#' Convert \linkS4class{universalmotif} type.
#' Switch between position count matrix (PCM), position probability matrix
#' (PPM), position weight matrix (PWM), and information count matrix (ICM)
#' types. See the "Introduction to sequence motifs" vignette for details.
#' @param motifs See [convert_motifs()] for acceptable formats.
#' @param type `character(1)` One of `c('PCM', 'PPM', 'PWM', 'ICM')`.
#' @param pseudocount `numeric(1)` Correction to be applied to prevent `-Inf`
#' from appearing in PWM matrices. If missing, the pseudocount stored in the
#' \linkS4class{universalmotif} 'pseudocount' slot will be
#' used.
#' @param nsize_correction `logical(1)` If true, the ICM
#' at each position will be corrected to account
#' for small sample sizes. Only used if `relative_entropy = FALSE`.
#' @param relative_entropy `logical(1)` If true, the ICM will be
#' calculated as relative entropy. See details.
#' @return See [convert_motifs()] for possible output motif objects.
#' @details
#' Position count matrix (PCM), also known as position frequency matrix
#' (PFM). For n sequences from which the motif was built, each position is
#' represented by the numbers of each letter at that position. In theory
#' all positions should have sums equal to n, but not all databases are
#' this consistent. If converting from another type to PCM, column sums
#' will be equal to the 'nsites' slot. If empty, 100 is used.
#' Position probability matrix (PPM), also known as position frequency
#' matrix (PFM). At each position, the probability of individual letters
#' is calculated by dividing the count for that letter by the total sum of
#' counts at that position (`letter_count / position_total`).
#' As a result, each position will sum to 1. Letters with counts of 0 will
#' thus have a probability of 0, which can be undesirable when searching for
#' motifs in a set of sequences. To avoid this a pseudocount can be added
#' (`(letter_count + pseudocount) / (position_total + pseudocount)`).
#' Position weight matrix (PWM; \insertCite{pwm;textual}{universalmotif}),
#' also known as position-specific weight
#' matrix (PSWM), position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM), or
#' log-odds matrix. At each position, each letter is represented by it's
#' log-likelihood (`log2(letter_probability / background_probility)`),
#' which is normalized using the background letter frequencies. A PWM matrix
#' is constructed from a PPM. If any position has 0-probability letters to
#' which pseudocounts were not added, then the final log-likelihood of these
#' letters will be `-Inf`.
#' Information content matrix (ICM; \insertCite{icm;textual}{universalmotif}).
#' An ICM is a PPM where each letter probability is multiplied by the total
#' information content at that position. The information content of each
#' position is determined as: `totalIC - Hi`, where the total information
#' totalIC
#' `totalIC <- log2(alphabet_length)`, and the Shannon entropy
#' \insertCite{shannon}{universalmotif} for a specific
#' position (Hi)
#' `Hi <- -sum(sapply(alphabet_frequencies, function(x) x * log(2))`.
#' As a result, the total sum or height of each position is representative of
#' it's sequence conservation, measured in the unit 'bits', which is a unit
#' of energy (\insertCite{bits;textual}{universalmotif}; see
#' \url{}
#' for more information). However not all programs will calculate
#' information content the same. Some will 'correct' the total information
#' content at each position using a correction factor as described by
#' \insertCite{correction;textual}{universalmotif}. This correction can
#' applied by setting `nsize_correction = TRUE`, however it will only
#' be applied if the 'nsites' slot is not empty. This is done using
#' `TFBSTools:::schneider_correction`
#' \insertCite{tfbstools}{universalmotif}. As such, converting from an ICM to
#' which some form of correction has been applied will result in a
#' PCM/PPM/PWM with slight inaccuracies.
#' Another method of calculating information content is calculating the
#' relative entropy, also known as Kullback-Leibler divergence
#' \insertCite{kl}{universalmotif}. This accounts for background
#' frequencies, which
#' can be useful for genomes with a heavy imbalance in letter frequencies.
#' For each position, the individual letter frequencies are calculated as
#' `letter_freq * log2(letter_freq / bkg_freq)`. When calculating
#' information content using Shannon entropy, the maximum content for
#' each position will always be `log2(alphabet_length)`. This does
#' not hold for information content calculated as relative entropy.
#' Please note that conversion from ICM assumes the information content
#' was _not_ calculated as relative entropy.
#' @examples
#' jaspar.pcm <- read_jaspar(system.file("extdata", "jaspar.txt",
#' package = "universalmotif"))
#' ## The motifs pseudocounts are 1: these will be used in the PCM->PPM
#' ## calculation
#' jaspar.pwm <- convert_type(jaspar.pcm, type = "PPM")
#' ## Setting pseudocount to 0 will prevent any correction from being
#' ## applied to PPM/PWM matrices, overriding the motifs own pseudocounts
#' jaspar.pwm <- convert_type(jaspar.pcm, type = "PWM", pseudocount = 0)
#' @references
#' \insertRef{kl}{universalmotif}
#' \insertRef{pseudo}{universalmotif}
#' \insertRef{correction}{universalmotif}
#' \insertRef{icm}{universalmotif}
#' \insertRef{bits}{universalmotif}
#' \insertRef{shannon}{universalmotif}
#' \insertRef{pwm}{universalmotif}
#' \insertRef{tfbstools}{universalmotif}
#' @author Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, \email{}
#' @seealso [convert_motifs()]
#' @export
convert_type <- function(motifs, type, pseudocount, nsize_correction = FALSE,
relative_entropy = FALSE) {
# param check --------------------------------------------
args <- as.list(environment())
all_checks <- character(0)
if (missing(type) || !type %in% c("PCM", "PPM", "PWM", "ICM")) {
if (missing(type)) type <- ""
type_check <- paste0(" * Incorrect 'type': expected `PCM`, `PPM`, `PWM` ",
"or `ICM`; got `", type, "`")
all_checks <- c(all_checks, type_check)
char_check <- check_fun_params(list(type = args$type), 1, FALSE, TYPE_CHAR)
num_check <- check_fun_params(list(pseudocount = args$pseudocount),
logi_check <- check_fun_params(list(nsize_correction = args$nsize_correction,
relative_entropy = args$relative_entropy),
c(1, 1), c(FALSE, FALSE), TYPE_LOGI)
all_checks <- c(all_checks, char_check, num_check, logi_check)
if (length(all_checks) > 0) stop(all_checks_collapse(all_checks))
if (is.list(motifs)) was_list <- TRUE else was_list <- FALSE
if (is.list(motifs)) CLASS_IN <- vapply(motifs, .internal_convert, "character")
else CLASS_IN <- .internal_convert(motifs)
motifs <- convert_motifs(motifs)
if (!is.list(motifs)) motifs <- list(motifs)
if (missing(pseudocount)) pseudocount <- NULL
if (type == "PWM") {
nsiteLens <- vapply(lapply(motifs, function(x) x@nsites), length, integer(1))
for (i in which(nsiteLens == 0)) {
message(wmsg("Note: motif [", motifs[[i]]@name, "] has an empty ",
"nsites slot, using 100."))
motifs <- lapply(motifs, function(x) convert_type_single(x, type, pseudocount,
motifs <- .internal_convert(motifs, unique(CLASS_IN))
if (length(motifs) == 1 && !was_list) motifs <- motifs[[1]]
# Skips validObject_universalmotif() call from convert_motifs() for
# universalmotif objects. Not sure if it's a good idea to skip check
# on the way out.
convert_type_internal <- function(motifs, type, pseudocount,
nsize_correction = FALSE,
relative_entropy = FALSE) {
if (missing(pseudocount)) pseudocount <- NULL
was.list <- FALSE
if (!is.list(motifs)) motifs <- list(motifs)
else was.list <- TRUE
motifs <- lapply(motifs, function(x) convert_type_single(x, type, pseudocount,
if (length(motifs) == 1 && !was.list) motifs[[1]] else motifs
convert_type_single <- function(motif, type, pseudocount,
nsize_correction = FALSE,
relative_entropy = FALSE) {
if (length(motif@bkg) %% nrow(motif@motif) != 0)
stop(wmsg("length of bkg must be divisible by alphabet length"))
in_type <- motif@type
if (in_type == type) return(motif)
if (is.null(pseudocount)) pseudocount <- motif@pseudocount
bkg <- motif@bkg[rownames(motif@motif)]
if (anyNA(bkg)) bkg <- motif@bkg[seq_len(nrow(motif@motif))]
if (any(bkg == 0)) bkg <- pcm_to_ppmC(bkg * 1000, 1)
if (length(motif@nsites) == 0) {
nsites <- 100
} else {
nsites <- motif@nsites
motif <- switch(in_type,
"PCM" = convert_from_pcm(motif, type, pseudocount, bkg, nsites,
nsize_correction, relative_entropy),
"PPM" = convert_from_ppm(motif, type, pseudocount, bkg, nsites,
nsize_correction, relative_entropy),
"PWM" = convert_from_pwm(motif, type, pseudocount, bkg, nsites,
nsize_correction, relative_entropy),
"ICM" = convert_from_icm(motif, type, pseudocount, bkg, nsites))
# Not used within convert_type()
MATRIX_ppm_to_pwm <- function(mat, bkg, pseudocount = 1, nsites = 100) {
if (missing(bkg) || length(bkg) == 0 || anyNA(bkg) || length(bkg) != nrow(mat))
bkg <- rep(1 / nrow(mat), nrow(mat))
if (length(nsites) == 0 || nsites <= 1) nsites <- 100
if (any(bkg == 0)) bkg <- pcm_to_ppmC(bkg * 1000, 1)
if (pseudocount == 0) pseudocount <- 1
mat <- apply(mat, 2, ppm_to_pwmC, bkg = bkg, pseudocount = pseudocount,
nsites = nsites)
convert_from_pcm <- function(motif, type, pseudocount, bkg, nsites,
nsize_correction = FALSE, relative_entropy = FALSE) {
alph <- rownames(motif@motif)
"PPM" = {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, pcm_to_ppmC,
pseudocount = pseudocount)
motif@type <- "PPM"
"PWM" = {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, pcm_to_ppmC,
pseudocount = pseudocount)
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, ppm_to_pwmC,
bkg = bkg,
pseudocount = pseudocount,
nsites = nsites)
motif@type <- "PWM"
"ICM" = {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, pcm_to_ppmC,
pseudocount = pseudocount)
if (nsize_correction) {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, ppm_to_icm,
bkg = bkg,
nsites = nsites,
schneider_correction = nsize_correction,
relative_entropy = relative_entropy)
} else {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, ppm_to_icmC,
bkg = bkg,
relative_entropy = relative_entropy)
motif@type <- "ICM"
rownames(motif@motif) <- alph
motif@motif[] <- 0
convert_from_ppm <- function(motif, type, pseudocount, bkg, nsites,
nsize_correction = FALSE, relative_entropy = FALSE) {
alph <- rownames(motif@motif)
"PCM" = {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, ppm_to_pcmC,
nsites = nsites)
motif@type <- "PCM"
"PWM" = {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, ppm_to_pwmC,
bkg = bkg,
pseudocount = pseudocount,
nsites = nsites)
motif@type <- "PWM"
"ICM" = {
if (nsize_correction) {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, ppm_to_icm,
bkg = bkg,
nsites = nsites,
schneider_correction = nsize_correction,
relative_entropy = relative_entropy)
} else {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, ppm_to_icmC,
bkg = bkg,
relative_entropy = relative_entropy)
motif@type <- "ICM"
rownames(motif@motif) <- alph
motif@motif[] <- 0
convert_from_pwm <- function(motif, type, pseudocount, bkg, nsites,
nsize_correction = FALSE, relative_entropy = FALSE) {
alph <- rownames(motif@motif)
"PCM" = {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, pwm_to_ppmC,
bkg = bkg)
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, ppm_to_pcmC,
nsites = nsites)
motif@type <- "PCM"
"PPM" = {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, pwm_to_ppmC,
bkg = bkg)
motif@type <- "PPM"
"ICM" = {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, pwm_to_ppmC,
bkg = bkg)
if (nsize_correction) {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, ppm_to_icm,
bkg = bkg,
nsites = nsites,
schneider_correction = nsize_correction,
relative_entropy = relative_entropy)
} else {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, ppm_to_icmC,
bkg = bkg,
relative_entropy = relative_entropy)
motif@type <- "ICM"
rownames(motif@motif) <- alph
motif@motif[] <- 0
convert_from_icm <- function(motif, type, pseudocount, bkg, nsites) {
alph <- rownames(motif@motif)
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, icm_to_ppmC)
"PCM" = {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, ppm_to_pcmC,
nsites = nsites)
motif@type <- "PCM"
"PPM" = {
motif@type <- "PPM"
"PWM" = {
motif@motif <- apply(motif@motif, 2, ppm_to_pwmC,
bkg = bkg,
pseudocount = pseudocount,
nsites = nsites)
motif@type <- "PWM"
rownames(motif@motif) <- alph
motif@motif[] <- 0
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