.cellType <- function(input, celltypes, mergeas="mean"){
all.celltypes = unique(names(celltypes))
if(mergeas == "mean"){
ct <- vapply(all.celltypes, function(x){
rowMeans(input[, which(names(celltypes) == x), drop=FALSE])
}, rep(0.0, nrow(input)))
}else if(mergeas == "sum"){
ct <- vapply(all.celltypes, function(x){
rowSums(input[, which(names(celltypes) == x), drop=FALSE])
}, rep(0.0, nrow(input)))
stop("Please specify mergeas as mean or sum")
ct[which(is.nan(ct))] <- 0
.divLR <- function(input, LR){
input_L <- as.matrix(input[as.character(
intersect(rownames(input), LR$GENEID_L)), ])
input_R <- as.matrix(input[as.character(
intersect(rownames(input), LR$GENEID_R)), ])
return(list(input_L, input_R))
.cellCellReconst <- function(A1, A2, A3, index,
type="matrix", names, collapse=FALSE){
if(type == "matrix"){
out <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(A1)), function(x){
outer(A1[, x], A2[, x])})
}else if(type == "tensor"){
out <- list()
counter <- 1
for(i in seq_len(nrow(index))){
element <- as.tensor(array(1, dim=c(1,1,1)))
element@data[] <- index[i, "Value"]
A <- as.matrix(A1[index[i, "Mode1"], ])
B <- as.matrix(A2[index[i, "Mode2"], ])
C <- as.matrix(A3[index[i, "Mode3"], ])
rec_out <- recTensor(element, list(t(A), t(B), t(C)))
out[[counter]] <- modeSum(rec_out, m=3, drop=TRUE)@data
dimnames(out[[counter]]) <- list(names[[1]], names[[2]])
out[[counter]] <- rec_out
dimnames(out[[counter]]@data) <- names
counter <- counter + 1
.core2table <- function(core){
d <- dim(core)
out <- matrix(NA, nrow=prod(d), ncol=5)
out[seq_len(nrow(out)), seq_len(3)] <- as.matrix(
expand.grid(seq_len(d[1]), seq_len(d[2]), seq_len(d[3])))
colnames(out) <- c("Mode1", "Mode2", "Mode3", "Value", "Rank")
veccore <- c()
counter <- 1
vapply(seq_len(nrow(out)), function(x){
i <- out[x, 1]
j <- out[x, 2]
k <- out[x, 3]
out[x, 4] <<- core[i,j,k]
}, 0.0)
out[, 5] <- nrow(out) - base::rank(out[, 4]) + 1
out[order(out[,4], decreasing=TRUE), ]
.core2table_2 <- function(core){
d <- dim(core)
out <- matrix(NA, nrow=d[1]*d[2], ncol=4)
out[seq_len(nrow(out)), seq_len(2)] <- as.matrix(
expand.grid(seq_len(d[1]), seq_len(d[2])))
colnames(out) <- c("Mode1", "Mode2", "Value", "Rank")
veccore <- c()
counter <- 1
vapply(seq_len(nrow(out)), function(x){
i <- out[x, 1]
j <- out[x, 2]
out[x, 3] <<- core[i,j]
}, 0.0)
out[, 4] <- nrow(out) - base::rank(out[, 3]) + 1
out[order(out[,3], decreasing=TRUE), ]
.fastPossibleCombination <- function(input, LR, celltypes, num.sampling, outerfunc){
lr <- .divLR(input, LR)
L <- as.matrix(lr[[1]])
R <- as.matrix(lr[[2]])
tnsr <- array(0, dim=c(length(unique(names(celltypes))),
length(unique(names(celltypes))), 0)) <- c()
comb <- as.matrix(expand.grid(unique(names(celltypes)),
for(i in seq_len(nrow(LR))){
l <- which(LR$GENEID_L[i] == rownames(L))
r <- which(LR$GENEID_R[i] == rownames(R))
if(length(l)==1 && length(r) == 1){
pre_tnsr <- array(0, dim=c(length(unique(names(celltypes))),
length(unique(names(celltypes))), 1))
for(j in seq_len(num.sampling)){
target <- vapply(unique(names(celltypes)), function(x){
sample(which(names(celltypes) == x), 1)}, 0L)
pre_tnsr[,,1] <- pre_tnsr[,,1] + outer(as.vector(L[l, target]),
as.vector(R[r, target]), outerfunc)
tnsr <- abind(tnsr, pre_tnsr, along=3) <- c(, paste(LR$GENEID_L[i],
LR$GENEID_R[i], sep="_"))
tnsr <- .frontal.normalization(tnsr)
dimnames(tnsr) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
.slowPossibleCombination <- function(input, LR, celltypes, outerfunc){
lr <- .divLR(input, LR)
L <- as.matrix(lr[[1]])
R <- as.matrix(lr[[2]])
tnsr <- array(0, dim=c(length(unique(names(celltypes))),
length(unique(names(celltypes))), 0)) <- c()
comb <- as.matrix(expand.grid(unique(names(celltypes)),
for(i in seq_len(nrow(LR))){
l <- which(LR$GENEID_L[i] == rownames(L))
r <- which(LR$GENEID_R[i] == rownames(R))
if(length(l)==1 && length(r) == 1){
pre_tnsr <- outer(as.vector(L[l,]), as.vector(R[r,]))
pre_tnsr <- apply(comb, 1, function(x){
sum(pre_tnsr[which(names(celltypes) == x[1]),
which(names(celltypes) == x[2])])})
dim(pre_tnsr) <- c(length(unique(celltypes)),
tnsr <- abind(tnsr, pre_tnsr, along=3) <- c(, paste(LR$GENEID_L[i],
LR$GENEID_R[i], sep="_"))
tnsr <- .frontal.normalization(tnsr)
dimnames(tnsr) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
.cellCellDecomp.Third_2 <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks, rank, centering,
mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm, decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
# ranks-check
max.rank <- length(unique(celltypes))
if(ranks[1] > max.rank || ranks[2] > max.rank){
stop("ranks must be defined less than number of celltypes")
fout <- .celltypemergedtensor(input, LR, celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc)
if(comb == "random"){
fout <- .fastPossibleCombination(input, LR, celltypes,
num.sampling, outerfunc)
}else if(comb == "all"){
fout <- .slowPossibleCombination(input, LR, celltypes, outerfunc)
# rank check
check1 <- dim(fout$tnsr)[2] * dim(fout$tnsr)[3] < ranks[1]
check2 <- dim(fout$tnsr)[3] * dim(fout$tnsr)[1] < ranks[2]
stop("Please specify the ranks[1] as an smaller value")
stop("Please specify the ranks[2] as an smaller value")
ranks <- ranks[1:2]
if(dim(fout$tnsr)[1] >= 100 || dim(fout$tnsr)[2] >= 100){
stop(paste0("Extreamly Large tensor will be generated!\n",
"This problem will be solved by the next version of scTensor."))
tnsr <- as.tensor(fout$tnsr) <- fout$pairname
message(paste0(paste(dim(tnsr), collapse=" * "), " Tensor is created"))
out <- try(NTD(X=tnsr, rank=ranks, modes=1:2, num.iter=30,
verbose=verbose, algorithm="Frobenius"))
if(is(out)[1] == "try-error"){
out <- NTD(X=tnsr, rank=ranks, modes=1:2, num.iter=30, algorithm="Frobenius")
A1 <- out$A[[1]]
A2 <- out$A[[2]]
rownames(A1) <- paste0("Dim", seq_len(ranks[1]))
colnames(A1) <- unique(names(celltypes))
rownames(A2) <- paste0("Dim", seq_len(ranks[2]))
colnames(A2) <- unique(names(celltypes))
dimnames(out$S@data) <- list(
Lpattern=paste0("Dim", seq_len(ranks[1])),
Rpattern=paste0("Dim", seq_len(ranks[2])),
if (nrow(A1) * nrow(A2) == 1){
core <- t(sum(out$S@data))
core <- modeSum(out$S, m=3, drop=TRUE)@data
if(ranks[1] == 1 || ranks[2] == 1){
dim(core) <- c(ranks[1], ranks[2])
index <- .core2table_2(core)
index <- t(index)
return(list(index=index, ligand=A1,
receptor=A2, lrpair=out$S,
recerror=out$RecError, relchange=out$RelChange))
tnsr_cc <- modeSum(tnsr, m=3, drop=TRUE)@data
dimnames(tnsr_cc) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
return(list(cellcellpattern=tnsr_cc, cellcelllrpairpattern=tnsr))
.cellCellDecomp.Third <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks, rank, centering,
mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm, decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
# ranks-check
max.rank <- length(unique(celltypes))
if(ranks[1] > max.rank || ranks[2] > max.rank){
stop("ranks must be defined less than number of celltypes")
fout <- .celltypemergedtensor(input, LR, celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc)
if(comb == "random"){
fout <- .fastPossibleCombination(input, LR, celltypes,
num.sampling, outerfunc)
}else if(comb == "all"){
fout <- .slowPossibleCombination(input, LR, celltypes, outerfunc)
# rank check
check1 <- dim(fout$tnsr)[2] * dim(fout$tnsr)[3] < ranks[1]
check2 <- dim(fout$tnsr)[3] * dim(fout$tnsr)[1] < ranks[2]
check3 <- dim(fout$tnsr)[1] * dim(fout$tnsr)[2] < ranks[3]
stop("Please specify the ranks[1] as an smaller value")
stop("Please specify the ranks[2] as an smaller value")
stop("Please specify the ranks[3] as an smaller value")
if(dim(fout$tnsr)[1] >= 100 || dim(fout$tnsr)[2] >= 100){
stop(paste0("Extreamly Large tensor will be generated!\n",
"This problem will be solved by the next version of scTensor."))
tnsr <- as.tensor(fout$tnsr) <- fout$pairname
message(paste0(paste(dim(tnsr), collapse=" * "), " Tensor is created"))
out <- try(NTD(X=tnsr, rank=ranks, num.iter=30,
verbose=verbose, algorithm="Frobenius"))
if(is(out)[1] == "try-error"){
out <- try(NTD(X=tnsr, rank=ranks, num.iter=30,
verbose=verbose, algorithm="Frobenius"))
A1 <- out$A[[1]]
A2 <- out$A[[2]]
A3 <- out$A[[3]]
rownames(A1) <- paste0("Dim", seq_len(ranks[1]))
colnames(A1) <- unique(names(celltypes))
rownames(A2) <- paste0("Dim", seq_len(ranks[2]))
colnames(A2) <- unique(names(celltypes))
rownames(A3) <- paste0("Dim", seq_len(ranks[3]))
colnames(A3) <-
core <- out$S@data
index <- .core2table(core)
index <- t(index)
lrpairout <- .cellCellReconst(A1, A2, A3, index, type="tensor",
names=list(colnames(A1), colnames(A2), colnames(A3)),
return(list(index=index, ligand=A1,
receptor=A2, lrpair=A3, cellcellpattern=lrpairout,
recerror=out$RecError, relchange=out$RelChange))
tnsr_cc <- modeSum(tnsr, m=3, drop=TRUE)@data
dimnames(tnsr_cc) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
return(list(cellcellpattern=tnsr_cc, cellcelllrpairpattern=tnsr))
.cellCellDecomp.Second <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks, rank,
centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
# ranks-check
max.rank <- length(unique(celltypes))
if(rank > max.rank){
stop("ranks must be defined less than number of celltypes")
fout <- .celltypemergedtensor(input, LR, celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc)
if(comb == "random"){
fout <- .fastPossibleCombination(input, LR, celltypes,
num.sampling, outerfunc)
}else if(comb == "all"){
fout <- .slowPossibleCombination(input, LR, celltypes, outerfunc)
tnsr <- as.tensor(fout$tnsr) <- fout$pairname
mat.tnsr <- modeSum(tnsr, m=3, drop=TRUE)@data
dimnames(mat.tnsr) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
out <- try(NMF(mat.tnsr, J=rank, num.iter=30, algorithm="Frobenius"))
colnames(out$U) <- paste0("Dim", seq_len(rank))
colnames(out$V) <- paste0("Dim", seq_len(rank))
sizeU <- apply(out$U, 2, function(x){sqrt(sum(x^2))})
sizeV <- apply(out$V, 2, function(x){sqrt(sum(x^2))})
value <- sizeU * sizeV
index <- rank - base::rank(value) + 1
return(list(ligand=out$U[,index], receptor=out$V[,index],
cellcellpattern=.cellCellReconst(out$U[,index], out$V[,index])))
.cellCellDecomp.Pearson <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks, rank,
centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
out <- .cellType(input, celltypes)
out <- cor(out, method="pearson")
out <- as.matrix(out)
.cellCellDecomp.Spearman <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks, rank,
centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
out <- .cellType(input, celltypes)
out <- cor(out, method="spearman")
out <- as.matrix(out)
.cellCellDecomp.Distance <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks, rank,
centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
out <- .cellType(input, celltypes)
out <- 1 / dist(t(out))
out <- as.matrix(out)
diag(out) <- 1
.cellCellDecomp.Pearson.LR <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks, rank,
centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
ct <- .cellType(input, celltypes)
ct <- .divLR(ct, LR)
L <- ct[[1]]
R <- ct[[2]]
Adj <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(L), ncol=nrow(R))
rownames(Adj) <- rownames(L)
colnames(Adj) <- rownames(R)
for(i in seq_len(nrow(L))){
l <- as.character(rownames(L)[i])
r <- as.character(LR[which(LR$GENEID_L == l), "GENEID_R"])
Adj[l, intersect(colnames(Adj), r)] <- 1
out <- t(L) %*% Adj %*% R
out <- cor(out, method="pearson")
out <- as.matrix(out)
.cellCellDecomp.Spearman.LR <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks, rank,
centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
ct <- .cellType(input, celltypes)
ct <- .divLR(ct, LR)
L <- ct[[1]]
R <- ct[[2]]
Adj <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(L), ncol=nrow(R))
rownames(Adj) <- rownames(L)
colnames(Adj) <- rownames(R)
for(i in seq_len(nrow(L))){
l <- as.character(rownames(L)[i])
r <- as.character(LR[which(LR$GENEID_L == l), "GENEID_R"])
Adj[l, intersect(colnames(Adj), r)] <- 1
out <- t(L) %*% Adj %*% R
out <- cor(out, method="spearman")
out <- as.matrix(out)
.cellCellDecomp.Distance.LR <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks, rank,
centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
ct <- .cellType(input, celltypes)
ct <- .divLR(ct, LR)
L <- ct[[1]]
R <- ct[[2]]
Adj <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(L), ncol=nrow(R))
rownames(Adj) <- rownames(L)
colnames(Adj) <- rownames(R)
for(i in seq_len(nrow(L))){
l <- as.character(rownames(L)[i])
r <- as.character(LR[which(LR$GENEID_L == l), "GENEID_R"])
Adj[l, intersect(colnames(Adj), r)] <- 1
out <- t(L) %*% Adj %*% R
out <- 1 / dist(t(out))
out <- as.matrix(out)
diag(out) <- 1
.cellCellDecomp.PossibleCombination <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks,
rank, centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
if(thr1 <= 0 || thr2 <= 0){
warning("None of cell-cell interaction will be detected.")
lr <- .divLR(input, LR)
L <- as.matrix(lr[[1]])
R <- as.matrix(lr[[2]])
L[which(L < thr1)] <- 0
R[which(R < thr1)] <- 0
L[which(L >= thr1)] <- 1
R[which(R >= thr1)] <- 1
tnsr_bin <- array(0, dim=c(length(unique(names(celltypes))),
length(unique(names(celltypes))), 0)) <- c()
comb <- as.matrix(expand.grid(unique(names(celltypes)),
for(i in seq_len(nrow(LR))){
l <- which(LR$GENEID_L[i] == rownames(L))
r <- which(LR$GENEID_R[i] == rownames(R))
if(length(l)==1 && length(r) == 1){
pre_tnsr_bin <- outer(as.vector(L[l,]), as.vector(R[r,]))
pre_tnsr_bin <- apply(comb, 1, function(x){
sum(pre_tnsr_bin[which(names(celltypes) == x[1]),
which(names(celltypes) == x[2])])
dim(pre_tnsr_bin) <- c(length(unique(celltypes)),
pre_tnsr_bin[which(pre_tnsr_bin < thr2)] <- 0
pre_tnsr_bin[which(pre_tnsr_bin >= thr2)] <- 1
tnsr_bin <- abind(tnsr_bin, pre_tnsr_bin, along=3) <- c(,
paste(LR$GENEID_L[i], LR$GENEID_R[i], sep="_"))
dimnames(tnsr_bin) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
tnsr_cc <- modeSum(as.tensor(tnsr_bin), m=3, drop=TRUE)@data
dimnames(tnsr_cc) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
return(list(cellcellpattern=tnsr_cc, cellcelllrpairpattern=tnsr_bin))
.celltypemergedtensor <- function(input, LR, celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc){
ct <- .cellType(input, celltypes, mergeas)
ct <- .divLR(ct, LR)
L <- ct[[1]]
R <- ct[[2]]
tnsr <- array(0, dim=c(ncol(L), ncol(R), 0)) <- c()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(LR))){
l <- which(LR$GENEID_L[i] == rownames(L))
r <- which(LR$GENEID_R[i] == rownames(R))
if(length(l)==1 && length(r) == 1){
tnsr <- abind(tnsr,
outer(as.vector(L[l,]), as.vector(R[r,]), outerfunc), along=3) <- c(,
paste(LR$GENEID_L[i], LR$GENEID_R[i], sep="_"))
tnsr <- .frontal.normalization(tnsr)
.celltypemergedtensor_2 <- function(input, LR, celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc){
ct <- .cellType(input, celltypes, mergeas)
ct <- .divLR(ct, LR)
L <- ct[[1]]
R <- ct[[2]]
outer(as.vector(L), as.vector(R), outerfunc)
.labelpermutation <- function(observed, input, l, r, num.perm,
celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc){
perm <- array(0, dim=c(dim(observed), 0))
for(j in seq_len(num.perm)){
tmp <- .celltypemergedtensor_2(input,
data.frame(GENEID_L=l, GENEID_R=r, stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
sample(celltypes), mergeas, outerfunc)
tmp <- observed - tmp
tmp[which(tmp >= 0)] <- 0
tmp[which(tmp < 0)] <- 1
perm <- abind(perm, tmp)
modeSum(as.tensor(perm), m=3, drop=TRUE)@data / num.perm
.cellCellDecomp.LabelPerm.LR <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks, rank,
centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
fout <- .celltypemergedtensor(input, LR, celltypes,
mergeas, outerfunc)
tnsr <- as.tensor(fout$tnsr) <- fout$pairname
pval <- array(0, dim=c(dim(tnsr)[1:2], 0))
for(i in seq_along({
cat(paste0(i, " / ", length(, "\r"))
l <- strsplit([i], "_")[[1]][1]
r <- strsplit([i], "_")[[1]][2]
tmp <- .labelpermutation(tnsr[,,i]@data, input,
l, r, num.perm, celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc)
pval <- abind(pval, tmp)
pval[which(is.nan(pval))] <- 1
dimnames(pval) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
tnsr_cc <- modeSum(tnsr, m=3, drop=TRUE)@data
dimnames(tnsr_cc) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
return(list(cellcellpattern=tnsr_cc, cellcelllrpairpattern=tnsr,
# SingleCellSignalR <- function(input, LR, celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc){
ct <- .cellType(input, celltypes, mergeas)
ct <- .divLR(ct, LR)
L <- ct[[1]]
R <- ct[[2]]
tnsr <- array(0, dim=c(ncol(L), ncol(R), 0)) <- c()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(LR))){
l <- which(LR$GENEID_L[i] == rownames(L))
r <- which(LR$GENEID_R[i] == rownames(R))
if(length(l)==1 && length(r) == 1){
tnsr <- abind(tnsr,
outer(as.vector(L[l,]), as.vector(R[r,]), outerfunc), along=3) <- c(,
paste(LR$GENEID_L[i], LR$GENEID_R[i], sep="_"))
tnsr[which(is.nan(tnsr))] <- 0
tnsr <- sqrt(tnsr) / (mean(rbind(L, R)) + sqrt(tnsr))
.celltypemergedtensor.ca_2 <- function(input, LR, meanC, celltypes,
mergeas, outerfunc){
ct <- .cellType(input, celltypes, mergeas)
ct <- .divLR(ct, LR)
L <- ct[[1]]
R <- ct[[2]]
tmp <- outer(as.vector(L), as.vector(R), outerfunc)
sqrt(tmp) / (meanC + sqrt(tmp))
.meanC <- function(input, celltypes, mergeas, LR){
ct <- .cellType(input, celltypes, mergeas)
ct <- .divLR(ct, LR)
L <- ct[[1]]
R <- ct[[2]]
mean(rbind(L, R))
} <- function(observed, input, LR, l, r, num.perm,
celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc){
meanC <- .meanC(input, celltypes, mergeas, LR)
perm <- array(0, dim=c(dim(observed), 0))
for(j in seq_len(num.perm)){
tmp <- .celltypemergedtensor.ca_2(input,
data.frame(GENEID_L=l, GENEID_R=r, stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
meanC, sample(celltypes), mergeas, outerfunc)
tmp <- observed - tmp
tmp[which(tmp >= 0)] <- 0
tmp[which(tmp < 0)] <- 1
perm <- abind(perm, tmp)
modeSum(as.tensor(perm), m=3, drop=TRUE)@data / num.perm
.cellCellDecomp.CabelloAguilar <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks,
rank, centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
fout <-, LR, celltypes,
mergeas, outerfunc)
tnsr <- as.tensor(fout$tnsr) <- fout$pairname
pval <- array(0, dim=c(dim(tnsr)[1:2], 0))
for(i in seq_along({
cat(paste0(i, " / ", length(, "\r"))
l <- strsplit([i], "_")[[1]][1]
r <- strsplit([i], "_")[[1]][2]
tmp <-[,,i]@data, input,
LR, l, r, num.perm, celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc)
pval <- abind(pval, tmp)
pval[which(is.nan(pval))] <- 1
dimnames(pval) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
tnsr_cc <- modeSum(tnsr, m=3, drop=TRUE)@data
dimnames(tnsr_cc) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
return(list(cellcellpattern=tnsr_cc, cellcelllrpairpattern=tnsr,
# Halpern et al.(LECs)
.Zscaling <- function(x){
(x - mean(x)) / sd(x)
.celltypemergedtensor.hl <- function(input, LR, celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc){
ct <- .cellType(input, celltypes, mergeas)
ct <- .divLR(ct, LR)
L <- ct[[1]]
R <- ct[[2]]
# Z-scaling
Z_L <- t(apply(L, 1, .Zscaling))
Z_R <- t(apply(R, 1, .Zscaling))
tnsr <- array(0, dim=c(ncol(L), ncol(R), 0)) <- c()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(LR))){
l <- which(LR$GENEID_L[i] == rownames(L))
r <- which(LR$GENEID_R[i] == rownames(R))
if(length(l)==1 && length(r) == 1){
tnsr <- abind(tnsr,
sqrt(outer(as.vector(Z_L[l,])^2, as.vector(Z_R[r,])^2, outerfunc)), along=3) <- c(,
paste(LR$GENEID_L[i], LR$GENEID_R[i], sep="_"))
tnsr[which(is.nan(tnsr))] <- 0
.celltypemergedtensor.hl_2 <- function(input, LR, celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc){
ct <- .cellType(input, celltypes, mergeas)
ct <- .divLR(ct, LR)
Z_L <- .Zscaling(ct[[1]])
Z_R <- .Zscaling(ct[[2]])
sqrt(outer(as.vector(Z_L)^2, as.vector(Z_R)^2, outerfunc))
.labelpermutation.hl <- function(observed, input, l, r, num.perm,
celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc){
perm <- array(0, dim=c(dim(observed), 0))
for(j in seq_len(num.perm)){
tmp <- .celltypemergedtensor.hl_2(input,
data.frame(GENEID_L=l, GENEID_R=r, stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
sample(celltypes), mergeas, outerfunc)
tmp <- observed - tmp
tmp[which(tmp >= 0)] <- 0
tmp[which(tmp < 0)] <- 1
perm <- abind(perm, tmp)
modeSum(as.tensor(perm), m=3, drop=TRUE)@data / num.perm
.cellCellDecomp.Halpern <- function(input, LR, celltypes, ranks, rank,
centering, mergeas, outerfunc, comb, num.sampling, num.perm,
decomp, thr1, thr2, verbose){
fout <- .celltypemergedtensor.hl(input, LR, celltypes,
mergeas, outerfunc)
fout$tnsr[which(is.nan(fout$tnsr))] <- 0
tnsr <- as.tensor(fout$tnsr) <- fout$pairname
pval <- array(0, dim=c(dim(tnsr)[1:2], 0))
for(i in seq_along({
cat(paste0(i, " / ", length(, "\r"))
l <- strsplit([i], "_")[[1]][1]
r <- strsplit([i], "_")[[1]][2]
tmp <- .labelpermutation.hl(tnsr[,,i]@data, input,
l, r, num.perm, celltypes, mergeas, outerfunc)
pval <- abind(pval, tmp)
pval[which(is.nan(pval))] <- 1
dimnames(pval) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
tnsr_cc <- modeSum(tnsr, m=3, drop=TRUE)@data
dimnames(tnsr_cc) <- list(unique(names(celltypes)),
return(list(cellcellpattern=tnsr_cc, cellcelllrpairpattern=tnsr,
.flist <- list(
# 3-Order, 2-mode decomposition = NTD2
"ntd2" = .cellCellDecomp.Third_2,
# 3-Order = NTD
"ntd" = .cellCellDecomp.Third,
# 2-Order = NMF
"nmf" = .cellCellDecomp.Second,
# Other method (Possible Combination)
"pcomb" = .cellCellDecomp.PossibleCombination,
# Other method (Pearson's Correlation Coefficient without LR pair)
"pearson" = .cellCellDecomp.Pearson,
# Other method (Spearman's Correlation Coefficient without LR pair)
"spearman" = .cellCellDecomp.Spearman,
# Other method (Euclidian Distance without LR pair)
"distance" = .cellCellDecomp.Distance,
# Other method (Pearson's Correlation Coefficient with LR pair)
"" = .cellCellDecomp.Pearson.LR,
# Other method (Spearman's Correlation Coefficient with LR pair)
"" = .cellCellDecomp.Spearman.LR,
# Other method (Euclidian Distance with LR pair)
"" = .cellCellDecomp.Distance.LR,
# Other method (Celltype Label Permutation with LR pair)
"label.permutation" = .cellCellDecomp.LabelPerm.LR,
# Other method (SingleCellSignalR)
"cabello.aguilar" = .cellCellDecomp.CabelloAguilar,
# Other method(LECs)
"halpern" = .cellCellDecomp.Halpern
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