#' A Function to Apply the Peeling Algorithm in a Two Copy Number Matrices
#' This function applies a modified version of the peeling algorithm originally described in Walter et al.,
#' (PMID 21183584) to remove a peak from the copy number differences and define a genomic interval of interest
#' around the peak.
#' @param X A matrix of normalized gene-level copy number data (rows = genes, columns = subjects).
#' @param Y A matrix of normalized gene-level copy number data (rows = genes, columns = subjects).
#' @param posDT A data frame containing genomic position information for the genes in X.
#' @param k The location (row of X and Y) containing the peak that will be peeled.
#' @param threshold A tuning parameter that controls the size of the peeled region. Rows in which
#' rowMeans(X) - rowMeans(Y) are less than threshold will not be peeled.
#' @return A list containing three elements: X, Y, and interval. X and Y are updated versions of the
#' input copy number matrices X and Y in which the peak at k has been removed, and interval is genomic region
#' containing k. By construction, interval cannot extend beyond the chromosome arm containing k.
#' @details When tumor genomes from two cohorts are compared, there may be multiple regions that harbor
#' copy number differences. For example, gains or losses may be present in only one of the two cohorts,
#' and this could give rise to copy number differences. Alternatively, the same region of the genome
#' may exhibit gain or loss in both cohorts. If the magnitudes of the common gain or loss are distinct,
#' then this also gives rise to copy number differences. The locus that harbors the most extreme difference,
#' k, provides a point estimate for the underlying driver gene that gives rise to the difference. Loci
#' near k may also be affected by the underlying difference in copy number. The peeling procedure for
#' two cohorts is applied to "nullify" entries of both X and Y that contribute to the alteration at k,
#' thus making it possible to identify other regions of the genome that harbor copy number differences.
#' This function is called by \code{\link{peelingTwoIterate}}.
#' @examples luad=pD[["X"]]
#' lusc=pD[["Y"]]
#' posDT=pD[["posDT"]]
#' kDiff=which.max(rowMeans(luad)-rowMeans(lusc))
#' peeledDiff=peelingTwo(X=luad,Y=lusc,posDT=posDT,k=kDiff,threshold=NULL)
#' @export
peelingTwo = function(X, Y, posDT, k, threshold = NULL)
X = t(X)
Y = t(Y)
nX = dim(X)[1]
m = dim(X)[2] # x: nx by mx (nx = number of cases in X, m = number of markers)
nY = dim(Y)[1]
mY = dim(Y)[2] # y: ny by my
if (!m==mY)
stop("The number of markers in X and Y should be the same")
rowMeansX = rowMeans(X, na.rm=T)
rowMeansY = rowMeans(Y, na.rm=T)
grandMeanX = mean(rowMeansX)
grandMeanY = mean(rowMeansY)
#This section of code creates exceed, a binary n x chr.m matrix, where chr.m is the number of markers
#in the chromosome containing k, the marker where the peeling procedure begins. An entry of exceed is 1
#if the corresponding entry of x belongs to the peak interval
chr = posDT[k, 1]
chrStart = min(which(posDT[,1] == chr))
chrEnd = max(which(posDT[,1] == chr))
chrM = chrEnd - chrStart + 1
chrK = k - chrStart + 1
chrDataX = X[,chrStart:chrEnd]
chrDataY = Y[,chrStart:chrEnd]
colMeansX = colMeans(chrDataX)
colMeansY = colMeans(chrDataY)
if (is.null(threshold))
colIndicator = as.numeric((colMeansX - colMeansY) > (grandMeanX - grandMeanY))
} else colIndicator = as.numeric((colMeansX - colMeansY) > (grandMeanX - grandMeanY)) *
as.numeric((colMeansX - colMeansY) > threshold)
colIndicator = dinamic::recodeBinary(binary.vec = colIndicator, k = chrK)
whichBand = substring(posDT$cytoband[k], 1, 1)
bandVec = substring(posDT$cytoband[chrStart:chrEnd], 1, 1)
bandIndVec = as.numeric(bandVec == whichBand)
exceedX = rep(1, nX) %o% colIndicator
bandMatrixX = rep(1, nX) %o% bandIndVec
exceedX = exceedX * bandMatrixX
exceedY = rep(1, nY) %o% colIndicator
bandMatrixY = rep(1, nY) %o% bandIndVec
exceedY = exceedY * bandMatrixY
#This section of code find the markers that make up the peak interval
peakInterval = as.numeric(colSums(exceedX) > 0)
chrLeftSide = min(which(peakInterval == 1))
chrRightSide = max(which(peakInterval == 1))
leftSide = chrLeftSide + chrStart - 1
rightSide = chrRightSide + chrStart - 1
#These will be used below
columnMeanX = mean(chrDataX[,chrK])
columnMeanY = mean(chrDataY[,chrK])
#This section of code creates exceed.running, a binary n x chr.m matrix. An entry of exceed.running
#is 1 if the corresponding entry of x will be peeled, otherwise it is zero.
exceedRunningX = matrix(0, nX, chrM)
exceedRunningX[,chrK] = as.numeric(chrDataX[,chrK] > rowMeansX)
if (chrK > 1)
for (j in (chrK - 1):1)
exceedRunningX[,j] = exceedRunningX[,(j + 1)] * exceedX[,j] * as.numeric(chrDataX[,j] > rowMeansX)
if (chrK < chrM)
for (j in (chrK + 1):chrM)
exceedRunningX[,j] = exceedRunningX[,(j - 1)] * exceedX[,j] * as.numeric(chrDataX[,j] > rowMeansX)
exceedRunningY = matrix(0, nY, chrM)
exceedRunningY[,chrK] = as.numeric(chrDataY[,chrK] < rowMeansY)
if (chrK > 1)
for (j in (chrK - 1):1)
exceedRunningY[,j] = exceedRunningY[,(j + 1)] * exceedY[,j] * as.numeric(chrDataY[,j] < rowMeansY)
if (chrK < chrM)
for (j in (chrK + 1):chrM)
exceedRunningY[,j] = exceedRunningY[,(j - 1)] * exceedY[,j] * as.numeric(chrDataY[,j] < rowMeansY)
#This section of code implements a multiplicative-based shrinkage approach at column
ixSub = which(chrDataX[,chrK] > rowMeansX)
iySub = which(chrDataY[,chrK] < rowMeansY)
A = sum(chrDataX[ixSub,chrK] - rowMeansX[ixSub])/nX
B = sum(chrDataY[iySub,chrK] - rowMeansY[iySub])/nY
C = (sum(rowMeansX[ixSub]) + sum(chrDataX[(!1:nX %in% ixSub),chrK]))/nX
D = (sum(rowMeansY[iySub]) + sum(chrDataY[(!1:nY %in% iySub),chrK]))/nY
tau = (grandMeanX - grandMeanY - C + D)/(A - B)
finalMatrixX = (tau * (chrDataX - (rowMeansX %o% rep(1, ncol(chrDataX)))) + (rowMeansX %o% rep(1, ncol(chrDataX)))) * exceedRunningX +
chrDataX * (1 - exceedRunningX)
finalMatrixY = (tau * (chrDataY - (rowMeansY %o% rep(1, ncol(chrDataY)))) + (rowMeansY %o% rep(1, ncol(chrDataY)))) * exceedRunningY +
chrDataY * (1 - exceedRunningY)
#Create the output
X[,chrStart:chrEnd] = finalMatrixX
Y[,chrStart:chrEnd] = finalMatrixY
outputList = list(X = t(X), Y = t(Y), interval = c(posDT[leftSide, 2], posDT[rightSide, 3]))
#Return the output
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