#' Create fragment optimisation experiment
#' This function is used to create a tree-like `list` of
#' all combinations of a user-given set of MS1 and TMS2 settings for an
#' fragment optimisation experiment. The list could be written to an
#' Orbitrap Fusion Lumos method xml file using [writeMethodXmls()].
#' @param ms1 `data.frame`, MS1 settings.
#' @param ... further named arguments with `data.frame`s containing the TMS2
#' settings.
#' @param groupBy `character`, group experiments by columns in the TMS2
#' `data.frame`s. The columns have to be present in all `data.frame`s. Each
#' group will be written to its own XML file.
#' @param nMs2perMs1 `integer`, how many TMS2 scans should be run after a MS1
#' scan?
#' @param scanDuration `double`, if greater than zero (e.g. `scanDuration=0.5`)
#' the Start/EndTimeMin are overwritten with a duration of `scanDuration`. If
#' `scanDuration` is zero (default) Start/EndTimeMin are not overwritten.
#' @param replications `integer`, number of replications.
#' @param randomise `logical`, should the TMS2 scan settings randomised?
#' @return `list`, able to be written via [xml2::as_xml_document()]
#' @export
#' @seealso [writeMethodXmls()],
#' [`expandMs1Conditions()`][expandMs1Conditions],
#' [`expandTms2Conditions()`][expandMs1Conditions]
#' @examples
#' ## build experiments within R
#' ms1 <- expandMs1Conditions(
#' FirstMass=400,
#' LastMass=1200,
#' Microscans=as.integer(10)
#' )
#' targetMz <- cbind(mz=c(560.6, 700.5, 933.7), z=rep(1, 3))
#' common <- list(
#' OrbitrapResolution="R120K",
#' IsolationWindow=1,
#' MaxITTimeInMS=200,
#' Microscans=as.integer(40),
#' AgcTarget=c(1e5, 5e5, 1e6)
#' )
#' cid <- expandTms2Conditions(
#' MassList=targetMz,
#' common,
#' ActivationType="CID",
#' CIDCollisionEnergy=seq(7, 35, 7)
#' )
#' hcd <- expandTms2Conditions(
#' MassList=targetMz,
#' common,
#' ActivationType="HCD",
#' HCDCollisionEnergy=seq(7, 35, 7)
#' )
#' etd <- expandTms2Conditions(
#' MassList=targetMz,
#' common,
#' ActivationType="ETD",
#' ETDReactionTime=as.double(1:2)
#' )
#' etcid <- expandTms2Conditions(
#' MassList=targetMz,
#' common,
#' ActivationType="ETD",
#' ETDReactionTime=as.double(1:2),
#' ETDSupplementalActivation="ETciD",
#' ETDSupplementalActivationEnergy=as.double(1:2)
#' )
#' uvpd <- expandTms2Conditions(
#' MassList=targetMz,
#' common,
#' ActivationType="UVPD"
#' )
#' exps <- createExperimentsFragmentOptimisation(
#' ms1=ms1, cid, hcd, etd, etcid, uvpd,
#' groupBy=c("AgcTarget", "replication"), nMs2perMs1=10, scanDuration=0.5,
#' replications=2, randomise=TRUE
#' )
#' ## use different settings for CID
#' cid560 <- expandTms2Conditions(
#' MassList=cbind(560.6, 1),
#' common,
#' ActivationType="CID",
#' CIDCollisionEnergy=seq(7, 21, 7)
#' )
#' cid700 <- expandTms2Conditions(
#' MassList=cbind(700.5, 1),
#' common,
#' ActivationType="CID",
#' CIDCollisionEnergy=seq(21, 35, 7)
#' )
#' exps <- createExperimentsFragmentOptimisation(
#' ms1=ms1, cid560, cid700,
#' groupBy=c("AgcTarget", "replication"), nMs2perMs1=10, scanDuration=0.5,
#' replications=2, randomise=TRUE
#' )
#' ## use a CSV (or excel) file as input
#' myCsvContent <- "
#' ActivationType, ETDReactionTime, UVPDActivationTime
#' UVPD,,1000
#' ETD,1000,
#' "
#' myCsvSettings <- read.csv(text=myCsvContent, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' myCsvSettings
#' # ActivationType ETDReactionTime UVPDActivationTime
#' # 1 UVPD NA 1000
#' # 2 ETD 1000 NA
#' exps <- createExperimentsFragmentOptimisation(
#' ms1 = data.frame(FirstMass=500, LastMass=1000),
#' ## TMS2
#' myCsvSettings,
#' ## other arguments
#' groupBy="ActivationType"
#' )
createExperimentsFragmentOptimisation <-
function(ms1, ...,
groupBy=c("AgcTarget", "replication"),
nMs2perMs1=10, scanDuration=0,
replications=2, randomise=TRUE) {
is.numeric(nMs2perMs1), length(nMs2perMs1) == 1,
is.numeric(scanDuration), length(scanDuration) == 1,
is.numeric(replications), length(replications) == 1,
is.logical(randomise), length(randomise) == 1
ms2 <-, .flatten(list(...)))
nr <- nrow(ms2)
ms2 <- ms2[rep(seq_len(nr), replications),, drop=FALSE]
ms2$replication <- rep(seq_len(replications), each=nr)
ms2$ScanDescription <- .scanDescription(n=nr, replications=replications)
if (length(ms2)) {
ms2 <- .groupBy(ms2, groupBy)
} else {
ms2 <- list(ms2=ms2)
if (randomise) {
ms2 <- lapply(ms2, .resample)
nrs <- .nrows(ms2)
mnrs <- max(nrs)
times <- .startEndTime(
l <- vector(mode="list", length(ms2))
names(l) <- names(ms2)
for (i in seq(along=l)) {
nMs1 <- ceiling(nrs[i] * 1L/nMs2perMs1)
nMs2 <- nrs[i]
n <- nMs1 + nMs2
nNodes <- n + nMs2 - 1L # CopyAndAppendExperiment
sbtimes <- times[seq_len(n),]
sbtimes$ExpId <- seq_len(n) - 1L
sbtimes$SrcId <- as.integer(sbtimes$Type == "MS2")
l[[i]] <- list(MethodModifications=vector(mode="list", length=nNodes))
names(l[[i]][[1L]]) <- rep("Modification", nNodes)
l[[i]][[1L]][[1L]] <- structure(
sbtimes[1L, c("StartTimeMin", "EndTimeMin")],
for (j in seq_len(nrow(sbtimes) - 2L) + 2L) {
orderId <- j - 1L
l[[i]][[1L]][[orderId]] <- structure(
sbtimes <- sbtimes[sbtimes$Type == "MS2",, drop=FALSE]
for (j in seq_len(nrow(sbtimes))) {
orderId <- n + j - 1L
l[[i]][[1L]][[orderId]] <- structure(
sbtimes[j, c("StartTimeMin", "EndTimeMin")],
attr(l[[i]][[1L]], "Version") <- 2L
attr(l[[i]][[1L]], "Model") <- "OrbitrapFusionLumos"
attr(l[[i]][[1L]], "Family") <- "Calcium"
attr(l[[i]][[1L]], "Type") <- "SL"
#' Create a FullMSScan node in a nested list
#' @param x `data.frame` row
#' @param id `integer`, experiment id
#' @param times `double(2)`, start/end time
#' @param \dots arguments passed to internal functions
#' @return nested `list`
#' @noRd
.ms1ConditionToTree <- function(x, id=0L, times=NA_real_, ...) {
if (anyNA(times)) {
l <- list(Experiment=list(FullMSScan=NULL))
} else {
l <- list(Experiment=vector(mode="list", length=3L))
names(l$Experiment) <- c(
"FullMSScan", "StartTimeMin", "EndTimeMin"
l$Experiment$StartTimeMin <- list(times[1L])
l$Experiment$EndTimeMin <- list(times[2L])
l$Experiment$FullMSScan <- lapply(x[, !], as.list)
attr(l$Experiment, "ExperimentIndex") <- id
#' Create a CopyAndAppendExperiment node in a nested list
#' @param srcId `integer`, source experiment id
#' @param \dots arguments passed to internal functions
#' @return nested `list`
#' @noRd
.copyAndAppendExperiment <- function(srcId=0L, ...) {
CopyAndAppendExperiment=structure(list(), SourceExperimentIndex=srcId)
#' Convert single data.frame row (condition) to nested list
#' @param x `data.frame` row
#' @param id `integer`, experiment id
#' @param times `double(2)`, start/end time
#' @param \dots arguments passed to internal functions
#' @return nested `list`
#' @noRd
.tms2ConditionToTree <- function(x, id, times=NA_real_, ...) {
if (anyNA(times)) {
l <- list(Experiment=list(TMSnScan=NULL))
} else {
l <- list(Experiment=vector(mode="list", length=3L))
names(l$Experiment) <- c(
"TMSnScan", "StartTimeMin", "EndTimeMin"
l$Experiment$StartTimeMin <- list(times[1L])
l$Experiment$EndTimeMin <- list(times[2L])
if (!is.null(x$MassList)) {
l$Experiment$TMSnScan$MassList <- .massListToTree(x$MassList)
x[, c("MassList", "replication")] <- NA
cn <- colnames(x)[!]
if (length(cn)) {
l$Experiment$TMSnScan[cn] <- lapply(x[, cn], as.list)
attr(l$Experiment, "ExperimentIndex") <- id
#' Convert collapsed MassList into xml2 ready tree like list structure
#' @param x `character`, collapsed MassList (output of `.collapseMassList`)
#' @return `list`
#' @noRd
.massListToTree <- function(x) {
x <- unname(.expandMassList(x))
l <- vector(mode="list", length=nrow(x))
names(l) <- rep("MassListRecord", length(l))
for (i in seq(along=l)) {
l[[i]] <- list(MOverZ=list(x[i, 1L]), Z=list(x[i, 2L]))
#' Collapse MassList
#' @param x `matrix`, 2 columns: mz, z
#' @return `character`
#' @noRd
.collapseMassList <- function(x) {
stopifnot(is.matrix(x), ncol(x) == 2L)
paste0(apply(x, 1L, paste0, collapse="/"), collapse=" ")
#' Expand MassList
#' @param x `character` collapsed MassList
#' @return `matrix`
#' @noRd
.expandMassList <- function(x) {
x <- strsplit(x, " |/")[[1L]]
ncol=2, byrow=TRUE,
dimnames=list(NULL, c("mz", "z"))
#' Expand MS Conditions
#' Create a `data.frame` of all possible combinations of the given arguments.
#' It ensures that just arguments are applied that yield a valid
#' MethodModification.xml file.
#' @param ... further named arguments, used to create the combination of
#' conditions.
#' @param family `character`, currently just Calcium is supported
#' @param version `character`, currently 3.1, 3.2 (default), 3.3 are supported
#' @return `data.frame` with all possible combinations of conditions/settings.
#' @seealso [validMs1Settings()]
#' @rdname expandMsConditions
#' @seealso [validTms2Settings()], [expand.grid()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' expandMs1Conditions(FirstMass=100, LastMass=400)
expandMs1Conditions <- function(..., family="Calcium", version="3.2") {
settings <- .flatten(list(...))
.validateMsSettings(type="MS1", settings, family=family, version=version)
expand.grid(settings, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' @rdname expandMsConditions
#' @param ActivationType `character`, *ActivationType* for TMS2,
#' either CID, HCD, ETD, or UVPD.
#' @param MassList `matrix`, 2 columns (mass, z) for targeted mass list,
#' or `NULL` (default) to not overwrite targeted mass.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' expandTms2Conditions(
#' ActivationType="CID",
#' OrbitrapResolution="R120K",
#' IsolationWindow=1,
#' MaxITTimeInMS=200,
#' Microscans=as.integer(40),
#' AgcTarget=c(1e5, 5e5, 1e6),
#' CIDCollisionEnergy=c(NA, seq(7, 35, 7)),
#' MassList=cbind(mz=c(560.6, 700.5, 933.7), z=rep(1, 3))
#' )
expandTms2Conditions <- function(ActivationType=c("CID", "HCD", "ETD", "UVPD"),
family="Calcium", version="3.2") {
ActivationType <- match.arg(ActivationType)
settings <- .flatten(list(...))
if (!is.null(MassList)) {
MassList <- .collapseMassList(MassList)
#' List valid MS settings.
#' These functions list settings for MS1 or TMS2 that are supported by
#' *Thermo's XmlMethodChanger*.
#' @param family `character`, currently just Calcium is supported
#' @param version `character`, currently 3.1, 3.2 (default), 3.3 are supported
#' @return `matrix` with three columns:
#' - name: element name
#' - class: expected R class of the value
#' - type: MS/ActivationType, e.g. MS1/TMS2/ETD/...
#' @rdname validMsSettings
#' @export
#' @examples
#' validMs1Settings()
validMs1Settings <- function(family="Calcium", version="3.2") {
.validMsSettings("MS1", family=family, version=version)
#' @rdname validMsSettings
#' @param type `character`, type of activation.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' validTms2Settings()
#' validTms2Settings("TMS2")
#' validTms2Settings("ETD")
#' validTms2Settings(c("TMS2", "ETD"))
validTms2Settings <- function(type=c("All", "TMS2", "ETD", "CID", "HCD", "UVPD"),
family="Calcium", version="3.2") {
type <- match.arg(type, several.ok=TRUE)
if ("All" %in% type) {
type <- c("TMS2", "ETD", "CID", "HCD", "UVPD")
.validMsSettings(type, family=family, version=version)
#' List valid MS settings
#' @param type `character`, MS1/TMS2/Activation
#' @param family `character`, currently just Calcium is supported
#' @param version `character`, currently 3.1, 3.2 [default], 3.3 are supported
#' @return `matrix`
#' @noRd
.validMsSettings <- function(type, family="Calcium", version="3.2") {
is.character(family) && family %in% names(.validMsSettingsXsd),
is.character(version) &&
version %in% names(.validMsSettingsXsd[[family]])
m <- .validMsSettingsXsd[[family]][[version]]
m[m[, "type"] %in% type,, drop=FALSE]
#' Validate a single MS setting against internal .validMsSettings (derivated
#' from XSD)
#' @param name `character`, element name
#' @param value any type, value of element
#' @param type `character`, type of setting
#' @param family `character`, currently just Calcium is supported
#' @param version `character`, currently 3.1, 3.2 [default], 3.3 are supported
#' @return `TRUE` if valid, else message
#' @noRd
.validateMsSetting <- function(name, value, type, family="Calcium",
version="3.2") {
if (type %in% c("ETD", "CID", "HCD", "UVPD")) {
type <- c("TMS2", type)
settings <- .validMsSettings(type, family=family, version=version)
entry <- settings[settings[, "name"] == name,]
if (!length(entry)) {
name, " is not a valid element of type ",
paste0("'", type, "'", collapse="/"),
" and/or not defined in MethodModification.xsd.\n",
" Run `validMs", ifelse(all(type == "MS1"), "1", "2"),
"Settings()` for a complete list of possible settings."
tcl <- entry["class"]
cl <- typeof(value)
if (isTRUE(cl == "character" && grepl(":", tcl))) {
isValidValue <-
.vapply1l(value, function(x)grepl(paste0("(^|:)", x, "(:|$)"), tcl))
if (any(!isValidValue)) {
name, " could not be '", paste0(value[!isValidValue]),
"'. Should be one of '", gsub(":", ", ", tcl), "'."
} else if (cl != tcl) {
paste0(name, " should be of class '", tcl, "' but is '", cl, "'.")
#' Validate MS settings
#' @param type `character`, MS1/TMS2/ActivationType
#' @param settings `list`, named arguments used for validation
#' @param family `character`, currently just Calcium is supported
#' @param version `character`, currently 3.1, 3.2 [default], 3.3 are supported
#' @return `TRUE` if valid, else stops with an error
#' @noRd
.validateMsSettings <- function(type=c("MS1", "TMS2", "ETD", "CID", "HCD",
settings, family="Calcium", version="3.2") {
type <- match.arg(type)
validation <- mapply(
isValid <- .vapply1l(validation, isTRUE)
if (any(!isValid)) {
stop(paste0(unlist(validation[!isValid]), collapse="\n "))
#' Calculate Start/End time of each scan
#' @param nMs2 `integer`, number of MS2 scans.
#' @param nMs2perMs1 `integer`, number of MS2 scans for each MS1 scan.
#' @param duration `double`, duration of scan in minutes.
#' @param gap `double`, pause between two scans in minutes.
#' @return `data.frame` with columns type (type of scan), start and end times
#' in minutes
#' @noRd
.startEndTime <- function(nMs2, nMs2perMs1=9L, duration=0.5, gap=0.01) {
nMs1 <- ceiling(nMs2 * 1L/nMs2perMs1)
n <- nMs2 + nMs1
if (n > 150) {
"More than 150 experiments might cause the MS device ",
"to become unresponsive. Choose other ", sQuote("groupBy"),
" parameters to reduce number of experiments per file."
if (duration) {
start <- seq(gap, by=duration, length.out=n)
end <- seq(duration, by=duration, length.out=n)
} else {
start <- end <- NA_real_
type <- rep_len("MS1", "MS2"), times=c(1L, nMs2perMs1)), n)
Type=type, StartTimeMin=start, EndTimeMin=end, stringsAsFactors=FALSE
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