#' Visualize Gene
#' Visualize the beta value in heatmaps for a given gene. The function takes
#' a gene name which is taken from the UCSC refGene. It searches all the
#' transcripts for the given gene and optionally extend the span by certain
#' number of base pairs. The function also takes a beta value matrix with
#' sample names on the columns and probe names on the rows. The function can
#' also work on different genome builds (default to hg38, can be hg19).
#' @param geneName gene name
#' @param betas beta value matrix (row: probes, column: samples)
#' @param platform HM450 or EPIC (default)
#' @param upstream distance to extend upstream
#' @param dwstream distance to extend downstream
#' @param refversion hg19 or hg38 (default)
#' @param ... additional options, see visualizeRegion
#' @import grid
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' betas <- sesameDataGet('HM450.76.TCGA.matched')$betas
#' visualizeGene('ADA', betas, 'HM450')
#' @export
visualizeGene <- function(
geneName, betas, platform = c('EPIC','HM450'),
upstream = 2000, dwstream = 2000,
refversion = c('hg38', 'hg19'), ...) {
platform <- match.arg(platform)
refversion <- match.arg(refversion)
if (is.null(dim(betas))) {
betas <- as.matrix(betas);
gene2txn <- sesameDataGet(paste0('genomeInfo.',refversion))$gene2txn
if (!(geneName %in% names(gene2txn))) {
stop('Gene ', geneName, ' not found in this reference.');
txns <- sesameDataGet(paste0('genomeInfo.',refversion))$txns
target.txns <- txns[gene2txn[[geneName]]]
target.strand <- as.character(GenomicRanges::strand(target.txns[[1]][1]))
if (target.strand == '+') {
pad.start <- upstream
pad.end <- dwstream
} else {
pad.start <- dwstream
pad.end <- upstream
merged.exons <- GenomicRanges::reduce(unlist(target.txns))
min(GenomicRanges::start(merged.exons)) - pad.start,
max(GenomicRanges::end(merged.exons)) + pad.end,
betas, platform = platform, refversion = refversion, ...)
#' Visualize Region that Contains the Specified Probes
#' Visualize the beta value in heatmaps for the genomic region containing
#' specified probes. The function works only if specified probes can be
#' spanned by a single genomic region. The region can cover more probes
#' than specified. Hence the plotting heatmap may encompass more probes.
#' The function takes as input a string vector of probe IDs (cg/ch/rs-numbers).
#' if draw is FALSE, the function returns the subset beta value matrix
#' otherwise it returns the grid graphics object.
#' @param probeNames probe names
#' @param betas beta value matrix (row: probes, column: samples)
#' @param platform HM450 or EPIC (default)
#' @param refversion hg19 or hg38 (default)
#' @param upstream distance to extend upstream
#' @param dwstream distance to extend downstream
#' @param ... additional options, see visualizeRegion
#' @return None
#' @import wheatmap
#' @examples
#' betas <- sesameDataGet('HM450.76.TCGA.matched')$betas
#' visualizeProbes(c('cg22316575', 'cg16084772', 'cg20622019'), betas, 'HM450')
#' @export
visualizeProbes <- function(
probeNames, betas,
platform = c('EPIC', 'HM450'),
refversion = c('hg38','hg19'),
upstream = 1000, dwstream = 1000, ...) {
platform <- match.arg(platform)
refversion <- match.arg(refversion)
probes <- sesameDataGet(paste0(
platform, '.probeInfo'))[[paste0('mapped.probes.',refversion)]]
probeNames <- probeNames[probeNames %in% names(probes)]
if (length(probeNames)==0)
stop('Probes specified are not well mapped.')
target.probes <- probes[probeNames]
regBeg <- min(GenomicRanges::start(target.probes)) - upstream
regEnd <- max(GenomicRanges::end(target.probes)) + dwstream
target.probes[1])), regBeg, regEnd,
betas, platform = platform, refversion = refversion, ...)
#' Get Probes by Gene
#' Get probes mapped to a gene. All transcripts for the gene are considered.
#' The function takes a gene name as appears in UCSC RefGene database. The
#' platform and reference genome build can be changed with `platform` and
#' `refversion` options. The function returns a vector of probes that falls
#' into the given gene.
#' @param geneName gene name
#' @param platform EPIC or HM450
#' @param upstream number of bases to expand upstream of target gene
#' @param dwstream number of bases to expand downstream of target gene
#' @param refversion hg38 or hg19
#' @return probes that fall into the given gene
#' @examples
#' probes <- getProbesByGene('CDKN2A', upstream=500, dwstream=500)
#' @export
getProbesByGene <- function(
geneName, platform = c('EPIC','HM450'),
upstream = 0, dwstream = 0,
refversion = c('hg38','hg19')) {
platform <- match.arg(platform)
refversion <- match.arg(refversion)
requireNamespace("GenomicRanges", quietly = TRUE)
gene2txn <- sesameDataGet(paste0('genomeInfo.', refversion))$gene2txn
if (!(geneName %in% names(gene2txn))) {
stop('Gene ', geneName, ' not found in this reference.');
txns <- sesameDataGet(paste0('genomeInfo.',refversion))$txns
target.txns <- txns[gene2txn[[geneName]]]
## target.strand <- as.character(
## GenomicRanges::strand(target.txns[[1]][1]))
merged.exons <- GenomicRanges::reduce(unlist(target.txns))
up <- ifelse(as.vector(GenomicRanges::strand(
target.txns[[1]][1])) == '-', dwstream, upstream)
dw <- ifelse(as.vector(GenomicRanges::strand(
target.txns[[1]][1])) == '-', upstream, dwstream)
min(GenomicRanges::start(merged.exons)) - up,
max(GenomicRanges::end(merged.exons)) + dw,
platform = platform, refversion = refversion)
#' Get Probes by Gene Transcription Start Site (TSS)
#' Get probes mapped to a TSS. All transcripts for the gene are considered.
#' The function takes a gene name as appears in UCSC RefGene database. The
#' platform and reference genome build can be changed with `platform` and
#' `refversion` options. The function returns a vector of probes that falls
#' into the TSS region of the gene.
#' @param geneName gene name
#' @param upstream the number of base pairs to expand upstream the TSS
#' @param dwstream the number of base pairs to expand dwstream the TSS
#' @param platform EPIC or HM450
#' @param refversion hg38 or hg19
#' @return probes that fall into the given gene
#' @examples
#' probes <- getProbesByTSS('CDKN2A')
#' @export
getProbesByTSS <- function(
geneName, upstream = 1500, dwstream = 1500,
platform = c('EPIC','HM450'), refversion = c('hg38','hg19')) {
platform <- match.arg(platform)
refversion <- match.arg(refversion)
gene2txn <- sesameDataGet(paste0('genomeInfo.',refversion))$gene2txn
if (!(geneName %in% names(gene2txn))) {
stop('Gene ', geneName, ' not found in this reference.');
txns <- sesameDataGet(paste0('genomeInfo.',refversion))$txns
target.txns <- txns[gene2txn[[geneName]]]
tss <- GenomicRanges::reduce(unlist(GenomicRanges::GRangesList(
lapply(target.txns, function(txn) {
tss1 <- ifelse(
as.vector(GenomicRanges::strand(txn))[1] == '-',
max(GenomicRanges::end(txn)), min(GenomicRanges::start(txn)))
up <- ifelse(as.vector(
GenomicRanges::strand(txn))[1] == '-', dwstream, upstream)
dw <- ifelse(as.vector(
GenomicRanges::strand(txn))[1] == '-', upstream, dwstream)
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start=tss1-up, end=tss1+dw))
probes1 <- subsetByOverlaps(sesameDataGet(paste0(
platform, '.probeInfo'))[[paste0('mapped.probes.',refversion)]], tss)
if (length(probes1)>0) {
probes1$gene <- geneName
## helper function to plot transcript
plotTranscripts <- function(
target.txns, target.region, plt.beg, plt.end, txn2gene) {
plt.width <- plt.end - plt.beg
isoformHeight <- 1/length(target.txns)
padHeight <- isoformHeight*0.2, lapply(seq_along(target.txns), function(i) {
txn <- target.txns[[i]] <- names(target.txns)[i]
txn.beg <- max(plt.beg, min(GenomicRanges::start(txn))-2000)
txn.end <- min(plt.end, max(GenomicRanges::end(txn))+2000)
txn <- subsetByOverlaps(txn, target.region)
txn.strand <- as.character(GenomicRanges::strand(txn[1]))
if (txn.strand == '+') {
line.direc <- c(txn.beg-plt.beg, txn.end-plt.beg) / plt.width
} else {
line.direc <- c(txn.end-plt.beg, txn.beg-plt.beg) / plt.width
} <- (i-1)*isoformHeight+padHeight <-
y.hei <- isoformHeight-2*padHeight
y.hei.exon <- isoformHeight-4*padHeight
g <- gList(
## plot transcript name
sprintf('%s (%s)',, txn2gene[[]][1]),
just=c('center','bottom'), draw=FALSE),
## plot transcript line
x=line.direc,, arrow=arrow(), draw=FALSE),
gp=gpar(lty='dotted'), draw=FALSE),
## plot exons
GenomicRanges::width(txn)/plt.width, y.hei.exon,
just=c('left','bottom'), draw=FALSE))
## plot cds
cdsEnd <- as.integer(GenomicRanges::mcols(txn)$cdsEnd[1])
cdsStart <- as.integer(GenomicRanges::mcols(txn)$cdsStart[1])
txnCds <- txn[(
GenomicRanges::start(txn) < cdsEnd) &
(GenomicRanges::end(txn) > cdsStart)]
GenomicRanges::start(txnCds) <- pmax(
GenomicRanges::start(txnCds), cdsStart)
GenomicRanges::end(txnCds) <- pmin(
GenomicRanges::end(txnCds), cdsEnd)
if (cdsEnd > cdsStart && length(txnCds) > 0) {
g <- gList(g, gList(grid.rect(
y.hei, gp=gpar(fill='grey'),
just=c('left','bottom'), draw=FALSE)))
#' Visualize Region
#' The function takes a genomic coordinate (chromosome, start and end) and a
#' beta value matrix (probes on the row and samples on the column). It plots
#' the beta values as a heatmap for all probes falling into the genomic region.
#' If `draw=TRUE` the function returns the plotted grid graphics object.
#' Otherwise, the selected beta value matrix is returned.
#' `cluster.samples=TRUE/FALSE` controls whether hierarchical clustering is
#' applied to the subset beta value matrix.
#' @param chrm chromosome
#' @param plt.beg begin of the region
#' @param plt.end end of the region
#' @param betas beta value matrix (row: probes, column: samples)
#' @param platform EPIC or HM450
#' @param refversion hg38 or hg19
#' @param draw draw figure or return betas
#' @param heat.height heatmap height (auto inferred based on rows)
#' @param show.sampleNames whether to show sample names
#' @param show.probeNames whether to show probe names
#' @param show.samples.n number of samples to show (default: all)
#' @param cluster.samples whether to cluster samples
#' @param sample name font size
#' @param dmin data min
#' @param dmax data max
#' @param nprobes.max maximum number of probes to plot
#' @param na.rm remove probes with all NA.
#' @return graphics or a matrix containing the captured beta values
#' @import grid
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
#' @examples
#' betas <- sesameDataGet('HM450.76.TCGA.matched')$betas
#' visualizeRegion('chr20', 44648623, 44652152, betas, 'HM450')
#' @export
visualizeRegion <- function(
chrm, plt.beg, plt.end, betas,
platform = c('EPIC','HM450'),
refversion = c('hg38','hg19'), = 10,
heat.height = NULL, draw = TRUE,
show.sampleNames = TRUE, show.samples.n = NULL, show.probeNames = TRUE,
cluster.samples = FALSE,
nprobes.max = 1000,
na.rm = FALSE, dmin = 0, dmax = 1) {
platform <- match.arg(platform)
refversion <- match.arg(refversion)
if (is.null(dim(betas))) {
betas <- as.matrix(betas);
txns <- sesameDataGet(paste0('genomeInfo.',refversion))$txns
txn2gene <- sesameDataGet(paste0('genomeInfo.',refversion))$txn2gene
probes <- sesameDataGet(paste0(
platform, '.probeInfo'))[[paste0('mapped.probes.',refversion)]]
target.region <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
chrm, IRanges::IRanges(plt.beg, plt.end))
target.txns <- subsetByOverlaps(txns, target.region)
plt.width <- plt.end-plt.beg
probes <- subsetByOverlaps(probes, target.region)
probes <- probes[names(probes) %in% rownames(betas)]
if (na.rm)
probes <- probes[apply(
betas[names(probes), ], 1, function(x) !all(]
nprobes <- length(probes)
if (is.null(show.samples.n))
show.samples.n <- dim(betas)[2]
if (nprobes == 0)
stop("No probe overlap region ", sprintf(
'%s:%d-%d', chrm, plt.beg, plt.end))
if (nprobes > nprobes.max) {
stop(sprintf('Too many probes (%d). Consider smaller region?', nprobes))
## plot transcripts
if (length(target.txns) > 0) {
plt.txns <- plotTranscripts(
target.txns, target.region, plt.beg, plt.end, txn2gene)
} else {
plt.txns <- gList(
grid.rect(0,0.1,1,0.8, just = c('left','bottom'), draw=FALSE),
grid.text('No transcript found', x=0.5, y=0.5, draw=FALSE))
plt.chromLine <- grid.lines(x=c(0, 1), y=c(1,1), draw=FALSE)
plt.mapLines <- grid.segments(
(GenomicRanges::start(probes)-plt.beg) / plt.width, 1,
((seq_len(nprobes)-0.5)/nprobes), 0, draw=FALSE)
## clustering
betas <- betas[names(probes),,drop=FALSE]
if (cluster.samples) {
betas <- column.cluster(betas[names(probes),,drop=FALSE])$mat
if (draw) {
w <- WGrob(plt.txns, name='txn') +
WGrob(plt.mapLines, Beneath(pad=0, height=0.15)) +
cmp=CMPar(dmin=dmin, dmax=dmax),
w <- w + WGrob(
plotCytoBand(chrm, plt.beg, plt.end, refversion=refversion),
TopOf('txn', height=0.25))
} else {
## plot chromosome of genomic ranges and cytobands
#' @importFrom grDevices gray.colors
plotCytoBand <- function(
chrom, plt.beg, plt.end,
refversion = c('hg38', 'hg19')) {
refversion <- match.arg(refversion)
cytoBand <- sesameDataGet(paste0('genomeInfo.',refversion))$cytoBand
## set cytoband color
cytoBand2col <- setNames(
gray.colors(7, start=0.9,end=0),
c('stalk', 'gneg', 'gpos25', 'gpos50', 'gpos75', 'gpos100'))
cytoBand2col['acen'] <- 'red'
cytoBand2col['gvar'] <- cytoBand2col['gpos75']
## chromosome range <- cytoBand[cytoBand$chrom == chrom,]
chromEnd <- max($chromEnd)
chromBeg <- min($chromStart)
chromWid <- chromEnd - chromBeg
bandColor <- cytoBand2col[as.character($gieStain)]
pltx0 <- (c(plt.beg, plt.end)-chromBeg)/chromWid
sprintf("%s:%d-%d", chrom, plt.beg, plt.end), 0, 0.9,
just = c('left','bottom'), draw = FALSE),
function(x) (x-chromBeg)/chromWid, 1),
($chromEnd -$chromStart)/chromWid,
0.5, gp = gpar(fill = bandColor, col = bandColor),
just = c('left','bottom'), draw = FALSE),
x0 = pltx0, y0 = 0.3,
x1 = c(0,1), y1 = 0.1, draw = FALSE, gp = gpar(lty='dotted')),
x0 = pltx0, y0 = 0.3,
x1 = pltx0, y1 = 0.85, draw = FALSE))
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