# modification on git from copied files
.averageMethylationRegions <- function (redMD, subcoord, redOvers, position, samples, lenMod, cuts, surrounding)
uus <- unique(unlist(samples))
# redsamp <- lapply(samples, match, uus)
rredMD <- normaliseNC(redMD[unlist(redOvers), uus])
lenOvers <- sapply(redOvers, length)
# this is going to be a matrix where the first column gives the normalised position of the data point relative to the coordinate structure
startData <- cbind(start = unlist(redOvers),
codstart = rep(start(subcoord), lenOvers),
codwidth = rep(width(subcoord), lenOvers))
startData[, 1] <- start(redMD@alignments)[startData[, 1]] - startData[, 2]
minus <- (rep(as.character(strand(subcoord)), lenOvers) == "-")
if (surrounding > 0) {
rights <- (startData[, 1] >= startData[, 3])
insides <- (startData[, 1] >= 0 & startData[, 1] < startData[, 3])
lefts <- (startData[, 1] < 0)
startData[insides, 1] <- startData[insides, 1]/startData[insides, 3] * surrounding
startData[rights, 1] <- startData[rights, 1] - startData[rights, 3] + surrounding
startData[minus & insides, 1] <- surrounding - startData[minus & insides, 1]
startData[minus & lefts] <- startData[minus & lefts] * -1 + surrounding
startData[minus & rights] <- (startData[minus & rights] - surrounding) * -1
} else {
startData[, 1] <- startData[, 1]/startData[, 3]
startData[minus] <- 1 - startData[minus]
startData[, 1] <- startData[, 1] * lenMod
if (surrounding > 0) {
splits <- cut(startData[, 1], breaks = (-cuts):(2 * cuts)/cuts * surrounding, include.lowest = TRUE, labels = FALSE)
} else splits <- cut(startData[, 1], breaks = 0:cuts/cuts * lenMod, include.lowest = TRUE, labels = FALSE)
splits <- factor(splits, levels = 1:c(3 * cuts, cuts)[as.numeric(surrounding == 0) + 1])
splitcod <- split(rep(1:length(redOvers), sapply(redOvers, length)), splits)
splitdat <- split(1:nrow(rredMD@Cs), splits)
sumstats <- mapply(function(x, y) {
geneProps <-"rbind", lapply(split(x, y), function(sp) {
sumC <- colSums(rredMD@Cs[sp,,drop = FALSE])
sumT <- colSums(rredMD@Ts[sp,,drop = FALSE])
sumC / (sumC + sumT)
sgProps <- lapply(samples, function(samps) geneProps[,samps,drop = FALSE])
sumstat <- lapply(sgProps, function(x) c(mean = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), sd = sd(x, na.rm = TRUE), quantile(x, 1:19 / 20, na.rm = TRUE)))
}, splitdat, splitcod, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
sampstats <- lapply(names(samples), function(samnam)"rbind", lapply(sumstats, function(x) x[[samnam]])))
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
plotAverageProfile <- function(position, profiles, col, surrounding, ylim, add = FALSE, meanOnly = TRUE, legend = TRUE, titles, ...)
if(meanOnly) {
if(missing(col)) col <- rainbow(length(profiles))
if(is.null(col)) col <- rainbow(length(profiles))
lapply(1:length(profiles), function(ii) {
coverage <- profiles[[ii]]
if(is.matrix(coverage)) coverage <- coverage[,1]
if(ii == 1 & !add) {
plot(x = position, y = coverage, type= "l", col = col[ii], ylim = ylim, xlab = "position", ylab = "", ...)
} else lines(x = position, y = coverage, col = col[ii], ...)
if(!add) {
if(surrounding > 0) abline(v = c(surrounding, max(position) + diff(position[1:2]) - 0.5 - surrounding), col = "dark grey", lty = 3, lwd = 2)
if("cex" %in% names(list(...))) legcex <- list(...)$cex else legcex <- 1
if("lwd" %in% names(list(...))) leglwd <- list(...)$lwd else leglwd <- 1
if(legend) legend(x = "topleft", lty = 1, lwd = leglwd, col = col, legend = names(profiles), cex = legcex, bty = "n")
} else {
if(names(dev.cur()) == "null device" || all(par()$mfrow == c(1,1))) par(mfrow = c(1,length(profiles)))
if(missing(col)) col <-"rbind", lapply(1:10, function(s) rainbow(length(profiles), s = s / 10)))
if(is.null(col)) col <-"rbind", lapply(1:10, function(s) rainbow(length(profiles), s = s / 10)))
for(mm in 1:length(profiles)) {
plot(x = NA, y = NA, ylim = ylim, xlim = range(position), ylab = "", xlab = "position", ...)
title(main = titles[mm], ...)
for(ii in 1:9)
rect(position - diff(position[1:2]) / 2, profiles[[mm]][,2 + ii], position + diff(position[1:2]) / 2, profiles[[mm]][,22 - ii], col = col[ii,mm], border = col[ii,mm])
lines(x = position, y = profiles[[mm]][,1], ylim = c(0,1), col = col[10,mm])
if(surrounding > 0) {
seglen <- length(position) / 3
abline(v = c(weighted.mean(position[0:1 + seglen], w = c(0.1, 0.9)),
weighted.mean(position[seglen * 2 + 1:2], w = c(0.9, 0.1))),
col = "dark grey", lty = 3, lwd = 2)
.subProfile <- function(subcoord, position, lenMod, mD, samples, cuts, surrounding = 0)
modcod <- subcoord
if(surrounding > 0) {
start(modcod) <- pmax(start(modcod) - surrounding, 1)
end(modcod) <- end(modcod) + surrounding
methOvers <- findOverlaps(modcod, mD@alignments, select = "all")
overMD <- sort(unique(unlist(subjectHits(methOvers))))
redOvers <- split(match(subjectHits(methOvers), overMD), factor(queryHits(methOvers), levels = 1:length(modcod)))
uus <- unique(unlist(samples))
redsamp <- lapply(samples, match, uus)
redMD <- mD[overMD,uus]
if(class(mD) == "alignmentMeth") {
return(.averageMethylationRegions(redMD = redMD, subcoord = subcoord, redOvers = redOvers, position = position, samples = redsamp, lenMod = lenMod, cuts = cuts, surrounding = surrounding))
} else {
chrwidths <- sapply(seqlevels(mD@alignments), function(chr) max(c(0, end(modcod[seqnames(modcod) == chr]))))
if(class(mD) == "alignmentData") {
RPKM <- t(t(getCounts(modcod, redMD, cl = NULL) / width(modcod)) / redMD@libsizes) * 1e9
sampRPKM <- sapply(redsamp, function(samp) {
rowMeans(RPKM[,samp,drop = FALSE])
minRPKM <- max(quantile(sampRPKM[sampRPKM != 0], 0.1), 10)
# RPKM <- t(t(getCounts(subcoord, redMD, cl = NULL) / width(subcoord)) / mD@libsizes) * 1e9
# end(leftMod[strand(leftMod) != "-"]) <- start(subcoord[strand(leftMod) != "-"]) - 1
# start(leftMod[strand(leftMod) == "-"]) <- end(subcoord[strand(leftMod) == "-"]) + 1
# leftRPKM <- t(t(getCounts(leftMod, redMD, cl = NULL) / width(leftMod)) / mD@libsizes) * 1e9
# start(rightMod[strand(rightMod) != "-"]) <- end(subcoord[strand(rightMod) != "-"]) + 1
# end(rightMod[strand(rightMod) == "-"]) <- start(subcoord[strand(rightMod) == "-"]) - 1
# rightRPKM <- t(t(getCounts(rightMod, redMD, cl = NULL) / width(rightMod)) / mD@libsizes) * 1e9
codbase <- lapply(seqlevels(redMD@alignments), function(chr) {
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
bases <- as.integer(ranges(modcod[seqnames(modcod) == chr]))
id <- rep(which(seqnames(modcod) == chr), width(modcod[seqnames(modcod) == chr]))
adjPos <- bases - start(modcod)[as.integer(id)] + 1
centre <- Rle(bases >= start(subcoord)[id] & bases <= end(subcoord)[id])
leftBound <- start(subcoord)[id] - start(modcod)[id]
adjPos[which(centre)] <- (adjPos[which(centre)] - leftBound[which(centre)]) / (width(subcoord)[id])[which(centre)] * lenMod
minus <- Rle(as.character(strand(subcoord))[id] == "-")
adjPos[which(centre & minus)] <- lenMod - adjPos[which(centre & minus)] + 1
if(surrounding > 0) {
left <- Rle(bases < start(subcoord)[id])
right <-Rle(bases > end(subcoord)[id])
adjPos[which(left)] <- adjPos[which(left)] + surrounding - leftBound[which(left)]
adjPos[which(right)] <- adjPos[which(right)] - (width(subcoord)[id])[which(right)] - leftBound[which(right)]
adjPos[which((left | right) & minus)] <- surrounding - adjPos[which((left | right) & minus)] + 1
right[which((right | left) & minus)] <- !right[which((right | left) & minus)]
left[which((right | left) & minus)] <- !left[which((right | left) & minus)]
return(DataFrame(bases = Rle(bases), adjPos = Rle(adjPos), id = Rle(id), left = (left), centre = (centre), right = (right)))
} else return(DataFrame(bases = Rle(bases), adjPos = Rle(adjPos), id = Rle(id), centre = (centre)))
mergeBase <-"rbind", codbase)[,-1]
splitBases <- function(wBase) if(any(wBase)) split(which(wBase), factor(cut(as.integer(mergeBase$adjPos[which(wBase)]), breaks = cuts, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE), levels = 1:cuts))
leftSplit <- splitBases(mergeBase$left)
rightSplit <- splitBases(mergeBase$right)
centreSplit <- splitBases(mergeBase$centre)
weightSplit <- function(split) {
numberWithin <- table(mergeBase$id[split])
w = 1 / Rle(as.integer(numberWithin[match(as.integer(mergeBase$id[split]), names(numberWithin))]))
leftWeight <- lapply(leftSplit, weightSplit)
rightWeight <- lapply(rightSplit, weightSplit)
centreWeight <- lapply(centreSplit, weightSplit)
overCod <- unique(unlist(redOvers))
repDat <- lapply(redsamp, function(samp) {
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
sampRPKM <- rowMeans(RPKM[,samp,drop = FALSE])
sampRPKM[sampRPKM < minRPKM] <- minRPKM
weights <- rowSums(t(t(redMD@data[overCod,samp] / redMD@alignments$multireads[overCod]) / redMD@libsizes[samp]) * 1e6) / length(samp)
covRep <- coverage(redMD@alignments[overCod[weights > 0]], weight = weights[weights > 0], width = chrwidths)
nonzeros <- which(rowSums(redMD@data[,samp,drop = FALSE]) > 0)
covNZ <- coverage(redMD@alignments[intersect(nonzeros, overCod)], width = chrwidths) > 0
covRep <- covRep * covNZ
coverage <-"c",
lapply(1:length(covRep), function(chr) {
if(nrow(codbase[[chr]]) > 0) {
coverage <- covRep[[chr]][codbase[[chr]]$bases]
coverage[coverage < 0] <- 0
} else return(c())
# coverBase <- coverBase[which((coverBase$id %in% which(sampRPKM > 0) & coverBase$centre) |
# (coverBase$id %in% which(sampLRPKM > 0) & coverBase$left) |
# (coverBase$id %in% which(sampRRPKM > 0) & coverBase$right)),]
# if(any(coverBase$left)) leftSummary <- sapply(split(coverBase$coverage[coverBase$left], factor(cut(coverBase$adjPos[coverBase$left], breaks = cuts, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE), levels = 1:cuts)), mean, na.rm = TRUE) else leftSummary <- rep(0, cuts)
# if(any(coverBase$right)) rightSummary <- sapply(split(coverBase$coverage[coverBase$right], factor(cut(coverBase$adjPos[coverBase$right], breaks = cuts, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE), levels = 1:cuts)), mean, na.rm = TRUE) else rightSummary <- rep(0, cuts)
summariseCoverage <- function(split, splitWeight, codRPKM) {
if(is.null(split)) return(rep(0, cuts))
sapply(1:length(split), function(ii) {
weighted.mean(coverage[split[[ii]]] / codRPKM[as.integer(mergeBase$id[split[[ii]]])], w = splitWeight[[ii]], na.rm = TRUE) * mean(codRPKM, trim = 0.1)
if(surrounding > 0) {
sumCov <- c(
summariseCoverage(leftSplit, leftWeight, sampRPKM),
summariseCoverage(centreSplit, centreWeight, sampRPKM),
summariseCoverage(rightSplit, rightWeight, sampRPKM))
} else sumCov <- summariseCoverage(centreSplit, centreWeight, sampRPKM)
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
averageProfiles <- function(mD, samples, coordinates, cuts, maxcuts = 200, bw = 5000, surrounding = 0, add = FALSE, col, ylim, meanOnly = TRUE, plot = TRUE, ...)
message("Calculating...", appendLF = FALSE)
cuts <- max(ceiling(median(width(coordinates)) / bw * length(coordinates)), 5)
# cuts <- ceiling(cuts)
cuts <- min(cuts, maxcuts)
samples <- mD@replicates
if(is.factor(samples)) {
sampNames <- levels(samples)
samples <- lapply(levels(samples), function(rep) which(samples== rep))
names(samples) <- sampNames
if(!is.list(samples)) samples <- list(samples)
col <- NULL
if(length(unique(width(coordinates))) == 1) lenMod <- unique(width(coordinates)) else lenMod <- c(1000, surrounding)[as.integer(surrounding != 0) + 1]
if(surrounding > 0) {
position <- c(0.5 + 0:(cuts - 1) / cuts * surrounding,
surrounding + (0.5 + 0:(cuts - 1) / cuts * lenMod),
surrounding + lenMod + 0.5 + 0:(cuts - 1) / cuts * surrounding)
} else position <- (0.5 + 0:(cuts - 1)) / cuts * lenMod
if(ceiling(length(coordinates) / 5000) > 1) {
splitcod <- split(1:length(coordinates), cut(1:length(coordinates), breaks = ceiling(length(coordinates) / 5000), labels = FALSE))
} else splitcod <- list(1:length(coordinates))
splitProf <- lapply(splitcod, function(x) .subProfile(subcoord = coordinates[x], position = position, lenMod = lenMod, mD = mD, samples = samples, cuts = cuts, surrounding = surrounding))
profiles <- lapply(1:length(samples), function(ii) Reduce("+", lapply(splitProf, function(x) x[[ii]])) / length(splitProf))
names(profiles) <- names(samples)
if(missing(ylim) || is.null(ylim))
ylim <- c(0, max(sapply(profiles, max, na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE) * 1.1)
if(plot) plotAverageProfile(position = position, profiles = profiles, surrounding = surrounding, ylim = ylim,add = add, meanOnly = meanOnly)
invisible(list(position = position, profiles = profiles))
plotMethDistribution <- function(meth, samples, bw = 1e-3, subtract, chrs, centromeres, add = FALSE, col, ylim = NULL, legend = TRUE, ...)
if(missing(samples)) samples <- meth@replicates
if(missing(chrs)) chrs <- NULL
if(is.factor(samples)) {
namSamp <- levels(samples)
samples <- lapply(levels(samples), function(rep) which(samples== rep))
names(samples) <- namSamp
if(!is.list(samples)) samples <- list(samples) else samples <- samples
if(missing(col)) col <- rainbow(length(samples))
if(missing(subtract)) subtract <- NULL
if(!is.list(subtract)) subtract <- lapply(1:length(samples), function(rep) subtract)
if(missing(centromeres)) centromeres <- NULL
methDist <- lapply(1:length(samples), function(samps)
.plotSampleMeth(meth = meth[,samples[[samps]]], bw = bw, subtract = subtract[[samps]], col = col[samps], centromeres = centromeres, add = c(add, TRUE)[as.integer(samps > 1) + 1], chrs = chrs, ylim = ylim, ...))
if(length(samples) > 1 & legend) legend(x = "topright", legend = names(samples), lwd = 2, lty = 1, col = col)
.plotSampleMeth <- function(meth, bw = 1e-2, subtract, centromeres, chrs, add = FALSE, col = col, ylim = NULL, ...) #adjustByCs = FALSE, , ...) {
chrlens <- seqlengths(meth@alignments)
chrlens[] <- sapply(names(chrlens)[], function(nana) max(end(meth@alignments[seqnames(meth@alignments) == nana])))
if(!is.null(chrs)) {
chrlens <- chrlens[names(chrlens) %in% chrs]
} else chrs <- names(chrlens)
sumchr <- cumsum(c(0, chrlens))
CHGpos <-"c", lapply(1:length(chrs), function(chr) {
(end(meth@alignments[seqnames(meth@alignments) == chrs[chr]]) + start(meth@alignments[seqnames(meth@alignments) == chrs[chr]])) / 2 + sumchr[chr]
ks <- t(t(meth@Ts) * meth@nonconversion / (1 - meth@nonconversion))
meth@Cs <- meth@Cs - ks
meth@Ts <- meth@Ts + ks
meth@Cs[meth@Cs < 0] <- 0
adjCs <- rowSums(meth@Cs / as.integer(meth@alignments$multireads))
adjTs <- rowSums(meth@Ts / as.integer(meth@alignments$multireads))
breaks <-"c", lapply(1:length(chrlens), function(ii) {
clen <- chrlens[ii]
cuts <- round(clen * bw)
acl <- clen / round(clen / cuts)
1:(clen / acl) * acl + cumsum(c(0, chrlens))[ii]
# breaks <-"c", lapply(1:length(seqlevels(meth@alignments)), function(ii) {
# chr <- seqlevels(meth@alignments)[ii]
# quantile(unique(CHGpos), probs = seq(0, 1, 0.1)) + c(0, cumsum(chrlens))[ii]
# }))
ints <- findInterval(breaks, c(CHGpos), all.inside = TRUE)
sumC <- cumsum(adjCs)[ints]; sumT <- cumsum(adjTs)[ints]
countC <- sumC - c(0, sumC[-length(sumC)]); countT <- sumT - c(0, sumT[-length(sumT)])
methdiv <- (countC / (countC + countT))
# if(adjustByCs) {
# siteNums <- findInterval(breaks, unique(CHGpos))
# Cadj <- siteNums - c(0, siteNums[-length(breaks)])
# methdiv <- methdiv * Cadj / max(Cadj)
# }
if(!is.null(subtract)) {
methdiv <- methdiv - subtract
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(-1.1, 1)
} else if(is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(0, 1)
if(missing(col)) col = "black"
methylation <- methdiv[!]
position <- breaks[!] #- cuts / 2
if(!add) {
plot(x = position, y = methylation, type = "l", axes = FALSE, xlim = c(0, max(position) * 1.1), ylim = ylim + diff(range(ylim)) * c(-0.25, 0), col = col, ylab = "", ...)
axis(2, at = pretty(ylim, n = 3), las = 1, ...)
if(length(chrlens) > 1)
segments(x0 = cumsum(chrlens)[-length(chrlens)], y0 = 0, y1 = 1, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 3)
if(!missing(centromeres) && !is.null(centromeres)) segments(x0 = c(centromeres[,1] + c(0, cumsum(chrlens)[-length(chrlens)]), centromeres[,2] + c(0, cumsum(chrlens)[-length(chrlens)])), y0 = 0, y1 = 1, lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = "blue")
text(names(chrlens), srt = 10, adj = 1, y = diff(range(ylim)) * c(-0.1), x = cumsum(c(0, chrlens[-length(chrlens)])) + chrlens / 2, cex = 2)
} else lines(x = position, y = methylation, col = col, ...)
invisible(data.frame(position = breaks, methylation = methdiv))
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