### =========================================================================
### readGFF()
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
.make_filexp_from_filepath <- function(filepath)
if (isSingleString(filepath))
if (!is(filepath, "connection"))
stop(wmsg("'filepath' must be a single string or a connection"))
if (!isSeekable(filepath))
stop(wmsg("connection is not seekable"))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### readGFFPragmas()
readGFFPragmas <- function(filepath)
filexp <- .make_filexp_from_filepath(filepath)
if (is(filexp, "connection")) {
if (!isOpen(filexp)) {
if (seek(filexp) != 0) {
warning(wmsg("connection is not positioned at the start ",
"of the file, rewinding it"), immediate.=TRUE)
seek(filexp, where=0)
.Call(read_gff_pragmas, filexp)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### sniffGFFVersion()
.get_version_from_pragmas <- function(pragmas)
attrcol_fmt <- attr(pragmas, "attrcol_fmt")
idx <- grep("^##gff-version", pragmas)
if (length(idx) == 0L) {
if (is.null(attrcol_fmt))
stop(wmsg("'attr(pragmas, \"attrcol_fmt\")' is NULL"))
version <- sub("^##gff-version", "", pragmas[idx])
version <- unique(version)
if (length(version) > 1L) {
warning(wmsg("more than one GFF version specified in the file, ",
"returning the first one"))
version <- version[[1L]]
version <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(version))
if ( {
warning(wmsg("unrecognized GFF version specified in the file"))
if (is.null(attrcol_fmt))
stop(wmsg("'attr(pragmas, \"attrcol_fmt\")' is NULL"))
sniffGFFVersion <- function(filepath)
pragmas <- readGFFPragmas(filepath)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### GFFcolnames()
### Return the 9 standard GFF columns as specified at:
GFFcolnames <- function(GFF1=FALSE)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(GFF1))
stop(wmsg("'GFF1' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
.Call(gff_colnames, GFF1)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### readGFF()
### Returns 0L, 1L, 2L, or 3L.
.normarg_version <- function(version=0)
if (is.character(version)) {
## For compatibility with "import" method for GFFFile objects.
if (length(version) == 0L)
if (isSingleString(version)) {
IMPORT_STYLE_VERSIONS <- c("", "1", "2", "3")
m <- match(version, IMPORT_STYLE_VERSIONS)
if (
stop(wmsg("when a single string, 'version' must ",
"be \"\", \"1\", \"2\", or \"3\""))
version <- m - 1L
if (isSingleNumber(version)) {
if (!is.integer(version))
version <- as.integer(version)
if (version < 0L || version > 3L)
stop(wmsg("'version' must be 0, 1, 2, or 3"))
stop(wmsg("'version' must be a single number"))
.prepare_colmap_and_tags <- function(columns=NULL, tags=NULL, attrcol_fmt=0L)
## Check 'columns'.
if (!(is.null(columns) || is.character(columns)))
stop(wmsg("'columns' must be NULL or a character vector"))
GFF_colnames <- GFFcolnames(attrcol_fmt == 1L)
## Check 'tags'.
if (!is.null(tags)) {
if (!is.character(tags))
stop(wmsg("'tags' must be NULL or character vector"))
if (any( || anyDuplicated(tags))
stop(wmsg("'tags' cannot contain NAs or duplicates"))
if (attrcol_fmt == 1L) {
## Move any GFF colname found in 'tags' to 'columns'.
columns <- union(columns, intersect(tags, GFF_colnames))
tags <- setdiff(tags, GFF_colnames)
if (length(tags) != 0L)
warning(wmsg("trying to extract tags from a GFF1 file"))
## Prepare 'colmap'.
if (is.null(columns)) {
colmap <- seq_along(GFF_colnames)
if (attrcol_fmt != 1L) {
stopifnot(GFF_colnames[[length(GFF_colnames)]] == "attributes")
## We don't load the "attributes" column unless the user
## requested no tags (i.e. by setting 'tags' to character(0)).
if (!(is.character(tags) && length(tags) == 0L))
colmap[[length(GFF_colnames)]] <- NA_integer_
} else if (is.character(columns)) {
if (!all(columns %in% GFF_colnames)) {
in1string <- paste0(GFF_colnames, collapse=", ")
stop(wmsg("'columns' must contain valid GFF columns. ",
"Valid GFF columns are: ", in1string))
if (anyDuplicated(columns))
stop(wmsg("'columns' cannot contain duplicates"))
colmap <- match(GFF_colnames, columns)
} else {
stop(wmsg("'columns' must be NULL or a character vector"))
list(colmap=colmap, tags=tags)
.normarg_filter <- function(filter, attrcol_fmt=0L)
GFF_colnames <- GFFcolnames(attrcol_fmt == 1L)
if (is.null(filter))
if (!is.list(filter))
stop(wmsg("'filter' must be NULL or a named list"))
filter_names <- names(filter)
if (is.null(filter_names))
stop(wmsg("'filter' must have names"))
if (attrcol_fmt == 1L) {
valid_filter_names <- GFF_colnames
} else {
valid_filter_names <- head(GFF_colnames, n=-1L)
if (!all(filter_names %in% valid_filter_names)) {
in1string <- paste0(valid_filter_names, collapse=", ")
if (attrcol_fmt == 1L) {
excluding_note <- ""
} else {
excluding_note <- "(excluding \"attributes\")"
stop(wmsg("The names on 'filter' must be valid GFF columns ",
excluding_note, ". ",
"Valid 'filter' names: ", in1string))
if (anyDuplicated(filter_names))
stop(wmsg("the names on 'filter' must be unique"))
### 'df' must be a data-frame-like object (typically an ordinary data frame or
### a DataFrame object).
.is_multi_tag <- function(df, ntag, attrcol_fmt=0L)
if (ntag == 0L || attrcol_fmt != 3L)
multi_tags <- c("Parent", "Alias", "Note",
"Dbxref", "Ontology_term")
sapply(seq_len(ntag) + ncol(df) - ntag,
colnames(df)[[j]] %in% multi_tags ||
any(grepl(",", df[[j]], fixed=TRUE)))
### 'df' must be a data-frame-like object (typically an ordinary data frame or
### a DataFrame object). 'decode_idx' must be a non-empty integer vector
### indicating which columns to decode. The columns to decode must be character
### vectors.
.url_decode_cols <- function(df, decode_idx)
decoded_cols <- lapply(setNames(decode_idx, colnames(df)[decode_idx]),
urlDecode(df[[j]], na.strings=NA_character_))
df[decode_idx] <- decoded_cols
### 'df' must be a data-frame-like object (typically an ordinary data frame or
### a DataFrame object). 'split_idx' must be a non-empty integer vector
### indicating which columns to split. The columns to split must be character
### vectors. Split values are passed thru urlDecode() unless 'raw_data' is
### TRUE. Always returns a DataFrame.
.strsplit_cols <- function(df, split_idx, raw_data)
split_cols <- lapply(setNames(split_idx, colnames(df)[split_idx]),
function(j) {
col <- df[[j]]
## Probably the most efficient way to create an empty CharacterList
## of arbitrary length.
split_col <- relist(character(0),
PartitioningByEnd(, length(col))))
not_na <- !
tmp <- strsplit(col[not_na], ",", fixed=TRUE)
split_col[not_na] <- CharacterList(tmp)
if (raw_data)
relist(urlDecode(unlist(split_col)), split_col)
## Surprisingly sticking the CharacterList cols back into 'df' works
## even if 'df' is an ordinary data frame!
df[split_idx] <- split_cols
ans <- DataFrame(df, check.names=FALSE)
## "show" method for DataFrame is broken if some colnames are the empty
## string so we rename this column (in our case, we know there can only
## be one).
m <- match("", colnames(ans))
if (!
colnames(ans)[m] <- "__empty_tag__"
readGFF <- function(filepath, version=0, columns=NULL, tags=NULL,
filter=NULL, nrows=-1, raw_data=FALSE)
## Check 'filepath'.
filexp <- .make_filexp_from_filepath(filepath)
if (is(filexp, "connection")) {
if (!isOpen(filexp)) {
if (seek(filexp) != 0) {
warning(wmsg("connection is not positioned at the start ",
"of the file, rewinding it"), immediate.=TRUE)
seek(filexp, where=0)
## Check 'version'.
version <- .normarg_version(version)
## Get pragmas lines.
pragmas <- .Call(read_gff_pragmas, filexp)
## Rewind file.
if (is(filexp, "connection")) {
seek(filexp, where=0)
} else {
if (version == 0L) {
attrcol_fmt <- .get_version_from_pragmas(pragmas)
} else {
attrcol_fmt <- version
## Prepare 'colmap' and normalize 'tags'.
colmap_and_tags <- .prepare_colmap_and_tags(columns, tags, attrcol_fmt)
colmap <- colmap_and_tags$colmap
tags <- colmap_and_tags$tags
## Normalize 'filter'.
filter <- .normarg_filter(filter, attrcol_fmt)
## Normalize 'nrows'.
if (!isSingleNumber(nrows))
stop(wmsg("'nrows' must be a single number"))
if (!is.integer(nrows))
nrows <- as.integer(nrows)
## Check 'raw_data'.
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(raw_data))
stop(wmsg("'raw_data' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
## 1st pass.
scan_ans <- .Call(scan_gff, filexp, attrcol_fmt, tags, filter, nrows)
if (is.null(tags))
tags <- scan_ans[[1L]]
nrows <- scan_ans[[2L]]
## Rewind file.
if (is(filexp, "connection")) {
seek(filexp, where=0)
} else {
## 2nd pass: return 'ans' as an ordinary data frame.
ans <- .Call(load_gff, filexp, attrcol_fmt, tags, filter,
nrows, pragmas,
colmap, raw_data)
ncol0 <- attr(ans, "ncol0")
ntag <- attr(ans, "ntag") # should be the same as 'length(tags)'
## Post-process standard GFF cols.
if (!raw_data) {
if (attrcol_fmt == 1L) {
#factor_colnames <- c("seqid", "source", "type", "strand", "group")
factor_colnames <- c("seqid", "source", "type", "group")
} else {
#factor_colnames <- c("seqid", "source", "type", "strand")
factor_colnames <- c("seqid", "source", "type")
m <- match(factor_colnames, head(colnames(ans), n=ncol0))
m <- m[!]
factor_cols <- lapply(setNames(m, colnames(ans)[m]),
factor(ans[[j]], levels=unique(ans[[j]])))
ans[m] <- factor_cols
## Post-process tags.
if (ntag != 0L) {
is_multi_tag <- .is_multi_tag(ans, ntag, attrcol_fmt)
if (!raw_data) {
decode_idx <- which(!is_multi_tag) + ncol0
if (length(decode_idx) != 0L)
ans <- .url_decode_cols(ans, decode_idx)
split_idx <- which(is_multi_tag) + ncol0
if (length(split_idx) != 0L) {
## Returns 'ans' as a DataFrame.
ans <- .strsplit_cols(ans, split_idx, raw_data)
## 'ans' could have lost its readGFF-specific attributes (e.g. if it was
## turned into a DataFrame), so we restore them and cross our fingers that
## they won't clash with the DataFrame slots the day the internals of
## DataFrame objects happen to change (very unlikely though).
if (is.null(attr(ans, "pragmas")))
attr(ans, "pragmas") <- pragmas
if (is.null(attr(ans, "attrcol_fmt")))
attr(ans, "attrcol_fmt") <- attrcol_fmt
if (is.null(attr(ans, "ncol0")))
attr(ans, "ncol0") <- ncol0
if (is.null(attr(ans, "ntag")))
attr(ans, "ntag") <- ntag
if (is.null(attr(ans, "raw_data")))
attr(ans, "raw_data") <- raw_data
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### readGFFAsGRanges()
### Used in "import" method for GFFFile objects.
### Not exported (user should use import()).
### sequence-region => Seqinfo -- by Michael
.parseSequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo <- function(lines) {
sr <- grep("##sequence-region", lines, value=TRUE)
srcon <- file()
writeLines(sr, srcon)
srt <- read.table(srcon, comment.char="",
colClasses=list(NULL, "character", "integer",
if (any(srt[[2L]] != 1L)) {
warning("One or more ##sequence-region directives do not start at 1. ",
"The assumptions made by 'sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo=TRUE' ",
"have been violated.")
Seqinfo(srt[[1L]], srt[[3L]])
### -- by Michael
.parseSpeciesAsMetadata <- function(lines) {
species <- unique(grep("##species", lines, fixed=TRUE, value=TRUE))
if (length(species) > 1L) {
stop("multiple species definitions found")
metadata <- list()
if (length(species) == 1L) {
species <- sub("##species ", "", species, fixed=TRUE)
if (isNCBISpeciesURL(species)) {
ncbiError <- function(e) {
warning("failed to retrieve organism information from NCBI")
metadata <- tryCatch(metadataFromNCBI(species), error = ncbiError)
readGFFAsGRanges <- function(filepath, version=0, colnames=NULL, filter=NULL,
if (!(isSingleStringOrNA(genome) || is(genome, "Seqinfo")))
stop(wmsg("'genome' must be a single string or NA, ",
"or a Seqinfo object"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo))
stop(wmsg("'sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(speciesAsMetadata))
stop(wmsg("'speciesAsMetadata' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
## Read as data frame.
if (is.null(colnames)) {
df <- readGFF(filepath, version=version, filter=filter)
} else {
if (!is.character(colnames))
stop(wmsg("'colnames' must be a character vector"))
## Split 'colnames' between 'columns' and 'tags'.
GFF_colnames <- GFFcolnames()
columns <- intersect(colnames, GFF_colnames)
tags <- setdiff(colnames, GFF_colnames)
core_columns <- c("seqid", "start", "end", "strand")
columns <- union(columns, core_columns)
df <- readGFF(filepath, version=version,
columns=columns, tags=tags, filter=filter)
## Turn data frame into GRanges.
## TODO: Maybe we should be able to pass the metadata to
## makeGRangesFromDataFrame()?
if (is.null(colnames)) {
ans <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, keep.extra.columns=TRUE,
} else {
ans <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df, seqnames.field="seqid")
mcols(ans) <- df[ , colnames, drop=FALSE]
## Set seqinfo.
ans_seqinfo <- NULL
pragmas <- attr(df, "pragmas")
attrcol_fmt <- attr(df, "attrcol_fmt")
if (sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo && attrcol_fmt == 3L) {
## Get 'ans_seqinfo' from pragmas.
ans_seqinfo <- .parseSequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo(pragmas)
} else if (is(genome, "Seqinfo")) {
ans_seqinfo <- genome
if (!all(seqlevels(ans) %in% seqlevels(ans_seqinfo)))
stop(wmsg("the sequence names in the GTF or GFF file are in ",
"disagreement with the Seqinfo object specified via ",
"the 'genome' argument"))
} else if (isSingleString(genome)) {
ans_seqinfo <- seqinfoForGenome(genome) # can return NULL
if (!is.null(ans_seqinfo) &&
!all(seqlevels(ans) %in% seqlevels(ans_seqinfo)))
warning(wmsg("cannot set the seqlengths or circularity flags on ",
"the GRanges object to return because the sequence ",
"names in the GTF or GFF file are in disagreement ",
"with the sequence names implied by the genome ",
"assembly (", genome, ") specified via the 'genome' ",
ans_seqinfo <- NULL
if (!is.null(ans_seqinfo)) {
seqlevels(ans) <- seqlevels(ans_seqinfo)
seqinfo(ans) <- ans_seqinfo
if (isSingleString(genome))
genome(ans) <- genome
## Get 'ans_metadata' from pragmas.
if (speciesAsMetadata) {
ans_metadata <- .parseSpeciesAsMetadata(pragmas)
} else {
ans_metadata <- list()
metadata(ans) <- ans_metadata
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