plotTranscript <-
function(transcript, coordinates, annotation, riboData, length = 27, frameShift = 0, cap, riboScale, rnaScale, xlim, main, note = "", libScales, ...) {
# refseq <- solveMatch$refseq[solveMatch[,1] == transcript]
# annotation <- solveMatch$annotation[solveMatch[,1] == transcript]
alignments <- riboData@riboGR
if(length(alignments) > 0 & is.null(dev.list()))
par(mfrow = c(length(alignments),1), mar = c(2, 4, 2, 2))
transceiling <- max(sapply(1:length(alignments), function(ii) {
align <- alignments[[ii]]
max(end(align)[as.character(seqnames(align)) == transcript])
if(length(riboData@rnaGR) > 0) {
transceiling <- max(c(transceiling, sapply(1:length(riboData@rnaGR), function(ii) {
align <- riboData@rnaGR[[ii]]
max(end(align)[as.character(seqnames(align)) == transcript])
if(!missing(coordinates)) transceiling <- max(c(transceiling, end(coordinates)[as.character(seqnames(coordinates)) == transcript]))
for(ii in 1:length(alignments)) {
plus27GRL <- alignments[[ii]]
allen <- plus27GRL[which(as.character(seqnames(plus27GRL)) == transcript & width(plus27GRL) == length)]
createMat <- function(allen) {
#if(any(!is.null(allen$startCodon))) startCodon <- allen$startCodon else startCodon <- 0
#tabz <- table(start(allen) - startCodon)
tabz <- table(start(allen) - frameShift)
tabzz <- rep(0, ceiling(transceiling / 3) * 3)
tabzz[as.numeric(names(tabz))] <- tabz
matz <- matrix(tabzz, nrow = 3);
colnames(matz) <- (1:(ceiling(transceiling / 3) * 3))[1:(ceiling(transceiling / 3)) * 3 - 2] + 1
matz <- createMat(allen)
if(!missing(cap)) matz[matz > cap] <- cap
if(!missing(libScales)) matz <- matz / libScales$riboLS[ii] * mean(libScales$riboLS)
# if(ii < length(alignments)) colnames(matz) <- NULL
xlim <- c(0, ncol(matz) * 3)
if(length(riboData@rnaGR) > 0) {
covmRNA <- riboData@rnaGR[[ii]]
cov <- coverage(covmRNA[which(as.character(seqnames(covmRNA)) == transcript)])
cov <- as.integer(cov[[which(names(cov) == transcript)]])
if(!missing(libScales)) matz <- matz / libScales$rnaLS[ii] * mean(libScales$rnaLS)
} else cov <- 0
if(!missing(riboScale)) maxribo <- riboScale[ii] else maxribo <- max(matz)
if(!missing(rnaScale)) maxrna <- rnaScale[ii] else maxrna <- max(cov)
if(missing(main)) main = paste(names(alignments)[ii], " :: ", transcript, sep = "")
ymax <- max(pretty(0:maxribo))
plot(NA, NA, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0, ymax), xlim = c(floor(xlim[1]), ceiling(xlim[2])), xlab = "", ylab = "")
bp <- barplot(matz, beside = TRUE, plot = FALSE, space = c(0,1), width = 0.75, xlim = xlim, ...)
if(length(riboData@rnaGR) > 0) {
pretcov <- pretty(0:maxrna)
cov <- cov / max(pretty(0:maxrna)) * max(pretty(0:maxribo))
suppressWarnings(axis(side = 4, at = c(pretcov / max(pretcov)) * max(pretty(0:maxribo)), labels = pretcov, ...))
rect(as.vector(bp)[1:length(cov)] - 0.5, 0, as.vector(bp)[1:length(cov)] + 0.5, cov, col = "light grey", border = "light grey")
bp <- barplot(matz, beside = TRUE, border = c("red", "green", "blue"), col = c("red", "green", "blue"), main = main, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0, ymax * c(1, 1.2)[as.integer(ii == 1) + 1]),
xlim = c(floor(xlim[1] / 3 * 3), ceiling(xlim[2] / 3 * 3)),
add = TRUE, plot = TRUE, space = c(0,1), width = 0.75)
if(ii == 1 & !missing(annotation)) {
rect(xleft = as.vector(bp)[start(annotation)], xright = as.vector(bp)[end(annotation)], ybottom = ymax *1.1, ytop = ymax * 1.2, col = "turquoise", border = "turquoise")
suppressWarnings(text(x = mean(as.vector(bp)[c(start(annotation), end(annotation))]), y = ymax * (1.1 + 1.2) / 2, labels = seqnames(annotation), ...))
suppressWarnings(axis(side = 2, pretty(0:ymax), ...))
#if(ii == 1) text(x = 20, y = max(matz) * c(1.2, 1.1, 0.9), labels = c(refseq, annotation, note), pos = 4, cex = 0.7)
if(!missing(coordinates)) {
if(is.list(coordinates)) tw <- coordinates[[ii]][seqnames(coordinates[[ii]]) == transcript,] else tw <- coordinates[seqnames(coordinates) == transcript,]
if(length(tw) > 0) {
segcols <- rgb(c(0.8,0,0), c(0,0.8,0), c(0,0,0.8), alpha = 0.8)
segments(as.vector(bp)[start(tw)] - 1, ymax * (1.015 + ((start(tw) - 1) %% 3) * 0.005), as.vector(bp)[end(tw)] - 1, ymax * (1.015 + ((start(tw) - 1) %% 3) * 0.005), col = segcols[1 + ((start(tw) - 1) %% 3)], lwd = 3)
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