#' @title Correlation-based Search Method
#' @description
#' Correlation-based similarity metrics, such as Spearman or Pearson
#' coefficients, can be used as Gene Expression Signature Search (GESS) methods.
#' As non-set-based methods, they require quantitative gene expression values
#' for both the query and the database entries, such as normalized intensities
#' or read counts from microarrays or RNA-Seq experiments, respectively.
#' @details
#' For correlation searches to work, it is important that both the query and
#' reference database contain the same type of gene identifiers. The expected
#' data structure of the query is a matrix with a single numeric column and the
#' gene labels (e.g. Entrez Gene IDs) in the row name slot. For convenience, the
#' correlation-based searches can either be performed with the full set of genes
#' represented in the database or a subset of them. The latter can be useful to
#' focus the computation for the correlation values on certain genes of interest
#' such as a DEG set or the genes in a pathway of interest. For comparing the
#' performance of different GESS methods, it can also be advantageous to subset
#' the genes used for a correlation-based search to same set used in a set-based
#' search, such as the up/down DEGs used in a LINCS GESS. This way the search
#' results of correlation- and set-based methods can be more comparable because
#' both are provided with equivalent information content.
#' @section Column description:
#' Descriptions of the columns specific to the corrleation-based GESS method are
#' given below. Note, the additional columns, those that are common among the
#' GESS methods, are described in the help file of the \code{gessResult} object.
#' \itemize{
#' \item cor_score: Correlation coefficient based on the method defined in
#' the \code{gess_cor} function.
#' }
#' @param qSig \code{\link{qSig}} object defining the query signature including
#' the GESS method (should be 'Cor') and the path to the reference database. For
#' details see help of \code{qSig} and \code{qSig-class}.
#' @param method One of 'spearman' (default), 'kendall', or 'pearson',
#' indicating which correlation coefficient to use.
#' @param chunk_size number of database entries to process per iteration to
#' limit memory usage of search.
#' @param ref_trts character vector. If users want to search against a subset
#' of the reference database, they could set ref_trts as a character vector
#' representing column names (treatments) of the subsetted refdb.
#' @param workers integer(1) number of workers for searching the reference
#' database parallelly, default is 1.
#' @return \code{\link{gessResult}} object, the result table contains the
#' search results for each perturbagen in the reference database ranked by
#' their signature similarity to the query.
#' @seealso \code{\link{qSig}}, \code{\link{gessResult}}, \code{\link{gess}}
#' @examples
#' db_path <- system.file("extdata", "sample_db.h5",
#' package = "signatureSearch")
#' # library(SummarizedExperiment); library(HDF5Array)
#' # sample_db <- SummarizedExperiment(HDF5Array(db_path, name="assay"))
#' # rownames(sample_db) <- HDF5Array(db_path, name="rownames")
#' # colnames(sample_db) <- HDF5Array(db_path, name="colnames")
#' ## get "vorinostat__SKB__trt_cp" signature drawn from sample databass
#' # query_mat <- as.matrix(assay(sample_db[,"vorinostat__SKB__trt_cp"]))
#' # qsig_sp <- qSig(query = query_mat, gess_method = "Cor", refdb = db_path)
#' # sp <- gess_cor(qSig=qsig_sp, method="spearman")
#' # result(sp)
#' @export
gess_cor <- function(qSig, method="spearman", chunk_size=5000, ref_trts=NULL,
if(!is(qSig, "qSig")) stop("The 'qSig' should be an object of 'qSig' class")
if(gm(qSig) != "Cor"){
stop("The 'gess_method' slot of 'qSig' should be 'Cor'
if using 'gess_cor' function")
query <- qr(qSig)
db_path <- determine_refdb(refdb(qSig))
## calculate cs_raw of query to blocks (e.g., 5000 columns) of full refdb
full_mat <- HDF5Array(db_path, "assay")
rownames(full_mat) <- as.character(HDF5Array(db_path, "rownames"))
colnames(full_mat) <- as.character(HDF5Array(db_path, "colnames"))
if(! is.null(ref_trts)){
trts_valid <- trts_check(ref_trts, colnames(full_mat))
full_mat <- full_mat[, trts_valid]
full_dim <- dim(full_mat)
full_grid <- colAutoGrid(full_mat, ncol=min(chunk_size, ncol(full_mat)))
### The blocks in 'full_grid' are made of full columns
nblock <- length(full_grid)
resultDF <- bplapply(seq_len(nblock), function(b){
ref_block <- read_block(full_mat, full_grid[[b]])
cor_res <- cor_sig_search(query=query, refdb=ref_block, method=method)
return(data.frame(cor_res))}, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(workers = workers))
resultDF <-, resultDF)
# mat_dim <- getH5dim(db_path)
# mat_ncol <- mat_dim[2]
# ceil <- ceiling(mat_ncol/chunk_size)
# resultDF <- data.frame()
# for(i in seq_len(ceil)){
# mat <- readHDF5mat(db_path,
# colindex=(chunk_size*(i-1)+1):min(chunk_size*i, mat_ncol))
# cor_res <- cor_sig_search(query=query, refdb=mat, method=method)
# resultDF <- rbind(resultDF, data.frame(cor_res))
# }
resultDF <- sep_pcf(resultDF)
resultDF <- resultDF[order(abs(resultDF$cor_score), decreasing = TRUE), ]
row.names(resultDF) <- NULL
# add target column
target <- suppressMessages(get_targets(resultDF$pert))
res <- left_join(resultDF, target, by=c("pert"="drug_name"))
x <- gessResult(result = as_tibble(res),
query = qr(qSig),
gess_method = gm(qSig),
refdb = refdb(qSig))
cor_sig_search <- function(query, refdb, method){
res_list <- NULL
# make sure rownames of query and refdb are the same
common_gene <- intersect(rownames(query), rownames(refdb))
query2 <- as.matrix(query[common_gene,])
colnames(query2) <- colnames(query)
refdb <- refdb[common_gene,]
for(i in seq_len(ncol(query2))){
cor <- as.numeric(cor(query2[,i], refdb, method = method))
names(cor) <- colnames(refdb)
res <- data.frame(set=names(cor), trend=trend, cor_score = cor,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
res_list <- c(res_list, list(res))
names(res_list) <- colnames(query)
if(length(res_list)==1) return(res_list[[1]])
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