### =========================================================================
### GFF (General Feature Format) support (all three versions, plus GTF)
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Classes
setClass("GFFFile", contains = "RTLFile")
## private
GFFFile <- function(resource, version = c("", "1", "2", "3")) {
version <- match.arg(version)
new(gffFileClass(version), resource = resource)
setClass("GFF1File", contains = "GFFFile")
GFF1File <- function(resource) {
GFFFile(resource, "1")
setClass("GFF2File", contains = "GFFFile")
GFF2File <- function(resource) {
GFFFile(resource, "2")
setClass("GFF3File", contains = "GFFFile")
GFF3File <- function(resource) {
GFFFile(resource, "3")
setClass("GTFFile", contains = "GFF2File")
GTFFile <- function(resource) {
new("GTFFile", GFF2File(resource))
setClass("GVFFile", contains = "GFF3File")
GVFFile <- function(resource) {
new("GVFFile", GFF3File(resource))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Export
function(object, con, ...) standardGeneric("export.gff"))
setMethod("export.gff", "ANY",
function(object, con, ...)
export(object, con, ...)
setMethod("export", c("ANY", "GFFFile"),
function(object, con, format, ...)
if (hasMethod("asGFF", class(object)))
object <- asGFF(object)
res <- try(as(object, "GRanges"), silent = TRUE)
if (is(res, "try-error")) {
res <- try(as(object, "GenomicRangedDataList"), silent = TRUE)
if (is(res, "try-error"))
stop("cannot export object of class '", class(object), "'")
object <- res
if (!missing(format))
checkArgFormat(con, format)
export(object, con, ...)
setMethod("export", c("CompressedGRangesList", "GFFFile"),
function(object, con, format, ...)
object <- asGFF(object)
setMethod("export", c("GRangesList", "GTFFile"),
function(object, con, format, ...) {
stop("export of GRangesList to GTF is not yet supported")
## there is a start on asGTF() later in this file
## object <- asGTF(object)
## callGeneric()
setMethod("export", c("GenomicRanges", "GFFFile"),
function(object, con, format, version = c("1", "2", "3"),
source = "rtracklayer", append = FALSE, index = FALSE)
if (!missing(format))
checkArgFormat(con, format)
if (!missing(version) || !length(gffFileVersion(con)))
con <- asGFFVersion(con, match.arg(version))
version <- gffFileVersion(con)
file <- con
con <- resource(con)
if (!append) {
cat("", file = con) # clear any existing file
gffComment(con, "gff-version", version)
sourceVersion <- try(packageVersion(source), TRUE)
if (!inherits(sourceVersion, "try-error"))
gffComment(con, "source-version", source, sourceVersion)
gffComment(con, "date", base::format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d"))
genome <- singleGenome(genome(object))
if (!
gffComment(con, "genome-build", paste(".", genome, sep = "\t"))
if (index)
object <- sortBySeqnameAndStart(object)
seqname <- seqnames(object)
if (is.null(mcols(object)$ID))
mcols(object)$ID <- names(object)
if (version == "3")
seqname <- urlEncode(seqname, "a-zA-Z0-9.:^*$@!+_?|-")
if (!is.null(mcols(object)$source) && missing(source))
source <- mcols(object)$source
else source <- rep(source, length(object))
if (version == "3")
source <- urlEncode(source, "\t\n\r;=%&,", FALSE)
feature <- mcols(object)$type
if (is.null(feature))
feature <- rep("sequence_feature", length(object))
score <- score(object)
if (is.null(score)) {
score <- rep(NA_real_, length(object))
} else {
if (!("score" %in% colnames(mcols(object))))
## avoid outputting as attribute
colnames(mcols(object))[1] <- "score"
strand <- strand(object)
if (is.null(strand))
strand <- rep(strand(NA_character_), length(object))
strand[strand == "*"] <- NA_integer_
frame <- mcols(object)$phase
if (is.null(frame)) {
frame <- rep(NA_integer_, length(object))
if ("CDS" %in% feature)
warning(wmsg("The phase information is missing. ",
"The written file will contain CDS with ",
"no phase information."))
} else {
if (anyNA(frame[feature %in% "CDS"]))
warning(wmsg("The phase information is missing for some CDS. ",
"The written file will contain some CDS with ",
"no phase information."))
table <- data.frame(seqname, source, feature, start(object),
end(object), score, strand, frame)
attrs <- NULL
if (version == "1") {
attrs <- mcols(object)$group
if (is.null(attrs))
attrs <- as.vector(seqname)
} else {
builtin <- c("type", "score", "phase", "source")
custom <- setdiff(colnames(mcols(object)), builtin)
if (length(custom)) {
if (version == "3") tvsep <- "=" else tvsep <- " "
attrs <- mcols(object)
attrs <-, function(name) {
x <- attrs[[name]]
x_flat <- if (is(x, "List")) unlist(x, use.names=FALSE) else x
x_char <- as.character(x_flat)
x_char <- sub(" *$", "", sub("^ *", "", as.character(x_char)))
if (version == "3")
x_char <- urlEncode(x_char, "%\t\n\r;=&,", FALSE)
if (is(x, "List")) {
x_char[] <- "."
x_char <- pasteCollapse(relist(x_char, x))
x_char[elementNROWS(x) == 0] <- NA
## FIXME: add option so these become "." instead of removing
x_char[] <- "\r"
if (!is.numeric(x_flat) && version != "3")
x_char <- paste0("\"", x_char, "\"")
paste(name, x_char, sep = tvsep)
}, simplify = FALSE))
if (version == "3") sep <- ";" else sep <- "; "
attrs <-, c(attrs, sep = sep))
attrs <- gsub("[^;]*?\r\"?(;|$)", "", attrs)
attrs[nchar(attrs) == 0] <- NA
scipen <- getOption("scipen")
options(scipen = 100) # prevent use of scientific notation
on.exit(options(scipen = scipen))
if (!is.null(attrs)) { # write out the rows with attributes first
write.table(cbind(table, attrs)[!,], con, sep = "\t",
na = ".", quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
table <- table[,]
write.table(table, con, sep = "\t", na = ".", quote = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
if (index)
setMethod("export", c("SimpleGRangesList", "GFFFile"),
function(object, con, ...) standardGeneric("export.gff1"))
setMethod("export.gff1", "ANY",
function(object, con, ...) export(object, con, "gff1", ...))
function(object, con, ...) standardGeneric("export.gff2"))
setMethod("export.gff2", "ANY",
function(object, con, ...) export(object, con, "gff2", ...))
function(object, con, ...) standardGeneric("export.gff3"))
setMethod("export.gff3", "ANY",
function(object, con, ...) export(object, con, "gff3", ...))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Import
setGeneric("import.gff", function(con, ...) standardGeneric("import.gff"))
setMethod("import.gff", "ANY",
function(con, ...)
import(con, "gff", ...)
setMethod("import", "GFFFile",
function(con, format, text, version = c("", "1", "2", "3"),
genome = NA, colnames = NULL,
which = NULL, feature.type = NULL,
sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo = FALSE)
if (!missing(format))
checkArgFormat(con, format)
if (!missing(version))
con <- asGFFVersion(con, match.arg(version))
## download the file first if it's remote
if (is.character(resource(con))) {
uri <- .parseURI(resource(con))
if (uri$scheme %in% c("ftp", "http")) {
destfile <- tempfile()
download.file(resource(con), destfile)
con@resource <- destfile
m <- manager()
sniff_con <- connection(m, con, "r")
on.exit(release(m, sniff_con))
sniffed <- .sniffGFFVersion(sniff_con)
version <- gffFileVersion(con)
if (!length(version)) {
if (is.null(sniffed))
sniffed <- "1"
con <- asGFFVersion(con, sniffed)
if (length(version) && !is.null(sniffed) &&
!identical(sniffed, version))
warning("gff-version directive indicates version is ", sniffed,
", not ", version)
if (is(genome, "Seqinfo") && length(genome) == 0L) {
genome <- NA_character_
if ( {
genome <- genome(con)
if (is.null(genome))
genome <- NA
### FIXME: a queryForLines() function would be more efficient
## Temporarily disable use of Tabix Index.
## TODO: Restore use of Tabix Index!
#con <- queryForResource(m, con, which)
resource <- queryForResource(m, con)
on.exit(release(m, resource), add=TRUE)
ans <- readGFFAsGRanges(resource,
if (!attr(resource, "usedWhich") && !is.null(which))
ans <- subsetByOverlaps(ans, which)
function(con, ...) standardGeneric("import.gff1"))
setMethod("import.gff1", "ANY",
function(con, ...) import(con, "gff1", ...))
function(con, ...) standardGeneric("import.gff2"))
setMethod("import.gff2", "ANY",
function(con, ...) import(con, "gff2", ...))
function(con, ...) standardGeneric("import.gff3"))
setMethod("import.gff3", "ANY",
function(con, ...) import(con, "gff3", ...))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### DNAStringSet from fasta data
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Coercion
setGeneric("asGFF", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("asGFF"))
setMethod("asGFF", "GRangesList",
function(x, parentType = "mRNA", childType = "exon") {
parent_range <- range(x)
if (!all(elementNROWS(parent_range) == 1))
stop("Elements in a group must be on same sequence and strand")
parents <- unlist(parent_range, use.names = FALSE)
children <- unlist(x, use.names = FALSE)
makeId <- function(x, prefix) {
paste(prefix, seq_len(length(x)), sep = "")
parentIds <- makeId(parents, parentType)
values(parents)$type <- parentType
values(parents)$ID <- parentIds
values(parents)$Name <- names(x)
values(children)$type <- childType
values(children)$ID <- makeId(children, childType)
values(children)$Name <- names(children)
values(children)$Parent <-, elementNROWS(x))
allColumns <- union(colnames(values(parents)),
values(children) <- rectifyDataFrame(values(children), allColumns)
values(parents) <- rectifyDataFrame(values(parents), allColumns)
c(parents, children)
rectifyDataFrame <- function(x, allColumns) {
x[setdiff(allColumns, colnames(x))] <- DataFrame(NA)
### FIXME: We wrote this but never tested it, and it is not yet
### used. People should use GFF3 instead of this.
### 1) The stop codon should not be included in the CDS (annoying)
### 2) pmapFromTranscripts() does not yet support our usage of it
### 3) Needs to move to GenomicFeatures
setGeneric("asGTF", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("asGTF"))
frame <- function(x) {
cs <- cumsum(width(x))
ucs <- unlist(cs, use.names=FALSE)
ucs[end(PartitioningByEnd(x))] <- 0L
ucs <- c(0L, head(ucs, -1L))
ucs %% 3L
setMethod("asGTF", "GRangesList",
function(x) {
tx_ids <- names(x)
if (is.null(tx_ids)) {
tx_ids <- seq_along(x)
processFeatures <- function(f) {
ans <- unlist(f, use.names=FALSE)
ans$frame <- frame(f)
if (is.null(ans$gene_id)) {
ans$gene_id <- ""
if (is.null(ans$transcript_id)) {
ans$transcript_id <- tx_ids[togroup(f)]
start_codon_tx <-
GenomicFeatures::pmapFromTranscripts(IRanges(1L, 3L), x)
start_codon <- processFeatures(start_codon_tx)
mcols(start_codon)$type <- "start_codon"
stop_ranges <- IRanges(end=sum(width(x)), width=3L)
stop_codon_tx <-
GenomicFeatures::pmapFromTranscripts(stop_ranges, x)
stop_codon <- processFeatures(stop_codon_tx)
mcols(stop_codon)$type <- "stop_codon"
codons <- c(start_codon, stop_codon)
cds <- processFeatures(x)
mcols(cds)$type <- "CDS"
values(codons) <- rectifyDataFrame(values(codons), colnames(cds))
c(codons, cds)
## setMethod("asGTF", "TxDb",
## function(x, by) {
## cds <- cds(x, columns="tx_id")
## cds <- cds[togroup(cds$tx_id)]
## cds$transcript_id <- unlist(cds$tx_id)
## cds$tx_id <- NULL
## txGene <- transcriptsBy(x)
## txToGene <- setNames(names(txGene)[togroup(txGene)],
## unlist(txGene, use.names=FALSE)$tx_id)
## cds$gene_id <- txToGene[cds$transcript_id]
## processUTRs <- function(utr) {
## ans <- unlist(utr, use.names=FALSE)
## ans$transcript_id <- names(utr)[togroup(utr)]
## ans$gene_id <- txToGene[ans$transcript_id]
## ans
## }
## three_utr <- processUTRs(threeUTRsByTranscript(x))
## three_utr$type <- "3UTR"
## five_utr <- processUTRs(fiveUTRsByTranscript(x))
## five_utr$type <- "5UTR"
## c(asGTF(split(cds, cds$transcript_id)), five_utr, three_utr)
## })
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Utilities
scanGFFDirectives <- function(con, tag = NULL) {
m <- manager()
con <- connection(m, con, "r")
on.exit(release(m, con))
directives <- character()
lines <- line <- readLines(con, n = 1)
while(grepl("^#", line)) {
if (grepl("^##", line)) {
directives <- c(directives, line)
line <- readLines(con, n = 1)
if (length(line) == 0L)
lines <- c(lines, line)
pushBack(lines, con)
sub("^[^[:space:]]* ", "", grep(paste0("^##", tag), directives, value = TRUE))
gffGenomeBuild <- function(x) {
genome_build <- scanGFFDirectives(x, "genome-build")
unlist(strsplit(genome_build, "\t", fixed = TRUE))
setMethod("provider", "GFFFile", function(x) {
setMethod("providerVersion", "GFFFile", function(x) {
setMethod("genome", "GFFFile", function(x) providerVersion(x))
gffComment <- function(con, ...)
cat("##", paste(...), "\n", sep = "", file = con, append = TRUE)
.sniffGFFVersion <- function(con) {
version <- NULL
lines <- line <- readLines(con, n = 1)
while(grepl("^#", line)) {
if (grepl("^##gff-version", line)) {
version <- sub("^##gff-version *", "", line)
line <- readLines(con, n = 1)
lines <- c(lines, line)
pushBack(lines, con)
gffFileClass <- function(version) {
paste("GFF", version, "File", sep = "")
gffFileVersion <- function(file) {
versions <- c("1", "2", "3")
unlist(Filter(function(v) is(file, gffFileClass(v)), versions))
asGFFVersion <- function(con, version) {
if (!is(con, gffFileClass(version))) {
if (class(con) != "GFFFile")
warning("Treating a '", class(con), "' as GFF version '", version, "'")
con <- GFFFile(resource(con), version)
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