####------------------- constructCDS -------------------####
.readPeaks <- function(chr, start, end, name, reduce = FALSE, gapwidth = 0){
# Function to convert peaks to GRanges
# Peaks located close to each other can be merged
# convert to GRanges
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = chr, ranges = IRanges(start = start, end = end))
# merge peaks
if (reduce){
gr <- reduce(gr, min.gapwidth = gapwidth, with.revmap = TRUE)
if (!missing(name)){
gr$merged.peaks <- as(lapply(gr$revmap, function(i) name[i]), "CharacterList")
} else {
gr$merged.peaks <- gr$revmap
gr$revmap <- NULL
evaluatePeaks <- function(peak, TxDb, tss.region = c(-1000, 1000)){
# function to evaluate peaks enrichment at the specific genomic features, e.g. exons, introns
# ideally peaks must be enriched at the gene TSS regions
if (is.numeric(tss.region)){
if (length(tss.region) > 2){
stop("[ERROR] 'tss.region' too many values provided.")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'tss.region' needs to be numeric vector.")
# Extract genomic regions from TxDb
message("[INFO] Preparing genomic annotations from TxDb...", appendLF = FALSE) <- sort.GenomicRanges(GenomicFeatures::transcripts(TxDb), ignore.strand = TRUE)
# promoter region <- GenomicFeatures::promoters(, upstream = abs(tss.region[1]), downstream = abs(tss.region[2])) <- reduce(, ignore.strand = TRUE)
# exons <- reduce(GenomicFeatures::exons(TxDb), ignore.strand = TRUE) <- setdiff(,, ignore.strand = TRUE)
# introns <- reduce(unlist(GenomicFeatures::intronsByTranscript(TxDb)), ignore.strand = TRUE) <- setdiff(,, ignore.strand = TRUE) <- setdiff(,, ignore.strand = TRUE)
# intergenic regions <- gaps(c(,, <-[strand( == "*"]
message("[INFO] Estimating distribution of the peaks...", appendLF = FALSE)
# Calculate observed peak's distribution
# Use peak center to search for overlap peaks and genomic features
centre <- start(peak) + (width(peak)/2)
peak.centre <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(peak), ranges = IRanges(start = centre, width = 1))
regions <- list(tss =, exons =, introns =, intergenic =
observed <- rep(NA, 4)
names(observed) <- names(regions)
for (i in seq_along(regions)) {
hits <- findOverlaps(peak.centre, reduce(regions[[i]], ignore.strand = TRUE), ignore.strand = TRUE)
observed[i] <- length(unique(queryHits(hits)))
# Calculate expected peak's distribution
tss.len <- as.numeric(sum(width(
exons.len <- as.numeric(sum(width(
introns.len <- as.numeric(sum(width(
intergen.len <- as.numeric(sum(width(
total.len <- as.numeric(sum(c(tss.len, exons.len, introns.len, intergen.len)))
tss.prop <- round(length(peak) * (tss.len/total.len), 0)
exons.prop <- round(length(peak) * (exons.len/total.len), 0)
introns.prop <- round(length(peak) * (introns.len/total.len), 0)
intergen.prop <- round(length(peak) * (intergen.len/total.len), 0)
expected <- c(tss.prop, exons.prop, introns.prop, intergen.prop)
# Prepare output
region <- c(paste0("TSS [", paste(tss.region, collapse = ":"), "]"), "Exons", "Introns", "Intergenic")
distrib <- data.frame(region = region,
observed = observed,
expected = expected,
ratio = observed/expected)
rownames(distrib) <- NULL
distrib$region <- factor(distrib$region, levels = distrib$region)
#' constructCDS
#' The function constructs an object of class \code{\link{ChipDataSet}}, which
#' is a container for holding processed sequencing data and the results of
#' all downstream analyses. All the slots of the created object are filled
#' during the workflow by applying specific functions to the object directly.
#' @name constructCDS
#' @param peaks A path to a file with peaks. The file needs to have at least 3
#' columns (tab-separated): chromosome, start (peak), end (peak). The 4th
#' column - name (peak id) is optional.
#' @param reads A path to a BAM file with sequencing reads.
#' @param region \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}}. Genomic region(s) to
#' extract reads from. If not supplied, all the reads from a BAM file are
#' extracted.
#' @param TxDb \code{\link[GenomicFeatures]{TxDb}} object.
#' @param tssOf \code{Character}. Extract Transcription Start Site (TSS)
#' regions from either "gene" or "transcript" annotations. Default: "gene".
#' @param tss.region A numeric vector of length two, which specifies the size of
#' TSS region. Default: -2kb to 2kb.
#' @param reduce.peaks \code{Logical}. Whether to merge neighboring peaks.
#' Default: FALSE.
#' @param gapwidth \code{Numeric}. A minimum distance (in bp) between peaks to
#' merge. Default: 1000.
#' @param fragment.size \code{Numeric}. Extend read length to the fragment size.
#' @param unique \code{Logical}. Whether to remove duplicated reads (based on
#' the genomic coordinates). Default: FALSE.
#' @param swap.strand \code{Logical}. Whether to reverse the strand of the read.
#' Default: FALSE.
#' @param param \code{\link[Rsamtools]{ScanBamParam}} object influencing what
#' fields and which records (reads) are imported from the Bam file.
#' Default: NULL.
#' @details
#' The function \code{constructCDS} initializes a
#' \code{\link{ChipDataSet}} object, by providing the paths to the input
#' files and information relevant to the ChIP-seq library preparation
#' procedure. During the object construction the following steps are
#' executed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item The peak information is converted into the object of
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} class.
#' \item The genomic distribution of the peaks is evaluated (exonic,
#' intronic, intergenic, TSSs).
#' \item Each peak in the data set is functionally characterized:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{length} - the length of a peak (in base pairs).
#' \item \code{fragments} - total number of fragments overlapping
#' a peak region.
#' \item \code{density} - number of fragments per base pair of
#' the peak length.
#' \item \code{pileup} - highest fragment pileup in each peak
#' region.
#' \item \code{tssOverlap} - overlap (binary, yes/no) of the
#' peak with the annotated TSS region.
#' }
#' The estimated features are used to predict which of the peaks are gene
#' associated in the analysis downstream.
#' }
#' As many peak-calling algorithms tend to divide broader peaks into the
#' several narrower closely spaced peaks, it is advised to merge these
#' end-to-end peaks to decrease the number of false positives and prevent
#' unnecessary truncation of transcripts in the downstream analysis.
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{ChipDataSet}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ChipDataSet}} \code{\link{predictTssOverlap}}
#' @examples
#' ### Load ChipDataSet object
#' data(cds)
#' ### View a short summary of the object
#' cds
#' @author Armen R. Karapetyan
#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom GenomicFeatures TxDb
constructCDS <- function(peaks, reads, region, TxDb,
tssOf = c("gene", "transcript"),
tss.region = c(-2000, 2000),
reduce.peaks = FALSE, gapwidth = 1000,
fragment.size, unique = TRUE,
swap.strand = FALSE, param = NULL){
# Tests
if (!file.exists(peaks)){
stop("[ERROR] 'peaks' file does not exists.")
if (!file.exists(reads)){
stop("[ERROR] 'reads' file does not exists.")
if (!missing(region)){
if (!is(region, "GRanges")){stop("[ERROR] 'region' needs to be of class GRanges.")}
if (!is(TxDb, "TxDb")){
stop("[ERROR] 'TxDb' needs to be of class 'TxDb'.")
if (is.numeric(tss.region)){
if (length(tss.region) > 2){
stop("[ERROR] 'tss.region' too many values provided.")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'tss.region' needs to be a numeric vector of length two.")
if (!is.logical(reduce.peaks)){
stop("[ERROR] 'reduce.peaks' needs to be a logical.")
if (!is.numeric(gapwidth)){
stop("[ERROR] 'gapwidth' needs to be a numeric.")
if (missing(tssOf)){
tssOf <- "gene"
} else {
tssOf <- match.arg(arg = tssOf, choices = c("gene", "transcript"))
message("[INFO] Extracting peaks information...", appendLF = FALSE)
msg <- FALSE
peaks.df <- utils::read.table(peaks, header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
if (base::ncol(peaks.df) < 3){
stop("[ERROR] 'peaks' file must contain at least three columns: chromosome, peak start, peak end.")
chr <- peaks.df[, 1]
start <- peaks.df[, 2]
end <- peaks.df[, 3]
if (base::ncol(peaks.df) > 3){
name <- peaks.df[, 4]
if (!any(duplicated(name))){ <- .readPeaks(chr = chr, start = start,
end = end, name = name,
reduce = reduce.peaks,
gapwidth = gapwidth)
} else {
msg <- TRUE <- .readPeaks(chr = chr, start = start,
end = end, reduce = reduce.peaks,
gapwidth = gapwidth)
} else { <- .readPeaks(chr = chr, start = start,
end = end, reduce = reduce.peaks,
gapwidth = gapwidth)
if (msg){message("[WARNING] Duplicated names are detected. Therefore, they will not be used.")}
if (!missing(region)){ <- subsetByOverlaps(, region) <- GenomeInfoDb::keepSeqlevels(x =, value = GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsInUse(
} else {
region <- GRanges()
}$id <- paste0("peak_", seq_along(
# Evaluate genomic distriution of the peaks
suppressWarnings(genomic.dist <- evaluatePeaks(, TxDb, tss.region))
message("[INFO] Extracting fragments...", appendLF = FALSE)
if (!missing(fragment.size)){
# extend peak region by the fragment size on each side
peak.region <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(,
ranges = IRanges(start( - fragment.size,
end = end( + fragment.size))
fragments <- .readBam(file = reads, region = peak.region,
fragment.size = fragment.size,
unique = unique, paired.end = FALSE,
swap.strand = swap.strand)
} else {
peak.region <-
fragments <- .readBam(file = reads, region = peak.region,
unique = unique, paired.end = FALSE,
swap.strand = swap.strand)
# Create coverage profile (non-strand specific)
message("[INFO] Creating coverage profile...", appendLF = FALSE)
cov <- coverage(fragments)
# Estimate features
message("[INFO] Estimating features: ")
message(" # peak length")
length <- width(
message(" # total number of fragments per peak")
fragments <- countOverlaps(, fragments)
message(" # density (fragments/bp)")
density <- round(fragments/length, 3)
message(" # pileup (peak height)")
# chrs <- names(cov)
# chrs <- chrs[chrs %in% levels(seqnames(]
chrs <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsInUse(
pileup <- lapply(chrs,
peak.sub <-[seqnames( == chr]
views <- Views(cov[[chr]],
start = start(peak.sub),
end = end(peak.sub))
pileup <- unlist(pileup)
# Combine into the data frame
df.features <- data.frame(length, fragments, density, pileup)
# Mark peaks overlaping with the tss regions
message(" # overlap with tss regions")
if (tssOf %in% "gene"){
annot <- GenomicFeatures::genes(TxDb)
} else if (tssOf %in% "transcript"){
annot <- GenomicFeatures::transcripts(TxDb)
} else {
stop("[ERROR] Wrong 'tssOf', needs to be either 'gene' or 'transcript'." )
suppressWarnings( <- GenomicFeatures::promoters(annot, upstream = abs(tss.region[1]), downstream = abs(tss.region[2]))) <- trim(
hits <- findOverlaps(reduce(, ignore.strand = FALSE),, ignore.strand = TRUE)
tssOverlap <- rep("no", length(
tssOverlap[unique(subjectHits(hits))] <- "yes"
tssOverlap <- factor(tssOverlap, levels = c("yes", "no"))
df.features <- cbind(tssOverlap, df.features)
peaks =,
region = region,
genomicAnnotation = genomic.dist,
features = df.features))
####------------------- predictTssOverlap -------------------####
#' @rdname predictTssOverlap-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(object, feature, p = 0.8){
objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
df <- object@features
if (!missing(feature)){
if (length(which(colnames(df) %in% feature)) == length(feature)){ <- which(colnames(df) %in% feature)
df <- df[, c(1,] # first column contain tssOverlap information
} else {
stop("[ERROR] Wrong 'feature'.")
# # All features used in modeling must be numeric
# if (!all(apply(df[, -ncol(df), drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 2, is.numeric))){
# stop("[ERROR] Not numeric features selected.")
# }
message("[INFO] Partitioning data...", appendLF = FALSE)
# Partition data into the training and test data sets
trainIndex <- caret::createDataPartition(y = df[, 1],
p = p,
list = FALSE)
# Create training and test data sets
training <- df[trainIndex, ]
testing <- df[-trainIndex, ]
# Train the model
message("[INFO] Training model: ")
# k-fold cross validation
cntr <- caret::trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
number = 10,
repeats = 5,
summaryFunction = caret::twoClassSummary,
classProbs = TRUE)
# Fit logistic regression to the trainind data set
suppressMessages(logFit <- caret::train(x = training[, -1, drop = FALSE],
y = training[, 1],
method = "glm",
metric = "ROC",
trControl = cntr))
# Evaluate model on the training data set
trainPred.probs <- stats::predict(logFit, training, type = "prob")
trainPred <- stats::predict(logFit, training)
trainConfMat <- caret::confusionMatrix(trainPred, training[, 1])
trainRocCurve <- pROC::roc(response = training[, 1],
predictor = trainPred.probs$yes,
levels = levels( training[, 1]))
message(" Accuracy - ", round(trainConfMat$overall[1], 4))
message(" Area under the curve (AUC) - ", round(trainRocCurve$auc, 4))
# Test model on the testing data set
message("[INFO] Testing model: ")
testPred.probs <- stats::predict(logFit, testing, type = "prob")
testPred <- stats::predict(logFit, testing)
testConfMat <- caret::confusionMatrix(testPred, testing[, 1])
testRocCurve <- pROC::roc(response = testing[, 1],
predictor = testPred.probs$yes,
levels = levels( testing[, 1]))
message(" Accuracy - ", round(testConfMat$overall[1], 4))
message(" Area under the curve (AUC) - ", round(testRocCurve$auc, 4))
# Apply model to the whole data set
# message("[INFO] Classifying peaks: ")
allPred.prob <- stats::predict(logFit, df, type = "prob")
allPred <- stats::predict(logFit, df)
allConfMat <- caret::confusionMatrix(allPred, df[, 1])
allRocCurve <- pROC::roc(response = df[, 1],
predictor = allPred.prob$yes,
levels = levels(df[, 1]))
# message(" Accuracy - ", round(allConfMat$overall[1], 4))
# message(" Area under the curve (AUC) - ", round(allRocCurve$auc, 4))
# Arrange output
pred <- data.frame(predicted.tssOverlap.prob = allPred.prob$yes, predicted.tssOverlap = allPred)
object@tssOverlapPrediction$predicted.tssOverlap <- pred
object@tssOverlapPrediction$confusionMatrix <- allConfMat
object@tssOverlapPrediction$logFitSummary <- stats::coef(summary(logFit))
object@tssOverlapPrediction$roc <- allRocCurve
assign(objName, object, envir = parent.frame())
####------------------- addFeature -------------------####
#' @rdname addFeature-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(object, feature){
if (length(object@features) != 0){
objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
object.features <- object@features
object.peaks <- object@peaks
if (!is.list(feature)){
stop("[ERROR] 'feature' needs to be a list.")
if (length(names(feature)) == 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'feature' needs to be a named list.")
if (length(names(feature)) != length(feature)){
stop("[ERROR] Not all the elemets of 'feature' list are named.")
if (!all(unlist(lapply(feature, function(x) length(x) == length(object.peaks) )))){
stop("[ERROR] Length of each element in the 'feature' list needs to be equal to the number of peaks stored in 'object'.")
if (any(duplicated(names(feature)))){
stop("[ERROR] Duplicated names in the supplied 'feature' list.")
if (any(names(feature) %in% names(object.features))){
stop("[ERROR] Repeated names detected.")
feature.df <-
object@features <- cbind(object.features, feature.df)
assign(objName, object, envir = parent.frame())
####------------------- predictStrand -------------------####
# Plot coverege and cummulative coverage
.plotPeakCoverage <- function(cdsObj, tdsObj, id, quant.cutoff = 0.1, strand){
peak <- cdsObj@peaks[id]
frags.per.peak <- subsetByOverlaps(tdsObj@fragments, peak)
starts.per.peak <- resize(frags.per.peak, width = 1, fix = "start")
if (strand %in% "+"){
if (length(frags.per.peak[strand(frags.per.peak) == strand]) > 0){
cov.frags <- tdsObj@coveragePlus[[as.character(peak@seqnames)]]
cov.starts <- coverage(starts.per.peak[strand(starts.per.peak) == "+"])[[as.character(peak@seqnames)]]
} else {
stop("[ERROR] No fragments available. Nothing to plot.")
} else if (strand %in% "-"){
if (length(frags.per.peak[strand(frags.per.peak) == strand]) > 0){
cov.frags <- tdsObj@coverageMinus[[as.character(peak@seqnames)]]
cov.starts <- coverage(starts.per.peak[strand(starts.per.peak) == "-"])[[as.character(peak@seqnames)]]
} else {
stop("[ERROR] No fragments available. Nothing to plot.")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] Wrong 'strand.'")
#fragments coverage
view.frags <- Views(subject = cov.frags, start = start(peak), end = end(peak))[[1]]
# starts coverage
view.starts <- Views(subject = cov.starts, start = start(peak), end = end(peak))[[1]]
graphics::par(las = 1, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1))
if (strand %in% "+"){
cumsum.starts <- cumsum(view.starts)
cum.starts <- cumsum.starts/max(cumsum.starts)
coord <- which(cum.starts >= quant.cutoff)[1]
if (length(S4Vectors::runValue(cum.starts)) == 1){
if ( ){
stop("[ERROR] No fragments starts in this regions.")
graphics::plot(view.frags, type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue", xlab = "Distance (bp)", ylab = "")
graphics::mtext("RNA-seq coverage", side = 2, line = 3, cex.lab = 1,las = 3, col = "blue")
graphics::par(new = TRUE)
yaxt = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "", col = "red",
type = "l", lty = "dashed", lwd = 2)
graphics::axis(side = 4, at = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1), labels = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
graphics::mtext("Cumulative coverage", side = 4, line = 3, cex.lab = 1,las = 3, col = "red")
graphics::abline(h = quant.cutoff, v = coord, lty = "dashed", lwd = 1.5)
} else if (strand %in% "-"){
cumsum.starts <- cumsum(rev(view.starts))
cum.starts <- rev(cumsum.starts/max(cumsum.starts))
coord <- which(cum.starts <= quant.cutoff)[1]
if (length(S4Vectors::runValue(cum.starts)) == 1){
if ( ){
stop("[ERROR] No fragments starts in this regions.")
graphics::par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1))
graphics::plot((-1)*view.frags, type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue", xlab = "Distance (bp)", ylab = "")
graphics::mtext("RNA-seq coverage", side = 2, line = 3, cex.lab = 1,las = 3, col = "blue")
graphics::par(new = TRUE)
yaxt = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "", col = "red",
type = "l", lty = "dashed", lwd = 2)
graphics::axis(side = 4, at = (-1)*seq(0, 1, by = 0.1), labels = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
graphics::mtext("Cumulative coverage", side = 4, line = 3, cex.lab = 1,las = 3, col = "red")
graphics::abline(h = (-1)*quant.cutoff, v = coord, lty = "dashed", lwd = 1.5)
# Estimate transcription start site inside the peak (based on RNA-seq cumulative coverage)
.q1q2SeparatingLine <- function(peaks, cov.frags, cov.starts, cov.cutoff, cum.cov.cutoff, strand){
chrs <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsInUse(peaks)
views.frags.rvl <- RleViewsList(lapply(names(cov.frags[chrs]),
Views(subject = cov.frags[[x]],
start = start(peaks[seqnames(peaks) == x]),
end = end(peaks[seqnames(peaks) == x]))
views.starts.rvl <- RleViewsList(lapply(names(cov.starts[chrs]),
Views(subject = cov.starts[[x]],
start = start(peaks[seqnames(peaks) == x]),
end = end(peaks[seqnames(peaks) == x]))
.q1q1Pos <- function(x, strand){
if (strand %in% "+"){cumsum.x <- cumsum(x)}
else if (strand %in% "-"){cumsum.x <- cumsum(rev(x))}
cumsum.x <- cumsum.x/max(cumsum.x)
which(cumsum.x > cum.cov.cutoff)[1]
q1q2.pos <- viewApply(views.starts.rvl, function(x) .q1q1Pos(x, strand))
# transcription start
if (strand %in% "+"){sepline.coord <- start(peaks) + unlist(q1q2.pos)}
else if (strand %in% "-"){sepline.coord <- end(peaks) - unlist(q1q2.pos)}
# maximal RNA coverage per peak
max.cov <- unlist(viewMaxs(views.frags.rvl))
# peak passing the coverage treshold
pass.cov.cutoff <- rep("no", length(peaks))
pass.cov.cutoff[which(max.cov > cov.cutoff)] <- "yes"
df <- data.frame(max.cov, pass.cov.treshold = pass.cov.cutoff, q1q2.sepline.coord = sepline.coord)
# Calculate probability of the read being sampled from q1 or q2
.calculateProbs <- function(peaks, frags, trans.start.pos, win.size, strand){
df <- data.frame(q1.coord = rep(NA, length(peaks)),
q2.coord = rep(NA, length(peaks)),
q1.count = rep(NA, length(peaks)),
q2.count = rep(NA, length(peaks)))
# Select peaks with transcription start infromation available
idx <- !
# Create quadrants (transcription start coordinate) +- win.size
if (strand %in% "+"){
q1 <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(peaks[idx]), strand = strand,
ranges = IRanges(start = trans.start.pos[idx] - win.size - 1,
end = trans.start.pos[idx] - 1))
q2 <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(peaks[idx]), strand = strand,
ranges = IRanges(start = trans.start.pos[idx],
end = trans.start.pos[idx] + win.size))
} else if (strand %in% "-"){
q1 <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(peaks[idx]), strand = strand,
ranges = IRanges(start = trans.start.pos[idx] - win.size,
end = trans.start.pos[idx]))
q2 <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(peaks[idx]), strand = strand,
ranges = IRanges(start = trans.start.pos[idx] + 1,
end = trans.start.pos[idx] + win.size + 1))
# q1 <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(peaks[idx]), strand = strand,
# ranges = IRanges(start = trans.start.pos[idx] - win.size - 1,
# end = trans.start.pos[idx]))
# q2 <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(peaks[idx]), strand = strand,
# ranges = IRanges(start = trans.start.pos[idx],
# end = trans.start.pos[idx] + win.size - 1))
# # Create quadrants (transcription start coordinate) +- win.size
# q1 <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(peaks[idx]), strand = strand,
# ranges = IRanges(start = trans.start.pos[idx] - win.size - 1,
# end = trans.start.pos[idx] - 1))
# q2 <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(peaks[idx]), strand = strand,
# ranges = IRanges(start = trans.start.pos[idx],
# end = trans.start.pos[idx] + win.size))
if (strand %in% "+"){
df$q1.coord[idx] <- paste0(as.character(seqnames(q1)), ":", start(q1), "-", end(q1))
df$q2.coord[idx] <- paste0(as.character(seqnames(q1)), ":", start(q2), "-", end(q2))
} else {
df$q1.coord[idx] <- paste0(as.character(seqnames(q1)), ":", start(q2), "-", end(q2))
df$q2.coord[idx] <- paste0(as.character(seqnames(q1)), ":", start(q1), "-", end(q1))
# Count reads in quadrants
q1.count <- countOverlaps(query = q1, subject = frags[strand(frags) == strand])
q2.count <- countOverlaps(query = q2, subject = frags[strand(frags) == strand])
# calculate probabilities
if (strand %in% "+"){
df$q1.count[idx] <- q1.count
df$q2.count[idx] <- q2.count
} else {
df$q1.count[idx] <- q2.count
df$q2.count[idx] <- q1.count
df$q1.prob <- df$q1.count/rowSums(df[, 3:4])
df$q2.prob <- 1 - df$q1.prob
# Estimate probability cutoff
.estimateProbCutoff <- function(df){
# df - data.frame, 2 columns: 1) values, 2) classes
bins <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.01)
fdr <- rep(NA, length(bins))
fnr <- rep(NA, length(bins))
for (i in seq_along(bins)){
a <- table(df[ df[, 1] >= bins[i], 2])
b <- table(df[, 2]) - a
confmat <- rbind(a, b)
tp <- confmat[1,1]
tn <- confmat[2,2]
fp <- confmat[1,2]
fn <- confmat[2,1]
fdr[i] <- fp / (tp + fp)
fnr[i] <- fn / (tp + fn)
prob.cutoff <- bins[which(fnr >= fdr)[1]]
out <- list(probability.cutoff = prob.cutoff, fdr = fdr, fnr = fnr)
#' @rdname predictStrand-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet", "TranscriptionDataSet"),
definition = function(cdsObj, tdsObj, coverage.cutoff, quant.cutoff = 0.1, win.size = 2500, prob.cutoff){
if (is.null(cdsObj@tssOverlapPrediction$predicted.tssOverlap)){
stop("[ERROR] 'tssOverlapPrediction' slot is empty.")
if (missing(coverage.cutoff)){
if (length(tdsObj@coverageCutoff) == 1){
coverage.cutoff <- tdsObj@coverageCutoff
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'coverageCutoff' slot is empty.
Please, specify 'coverage.cutoff' manually or call estimateBackground function on the object of class TranscriptionDataSet.")
} else {
if (is.numeric(coverage.cutoff)){
if (coverage.cutoff <= 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'coverage.cutoff' needs to be above 1.")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'coverage.cutoff' needs to be numeric.")
if (!missing(quant.cutoff)){
if (is.numeric(quant.cutoff)){
if (quant.cutoff <= 0 | quant.cutoff >= 1){
stop("[ERROR] 'quant.cutoff' needs to be in a range (0, 1).")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'quant.cutoff' needs to be numeric.")
if (!missing(prob.cutoff)){
if (is.numeric(prob.cutoff)){
if (prob.cutoff <= 0 | prob.cutoff >= 1){
stop("[ERROR] 'prob.cutoff' needs to be in a range (0, 1).")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'prob.cutoff' needs to be numeric.")
objName <- deparse(substitute(cdsObj))
peaks <- cdsObj@peaks
# Prepare coverage profiles for fragments starts
message("[INFO] Creating coverage profiles for the starts of the fragments...", appendLF = FALSE)
starts <- resize(tdsObj@fragments, width = 1, fix = "start")
cov.s.pls <- coverage(starts[strand(starts) == "+"])
cov.s.mns <- coverage(starts[strand(starts) == "-"])
# Estimate transcription start inside peaks (based on cummulative coverage profile)
message("[IFNO] Estimating transcription start position...", appendLF = FALSE) <- .q1q2SeparatingLine(peaks = peaks,
cov.frags = tdsObj@coveragePlus,
cov.starts = cov.s.pls,
cov.cutoff = coverage.cutoff,
cum.cov.cutoff = quant.cutoff,
strand = "+")
sepline.minus <- .q1q2SeparatingLine(peaks = peaks,
cov.frags = tdsObj@coverageMinus,
cov.starts = cov.s.mns,
cov.cutoff = coverage.cutoff,
cum.cov.cutoff = quant.cutoff,
strand = "-")
# check if there are peak which have enough fragments to pass the coverage treshold
# but there are no fragments starts within the peak region to estimate q1q2.sepline.coord <- which($pass.cov.treshold == "yes" &$q1q2.sepline.coord ))
peaks.nostarts.minus <- which(sepline.minus$pass.cov.treshold == "yes" &$q1q2.sepline.coord ))
if (length( > 0){[, "pass.cov.treshold"] <- "no"
if (length(peaks.nostarts.minus) > 0){
sepline.minus[peaks.nostarts.minus, "pass.cov.treshold"] <- "no"
# Calculate probabilities for reads being sampled from either q1 or q2 quadrants
# quadrand q1: transcription start coordinate - windows size
# quadrand q2: transcription start coordinate + windows size
message("[INFO] Calculating probabilities...", appendLF = FALSE) <- .calculateProbs(peaks = peaks,
frags = starts,
trans.start.pos =$q1q2.sepline.coord,
win.size = win.size, strand = "+")
probs.minus <- .calculateProbs(peaks = peaks,
frags = starts,
trans.start.pos = sepline.minus$q1q2.sepline.coord,
win.size = win.size, strand = "-")
message("Done!") <- which($pass.cov.treshold == "yes" & !$q1q2.sepline.coord))
idx.minus <- which(sepline.minus$pass.cov.treshold == "yes" & !$q1q2.sepline.coord))
pred.yes <- which(cdsObj@tssOverlapPrediction$predicted.tssOverlap$predicted.tssOverlap == "yes") <- which(cdsObj@tssOverlapPrediction$predicted.tssOverlap$predicted.tssOverlap == "no")
# Estimate P(q2) cutoff
message("[INFO] Estimating probability cutoff value...", appendLF = FALSE)
x <- c($q2.prob[ intersect(, pred.yes) ],
probs.minus$q2.prob[ intersect(idx.minus, pred.yes) ])
y <- c($q2.prob[ intersect(, ],
probs.minus$q2.prob[ intersect(idx.minus, ])
x <- data.frame(prob = x, class = "gene", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
y <- data.frame(prob = y, class = "background", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
df <- rbind(x, y)
df <- df[stats::complete.cases(df), ]
prob.cutoff.est <- .estimateProbCutoff(df)
prob.cutoff.q2 <- prob.cutoff.est$probability.cutoff
message("[INFO] Finalizing output...", appendLF = FALSE)
if (!missing(prob.cutoff)){
prob.cutoff.q2 <- prob.cutoff
} <- which($pass.cov.treshold == "yes" &$q2.prob > prob.cutoff.q2)
pred.minus <- which(sepline.minus$pass.cov.treshold == "yes" &
probs.minus$q2.prob > prob.cutoff.q2) <- intersect(, pred.minus) <- setdiff(,
pred.minus <- setdiff(pred.minus,
pred.strand <- rep(".", length(peaks))
pred.strand[] <- "+"
pred.strand[pred.minus] <- "-"
pred.strand[] <- "bi"
pred.strand <- factor(pred.strand, levels = c("+", "-", "bi", "."))
cdsObj@strandPrediction$predicted.strand <- pred.strand
cdsObj@strandPrediction$probability.cutoff <- prob.cutoff.est$probability.cutoff
cdsObj@strandPrediction$ <- cbind(,
cdsObj@strandPrediction$results.minus <- cbind(sepline.minus, probs.minus)
assign(objName, cdsObj, envir = parent.frame())
####------------------- getPeaks -------------------####
#' @rdname getPeaks-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(object){
if (length(object@peaks) != 0){
peaks <- object@peaks
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'peaks' slot is empty.")
if (length(object@features) != 0){
features <- object@features
values(peaks) <- cbind(values(peaks), S4Vectors::DataFrame(features))
if (!is.null(object@tssOverlapPrediction$predicted.tssOverlap)){
predicted.tssOverlap <- object@tssOverlapPrediction$predicted.tssOverlap
values(peaks) <- cbind(values(peaks), S4Vectors::DataFrame(predicted.tssOverlap))
if (!is.null(object@strandPrediction$predicted.strand)){
predicted.strand <- object@strandPrediction$predicted.strand
values(peaks) <- cbind(values(peaks), S4Vectors::DataFrame(predicted.strand))
####------------------- getGenomicAnnot -------------------####
#' @rdname getGenomicAnnot-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(object){
####------------------- getConfusionMatrix -------------------####
#' @rdname getConfusionMatrix-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(object){
####------------------- getPredictorSignificance -------------------####
#' @rdname getPredictorSignificance-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(object){
# -1 to remove intercept pvalue
return(object@tssOverlapPrediction$logFitSummary[-1, 4])
####------------------- getQuadProb -------------------####
#' @rdname getQuadProb-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(object, strand){
if (strand %in% "+"){
} else if (strand %in% "-"){
} else {
stop("[ERROR] Wrong strand. Either '+' or '-'.")
####------------------- getProbTreshold -------------------####
#' @rdname getProbTreshold-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(object){
####------------------- plotGenomicAnnot -------------------####
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("tssOverlap", "value", "variable", "region", "ratio"))
#'@rdname plotGenomicAnnot-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(object, plot.type = c("distrib", "enrich"), xlab, ylab, color){
if (length(object@genomicAnnotation) != 0){
df <- object@genomicAnnotation
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'genomicAnnotation' slot is empty.")
if (missing(plot.type)){
plot.type <- "enrich"
} else {
plot.type <- match.arg(plot.type, c("distrib", "enrich"))
if (missing(color)){
vals <- scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2")
} else {
if (length(color) < 4 | length(color) > 4){
stop("[ERROR] Please, specify 4 colors.")
} else {
vals <- scale_fill_manual(values = color)
if (plot.type %in% "enrich"){
if (missing(xlab)){xlab <- "Genomic regions"}
if (missing(ylab)){ylab <- "Enrichment (observed/expected)"}
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = region, y = ratio, fill = region)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
vals +
xlab(label = xlab) +
ylab(label = ylab) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "none",
text = element_text(size = 14),
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = 0),
axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1.5))
} else {
suppressMessages( <- reshape2::melt(df[, 1:3]))
if (missing(xlab)){xlab <- " "}
if (missing(ylab)){ylab <- "Number of peaks"}
ggplot(data =, aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = region)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
vals +
xlab(xlab) +
ylab(ylab) +
theme_bw() +
theme(text = element_text(size = 14),
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = 0),
axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1.5))
####------------------- plotFeatures -------------------####
#' @rdname plotFeatures-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(object,
plot.type = c("box", "density"),
color = c("#E41A1C","#377EB8"),
alpha = 1){
if (length(object@features) != 0){
df <- object@features
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'features' slot is empty.")
# Select features if specified
if (!missing(feature)){
feature <- sapply(feature, function(x) match.arg(x, colnames(df)[-1])) <- which(colnames(df) %in% feature) <- unique(c(1,
df <- df[,]
# Discart factor and character variables from the analysis
col.class <- unlist(lapply(df, class))
idx <- which(col.class %in% c("factor", "character"))[-1]
if (length(idx) > 0){
message("[INFO] ", colnames(df)[idx], " not numeric and will not be used for plotting.")
df <- df[, -idx]
if (base::ncol(df) == 0){
stop("[ERROR] No data to plot.")
# Melt data
suppressMessages( <- reshape2::melt(df, id.vars = colnames(df)[1]))
# Plot results
if (missing(plot.type)){
plot.type <- "box"
} else {
plot.type <- match.arg(plot.type, c("box", "density"))
if (missing(xlab)){
if (plot.type %in% "box") {
xlab <- "Peak overlap with the TSS region\n (based on reference annotations)"
} else {
xlab <- "Value"
if (missing(ylab)){
if (plot.type %in% "box") {
ylab <- "Value"
} else {
ylab <- "Density"
if (!missing(ncol)){
if (is.numeric(ncol)){
if(ncol < 1){
stop("[ERROR] Wrong number of columns.")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'ncol' needs to be numeric.")
} else {
ncol <- dim(df)[2] - 1
if (plot.type %in% "box"){
p <- ggplot(data =, aes(x = tssOverlap, y = value, fill = tssOverlap)) +
geom_boxplot(alpha = alpha) +
facet_wrap(~ variable, ncol = ncol, scales = "free") +
scale_fill_manual(values = color) +
xlab(label = xlab) +
ylab(label = ylab) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "none",
text = element_text(size = 14),
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -0.75),
panel.margin = unit(1, "lines"))
if (plot.type %in% "density"){
p <- ggplot(data =, aes(x = value, colour = tssOverlap)) +
geom_density(alpha = alpha, size = 1) +
facet_wrap(~ variable , ncol = ncol, scales = "free") +
scale_color_manual(values = color, name = "Peak overlap\nwith the TSS region") +
xlab(label = xlab) +
ylab(label = ylab) +
theme_bw() +
theme(text = element_text(size = 14),
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -0.75),
panel.margin = unit(1, "lines"))
####------------------- plotROC -------------------####
#' @rdname plotROC-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(object, ...){
if (!is.null(object@tssOverlapPrediction$roc)){
roc <- object@tssOverlapPrediction$roc
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'tssOverlapPrediction' slot is empty.")
pROC::plot.roc(roc, ...)
graphics::legend("bottomright", bty = "n",
legend = paste0("AUC: ", round(roc$auc, 4)),
text.col = "red4", cex = 1.2)
####------------------- peaksToBed -------------------####
#' @rdname peaksToBed-methods
signature = signature("ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(object, file,
strand.pred.color = c("blue", "red", "green4", "black"),
gene.associated.peaks = TRUE){
if (length(object@peaks) != 0){
peaks <- object@peaks
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'peaks' slot is empty.")
if (!is.null(object@strandPrediction$predicted.strand)){
peaks$predicted.strand <- object@strandPrediction$predicted.strand
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'strandPrediction' slot is empty.")
if (gene.associated.peaks){
if (!is.null(object@tssOverlapPrediction$predicted.tssOverlap)){
predicted.peaks <- object@tssOverlapPrediction$predicted.tssOverlap$predicted.tssOverlap
peaks <- peaks[ which(predicted.peaks == "yes") ]
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'tssOverlapPrediction' slot is empty.")
# Transform colors to rgb
strand.pred.color.rgb <- sapply(strand.pred.color, grDevices::col2rgb)
chrom <- seqnames(peaks)
chromStart <- start(peaks)
chromEnd <- end(peaks)
# id <- paste0("peak_", seq_along(peaks))
id <- peaks$id
score <- rep(0, length(peaks))
strand <- rep(".", length(peaks))
thichStart <- chromStart
thickEnd <- chromEnd
itemRgb <- ifelse(test = peaks$predicted.strand == "+",
paste(strand.pred.color.rgb[, 1], collapse = ","),
ifelse(test = peaks$predicted.strand == "-",
paste(strand.pred.color.rgb[, 2], collapse = ","),
ifelse(test = peaks$predicted.strand == "bi",
paste(strand.pred.color.rgb[, 3], collapse = ","),
paste(strand.pred.color.rgb[, 4], collapse = ","))
df <- data.frame(chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, id, score, strand, thichStart, thickEnd, itemRgb)
utils::write.table(x = df, file = file, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
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