##' @importFrom qvalue qvalue
##' @importFrom stats phyper
##' @importFrom stats p.adjust
## Internal method for enrichment analysis by using the hypergeometric model,
## which also support query gene set with duplications
enricher_internal <- function(gene,
universe = NULL,
## query external ID to Term ID
gene <- as.character(gene)
qTermID <- unlist(qExtID2TermID)
if (is.null(qTermID)) {
message("--> No gene can be mapped....")
p2e <- get("PATHID2EXTID", envir=USER_DATA)
sg <- unlist(p2e[seq_len(10)])
sg <- sample(sg, min(length(sg), 6))
message("--> Expected input gene ID: ", paste0(sg, collapse=','))
message("--> return NULL...")
## Term ID -- query external ID association list.
qExtID2TermID.df <- data.frame(extID=rep(names(qExtID2TermID),
times=lapply(qExtID2TermID, length)),
qExtID2TermID.df <- unique(qExtID2TermID.df)
qTermID2ExtID <- split(as.character(qExtID2TermID.df$extID),
## Get all the genes that have GO annotation, intersect with universe,
## get extID as universe
if (missing(universe))
universe <- NULL
if(!is.null(universe)) {
extID <- intersect(extID, universe)
## get intersect of query genes and universe, as new query genes
qGene <- gene[gene %in% extID]
## Term ID annotate query external ID
qTermID <- unique(names(qTermID2ExtID))
termID2ExtID <- lapply(termID2ExtID, intersect, extID)
idx <- get_geneSet_index(termID2ExtID, minGSSize, maxGSSize)
if (sum(idx) == 0) {
msg <- paste("No gene set have size >", minGSSize, "...")
message("--> return NULL...")
return (NULL)
termID2ExtID <- termID2ExtID[idx]
geneSets <- termID2ExtID
qTermID2ExtID <- qTermID2ExtID[idx]
qTermID <- unique(names(qTermID2ExtID))
## prepare parameter for hypergeometric test
# N: all the balls in the urn.
N <- length(extID)
# k: White balls drawn. number of overlapped genes in qGene and genes in
# every GO term of termID2ExtID
k <- vapply(termID2ExtID, function(x) sum(qGene %in% x),
FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
# n: balls drawn. length of qGene
n <- length(qGene)
# M: White balls.
M <- vapply(termID2ExtID, length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
args.df <- data.frame(numWdrawn=k-1, ## White balls drawn
numW=M, ## White balls
numB=N-M, ## Black balls
numDrawn=n) ## balls drawn
## calcute pvalues based on hypergeometric model
pvalues <- apply(args.df, 1, function(n)
phyper(n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4], lower.tail=FALSE)
## gene ratio and background ratio
GeneRatio <- apply(data.frame(a=k, b=n), 1, function(x)
paste(x[1], "/", x[2], sep="", collapse="")
BgRatio <- apply(data.frame(a=M, b=N), 1, function(x)
paste(x[1], "/", x[2], sep="", collapse="")
Over <- data.frame(ID = as.character(qTermID),
GeneRatio = GeneRatio,
BgRatio = BgRatio,
pvalue = pvalues,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
p.adj <- p.adjust(Over$pvalue, method=pAdjustMethod)
qobj <- tryCatch(qvalue(p=Over$pvalue, lambda=0.05, pi0.method="bootstrap"),
error=function(e) NULL)
if (is(qobj, "qvalue")) {
qvalues <- qobj$qvalues
} else {
qvalues <- NA
## Obtain genes matching at GO nodes of termID2ExtID
geneID <- lapply(termID2ExtID, function(x) { qGene[qGene %in% x] } )
geneID <- vapply(geneID, function(x) { paste(x, collapse="/") },
FUN.VALUE = character(1) )
geneID[geneID==""] <- "NA"
geneID <- geneID[qTermID]
Over <- data.frame(Over,
p.adjust = p.adj,
qvalue = qvalues,
itemID = geneID,
Count = k,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Description <- TERM2NAME(qTermID, USER_DATA)
if (length(qTermID) != length(Description)) {
idx <- qTermID %in% names(Description)
Over <- Over[idx,]
Over$Description <- Description
nc <- ncol(Over)
Over <- Over[, c(1,nc, 2:(nc-1))]
Over <- Over[order(pvalues),]
Over <- Over[Over$pvalue <= pvalueCutoff, ]
Over <- Over[Over$p.adjust <= pvalueCutoff, ]
if (! any($qvalue))) {
Over <- Over[ Over$qvalue <= qvalueCutoff, ]
Over$ID <- as.character(Over$ID)
Over$Description <- as.character(Over$Description)
row.names(Over) <- as.character(Over$ID)
Over <- as_tibble(Over)
x <- feaResult(
result = Over,
drugs = as.character(gene),
targets = as.character(gene),
organism = "UNKNOWN",
ontology = "UNKNOWN")
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