.smoothScatter <- function(x, y=NULL, map, nbin=128, bandwidth,
colramp=colorRampPalette(c("white", blues9)), nrpoints=100, pch=".", cex=1,
col="black", transformation=function(x) x^.25, max.value=NULL, postPlotHook=box,
xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, xlim, ylim, xaxs=par("xaxs"), yaxs=par("yaxs"), ...){
if (!is.numeric(nrpoints) | (nrpoints<0) | (length(nrpoints)!=1))
stop("'nrpoints' should be numeric scalar with value >= 0.")
## similar as in plot.default
xlabel <- if (!missing(x)) deparse(substitute(x))
ylabel <- if (!missing(y)) deparse(substitute(y))
xy <- xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel)
xlab <- if (is.null(xlab)) xy$xlab else xlab
ylab <- if (is.null(ylab)) xy$ylab else ylab
## eliminate non-finite (incl. NA) values
x <- cbind(xy$x, xy$y)[ is.finite(xy$x) & is.finite(xy$y), , drop = FALSE]
## xlim and ylim
if(!missing(xlim)) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(xlim), length(xlim)==2, is.finite(xlim))
x <- x[ min(xlim) <= x[,1] & x[,1] <= max(xlim), ]
} else {
xlim <- range(x[,1])
if(!missing(ylim)) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(ylim), length(ylim)==2, is.finite(ylim))
x <- x[ min(ylim) <= x[,2] & x[,2] <= max(ylim), ]
} else {
ylim <- range(x[,2])
## create density map [ code in --> ../../grDevices/R/smooth2d.R ]:
xm <- map$x1
ym <- map$x2
dens <- map$fhat
dens[] <- transformation(dens)
breaks <- seq(0, transformation(max.value), length.out=257)
## plot color image
image(xm, ym, z=dens, col=colramp(256), breaks=breaks, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xaxs=xaxs, yaxs=yaxs, ...)
## plot selection of dots
if (nrpoints > 0) {
nrpoints <- min(nrow(x), ceiling(nrpoints))
## we assume that map$x1 and map$x2 go linearly from
## their first to their last value in nbin steps
stopifnot((nx <- length(xm)) == nrow(dens),
(ny <- length(ym)) == ncol(dens))
ixm <- 1L + as.integer((nx-1)*(x[,1]-xm[1])/(xm[nx]-xm[1]))
iym <- 1L + as.integer((ny-1)*(x[,2]-ym[1])/(ym[ny]-ym[1]))
sel <- order(dens[cbind(ixm, iym)])[seq_len(nrpoints)]
points(x[sel,], pch=pch, cex=cex, col=col)
.myColorPalette <- function(colorName){
colors.df <- data.frame(midcol=c("palegreen","aquamarine","lightblue",
"lightgray"), highcol=c("darkgreen","darkslategrey","blue4","purple4",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(colors.df) <- c("green","cyan","blue","purple","pink","red",
c("white", colors.df[colorName,"midcol"], colors.df[colorName,"highcol"])
log5 <- function(x) {
.pattern.smoothscatter <- function(melted, orig, patterns, flankUp=NULL,
flankDown=NULL, bw=NULL, nbin=NULL, color='blue', transf=NULL, xTicks=NULL,
xTicksAt=NULL, xLabel="", yTicks=NULL, yTicksAt=NULL, yLabel="", cex.axis=8,
plot.scale=TRUE, scale.length=NULL, scale.width=10, add.label=TRUE, cex.label=8,
label.col='black', addReferenceLine=TRUE, plotColorLegend=TRUE, out,
plot.width=2000, plot.height=2000, useMulticore=FALSE, nrCores=NULL){
mycols <- .myColorPalette(color)
flank <- width(orig)[1]
nr.seq <- length(orig)
scale.factor <- 2*log5(20)*log5(100)/log5(flank/2) - 2*log5(4)
if(length(nbin) == 0){
nbin <- c(round(flank*scale.factor), length(orig))
if(length(bw) == 0){
bw = c(3/scale.factor,3)
sums <- vector()
for(di in patterns) {
melted[[di]]$sequence <- length(orig) + 1 - melted[[di]]$sequence
sums <- c(sums, sum(melted[[di]][,3]))
names(sums) <- patterns
message("\nCalculating density...")
a0 <- mclapply(as.list(patterns), function(di){
bkde2D(melted[[di]][,c(2,1)], bandwidth=bw, gridsize=nbin);
}, mc.cores = nrCores)
names(a0) <- patterns
a0 <- list()
for(di in patterns){
message("->", di)
a0[[di]] <- bkde2D(melted[[di]][,c(2,1)],bandwidth=bw,gridsize=nbin)
d <- vector()
a <- list()
for(di in patterns){
a[[di]] <- a0[[di]]$fhat
d <- c(d, max(a[[di]]))
max.value <- max(d*sums)/sums
names(max.value) <- patterns
if(length(transf) == 0){
transf <- function(x) {x^(1/3)}
untransf <- function(x) {x^3}
if(length(xTicks) == 0){
xTicks <- c(-1*flankUp, -1*flankUp/2, 0, flankDown/2, flankDown)
xTicksAt <- cumsum(c(0.5, flankUp/2, flankUp/2, flankDown/2-1,
} <- c(0:(flank-1)) <- 1:length(orig)
mclapply(as.list(patterns), function(di){
outfile <- paste(out,di, "png", sep=".")
png(filename=outfile, width = plot.width, height = plot.height)
par(mar = c(12, 8.5, 2, 8.5))
dinuc.subset <- melted[[di]]
y=max($sequence, map=a0[[di]],
axes=FALSE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", xlab=xLabel, nrpoints=0,
ylab=yLabel, xlim=c(0.5,flank -0.5), main='', bandwidth=bw,
nbin=nbin, colramp=colorRampPalette(mycols), transformation=transf,
max.value=max.value[di], pch=20, cex=0.8, col="gray",
cex.main=1.5, cex.lab = 1.2)
if(length(xTicks) > 0){
axis(1, at=xTicksAt, labels=xTicks, cex.axis=cex.axis, padj=1,
lwd=6, tcl=-1)
if(length(yTicks) > 0){
axis(2, at=yTicksAt, labels=yTicks, cex.axis=cex.axis, las=1,
lwd=6, tcl=-1)
box(lwd = 6)
if(length(scale.length) == 0){
scale.length = flank/5
lines(c(0.03*flank/2,0.03*flank/2 + scale.length),
c(0.03*max(dinuc.subset$sequence), 0.03*
max(dinuc.subset$sequence)), lwd=scale.width, col=label.col)
text(x=0.03*flank/2 + scale.length/2,
labels=paste(round(scale.length), 'bp', sep=''),
cex=cex.label, adj=c(0.5,0), col=label.col, font=2)
text(x=0.02*flank/2, y=0.98*max(dinuc.subset$sequence),
labels=di, cex=cex.label, adj=c(0,1), col=label.col, font=2)
abline(v=flankUp+0.5, lty="dashed", lwd=6)
for (di in patterns){
message("->", di)
outfile <- paste(out,di,"png",sep=".")
png(filename=outfile, width=plot.width, height=plot.height)
par(mar=c(12, 8.5, 2, 8.5))
y=max($sequence, map=a0[[di]],
axes=FALSE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", xlab=xLabel,nrpoints=0,
ylab=yLabel, xlim=c(0.5,flank-0.5), main='', bandwidth=bw,
nbin=nbin, colramp=colorRampPalette(mycols), transformation=transf,
max.value=max.value[di], pch=20, cex=0.8,col="gray",
cex.main=1.5, cex.lab=1.2)
if(length(xTicks) > 0){
axis(1, at=xTicksAt, labels=xTicks, cex.axis=cex.axis, padj=1,
lwd=6, tcl=-1)
if(length(yTicks) > 0){
axis(2, at=yTicksAt, labels=yTicks, cex.axis=cex.axis, las=1,
lwd=6, tcl=-1)
box(lwd = 6)
if(length(scale.length) == 0){
scale.length = flank/5
lines(c(0.03*flank/2,0.03*flank/2 + scale.length),
c(0.03*max(dinuc.subset$sequence), 0.03*
max(dinuc.subset$sequence)), lwd=scale.width, col=label.col)
text(x=0.03*flank/2 + scale.length/2,
labels=paste(round(scale.length), 'bp', sep=''),
cex=cex.label, adj=c(0.5,0), col=label.col, font=2)
text(x=0.02*flank/2, y=0.98*max(dinuc.subset$sequence),
labels=di, cex=cex.label, adj=c(0,1), col=label.col, font=2)
abline(v=flankUp+0.5, lty="dashed", lwd=6)
if(plotColorLegend == TRUE){
width=0.15*plot.height, height=plot.height)
f <- colorRampPalette(mycols)
nr.labels <- 4
leg <- rep('', 256)
leg[seq(0.05*256, 0.95*256, length.out=nr.labels)] <-
formatC(untransf(seq(0.05*transf(max(d*sums)), 0.95*
transf(max(d*sums)), length.out=nr.labels)), format='f', digits=2)
par(mar = c(12, 14, 2, 0.5))
plot(1, 1, type='n', bty='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xlim=c(0,1),
ylim=c(0,7), xaxs="i", yaxs="i", xlab='', ylab='')
box(lwd = 6)
color.legend(0, 0, 1, 7, legend=leg, rect.col=f(256), align="lt",
gradient='y', cex=cex.axis)
# Function for plotting heatmap
.plot.motif.heatmap <- function(motifScanningScores, flankUp=NULL,
flankDown=NULL, cols, breaks, xTicks=NULL, xTicksAt=NULL, xLabel="",
yTicks=NULL, yTicksAt=NULL, yLabel="", cexAxis=8, plotScale=TRUE,
scaleLength=NULL, scaleWidth=15, addReferenceLine=TRUE){
par(mar = c(12, 8.5, 2, 8.5))
if(length(xTicks) == 0){
xTicks <- c(-1*flankUp, -1*flankUp/2, 0, flankDown/2, flankDown)
xTicksAt <- cumsum(c(0.5, flankUp/2, flankUp/2, flankDown/2-1,
image(t(motifScanningScores[nrow(motifScanningScores):1,]), col=cols,
breaks=breaks, xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
if(length(xTicks) > 0){
axis(1, at=xTicksAt/(flankUp+flankDown), labels=xTicks,
cex.axis=cexAxis, padj=1, lwd=6, tcl=-1)
if(length(yTicks) > 0){
axis(2, at=yTicksAt/nrow(motifScanningScores), labels=yTicks,
cex.axis=cexAxis, las=1, lwd=6, tcl=-1)
box(lwd = 6)
if(length(scaleLength) == 0){
scaleLength <- (flankUp + flankDown)/5
lines(c(0.015, 0.015+scaleLength/(flankUp + flankDown)),
c(0.03,0.03), lwd=scaleWidth, col="gray90")
text(x=0.03/2+scaleLength/(2*(flankUp + flankDown)), y=0.06,
labels=paste(round(scaleLength), 'bp', sep=''), cex=cexAxis,
adj=c(0.5,0), col="gray90", font=2)
abline(v=(flankUp+0.5)/(flankUp+flankDown), lty="dashed",
col="gray90", lwd=6)
# Function of plotting average signal
.plot.windowed.average <- function(occurence.melted.list, nr.seq,
pattern.widths, flankUp = NULL, flankDown = NULL, smoothingWindow = 3,
color = rainbow(length(occurence.melted.list)), xLabel =
"Distance to reference point (bp)", yLabel = "Relative frequency", cexAxis = 2,
addReferenceLine = TRUE, plotLegend = TRUE, cexLegend = 2, add = FALSE, ...){
message("\nPlotting average signal...\n")
function(i) {
x <- occurence.melted.list[[i]]
a.s <- table(x$position)/nr.seq
avg.signal <- rep(0, times =
names(avg.signal) <- c(1:length(avg.signal))
avg.signal[names(a.s)] <- a.s
starts <- lapply(patterns.avg.signal, function(x) {
seq(1, length(x), by = smoothingWindow)
ends <- lapply(starts, function(x) {x + smoothingWindow - 1})
ends <- lapply(1:length(ends), function(x) {
ends[[x]][length(ends[[x]])] <- min(ends[[x]][length(ends[[x]])],
length(patterns.avg.signal[[x]])); return(ends[[x]])
patterns.avg.signal.windowed <- lapply(c(1:length(patterns.avg.signal)),
a.s <- sapply(seq(1:length(starts[[x]])), function(y) {
x.coor <- (starts[[x]]+ends[[x]])/2 - flankUp - 1
return(list(x.coor, a.s))
plot(1, 1, xlim = c(-flankUp, flankDown), ylim = c(0,
1.05*max(unlist(lapply(patterns.avg.signal.windowed, function(x) {
max(x[[2]])})))), type = "n", xlab = xLabel, ylab = yLabel,
cex.axis = cexAxis, cex.lab = cexAxis, ...)
a.s <- lapply(c(1:length(patterns.avg.signal.windowed)), function(i){
lines(x = patterns.avg.signal.windowed[[i]][[1]],
y = patterns.avg.signal.windowed[[i]][[2]], type = "l",
col = color[i], ...)
legend("top", legend = names(pattern.widths), bty = "n", horiz = TRUE,
lwd = 1, col = color, cex = cexLegend)
abline(v = 0, lty = "dashed")
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