#' Plot motif logos.
#' Show sequence logo. If given a list of more than one motif, then the motifs
#' are aligned with the first in the list.
#' @param motifs See [convert_motifs()] for acceptable motif formats.
#' @param use.type `character(1)` One of `c('PCM', 'PPM', 'PWM', 'ICM')`.
#' @param return.raw `logical(1)` Instead of returning a plot, return the
#' aligned named matrices used to generate the plot. This can be useful
#' if you wish to use [view_motifs()] alignment capabilities for custom
#' plotting uses. Alignment is performed by adding empty columns to the
#' left or right of motifs to generate matrices of equal length.
#' @param dedup.names `logical(1)` Plotting motifs with duplicated names is
#' not allowed. Setting this to `TRUE` allows the names to be modified
#' for plotting.
#' @param ... Additional options for [ggseqlogo::geom_logo()].
#' @param show.positions `logical(1)` Show x-axis position tick labels.
#' @param show.positions.once `logical(1)` When plotting multiple motifs,
#' show x-axis position tick labels only once.
#' @param show.names `logical(1)` Add motif names when plotting multiple
#' motifs.
#' @return A ggplot object. If `return.raw = TRUE`, a list.
#' @details
#' Since the \pkg{ggseqlogo} package can only plot individual
#' characters and not strings, plotting the `multifreq` slot is not
#' supported. See the `examples` section for plotting the `multifreq`
#' slot using the \pkg{Logolas} package.
#' See [compare_motifs()] for more info on comparison parameters.
#' Note: `score.strat = "a.mean"` is NOT recommended, as [view_motifs()] will
#' not discriminate between two alignments with equal mean scores, even if one
#' alignment is longer than the other.
#' @examples
#' ## plotting multifreq motifs:
#' \dontrun{
#' motif <- create_motif()
#' motif <- add_multifreq(motif, sample_sites(motif))
#' Logolas::logomaker(motif["multifreq"][["2"]], type = "Logo",
#' color_type = "per_symbol")
#' }
#' @references
#' \insertRef{logolas}{universalmotif}
#' \insertRef{ggseqlogo}{universalmotif}
#' @seealso [compare_motifs()], [add_multifreq()]
#' @author Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, \email{}
#' @inheritParams compare_motifs
#' @export
view_motifs <- function(motifs, use.type = "ICM", method = "ALLR",
tryRC = TRUE, min.overlap = 6, min.mean.ic = 0.25,
relative_entropy = FALSE, normalise.scores = FALSE, min.position.ic = 0,
score.strat = "sum", return.raw = FALSE, dedup.names = FALSE,
show.positions = TRUE, show.positions.once = TRUE, show.names = TRUE, ...) {
# view_motifs(ArabidopsisMotif) +
# theme(axis.line.y = element_line(size = 0.25),
# axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = 0.25),
# axis.text.y = element_text(margin = margin(r = 1))) +
# scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0,1,2), limits = c(0, 2), expand = c(0, 0)) +
# scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.02, 0), breaks = 1:15)
# view_motifs(c(ArabidopsisMotif, create_motif())) +
# theme(axis.line.y = element_line(size = 0.25),
# axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = 0.25), strip.text = element_blank(),
# panel.spacing = unit(1, "lines"),
# axis.text.y = element_text(margin = margin(r = 1))) +
# scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0,1,2), limits = c(0, 2), expand = c(0, 0)) +
# scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.02, 0), breaks = 1:15) + # OR breaks = NULL
# facet_wrap(~seq_group, scales = "free_x", ncol = 1)
# - adding to motif_tree(): first find motif which is most similar to all input
# motifs, and make sure all the motifs are aligned to that motif!
# - ylim: round(c(0, log2(nrow(motif)) / 2, log2(nrow(motif))))
# param check --------------------------------------------
args <- as.list(environment())
all_checks <- character(0)
if (!method %in% COMPARE_METRICS) {
method_check <- " * Incorrect 'method'"
all_checks <- c(all_checks, method_check)
if (!use.type %in% c("PPM", "ICM", "PWM", "PCM")) {
use.type_check <- paste0(" * Incorrect 'use.type': expected `PPM`, `PCM`, ",
"`PWM` or `ICM`; got `",
use.type, "`")
use.type_check <- wmsg2(use.type_check, 4, 2)
all_checks <- c(all_checks, use.type_check)
char_check <- check_fun_params(list(use.type = args$use.type,
method = args$method,
score.strat = args$score.strat),
numeric(), logical(), TYPE_CHAR)
num_check <- check_fun_params(list(min.overlap = args$min.overlap,
min.mean.ic = args$min.mean.ic,
min.position.ic = args$min.position.ic),
numeric(), logical(), TYPE_NUM)
logi_check <- check_fun_params(list(tryRC = args$tryRC,
relative_entropy = args$relative_entropy,
normalise.scores = args$normalise.scores,
return.raw = args$return.raw,
dedup.names = args$dedup.names),
numeric(), logical(), TYPE_LOGI)
all_checks <- c(all_checks, char_check, num_check, logi_check)
if (length(all_checks) > 0) stop(all_checks_collapse(all_checks))
if (!score.strat %in% c("sum", "a.mean", "g.mean", "median", "wa.mean",
"wg.mean", "fzt"))
stop("'score.strat' must be one of 'sum', 'a.mean', 'g.mean', 'median', ",
"'wa.mean', 'wg.mean', 'fzt'")
if (score.strat %in% c("g.mean", "wg.mean") && method %in%
c("ALLR", "ALLR_LL", "PCC"))
stop(wmsg("'g.mean'/'wg.mean' is not allowed for methods which can generate negative values: ",
motifs <- convert_motifs(motifs)
motifs <- convert_type_internal(motifs, "PPM")
if (!is.list(motifs)) motifs <- list(motifs)
ylim2 <- NULL
breaks <- NULL
if (use.type == "ICM" && !relative_entropy) {
plot.method <- "bits"
yname <- "bits"
ylim2 <- log2(nrow(motifs[[1]]@motif))
breaks <- unique(round(c(0, ylim2 * 0.5, ylim2)))
} else {
"PPM" = {
plot.method <- "prob"
yname <- "probability"
breaks <- c(0, 0.5 ,1)
ylim2 <- 1
"ICM" = {
plot.method <- "custom"
yname <- "bits"
ylim2 <- log2(nrow(motifs[[1]]@motif))
breaks <- unique(round(c(0, ylim2 * 0.5, ylim2)))
"PWM" = {
plot.method <- "custom"
yname <- "logodds"
if (length(motifs) > 1 && method == "KL") {
stop("cannot use method 'KL' with 'PWM' matrices")
"PCM" = {
plot.method <- "custom"
yname <- "counts"
stop("'use.type' must be one of 'PCM', 'PPM', 'PWM', 'ICM'")
mot.names <- vapply(motifs, function(x) x@name, character(1))
if (length(mot.names) != length(unique(mot.names))) {
if (!dedup.names) stop(wmsg(
"All motifs must have unique names. Alternatively, set dedup.names=TRUE."
), call. = FALSE)
tofix <- duplicated(mot.names)
mot.names[tofix] <- paste0(
mot.names[tofix], " (duplicated #", seq_len(sum(tofix)), ")"
mot.mats <- lapply(motifs, function(x) x@motif)
mot.alph <- unique(vapply(motifs, function(x) x@alphabet, character(1)))
if (length(mot.alph) > 1) stop("can only have one alphabet")
use.custom <- FALSE
"DNA" = {
alph <- DNA_BASES
seq_type <- "dna"
"RNA" = {
alph <- RNA_BASES
seq_type <- "rna"
"AA" = {
alph <- AA_STANDARD2
seq_type <- "aa"
if (mot.alph != "custom") {
alph <- sort_unique_cpp(safeExplode(mot.alph))
use.custom <- TRUE
} else {
alph <- rownames(mot.mats[[1]])
use.custom <- TRUE
mot.bkgs <- get_bkgs(motifs)
mot.nsites <- lapply(motifs, function(x) x@nsites)
mot.pseudo <- lapply(motifs, function(x) x@pseudocount)
if (use.type == "ICM") {
for (i in seq_along(mot.mats)) {
if (all(mot.mats[[i]] == 0.25)) {
stop(wmsg("Zero IC motifs cannot be plotted with ggseqlogo if `use.type = \"ICM\"`"))
if (length(motifs) == 1) {
mot.mats[[1]] <- convert_mat_type_from_ppm(mot.mats[[1]], use.type, mot.nsites[[1]],
mot.bkgs[[1]], mot.pseudo[[1]],
if (return.raw) {
colnames(mot.mats[[1]]) <- NULL
names(mot.mats) <- mot.names
if (use.custom) {
p <- ggseqlogo(mot.mats[[1]], method = plot.method,
seq_type = seq_type, namespace = alph, ...) +
} else {
p <- ggseqlogo(mot.mats[[1]], method = plot.method,
seq_type = seq_type, ...) +
p <- suppressMessages(
p +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = if (!is.null(breaks)) breaks else waiver(),
limits = if (!is.null(ylim2)) c(0, ylim2) else waiver(),
expand = c(0, 0))
if (!show.positions) p <- p + xlab(element_blank())
p <- suppressMessages(
p +
theme(axis.line.y = element_line(size = 0.25),
axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = 0.25),
axis.text.y = element_text(margin = margin(r = 1))) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq_len(ncol(mot.mats[[1]])),
expand = c(0.02, 0))
res <- view_motifs_prep(mot.mats, method, tryRC, min.overlap, min.mean.ic,
min.position.ic, mot.bkgs, relative_entropy,
normalise.scores, alph, get_nsites(motifs),
which.rc <- res$motIsRC
mots <- res$motifs
mots <- check_mot_sizes(mots)
if (method %in% c("KL", "ALLR", "ALLR_LL")) {
for (i in seq_along(mots)) {
mots[[i]][mots[[i]] > 0] <- mots[[i]][mots[[i]] > 0] - 0.01
mots <- mapply(function(x1, x2, x3, x4)
convert_mat_type_from_ppm(x1, use.type, x2, x3, x4, relative_entropy),
mots, mot.nsites, mot.bkgs, mot.pseudo, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
for (i in seq_along(which.rc)) {
if (which.rc[i]) mot.names[i + 1] <- paste(mot.names[i + 1], "[RC]")
names(mots) <- mot.names
if (return.raw) return(mots)
if (use.custom) {
p <- ggplot() + geom_logo(mots, method = plot.method, seq_type = seq_type,
namespace = alph, ...) +
theme_logo() +
facet_wrap(~seq_group, ncol = 1,
scales = if (!show.positions.once) "free_x" else "fixed") +
} else {
p <- ggplot() + geom_logo(mots, method = plot.method, seq_type = seq_type, ...) +
theme_logo() +
facet_wrap(~seq_group, ncol = 1,
scales = if (!show.positions.once) "free_x" else "fixed") +
p <- suppressMessages(
p +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = if (!is.null(breaks)) breaks else waiver(),
limits = if (!is.null(ylim2)) c(0, ylim2) else waiver(),
expand = c(0, 0))
p <- suppressMessages(
p +
theme(axis.line.y = element_line(size = 0.25),
axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = 0.25),
panel.spacing = unit(1, "lines"),
axis.text.y = element_text(margin = margin(r = 1))) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.02, 0),
breaks = if (show.positions) seq_len(ncol(mots[[1]])) else waiver())
if (!show.names) p <- p + theme(strip.text = element_blank())
check_mot_sizes <- function(mots) {
sizes <- vapply(mots, ncol, integer(1))
msize <- max(sizes)
if (length(unique(sizes)) == 1) {
mots <- check_right_side(mots, msize)
for (i in seq_along(sizes)) {
if (sizes[i] < msize) {
mots[[i]] <- cbind(mots[[i]], matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mots[[i]]),
ncol = msize - sizes[i]))
check_right_side(mots, msize)
check_right_side <- function(mots, msize) {
ok <- FALSE
thiscol <- msize
while (!ok) {
for (i in seq_along(mots)) {
if (any(mots[[i]][, thiscol] > 0)) ok <- TRUE
if (!ok) {
for (i in seq_along(mots)) {
mots[[i]] <- mots[[i]][, -thiscol]
thiscol <- thiscol - 1
convert_mat_type_from_ppm <- function(mot.mat, type, nsites, bkg, pseudocount,
relative_entropy) { <- apply(mot.mat, 2, function(x) any(x != 0))
if (length(nsites) == 0 || nsites == 1) nsites <- 100
if (length(pseudocount) == 0) pseudocount <- 1
mot.mat2 <- mot.mat[,, drop = FALSE]
mot.mat2 <- switch(type,
"PCM" = apply(mot.mat2, 2,
ppm_to_pcmC, nsites = nsites),
"PWM" = apply(mot.mat2, 2,
ppm_to_pwmC, bkg = bkg,
pseudocount = pseudocount,
nsites = nsites),
"ICM" = apply(mot.mat2, 2,
ppm_to_icmC, bkg = bkg,
relative_entropy = relative_entropy),
mot.mat[,] <- mot.mat2
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