# settingTGIF
setGeneric("settingTGIF", function(sce, gmt, reducedDimNames,
assayNames="counts", nbins=40){
function(sce, gmt, reducedDimNames, assayNames="counts", nbins=40){
userobjects <- deparse(substitute(sce))
.settingTGIF(userobjects, gmt, reducedDimNames, assayNames,
nbins, sce)})
.settingTGIF <- function(userobjects, gmt, reducedDimNames, assayNames,
nbins, ...){
sce <- list(...)[[1]]
# class-check
classCheck <- class(gmt)
if(classCheck != "GeneSetCollection"){
stop(paste0("Please specify the gmt as GeneSetCollection object ",
"defined by GSEABase package"))
# Rowname-check
rn <- rownames(assay(sce))
if(length(rn) != length(unique(rn))){
stop("Please specify the row names of the input matrix is unique")
# Only matrix is accepted
message("The input data is coverted to matrix format by as.matrix")
assay(sce) <- as.matrix(assay(sce))
# Import expression matrix
input <- .importAssays(sce, assayNames)
# Low dimensional data
twoD <- reducedDims(sce)[[reducedDimNames]]
if(ncol(input) != nrow(twoD)){
stop(paste0("The number of columns in assay(sce) ",
"and the number of samples in ",
paste0("reducedDims(sce)[['", reducedDimNames, "']]"),
"must be same"))
# two dimensional coordinates
data.geneid <- unique(rownames(input))
gmt.geneid <- unique(unlist(lapply(gmt, function(g){
common.geneid <- intersect(data.geneid, gmt.geneid)
if(length(common.geneid) == 0){
stop(paste0("Please specify the rownames of assay(sce) and ",
" gmt must be same and specified as NCBI (Entrez) Gene IDs"))
# Setting of schex
sce <- make_hexbin(sce, nbins=nbins,
# Gene * Bin matrix
X <- .twoDimBin(sce, common.geneid, assayNames)
# Gene * Function matrix
Y <- .convertGMT(gmt, common.geneid)
X[is.nan(X)] <- 0
Y[is.nan(Y)] <- 0
# Overwrite
metadata(sce)[["gmt"]] <- gmt
metadata(sce)[["X"]] <- X
metadata(sce)[["Y"]] <- Y
metadata(sce)[["common.geneid"]] <- common.geneid
metadata(sce)[["nbins"]] <- nbins
metadata(sce)[["reducedDimNames"]] <- reducedDimNames
metadata(sce)[["assayNames"]] <- assayNames
assign(userobjects, sce, envir=.GlobalEnv)
# calcTGIF
setGeneric("calcTGIF", function(sce, ndim, verbose=FALSE, droplet=TRUE){
function(sce, ndim, verbose=FALSE, droplet=TRUE){
userobjects <- deparse(substitute(sce))
.calcTGIF(userobjects, ndim, verbose, droplet, sce)})
.calcTGIF <- function(userobjects, ndim, verbose, droplet, ...){
sce <- list(...)[[1]]
# Import expression matrix
assayNames <- metadata(sce)$assayNames
input <- .importAssays(sce, assayNames)
# ここで鬼QC!!!!!
# QC <- .QCmetrics(sce, input, droplet)
X <- metadata(sce)$X
Y <- metadata(sce)$Y
if(min(ncol(X), ncol(Y)) < ndim){
stop(paste0("Please specify ndim parameter smaller than ",
min(ncol(X), ncol(Y))))
cat(paste0("Gene x Grid matrix (X) has ", nrow(X), " rows and ",
ncol(X), " columns\n"))
cat(paste0("Gene x Function matrix (Y) has ", nrow(Y), " rows and ",
ncol(Y), " columns\n"))
# Joint NMF
res.sctgif <- jNMF(list(X=X, Y=Y), J=ndim, algorithm="Frobenius",
# Reconstruction error
recerror <- res.sctgif$RecError
relchange <- res.sctgif$RelChange
# Overwrite
# metadata(sce)[["QC"]] <- QC
metadata(sce)[["sctgif"]] <- res.sctgif
metadata(sce)[["ndim"]] <- ndim
metadata(sce)[["recerror"]] <- recerror
metadata(sce)[["relchange"]] <- relchange
assign(userobjects, sce, envir=.GlobalEnv)
# reportTGIF
setGeneric("reportTGIF", function(sce, out.dir=tempdir(),,
title="The result of scTGIF",
author="The person who runs this script",
function(sce, out.dir=tempdir(),,
title="The result of scTGIF",
author="The person who runs this script",
.reportTGIF(out.dir,, title, author, assayNames, sce)})
.reportTGIF <- function(out.dir,, title, author, assayNames, ...){
sce <- list(...)[[1]]
stop("scTGIF did not performed properly")
# The Directory for saving the analytical result
dir.create(paste0(out.dir, "/figures"),
showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# File copy
file.copy(from = system.file("extdata", "Workflow.png",
package = "scTGIF"), to = paste0(out.dir, "/Workflow.png"),
overwrite = TRUE)
# Grid * Dim
H1 <- metadata(sce)$sctgif$H[[1]]
norm.H1 <- apply(H1, 2, function(x){norm(as.matrix(x), "F")})
H1 <- t(t(H1) / norm.H1)
# Function * Dim
H2 <- metadata(sce)$sctgif$H[[2]]
norm.H2 <- apply(H2, 2, function(x){norm(as.matrix(x), "F")})
H2 <- t(t(H2) / norm.H2)
# Sort
corevalue <- norm.H1 * norm.H2
H1 <- H1[, order(corevalue, decreasing=TRUE)]
H2 <- H2[, order(corevalue, decreasing=TRUE)]
corevalue <- corevalue[order(corevalue, decreasing=TRUE)]
# Import expression matrix
input <- .importAssays(sce, assayNames)
# From metadata
gmt <- metadata(sce)$gmt
X <- metadata(sce)$X
Y <- metadata(sce)$Y
common.geneid <- metadata(sce)$common.geneid
nbins <- metadata(sce)$nbins
reducedDimNames <- metadata(sce)$reducedDimNames
sctgif <- metadata(sce)$sctgif
ndim <- metadata(sce)$ndim
recerror <- metadata(sce)$recerror
relchange <- metadata(sce)$relchange
# Low dimensional data
twoD <- reducedDims(sce)[[reducedDimNames]]
# Plot
for(i in seq_len(ncol(H1))){
filename <- paste0(out.dir, "/figures/Hex_", i, ".png")
g <- .plot_hexbin_pattern(sce, H1[, i])
ggsave(filename, plot=g, dpi=200, width=6, height=6.5)
system(paste0("ls ", filename))
# Save the result of scTGIF
save(sce, input, twoD, H1, H2, corevalue,
file=paste0(out.dir, "/reanalysis.RData"))
# Output index.html
message("index.Rmd is created...")
outIdx <- file(paste0(out.dir, "/index.Rmd"), "w")
writeLines(.HEADER(author, title), outIdx, sep="\n")
writeLines(.BODY1, outIdx, sep="\n")
writeLines(.BODY2, outIdx, sep="\n")
writeLines(.BODY3(ndim, out.dir), outIdx, sep="\n")
writeLines(.BODY4, outIdx, sep="\n")
writeLines(.BODY5, outIdx, sep="\n")
# Rendering
message("index.Rmd is compiled to index.html...")
render(paste0(out.dir, "/index.Rmd"), quiet=TRUE)
# HTML Open
"Data files are saved in\n",
out.dir, "\n################################################\n"))
if ( {
browseURL(paste0(out.dir, "/index.html"))
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