`vbmp` <-
function(X, t.class, X.TEST, t.class.TEST, theta, control = list()) {
## X - Feature matrix for parameter 'estimation' - of dimension N x Kd
## t.class - The corresponing target values - class labels
## X.TEST - Feature matrix to compute out-of-sample (test) prediction errors and likelihoods
## t.TEST - Corresponding target values for test data
## theta - The covariance function parameters - e.g. scaling coefficients for each dimension
## bThetaEstimate = if covariance parameter estimation switched on - (FALSE if switched off)
## maxIts - the maximum number of variational EM steps to take
## sKernelType - Select from Gaussian, Polynomial or Linear Inner product
## Thresh - Convergence threshold on marginal likelihood lower-bound
## InfoLevel - 0 to suppress tracing ( > 0 to print different levels
## of monitoring information)
# ------------ check data dimension
if (is.null(dim(X))) X <- matrix(X,nrow=length(X),ncol=1);
if (is.null(dim(X.TEST))){
X.TEST <- matrix(X.TEST, ncol=ncol(X));
} else if (ncol(X.TEST) != ncol(X)) stop("Number of cols differ between X and X.TEST");
# ------------ check parameters
con <- list(InfoLevel=0, sFILE.TRACE=NULL, bThetaEstimate=FALSE,
sKernelType="gauss", maxIts=50, Thresh=1e-4, tmpSave=NULL, nNodesQuad=49,
nSampsTG=1000, nSampsIS=1000, nSmallNo=1e-10, parGammaSigma=1e-6,
parGammaTau=1e-6, bMonitor=FALSE, bPlotFitting=FALSE, method="quadrature");
con[names(control)] <- control;
if (con$bPlotFitting) con$bMonitor <- TRUE;
if (is.factor(t.class) || is.character(t.class)){
temp <- as.numeric(factor(c(as.character(t.class), as.character(t.class.TEST))));
t.class <- temp[1:length(t.class)];
t.class.TEST <- temp[(length(t.class)+1):length(temp)];
if (any(theta<=0)) stop("theta params (scale) must be > 0");
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
G.LOWER.BOUND.DEFAULT <- -1e-3; ## default lower bound value
G.DIFF.DEFAULT <- 1e100; ## Monitor difference in marginal likelihood
printTrace(paste("Starting at: ", date(), "...... \n"),
con$sFILE.TRACE, con$InfoLevel, bAppend=FALSE);
if (nrow(X) == nrow(X.TEST)) {
b.traintest <- all(X == X.TEST) && all(t.class == t.class.TEST);
} else b.traintest <- FALSE;
Kc <- max(t.class); ## Identify the number of classes
N <- nrow(X); Kd <- ncol(X); ## Get number of samples and dimension of data
## randomly initializse M,Y matrix (see paper)
Y <- matrix(rnorm(N*Kc), nrow=N, ncol=Kc);
M <- matrix(runif(N*Kc), nrow=N, ncol=Kc);
## diagonal matrix of the covariance params for passing to kernel function
#Theta <- diag(theta);
## Set hyper-params for covariance params to one. In this application
## I have used a simple exponential distribution over the theta values so
## there is only a mean value required psi.
psi <- rep(1., length(theta));
In <- diag(1., N); ## N x N dimensional identity matrix
Ic <- diag(1., Kc); ## Kc x Kc dimensional identity matrix
## Create the covariance (kernel) matrix and add some small jitter on diagonal
PHI <- computeKernel(X, X, con$sKernelType, theta) + In * con$nSmallNo;
## precompute the inverse matrices required
invPHI <- chol2inv(chol(PHI + In));
Ki <- PHI %*% invPHI;
trace.Ki <- sum(diag(Ki));
logDetKi <- safeLogDet(Ki);
logDetPHI <- safeLogDet(PHI);
## Collect all the posterior mean values of the covariance params
THETA <- matrix(theta, nrow=1, ncol=length(theta))
## Collect all the values of the lower-bound
## Monitor difference in marginal likelihood
scan.diff <- G.DIFF.DEFAULT;
## Collect all values of the predictive likelihood
## Collect all values of the percentage predictions incorrect
testErr <- NULL;
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Main loop
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
its <- 0; ## Initiliase iteration number
bconverged <- FALSE;
tmean.scan <- NULL;
if (con$method == "quadrature") {
tmean <- tmean.quad;
Nsamps <- con$nNodesQuad;
genCPP <- genCPP.quad;
} else {
tmean <- tmean.classic;
Nsamps <- con$nSampsTG;
genCPP <- genCPP.classic;
while ((its < con$maxIts) && (! bconverged)) {
its <- its + 1;
printTrace(paste(its, "> update the columns of the M-matrix ",
"- equation (8) of the paper"), con$sFILE.TRACE, con$InfoLevel - 1);
## - formula (4.6)
for (k in 1:Kc) M[, k] <- Ki %*% Y[, k];
printTrace(paste(its, "> update the rows of the Y-matrix",
"- equation (5) & (6) of the paper "), con$sFILE.TRACE, con$InfoLevel - 1);
scan.lower.bound <- 0.; <- NULL;
for (n in 1:N) { <- tmean.quad(M[n,], t.class[n], Nsamps);
if (! is.null( {
Y[n,] <-$tm;
scan.lower.bound <- scan.lower.bound + safeLog($z);
rm(; <- NULL;
} else stop("tmean error.....");
if (con$bThetaEstimate) {
printTrace(paste(its, "> update the posterior mean estimates of the",
"covariance function parameters and hyper-params"),
con$sFILE.TRACE, con$InfoLevel - 1);
## - formula (4.7) pag 1796
theta <- varphiUpdate(X, M, psi, con$nSampsIS, con$sKernelType);
#Theta <- diag(theta);
## - formula (4.8) pag 1797
psi <- (con$parGammaSigma + 1)/(con$parGammaTau + theta);
if (con$bMonitor) THETA <- rbind(THETA, theta);
if (con$bPlotFitting) {
if (its == 1) par(mfrow=c(2, 2));
scov <- matrix(as.numeric(safeLog(THETA)), ncol=ncol(THETA),
plot(NULL, type="n", xlim=c(1,nrow(scov)), xlab="Iteration",
main="Covariance Params Posterior Mean Values",
ylim=c(min(scov)-1e-6, max(scov)+1e-6), ylab="log(theta)");
for (kkk in 1:ncol(scov)) {
lines(scov[, kkk], lty="dotdash", col=kkk);
PHI <- computeKernel(X, X, con$sKernelType, theta);
invPHI <- chol2inv(chol(PHI + In));
Ki <- PHI %*% invPHI;
trace.Ki <- sum(diag(Ki));
logDetKi <- safeLogDet(Ki);
logDetPHI <- safeLogDet(PHI);
printTrace(paste(its, "> compute the lower-bound"), con$sFILE.TRACE,
con$InfoLevel - 1);
scan.lower.bound <- scan.lower.bound +
- 0.5 * Kc * trace.Ki +
- 0.5 * sum(diag(crossprod(M, invPHI) %*% M)) +
- 0.5 * Kc * sum(diag(invPHI)) +
- 0.5 * Kc * logDetPHI +
+ 0.5 * Kc * logDetKi +
- 0.5 * Kc * N * safeLog(2*pi) + 0.5*N*Kc + 0.5*N*safeLog(2*pi);
## update the development of the bound at every iteration
lowerBound <- c(lowerBound, scan.lower.bound);
if (its == 2) lowerBound[1] <- lowerBound[2];
if (con$bPlotFitting) {
if (its == 1 && (!con$bThetaEstimate)) par(mfrow=c(1,3));
plot(lowerBound, type="l", main="Lower Bound",
lty="dotdash", xlab="Iteration", ylab="Lower bound");
## Monitoring convergence
scan.diff <- abs(100*(scan.lower.bound - lowerBound[its])/lowerBound[its]);
bconverged <- (scan.diff < con$Thresh);
if (con$bMonitor || bconverged || its == con$maxIts || con$bPlotFitting) {
## --------------------------------------------------------------
printTrace(paste(its, "> Compute the predictive posteriors on the test set"),
con$sFILE.TRACE, con$InfoLevel - 1);
## Compute the predictive posteriors on the test set and
## the associated likelihood and test errors
Ntest <- nrow(X.TEST); ## Number of test points
## Create test covariance matrices required to obtain predictive
## mean and variance values
if (!b.traintest) {
PHItest <- computeKernel(X, X.TEST, con$sKernelType, theta);
PHItestSelf <- computeKernel(X.TEST, X.TEST, con$sKernelType, theta);
} else PHItest <- PHItestSelf <- PHI;
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## Computes the predictive posteriors as defined in Section 4.5 of the paper.
## first two equations at page 1798
Res <- t(crossprod(Y, invPHI)%*%PHItest);
S <- (diag(PHItestSelf) - diag(crossprod(PHItest, invPHI)%*%PHItest));
predictive.likelihood <- 0.;
if (Kc > 2) {
Ptest <- genCPP(Ntest, Kc, Nsamps, Res, S);
} else {
stop("Multinomial only code....")
## Computes the overall predictive likelihood
predictive.likelihood <- sum(safeLog( apply(cbind(Ptest,
t.class.TEST), 1, function(s){s[s[Kc+1]]} )));
if (is.null(PL)) PL <- predictive.likelihood/Ntest
else PL <- c(PL, predictive.likelihood/Ntest);
if (con$bPlotFitting) {
plot(PL, type="l", main="Predictive Likelihood",
lty="dotdash", xlab="Iteration");
## Compute the 0-1 error loss.
fvals <- as.numeric(apply(Ptest, 1, which.max));
scanTestErr <- 100*(sum(fvals != t.class.TEST))/Ntest;
if (is.null(testErr)) testErr <- scanTestErr
else testErr <- c(testErr, scanTestErr);
if (con$bPlotFitting) {
plot((100-testErr), type="l", lty="dotdash", xlab="Iteration",
main="Out-of-Sample Percent Prediction Correct");
printTrace(paste(its, "> Value of Lower-Bound =", scan.lower.bound,
",Prediction Error = ", scanTestErr,
", Predictive Likelihood = ", predictive.likelihood/Ntest),
con$sFILE.TRACE, con$InfoLevel);
#Acc <- 100 - testErr[its];
vbmultiprob.obj <- structure( list(
Ptest=Ptest, X=X, invPHI=invPHI, Y=Y, Kc=Kc, M=M,
sKernelType=con$sKernelType, THETA=THETA, con=con,
lowerBound=lowerBound,testErr=testErr, PL=PL), class="VBMP.obj");
if (! is.null(con$tmpSave)) save(vbmultiprob.obj, file=con$tmpSave);
vbmultiprob.obj ;
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