## Package: rTRM (c)
## File: plot.R
## Description: support plotting functions for rTRM
## Author: Diego Diez
## Contact:
## plots the degree distribution of the graph object.
plotDegree = function(g) {
d = table(igraph::degree(g))
x = as.numeric(names(d))
y = as.numeric(d)
x0 = x[! x == 0 ]
y0 = y[! x == 0 ]
plot(x0, y0, log = "xy", xlab = "Degree", ylab = "# Nodes", pch = 21, bg = "gray")
dl = lm(log10(y0) ~ log10(x0))
l = .getLegend(dl)
legend("topright", l, bg = "white", lty = "solid", cex = 0.7)
.getLegend <- function(m) {
s <- summary(m)
r2 = format(s$r.squared, nsmall = 2, digits = 2)
a = format(m$coef[1], nsmall = 2, digits = 2)
if (m$coef[2] > 0) {
b = format(m$coef[2], nsmall = 2, digits = 2)
l <- eval(substitute(expression(paste(R^2 == r2,
", ", y == a + b * x)), list(r2 = r2, a = a,
b = b)))
else {
b = format(abs(m$coef[2]), nsmall = 2, digits = 2)
l <- eval(substitute(expression(paste(r^2 == r2,
", ", y == a - b * x)), list(r2 = r2, a = a,
b = b)))
.lum = function(col) {
tmp = col2rgb(col)
apply(tmp, 2, function(x) {
(0.2126*x[1]) + (0.7152*x[2]) + (0.0722*x[3])
.lum2 = function (col)
tmp = col2rgb(col)
apply(tmp, 2, function(x) {
(0.2126 * x[1]^2) + (0.7152 * x[2]^2) + (0.0722 * x[3]^2)
.getNiceColors = function (n, eq.spaced = TRUE, = TRUE, min.lum, max.lum)
cs = grep("^grey|^gray", colors(), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
cs = grep("white", cs, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
cols = c(cs, grey.colors(10))
cols.lum = .lum2(cols)
if ( {
#cols.lum = lum2(cols)
sel = order(cols.lum, decreasing = TRUE)
cols = cols[sel]
cols.lum = cols.lum[sel]
cols = cols[cols.lum >= min.lum]
cols = cols[cols.lum <= max.lum]
if(!missing(n)) {
if(eq.spaced) {
ns = floor(length(cols)/n)
sel = seq(1, ns * n, ns)
cols = cols[sel]
} else cols = cols[1:n]
.getTFclassColors = function(subset = "Class") {
terms = getTFterms(subset)
col = .getNiceColors(length(unique(terms)))
names(col) = unique(terms)
.annotateTFclass = function(g) {
family = getTFclassFromEntrezgene(V(g)$name)
family[sapply(family, is.null)] = "unclassified"
V(g)$family = family
col = c("unclassified" = "white", .getTFclassColors())
V(g)$pie.color = lapply(V(g)$family, function(f) col[f])
V(g)$pie = lapply(V(g)$pie.color, function(f) rep(1,length(f)))
.annotateTarget = function(g, target) {
target = target[ target %in% V(g)$name ]
V(g)$frame.color = "grey"
V(g)[ target ]$frame.color = "black"
V(g)$frame.width = 1
V(g)[ target ]$frame.width = 2
annotateTRM = function(g, target) {
g = .annotateTarget(g, target)
.checkParam = function(p1, p2, default, multi) {
if(!missing(multi) & length(p1) == 1)
return(rep(p1, multi))
rep(default, multi)
plotTRM = function(g, layout = layout.fruchterman.reingold, mar = .5, vertex.col, vertex.cex, vertex.lwd, edge.col, edge.lwd, edge.lty, label = TRUE, label.cex, label.col, label.pos = NULL, label.offset = 1.5, adjust.label.col = FALSE, normalize.layout=TRUE) {
if(class(layout) == "function")
l = layout(g)
l = layout
# normalize layout.
l = layout.norm(l, -1, 1, -1, 1)
vertex.col = .checkParam(vertex.col, V(g)$frame.color, "black", multi = vcount(g))
vertex.cex = .checkParam(vertex.cex, V(g)$size, 10, multi = vcount(g))
vertex.lwd = .checkParam(vertex.lwd, V(g)$frame.width, 1, multi = vcount(g))
edge.col = .checkParam(edge.col, E(g)$color, "grey")
edge.lwd = .checkParam(edge.lwd, E(g)$width, 1, multi = ecount(g))
edge.lty = .checkParam(edge.lty, E(g)$lty, "solid", multi = ecount(g))
label.col = .checkParam(label.col, V(g)$label.color, "black")
label.cex = .checkParam(label.cex, V(g)$label.cex, 1)
if (adjust.label.col) {
col.range = range(.lum2(colors()))
col.cut = round(diff(col.range)/2)
lum.mean = sapply(V(g)$pie.color, function(x) mean(.lum2(x)))
label.col = ifelse(lum.mean < col.cut, "snow", "gray20")
mat = get.edgelist(g)
op = par(mar = rep(mar,4), xpd = TRUE)
plot(0, xlim = range(l[,1]), ylim = range(l[,2]), cex = 0, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1)
for(i in 1:nrow(mat)){
ni = as.numeric(V(g)[ mat[i,] ])
x1 = l[ni[1] ,]
x2 = l[ni[2] ,]
lines(c(x1[1], x2[1]), c(x1[2], x2[2]), col = edge.col, lwd = edge.lwd[i], lty = edge.lty[i])
for(i in 1:nrow(l)) {
.floating.pie(l[i,1], l[i,2], x=np, col=col, radius=vertex.cex[i]/100, frame.width=vertex.lwd[i], frame.color=vertex.col[i])
if(label) {
ll = as.character(V(g))
ll = V(g)$name
ll = V(g)$label
text(l, labels = ll, cex = label.cex, col = label.col, pos = label.pos, offset = label.offset)
plotTRMlegend = function (x, title = NULL, cex = 1)
if(class(x) == "igraph")
family = sort(unique(unlist(V(x)$family)))
family = x
col = .getTFclassColors()
col = c(col, unclassified = "white")
op = par(mar = rep(0, 4))
plot(0, col = "transparent", axes = FALSE)
legend("center", legend = family, fill = col[family], bty = "n", cex = cex, title = title)
.floating.pie = function (xpos, ypos, x, edges = 200, radius = 0.8, col = NULL, border = TRUE, lty = NULL, frame.color = "black", frame.width = 1)
if (!is.numeric(x) || any( | x < 0))
stop("'x' values must be positive.")
x <- c(0, cumsum(x)/sum(x))
dx <- diff(x)
nx <- length(dx)
if (!is.null(col))
col <- rep(col, length.out = nx)
if (!is.null(lty))
lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nx)
init.angle = 90
t2xy = function(t) {
t2p <- -2 * pi * t + init.angle * pi/180
list(x = radius * cos(t2p), y = radius * sin(t2p))
for (i in 1L:nx) {
n <- max(2, floor(edges * dx[i]))
P <- t2xy([i], x[i + 1], length.out = n))
polygon(c(P$x+xpos, xpos), c(P$y+ypos, ypos), border = NA, col = col[i], lty = lty[i])
if (border)
symbols(xpos, ypos, circles = radius, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE, fg = frame.color, lwd = frame.width)
plotGraph = function(g, layout = layout.fruchterman.reingold, mar = .5, vertex.pch = 21, vertex.cex, vertex.col,, vertex.lwd, edge.col, edge.lwd, edge.lty, label = TRUE, label.col, label.cex, label.pos = NULL, label.offset = 1.5, adjust.label.col = FALSE, normalize.layout=TRUE) {
if(class(layout) == "function")
l = layout(g)
l = layout
# normalize layout.
l = layout.norm(l, -1, 1, -1, 1)
vertex.cex = .checkParam(vertex.cex, V(g)$size, 5)
vertex.col = .checkParam(vertex.col, V(g)$frame.color, "grey") = .checkParam(, V(g)$color, "white")
vertex.lwd = .checkParam(vertex.lwd, V(g)$frame.width, 1)
edge.col = .checkParam(edge.col, E(g)$color, "grey", multi = ecount(g))
edge.lwd = .checkParam(edge.lwd, E(g)$width, 1, multi = ecount(g))
edge.lty = .checkParam(edge.lty, E(g)$lty, "solid", multi = ecount(g))
label.col = .checkParam(label.col, V(g)$label.color, "black")
label.cex = .checkParam(label.cex, V(g)$label.cex, 1)
if (adjust.label.col) {
col.range = range(.lum2(colors()))
col.cut = round(diff(col.range)/2)
lum.mean = sapply(V(g)$pie.color, function(x) mean(.lum2(x)))
label.col = ifelse(lum.mean < col.cut, "snow", "gray20")
mat = get.edgelist(g)
op = par(mar = rep(mar,4), xpd = TRUE)
plot(0, xlim = range(l[,1]), ylim = range(l[,2]), cex = 0, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1)
for(i in 1:nrow(mat)){
ni = as.numeric(V(g)[ mat[i,] ])
x1 = l[ni[1] ,]
x2 = l[ni[2] ,]
lines(c(x1[1], x2[1]), c(x1[2], x2[2]), col = edge.col[i], lwd = edge.lwd[i], lty = edge.lty[i])
points(l, pch = vertex.pch, cex = vertex.cex, bg =, col = vertex.col, lwd = vertex.lwd)
if(label) {
ll = as.character(V(g))
ll = V(g)$name
ll = V(g)$label
text(l, labels = ll, cex = label.cex, pos = label.pos, offset=label.offset)
## annotation functions to compare modules.
# annotate a graph based on the information in other module, as well as expression and targets, etc.
annotateModule = function(g, enrich, trm, targets, ppi, exprs, tfs) {
trm_genes = .checkInNetwork(g, V(trm)$name)
enrich_genes = .checkInNetwork(g, enrich)
targets_found = targets[targets %in% trm]
targets_found = .checkInNetwork(g, targets_found)
exprs = .checkInNetwork(g, exprs)
V(g)$color = "white"
V(g)[ trm_genes ]$color = "white"
V(g)[ enrich_genes ]$color = "steelblue2"
V(g)[ targets_found ]$color = "steelblue4"
V(g)$size = 1
V(g)[ exprs ]$size = 15
V(g)$frame.color = "gray"
V(g)$frame.width = 1
V(g)[ trm_genes ]$frame.color = "black"
V(g)[ trm_genes ]$frame.width = 3
if(!missing(tfs)) {
tfs = .checkInNetwork(g, tfs)
V(g)$shape = "circle"
V(g)[ tfs ]$shape = "square"
E(g)$lty = "dotted"
el = get.edgelist(graph.intersection(ppi, g))
for(j in 1:nrow(el)) {
E(g, P = which(V(g)$name %in% el[j,]), directed = FALSE)$lty = "solid"
E(g)$color = "grey"
E(g)$width = 1
el = get.edgelist(graph.intersection(trm, g))
for(j in 1:nrow(el)) {
E(g, P = which(V(g)$name %in% el[j,]), directed = FALSE)$color = "black"
# E(g, P = which(V(g)$name %in% el[j,]), directed = FALSE)$width = 3
# annotate a graph based on the frequency the nodes and edges appear in
# a set of other graphs, provided as graph_list.
annotateFreq = function(g, graph_list) {
s = sapply(V(g)$name, function(x) {
10*length(which(sapply(graph_list, function(s) if(!is.null(s)) any(V(s)$name %in% x) else FALSE)))/length(graph_list[!sapply(graph_list, is.null)])
ew = apply(get.edgelist(g), 1, function(e) {
sum(sapply(names(graph_list), function(n) {
s = graph_list[[n]]
if(!is.null(s)) {
e = .checkInNetwork(s, e)
if(length(V(s)[ e ]) == 2)
if(are.connected(s, e[1], e[2])) return(1)
et = rep("solid", length(ew))
et[ew == 0] = "dotted"
ew[ew == 0] = 1
V(g)$size = s
E(g)$width = ew
E(g)$lty = et
.checkInNetwork = function(g, x) {
x[ x %in% V(g)$name ]
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