## 3D triplex visualization
## Author: Kamil Rajdl
## Date: 2012/10/28
## Package: triplex
## This function draws a 3-D model of a triplex
## triplex TriplexViews object
## opt TRUE - structure of triplex will be optimalized
## FALSE - structure will be drawn without optimalization
## A.col color of Adine base
## T.col color of Thymine base
## G.col color of Guanine base
## C.col color of Cytosine base
## bgr.col color of background
## bbone.col color of backbone
## bbone.n number of sides of backbone bonds
triplex.3D <- function(
opt = TRUE,
A.col = "red",
T.col = "brown",
G.col = "green",
C.col = "blue",
bbone.col = "violet",
bgr.col = "white",
bbone.n = 20)
if ("rgl" %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])
stop("Please install rgl package from CRAN to use this function.")
# processing of inputs
results <- triplex.input(triplex);
triplex.type <- type(triplex);
DNAseq1 <- results[[1]];
DNAseq2 <- results[[2]];
WCbonds <- results[[3]];
Hbonds <- results[[4]];
bends <- results[[5]];
alignment <- results[[6]];
bend.start <- bends[1];
bend.end <- bends[2];
n.bonds <- dim(WCbonds)[2];
n.bend <- bend.end - bend.start - 1;
n.seq1 <- nchar(DNAseq1);
n.seq2 <- nchar(DNAseq2);
# initial parameters and variables
alpha.B <- 2.593247;
dist.B <- 7.053836;
twist.B <- 36*pi/180;
rise.B <- 3.4;
r2 <- 0.5; # radius of backbone
# triplex must have length at least 2
if (n.seq2 == 1) {
stop("Triplex is too short, at least two triplets are necessary.");
# division of Hoogsteen bonds into DNAseq1-DNAseq1 bonds and DNAseq1-DNAseq2 bonds
if (triplex.type %in% c("0","1","2","3")) {
Hbonds1 <- Hbonds;
Hbonds2 <- matrix(0,2,0);
if (triplex.type %in% c("4","5","6","7")) {
Hbonds1 <- matrix(0,2,0);
Hbonds2 <- Hbonds;
# processing of sequences into vector of characters
DNAseq1.vec <- substring(DNAseq1, 1:n.seq1, 1:n.seq1);
DNAseq2.vec <- substring(DNAseq2, 1:n.seq2, 1:n.seq2);
# coordinates of nucleotides
seq1.xcoords <- rep(NA, n.seq1);
seq1.ycoords <- rep(NA, n.seq1);
seq1.zcoords <- rep(NA, n.seq1);
seq2.xcoords <- rep(NA, n.seq2);
seq2.ycoords <- rep(NA, n.seq2);
seq2.zcoords <- rep(NA, n.seq2);
# indexes of paired nucleotides
ind1 <- rep(NA,n.seq2);
ind2 <- rep(NA,n.seq2);
ind3 <- rep(NA,n.seq2);
# names of paired nucleotides
nuc1 <- rep(NA,n.seq2);
nuc2 <- rep(NA,n.seq2);
nuc3 <- rep(NA,n.seq2);
# angles and radii in levels
angles1 <- rep(NA,n.seq2);
angles2 <- rep(NA,n.seq2);
angles3 <- rep(NA,n.seq2);
radii <- rep(NA,n.seq2);
i <- 1;
j <- n.seq1;
if (triplex.type %in% c("0","3","5","6")) {
n1 <- n.seq2;
n2 <- 1;
if (triplex.type %in% c("1","2","4","7")) {
n1 <- 1;
n2 <- n.seq2;
p <- 0;
for (k in n1:n2) {
while (!(i %in% WCbonds[1,]) && !(i %in% Hbonds1[1,]) && !(i %in% Hbonds2)) {
i <- i+1;
while (!(j %in% WCbonds[1,]) && !(j %in% Hbonds1[1,]) && !(j %in% Hbonds2)) {
j <- j-1;
ind1[p+1] <- i;
ind2[p+1] <- j;
ind3[p+1] <- k;
nuc1[p+1] <- DNAseq1.vec[i];
nuc2[p+1] <- DNAseq1.vec[j];
nuc3[p+1] <- DNAseq2.vec[k];
trpl <- toTriplet(DNAseq1.vec[i], DNAseq1.vec[j], DNAseq2.vec[k], triplex.type);
tr <- getTR(trpl, triplex.type);
t <- tr[1];
r <- tr[2];
alpha <- pi-t;
angles <- getAngles(alpha, triplex.type);
a1 <- angles[1];
a2 <- angles[2];
a3 <- angles[3];
angles1[p+1] <- (a1 + p*twist.B);
angles2[p+1] <- (a2 + p*twist.B);
angles3[p+1] <- (a3 + p*twist.B);
radii[p+1] <- r;
i <- i+1;
j <- j-1;
p <- p+1;
# optimalization
if ((opt) && (n.bonds>2)) {
ret <- nlm(f=toMin, p=rep(0,n.seq2-1), alpha.opt = alpha.B, dist.opt = dist.B,
s1a = angles1, s2a = angles2, s3a = angles3, r = radii, d = rise.B);
angles <- ret[[2]];
} else {
angles <- rep(0,n.seq2-1);
r <- radii[1];
seq1.xcoords[ind1[1]] <- r*cos(angles1[1]);
seq1.ycoords[ind1[1]] <- r*sin(angles1[1]);
seq1.zcoords[ind1[1]] <- 0;
seq1.xcoords[ind2[1]] <- r*cos(angles2[1]);
seq1.ycoords[ind2[1]] <- r*sin(angles2[1]);
seq1.zcoords[ind2[1]] <- 0;
seq2.xcoords[ind3[1]] <- r*cos(angles3[1]);
seq2.ycoords[ind3[1]] <- r*sin(angles3[1]);
seq2.zcoords[ind3[1]] <- 0;
if (n.seq2 > 1) {
for (p in 2:n.seq2) {
i <- ind1[p];
j <- ind2[p];
k <- ind3[p];
r <- radii[p];
seq1.xcoords[i] <- r*cos(angles1[p] + angles[p-1]);
seq1.ycoords[i] <- r*sin(angles1[p] + angles[p-1]);
seq1.zcoords[i] <- (p-1)*rise.B;
seq1.xcoords[j] <- r*cos(angles2[p] + angles[p-1]);
seq1.ycoords[j] <- r*sin(angles2[p] + angles[p-1]);
seq1.zcoords[j] <- (p-1)*rise.B;
seq2.xcoords[k] <- r*cos(angles3[p] + angles[p-1]);
seq2.ycoords[k] <- r*sin(angles3[p] + angles[p-1]);
seq2.zcoords[k] <- (p-1)*rise.B;
# coordinates of nucleotiodes in the bend
if ((bend.end-bend.start)>1) {
x1 <- c(seq1.xcoords[bend.start], seq1.ycoords[bend.start], seq1.zcoords[bend.start]);
j <- 1;
while ([bend.start-j])) {
j <- j+1;
x2 <- c(seq1.xcoords[bend.start-j], seq1.ycoords[bend.start-j], seq1.zcoords[bend.start-j]);
y1 <- c(seq1.xcoords[bend.end], seq1.ycoords[bend.end], seq1.zcoords[bend.end]);
j <- 1;
while ([bend.end+j])) {
j <- j+1;
y2 <- c(seq1.xcoords[bend.end+j], seq1.ycoords[bend.end+j], seq1.zcoords[bend.end+j]);
m <- bend.end-bend.start-1;
coords <- countBend(x1,x2,y1,y2,dist.B,m);
xcoords <- coords[[1]];
ycoords <- coords[[2]];
zcoords <- coords[[3]];
for (i in 1:m) {
seq1.xcoords[bend.start+i] <- xcoords[i];
seq1.ycoords[bend.start+i] <- ycoords[i];
seq1.zcoords[bend.start+i] <- zcoords[i];
# coordinates of nucleotides opposite the gaps
for (i in 1:n.seq1) {
if ([i])) {
while ([i+j])) {
x1 <- c(seq1.xcoords[i-1], seq1.ycoords[i-1], seq1.zcoords[i-1]);
y1 <- c(seq1.xcoords[i+j], seq1.ycoords[i+j], seq1.zcoords[i+j]);
x2 <- c(0,0,x1[3]);
y2 <- c(0,0,y1[3]);
coords <- countBend(x1,x2,y1,y2,dist.B,j);
xcoords <- coords[[1]];
ycoords <- coords[[2]];
zcoords <- coords[[3]];
for (k in 1:j) {
seq1.xcoords[i+k-1] <- xcoords[k];
seq1.ycoords[i+k-1] <- ycoords[k];
seq1.zcoords[i+k-1] <- zcoords[k];
# coordinates of Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen bonds
WCbonds1.xcoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
WCbonds1.ycoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
WCbonds1.zcoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
WCbonds2.xcoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
WCbonds2.ycoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
WCbonds2.zcoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
for (i in 1:n.bonds) {
WCbonds1.xcoords[i] <- seq1.xcoords[WCbonds[1,i]];
WCbonds1.ycoords[i] <- seq1.ycoords[WCbonds[1,i]];
WCbonds1.zcoords[i] <- seq1.zcoords[WCbonds[1,i]];
WCbonds2.xcoords[i] <- seq2.xcoords[WCbonds[2,i]];
WCbonds2.ycoords[i] <- seq2.ycoords[WCbonds[2,i]];
WCbonds2.zcoords[i] <- seq2.zcoords[WCbonds[2,i]];
Hbonds1.xcoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
Hbonds1.ycoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
Hbonds1.zcoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
Hbonds2.xcoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
Hbonds2.ycoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
Hbonds2.zcoords <- rep(NA, n.bonds);
if (dim(Hbonds1)[2] > 0) {
for (i in 1:dim(Hbonds1)[2]) {
Hbonds1.xcoords[i] <- seq1.xcoords[Hbonds[1,i]];
Hbonds1.ycoords[i] <- seq1.ycoords[Hbonds[1,i]];
Hbonds1.zcoords[i] <- seq1.zcoords[Hbonds[1,i]];
Hbonds2.xcoords[i] <- seq2.xcoords[Hbonds[2,i]];
Hbonds2.ycoords[i] <- seq2.ycoords[Hbonds[2,i]];
Hbonds2.zcoords[i] <- seq2.zcoords[Hbonds[2,i]];
if (dim(Hbonds2)[2] > 0) {
for (i in 1:dim(Hbonds2)[2]) {
Hbonds1.xcoords[i] <- seq1.xcoords[Hbonds[1,i]];
Hbonds1.ycoords[i] <- seq1.ycoords[Hbonds[1,i]];
Hbonds1.zcoords[i] <- seq1.zcoords[Hbonds[1,i]];
Hbonds2.xcoords[i] <- seq1.xcoords[Hbonds[2,i]];
Hbonds2.ycoords[i] <- seq1.ycoords[Hbonds[2,i]];
Hbonds2.zcoords[i] <- seq1.zcoords[Hbonds[2,i]];
# drawing = bgr.col);
rgl.spheres(seq1.xcoords, seq1.ycoords, seq1.zcoords, rep(r2, n.seq1), col = bbone.col);
rgl.spheres(seq2.xcoords, seq2.ycoords, seq2.zcoords, rep(r2, n.seq2), col = bbone.col);
for (i in 1:(n.seq1-1)) {
x <- c(seq1.xcoords[i], seq1.ycoords[i], seq1.zcoords[i]);
y <- c(seq1.xcoords[i+1], seq1.ycoords[i+1], seq1.zcoords[i+1]);
join(x,y,r2,bbone.col, bbone.n);
for (i in 1:(n.seq2-1)) {
x <- c(seq2.xcoords[i], seq2.ycoords[i], seq2.zcoords[i]);
y <- c(seq2.xcoords[i+1], seq2.ycoords[i+1], seq2.zcoords[i+1]);
join(x,y,r2,bbone.col, bbone.n);
for (i in 1:n.bonds) {
x1 <- c(WCbonds1.xcoords[i], WCbonds1.ycoords[i], WCbonds1.zcoords[i]);
x2 <- c(WCbonds2.xcoords[i], WCbonds2.ycoords[i], WCbonds2.zcoords[i]);
y1 <- c(Hbonds1.xcoords[i], Hbonds1.ycoords[i], Hbonds1.zcoords[i]);
y2 <- c(Hbonds2.xcoords[i], Hbonds2.ycoords[i], Hbonds2.zcoords[i]);
if (sum(abs(x1-y1)) < 10^(-3)) {
x <- x2;
y <- x1;
z <- y2;
if (sum(abs(x2-y1)) < 10^(-3)) {
x <- x1;
y <- x2;
z <- y2;
if (sum(abs(x1-y2)) < 10^(-3)) {
x <- x2;
y <- x1;
z <- y1;
if (sum(abs(x2-y2)) < 10^(-3)) {
x <- x1;
y <- x2;
z <- y1;
trpl <- toTriplet(nuc1[i], nuc2[i], nuc3[i], triplex.type);
trpl <- substring(trpl, 1:3, 1:3);
drawBonds(x, y, z, trpl[3], trpl[2], trpl[1], bbone.col, A.col, T.col, G.col, C.col);
## Auxialiary functions
getColor <- function(nucleotide, A.col, T.col, G.col, C.col)
color <- "black";
if (nucleotide == "A") {
color <- A.col;
if (nucleotide == "T") {
color <- T.col;
if (nucleotide == "G") {
color <- G.col;
if (nucleotide == "C") {
color <- C.col;
join <- function(x,y,r,color,bbone.n)
u <- x-y;
a <- u[1];
b <- u[2];
cc <- u[3];
if (abs(a) < 10^(-8)) {
if (abs(b) < 10^(-8)) {
v1 <- c(1,0,0);
v2 <- c(0,1,0);
} else {
v1 <- c(1,0,0);
v2 <- c(0,cc,-b);
} else {
v1 <- c(b,-a,0);
if ((abs(b) < 10^(-8)) || (abs(cc) < 10^(-8))) {
v2 <- c(cc, 0, -a);
} else {
v2 <- c(b-(b^2+a^2)/b, -a, a*(b^2+a^2)/(b*cc));
v1 <- v1*r/sqrt(sum(v1*v1));
v2 <- v2*r/sqrt(sum(v2*v2));
n <- bbone.n;
alpha <- 2*pi/n;
for (i in 1:n) {
p1 <- x + v1*cos((i-1)*alpha) + v2*sin((i-1)*alpha);
p2 <- x + v1*cos(i*alpha) + v2*sin(i*alpha);
p3 <- y + v1*cos((i-1)*alpha) + v2*sin((i-1)*alpha);
p4 <- y + v1*cos(i*alpha) + v2*sin(i*alpha);
rgl.quads(c(p1[1],p2[1],p4[1],p3[1]), c(p1[2],p2[2],p4[2],p3[2]), c(p1[3],p2[3],p4[3],p3[3]), col = color);
getTR <- function(S, triplex.type)
r = 10;
t = 80;
found = FALSE;
if (triplex.type %in% c("4","5","6","7")) {
if (S == "AAT") {
r = 7.409632;
t = 76.5364;
found = TRUE;
if (S == "AGC") {
r = 11.9128;
t = 125.6857;
found = TRUE;
if (S == "CAT") {
r = 5.563016;
t = 72.08654;
found = TRUE;
if (S == "GGC") {
r = 7.961633;
t = 94.1352;
found = TRUE;
if (S == "TAT") {
r = 6.379035;
t = 72.20278;
found = TRUE;
if (S == "TCG") {
r = 7.441224;
t = 93.85905;
found = TRUE;
if (triplex.type %in% c("0","1","2","3")) {
if (S == "CGC") {
r = 8.897408;
t = 108.8662;
found = TRUE;
if (S == "GGC") {
r = 7.161497;
t = 74.82808;
found = TRUE;
if (S == "GTA") {
r = 12.28118;
t = 125.5032;
found = TRUE;
if (S == "TAT") {
r = 7.896785;
t = 103.7168;
found = TRUE;
if (S == "TCG") {
r = 6.469698;
t = 70.47479;
found = TRUE;
if (S == "TGC") {
r = 6.630192;
t = 77.89392;
found = TRUE;
if (!found) {
warning("Triplex contains unknown triplet (its parameters were set to default).");
t = (t/180)*pi;
toTriplet <- function(nuc1, nuc2, nuc3, triplex.type)
triplet <- paste(nuc1,nuc2,nuc3,sep="");
if (triplex.type %in% c("0","3")) {
triplet <- paste(nuc2,nuc3,nuc1,sep="");
if (triplex.type %in% c("1","2")) {
triplet <- paste(nuc1,nuc3,nuc2,sep="");
if (triplex.type %in% c("4","7")) {
triplet <- paste(nuc1,nuc2,nuc3,sep="");
if (triplex.type %in% c("5","6")) {
triplet <- paste(nuc2,nuc1,nuc3,sep="");
getAngles <- function(alpha, triplex.type)
a1 <- 0;
a2 <- 2*alpha;
a3 <- alpha;
if (triplex.type %in% c("0","3")) {
a1 <- 0;
a2 <- 2*alpha;
a3 <- alpha;
if (triplex.type %in% c("1","2")) {
a1 <- 2*alpha;
a2 <- 0;
a3 <- alpha;
if (triplex.type %in% c("4","7")) {
a1 <- 2*alpha;
a2 <- alpha;
a3 <- 0;
if (triplex.type %in% c("5","6")) {
a1 <- alpha;
a2 <- 0;
a3 <- 2*alpha;
countBend <- function(x1,x2,y1,y2,bend.dist,m)
xcoords <- rep(NA,m);
ycoords <- rep(NA,m);
zcoords <- rep(NA,m);
d1 <- sqrt(sum((x1-y1)^2));
d2 <- bend.dist;
z1 <- (x1+y1)/2;
z2 <- (x2+y2)/2;
u <- y1-x1;
v <- z1-z2;
w <- c(u[2]*v[3]-u[3]*v[2],u[3]*v[1]-u[1]*v[3],u[1]*v[2]-u[2]*v[1]);
direc <- c(w[2]*u[3]-w[3]*u[2],w[3]*u[1]-w[1]*u[3],w[1]*u[2]-w[2]*u[1]);
if ((m+1)*d2 <= d1) { # just line
base1 <- u/(m+1);
for (i in 1:m) {
point <- x1 + base1*i;
xcoords[i] <- point[1];
ycoords[i] <- point[2];
zcoords[i] <- point[3];
} else { # circle
if (d2 < d1*sin(pi/(2*(m+1)))) { # smaller than half circle
r <- optimize(function(r) (2*r*sin((asin(d1/(2*r)))/(m+1))-d2)^2,
lower=d1/2, upper=(m+1)*d2)[[1]];
S <- z1 - (direc/sqrt(sum(direc^2)))*sqrt(r^2-(d1^2)/4);
base1 <- x1 - S;
vv <- y1 - S;
base2 <- base1 - (sum(base1*base1)/sum(base1*vv))*vv;
if (sum(base1*vv) > 0) {
base2 <- -base2*r/sqrt(sum(base2^2));
} else {
base2 <- base2*r/sqrt(sum(base2^2));
betta <- (2*asin(d1/(2*r)))/(m+1);
} else if (d2 > d1*sin(pi/(2*(m+1)))) { # bigger than half circle
r <- optimize(function(r) (2*r*sin((pi-asin(d1/(2*r)))/(m+1))-d2)^2,
lower=d1/2, upper=(m+1)*d2)[[1]];
S <- z1 + (direc/sqrt(sum(direc^2)))*sqrt(r^2-(d1^2)/4);
base1 <- x1 - S;
vv <- y1 - S;
base2 <- base1 - (sum(base1*base1)/sum(base1*vv))*vv;
if (sum(base1*vv) > 0) {
base2 <- base2*r/sqrt(sum(base2^2));
} else {
base2 <- -base2*r/sqrt(sum(base2^2));
betta <- (2*pi - 2*asin(d1/(2*r)))/(m+1);
} else { # half circle
r <- d1/2;
S <- z1;
base1 <- x1 - S;
base2 <- (direc/sqrt(sum(direc^2)))*d1/2;
betta <- pi/(m+1);
for (i in 1:m) {
point <- S + base1*cos(i*betta)+base2*sin(i*betta);
xcoords[i] <- point[1];
ycoords[i] <- point[2];
zcoords[i] <- point[3];
coords <- list(xcoords,ycoords,zcoords);
drawBonds <- function(x, y, z, nuc1, nuc2, nuc3, bbone.col, A.col, T.col, G.col, C.col)
S <- (x+y+z)/3;
u <- S-x;
v <- S-y;
w <- S-z;
u <- (u/sqrt(sum(u^2)))*2.5;
v <- (v/sqrt(sum(v^2)))*2.5;
w <- (w/sqrt(sum(w^2)))*2.5;
joinRect(x, x+u, 0.2, bbone.col);
joinRect(y, y+v, 0.2, bbone.col);
joinRect(z, z+w, 0.2, bbone.col);
drawBase(x, x+u, nuc1, A.col, T.col, G.col, C.col);
drawBase(y, y+v, nuc2, A.col, T.col, G.col, C.col);
drawBase(z, z+w, nuc3, A.col, T.col, G.col, C.col);
joinRect <- function(x,y,d,color)
u <- y-x;
v <- c(u[2],-u[1],0);
v <- (v/sqrt(sum(v^2)))*(d/2);
p1 <- x+v;
p2 <- x-v;
p3 <- y+v;
p4 <- y-v;
rgl.quads(c(p1[1],p2[1],p4[1],p3[1]), c(p1[2],p2[2],p4[2],p3[2]), c(p1[3],p2[3],p4[3],p3[3]), col = color);
drawBase <- function(x,y,nuc, A.col, T.col, G.col, C.col)
color = getColor(nuc, A.col, T.col, G.col, C.col);
if (nuc %in% c("C","T")) {
r <- 1.2;
u <- y-x;
S <- y + (u/sqrt(sum(u^2)))*r;
base1 <- y-S;
base2 <- c(base1[2],-base1[1],0);
xcoords <- c(NA,NA,S[1]);
ycoords <- c(NA,NA,S[2]);
zcoords <- c(NA,NA,S[3]);
for (i in 1:6) {
point1 <- S + base1*cos((i-1)*(pi/3))+base2*sin((i-1)*(pi/3));
xcoords[1] <- point1[1];
ycoords[1] <- point1[2];
zcoords[1] <- point1[3];
point2 <- S + base1*cos(i*(pi/3))+base2*sin(i*(pi/3));
xcoords[2] <- point2[1];
ycoords[2] <- point2[2];
zcoords[2] <- point2[3];
rgl.triangles(xcoords, ycoords, zcoords, col = color);
if (nuc %in% c("A","G")) {
r <- 0.85*1.2;
u <- y-x;
S <- y + (u/sqrt(sum(u^2)))*r;
base1 <- y-S;
base2 <- c(base1[2],-base1[1],0);
if ((base1[1]*base2[2]-base1[2]*base2[1])<0) {
base2 <- -base2;
xcoords <- c(NA,NA,S[1]);
ycoords <- c(NA,NA,S[2]);
zcoords <- c(NA,NA,S[3]);
for (i in 1:5) {
point1 <- S + base1*cos((i-1)*(2*pi/5)+4*pi/5)+base2*sin((i-1)*(2*pi/5)+4*pi/5);
xcoords[1] <- point1[1];
ycoords[1] <- point1[2];
zcoords[1] <- point1[3];
point2 <- S + base1*cos(i*(2*pi/5)+4*pi/5)+base2*sin(i*(2*pi/5)+4*pi/5);
xcoords[2] <- point2[1];
ycoords[2] <- point2[2];
zcoords[2] <- point2[3];
rgl.triangles(xcoords, ycoords, zcoords, col = color);
r <- sqrt(sum((point1-point2)^2));
z <- (point1+point2)/2;
v <- z-S;
v <- (v/sqrt(sum(v^2)))*(sqrt(3)*r/2);
S <- z+v;
base1 <- point1-S;
base2 <- c(base1[2],-base1[1],0);
for (i in 1:6) {
point1 <- S + base1*cos((i-1)*(pi/3))+base2*sin((i-1)*(pi/3));
xcoords[1] <- point1[1];
ycoords[1] <- point1[2];
zcoords[1] <- point1[3];
point2 <- S + base1*cos(i*(pi/3))+base2*sin(i*(pi/3));
xcoords[2] <- point2[1];
ycoords[2] <- point2[2];
zcoords[2] <- point2[3];
rgl.triangles(xcoords, ycoords, zcoords, col = color);
toMin <- function(alpha, alpha.opt, dist.opt, s1a, s2a, s3a, r, d)
n <- length(r);
S <- 0;
x1 <- c(r[1]*cos(s1a[1]), r[1]*sin(s1a[1]),-d);
x2 <- c(r[2]*cos(s1a[2]+alpha[1]), r[2]*sin(s1a[2]+alpha[1]),0);
x3 <- c(r[3]*cos(s1a[3]+alpha[2]), r[3]*sin(s1a[3]+alpha[2]),d);
u <- x1-x2;
v <- x3-x2;
alpha.old <- acos(sum(u*v)/(sqrt(sum(u^2))*sqrt(sum(v^2))));
S <- S+((alpha.old-alpha.opt)/(alpha.opt))^2 + ((sqrt(sum(u^2))-dist.opt)/(dist.opt))^2;
x1 <- c(r[1]*cos(s2a[1]), r[1]*sin(s2a[1]),-d);
x2 <- c(r[2]*cos(s2a[2]+alpha[1]), r[2]*sin(s2a[2]+alpha[1]),0);
x3 <- c(r[3]*cos(s2a[3]+alpha[2]), r[3]*sin(s2a[3]+alpha[2]),d);
u <- x1-x2;
v <- x3-x2;
alpha.old <- acos(sum(u*v)/(sqrt(sum(u^2))*sqrt(sum(v^2))));
S <- S+((alpha.old-alpha.opt)/(alpha.opt))^2 + ((sqrt(sum(u^2))-dist.opt)/(dist.opt))^2;
x1 <- c(r[1]*cos(s3a[1]), r[1]*sin(s3a[1]),-d);
x2 <- c(r[2]*cos(s3a[2]+alpha[1]), r[2]*sin(s3a[2]+alpha[1]),0);
x3 <- c(r[3]*cos(s3a[3]+alpha[2]), r[3]*sin(s3a[3]+alpha[2]),d);
u <- x1-x2;
v <- x3-x2;
alpha.old <- acos(sum(u*v)/(sqrt(sum(u^2))*sqrt(sum(v^2))));
S <- S+((alpha.old-alpha.opt)/(alpha.opt))^2 + ((sqrt(sum(u^2))-dist.opt)/(dist.opt))^2;
if (n>3) {
for (i in 3:(n-1)) {
x1 <- c(r[i-1]*cos(s1a[i-1]+alpha[i-2]), r[i-1]*sin(s1a[i-1]+alpha[i-2]),-d);
x2 <- c(r[i]*cos(s1a[i]+alpha[i-1]), r[i]*sin(s1a[i]+alpha[i-1]),0);
x3 <- c(r[i+1]*cos(s1a[i+1]+alpha[i]), r[i+1]*sin(s1a[i+1]+alpha[i]),d);
u <- x1-x2;
v <- x3-x2;
alpha.old <- acos(sum(u*v)/(sqrt(sum(u^2))*sqrt(sum(v^2))));
S <- S+((alpha.old-alpha.opt)/(alpha.opt))^2 + ((sqrt(sum(u^2))-dist.opt)/(dist.opt))^2;
x1 <- c(r[i-1]*cos(s2a[i-1]+alpha[i-2]), r[i-1]*sin(s2a[i-1]+alpha[i-2]),-d);
x2 <- c(r[i]*cos(s2a[i]+alpha[i-1]), r[i]*sin(s2a[i]+alpha[i-1]),0);
x3 <- c(r[i+1]*cos(s2a[i+1]+alpha[i]), r[i+1]*sin(s2a[i+1]+alpha[i]),d);
u <- x1-x2;
v <- x3-x2;
alpha.old <- acos(sum(u*v)/(sqrt(sum(u^2))*sqrt(sum(v^2))));
S <- S+((alpha.old-alpha.opt)/(alpha.opt))^2 + ((sqrt(sum(u^2))-dist.opt)/(dist.opt))^2;
x1 <- c(r[i-1]*cos(s3a[i-1]+alpha[i-2]), r[i-1]*sin(s3a[i-1]+alpha[i-2]),-d);
x2 <- c(r[i]*cos(s3a[i]+alpha[i-1]), r[i]*sin(s3a[i]+alpha[i-1]),0);
x3 <- c(r[i+1]*cos(s3a[i+1]+alpha[i]), r[i+1]*sin(s3a[i+1]+alpha[i]),d);
u <- x1-x2;
v <- x3-x2;
alpha.old <- acos(sum(u*v)/(sqrt(sum(u^2))*sqrt(sum(v^2))));
S <- S+((alpha.old-alpha.opt)/(alpha.opt))^2 + ((sqrt(sum(u^2))-dist.opt)/(dist.opt))^2;
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