color the nodes.
#' The mode should be one of "discrete", "continuous".
#' If the mode is "discrete", the color of the nodes are determined by whether the p-value is significant or not.
#' If the mode is "continuous", the color of the nodes are proportional to the statistic.
#' @param pThreshold A numeric value of p-value threshold.
#' @param useFDR A logical value indicating whether to use FDR or not.
#' This parameter is independent of the pThreshold.
#' @param edgeThreshold A numeric from 0 to 1 indicating the threshold to draw edges.
#' edgeThreshold of 0.1 means that edges are drawn if the number of genes in common is greater than 1\% of the smaller gene set.
#' @param statLimit A numeric value of the maximum absolute value of the statistic.
#' If statistic is p.value or pFDR, this parameter is the limit of -log10(p-value).
#' @param discreteColors A character vector of colors to use for the discrete mode.
#' The length of the vector must be the same as the number of results.
#' @param continuousScaleFunc A function that takes a numeric value from -1 to 1 and returns a color.
#' @param NAColor A character value of the color to use for NA values.
#' @param borderColor A character value of the color to use for the border of the nodes.
#' @param nodeSizeFnc A function that takes a character value of the ID of the node and returns a numeric value of the size of the node.
#' @param borderWidthFnc A function that takes a character value of the ID of the node and returns a numeric value of the width of the border of the node.
#' @param edgeWidthFnc A function that takes a character value of the ID of the from node and a character value of the ID of the to node and returns a numeric value of the width of the edge.
#' @param styleFile A character value of the path to the style file.
#' If NULL, the default style file will be used, which is located at system.file(package="RCPA", "extdata", "pieStyle.js")
#' @param file A character value of the path to the html file to be created.
#' @return A character value of the html content of the plot.
#' @details
#' The function will plot a pathway network using the results of pathway analysis.
#' The nodes of the network are the pathways and the edges are the pathways that have at least a certain number of genes in common defined by the edgeThreshold.
#' The size of the nodes are proportional to the number of genes in the pathway.
#' The color of the nodes are proportional to the statistic used if the mode is "continuous".
#' If the mode is "discrete", the color of the nodes are determined by whether the p-value is significant or not.
#' The width of the edges are proportional to the number of genes in common.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(RCPA)
#' affyFgseaResult <- loadData("affyFgseaResult")
#' agilFgseaResult <- loadData("agilFgseaResult")
#' RNASeqFgseaResult <- loadData("RNASeqFgseaResult")
#' metaPAResult <- loadData("metaPAResult")
#' genesets <- loadData("genesets")
#' PAResults <- list(
#' "Affymetrix - GSE5281" = affyFgseaResult,
#' "Agilent - GSE61196" = agilFgseaResult,
#' "RNASeq - GSE153873" = RNASeqFgseaResult,
#' "Meta-analysis" = metaPAResult
#' )
#' genesetsToPlot <- metaPAResult$ID[order(metaPAResult$pFDR)][1:30]
#' pltHtml <- RCPA::plotPathwayNetwork(
#' PAResults,
#' genesets = genesets,
#' selectedPathways = genesetsToPlot,
#' edgeThreshold = 0.75,
#' mode = "continuous",
#' statistic = "normalizedScore"
#' )
#' }
#' @importFrom graph graphNEL addEdge `nodeDataDefaults<-` `nodeData<-`
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom utils browseURL
plotPathwayNetwork <- function(PAResults, genesets, selectedPathways = NULL,
statistic = "pFDR",
mode = c("continuous", "discrete"),
# labels = NULL,
pThreshold = 0.05,
useFDR = TRUE,
edgeThreshold = 0.5,
statLimit = 4,
discreteColors = NULL,
continuousScaleFunc = NULL,
# NAColor = "#dddddd",
NAColor = "#ffffff",
borderColor = "#333333",
nodeSizeFnc = function(id) length(genesets[[id]])^.75,
borderWidthFnc = function(id) 1,
edgeWidthFnc = function(from, to) 1,
styleFile = system.file(package = "RCPA", "extdata", "pieStyle.js"),
file = tempfile(fileext = ".html")
) {
genesetLabels <- genesets[["names"]]
allGeneSets <- genesets[["genesets"]]
if (!is.null(selectedPathways)) {
genesets <- allGeneSets[selectedPathways]
labels <- genesetLabels[selectedPathways]
} else {
genesets <- allGeneSets
labels <- NULL
mode <- match.arg(mode)
cyjsQueryFnc <- function(queryString)
ampersand.loc <- as.integer(regexpr("&", queryString, fixed = TRUE))
if (ampersand.loc > 0) {
queryString <- substring(queryString, 1, ampersand.loc - 1);
questionMark.loc <- as.integer(regexpr("?", queryString, fixed = TRUE));
if (questionMark.loc == 1)
queryString <- substring(queryString, 2, nchar(queryString))
filename <- queryString
if (!file.exists(filename)) {
return(list(contentType = "text/plain", body = sprintf("file not found: %s", filename)))
text <- paste(scan(filename, what = character(0), sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE), collapse = "\n")
return(list(contentType = "text/plain", body = text));
if (is.null(styleFile)) {
styleFile <- system.file(package = "RCPA", "extdata", "pieStyle.js")
for (res in PAResults) {
if (!all(c("ID", "name", "p.value", "pFDR") %in% colnames(res))) {
stop("The columns of the data frame in the results should be at least ID, name, p.value, and pFDR")
if (!statistic %in% colnames(res)) {
stop("The statistic should be one of the columns of the data frame in the results.")
if (is.null(discreteColors)) {
discretePieColors <- c(
} else if (mode == "discrete") {
if (length(discreteColors) != length(PAResults)) {
stop("The length of the discreteColors should be the same as the number of results.")
if (is.null(continuousScaleFunc)) {
continuousScaleFunc <- function(x) {
x <- ifelse(x >= 1, 0.999999, x)
x <- ifelse(x <= -1, -0.999999, x)
colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(1000)[ceiling((x + 1) / 2 * 1000)]
pathwayInfo <- data.frame(
ID = names(genesets),
label = if (!is.null(labels)) labels else names(genesets),
size = sapply(names(genesets), nodeSizeFnc),
borderWidth = sapply(names(genesets), borderWidthFnc),
borderColor = borderColor,
nResult = length(PAResults),
legendTitle = (
if (statistic == "p.value") "-log10 p-value"
else if (statistic == "pFDR") "-log10 FDR"
else statistic
statLimitUpper = statLimit,
statLimitLower = (
if (statistic == "p.value") 0
else if (statistic == "pFDR") 0
else -statLimit
mode = mode
for (i in seq_along(PAResults)) {
pathwayInfo[[paste0("stat", i)]] <- NA
pathwayInfo[[paste0("isSig", i)]] <- FALSE
# pathwayInfo[[paste0("nDE", i)]] <- NA
statValues <- PAResults[[i]][[statistic]]
if (statistic == "p.value" || statistic == "pFDR") {
statValues <- -log10(statValues)
statValues[statValues > statLimit] <- statLimit
statValues <- statValues / statLimit
} else {
statValues[statValues > statLimit] <- statLimit
statValues[statValues < -statLimit] <- -statLimit
statValues <- statValues / statLimit
idx <- match(pathwayInfo$ID, PAResults[[i]]$ID)
pathwayInfo[[paste0("stat", i)]] <- statValues[idx]
# pathwayInfo[[paste0("nDE", i)]] <- results[[i]]$nDE[idx]
if (useFDR) {
pathwayInfo[[paste0("isSig", i)]] <- PAResults[[i]]$pFDR[idx] < pThreshold
} else {
pathwayInfo[[paste0("isSig", i)]] <- PAResults[[i]]$p.value[idx] < pThreshold
if (mode == "discrete") {
pathwayInfo[[paste0("color", i)]] <- ifelse(pathwayInfo[[paste0("isSig", i)]], discretePieColors[i], NAColor)
} else {
pathwayInfo[[paste0("color", i)]] <- continuousScaleFunc(pathwayInfo[[paste0("stat", i)]])
pathwayInfo[[paste0("color", i)]][[[paste0("stat", i)]])] <- NAColor
gsIDs <- pathwayInfo$ID
graphEdges <- lapply(1:(length(gsIDs) - 1), function(i) {
lapply((i + 1):length(gsIDs), function(j) {
from = gsIDs[i],
to = gsIDs[j],
from.size = length(genesets[[i]]),
to.size = length(genesets[[j]]),
common = length(intersect(genesets[[i]], genesets[[j]])),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
}) %>% = rbind)
}) %>% = rbind) %>%
filter(.$common / min(.$from.size, .$to.size) > edgeThreshold)
graphEdges$weight <- apply(graphEdges[, c("from", "to")], 1, function(x) {
edgeWidthFnc(x[1], x[2])
graphObj <- graphNEL(pathwayInfo$ID, edgemode = "undirected")
graphObj <- graph::addEdge(graphEdges$from, graphEdges$to, graphObj, graphEdges$weight)
if (is.null(names(PAResults))) {
names(PAResults) <- paste0("Result ", seq_along(PAResults))
for (i in seq_along(PAResults)) {
pathwayInfo[[paste0("resultName", i)]] <- names(PAResults)[i]
for (attr in colnames(pathwayInfo)) {
nodeDataDefaults(graphObj, attr = attr) <- NA
nodeData(graphObj, pathwayInfo$ID, attr) <- pathwayInfo[[attr]]
templateFile <- system.file(package = "RCPA", "extdata", "cytoscape_template.html")
graphJSON <- graphNELtoJSON.string(graphObj)
styleJS <- paste0(readLines(styleFile), collapse = "\n")
htmlTemplate <- paste0(readLines(templateFile), collapse = "\n")
htmlTemplate <- gsub("___GRAPH___", graphJSON, htmlTemplate)
htmlTemplate <- gsub("___STYLE___", styleJS, htmlTemplate)
htmlFile <- file
writeLines(htmlTemplate, htmlFile)
if (Sys.getenv("JPY_PARENT_PID") != "") { # check if is using jupyter notebook
if (requireNamespace("IRdisplay", quietly = TRUE)){
} else {
if (!is.character(getOption("browser")) || getOption("browser") != "") {
} else {
message("Please open the file ", htmlFile, " in a browser.")
message("The plot is saved to ", htmlFile)
#' @importFrom graph nodes edges edgeNames nodeData edgeData nodeDataDefaults edgeNames
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
graphNELtoJSON.string <- function(g)
if (length(nodes(g)) == 0)
# allocate more character vectors that we could ever need; unused are deleted at conclusion
vector.count <- 10 * (length(edgeNames(g)) + length(nodes(g)))
vec <- vector(mode = "character", length = vector.count)
i <- 1;
vec[i] <- '{"elements": {"nodes": ['; i <- i + 1;
nodes <- nodes(g)
edgeNames <- edgeNames(g)
edges <- strsplit(edgeNames, "~") # a list of pairs
edgeNames <- sub("~", "->", edgeNames)
names(edges) <- edgeNames
nodeCount <- length(nodes)
edgeCount <- length(edgeNames)
for (n in 1:nodeCount) {
node <- nodes[n]
vec[i] <- '{"data": '; i <- i + 1
nodeList <- list(id = node) <- graph::nodeData(g, node)[[1]]
if (length( > 0)
nodeList <- c(nodeList,
nodeList.json <- toJSON(nodeList, auto_unbox = TRUE)
vec[i] <- nodeList.json; i <- i + 1
# pre-calculated node positions have historically been conveyed in
# node attributes titles "xPos" and "yPos".
# we now (6 jan 2020) add support for simpler noa names: "x", "y"
if (all(c("xPos", "yPos") %in% names(graph::nodeDataDefaults(g)))) {
position.markup <- sprintf(', "position": {"x": %f, "y": %f}',
graph::nodeData(g, node, "xPos")[[1]],
graph::nodeData(g, node, "yPos")[[1]])
vec[i] <- position.markup
i <- i + 1
if (all(c("x", "y") %in% names(graph::nodeDataDefaults(g)))) {
position.markup <- sprintf(', "position": {"x": %f, "y": %f}',
graph::nodeData(g, node, "x")[[1]],
graph::nodeData(g, node, "y")[[1]])
vec[i] <- position.markup
i <- i + 1
if (n != nodeCount) {
vec[i] <- "},"; i <- i + 1 # sprintf("%s},", x) # another node coming, add a comma
} # for n
vec[i] <- "}]"; i <- i + 1 # close off the last node, the node array ], the nodes element }
if (edgeCount > 0) {
vec[i] <- ', "edges": ['; i <- i + 1
for (e in seq_len(edgeCount)) {
vec[i] <- '{"data": '; i <- i + 1
edgeName <- edgeNames[e]
edge <- edges[[e]]
sourceNode <- edge[[1]]
targetNode <- edge[[2]]
edgeList <- list(id = edgeName, source = sourceNode, target = targetNode) <- graph::edgeData(g, sourceNode, targetNode)[[1]]
if (length( > 0)
edgeList <- c(edgeList,
edgeList.json <- toJSON(edgeList, auto_unbox = TRUE)
vec[i] <- edgeList.json; i <- i + 1
if (e != edgeCount) { # add a comma, ready for the next edge element
vec[i] <- '},'; i <- i + 1
} # for e
vec[i] <- "}]"; i <- i + 1
} # if edgeCount > 0
vec[i] <- "}" # close the edges object
i <- i + 1;
vec[i] <- "}" # close the elements object
vec.trimmed <- vec[which(vec != "")]
paste0(vec.trimmed, collapse = " ")
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