# cellCellSetting
setGeneric("cellCellSetting", function(sce, lrbase, label, lr.evidence="all", color=NULL){
setMethod("cellCellSetting", signature(sce="SingleCellExperiment"),
function(sce, lrbase, label, lr.evidence="all", color=NULL){
userobjects <- deparse(substitute(sce))
.cellCellSetting(userobjects, lrbase, label, lr.evidence, color, sce)})
.cellCellSetting <- function(userobjects, lrbase, label, lr.evidence, color, ...){
sce <- list(...)[[1]]
# class-check
if(is(lrbase)[1] != "LRBaseDb"){
stop("Please specify the lrbase as LRBaseDbi-class object
such as")
# size-check
if(length(label) != ncol(assay(sce))){
stop("Please specify the label as the vector which has
same length of nrow(assay(sce))")
unique.label <- unique(label)
base.color <- .ggdefault_cols(length(unique.label))
color <- label
for(i in seq_along(base.color)){
color[which(color == unique.label[i])] <- base.color[i]
# size-check
if(length(color) != ncol(assay(sce))){
stop("Please specify the color as the vector which has
same length of nrow(assay(sce))")
# size-check
if(length(unique(color)) != length(unique(label))){
stop("Please specify the kind of elements containing
in color and label as same")
# Rowname-check
rn <- rownames(assay(sce))
if(length(rn) != length(unique(rn))){
stop("Please specify the row names of the input matrix is unique")
# Only matrix is accepted
for(i in names(assays(sce))){
message("The input data is coverted to matrix format by as.matrix")
assays(sce)[[i]] <- as.matrix(assays(sce)[[i]])
# NA-check
NA1 <- length(which(
NA2 <- length(which(
NA3 <- length(which(
if(NA1 != 0){
stop("At least one NA element is in colnames(assay(sce))\nPlease remove it.")
if(NA2 != 0){
stop("At least one NA element is in label\nPlease remove it.")
if(NA3 != 0){
stop("At least one NA element is in color\nPlease remove it.")
# Overwrite
metadata(sce) <- list(lrbase=lrbase$conn@dbname,
lr.evidence=lr.evidence, label=label, color=color)
assign(userobjects, sce, envir=.GlobalEnv)
# cellCellRanks
setGeneric("cellCellRanks", function(sce, centering=TRUE,
mergeas=c("mean", "sum"), outerfunc=c("*", "+"), comb=c("random", "all"),
num.sampling=100, num.perm=1000, assayNames="counts", verbose=FALSE,
num.iter1=5, num.iter2=5, num.iter3=NULL){
function(sce, centering=TRUE,
mergeas=c("mean", "sum"), outerfunc=c("*", "+"), comb=c("random", "all"),
num.sampling=100, num.perm=1000, assayNames="counts", verbose=FALSE,
num.iter1=5, num.iter2=5, num.iter3=NULL){
# Argument Check
mergeas <- match.arg(mergeas)
outerfunc <- match.arg(outerfunc)
comb <- match.arg(comb)
.cellCellRanks(centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
assayNames, verbose, num.iter1, num.iter2, num.iter3, sce)
.cellCellRanks <- function(centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
assayNames, verbose, num.iter1, num.iter2, num.iter3, ...){
# value-check
if(num.iter1 < 0){
stop("Please specify the num.iter1 as positive integer")
if(num.iter2 < 0){
stop("Please specify the num.iter2 as positive integer")
# Import from sce object
sce <- list(...)[[1]]
# Import expression matrix
input <- .importAssays(sce, assayNames)
lr.evidence <- metadata(sce)$lr.evidence
LR <- .extractLR(sce, lr.evidence, c("GENEID_L", "GENEID_R"))
celltypes <- metadata(sce)$color
names(celltypes) <- metadata(sce)$label
l <- length(unique(celltypes))
# Tensor is generated
tnsr <- .cellCellDecomp.Third(input, LR, celltypes, ranks=c(1,1,1),
rank=1, centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling,
num.perm, decomp=FALSE, thr1=log2(5), thr2=25, verbose)$cellcelllrpairpattern
# Limit
l1 <- min(dim(tnsr)[1], dim(tnsr)[2]*dim(tnsr)[3])
l2 <- min(dim(tnsr)[2], dim(tnsr)[3]*dim(tnsr)[1])
# NMF in matricised tensors in each mode
out1 <- NMF(cs_unfold(tnsr, m=1)@data, runtime=num.iter1, rank.method="rss", J=1:l1)
out2 <- NMF(cs_unfold(tnsr, m=2)@data, runtime=num.iter2, rank.method="rss", J=1:l2)
# Reconsturction Error
rss1 <- unlist(lapply(seq(l1), function(x, out1){
eval(parse(text=paste0("mean(out1$Trial$Rank", x, "$original)")))
}, out1=out1))
rss2 <- unlist(lapply(seq(l2), function(x, out2){
eval(parse(text=paste0("mean(out2$Trial$Rank", x, "$original)")))
}, out2=out2))
# Estimated rank
rank1 <- min(which((max(rss1) - rss1) / (max(rss1) - min(rss1)) > 0.8))
rank2 <- min(which((max(rss2) - rss2) / (max(rss2) - min(rss2)) > 0.8))
# Limit
l3 <- min(30, dim(tnsr)[3], dim(tnsr)[1]*dim(tnsr)[2])
# NMF in matricised tensors in each mode
out3 <- NMF(cs_unfold(tnsr, m=3)@data, runtime=num.iter3, rank.method="rss", J=1:l3)
# Reconsturction Error
rss3 <- unlist(lapply(seq(l3), function(x, out3){
eval(parse(text=paste0("mean(out3$Trial$Rank", x, "$original)")))
}, out3=out3))
# Estimated rank
rank3 <- min(which((max(rss3) - rss3) / (max(rss3) - min(rss3)) > 0.8))
selected=c(rank1, rank2, rank3))
selected=c(rank1, rank2))
# cellCellDecomp
setGeneric("cellCellDecomp", function(sce,
algorithm=c("ntd2", "ntd", "nmf", "pearson",
"spearman", "distance", "", "", "",
"pcomb", "label.permutation", "cabello.aguilar", "halpern"), ranks=c(3,3),
rank=3, thr1=log2(5), thr2=25, verbose=FALSE,
centering=TRUE, mergeas=c("mean", "sum"), outerfunc=c("*", "+"),
comb=c("random", "all"), num.sampling=100, num.perm=1000,
assayNames="counts", decomp=TRUE){
setMethod("cellCellDecomp", signature(sce="SingleCellExperiment"),
algorithm=c("ntd2", "ntd", "nmf", "pearson", "spearman", "distance",
"", "", "", "pcomb",
"label.permutation", "cabello.aguilar", "halpern"), ranks=c(3,3),
rank=3, thr1=log2(5), thr2=25, verbose=FALSE, centering=TRUE,
mergeas=c("mean", "sum"), outerfunc=c("*", "+"), comb=c("random", "all"),
num.sampling=100, num.perm=1000, assayNames="counts", decomp=TRUE){
# Argument Check
algorithm = match.arg(algorithm)
mergeas = match.arg(mergeas)
outerfunc = match.arg(outerfunc)
comb = match.arg(comb)
userobjects <- deparse(substitute(sce))
.cellCellDecomp(userobjects, algorithm, ranks, rank, thr1, thr2,
verbose, centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling,
num.perm, assayNames, decomp, sce)})
.cellCellDecomp <- function(userobjects, algorithm, ranks, rank, thr1,
thr2, verbose, centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling,
num.perm, assayNames, decomp, ...){
# Import from sce object
sce <- list(...)[[1]]
# Import expression matrix
input <- .importAssays(sce, assayNames)
lr.evidence <- metadata(sce)$lr.evidence
LR <- .extractLR(sce, lr.evidence, c("GENEID_L", "GENEID_R"))
celltypes <- metadata(sce)$color
names(celltypes) <- metadata(sce)$label
# Gene Symbol-check
genesymbols <- grep("^[A-Z]", rownames(input))
if(length(genesymbols) != 0){
message(paste0("Input data matrix may contains ",
" gene symbols because the name contains some alphabets.\n",
"scTensor uses only NCBI Gene IDs for now.\n",
"Here, the gene symbols are removed and remaining ",
nrow(input) - length(genesymbols),
" NCBI Gene IDs are used for scTensor next step."
input <- input[setdiff(seq_len(nrow(input)), genesymbols), ]
# thr-check
if(comb == "random" && (num.sampling <= 0)){
warning("None of cell-cell interaction will be detected.")
# Corresponding function of the algorithm
f <- .flist[[algorithm]]
stop("Please specify the appropriate algorithm\n")
res.sctensor <- f(input, LR, celltypes, ranks, rank, centering,
mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm, decomp,
thr1, thr2, verbose)
# Data size
if (algorithm == "ntd" || algorithm == "ntd2"){
datasize <- c(ncol(res.sctensor[[2]]), ncol(res.sctensor[[3]]),
recerror <- res.sctensor$recerror
relchange <- res.sctensor$relchange
datasize <- NULL
recerror <- NULL
relchange <- NULL
# Overwrite
metadata(sce) <- list(lrbase=metadata(sce)$lrbase,
color=metadata(sce)$color, label=metadata(sce)$label,
algorithm=algorithm, sctensor=res.sctensor, ranks=ranks,
datasize=datasize, recerror=recerror, relchange=relchange)
assign(userobjects, sce, envir=.GlobalEnv)
# cellCellReport
setGeneric("cellCellReport", function(sce, reducedDimNames,
title="The result of scTensor",
author="The person who runs this script", assayNames="counts", thr=100,
top="full", p=0.05, upper=20,
goenrich=TRUE, meshenrich=TRUE, reactomeenrich=TRUE,
doenrich=TRUE, ncgenrich=TRUE, dgnenrich=TRUE, nbins=40){
setMethod("cellCellReport", signature(sce="SingleCellExperiment"),
function(sce, reducedDimNames, out.dir,, title, author,
assayNames, thr, top, p, upper, goenrich, meshenrich,
reactomeenrich, doenrich, ncgenrich, dgnenrich, nbins){
.cellCellReport(reducedDimNames, out.dir,, title, author, assayNames, thr, top, p, upper,
goenrich, meshenrich, reactomeenrich,
doenrich, ncgenrich, dgnenrich, nbins, sce)})
.cellCellReport <- function(reducedDimNames,
title="The result of scTensor",
author="The person who runs this script", assayNames="counts",
thr=100, top="full", p=0.05, upper=20,
goenrich=TRUE, meshenrich=TRUE, reactomeenrich=TRUE,
doenrich=TRUE, ncgenrich=TRUE, dgnenrich=TRUE, nbins=40, ...){
# Import from sce object
sce <- list(...)[[1]]
# algorithm-check
if(metadata(sce)$algorithm != "ntd" && metadata(sce)$algorithm != "ntd2"){
stop(paste0("cellCellReport can be performed by the result of",
" cellCellDecomp in which the algorithm is ",
"specified as 'ntd' or 'ntd2' for now."))
# The Directory for saving the analytical result
dir.create(paste0(out.dir, "/figures"),
showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(paste0(out.dir, "/figures/Ligand"),
showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(paste0(out.dir, "/figures/Receptor"),
showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(paste0(out.dir, "/figures/Tagcloud"),
showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# File copy
if(metadata(sce)$algorithm == "ntd"){
from = system.file("extdata", "Workflow.png", package = "scTensor"),
to = paste0(out.dir, "/Workflow.png"),
overwrite = TRUE)
if(metadata(sce)$algorithm == "ntd2"){
from = system.file("extdata", "Workflow_2.png", package = "scTensor"),
to = paste0(out.dir, "/Workflow_2.png"),
overwrite = TRUE)
# HTML Report
if(metadata(sce)$algorithm == "ntd"){
.cellCellReport.Third(sce, thr, upper, assayNames, reducedDimNames, out.dir, author, title, p, top,
goenrich, meshenrich, reactomeenrich,
doenrich, ncgenrich, dgnenrich, nbins)
if(metadata(sce)$algorithm == "ntd2"){
.cellCellReport.Third_2(sce, thr, upper, assayNames, reducedDimNames, out.dir, author, title, p, top,
goenrich, meshenrich, reactomeenrich,
doenrich, ncgenrich, dgnenrich, nbins)
# HTML Open
"Data files are saved in\n",
out.dir, "\n################################################\n"))
browseURL(paste0(out.dir, "/index.html"))
# cellCellSimulate-related functions
setGeneric("getParam", function(object, name){
setGeneric("setParam<-", function(object, name, value){
setGeneric("show", function(object){
# cellCellSimulate
cellCellSimulate <- function(params = newCCSParams(), verbose = TRUE){
# Class Check
assertClass(params, classes = "CCSParams")
# Get the parameters
if(verbose){message("Getting the values of params...")}
nGene <- getParam(params, "nGene")
nCell <- getParam(params, "nCell")
cciInfo <- getParam(params, "cciInfo")
lambda <- getParam(params, "lambda")
# Set random seed
if(verbose){message("Setting random seed...")}
seed <- getParam(params, "seed")
# Simulation data
if(verbose){message("Generating simulation data...")}
# Generate Simulation data
out <- .simulateDropoutCounts(nGene, nCell, cciInfo, lambda, seed)
input <- out$simcount
LR <- out$LR
celltypes <- out$celltypes
LR_CCI <- out$LR_CCI
# Output
list(input=input, LR=LR, celltypes=celltypes, LR_CCI=LR_CCI)
# convertToNCBIGeneID
convertToNCBIGeneID <- function(input, rowID, LefttoRight) {
.Deprecated(msg = "`scTensor::convertToNCBIGeneID` is deprecated; use `scTGIF::convertRowID` instead.")
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