#' @name shiftCor_dQC
#' @title QC-free based signal correction
#' @description shiftCor_dQC provides the QC-free based signal correction for
#' large scale mass spectrometry-based omics data.
#' @param samPeno The file with the meta information including the sample name,
#' batches, class and order (denoting other covariates besides batch).
#' @param samFile The file with the expression information.
#' @param Frule Modified n precent rule function. A variable will be kept if it has a non-zero value
#' for at least n precent of samples in any one group.
#' (Default: 0.8)
#' @param MLmethod 'ComBat' allows users to adjust for batch effects in datasets where the batch covariate is known, using methodology
#' described in Johnson et al. 2007. It uses either parametric or non-parametric empirical Bayes frameworks for adjusting data for
#' batch effects. Users are returned an expression matrix that has been corrected for batch effects.The function was revised accroding to 'sva' package (version = "3.8").
#' @param imputeM The parameter for imputation method i.e., nearest neighbor
#' averaging, 'KNN'; minimum values, 'min'; Half of minimum values, 'minHalf';
#' median values, 'median'.
#' @param par.prior TRUE indicates parametric adjustments will be used, FALSE indicates non-parametric adjustments will be used
#' @param prior.plots (Optional) TRUE give prior plots.
#' @param mod.covariates TRUE indicates model matrix for outcome of interest and other covariates besides batch (Column 'order' denotes covariates the in samPeno file).
#' @param batch.Num (Optional) NULL If given, will use the selected batch as a reference for batch adjustment.
#' @return the shiftCor files. See the details at
#' @examples
#' datpath <- system.file('extdata',package = 'statTarget')
#' samPeno <- paste(datpath,'MTBLS79_dQC_sampleList.csv', sep='/')
#' samFile <- paste(datpath,'MTBLS79.csv', sep='/')
#' shiftCor_dQC(samPeno,samFile, Frule = 0.8, MLmethod = "Combat",mod.covariates = FALSE)
#' shiftCor_dQC(samPeno,samFile, Frule = 0.8, MLmethod = "Combat",mod.covariates = TRUE,batch.Num = 1)
#' @keywords Quality Controls,Correction
#' @export
shiftCor_dQC <- function(samPeno, samFile, Frule = 0.8, imputeM = "KNN",
MLmethod = "Combat",par.prior = TRUE,prior.plots = FALSE,
mod.covariates =FALSE, batch.Num = NULL) {
cat("statTarget: Signal Correction Start... Time:", date(), "\n\n")
cat("* Step 1: Data File Checking Start..., Time: ", date(), "\n")
cat("\n", "Data Link", "\n")
cat(" metaFile:", samPeno, "\n")
cat(" profileFile:", samFile, "\n")
samPeno <- read.csv(samPeno, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
samPeno <-
#samPeno <- plyr::arrange(samPeno, order)
samFile <- read.csv(samFile, header = FALSE, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
samFile <- t(samFile)
colnames(samFile) <- samFile[1, ]
samFile <-[-1, ])
rownames(samFile) <- samFile$name
############## Checking the input file#############
## .............................................
## Data Matching
## .............................................
cat("\n", " ", dim(samPeno)[1], " Meta Samples vs ", dim(samFile)[1], " Profile samples", sep = "")
cat("\n", "The Meta samples list (*NA, missing data from the Profile File)")
mcdat <- samFile[, 1][match(samPeno[, 1], samFile[, 1])]
## .............................................
if (any( {
stop("\n", "Missing data from the Profile File! Check your data please!!")
if (dim(samFile)[1] - dim(samPeno)[1] > 0) {
cat("\n", "Warning: The sample size in Profile File is larger than Meta File! ")
} else if (dim(samFile)[1] - dim(samPeno)[1] < 0) {
stop("\n", "The sample size in Profile File should be no less than Meta File!", " Check your data please!!")
samFP <- samFile[samPeno$sample, ]
if (sum($class)) <= 0) {
warning("\n", "There were no QC samples in your data!")
samPeno_stat <- samPeno
rownames(samPeno_stat) <- samPeno[, 1]
#qc_seq <- rownames(samPeno_stat)
#qc_seq_tmp <- grep("QC", qc_seq)
#sam_seq_tmp <- samPeno_stat[-c(qc_seq_tmp), ]
if (sum($batch)) > 0) {
stop("\n", "There were missing values in batch! Check your data please!\n")
if (sum($class)) > 0) {
stop("\n", "There were missing values (Unclassified data) in sample class!
Check your data please!\n")
#samPeno_stat$class[$class)] <- "QC"
data_stat = aggregate(samPeno_stat$class, by = list(Category = samPeno_stat$class), FUN = length)
batch_stat = aggregate(samPeno_stat$class, by = list(Category = samPeno_stat$batch), FUN = length)
colnames(data_stat) <- c("Class", "No.")
colnames(batch_stat) <- c("Batch", "No.")
cat("\n", "Meta-information:", "\n\n")
num_sam <- dim(samFile[, 2:ncol(samFile)])
num_sam <- data.frame(num_sam)
colnames(num_sam) <- c("no.")
rownames(num_sam) <- c("Samples", "Metabolites")
cat("\n", "Metabolic profile information:", "\n\n")
################# data NA########
samFP_temp <- as.matrix(samFP[, 2:ncol(samFP)])
if (length(samFP_temp[samFP_temp < 0L]) > 0) {
samFP_temp[samFP_temp < 0L] <- 0L
samFP_temp[samFP_temp == 0L] <- NA
cat("* Step 2: Evaluation of Missing Value...", "\n")
cat("\n", "The number of missing value before signal correction: ", sum(
imsamFP <- samFP_temp
############# Filter miss value###################
FilterMV = function(m, degree) {
dx <- c()
for (i in 1:ncol(m)) {
freq <- as.vector(tapply(m[, i], degree, function(x) {
if (sum(freq > 1 - Frule) > 0)
dx <- c(dx, i)
if (length(dx) > 0)
m <- m[, -dx]
classF <- as.factor(samPeno$class)
#classF = addNA(classF)
imsamFPF = FilterMV(imsamFP, classF)
Frule_warning = paste("The number of filtered variables using the modified ", Frule * 100, "% rule :",
sep = " ")
cat("\n", Frule_warning, " ", dim(imsamFP)[2] - dim(imsamFPF)[2], "\n")
imsamFP = as.matrix(imsamFPF)
############## impute missing value#################
cat("* Step 3: Imputation start...", "\n")
if (imputeM == "KNN") {
# require(impute)
cat("\n", "The imputation method was set at 'KNN'")
mvd <- impute::impute.knn(imsamFP, rowmax = 0.99, colmax = 0.99, maxp = 15000)
inputedData <- mvd$data
} else if (imputeM == "min") {
cat("\n", "The imputation method was set at 'min'")
minValue <- function(x, group) {
group = as.factor(as.numeric(group))
for (i in 1:dim(x)[1]) {
for (j in 1:dim(x)[2]) {
if ([i, j]) == TRUE) {
x[i, j] <- tapply(as.numeric(x[, j]), group, min, na.rm = TRUE)[group[i]]
inputedData = minValue(imsamFP, classF)
# inputedData = inputedData[,-1]
} else if (imputeM == "minHalf") {
cat("\n", "The imputation method was set at 'minHalf'")
minHalfValue <- function(x, group) {
group = as.factor(as.numeric(group))
for (i in 1:dim(x)[1]) {
for (j in 1:dim(x)[2]) {
if ([i, j]) == TRUE) {
x[i, j] <- tapply(as.numeric(x[, j]), group, min, na.rm = TRUE)[group[i]]/2
inputedData = minHalfValue(imsamFP, classF)
# inputedData = inputedData[,-1]
} else if (imputeM == "median") {
medianvalue <- function(x, group) {
group = as.factor(as.numeric(group))
for (i in 1:dim(x)[1]) {
for (j in 1:dim(x)[2]) {
if ([i, j]) == TRUE) {
x[i, j] <- tapply(as.numeric(x[, j]), group, median, na.rm = TRUE)[group[i]]
cat("\n", "The imputation method was set at 'median'")
inputedData = medianvalue(imsamFP, classF)
# inputedData = inputedData[,-1]
cat("\n", "The number of missing value after imputation: ", sum(
if (sum( > 0) {
inputedData = minHalfValue(inputedData, classF)
cat("\n", "The number of missing value after the second imputation: ", sum(
cat("\n", "Imputation Finished!", "\n", "\n")
cat("* Step 4: Signal Correction Start... Time: ", date(), "\n")
dat <- as.matrix(t(inputedData))
#numX <- 1:dim(dat)[2]
if (MLmethod == "Combat") {
# require(randomForest)
cat("\n", "The Signal Correction method was set at Combat", "\n")
#suprr <- capture.output(
if(mod.covariates) {
batchinfo <- samPeno_stat$batch
covar <- as.factor(samPeno_stat[,4])
if(length(levels(covar)) - length(covar) == 0 ) stop("No. of covariates levels should be not equal to No. of samples")
mod = model.matrix(~ covar, data=samPeno_stat)
comba <- ComBat_qcFree(dat=dat, batch=batchinfo, mod=mod,
par.prior=par.prior, prior.plots=prior.plots,
ref.batch = batch.Num)
} else {
batchinfo <- samPeno_stat$batch
comba <- ComBat_qcFree(dat=dat, batch=batchinfo, mod=NULL,
par.prior=par.prior, prior.plots=prior.plots,
ref.batch = batch.Num)
combOutput <-$sample,samPeno_stat$class,t(comba)),
stringsAsFactors =FALSE)
colnames(combOutput)[1] <- "sample";colnames(combOutput)[2] <- "class";
combraw <-$sample,samPeno_stat$class,t(dat)),
stringsAsFactors =FALSE)
colnames(combraw)[1] <- "sample";colnames(combraw)[2] <- "class";
############### dataCheck
dirout.uni = paste(getwd(), "/statTarget/", sep = "")
dirsc.ID = getwd()
dirout.w = paste(getwd(), "/statTarget/shiftCor", sep = "")
dirout.Bs = paste(getwd(), "/statTarget/shiftCor/Before_shiftCor", sep = "")
dirout.As = paste(getwd(), "/statTarget/shiftCor/After_shiftCor", sep = "")
combafter = paste("shift_cor_Combat", ".csv", sep = "")
write.csv(combOutput, paste(dirout.As, combafter, sep = "/"), row.names = FALSE)
combabefore = paste("shift_raw_Combat", ".csv", sep = "")
write.csv(combraw, paste(dirout.Bs, combabefore, sep = "/"), row.names = FALSE)
cat("", "Output Link:", getwd(), "\n")
cat("\n", "Correction Finished! Time: ", date(), "\n")
cat("\n", "####################################", "\n")
cat(" # Software Version: statTarget 2.0 #", "\n")
cat(" ####################################", "\n")
################## Loess Plot########################
# parameter output
scPam1 <- c("Frule", "MLmethod", "imputeM", "par.prior","mod.covariates","batch.Num")
scPam2 <- c(Frule, MLmethod, imputeM, par.prior,mod.covariates, paste("No.", batch.Num,sep = ""))
scpam <- data.frame(scPam1, scPam2)
colnames(scpam) <- c("parameter", "value")
par_sh = paste("statTarget/ParameterShiftCor", ".log", sep = "")
write.table(scpam, paste(getwd(), par_sh, sep = "/"), row.names = FALSE)
tmpfilesc = paste(getwd(), "/tmp", sep = "")
unlink(tmpfilesc, recursive = TRUE)
rowVars <- function(x, ...)
sqr = function(x) x * x
n = rowSums(!
n[n <= 1] = NA
return(rowSums(sqr(x - rowMeans(x, ...)), ...)/(n - 1))
aprior <- function(gamma.hat){m=mean(gamma.hat); s2=var(gamma.hat); (2*s2+m^2)/s2}
bprior <- function(gamma.hat){m=mean(gamma.hat); s2=var(gamma.hat); (m*s2+m^3)/s2}
it.sol <- function(sdat,g.hat,d.hat,,t2,a,b,conv=.0001){
n <- apply(!,1,sum)
g.old <- g.hat
d.old <- d.hat
change <- 1
count <- 0
while(change>conv){ <- postmean(g.hat,,n,d.old,t2)
sum2 <- apply((*%t(rep(1,ncol(sdat))))^2, 1, sum,na.rm=T) <- postvar(sum2,n,a,b)
change <- max(abs(,abs(
g.old <-
d.old <-
count <- count+1
#cat("This batch took", count, "iterations until convergence\n")
adjust <- rbind(,
rownames(adjust) <- c("","")
postmean <- function(g.hat,,n,,t2){(t2*n***}
postvar <- function(sum2,n,a,b){(.5*sum2+b)/(n/2+a-1)}
int.eprior <- function(sdat,g.hat,d.hat){ <- <- NULL
r <- nrow(sdat)
for(i in 1:r){
g <- g.hat[-i]
d <- d.hat[-i]
x <- sdat[i,![i,])]
n <- length(x)
j <- numeric(n)+1
dat <- matrix(as.numeric(x),length(g),n,byrow=T)
resid2 <- (dat-g)^2
sum2 <- resid2%*%j
LH <- 1/(2*pi*d)^(n/2)*exp(-sum2/(2*d))
LH[LH=="NaN"]=0 <- c(,sum(g*LH)/sum(LH)) <- c(,sum(d*LH)/sum(LH))
adjust <- rbind(,
rownames(adjust) <- c("","")
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