##' Function to read ToF-SIMS data in the form of preprocessed BIF files
##' This function imports BIF files from IONTOF Surface Lab or ULVAC-PHI's
##' WinCadence. This function reads the data sequential directly from the
##' binary stream. Therefore it's rather slow, but uses less memory
##' than the \code{readBIFParallel} function.
##' @title ToF-SIMS BIF/BIF6 file import
##' @param analysisName : filename of BIF/BIF6 file to read
##' @param instrument : character, 'iontof' or 'ulvacphi'
##' @param mode, 'spectra' or 'image'
##' @return object of type MassImage or MassSpectra
##' @author Lorenz Gerber
readBIF <- function(analysisName, instrument = c('iontof', 'ulvacphi'), mode = c('spectra', 'image')) {
imported <- read_BIF(analysisName, instrument)
message("adapt orientation... ")
imported$imageData <- imported$imageData[imported$dim1Flip,
imported$dim2Flip, ]
message("converting array back to matrix...")
imported$imageData <- matrix(imported$imageData,
imported$nPixels, imported$nIntervals)
#colnames(imported$imageData) <- imported$massValues
massValues <- imported$massValues
if (mode == "spectra") {
readBIFOut <- list(analysisName = analysisName,
nz = imported$imageData, instrument = instrument,
mz = imported$massValues)
if (mode == "image") {
readBIFOut <- list(analysisName = analysisName,
instrument = instrument, nz = imported$imageData,
mz = imported$massValues, xy = c(imported$nXPixels,
imported$nYPixels), preProcess = "bifimport",
id = imported$ids, middle = imported$middles,
lower = imported$lowers, upper = imported$uppers)
##' Extracting the data from a Ulvac-phi Tof-SIMS
##' raw header character string.
##' This function takes a raw header character string read by
##' get.raw.header() as input and extracts variable names and values.
##' values are currently forwarded just as character string. This is
##' a helper function for read.raw.phi.
##' @title extract variable names and values from Ulvac-phi
##' ToF-SIMS datafile headers
##' @param header header as a raw character string
##' @return list with two vectors containing variable names
##' and values as characters
##' @author Lorenz Gerber <- function(header) {
fields <- strsplit(header, "\r\n")[[1]]
start.ind <- which(fields == "SOFH") +
end.ind <- which(fields == "EOFH") -
data <- fields[start.ind:end.ind]
term <- gsub(": [A-z0-9 .(),+:-]*", "",
value <- gsub("[A-z//()]+: ", "", data)
header.parsed <- list(term = term, value = value)
##' Function to read raw data from the ulvac-phi trift TOF-SIMS
##' This import function works on data recorded on the ulvac-phi
##' trift ToF-SIMS with WinCadence software version V4.2. Other
##' versions mostl likley will not work. In the current version,
##' data has to be imported with 16bit word length, then converted
##' to 64bit binary and finally converted and read with the
##' word lenghts of the respective variables. Currently, the data
##' is unit mass binned with bins of size one from -0.5 to + 0.5.
##' @title Ulvac phi ToF-SIMS raw data import
##' @param analysisName character
##' @param mode character
##' @param PeakListobj object of class PeakList
##' @param ... additional args
##' @return parsed rawdata for further processing
##' @author Lorenz Gerber, Viet Mai Hoang
cReadRawPhi <- function(analysisName, mode = c('spectra', 'imagepeaks', 'image'),
PeakListobj = c(), ...){
####### Checks
analysisName <- gsub("\\~", Sys.getenv("HOME"),
con <- file(analysisName, "rb")
message("Importing file ", analysisName,
" in ", mode, " mode.")
####### Read meta data
message("reading header")
headerRaw <- readBin(con, character(), size = 1, n = 1)
headerData <-
MassOffset <- as.numeric(headerData$value[grep("MassOffset",
MassTime <- as.numeric(headerData$value[grep("Mass/Time",
SpecBinSize <- as.numeric(headerData$value[grep("SpecBinSize",
SoftwareVersion <- as.character(headerData$value[grep("SoftwareVersion",
AcqFilename <- as.character(headerData$value[grep("AcqFilename",
AcqPrimGun <- as.character(headerData$value[grep("AcqPrimGun",
LmigEmitter <- as.character(headerData$value[grep("LmigEmitter",
ImagePixels <- as.numeric(headerData$value[grep("ImagePixels",
message("Aquisition Filename:", AcqFilename, "")
message("Software Version:", SoftwareVersion, "")
message("Primary Ion Gun:", AcqPrimGun, LmigEmitter, "")
message("Image size:", ImagePixels, "x", ImagePixels, "")
####### Mass calibration
message("calculating mass calibration")
slope <- 1/(MassTime * SpecBinSize * 0.001)
intercept <- (-slope) * MassOffset
message("slope:", slope, "")
message("intercept:", intercept, "")
####### Import rawdata
message("calling C++ subroutine to read the binary data...")
rawdata <- readRawPhiC(analysisName, slope, intercept, ImagePixels)
####### Compose high-resolution spectra
if (mode == "spectra") {
message("calculate high-resolution mass spectra")
# highresMzCounts<-table(rawdata[,2])
# highresMzChannels<-round(as.numeric(names(highresMzCounts)),6)
# highresMzCounts<-matrix(highresMzCounts,1)
highresMzCounts <- cTable(rawdata[, 2])
highresMzChannels <- round(as.numeric(highresMzCounts$vars), 6)
highresMzCounts <- matrix(highresMzCounts$freqs, 1)
####### Compose peak picked image dataset
if (mode == "imagepeaks") {
### recalibrate
message("Recalibrate the mass values with curve from PeakListobj.")
rawdata[, 2] <- ((sqrt(rawdata[,
2]) * slope + intercept - unlist(calibration(PeakListobj)[1]))/
peaklist <- 1:nPeaks(PeakListobj)
### Making Mz lists for extracting peak
### start and end
lowerMzs <- peakMzs(PeakListobj)[1, peaklist]
upperMzs <- rev(peakMzs(PeakListobj)[3, peaklist])
### Peak start and end Mz lists need to be
### sorted, order needs to be stored for
### later re-ordering
lowerMzsOrder <- c(1:length(peaklist))[order(lowerMzs)]
lowerMzs <- lowerMzs[order(lowerMzs)]
upperMzsOrder <- rev(c(1:length(peaklist))[order(upperMzs)])
upperMzs <- rev(upperMzs[order(upperMzs)])
### Matrix to be filled with data
imageData <- matrix(0, ImagePixels *
ImagePixels, length(peaklist))
### sorting the data
message("Sorting the m/z vector.")
rawdata <- rawdata[sort.list(rawdata[, 2],
partial = NULL,
method = "quick",
na.last = NA), ]
#### Here need to correct the M/z from the
#### PeakList object
message("Extraction of peak limit indices from rawdata")
startList <- list(rawVector = rawdata[, 2],
mzs = lowerMzs,
mzsOrder = lowerMzsOrder,
startOrEnd = "start")
endList <- list(rawVector = rawdata[, 2],
mzs = upperMzs,
mzsOrder = upperMzsOrder,
startOrEnd = "end")
inputList <- list(startList, endList)
# check if it's possible to do parallel processing otherwise
# load SerialParam() settings
BiocParallel::register(BiocParallel::SerialParam(), default=TRUE)
peakIndices <- BiocParallel::bplapply(inputList, function(i), i))
peakIndices[[2]] <- rev(peakIndices[[2]])
message("Calculation of count data per M/z")
# check if it's possible to do parallel processing otherwise
# load SerialParam() settings
BiocParallel::register(BiocParallel::SerialParam(), default=TRUE)
tableFromData <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq(along.with = peaklist),
function(i) cTable(rawdata[peakIndices[[1]][i]:peakIndices[[2]][i], 1]))
message("Compounding contingency tables")
for (i in seq(along.with = peaklist)) {
message(i, " ", appendLF = FALSE)
i] <- as.vector(tableFromData[[i]]$freqs)
message("reshape image data to standard orientation")
nmz <- dim(imageData)[2]
imageData <- array(as.vector(imageData),
c(ImagePixels, ImagePixels, nmz))
imageData <- imageData[ImagePixels:1,
ImagePixels:1, ]
message("transform image data from array to matrix")
imageData <- apply(imageData, 3,
FUN = function(x) as.vector(x))
massValues <- peakMzs(PeakListobj)[2,
####### return data
message("cleaning up...")
if (mode == "image") {
#colnames(imageData) <- 1:dim(imageData)[2]
readRawPhiOut <- list(analysisName = analysisName,
instrument = "ulvacphi", nz = imageData,
calibration = data.frame(intercept = NULL,
slope = NULL), mz = massValues,
xy = c(ImagePixels, ImagePixels))
if (mode == "spectra") {
#colnames(highresMzCounts) <- highresMzChannels
readRawPhiOut <- list(analysisName = analysisName,
instrument = "ulvacphi", nz = highresMzCounts,
calibration = data.frame(intercept = intercept,
slope = slope), mz = highresMzChannels)
if (mode == "imagepeaks") {
readRawPhiOut <- list(analysisName = analysisName,
instrument = "ulvacphi", nz = imageData,
calibration = data.frame(intercept = intercept,
slope = slope), mz = massValues,
xy = c(ImagePixels, ImagePixels))
##' Function to read raw data.
##' This import function works on GRD and ITZIP format
##' @title Raw data import
##' @param analysisName character
##' @param mode charcter
##' @param PeakListobj object of class PeakList
##' @param untilScan numeric read data up to which scan number
##' @param ... addtional args
##' @return parsed rawdata for further processing
##' @author Lorenz Gerber, Viet Mai Hoang
import.raw <- function(analysisName,
mode = c('spectra', 'imagepeaks'),
PeakListobj = c(), untilScan = NULL, ...) {
####### Checks
image_dim_prop <- "Registration.Raster.Resolution"
upper_mass_prop <- "Measurement.UpperMass"
rawdata <- NULL
analysisName <- path.expand(analysisName)
if (check.extension(analysisName, "grd")) {
## Looking for properties file in current
## directory
currentDir <- dirname(file.path(analysisName))
# library(tools)
propFile <- paste(currentDir, "/",
paste(head(strsplit(basename(file.path(analysisName)), split="\\.")[[1]],
collapse = "."), ".properties.txt",
sep = "")
## Read & get required info from
## properties file
properties_data <- read.csv(propFile,
sep = "\t", header = FALSE, skipNul = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
image_size <-[1],
upper_mass <-[1],
rawdata <- import(analysisName, "grd",
image_size, upper_mass)
# return(rawdata)
} else if (check.extension(analysisName, "zip")) {
####### Read meta data
message("Unzip the file.")
temporaryDir <- file.path("temporarydata/")
unzip(analysisName, exdir = temporaryDir)
properties_data <- read.csv(paste("temporarydata/",
list.files(temporaryDir, pattern = ".properties.txt$"),
sep = ""), sep = "\t", header = FALSE,
skipNul = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
image_size <-[1],
upper_mass <-[1],
####### Read rawdata
message("Reading the rawdata.")
rawdata <- import(paste("temporarydata/",
sep = ""), "itzip", image_size,
unlink("temporarydata/", recursive = TRUE)
highestTofs <- as.numeric(rawdata["highestTofs"])
rawdata <- rawdata["calibratedMatrix"][[1]]
message("Highest TOF :", highestTofs,
#### just have one file to test, and there
#### is something wrong with the first scan
#### values, 5 lines, Should be removed
#### later
rawdata <- rawdata[-c(1:5), ]
#### select a range of scans
if (length(untilScan) != 0) {
message("Removing data above scan ",
untilScan, ".")
rawdata <- rawdata[which(rawdata[,
3] <= untilScan), ]
### remove scan and shot data from rawdata
rawdata <- rawdata[, c(1, 2)]
####### Mass calibration
intercept <- 0
slope <- highestTofs/sqrt(upper_mass)
message("slope: ", slope, "")
######## Compose high-resolution spectra
mode <- match.arg(mode)
spectra = {
#if (mode == "spectra") {
message("Calculating high-resolution mass spectra.")
# highresMzCounts<-table(rawdata[,2])
# highresMzChannels<-as.vector(round(as.numeric(names(highresMzCounts)),6))
# highresMzCounts<-matrix(highresMzCounts,1)
highresMzCounts <- cTable(rawdata[, 2])
highresMzChannels <- as.vector(
round(as.numeric(highresMzCounts$vars), 6))
highresMzCounts <- matrix(highresMzCounts$freqs, 1)
readRawIontofOut <- list(
analysisName = analysisName, instrument = "iontof",
nz = highresMzCounts, calibration =
data.frame(intercept = intercept, slope = slope),
mz = highresMzChannels)
####### compose peak picked image data set
imagepeaks = {
#if (mode == "imagepeaks") {
### recalibrate
message("Recalibrate the mass values with curve from PeakListobj.")
rawdata[, 2] <- ((sqrt(rawdata[, 2]) *
slope + intercept -
unlist(calibration(PeakListobj)[1])) /
peaklist <- 1:nPeaks(PeakListobj)
### Making Mz lists for extracting peak
### start and end
lowerMzs <- peakMzs(PeakListobj)[1, peaklist]
upperMzs <- rev(peakMzs(PeakListobj)[3, peaklist])
### Peak start and end Mz lists need to be
### sorted, the but the order needs to be
### stored for later re-ordering
lowerMzsOrder <- c(1:length(peaklist))[order(lowerMzs)]
lowerMzs <- lowerMzs[order(lowerMzs)]
upperMzsOrder <- rev(c(1:length(peaklist))[order(upperMzs)])
upperMzs <- rev(upperMzs[order(upperMzs)])
### Matrix to be filled with data
imageData <- matrix(0, image_size * image_size, length(peaklist))
### sorting the data
message("Sorting the m/z vector.")
rawdata <- rawdata[sort.list(rawdata[, 2],
partial = NULL,
method = "quick",
na.last = NA), ]
message("Extraction of peak limit indices from rawdata")
startList <- list(rawVector = rawdata[, 2],
mzs = lowerMzs,
mzsOrder = lowerMzsOrder,
startOrEnd = "start")
endList <- list(rawVector = rawdata[, 2],
mzs = upperMzs,
mzsOrder = upperMzsOrder,
startOrEnd = "end")
inputList <- list(startList, endList)
# check if it's possible to do parallel processing otherwise
# load SerialParam() settings
BiocParallel::register(BiocParallel::SerialParam(), default=TRUE)
peakIndices <- BiocParallel::bplapply(inputList,
function(i), i))
peakIndices[[2]] <- rev(peakIndices[[2]])
message("Calculation of count data per M/z")
# check if it's possible to do parallel processing otherwise
# load SerialParam() settings
BiocParallel::register(BiocParallel::SerialParam(), default=TRUE)
tableFromData <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq(along.with = peaklist),
function(i) cTable(rawdata[peakIndices[[1]][i]:peakIndices[[2]][i], 1]))
message("Compounding contingency tables")
for (i in seq(along.with = peaklist)) {
message(i, " ", appendLF = FALSE)
imageData[as.numeric(tableFromData[[i]]$vars), i] <-
message("reshape image data to standard orientation")
nmz <- dim(imageData)[2]
imageData <- array(as.vector(imageData), c(image_size, image_size, nmz))
imageData <- aperm(imageData, c(2, 1, 3))
imageData <- imageData[1:image_size, image_size:1, ]
message("transform image data from array to matrix")
imageData <- apply(imageData, 3, FUN = function(x) as.vector(x))
massValues <- peakMzs(PeakListobj)[2, peaklist]
readRawIontofOut <- list(analysisName = analysisName,
instrument = "iontof", nz = imageData,
calibration = data.frame(intercept = intercept, slope = slope),
mz = massValues,
xy = c(image_size, image_size))
message("cleaning up...")
##' Function to check file extension
##' This function is used for check the file extension
##' @title Check file extension
##' @param filepath character
##' @param extension character
##' @return boolean
##' @author Lorenz Gerber, Viet Mai Hoang
check.extension <- function(filepath, extension) {
if (length(grep(pattern = paste(".", extension, "$", sep = ""),
tolower(filepath))) != 0)
##' Function to extract value by passing property name
##' This function is used to get ITZIP property value by passing its name
##' @title Get ITZIP property value
##' @param itzipName character
##' @param itzipProperties character
##' @return character value from itzipProperties corresponding itzipName
##' @author Lorenz Gerber, Viet Mai Hoang <- function(itzipName,
itzipProperties) {
factor <- itzipProperties$V3[which(itzipProperties$V1 == itzipName)]
# return(as.numeric(levels(factor))[factor])
##' helper function for parallel processing in rawdata import routines
##' @param rawVector unknown
##' @param mzs unknown
##' @param mzsOrder unknown
##' @param startOrEnd character 'start' or 'end'
##' @return numeric indicies of time of flight
parIndicesSearch <- function(rawVector, mzs,
mzsOrder, startOrEnd = "start") {
if (startOrEnd == "start") {
counter <- 1
largeCounter <- 1
peakIndices <- rep(0, length(mzs))
for (i in rawVector) {
if (i >= mzs[counter]) {
peakIndices[mzsOrder[counter]] <- largeCounter
counter <- counter + 1
if ((counter - 1) == length(mzs)) {
largeCounter <- largeCounter + 1
} else if (startOrEnd == "end") {
counter <- 1
largeCounter <- length(rawVector)
peakIndices <- rep(0, length(mzs))
for (i in rev(rawVector)) {
if (i <= mzs[counter]) {
peakIndices[mzsOrder[counter]] <- largeCounter
counter <- counter + 1
if ((counter - 1) == length(mzs)) {
largeCounter <- largeCounter - 1
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