
Defines functions cParIndicesSearch cTable readRawPhiC nnMean read_BIF calibrate_ITZIP import EigenDecompose

Documented in cTable EigenDecompose import nnMean

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#' @name EigenDecompose
#' @title EigenDecompose for the MNF analysis
#' @description EigenDecompose for the MNF analysis
#' @param A NumericMatrix
#' @param B NumericMatric
#' @param startIndex int
#' @param endIndex int
#' @return eigval eigvec mA mB
EigenDecompose <- function(A, B, startIndex, endIndex) {
    .Call(`_tofsims_EigenDecompose`, A, B, startIndex, endIndex)

#' @name import
#' @description import is the C++ code for importing iontof raw data
#' @title import is the C++ code for importing iontof raw data
#' @param rFilename CharacterVector
#' @param fType CharacterVector
#' @param imageSize int
#' @param upperMass int
#' @return imported binary raw data
import <- function(rFilename, fType, imageSize, upperMass) {
    .Call(`_tofsims_import`, rFilename, fType, imageSize, upperMass)

calibrate_ITZIP <- function(uncalibrate, upperMass) {
    .Call(`_tofsims_calibrate_ITZIP`, uncalibrate, upperMass)

read_BIF <- function(file, instrument) {
    .Call(`_tofsims_read_BIF`, file, instrument)

#' @name nnMean
#' @title nnMean is C++ code for calculating nearest neighbour means in a 
#' 2D matrix
#' @description nnMean is C++ code for calculating nearest neighbour means in a 
#' 2D matrix
#' @param y NumericVector
#' @param nrows int
#' @param ncols int
#' @return eY 
nnMean <- function(y, nrows, ncols) {
    .Call(`_tofsims_nnMean`, y, nrows, ncols)

readRawPhiC <- function(rFilename, rSlope, rIntercept, rImagePixels) {
    .Call(`_tofsims_readRawPhiC`, rFilename, rSlope, rIntercept, rImagePixels)

#' @name ctable
#' @title ctable is a C++ implementation to make contingency tables
#' @description ctable is a C++ implementation to make contingency tables
#' @param vect NumericVector
#' @return vars freqs
cTable <- function(vect) {
    .Call(`_tofsims_cTable`, vect)

cParIndicesSearch <- function(rawVector, mzs, mzsOrder, startOrEnd) {
    .Call(`_tofsims_cParIndicesSearch`, rawVector, mzs, mzsOrder, startOrEnd)

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tofsims documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:10 p.m.