#' Similar to Matrix::cbind but creates missing rows (based on rownames)
#' @param ... `Matrix` objects
#' @noRd
.cbind <- function(...) {
l <- list(...)
if (length(l) == 1L) {
l <- l[[1L]]
stopifnot(all(.vapply1l(l, function(ll)inherits(ll, "Matrix"))))
nms <- lapply(l, rownames)
allrn <- unique(unlist(nms))
for (i in seq(along=l)) {
diffrn <- setdiff(allrn, nms[[i]])
if (length(diffrn)) {
l[[i]] <- rbind(
i={}, j={},
dims=c(length(diffrn), ncol(l[[i]])),
dimnames=list(diffrn, colnames(l[[i]]))
l[[i]] <- l[[i]][allrn,]
}, l)
#' Column index
#' @param x `dgCMatrix`
#' @return `numeric`, column index
#' @noRd
.col <- function(x) {
stopifnot(is(x, "CsparseMatrix"))
dp <- diff(x@p)
rep(seq_along(dp), dp)
#' Count nonzero values in columns
#' @param x `dgCMatrix`
#' @return `numeric`
#' @noRd
.colCounts <- function(x) {
tabulate(.col(x), ncol(x))
#' colSums groupwise, similar to rowsum but for sparceMatrices
#' @param x `Matrix`
#' @param group `character`/`numeric`, group identifier
#' @return `sparseMatrix`
#' @noRd
.colSumsGroup <- function(x, group) {
stopifnot(is(x, "Matrix"))
stopifnot(nrow(x) == length(group))
crossprod(.createMaskMatrix(group), x)
#' Count NCB fragments
#' @param x `dgCMatrix`
#' @return `integer`, number of fragments per column
#' @noRd
.countFragments <- function(x) {
stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix"))
stopifnot(!any(x@x > 3L))
i <- x@x > 1L
x@x[i] <- x@x[i] - 1L
#' mask matrix for matrix multiplication in .rowMeansGroup
#' @param x `character`/`numeric`, group identifier
#' @return `sparseMatrix` with group masked
#' @noRd
.createMaskMatrix <- function(x) {
if (!is.numeric(x)) {
x <- match(x, unique(x))
sparseMatrix(i=seq_along(x), j=x, x=1L)
#' Cumulative combination of conditions
#' Used for visualization in the `fragmentationMap`
#' @param x `dgcMatrix`
#' @return `dgcMatrix`
#' @noRd
.cumComb <- function(x) {
stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix") || is.matrix(x))
m <- x
x1 <- x == 1L
x2 <- x == 2L
## use for loop instead of apply because the latter returns a vector instead
## of a matrix for a one-column input matrix (vs a matrix for a multi-column
## input, as.matrix/t just do different things for vectors/matrices).
for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
m[i, ] <- cummax(x1[i, ]) + cummax(x2[i, ]) * 2L
m[x == 3L] <- 3L
for (i in seq_len(nrow(m))) {
m[i, ] <- cummax(m[i, ])
#' convert sparseMatrix to data.frame (for ggplot2)
#' @param x `dgCMatrix`
#' @return `data.frame`
#' @noRd
.dgcMatrix2data.frame <- function(x) {
data.frame(row=.row(x), col=.col(x), x=x@x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' drop0 but row-wise with length(tol) == nrow(x)
#' @param x `dgCMatrix`
#' @param tol `sparseVector`/`double`, length==nrow(x), less than
#' @return `dgCMatrix`
#' @noRd
.drop0rowLe <- function(x, tol) {
stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix"))
stopifnot(length(tol) == nrow(x))
x@x[x@x <= as.vector(tol)[.row(x)]] <- 0L
drop0(x, tol=0L, is.Csparse=TRUE)
.drop0rowLt <- function(x, tol) {
stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix"))
stopifnot(length(tol) == nrow(x))
x@x[x@x < as.vector(tol)[.row(x)]] <- 0L
drop0(x, tol=0L, is.Csparse=TRUE)
#' drop0 but just row-wise groups with fewer than minN entries per group
#' @param x `dgCMatrix`
#' @param group `character`/`numeric`, group identifier
#' @param minN `integer`, minimal number of group members > 0
#' @return `dgCMatrix`
#' @noRd
.drop0rowReplicates <- function(x, group, minN) {
stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix"))
stopifnot(length(group) == ncol(x))
stopifnot(is.integer(minN) && length(minN) == 1L)
m <- .createMaskMatrix(group)
l <- x
l@x[] <- 1L
l <- tcrossprod(l %*% m, # identical to .rowSumsGroup
l@x[l@x < minN] <- 0L
l <- drop0(l, tol=0L, is.Csparse=TRUE)
l@x[] <- 1L
x * l
#' drop0 but for `NA`
#' @param x `dgCMatrix`
#' @return `dgCMatrix`
#' @noRd
.dropNA <- function(x) {
stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix"))
x@x[] <- 0L
drop0(x, tol=0L, is.Csparse=TRUE)
#' normalise (col-wise scale)
#' @param x `dgCMatrix`
#' @param scale `double`, scale variable
#' @return `dgCMatrix`
#' @noRd
.normaliseCols <- function(x, scale=.rowMax(t(x))) {
t(.normaliseRows(t(x), scale=scale))
#' normalise (row-wise scale)
#' @param x `dgCMatrix`
#' @param scale `double`, scale variable
#' @return `dgCMatrix`
#' @noRd
.normaliseRows <- function(x, scale=.rowMax(x)) {
stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix"))
(is.numeric(scale) || is(scale, "sparseVector")) &&
(length(scale) == 1L || length(scale) == nrow(x))
x@x <- x@x / scale[.row(x)]
#' Row index
#' @param x `dgCMatrix`
#' @return `numeric`, row index
#' @noRd
.row <- function(x) {
stopifnot(is(x, "CsparseMatrix"))
x@i + 1L
#' Count nonzero values in rows
#' @param x `dgCMatrix`
#' @return `numeric`
#' @noRd
.rowCounts <- function(x) {
tabulate(.row(x), nbins=nrow(x))
#' rowCvs groupwise, similar to rowsum but for sparceMatrices
#' @param x `Matrix`
#' @param group `integer`/`character` group identifier
#' @param na.rm `logical`, should `NA`s removed?
#' @return `sparseMatrix`
#' @noRd
.rowCvsGroup <- function(x, group, na.rm=TRUE) {
y <- .rowSdsGroup(x, group, na.rm)
i <- Matrix::which(y != 0L)
m <- .rowMeansGroup(x, group, na.rm)
y@x <- y@x / m[i]
#' rowMax row-wise maximum, similar to apply(x, 1, max) but faster on
#' sparseMatrix
#' @param x `dgCMatrix`
#' @param na.rm `logical`, should `NA`s removed?
#' @return `sparseVector`
#' @noRd
.rowMax <- function(x, na.rm=TRUE) {
stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix"))
.vapply1d(split(x@x, .row(x)), max, na.rm=na.rm),, length=nrow(x)
#' rowMeans groupwise, similar to rowsum but for sparceMatrices
#' @param x `Matrix`
#' @param group `integer`/`character` group identifier
#' @param na.rm `logical`, should `NA`s removed?
#' @return `sparseMatrix`
#' @noRd
.rowMeansGroup <- function(x, group, na.rm=TRUE) {
stopifnot(is(x, "Matrix"))
stopifnot(ncol(x) == length(group))
if (na.rm) {
x <- .dropNA(x)
mm <- .createMaskMatrix(group)
m <- x %*% mm
m@x <- m@x / ((x != 0L) %*% mm)@x
#' rowSds groupwise, similar to rowsum but for sparceMatrices
#' @param x `Matrix`
#' @param group `integer`/`character` group identifier
#' @param na.rm `logical`, should `NA`s removed?
#' @return `sparseMatrix`
#' @noRd
.rowSdsGroup <- function(x, group, na.rm=TRUE) {
stopifnot(is(x, "Matrix"))
stopifnot(ncol(x) == length(group))
if (na.rm) {
nna <- .dropNA(x)
} else {
nna <- x
nna@x[] <- 1L
nna <- .rowSumsGroup(nna, group=group, na.rm=na.rm)
nna@x[nna@x < 2L] <- NA_real_ # return NA if n < 2 (similar to sd)
var <- .rowMeansGroup(x * x, group=group, na.rm=na.rm) -
.rowMeansGroup(x, group=group, na.rm=na.rm)^2L
nna1 <- nna
nna1@x <- nna1@x - 1L
var@x <- (var * nna)@x / nna1@x
# we want a sparse matrix; NA == missing, we dropNA
#' rowSums groupwise, similar to rowsum but for sparceMatrices
#' @param x `Matrix`
#' @param group `integer`/`character` group identifier
#' @param na.rm `logical`, should `NA`s removed?
#' @return `sparseMatrix`
#' @noRd
.rowSumsGroup <- function(x, group, na.rm=TRUE) {
stopifnot(is(x, "Matrix"))
stopifnot(ncol(x) == length(group))
if (na.rm) {
x <- .dropNA(x)
x %*% .createMaskMatrix(group)
#' summary
#' @param x `Matrix`
#' @param what `character`, "rows"/"columns"
#' @param na.rm `logical`, should NA removed?
#' @return `data.frame`
#' @noRd
.summary <- function(x, what=c("rows", "columns"), na.rm=TRUE) {
if (match.arg(what) == "columns") {
x <- t(x)
i <-
qq <- matrix(0, nrow=5L, ncol=nrow(x))
qq[, i] <- vapply(
X=split(x@x, .row(x)), FUN=quantile, FUN.VALUE=double(5L),
probs=seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm=na.rm, USE.NAMES=FALSE
Total=Matrix::rowSums(x, na.rm=na.rm),
Min=qq[1L, ],
Q1=qq[2L, ],
Median=qq[3L, ],
Mean=Matrix::rowMeans(x, na.rm=na.rm),
Q3=qq[4L, ],
Max=qq[5L, ]
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