plotMix <- function(sample, model){
sample <- prepSamp(sample)
mix.hist(sample, model, ylim = c(0, .5), xlim = c(0, 18))
plotComponents <- function(sample, model, idmrVec = NULL, snpsVec = NULL, chip = "", channel = "", type = "", legend = FALSE){
naVec <- NULL
if(legend) sub <- type else sub <- NULL
#if(is.matrix(sample) || !is(model, 'Skew.normal')) stop('Function only accepts a single sample and a single model')
x <- seq(0, 18, length = 1000000)
pii <- model$pii
mu <- model$mu
sigma2 <- model$sigma2
shape <- model$shape
modes <- model$modes
means <- model$means
dens.list <- model$dens.list
order <- order(mu)
mu <- mu[order]
pii <- pii[order]
sigma2 <- sigma2[order]
shape <- shape[order]
modes <- modes[order]
means <- means[order]
dens.list <- dens.list[order]
g <- length(pii)
myColors <- brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[1:g]
tickColors <- brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[4:6]
name <- colnames(sample)
dens.mix <- d.mixedSN(x, pii, mu, sigma2, shape) #xx to x
y.max <- max(dens.mix)+0.2 #########################
x.y.max <- x[which(dens.mix == y.max)]
hist(sample, breaks = 60,probability=TRUE, border = 'grey', ylim = c(0, y.max),
xlim = c(4,16),xlab = paste(channel, "Log2 Intensity"), main = NULL, sub = sub)
lines(x, dens.mix, lwd = 1) #xx to x
## finding the mean and dropping the line from the curve to the x-axis
for(i in 1:g){
lines(x, pii[i] * dens.list[[i]]$y, type = 'l', col = myColors[i], lwd = 1)
# means[i] <- SNmean(mu[i], sigma2[i], shape[i])
dens.max <- which.max(dens.list[[i]]$y)
# modes[i] <- dens.list[[i]]$x[dens.max[i]]
lines(segments(means[i], 0, means[i], pii[i] * dSN(means[i], mu[i], sigma2[i], shape[i]), lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = myColors[i]))
lines(segments(modes[i], 0, modes[i], pii[i] * dens.list[[i]]$y[dens.max], col = myColors[i], lwd = 1))
lines(density(sample, na.rm = TRUE), lty = 3, lwd = 1)
means <- round(means, 3)
modes <- round(modes, 3)
## plot segments for points in pointsVec
if(!is.null(idmrVec) && !is.null(snpsVec) && !is.null(naVec)){
for(i in 1:length(naVec)){
lines(segments(naVec[i], y.max * 0.10, naVec[i], y.max * 0.15, col = tickColors[3]))
for(i in 1:length(idmrVec)){
lines(segments(idmrVec[i], y.max * .050, idmrVec[i], y.max * .099, col = tickColors[2]))
for(i in 1:length(snpsVec)){
lines(segments(snpsVec[i], 0, snpsVec[i], y.max * .049, col = tickColors[1]))
else if(!is.null(idmrVec) && !is.null(snpsVec)){
for(i in 1:length(idmrVec)){
lines(segments(idmrVec[i], y.max * .050, idmrVec[i], y.max * .099, col = tickColors[2]))
for(i in 1:length(snpsVec)){
lines(segments(snpsVec[i], 0, snpsVec[i], y.max * .049, col = tickColors[1]))
else if(!is.null(idmrVec) && !is.null(naVec)){
for(i in 1:length(naVec)){
lines(segments(naVec[i], y.max * .050, naVec[i], y.max * .099, col = tickColors[3]))
for(i in 1:length(idmrVec)){
lines(segments(idmrVec[i], 0, idmrVec[i], y.max * .049, col = tickColors[2]))
else if(!is.null(snpsVec) && !is.null(naVec)){
for(i in 1:length(naVec)){
lines(segments(naVec[i], y.max * .050, naVec[i], y.max * .099, col = tickColors[3]))
for(i in 1:length(snpsVec)){
lines(segments(snpsVec[i], 0, snpsVec[i], y.max * .049, col = tickColors[1]))
else if(!is.null(idmrVec)){
for(i in 1:length(idmrVec)){
lines(segments(idmrVec[i], 0, idmrVec[i], y.max * .05, col = tickColors[2]))
else if(!is.null(snpsVec)){
for(i in 1:length(snpsVec)){
lines(segments(snpsVec[i], 0, snpsVec[i], y.max * .05, col = tickColors[1]))
else if(!is.null(naVec)){
for(i in 1:length(naVec)){
lines(segments(naVec[i], 0, naVec[i], y.max * .05, col = tickColors[3]))
## create legend
## to alternate means and modes:
## as.vector(rbind(means, modes))
#if(x.y.max < 10) x.coord <- 4 #13
#else x.coord <- 4 #5
x.coord <- 4
y.coord <- y.max #+ .05
legend(x.coord, y.coord, c(paste(rep(c("mean =", "mode ="), each = g), c(means, modes)), "dens sum","non-par dens") , col = c(rep(myColors,2), 'black', 'black'),
lty = c(rep(c(2, 1), each = g), 1, 3), lwd = c(rep(2, 2*g+1), 1), xpd = NA, cex = 0.9) #TRUE)
panelPlots <- function(MethyLumiSet, typeIRedModels, typeIGreenModels, typeIIModels,
plot = c('panel', 'frames'), samp.num = NULL, frame.nums = 1:9, norm = '',
idmr = TRUE, snps = TRUE){
if(!any(grepl('^rs', rownames(MethyLumiSet)))) snps <- FALSE
plot <- match.arg(plot)
if (plot == 'frames'){
if(ncol(MethyLumiSet) > 1) stop('To see single plots, a sample number must be specified')
start <- 1
end <- 1
legend <- TRUE
if(length(samp.num) > 1) stop('Only one sample number can be specified at this time')
start <- samp.num
end <- samp.num
legend <- TRUE
if(length(samp.num) > 1) stop('Only one sample number can be specified at this time')
start <- samp.num
end <- samp.num
legend <- FALSE
start <- 1
end <- ncol(MethyLumiSet)
legend <- FALSE
frame.nums <- 1:9 %in% frame.nums
tickColors <- brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[4:6]
all.betas <- betas(MethyLumiSet) <- prepSamp(subsetProbes(MethyLumiSet, 'M', 'I-red', idmr = idmr, snps = snps)) <- prepSamp(subsetProbes(MethyLumiSet, 'U', 'I-red', idmr = idmr, snps = snps)) <- cbind(all.betas[rownames(,], NA) <- prepSamp(subsetProbes(MethyLumiSet, 'M', 'I-green', idmr = idmr, snps = snps)) <- prepSamp(subsetProbes(MethyLumiSet, 'U', 'I-green', idmr = idmr, snps = snps)) <- cbind(all.betas[rownames(,], NA)
typeII.meth <- prepSamp(subsetProbes(MethyLumiSet, 'M', 'II', idmr = idmr, snps = snps))
typeII.unmeth <- prepSamp(subsetProbes(MethyLumiSet, 'U', 'II', idmr = idmr, snps = snps))
typeII.betas <- cbind(all.betas[rownames(typeII.meth),], NA)
snp.names <- grep('rs', rownames(MethyLumiSet), value = TRUE) <- cbind([rownames( %in% snp.names,], NA) <- cbind([rownames( %in% snp.names,], NA) <- cbind(all.betas[rownames(,], NA) <- cbind([rownames( %in% snp.names,], NA) <- cbind([rownames( %in% snp.names,], NA) <- cbind(all.betas[rownames(,], NA)
snpII.meth <- cbind(typeII.meth[rownames(typeII.meth) %in% snp.names,], NA)
snpII.unmeth <- cbind(typeII.meth[rownames(typeII.unmeth) %in% snp.names,], NA)
snpII.betas <- cbind(all.betas[rownames(snpII.meth),], NA)
data(iDMR, envir = environment()) <- cbind([rownames( %in% iDMR,], NA) <- cbind([rownames( %in% iDMR,], NA) <- cbind(all.betas[rownames(,], NA) <- cbind([rownames( %in% iDMR,], NA) <- cbind([rownames( %in% iDMR,], NA) <- cbind(all.betas[rownames(,], NA)
iDMR.typeII.meth <- cbind(typeII.meth[rownames(typeII.meth) %in% iDMR,], NA)
iDMR.typeII.unmeth <- cbind(typeII.unmeth[rownames(typeII.unmeth) %in% iDMR,], NA)
iDMR.typeII.betas <- cbind(all.betas[rownames(iDMR.typeII.meth),], NA)
finishPlot <- function(){
mtext(paste(colnames(MethyLumiSet)[i], norm), 3, adj = 0.5, line = 2, cex = 1.2, outer = TRUE)
oldPar <- par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), new = TRUE)
plot(0, 0, type = "n", bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
legend("bottom", c("SNP", "iDMR"), xpd = TRUE, horiz = TRUE, inset = c(0, 0),
bty = "n", pch = 15, col = tickColors[1:2], cex = 1.2)
for(i in start:end){
if (plot == 'panel') par(mfcol = c(3,3), mgp = c(2, 1, 0), mar=c(4,4,0.5,0.5), oma = c(4,0,4,0))
else par(oma = c(4,0,4,0), mar=c(4,4,2,2), mgp = c(2,1,0))
plotComponents([,i], typeIRedModels[[1]][[i]], if(idmr)[,i] else NULL, if(snps)[,i] else NULL, NULL, "Methylated", "I-red", legend)
if (plot == 'frames') finishPlot()
plotComponents([,i], typeIRedModels[[2]][[i]], if(idmr)[,i] else NULL, if(snps)[,i] else NULL, NULL, "Unmethylated", "I-red", legend)
if (plot == 'frames') finishPlot()
if (plot == 'frames') sub <- "Type I-Red" else sub <- NULL
plot(density([,i], na.rm = TRUE), xaxt = 'n', bty = 'n', main = NA, xlab = "Beta values", sub = sub)
axis(1, at = c(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0), labels = c('0.0', '0.2', '0.4', '0.6', '0.8', '1.0'))
axis(1, at = 0.5, labels = FALSE, col.ticks = 'red', tck = -.08)
h <- max(density([, i], na.rm = TRUE)$y)
if(idmr && snps){
idmrBetas <-[,i]
idmrBetas <- na.omit(idmrBetas)
snpBetas <-[,i]
snpBetas <- na.omit(snpBetas)
idmrHgt <- h * .1
idmrBtm <- h * .051
for(j in 1:length(idmrBetas)){
lines(segments(idmrBetas[j], idmrBtm , idmrBetas[j], idmrHgt, col = tickColors[2]))
snpHgt <- h * .049
for(j in 1:length(snpBetas)){
lines(segments(snpBetas[j], 0, snpBetas[j], snpHgt, col = tickColors[1]))
else if(idmr && !snps){
idmrBetas <-[,i]
idmrBetas <- na.omit(idmrBetas)
height <- h * .05
for(j in 1:length(idmrBetas)){
lines(segments(idmrBetas[j], 0, idmrBetas[j], height, col = tickColors[2]))
else if(!idmr && snps){
snpBetas <-[,i]
snpBetas <- na.omit(snpBetas)
height <- h * .05
for(j in 1:length(snpBetas)){
lines(segments(snpBetas[j], 0, snpBetas[j], height, col = tickColors[1]))
if (plot == 'frames') finishPlot()
plotComponents([,i], typeIGreenModels[[1]][[i]], if(idmr)[,i] else NULL, if(snps)[,i] else NULL, NULL, "Methylated", "I-green", legend)
if (plot == 'frames') finishPlot()
plotComponents([,i], typeIGreenModels[[2]][[i]], if(idmr)[,i] else NULL, if(snps)[,i] else NULL, NULL, "Unmethylated", "I-green", legend)
if (plot == 'frames') finishPlot()
if (plot == 'frames') sub <- "Type I-Green" else sub <- NULL
plot(density([,i], na.rm = TRUE), xaxt = 'n', bty = 'n', main = NA, xlab = "Beta values", sub = sub)
axis(1, at = c(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0), labels = c('0.0', '0.2', '0.4', '0.6', '0.8', '1.0'))
axis(1, at = 0.5, labels = FALSE, col.ticks = 'red', tck = -.08)
h <- max(density([,i], na.rm = TRUE)$y)
if(idmr && snps){
idmrBetas <-[,i]
idmrBetas <- na.omit(idmrBetas)
snpBetas <-[,i]
snpBetas <- na.omit(snpBetas)
idmrHgt <- h * .1
idmrBtm <- h * .051
for(j in 1:length(idmrBetas)){
lines(segments(idmrBetas[j], idmrBtm , idmrBetas[j], idmrHgt, col = tickColors[2]))
snpHgt <- h * .049
for(j in 1:length(snpBetas)){
lines(segments(snpBetas[j], 0, snpBetas[j], snpHgt, col = tickColors[1]))
else if(idmr && !snps){
idmrBetas <-[,i]
idmrBetas <- na.omit(idmrBetas)
height <- h * .05
for(j in 1:length(idmrBetas)){
lines(segments(idmrBetas[j], 0, idmrBetas[j], height, col = tickColors[2]))
else if(!idmr && snps){
snpBetas <-[,i]
snpBetas <- na.omit(snpBetas)
height <- h * .05
for(j in 1:length(snpBetas)){
lines(segments(snpBetas[j], 0, snpBetas[j], height, col = tickColors[1]))
if (plot == 'frames') finishPlot()
plotComponents(typeII.meth[,i], typeIIModels[[1]][[i]], if(idmr) iDMR.typeII.meth[,i] else NULL, if(snps) snpII.meth[,i] else NULL, NULL, "Methylated (green)", "II", legend)
if (plot == 'frames') finishPlot()
plotComponents(typeII.unmeth[,i], typeIIModels[[2]][[i]], if(idmr) iDMR.typeII.unmeth[,i] else NULL, if(snps) snpII.unmeth[,i] else NULL, NULL, "Unmethylated (red)", "II", legend)
if (plot == 'frames') finishPlot()
if (plot == 'frames') sub <- "Type II" else sub <- NULL
plot(density(typeII.betas[,i], na.rm = TRUE), xaxt = 'n', bty = 'n', main = NA, xlab = "Beta values", sub = sub)
axis(1, at = c(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0), labels = c('0.0', '0.2', '0.4', '0.6', '0.8', '1.0'))
axis(1, at = 0.5, labels = FALSE, col.ticks = 'red', tck = -.08)
h <- max(density(typeII.betas[,i], na.rm = TRUE)$y)
if(idmr && snps){
idmrBetas <- iDMR.typeII.betas[,i]
idmrBetas <- na.omit(idmrBetas)
snpBetas <- snpII.betas[,i]
snpBetas <- na.omit(snpBetas)
idmrHgt <- h * .1
idmrBtm <- h * .051
for(j in 1:length(idmrBetas)){
lines(segments(idmrBetas[j], idmrBtm , idmrBetas[j], idmrHgt, col = tickColors[2]))
snpHgt <- h * .049
for(j in 1:length(snpBetas)){
lines(segments(snpBetas[j], 0, snpBetas[j], snpHgt, col = tickColors[1]))
else if(idmr && !snps){
idmrBetas <- iDMR.typeII.betas[,i]
idmrBetas <- na.omit(idmrBetas)
height <- h * .05
for(j in 1:length(idmrBetas)){
lines(segments(idmrBetas[j], 0, idmrBetas[j], height, col = tickColors[2]))
else if(!idmr && snps){
snpBetas <- snpII.betas[,i]
snpBetas <- na.omit(snpBetas)
height <- h * .05
for(j in 1:length(snpBetas)){
lines(segments(snpBetas[j], 0, snpBetas[j], height, col = tickColors[1]))
if (plot == 'frames') finishPlot()
if(plot == 'panel'){
mtext("Type I-Red", 3, adj = 0.15, outer = TRUE)
mtext("Type I-Green", 3, adj = 0.5, outer = TRUE)
mtext("Type II", 3, adj = 0.85, outer = TRUE)
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