#' Export and import profileplyr from/to deeptools
#' Export and Import files
#' @rdname export_deepToolsMat
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param con Connection to write/read deeptools data to/from.
#' @param decreasing If object@params$mcolToOrderBy has been set and not NULL, then the ranges will be ordered by the column indicated in this slot of the metadata. By default, the order will be increasing for the factor or numeric value. For decreasing order, choose decreasing = TRUE.
#' @param overwrite Logical specifying whether to overwrite output if it exists.
#' @importFrom R.utils gzip
#' @importFrom rjson toJSON
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select vars
#' @importFrom tidyr gather separate
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importClassesFrom methods ANY character list missing
#' @importClassesFrom GenomicRanges GenomicRanges_OR_GRangesList
#' @importClassesFrom S4Vectors character_OR_NULL DataFrame
#' @importMethodsFrom GenomicFeatures as.list
#' @importMethodsFrom ComplexHeatmap draw
#' @importMethodsFrom GenomicRanges as.factor duplicated end findOverlaps match order score seqnames start strand
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges as.matrix cbind colnames "colnames<-" diff gsub lapply ncol nrow paste quantile rbind rownames "rownames<-" subsetByOverlaps table unique which
#' @importMethodsFrom S4Vectors "%in%" mcols "mcols<-" expand.grid grep grepl head levels metadata "metadata<-" Reduce subset t tail
#' @importFrom circlize colorRamp2
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap anno_summary Heatmap HeatmapAnnotation
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select
#' @importFrom EnrichedHeatmap anno_enriched EnrichedHeatmap
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures makeTxDbFromGFF
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges GRangesList
#' @importFrom grid gpar unit
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom methods as is new
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @importFrom R.utils gzip
#' @importFrom rGREAT submitGreatJob
#' @importFrom rjson fromJSON
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame queryHits subjectHits
#' @importFrom soGGi regionPlot
#' @importFrom stats cutree
#' @importFrom methods as new
#' @importFrom utils combn read.delim write.table
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @rawNamespace import(BiocGenerics, except = Position)
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @return The path to deepTools matrix file
setGeneric("export_deepToolsMat", function(object="profileplyr",con="character",decreasing = "logical",overwrite = "logical") standardGeneric("export_deepToolsMat"))
#' @export
#' @describeIn export_deepToolsMat Export and import profileplyr from/to deeptools
setMethod("export_deepToolsMat", signature="profileplyr",
function(object,con, decreasing = FALSE,overwrite=FALSE){
sampleData(object)$sample_labels <- rownames(sampleData(object))
con_prezip <- gsub("\\.gz","",con)
con <- paste0(con_prezip,".gz")
rowGroupsInUse <- params(object)$rowGroupsInUse
mcolToOrderBy <- params(object)$mcolToOrderBy
order <- order(mcols(object)[, rowGroupsInUse])
} else {
order <- order(mcols(object)[, rowGroupsInUse],
mcols(object)[, mcolToOrderBy],
decreasing = decreasing)
object <- object[order, ]
names(object) <- NULL
groupInfo <- getGroupInfoFromObject(object)
group_boundaries <- groupInfo$group_boundaries
group_labels <- groupInfo$group_labels
groupsL <- list(group_boundaries=group_boundaries,group_labels=group_labels)
sbL <- list(sample_boundaries=assays(object) %>%
lapply(ncol) %>%
unlist %>%
unname %>%
cumsum %>%
perSampleDPmetrics <- params(object)$perSampleDPParams
perSampleDP <- sampleData(object) %>% %>%
dplyr::select(!!perSampleDPmetrics) %>%
as.list() %>%
perRun <- sampleData(object) %>% %>%
dplyr::select(-!!perSampleDPmetrics) %>% lapply(unlist) %>%
lapply(unique) %>% lapply(as.vector)
sc <- c(perSampleDP,perRun)
names(sc) <- gsub("\\."," ",names(sc))
if(nrow(sampleData(object)) == 1){
toModNull <- sc[unlist(lapply(sc,is.null))]
toMod <- sc[!unlist(lapply(sc,is.logical)) & lengths(sc) ==1]
toModSC <- sc[unlist(lapply(sc,is.logical)) & lengths(sc) ==1]
toGL <- sc[names(sc) =="group_labels"]
sc <- c(lapply(toMod,function(x)unname(list(x))),toModSC,toModNull,toGL)
sc <- c(sc,groupsL,sbL)
if(file.exists(con) & !overwrite){
stop(paste0(con_prezip," already exists. To overwrite file please set \"overwrite=TRUE\""))
sc %>%
rjson::toJSON(.) %>%
as.character %>%
paste0("@",.) %>%
scoreMat <-,
as.list(SummarizedExperiment::assays(object))) %>%
mutate(score=".") %>%
select(seqnames,start,end,names,score,strand) %>%
mutate(strand=gsub("\\*",".",strand)) %>%
cbind(scoreMat) %>%
if(con_prezip !=con) unlink(con_prezip)
#' Import
#' @rdname export_deepToolsMat
#' @details A profileplyr object
#' @return A profileplyr object
#' @examples
#' example <- system.file("extdata", "example_deepTools_MAT", package = "profileplyr")
#' object <- import_deepToolsMat(example)
#' export_deepToolsMat(object,file.path(tempdir(),"ATAC_Example.MAT"))
#' @importFrom rjson fromJSON
#' @export
import_deepToolsMat <- function(con){
myTempH <- scan(con,nlines = 1,what = "character",sep="\n")
myTemp <- read.delim(con,sep="\t",comment.char="@",header=FALSE)
myTempM <- as.matrix(myTemp[,-seq(6)])
if(sum( > 0) {
myTempM[] <- 0
message("Matrix contained 'NA' values, these will be replaced with zeros")
myTempGR <- GRanges(myTemp[,1],IRanges(myTemp[,2],myTemp[,3]),
info <- fromJSON(gsub("@","",myTempH))
bounds <- sample_boundaries <- info$sample_boundaries
sample_labels <- info$sample_labels
sample_boundariesToFilter <- info$sample_boundaries
sample_Starts <- sample_boundaries[-length(sample_boundaries)]
sample_Ends <- sample_boundaries[-1]
sample_DataCol <- list()
for(i in seq_along(sample_Starts)){
sample_DataCol[[i]] <- seq(sample_Starts[i]+1,sample_Ends[i])
names(sample_DataCol) <- sample_labels
myTempM_L <- lapply(sample_DataCol,function(x)myTempM[,x])
myTempM_L <- lapply(myTempM_L,function(x){
colnames(x) <- NULL
info_for_sampleData <- info[!(names(info) %in% c("group_labels", "group_boundaries"))]
info_for_sampleData$`ref point` <- unlist(info_for_sampleData$`ref point`)
if(length(sample_labels) > 1){
sampleData <- DataFrame([lengths(info_for_sampleData) == length(sample_labels)]) %>%
cbind(info_for_sampleData %>% .[lengths(.) == 1] %>% lapply(rep,length(sample_labels)) %>%
row.names = sample_labels)
sampleData <- DataFrame( %>% .[lengths(.) == 1]
row.names = sample_labels)
if (is.null(unlist(info$`ref point`))){
sampleData$ref.point <- replicate(nrow(sampleData),NULL)
sampleData$max.threshold <- sampleData$min.threshold <- replicate(nrow(sampleData),NULL)
myTempGR$dpGroup <- factor(
times=diff(info$group_boundaries) # Doug changed this too, before was 'each=diff(info$group_boundaries)' and this threw a warning that only first elsemnt was used. I think if you have different group sizes this wouldn't work, and 'times' fixes that
levels = info$group_labels
sampleData$generation.method <- rep("deepTools", nrow(sampleData))
perSampleDPParams <- info[lengths(info) == length(info$sample_labels)] %>% .[!(names(.) %in% c("group_labels", "group_boundaries"))] %>%
names %>% make.names
rowGroupsInUse <- "dpGroup"
params <- list(perSampleDPParams=perSampleDPParams,rowGroupsInUse=rowGroupsInUse)
proplyDataset <- profileplyr_Dataset(myTempM_L,myTempGR,sampleData,sampleParam=sampleData,params=params)
#' Cluster Ranges
#' Cluster the ranges in a deepTools object based on signal within each range
#' @docType methods
#' @name clusterRanges
#' @rdname clusterRanges
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param fun The function used to summarize the ranges (e.g. rowMeans or rowMax). This is ignored when only one sample is used for clustering; in this case the lone heatmap is clustered based the signal across the bins.
#' @param scaleRows If TRUE, the rows of the matrix containing the signal in each bin that is used as the input for clustering will be scaled (as specified by pheatmap)
#' @param kmeans_k The number of kmeans groups used for clustering
#' @param clustering_callback Clustering callback function to be passed to pheatmap
#' @param clustering_distance_rows distance measure used in clustering rows. Possible values are "correlation" for Pearson correlation and all the distances supported by dist, such as "euclidean", etc. If the value is none of the above it is assumed that a distance matrix is provided.
#' @param cluster_method clustering method used. Accepts the same values as hclust
#' @param cutree_rows The number of clusters for hierarchical clustering
#' @param silent Whether or not a heatmap (from pheatmap) is shown with the output. This will not change what is returned with the function as it will always be a profileplyr object. If silent = FALSE, the heatmap will be shown which may be helpful in quick evaluation of varying numbers of clusters before proceeding with downstream analysis. The default is silent = TRUE, meaning no heatmap will be shown.
#' @param show_rownames for any heatmaps printed while running this function, set to TRUE if rownames should be displayed. Default is FALSE.
#' @param cluster_sample_subset Either a character or numeric vector indicating the subset of heatmaps to be used for clustering. If a character vector, all elements of the vector must match names of the samples of the profileplyr object (found with 'rownames(sampleData(object))'). For an numeric vector, the profileplyr object will be subset based on the samples that correspond to these numbers (i.e. the numeric index of that sample within 'rownames(sampleData(object))'). When only sample is chosen, the lone heatmap selected will be clustered by signal across the bins of that sample. When more than one sample are selected, the 'fun' argument will be used to summarize the ranges and cluster across these selected samples.
#' @details tbd
#' @return A profileplyr object
#' @examples
#' example <- system.file("extdata", "example_deepTools_MAT", package = "profileplyr")
#' object <- import_deepToolsMat(example)
#' # k-means clustering
#' clusterRanges(object, fun = rowMeans, kmeans_k = 3)
#' # hierarchical clustering, print heatmap, yet still return profileplyr object
#' clusterRanges(object, fun = rowMeans, cutree_rows = 3, silent = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @import IRanges
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures makeTxDbFromGFF
setGeneric("clusterRanges", function(object="profileplyr",fun="function",scaleRows="logical",
cluster_sample_subset = "ANY"
) standardGeneric("clusterRanges"))
#' @export
#' @describeIn clusterRanges Cluster Ranges
setMethod("clusterRanges", signature="profileplyr",
function(object, fun = rowMeans, scaleRows = TRUE, kmeans_k = NULL, clustering_callback = function(x, ...){return(x)}, clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean", cluster_method = "complete", cutree_rows = NULL, silent = TRUE, show_rownames = FALSE, cluster_sample_subset = NULL) {
if (!is.null(cluster_sample_subset)){
if (!(is(cluster_sample_subset, "numeric") | is(cluster_sample_subset, "character"))){
stop("The 'cluster_sample_subset' argument must be a character vector or a numberic vector")
if (is(cluster_sample_subset, "numeric")){
if(max(cluster_sample_subset) > length(names(assays(object)))){
stop("One of the numeric values entered for the 'cluster_sample_subset' argument is larger than the number of samples in the profileplyr object, and is therefore is an out-of-bounds index")
subset_indexes <- cluster_sample_subset
object_temp <- object[, , subset_indexes]
} else if (is(cluster_sample_subset, "character")) {
subset_indexes <- names(assays(object)) %in% cluster_sample_subset
# check whether all of the names (or non) match names in the 'cluster_sample_subset' argument
if(sum(subset_indexes) == 0){
stop("None of the names entered in the 'cluster_sample_subset' argument match the name of a sample in the profileplyr object (names found with 'rownames(sampleData(object))')")
} else if (!sum(subset_indexes) == length(cluster_sample_subset)){
stop("At least one of the names entered in the 'cluster_sample_subset' argument does not match the name of a sample in the profileplyr object (names found with 'rownames(sampleData(object))')")
object_temp <- object[, , subset_indexes]
if (length(assays(object_temp)) < 2){
message(paste0("The profileplyr object was clustered based on the signal across all bins of the '", paste(names(assays(object))[subset_indexes],collapse=" "), "' sample."))
} else {
message(paste0("The profileplyr object was clustered based on the summarized signal (as determined by the 'fun' argument) across the '", paste(names(assays(object))[subset_indexes], collapse="/"), "' samples."))
} else {
object_temp <- object
if (length(assays(object_temp)) < 2){
message("Since there is only one sample in the profileplyr object, the lone heatmap will be clustered by signal across the bins and any 'fun' argument will be ignored")
# else {
# message(paste0("There is more than one sample in the profileplyr object, the 'fun' argument ('rowMeans' by default) will be applied to the bins for each range in a sample, and this value will be used for clustering between samples"))
# }
if (length(assays(object_temp)) < 2){
range_summ <- assays(object_temp)[[1]]
} else {
# summarize adds the group name to the rownames, which I don't want to do as it messes up the separation required later on to build GRanges, but summarize is only a couple lines of code, so just include releveant ones here
range_summ <- lapply(assays(object_temp), fun)
range_summ <- as.matrix(,range_summ))
colnames(range_summ) <- rownames(sampleData(object_temp))
if (scaleRows == TRUE) {
scale <- "row"
} else {
scale <- "none"
if (is.null(kmeans_k) & is.null(cutree_rows)){
res = pheatmap(range_summ, scale = scale, clustering_distance_rows = clustering_distance_rows, cluster_method = cluster_method, show_rownames = show_rownames, silent = FALSE, clustering_callback = clustering_callback)
message("No 'kmeans_k' or 'cutree_rows' arguments specified. profileplyr object will be returned new column with hierarchical order from hclust")
rowRanges(object)$hierarchical_order <- order(res$tree_row$order)
if (!(is.null(kmeans_k)) & !(is.null(cutree_rows))){
message("Values for both 'kmeans_k' or 'cutree_rows' arguments were specified, kmeans will be used. To choose one method, change the value of the method not being used to NULL")
# if (scaleRows == TRUE) {
# range_summ <- t(scale(t(range_summ)))
# }
if (!(is.null(kmeans_k))) {
message("K means clustering used.")
res <- pheatmap(range_summ, scale = scale, kmeans_k = kmeans_k, silent = silent)
cluster_vector <- res$kmeans$cluster # %>%
#data.frame(row.names = make.unique(names(.)), kmeans_cluster = .)
rowRanges(object)$cluster <- cluster_vector # [,1]
}else if (!(is.null(cutree_rows))) {
if(identical(clustering_callback,(function(x, ...){return(x)}))){
message("Hierarchical clustering used. It is advised to avoid this option with large matrices as the clustering can take a long time. Kmeans is more suitable for large matrices.")
if(!(identical(clustering_callback,(function(x, ...){return(x)})))){
message("Hierarchical clustering performed using clustering method input in the 'callback_clustering' argument. It is advised to avoid this option with large matrices as the clustering can take a long time. Kmeans is more suitable for large matrices.")
res <- pheatmap(range_summ, scale = scale, clustering_distance_rows = clustering_distance_rows, cluster_method = cluster_method, silent = silent, cutree_rows = cutree_rows, show_rownames = show_rownames, clustering_callback = clustering_callback)
cluster_vector <- cutree(res$tree_row, k = cutree_rows) # %>%
rowRanges(object)$cluster <- cluster_vector #[,1]
rowRanges(object)$hierarchical_order <- order(res$tree_row$order)
object@params$rowGroupsInUse <- "cluster" # set the group to be filtered by as the overlap column, this will be used by export function to make the groups and also wil lbe labels for heatmap
message("A column has been added to the range metadata with the column name 'cluster', and the 'rowGroupsInUse' has been set to this column.")
rowRanges(object)$cluster <- ordered(rowRanges(object)$cluster,
levels = rowRanges(object)$cluster[!duplicated(rowRanges(object)$cluster)])
colnames(mcols(object)) <- make.unique(colnames(mcols(object)))
#' Annotate profileplyr ranges to genes using rGREAT
#' The ranges from the deepTools matrix will be subset based on whether they overlap with specified annotated regions related to a user defined gene list.
#' @docType methods
#' @name annotateRanges_great
#' @rdname annotateRanges_great
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param species GREAT accepts "hg19", "mm10", "mm9", "danRer7" (zebrafish)
#' @param ... pass to \code{\link[rGREAT]{submitGreatJob}}
#' @details tbd
#' @return A profileplyr object
#' @examples
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' example <- system.file("extdata", "example_deepTools_MAT", package = "profileplyr")
#' object <- import_deepToolsMat(example)
#' object <- object[1:5, , ]
#' # annotate ranges with genes using GREAT with following command:
#' annotateRanges_great(object, species = "mm10")
#' @import TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9.knownGene TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene ChIPseeker rGREAT GenomicFeatures
setGeneric("annotateRanges_great", function(object="profileplyr",species="character",...)standardGeneric("annotateRanges_great"))
#' @describeIn annotateRanges_great Annotate profileplyr ranges to genes using rGREAT
#' @export
setMethod("annotateRanges_great", signature(object="profileplyr"),function(object, species, ...) {
great <- submitGreatJob(rowRanges(object), request_interval = 0, species = species, ...)
genomic_regions <- plotRegionGeneAssociationGraphs(great)
colnames(mcols(genomic_regions)) <- c("SYMBOL", "distanceToTSS")
hits <- findOverlaps(genomic_regions, rowRanges(object)) # get the indecies of both subject and query that overlap
hits <- hits[!duplicated(queryHits(hits))]
object <- object[subjectHits(hits)]
mcols(object) <- c(mcols(object), mcols(genomic_regions))
colnames(mcols(object)) <- make.unique(colnames(mcols(object)))
#' Annotate profileplyr ranges to genes using ChIPseeker
#' The ranges from the deepTools matrix will be subset based on whether they overlap with specified annotated regions (using ChIPseeker) throughout the genome
#' @docType methods
#' @name annotateRanges
#' @rdname annotateRanges
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param annotation_subset If specific annotations (from ChIPseeker package) are desired, specify them here in a character vector. Can be one or any combination of "Promoter", "Exon", "Intron", "Downstream", "Distal Intergenic", "3p UTR", or "5p UTR". This argument is optional and all annotation types will be included if argument is left out.
#' @param TxDb This must be either a TxDb object, a character string that is a path to a GTF file, or character string indicating genome if one of the following - "hg19", "hg38", "mm9", "mm10".
#' @param tssRegion This needs to be a vector of two numbers that will define promoter regions. The first number must be negative, while the second number must be positive. Default values are c(-3000, 3000)
#' @param changeGroupToAnnotation If the grouping should be changed to the annotations (typically when the ranges will be exported for visualization based on this annotation), this should be TRUE. The default if FALSE, which will keep the grouping that existed before annotating the object. This is typical if the output will be used for finding overlaps with gene lists in the 'groupBy' function.
#' @param heatmap_grouping Only relevant if 'keepAnnotationAsGroup' is set to TRUE. This argument needs to be either "group", or "annotation". This will determine how the ranges are grouped in the resulting object. Default is heatmap_grouping = "Group". If there are no groups in the deepTools matrix that was used in the function, this argument is unnecessary
#' @param annoDb The annotation package to be used. If the 'TxDb' argument is set to "hg19", "hg38", "mm9", or "mm10" this will automatically be set and this can be left as NULL.
#' @param ... pass to \code{\link[ChIPseeker]{annotatePeak}}
#' @details tbd
#' @return A profileplyr object
#' @examples
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' example <- system.file("extdata", "example_deepTools_MAT", package = "profileplyr")
#' object <- import_deepToolsMat(example)
#' object <- object[1:2, , ]
#' # annotate ranges with genes using ChIPseeker
#' # (NOTE: can choose subset of annotations with 'annotation_subset' argument)
#' annotateRanges(object, TxDb = "mm10")
#' @export
setGeneric("annotateRanges", function(object="profileplyr",annotation_subset = "character", TxDb, annoDb = "character", tssRegion = "numeric", changeGroupToAnnotation = "logical", heatmap_grouping = "character", ...)standardGeneric("annotateRanges"))
#' @describeIn annotateRanges Annotate profileplyr ranges to genes using ChIPseeker
#' @export
setMethod("annotateRanges", signature(object="profileplyr"),function(object, annotation_subset = NULL, TxDb = NULL, annoDb = NULL, tssRegion = c(-3000, 3000), changeGroupToAnnotation = FALSE, heatmap_grouping = "group", ...) {
if (is.null(TxDb)){
stop("Must set 'TxDb' argument")
# which TxDb?
if (is(TxDb,"TxDb")) {
TxDb_object <- TxDb
} else if (is(TxDb,"character") & file.exists(TxDb)) {
TxDb_object <- makeTxDbFromGFF(TxDb)
} else if(is(TxDb,"character") & !(file.exists(TxDb))) {
if (TxDb == "hg19") {
TxDb_object <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
} else if (TxDb == "hg38") {
TxDb_object <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
} else if (TxDb == "mm9") {
TxDb_object <- TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9.knownGene
} else if (TxDb == "mm10") {
TxDb_object <- TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene
} else {
message("'TxDb' argument must be either a path to a GTF/GFF, a character vector that is one of 'hg19', 'hg38', 'mm9', or 'mm10', or a TxDB object")
# which species for annotation?
if (is(TxDb,"character")) {
if(TxDb == "hg19" | TxDb == "hg38") {
orgAnn <- ""
} else if (TxDb == "mm9" | TxDb == "mm10") {
orgAnn <- ""
} else {
orgAnn <- NULL
} else {
orgAnn <- annoDb
peakanno <- annotatePeak(rowRanges(object), TxDb = TxDb_object, annoDb = orgAnn, tssRegion = tssRegion, ...)
annotatedPeaksGR <- as.GRanges(peakanno)
annotatedPeaksGR$range_combined <- paste(seqnames(annotatedPeaksGR), start(annotatedPeaksGR), end(annotatedPeaksGR), sep = "_")
rowRanges(object)$range_combined <- paste(seqnames(rowRanges(object)), start(rowRanges(object)), end(rowRanges(object)), sep = "_")
object <- object[rowRanges(object)$range_combined %in% annotatedPeaksGR$range_combined]
mcols(object) <- mcols(annotatedPeaksGR)
mcols(object) <- subset(mcols(object), select=-c(range_combined))
rowRanges(object)$annotation_short <- gsub("\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)","",as.character(rowRanges(object)$annotation))
# output matrix throws error in plotHeatmap call with the single quote, as it interprets as a real quote, so change to "p"
rowRanges(object)$annotation_short <- gsub("3' UTR", "3p UTR",as.character(rowRanges(object)$annotation_short))
rowRanges(object)$annotation_short <- gsub("5' UTR", "5p UTR",as.character(rowRanges(object)$annotation_short))
annotation_order <- c("Promoter", "Exon", "Intron", "Downstream", "Distal Intergenic", "3p UTR", "5p UTR")
rowRanges(object)$annotation_short <- ordered(rowRanges(object)$annotation_short, levels = annotation_order)
# if the user wants a subset of groups, this will subset and also order the groups based on the order of input
if (!(is.null(annotation_subset))){
object <- object[rowRanges(object)$annotation_short %in% annotation_subset]
rowRanges(object)$annotation_short <- ordered(rowRanges(object)$annotation_short, levels = annotation_subset)
if (changeGroupToAnnotation == TRUE){
group <- params(object)$rowGroupsInUse
group_label <- mcols(object)[colnames(mcols(object)) %in% group][,1]
if(heatmap_grouping == "group") {
object <- object[order(group_label, rowRanges(object)$annotation_short)] # order first based on group, then by annotation
group_label_order <- mcols(object)[colnames(mcols(object)) %in% group][,1] # get the new group_label order based on the above ordering
rowRanges(object)$annotate_group <- paste(group_label_order, rowRanges(object)$annotation_short, sep = "_") # make new column with combined grouping/annotation
if(heatmap_grouping == "annotation") {
object <- object[order(rowRanges(object)$annotation_short, group_label)]
group_label_order <- mcols(object)[colnames(mcols(object)) %in% group][,1]
rowRanges(object)$annotate_group <- paste(rowRanges(object)$annotation_short, group_label_order, sep = "_")
object@params$rowGroupsInUse <- "annotate_group"
message("A column has been added to the range metadata with the column name 'annotate_group' that combines the inherited groups with the annotations determined here. The 'rowGroupsInUse' has been set to this column.")
colnames(mcols(object)) <- make.unique(colnames(mcols(object)))
#' Redundant code wrapped into subsetbyRangeOverlap() or subsetbyGeneListOverlap() functions
#' @rdname subset_GR_GL_common_top
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param overlap hits object from subsetByOverlap function
#' @param input_names names of either the gene list of the granges that go into function
#' @param type Either "GR" for subsetbyRangeOverlap() function or "GL" for subsetbyGeneListOverlap() function
#' @param separateDuplicated A logical argument, if TRUE (default) then regions that overlap multiple inputs to 'GRanges' argument will be separated and made into their own group. All possible combinations of region overlaps will be tested, so it is not recommended to have more than 3 groups if this option is TRUE. If FALSE, then regions that overlap each individual 'GRanges' input will be in the output, and if one region overlaps multiple 'GRanges' inputs, then it will be duplicated in the output and will show up in the section for each group.
#' @details tbd
#' @return A list of profileplyr objects
subset_GR_GL_common_top <- function(object, overlap, input_names, type, separateDuplicated) {
# this code will give us a logical for the rows that overlap nothing
overlap_combined <-, overlap)
no_overlap <- rowSums(overlap_combined) == 0
# make a matrix with a 0 or 1 saying whether there was an overlap with each set of ranges
overlap_matrix <- matrix(nrow = length(overlap[[1]]), ncol = length(overlap))
for(i in seq_along(overlap)){
overlap_matrix[, i] <- as.numeric(overlap[[i]])
colnames(overlap_matrix) <- input_names
rowData(object)$overlap_matrix <- overlap_matrix # add column in rowData containing this matrix
# following code serves purpose of adding a column to rowData that will show the grouping, including all combinations of overlaps. So each range only has one assignment
overlap_names <- vector()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(overlap_matrix))){
if (sum(overlap_matrix[i,]) == 0) {
overlap_names[i] <- "no_overlap"
} else {
overlap_names[i] <- names(overlap_matrix[1,]) %>%
.[as.logical(overlap_matrix[i,])] %>% #this will index the names the input GRanges based on each row of the matrix
paste(., collapse = "_")
rowRanges(object)$overlap_names <- overlap_names
rowRanges(object)$overlap_names <- ordered(rowRanges(object)$overlap_names,
levels = rowRanges(object)$overlap_names[!duplicated(rowRanges(object)$overlap_names)])
object_overlap <- object[which(!no_overlap)]
rowRanges(object_overlap)$overlap_names <- ordered(rowRanges(object_overlap)$overlap_names,
levels = rowRanges(object_overlap)$overlap_names[!duplicated(rowRanges(object_overlap)$overlap_names)])
object_no_overlap <- object[no_overlap]
rowRanges(object_no_overlap)$overlap_names <- ordered(rowRanges(object_no_overlap)$overlap_names,
levels = rowRanges(object_no_overlap)$overlap_names[!duplicated(rowRanges(object_no_overlap)$overlap_names)])
colnames(mcols(object_overlap))[colnames(mcols(object_overlap)) %in% "overlap_names"] <- paste0(type, "_overlap_names")
colnames(mcols(object_no_overlap))[colnames(mcols(object_no_overlap)) %in% "overlap_names"] <- paste0(type, "_overlap_names")
if (separateDuplicated == TRUE) {
object_overlap@params$rowGroupsInUse <- paste0(type, "_overlap_names")
object_no_overlap@params$rowGroupsInUse <- paste0(type, "_overlap_names")
message(paste0("A column has been added to the range metadata with the column name '", type, "_overlap_names' that specifies the GRanges each range overlaps with, but the inherited groups are not included."))
if (separateDuplicated == FALSE) {
overlap_matrix_df <-
overlap_list <- lapply(overlap_matrix_df, function(x) object[which(as.logical(x))])
# make a vector with the names of each GRanges with the length of each overlap profileplyr object
overlap_nosep_names <- vector()
for(i in seq_along(overlap_list)){
temp <- rep(colnames(overlap_matrix)[i], length(overlap_list[[i]]))
overlap_nosep_names <- c(overlap_nosep_names, temp)
object_overlap <-, overlap_list)
mcols(object_overlap)$overlap_nosep_names <- overlap_nosep_names
rowRanges(object_overlap)$overlap_nosep_names <- ordered(rowRanges(object_overlap)$overlap_nosep_names,
levels = rowRanges(object_overlap)$overlap_nosep_names[!duplicated(rowRanges(object_overlap)$overlap_nosep_names)])
object_overlap@params$rowGroupsInUse <- paste0(type, "_overlap_nosep_names")
object_no_overlap@params$rowGroupsInUse <- paste0(type, "_overlap_nosep_names")
message(paste0("A column has been added to the range metadata with the column name '", type, "_overlap_nosep_names' that specifies the GRanges each range overlaps with, but the inherited groups are not included."))
colnames(mcols(object_overlap))[colnames(mcols(object_overlap)) %in% "overlap_names"] <- paste0(type, "_overlap_names")
colnames(mcols(object_overlap))[colnames(mcols(object_overlap)) %in% "overlap_nosep_names"] <- paste0(type, "_overlap_nosep_names")
if (!length(object_no_overlap) == 0){
mcols(object_no_overlap)$overlap_nosep_names <- "no_overlap"
colnames(mcols(object_no_overlap))[colnames(mcols(object_no_overlap)) %in% "overlap_nosep_names"] <- paste0(type, "_overlap_nosep_names")
return(list(object_overlap, object_no_overlap))
#' Redundant code for inheriting grouping wrapped into subsetbyRangeOverlap() or subsetbyGeneListOverlap() functions
#' @rdname inherit_group_function
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param rowGroupsInUse_input the inherited rowGroupsInUse
#' @param type Either "GR" for subsetbyRangeOverlap() function or "GL" for subsetbyGeneListOverlap() function
#' @param separateDuplicated A logical argument, if TRUE then regions that overlap multiple inputs to 'GRanges' argument will be separated and made into their own group. All possible combinations of region overlaps will be tested, so it is not recommended to have more than 3 groups if this option is TRUE. If FALSE, then regions that overlap each individual 'GRanges' input will be in the output, and if one region overlaps multiple 'GRanges' inputs, then it will be duplicated in the output and will show up in the section for each group.
#' @details tbd
#' @return A profileplyr object
inherit_group_function <- function(object, rowGroupsInUse_input, type, separateDuplicated) {
inherit_groups <- mcols(object)[colnames(mcols(object)) %in% rowGroupsInUse_input] %>%
.[,1] %>%
# create a column in the non overlapping GRanges that has the group and non-overlapping indication
if (separateDuplicated == TRUE){
rowRanges(object)$group_and_overlap <- paste(inherit_groups,
as.character(mcols(object)[,colnames(mcols(object)) %in% paste0(type, "_overlap_names")]),
sep = "_")
colnames(mcols(object))[colnames(mcols(object)) %in% "group_and_overlap"] <- paste0(type, "_group_and_overlap")
object@params$rowGroupsInUse <- paste0(type, "_group_and_overlap")
message(paste0("A column has been added to the range metadata with the column name '", type, "_group_and_overlap' that specifies the GRanges each range overlaps with, but the inherited groups are not included."))
if (separateDuplicated == FALSE){
rowRanges(object)$group_and_overlap_nosep <- paste(inherit_groups,
as.character(mcols(object)[,colnames(mcols(object)) %in% paste0(type, "_overlap_nosep_names")]),
sep = "_")
colnames(mcols(object))[colnames(mcols(object)) %in% "group_and_overlap_nosep"] <- paste0(type, "_group_and_overlap_nosep")
object@params$rowGroupsInUse <- paste0(type, "_group_and_overlap_nosep")
message(paste0("A column has been added to the range metadata with the column name '", type, "_group_and_overlap_nosep' that specifies the GRanges each range overlaps with, but the inherited groups are not included."))
#' Subset ranges based on overlap with a GRanges object
#' The ranges from the deepTools matrix will be subset based on whether they overlap with user defined ranges
#' @rdname subsetbyRangeOverlap
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param group How the ranges will be grouped. If this is a character string, then it must match a column name of the range metadata, and this column will be used for grouping of any exported deepTools matrix. If this is a GRanges, or GRangesList, then the ranges will be subset based on overlap with these GRanges. If this is a list, each element should contain ether 1) a character vector of genes, and ranges will be subset based on overlap with these genes, as determined by the annotations made by annotateRanges() or annotateRanges_great() functions, or 2) a data frame with the gene symbols as the rownames. Any additional columns of this dataframe will be added to the range metadata.
#' @param GRanges_names The names of the GRanges that were used for the "GRanges" argument. This will be used to label these groups in the construction of the resulting profileplyr object.
#' @param include_nonoverlapping A logical argument, if FALSE the regions from the original deepTools matrix that do not overlap with the user defined regions will be left out of the returned profileplyr object.
#' @param separateDuplicated A logical argument, if TRUE then regions that overlap multiple inputs to 'GRanges' argument will be separated and made into their own group. All possible combinations of region overlaps will be tested, so it is not recommended to have more than 3 groups if this option is TRUE. If FALSE, then regions that overlap each individual 'GRanges' input will be in the output, and if one region overlaps multiple 'GRanges' inputs, then it will be duplicated in the output and will show up in the section for each group.
#' @param inherit_groups A logical whether that groups the exist in the profileplyr object in the 'object' argument should be included in the default grouping scheme for the output object of this function. The default is TRUE. If false, only the GRanges overlap annotation will be used for heatmap grouping.
#' @details tbd
#' @return A profileplyr object
#' @examples
#' # see the groupby function within profileplyr for examples
subsetbyRangeOverlap <- function(object, group, GRanges_names = NULL, include_nonoverlapping = FALSE, separateDuplicated = TRUE, inherit_groups = FALSE) {
rowGroupsInUse_input <- params(object)$rowGroupsInUse
region_list_GRanges <- GRangesList(group)
GRanges_names <- names(region_list_GRanges)
}else if(is.null(names(region_list_GRanges)) & is.null(GRanges_names)){
message("The argument 'GRanges_names' was not set so the GRanges will be given generic names. To name GRanges, set them using the 'GRanges_names' argument")
GRanges_names <- vector()
for(i in seq_along(region_list_GRanges)) {
temp <- paste0("RegionSet_", i)
GRanges_names <- c(GRanges_names, temp)
names(region_list_GRanges) <- GRanges_names
}else {
names(region_list_GRanges) <- GRanges_names
if (length(region_list_GRanges) != length(GRanges_names)) {
stop("The number of region sets for overlap analysis does not match the number of names for those sets")
# this will give us a list of logical vectors that tell us if a range at that index overlaps with each GRanges
overlap <- lapply(region_list_GRanges, function(x) rowRanges(object) %in% subsetByOverlaps(rowRanges(object), x)) # get the ranges that are in the input range files and overlap with the object ranges (from the deepTools matrix)
input_names = GRanges_names
type = "GR"
object_list <- subset_GR_GL_common_top(object = object,
overlap = overlap,
input_names = input_names,
type = type,
object_overlap <- object_list[[1]]
object_no_overlap <- object_list[[2]]
# add metadata columns from the overlapping GRanges to the profile plyr object
region_list_GRanges_unlist <- unlist(region_list_GRanges)
hits <- findOverlaps(object_overlap, region_list_GRanges_unlist) # get the indecies of both subject and query that overlap
uniqueInQuery <- subjectHits(hits) %>%
.[!duplicated(queryHits(hits))] # this will give us indecies of the input GRanges for subsetting (query) that overlap the deepTools SE (subject).
query_mcols <- mcols(region_list_GRanges_unlist)[uniqueInQuery, ] # get the metadata from the GRanges for subsetting (query) that corresponds to the ranges that overlap with the deepTools SE (subject). If multiple input regions overlap with the SE, metadata from only the first one will be caught here
mcols(object_overlap) <- c( mcols(object_overlap), query_mcols) # combine the metadata from the subsetting GRanges with the metadata in the SE DT
if (include_nonoverlapping == FALSE) {
object <- object_overlap
if (include_nonoverlapping == TRUE) {
if(ncol(query_mcols) > 0) {
# here I just populate the metadata columns in the non-overlapping regions with NAs
no_overlap_mcols <- list()
for (i in seq_along(query_mcols)) {
no_overlap_mcols[[i]] <- rep(NA, length(rowRanges(object_no_overlap)))
no_overlap_mcols <-"cbind",no_overlap_mcols) %>%
colnames(no_overlap_mcols) <- colnames(query_mcols)
mcols(object_no_overlap) <- c( mcols(object_no_overlap), no_overlap_mcols)
object <- rbind(object_overlap, object_no_overlap)
if (inherit_groups == TRUE) {
object <- inherit_group_function(object,
colnames(mcols(object)) <- make.unique(colnames(mcols(object)))
#' Subset ranges based on overlap with lists of Gene sets
#' The ranges from the deepTools matrix will be subset based on whether they overlap with user defined gene sets
#' @rdname subsetbyGeneListOverlap
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param group How the ranges will be grouped. If this is a character string, then it must match a column name of the range metadata, and this column will be used for grouping of any exported deepTools matrix. If this is a GRanges, or GRangesList, then the ranges will be subset based on overlap with these GRanges. If this is a list, each element should contain ether 1) a character vector of genes, and ranges will be subset based on overlap with these genes, as determined by the annotations made by annotateRanges() or annotateRanges_great() functions, or 2) a data frame with the gene symbols as the rownames. Any additional columns of this dataframe will be added to the range metadata.
#' @param include_nonoverlapping A logical argument, if FALSE the regions from the original deepTools matrix that do not overlap with the user defined regions will be left out of the returned profileplyr object.
#' @param separateDuplicated A logical argument, if TRUE (default) then regions that overlap multiple inputs to 'GRanges' argument will be separated and made into their own group. All possible combinations of region overlaps will be tested, so it is not recommended to have more than 3 groups if this option is TRUE. If FALSE, then regions that overlap each individual 'GRanges' input will be in the output, and if one region overlaps multiple 'GRanges' inputs, then it will be duplicated in the output and will show up in the section for each group.
#' @param inherit_groups A logical whether that groups the exist in the profileplyr object in the 'object' argument should be included in the default grouping scheme for the output object of this function. The default is TRUE. If false, only the gene list overlap annotation will be used for heatmap grouping.
#' @details tbd
#' @return A profileplyr object
#' @examples
#' # see the groupby function within profileplyr for examples
subsetbyGeneListOverlap <- function(object, group, include_nonoverlapping = FALSE, separateDuplicated = TRUE, inherit_groups = FALSE) {
rowGroupsInUse_input <- params(object)$rowGroupsInUse
message("Input gene lists do not have names, they will be given generic names. To name gene list, set them before using this function with names(gene list) function")
gene_list_names <- vector()
for(i in seq_along(group)) {
temp <- paste0("GeneSet_", i)
gene_list_names <- c(gene_list_names, temp)
} else {
gene_list_names <- names(group)
# check to see whether all are data frames
# if not , then we will just use gene symbols and no column data
df_check_list <- lapply(group, %>%
unlist() %>%
#this will first check is all elements are data frames and length of 1, meaning it will take extra columns becuase it can't be differnet form toher data frames as there are none
# it will then check for the all data frame lists larger than 1 if all the column names are the same
# if either of the above are TRUE this is recorded and will be used later on
if(df_check_list & length(group) == 1){
keep_columns <- TRUE
}else if(df_check_list & length(group) > 1){
colnames_list <- lapply(group, colnames)
identical_colnames <- lapply(colnames_list[2:length(colnames_list)], FUN = identical, colnames_list[[1]]) %>%
unlist() %>%
if (identical_colnames) {
keep_columns <- TRUE
keep_columns <- FALSE
# only the gene symbols will be extracted for overlaps
gene_list_vectorList <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(group))
for (i in seq_along(group)){
gene_list_vectorList[[i]] <- row.names(group[[i]])
}else if (is.character(group[[i]])){
gene_list_vectorList[[i]] <- group[[i]]
stop("elements of 'group' must be a character vector, or a data frame with the gene symbols as the rownames")
overlap <- lapply(gene_list_vectorList, function(x) rowRanges(object)$SYMBOL %in% x)
if(!("SYMBOL" %in% colnames(mcols(object)))){
stop("There is no column in the range metadata with a colname of 'SYMBOL', which is required. Aside from the user manually adding this column it is typically added automatically by annotateRanges() or annotateRanges_great(). Make sure one of these functions has been run first.")
input_names = gene_list_names
type = "GL"
object_list <- subset_GR_GL_common_top(object = object,
overlap = overlap,
input_names = input_names,
type = type,
object_overlap <- object_list[[1]]
object_no_overlap <- object_list[[2]]
temp <- group
names(temp) <- NULL
temp <-, temp)
index <- match(rowRanges(object_overlap)$SYMBOL, row.names(temp))
overlap_in_gene <- temp[index, , drop = FALSE]
mcols(object_overlap) <- cbind(mcols(object_overlap), overlap_in_gene)
if (include_nonoverlapping == FALSE) {
object <- object_overlap
if (include_nonoverlapping == TRUE) {
object <- rbind(object_overlap, object_no_overlap)
if (inherit_groups == TRUE) {
object <- inherit_group_function(object,
colnames(mcols(object)) <- make.unique(colnames(mcols(object)))
#' summarize the rows of a deepTools matrix
#' summarize the rows of a deepTools matrix
#' @docType methods
#' @name summarize
#' @rdname summarize
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param fun the function used to summarize the ranges (e.g. rowMeans or rowMax)
#' @param output Must be either "matrix", "long", or "object".
#' @param keep_all_mcols if output is 'long' and this is set to TRUE, then all metadata columns in the rowRanges will be included in the output. If FALSE (default value), then only the column indicated in the 'rowGroupsInUse' slot of the metadata will be included in the output dataframe.
#' @param sampleData_columns_for_longPlot If output is set to 'long', then this argument can be used to add information stored in sampleData(object) to the summarized data frame. This needs to be a character vector with elements matching coumn names in sampleData(object).
#' @details Takes a SE object and outputs a summarized experiment object with a matrix containing ranges as rows and each sample having one column with summary statistic
#' @return If output="matrix" returns a matrix, if output="long" returns a data.frame in long format, if output="object" returns a SummarizedExperiment object with the summarized matrix.
#' @examples
#' example <- system.file("extdata", "example_deepTools_MAT", package = "profileplyr")
#' object <- import_deepToolsMat(example)
#' # output matrix (can be used to make a heatmap)
#' object_sumMat <- summarize(object, fun = rowMeans, output = "matrix")
#' # output long dataframe for ggplot
#' object_long <- summarize(object, fun = rowMeans, output = "long")
#' object_long[1:3, ]
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(object_long, aes(x = Sample, y = log(Signal))) + geom_boxplot()
#' # output profileplyr object containing summarized matrix
#' summarize(object, fun = rowMeans, output = "object")
#' @export
setGeneric("summarize", function(object="profileplyr",fun = "function", output = "character", keep_all_mcols = "logical", sampleData_columns_for_longPlot = "character")standardGeneric("summarize"))
#' @describeIn summarize summarize the rows of a deepTools matrix
#' @export
setMethod("summarize", signature(object="profileplyr"), function(object, fun, output, keep_all_mcols = FALSE, sampleData_columns_for_longPlot = NULL){
stop("Enter 'output' argument, either 'matrix', 'long', or 'object'.")
stop("Enter a function to summarize the signal in each range in the 'fun' argument (e.g. rowMeans or rowMax).")
summ <- lapply(assays(object), fun)
summ_mat <- as.matrix(,summ))
rowGroupsInUse <- params(object)$rowGroupsInUse
GroupNames <- rowData(object)[,colnames(rowData(object)) %in% rowGroupsInUse]
colnames(summ_mat) <- rownames(sampleData(object))
if (output == "matrix") {
rownames(summ_mat) <- paste(seqnames(rowRanges(object)), start(rowRanges(object)), end(rowRanges(object)), GroupNames, sep = "_") # not sure how critrical this is, but included group name in case ranges are in multiple groups
#### this can be an output of the plotRanges function, or almost should be a function on its own. I feel like it might get buried here as it doesn't quite fit with the matrix/SE output
if (output == "long") {
summ_long <-
if (keep_all_mcols == TRUE){
summ_long <- cbind(summ_long, mcols(rowRanges(object))) %>%
data.frame(check.names = FALSE)
} else {
summ_long[rowGroupsInUse] <- GroupNames
summ_long$combined_ranges <- paste(seqnames(rowRanges(object)), start(rowRanges(object)), end(rowRanges(object)), sep = "_") # NOTE: don't include group names here as we have that in a separate column
summ_long <- tidyr::gather(summ_long, key = "Sample", value = "Signal", seq_len(ncol(summ_mat)))
summ_long$Sample <- ordered(summ_long$Sample, levels = rownames(sampleData(object)))
if (!is.null(sampleData_columns_for_longPlot)){
stop("The 'sampleData_columns_for_longPlot' argument must be a character vector")
column_subset <- colnames(sampleData(object)) %in% sampleData_columns_for_longPlot
temp <- sampleData(object)[column_subset]
number_each_sample <- table(summ_long$Sample)
temp_vec <- vector()
temp_list <- vector(mode = "list")
for(j in seq_along(temp)){
for (i in seq_len(nrow(sampleData(object)))){
temp_vec <- c(temp_vec, rep(temp[i,j], number_each_sample[j]))
temp_list[[j]] <- temp_vec
temp_vec <- vector()
extra_columns <-, temp_list))
colnames(extra_columns) <- colnames(temp)
summ_long <- cbind(summ_long, extra_columns)
if (output == "object") {
objectToReturn <- SummarizedExperiment(summ_mat,rowRanges(object),
metadata(objectToReturn) <- metadata(object)
#' group the rows and ranges of the profileplyr object
#' group the rows and ranges of the profileplyr object
#' @docType methods
#' @name groupBy
#' @rdname groupBy
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param group How the ranges will be grouped. If this is a character string, then it must match a column name of the range metadata, and this column will be used for grouping of any exported deepTools matrix. If this is a GRanges, or GRangesList, then the ranges will be subset based on overlap with these GRanges. If this is a list, each element should contain ether 1) a character vector of genes, and ranges will be subset based on overlap with these genes, as determined by the annotations made by annotateRanges() or annotateRanges_great() functions, or 2) a data frame with the gene symbols as the rownames. Any additional columns of this dataframe will be added to the range metadata.
#' @param levels This will set the levels of the grouping column set by 'rowGroupsInUse' (if the grouping column is not a factor, it will be converted to one). If levels are not provided, they will remain unchanged if the grouping column was already a factor, or will use default leveling (e.g. alphabetical) if grouping column is not already a factor variable.
#' @param GRanges_names The names of the GRanges that were used for the "GRanges" argument. This will be used to label these groups in the construction of the resulting profileplyr object.
#' @param include_nonoverlapping A logical argument, if FALSE (default) the regions from the original deepTools matrix that do not overlap with the user defined regions will be left out of the returned profileplyr object.
#' @param separateDuplicated A logical argument, if TRUE (default) then regions that overlap multiple inputs to 'GRanges' argument will be separated and made into their own group. All possible combinations of region overlaps will be tested, so it is not recommended to have more than 3 groups if this option is TRUE. If FALSE, then regions that overlap each individual 'GRanges' input will be in the output, and if one region overlaps multiple 'GRanges' inputs, then it will be duplicated in the output and will show up in the section for each group.
#' @param inherit_groups A logical whether that groups the exist in the profileplyr object in the 'object' argument should be included in the default grouping scheme for the output object of this function. The default is TRUE. If false, only the GRanges or gene list overlap annotation will be used for heatmap grouping.
#' @details Takes a SE object and groups rows
#' @return A profileplyr object with a summarized matrix, a matrix, or a long dataframe.
#' @examples
#' # group by gene list or list of data frames with genes as rownames
#' ## not shown here but see vignette for grouping by gene lists
#' # group by GRanges
#' example <- system.file("extdata", "example_deepTools_MAT", package = "profileplyr")
#' object <- import_deepToolsMat(example)
#' data("K27ac_GRlist_hind_liver_top5000") # load pre-made GRanges
#' K27ac_groupByGR <- groupBy(object, group = K27ac_GRlist_hind_liver_top5000)
#' # switch rowGroupsInUse
#' switchGroup <- groupBy(K27ac_groupByGR, group = "GR_overlap_names")
#' params(switchGroup)$rowGroupsInUse
#' @export
setGeneric("groupBy", function(object="profileplyr",group="ANY", GRanges_names = "character", levels = "ANY",
include_nonoverlapping = "logical", separateDuplicated = "logical", inherit_groups = "logical")standardGeneric("groupBy"))
#' @describeIn groupBy group the rows and ranges of the profileplyr object
#' @export
setMethod("groupBy", signature(object="profileplyr"),function(object, group, GRanges_names = NULL, levels = NULL, include_nonoverlapping = FALSE, separateDuplicated = TRUE, inherit_groups = FALSE){
stop("Enter 'group' argument")
if(!(group %in% colnames(mcols(object)))) {
stop("The 'group' argument is a character string, but does not match the name of any range metadata columns")
object@params$rowGroupsInUse <- group
mcols(object)[, group] <- as.factor(mcols(object)[, group]) #make sure this is a factor so we can order it
if (is.null(levels)){
levels <- levels(rowData(object)[, group]) #if user doesnt set levels, we will just use the default ones (alphabetical)
mcols(object)[, group] <- ordered(mcols(object)[, group], levels = levels)
if(is(group,"GRanges") | is(group,"CompressedGRangesList")){
return(subsetbyRangeOverlap(object, group = group, GRanges_names, include_nonoverlapping, separateDuplicated, inherit_groups))
if(is(group,"list")) {
return(subsetbyGeneListOverlap(object, group = group, include_nonoverlapping, separateDuplicated, inherit_groups))
stop("The 'group' argument is a data frame, but it must be a list! In order to group by a gene list that is part of a data frame, each data frame must be an element of a list, even if the list only has one element (eg list(df = dataframe)).")
#' choose the column by which to order the ranges by within each group
#' choose the column by which to order the ranges by within each group
#' @docType methods
#' @name orderBy
#' @rdname orderBy
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param column Which column of mcols(proplyrObject) should be used for ordering the ranges. If NULL removes any previous setting for row ordering.
#' @details Takes a profileplyr object and orders the rows based on a user defined metadata column of rowRanges
#' @return A profileplyr object
#' @examples
#' example <- system.file("extdata", "example_deepTools_MAT", package = "profileplyr")
#' object <- import_deepToolsMat(example)
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' cluster <- clusterRanges(object, fun = rowMeans, cutree_rows = 3)
#' cluster_order <- orderBy(cluster, column = "hierarchical_order")
#' params(cluster_order)$mcolToOrderBy
#' @export
setGeneric("orderBy", function(object="profileplyr",column = "ANY")standardGeneric("orderBy"))
#' @describeIn orderBy choose the column by which to order the ranges by within each group
#' @export
setMethod("orderBy", signature(object="profileplyr"),function(object, column){
object@params$mcolToOrderBy <- NULL
if(!(column %in% colnames(mcols(object)))) {
stop("The 'column' argument does not match the name of any range metadata columns")
# object@params$mcolToOrderBy <- column
object@params$mcolToOrderBy <- column
#' export a profileplyr object to a list of matrices that can be used as an input for EnrichedHeatmap
#' export a profileplyr object to a list of matrices that can be used as an input for EnrichedHeatmap
#' @rdname convertToEnrichedHeatmapMat
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param sample_names A character vector that will set the names of the heatmap components that are generated from the profileplyr assays() matrices. This argument is optional, by default the names will be the name of the samples in the profileplyr object rownames(sampleData(object)).
#' @details Takes a profileplyr object and converts all of the matrices in the assays() section of the object to matrices that can be used as an input for EnrichedHeatmap
#' @return A list of normalized matrices that can be used for generating visualizations with EnrichedHeatmap
#' @examples
#' example <- system.file("extdata", "example_deepTools_MAT", package = "profileplyr")
#' object <- import_deepToolsMat(example)
#' library(EnrichedHeatmap)
#' EH_mat <- convertToEnrichedHeatmapMat(object)
#' EnrichedHeatmap(EH_mat[[1]], name = names(EH_mat[1]), column_title = names(EH_mat[1]))
#' @import EnrichedHeatmap ComplexHeatmap grid circlize
#' @export
setGeneric("convertToEnrichedHeatmapMat", function(object="profileplyr",sample_names="character") standardGeneric("convertToEnrichedHeatmapMat"))
#' @describeIn convertToEnrichedHeatmapMat export a profileplyr object to a list of matrices that can be used as an input for EnrichedHeatmap
#' @export
setMethod("convertToEnrichedHeatmapMat", signature(object="profileplyr"),function(object, sample_names = NULL){
if (is.null(sample_names)){
sample_names <- rownames(sampleData(object))
upstream <- sampleData(object)$upstream
downstream <- sampleData(object)$downstream
target_length <- sampleData(object)$body
bin_size <- sampleData(object)$bin.size
upstreamBins <- upstream/bin_size
downstreamBins <- downstream/bin_size
target_bins <- target_length/bin_size
enrichMAT <- list()
for (i in seq_along(assays(object))){
enrichMAT[[i]] <- assays(object)[[i]]
if(upstreamBins[i] == 0){
attr(enrichMAT[[i]], "upstream_index") <- vector(mode = "numeric")
attr(enrichMAT[[i]], "upstream_index") <- seq_len(upstreamBins[i])
if(target_bins[i] == 0){
attr(enrichMAT[[i]], "target_index") <- NULL
attr(enrichMAT[[i]], "target_is_single_point") <- TRUE
attr(enrichMAT[[i]], "target_index") <- (upstreamBins[i]+1):(upstreamBins[i]+target_bins[i])
attr(enrichMAT[[i]], "target_is_single_point") <- FALSE
if(downstreamBins[i] == 0){
attr(enrichMAT[[i]], "downstream_index") <- vector(mode = "numeric")
attr(enrichMAT[[i]], "downstream_index") <- (upstreamBins[i]+target_bins[i]+1):(upstreamBins[i]+target_bins[i]+downstreamBins[i])
attr(enrichMAT[[i]], "extend") = c(upstream[i], downstream[i]) # it must be a vector of length two
attr(enrichMAT[[i]], "signal_name") = sample_names[i]
attr(enrichMAT[[i]], "target_name") = "target"
class(enrichMAT[[i]]) = c("normalizedMatrix", "matrix")
names(enrichMAT) <- sample_names
#' generateEnrichedHeatmap
#' export a profileplyr object directly to an object of the EnrichedHeatmap class
#' @rdname generateEnrichedHeatmap
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param include_group_annotation If TRUE (default value) then the Heatmap will be grouped based on the range metadata column specified by 'rowGroupsInUse'
#' @param extra_annotation_columns A character vector of names that match column names of mcols(object). Extra annotation columns will be added to the heatmap based on the values of these indicated range metadata columns.
#' @param sample_names A character vector that will set the names of the heatmap components that are generated from the profileplyr assays() matrices. This argument is optional, by default the names will be the name of the samples in the profileplyr object rownames(sampleData(object)).
#' @param return_ht_list Whether the returned object is the heatmap list and not the actual figure. This will be a list of the various components (heatmaps and annotation columns) that can be added to with additional columns in a customized manner.
#' @param ylim A numeric vector of two numbers that specifies the minimum and maximum of the yaxis of all the heatmaps generated for the matrices. The default is to use the max of the heatmap with the highest signal (ylim = 'common_max'). If ylim = NULL, different ranges will be inferred for each heatmap. If ylim is a single numeric vector, then that range will be used for all heatmaps. Different ranges can be set for each heatmap by making ylim a list that is the same length as the number of heatmaps/matrices, with each element of the list corresponding to each heatmap. Lastly, ylim can be a character string matching a column name in sampleData(object), and this will make the heatmaps with the same grouping have the same ylims as determined by the common max within groups.
#' @param top_anno_height The height (as a unit object) of the top annotation of all heatmaps representing the matrices
#' @param top_anno_axis_font The fontsize of the y-axis labels for the top annotation of all heatmaps representing the matrices
#' @param decreasing If object@params$mcolToOrderBy has been changed and is not NULL, then the ranges will be ordered by the column indicated in this slot of the metadata. By default, the order will be increasing for the factor or numeric value. For decreasing order, choose decreasing = TRUE.
#' @param samples_to_sortby Only relevant if object@params$mcolToOrderBy is NULL (i.e it hasn't been changed), meaning that the rows are sorted by the mean signal of all heatmaps. This argument allows sorting by the mean of a subset of samples, and should be either a character or numeric vector. If numeric, then the samples/matrices that have that index in the profileplyr object will be used to order the rows of the heatmap. If a character vector, then the elements must match the name of a sample in the object (rownames(sampleData(object))), and these samples will be used to order the heatmap.
#' @param all_color_scales_equal If TRUE (default value) then the same color scale will be used for each separate heatmap. If FALSE, color scales will be inferred for each heatmap as indicated by the legends.
#' @param matrices_color Either a single character vector, a numeric vector, a function call to colorRamp2 from the circlize package, or a list. For anything but a list, all the heatmaps generated for the matrices of the profileplyr object will be the same and will be colored as specified here. The character and numeric vector inputs must be either two or three elements in length (denoting color progressions - three elements will give a middle color break), and each element must be a character string or number that points to a color. By default, numeric vectors use the colors in palette(), however this can be expanded with other R color lists(e.g. colors()). If this argument is a list then it's length must equal the number of matrices/samples that exist in the input profileplyr object. The components of the list can be either a numeric vector, character vector, or color function (they do not have to all be the same type of specification). Each element in the list will be the color mapping to the corresponding element in the profileplyr object.
#' @param color_by_sample_group A character vector that is identical to a column name in sampleData(object), and if set, the heatmaps will be colored based on that column (should be a factor, if not it will be converted to one)
#' @param matrices_pos_line A logical for whether to draw a vertical line(s) at the position of the target (for both a single point or a window). Default is true.
#' @param matrices_pos_line_gp Graphics parameters for the vertical position lines. Should be set with the gpar() function from the grid() package.
#' @param matrices_column_title_gp Graphics parameters for the titles on top of each range/matrix. Should be set with the gpar() function from the grid() package.
#' @param matrices_axis_name Names for axis which is below the heatmap. For profileplyr object made from BamBigwig_to_chipProfile/as_profileplyr functions, the names will be of length three, with the middle point being the midpoint of each range. If the profileplyr object was made from a deeptools matrix with import_deepToolsMat(), the names will be length three if matrix was generated with 'computeMatrix reference-point', or length of four if matrix was generated with 'computeMatrix scale-regions' corresponding to upstream, start of targets, end of targets and downstream (or length of two if no upstream/downstream included).
#' @param matrices_axis_name_gp Graphics parameters for the text on the x-axis of each matrix heatmap. Should be set with the gpar() function from the grid() package.
#' @param group_anno_color This will specify colors for the grouping column if the 'include_group_annotation' argument is set to TRUE. Since the group column of the range metadata should always be a discrete value, this should be either a numeric vector or character vector with color names. By default, numeric vectors use the colors in palette(), however this can be expanded with other R color lists(e.g. colors()). The length of this vector must equal the number of groups.
#' @param group_anno_width A numeric value that is used to will set the width of the column bar (in mm using the unit() function from the grid package) for the grouping annotation column.
#' @param group_anno_row_title_gp Graphics parameters for the labels of the groups on the side of the heatmap. Should be set with the gpar() function from the grid() package.
#' @param group_anno_column_names_gp Graphics parameters for the label of the grouping annotation column. Should be set with the gpar() function from the grid() package.
#' @param extra_anno_color This will specify colors for the annotation columns added by the 'extra_annotation_columns' argument. This must be a list that is of equal length to the 'extra_annotation_columns' argument. Each element of this list will be used to specify the color scheme for the corresponding element of the 'extra_annotation_columns' vector. If an element is NULL, the default colors will be used for the column annotation. For a column with discrete variables this will typically be a vector of numbers or a vector of color names. By default, numeric vectors use the colors in palette(), however this can be expanded with other R color lists(e.g. colors()). For columns with continuous variables, this can also be a a vector of numbers or a vector of color names to signify the color progression, or it can be color mapping function using colorRamp2() from the circlize package.
#' @param extra_anno_top_annotation This is a logical vector that determines whether annotation plots are shown on top of the heatmaps for the extra annotations. This must either be a length of 1, in which case all of the heatmaps will abide by this value. Otherwise this must be a vector of equal length to the 'extra_annotation_columns' argument and the elements of this vector will correspond to the equivalent elements in 'extra annotation_columns'
#' @param extra_anno_width This will set the width of the individual extra annotation columns on the right side of the figure. This must be a numeric vector with each element setting the width for the corresponding element in the 'extra_annotation_columns' argument.
#' @param only_extra_annotation_columns If set to TRUE, only the heatmaps representing the extra annotation columns will be shown, and the range based heatmaps from the assay matrices will be excluded.
#' @param gap The size of the gap between heatmaps and annotations. Only relevant if return_ht_list = FALSE
#' @param genes_to_label A character vector of gene symbols that should match character strings in the 'SYMBOL' column that results from either 'annotateRanges' or 'annotateRanges_great'. Genes that are both in this vector and in the 'SYMBOL' column will be labeled on the heatmap.
#' @param gene_label_font_size The size of the text for the labels for genes specified in 'genes_to_label' argument.
#' @param show_heatmap_legend A logical vector with each position corresponding to each matrix heatmap (not including the 'extra_annotation_columns') that determines whether a legend is produced for that heatmap. By default a single legend is made if all heatmaps use the same color scale, or separate legends are made for each matrix heatmap if the scales are different.
#' @param legend_params A list that contains parameters for the legend. See \code{\link[ComplexHeatmap]{color_mapping_legend-ColorMapping-method}} for all available parameters.
#' @param use_raster Whether render the heatmap body as a raster image. It helps to reduce file size when the matrix is huge.
#' @param raster_device Graphic device which is used to generate the raster image. Options are "png", "jpeg", "tiff", "CairoPNG", "CairoJPEG", "CairoTIFF"
#' @param raster_quality A value set to larger than 1 will improve the quality of the raster image.
#' @param raster_device_param A list of further parameters for the selected graphic device. For raster image support, please check \url{} .
#' @details Takes a profileplyr object and generates a heatmap that can be annotated by group or by range metadata columns of the profileplyr object
#' @return By default a customized version of a heatmap from EnrichedHeatmap, if return_ht_list = TRUE then a heatmap list is returned that can be modified and then entered as an input for the \code{\link[EnrichedHeatmap]{EnrichedHeatmap}} function
#' @examples
#' example <- system.file("extdata", "example_deepTools_MAT", package = "profileplyr")
#' object <- import_deepToolsMat(example)
#' generateEnrichedHeatmap(object, include_group_annotation = FALSE)
#' @import Cairo tiff
#' @export
generateEnrichedHeatmap <- function(object, include_group_annotation = TRUE, extra_annotation_columns = NULL, sample_names = NULL, return_ht_list = FALSE, ylim = "common_max", top_anno_height = unit(2, "cm"),
samples_to_sortby = NULL, decreasing = FALSE, all_color_scales_equal = TRUE, matrices_color = NULL, color_by_sample_group = NULL, matrices_pos_line = FALSE, matrices_pos_line_gp = gpar(lty = 2),
top_anno_axis_font = gpar(fontsize = 8), matrices_column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8, fontface = "bold"), matrices_axis_name = NULL, matrices_axis_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
group_anno_color = NULL, group_anno_width = 3, group_anno_row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10), group_anno_column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),
extra_anno_color = vector(mode = "list", length = length(extra_annotation_columns)), extra_anno_top_annotation = TRUE,
extra_anno_width = (rep(6, length(extra_annotation_columns))), only_extra_annotation_columns = FALSE, gap = 2, genes_to_label = NULL, gene_label_font_size = 6,
show_heatmap_legend = NULL, legend_params = list(), use_raster = length(object) > 2000, raster_device = "CairoPNG", raster_quality = 2, raster_device_param = list()){
if(!is.null(samples_to_sortby)) {
if(is(samples_to_sortby, "numeric")){
select_samples <- object[,,samples_to_sortby]
scoreMat <-,
if(is(samples_to_sortby, "character")){
for (i in seq_along(samples_to_sortby)){
if (!(samples_to_sortby[i] %in% rownames(sampleData(object)))){
stop(paste0(samples_to_sortby[i], " is not a sample name (i.e. rownames(sampleData(object))) in the profileplyr object to be visualized"))
select_samples <- object[,,rownames(sampleData(object)) %in% samples_to_sortby]
scoreMat <-,
} else{
scoreMat <-,
means <- rowMeans(scoreMat)
means_rev <- max(means) - means
rowRanges(object)$bin_means_rev <- means_rev
rowGroupsInUse <- params(object)$rowGroupsInUse
mcolToOrderBy <- params(object)$mcolToOrderBy
order <- order(mcols(object)[, rowGroupsInUse],
} else {
order <- order(mcols(object)[, rowGroupsInUse],
mcols(object)[, mcolToOrderBy],
decreasing = decreasing)
object <- object[order, ]
enrichMAT <- convertToEnrichedHeatmapMat(object)
# if the user wants to color by a column in the sample data, a few checks to make sure we are read to do that
# also pull out the column they want ot use for grouping
if (!is.null(color_by_sample_group)){
if(!(color_by_sample_group %in% colnames(sampleData(object)))){
stop("The 'color_by_sample_group' argument must match a column name in sampleData(object)")
column_for_color <- sampleData(object)[, colnames(sampleData(object)) %in% color_by_sample_group]
if(!is(column_for_color, "factor")){
column_for_color <- as.factor(column_for_color)
if(!is.null(matrices_color) && !is(matrices_color, "list")) {
stop("The argument 'matrices_color' must be a list when 'color_by_sample_group' is set (i.e. not NULL)")
# the list of color options for various defaults (either 'matrices_color' is missing or there are NULL values in user entered list)
matrices_color_levels_default <- list(c("white", "red"), c("white","black"), c("white","#6C7EDA"), c("white", "#1B5B14"), c("white", "purple"), c("white", "#CC0066"), c("white", "#009999"), c("white", "#CC6600"))
# set default colors if the user doesn't specify 'matrices_color'"
while(length(matrices_color_levels_default) < length(levels(column_for_color)) ){
matrices_color_levels_default <- c(matrices_color_levels_default, matrices_color_levels_default)
matrices_color_levels <- matrices_color_levels_default[seq(length(levels(column_for_color)))]
} else {
matrices_color_levels <- matrices_color
if(length(levels(column_for_color)) != length(matrices_color_levels)){
stop("When 'color_by_sample_group' is set (i.e. not NULL) then the number of color settings by 'matrices_color' (length(matrices_color)) must be equal to the number of levels in the column designated by 'color_by_sample_group'")
#make defaults for the user entered 'NULL' values in the list
# first we need to determine the number of nulls to make the default list of colors to replace the NULLs
# this is the number of NULLs in the levels, not each heatmap, we fill in the missing level and then the individual heatmap colors are built off the levels
number_of_nulls <- lapply(matrices_color, is.null) %>%
unlist %>%
if(number_of_nulls > 0) {
while(length(matrices_color_levels_default) < number_of_nulls ){
matrices_color_levels_default <- c(matrices_color_levels_default, matrices_color_levels_default)
null_colors <- matrices_color_levels_default[seq(number_of_nulls)]
# need to replace user-input nulls in the color levels with the default color list made above in 'null_colors'
null_count <- 0
for (i in seq_along(matrices_color_levels)){
if (is.null(matrices_color_levels[[i]])){
null_count <- null_count + 1
matrices_color_levels[[i]] <- null_colors[[null_count]]
#define color scales for each group (either set by user or default set above)
enrichMAT_split <- enrichMAT
names(enrichMAT_split) <- column_for_color
unlist_by_level <- split(enrichMAT_split, names(enrichMAT_split)) %>%
q_levels <- lapply(unlist_by_level, quantile, c(0.01, 0.98))
# make the names of the color schemes same as the names of 'q_levels' which is just the levels of the column selected for grouping
names(matrices_color_levels) <- levels(column_for_color)
#expand the 'matrices color_levels' to correspond to the whole vector of the column chosen, not just the levels (so each heatmap will get assigned colors)
q <- list()
for (i in seq_along(column_for_color)) {
matrices_color[[i]] <- matrices_color_levels[[as.character(column_for_color[i])]] # need the as.character here because we want the actual name of the sample in that slot, other wise it uses the number that corresponds to the level since its a factor
q[[i]] <- q_levels[[as.character(column_for_color[i])]]
null_count <- 0
for(i in seq_along(matrices_color)){
matrices_color[[i]] <- matrices_color[[i]]
}else if(is.character(matrices_color[[i]]) | is.numeric(matrices_color[[i]])){
if(length(matrices_color[[i]]) == 3){
matrices_color[[i]] <- colorRamp2(c(q[[i]][1], (q[[i]][2] - q[[i]][1])/2, q[[i]][2]),
}else if(length(matrices_color[[i]]) == 2){
matrices_color[[i]] <- colorRamp2(c(q[[i]][1], q[[i]][2]),
stop("matrix color specifications must either be a colorRamp2() function call or a character/numeric vector")
if (is.null(show_heatmap_legend)){
show_heatmap_legend <- !duplicated(column_for_color)
heatmap_legend_title <- as.character(column_for_color)
# the rest of the code for solor setting is if the user did not set the 'color_by_sample_group' argument
# following if statements will show one legend if all color scales are the same and ther user wants a legend (Default)
# will show all legend if the color scales are unequal and user wants legends
# will skip this section is user specifies legend presence
if(length(show_heatmap_legend) != length(enrichMAT)){
stop("The length of the 'show_heatmap_legend' vector must equal the number of matrices in the profileplyr object")
heatmap_legend_title <- names(enrichMAT)
if (is.null(show_heatmap_legend)){
if(all_color_scales_equal == TRUE){
heatmap_legend_title <- vector(length = length(enrichMAT))
show_heatmap_legend <- vector(length = length(enrichMAT))
for (i in seq_along(enrichMAT)){
if(i == 1){
show_heatmap_legend[i] <- TRUE
heatmap_legend_title[i] <- "signal"
show_heatmap_legend[i] <- FALSE
heatmap_legend_title[i] <- names(enrichMAT[i])
} else if(all_color_scales_equal == FALSE){
show_heatmap_legend <- vector(length = length(enrichMAT))
heatmap_legend_title <- vector(length = length(enrichMAT))
for (i in seq_along(enrichMAT)){
show_heatmap_legend[i] <- TRUE
heatmap_legend_title[i] <- names(enrichMAT[i])
# this will be run if 'matrices_color' argument is a list of equal length to the number of matrices
# this will fill in any NULL values in the color list with the default, use a function if its the input, and then put an input vector into the color slot in the default function
# if 'all_color_scales_equal' is TRUE, then all heatmaps will be scaled the same based on the quantiles of all values put together (calculated above)
matrices_color <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(enrichMAT))
# make one big matrix as a means to make common scales across multiple heatmaps.
# The q_all value will be used below
all_mats <- unlist(enrichMAT)
q_all <- quantile(all_mats, c(0.01, 0.98))
#matrices_color_all <- (colorRamp2(c(0, q_all[1]/2, q_all[1]),
# c("blue", "white", "red")))
if (is.list(matrices_color)){
if(!(length(matrices_color) == length(enrichMAT))){
stop("The length of the list for the 'matrices_color' argument must equal the number of matrices/samples in the profileplyr object")
if(all_color_scales_equal == FALSE){
for(i in seq_along(matrices_color)){
q <- quantile(enrichMAT[[i]], c(0.01, 0.98))
matrices_color[[i]] <- (colorRamp2(c(q[1],
#(q[2] - q[1])/2,
c("white", "red")))
}else if(is.function(matrices_color[[i]])){
matrices_color[[i]] <- matrices_color[[i]]
}else if(is.character(matrices_color[[i]]) | is.numeric(matrices_color[[i]])){
q <- quantile(enrichMAT[[i]], c(0.01, 0.98))
if(length(matrices_color[[i]]) == 3){
matrices_color[[i]] <- colorRamp2(c(q[1], (q[2] - q[1])/2, q[2]),
}else if(length(matrices_color[[i]]) == 2){
matrices_color[[i]] <- colorRamp2(c(q[1], q[2]),
stop("matrix color specifications must either be a colorRamp2() function call or a character/numeric vector")
if(all_color_scales_equal == TRUE){
for(i in seq_along(matrices_color)){
matrices_color[[i]] <- (colorRamp2(c(q_all[1],
#(q_all[2] - q_all[1])/2,
c("white", "red")))
}else if(is.function(matrices_color[[i]])){
matrices_color[[i]] <- matrices_color[[i]]
warning("User provided color function will override the 'all_color_scales = TRUE' option")
}else if(is.character(matrices_color[[i]]) | is.numeric(matrices_color[[i]])){
if(length(matrices_color[[i]]) == 3){
matrices_color[[i]] <- colorRamp2(c(q_all[1], (q_all[2] - q_all[1])/2, q_all[2]),
}else if(length(matrices_color[[i]]) == 2){
matrices_color[[i]] <- colorRamp2(c(q_all[1], q_all[2]),
stop("matrix color specifications must either be a colorRamp2() function call or a character/numeric vector")
# if the 'matrices_colors' argument is not a list and is a single character or numeric vector, or a function, then all heatmaps will get this scheme, so a list will be populated with the same entries for all
if (is.character(matrices_color) | is.numeric(matrices_color) | is.function(matrices_color)){
temp <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(enrichMAT))
if(all_color_scales_equal == FALSE){
for(i in seq_along(temp)){
temp[[i]] <- matrices_color
}else if(is.character(matrices_color) | is.numeric(matrices_color)){
q <- quantile(enrichMAT[[i]], c(0.01, 0.98))
if(length(matrices_color) == 3){
temp[[i]] <- colorRamp2(c(q[1], (q[2] - q[1])/2, q[2]),matrices_color)
}else if(length(matrices_color) == 2){
temp[[i]] <- colorRamp2(c(q[1], q[2]), matrices_color)
if(all_color_scales_equal == TRUE){
for(i in seq_along(temp)){
temp[[i]] <- matrices_color
warning("User provided color function will override the 'all_color_scales = TRUE' option")
}else if(is.character(matrices_color) | is.numeric(matrices_color)){
if(length(matrices_color) == 3){
temp[[i]] <- colorRamp2(c(q_all[1], (q_all[2] - q_all[1])/2, q_all[2]),matrices_color)
}else if(length(matrices_color) == 2){
temp[[i]] <- colorRamp2(c(q_all[1], q_all[2]), matrices_color)
matrices_color <- temp
# this will find the max for the mean of the columns (bins) and set this as the max for 'ylim' if specified above
# if there is grouping of rows we actualyl want the max ylim necessary when the matrices are divided by group
# divide the maritcies into separate matrcies for each group
get_matrix_max_incl_group <- function(scoreMat, group_boundaries) {
group_sub <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(group_boundaries)-1)
for(i in seq_along(group_boundaries[-(length(group_boundaries))])){
group_sub[[i]] <- scoreMat[group_boundaries[i]:group_boundaries[i+1], ]
group_sub[[i]] <- scoreMat[(group_boundaries[i]+1):group_boundaries[i+1], ]
# get the max and min col mean accounting for groups
col_means <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(group_sub))
for (i in seq_along(group_sub)){
col_means[[i]] <- colMeans(as.matrix(group_sub[[i]])) # had to add in as.matrix becuase if this is only one renage it becomes a vector and colmenas doesnt work
col_means_unlist <- unlist(col_means)
col_means_max <- max(col_means_unlist)
# get the value for which this would be 90% to giv esome room in the figure
max_for_figure = col_means_max/0.9
col_means_min <- min(col_means_unlist)
min_for_figure <- col_means_min/0.9
if (min_for_figure < 0){
min_for_figure <- col_means_min/0.9
}else {
min_for_figure <- 0
return(c(min_for_figure, max_for_figure))
yaxis_side <- vector(length = length(enrichMAT))
yaxis <- vector(length = length(enrichMAT))
facing <- vector(length = length(enrichMAT))
scoreMat <- list()
axis = NULL # axis() is a function in complex heatmap so if I dont do this it throws an error when this isnt set. dont think this reassinging interferes as we dont use the axis function, but maybe should change this?
if(ylim %in% colnames(sampleData(object))) {
column_for_color <- sampleData(object)[, colnames(sampleData(object)) %in% ylim]
if(!is(column_for_color, "factor")){
column_for_color <- as.factor(column_for_color)
for (i in seq_along(levels(column_for_color))){
enrichMAT_levels_temp <- enrichMAT[levels(column_for_color)[i] == column_for_color]
scoreMat[[i]] <-,
} else {
scoreMat[[1]] <-,
group_boundaries <- getGroupInfoFromObject(object)$group_boundaries
min_max_for_figure <- lapply(scoreMat, get_matrix_max_incl_group, group_boundaries)
if(ylim %in% colnames(sampleData(object))) {
names(min_max_for_figure) <- levels(column_for_color)
ylim_list <- list()
for (i in seq_along(column_for_color)) {
ylim_list[[i]] <- min_max_for_figure[[column_for_color[i]]]
axis = "all"
if((length(ylim) == 1) && (ylim == "common_max")){
limits <- min_max_for_figure[[1]]
ylim_list <- list(limits)[rep(1, length(enrichMAT))]
axis = "only_first"
if (is(ylim,"numeric")) {
limits <- ylim
ylim_list <- list(limits)[rep(1, length(enrichMAT))]
axis = "only_first"
if (is(ylim,"list")) {
if(length(ylim) != length(enrichMAT)){
stop("Since it is a list, the length of the 'ylim' argument must equal the number of heatmaps")
ylim_list <- ylim
axis = "all"
if (is.null(ylim)){
limits <- NULL
ylim_list <- list(limits)[rep(1, length(enrichMAT))]
axis = "all"
if(axis == "only_first") {
for (i in seq_along(enrichMAT)){
if(i == 1){
yaxis_side[i] <- "left"
facing[i] = "outside"
yaxis[i] = TRUE
} else{
yaxis[i] = FALSE
if (axis == "all"){
for (i in seq_along(enrichMAT)){
if(i == 1){
yaxis_side[i] <- "left"
facing[i] = "outside"
yaxis[i] = TRUE
} else{
yaxis_side[i] <- "left"
facing[i] = "inside"
yaxis[i] = TRUE
if (is.null(sample_names)){
sample_names <- names(enrichMAT)
if (!(is.null(genes_to_label))){
# add text row annotation of genes to label
genes_overlap <- mcols(object)$SYMBOL
index <- vector()
for (i in seq_along(genes_overlap)){
if(genes_overlap[i] %in% genes_to_label){
index <- c(index, i)
if(length(index) == 0){
message("no genes from 'genes_to_label' argument overlapped with annotated ranges")
gene_annotation = NULL
} else {
gene_annotation <- rowAnnotation(labels = anno_mark(at = index,
labels = genes_overlap[index],
labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = gene_label_font_size)))
} else{
gene_annotation = NULL
heatmap_list <- list()
if (include_group_annotation == TRUE){
group_anno_color = seq_along(table((mcols(object)[params(object)$rowGroupsInUse])))
if(!(length(group_anno_color) == length(seq_along(table((mcols(object)[params(object)$rowGroupsInUse])))))){
stop("The length of the 'group_anno_color' argument is not the same length as the number of groups in the 'rowGroupsInUse' column of the profileplyr object range metadata.")
heatmap_list[[1]] <- Heatmap(mcols(object)[,params(object)$rowGroupsInUse],
col = structure(group_anno_color,
names = names(table((mcols(object)[params(object)$rowGroupsInUse])))),
#name = "",
show_row_names = FALSE,
width = unit(group_anno_width, "mm"),
row_title_gp = group_anno_row_title_gp,
column_names_gp = group_anno_column_names_gp,
heatmap_legend_param = c(list(title = params(object)$rowGroupsInUse),
use_raster = use_raster,
raster_device = raster_device,
raster_quality = raster_quality,
raster_device_param = raster_device_param
for (i in (1 + seq_along(enrichMAT))){
default_color_fun = function(x) {
q = quantile(x, c(0.01, 0.99))
qUpper = q[2]
qUpper), c("white", "red"))
heatmap_list[[i]] <- EnrichedHeatmap(enrichMAT[[i-1]],
row_order = NULL,
col = matrices_color[[i-1]],
name = sample_names[i-1],
column_title = sample_names[i-1],
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(lines = anno_enriched(gp = gpar(col = group_anno_color),
ylim = ylim_list[[i-1]],
axis_param = list(side = yaxis_side[i-1],
facing = facing[i-1],
# at = ifelse(is.null(ylim_list[[i-1]]),
# grid.pretty(ylim_list[[i-1]])[grid.pretty(ylim_list[[i-1]]) > ylim_list[[i-1]][1]]),
gp = top_anno_axis_font),
yaxis = yaxis[i-1],
height = top_anno_height)),
show_heatmap_legend = show_heatmap_legend[i-1],
heatmap_legend_param = c(list(title = heatmap_legend_title[i-1]),
column_title_gp = matrices_column_title_gp,
axis_name = matrices_axis_name,
axis_name_gp = matrices_axis_name_gp,
pos_line = matrices_pos_line,
pos_line_gp = matrices_pos_line_gp,
use_raster = use_raster,
raster_device = raster_device,
raster_quality = raster_quality,
raster_device_param = raster_device_param
if (include_group_annotation == FALSE){
for (i in seq_along(enrichMAT)){
heatmap_list[[i]] <- EnrichedHeatmap(enrichMAT[[i]],
row_order = NULL,
col = matrices_color[[i]],
name = sample_names[i],
column_title = sample_names[i],
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(lines = anno_enriched(gp = gpar(col = group_anno_color),
ylim = ylim_list[[i]],
axis_param = list(side = yaxis_side[i],
facing = facing[i],
# at = ifelse(is.null(ylim_list[[i]]),
# grid.pretty(ylim_list[[i]])[grid.pretty(ylim_list[[i]]) > ylim_list[[i]][1]]),
gp = top_anno_axis_font),
yaxis = yaxis[i],
height = top_anno_height)),
show_heatmap_legend = show_heatmap_legend[i],
heatmap_legend_param = c(list(title = heatmap_legend_title[i]),
column_title_gp = matrices_column_title_gp,
axis_name = matrices_axis_name,
axis_name_gp = matrices_axis_name_gp,
pos_line = matrices_pos_line,
pos_line_gp = matrices_pos_line_gp,
use_raster = use_raster,
raster_device = raster_device,
raster_quality = raster_quality,
raster_device_param = raster_device_param
matrices_ht_length <- length(heatmap_list) # this will be used below to know how many heatmaps to remove if use only wants extra annotation columns
# this will add gene annotation labels to the last heatmap only is there are no additional annotation columns
if(is.null(extra_annotation_columns) & !(is.null(genes_to_label))){
if (include_group_annotation == TRUE){
i = length(enrichMAT) + 1
x = length(enrichMAT)
if (include_group_annotation == FALSE){
i = length(enrichMAT)
x = length(enrichMAT)
heatmap_list[[i]] <- EnrichedHeatmap(enrichMAT[[x]],
row_order = NULL,
col = matrices_color[[x]],
name = sample_names[x],
column_title = sample_names[x],
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(lines = anno_enriched(gp = gpar(col = group_anno_color),
ylim = ylim_list[[x]],
axis_param = list(side = yaxis_side[x],
facing = facing[x],
# at = ifelse(is.null(ylim_list[[x]]),
# grid.pretty(ylim_list[[x]])[grid.pretty(ylim_list[[x]]) > ylim_list[[x]][1]]),
gp = top_anno_axis_font),
yaxis = yaxis[x],
height = top_anno_height)),
show_heatmap_legend = show_heatmap_legend[x],
heatmap_legend_param = c(list(title = heatmap_legend_title[x]),
column_title_gp = matrices_column_title_gp,
axis_name = matrices_axis_name,
axis_name_gp = matrices_axis_name_gp,
pos_line = matrices_pos_line,
pos_line_gp = matrices_pos_line_gp,
right_annotation = gene_annotation,
use_raster = use_raster,
raster_device = raster_device,
raster_quality = raster_quality,
raster_device_param = raster_device_param
if (!is.null(extra_annotation_columns)){
if (length(extra_anno_top_annotation) == 1){
extra_anno_top_annotation <- rep(extra_anno_top_annotation, length(extra_annotation_columns))
} else{
if (!(length(extra_anno_top_annotation) == length(extra_annotation_columns))){
stop("Length of 'extra_anno_top_annotation' argument must have a length of one or equal to the length of 'extra_annotation_columns'")
stop("The 'extra_anno_color' argument must be a list")
if(!(length(extra_anno_color) == length(extra_annotation_columns))){
stop("The length of the 'extra_annotation_columns' character vector must be the same length as the 'extra_anno_color' list")
for (i in seq_along(extra_annotation_columns)){
if(!(extra_annotation_columns[i] %in% colnames(mcols(object)))){
stop(paste0("'", extra_annotation_columns[i], "' is not a column title in the range metadata."))
column <- mcols(object)[colnames(mcols(object)) %in% extra_annotation_columns[i]][,1] # this is the contents of the column to be visualized, assigning to a variable as this is used often below
if (is.factor(column) | is.character(column)){
if (is.factor(column)){
column <- droplevels(column)
extra_anno_color[[i]] = seq_along(table(as.character(column)))
if(!(length(extra_anno_color[[i]]) == length(seq_along(table(as.character(column)))))){
stop("The length of the 'extra_anno_color' argument for the '", extra_annotation_columns[i], "' column is not the same length as the number of discrete names in that column of the range metadata.")
if (extra_anno_top_annotation[i]){
top_annotation <- HeatmapAnnotation(summary = anno_summary(axis = FALSE,
height = unit(top_anno_height, "cm")))
}else {
top_annotation <- NULL
}else if (is.numeric(column)){
extra_anno_color[[i]] = c("white", "red")
if (extra_anno_top_annotation[i]){
top_annotation <- HeatmapAnnotation(summary = anno_summary(gp = gpar(fill = group_anno_color),
outline = FALSE,
axis = FALSE,
height = unit(top_anno_height, "cm")))
} else {
top_annotation <- NULL
}else {
stop(" additional column to be used for annotation must be a numeric, character, or factor variable")
heatmap_list[[length(heatmap_list)+1]] <- Heatmap(column,
col = extra_anno_color[[i]],
name = extra_annotation_columns[i],
show_row_names = FALSE,
width = unit(extra_anno_width[i], "mm"),
column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),
top_annotation = top_annotation,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
heatmap_legend_param = legend_params
i = length(extra_annotation_columns)
heatmap_list[[length(heatmap_list)]] <- Heatmap(column,
col = extra_anno_color[[i]],
name = extra_annotation_columns[i],
show_row_names = FALSE,
width = unit(extra_anno_width[i], "mm"),
column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),
top_annotation = top_annotation,
right_annotation = gene_annotation,
heatmap_legend_param = legend_params
#remove the matrices heatmaps if user wants
if(only_extra_annotation_columns == TRUE){
if (include_group_annotation == TRUE){
heatmap_list <- heatmap_list[-c(2:matrices_ht_length)]
if (include_group_annotation == FALSE){
heatmap_list <- heatmap_list[-c(1:matrices_ht_length)]
ht_list <- Reduce("+", heatmap_list)
ifelse(return_ht_list, return(ht_list), return(draw(ht_list,
gap = unit(gap, "mm"),
split = mcols(object)[,params(object)$rowGroupsInUse]
#return(draw(ht_list, split = mcols(object)[,object@params$rowGroupsInUse]))
#' Import ChIPprofile object to profileplyr
#' Function to convert soGGi ChIPprofile objects to profileplyr object .
#' @rdname generateProfilePlot
#' @param object A profileplyr object
#' @param sampleNames The names used to label the samples in the profileplyr object. By default, the names stored in rownames(sampleData(object)) are used.
#' @param colorGroup The name of the column in mcols(object) that will be used for color grouping in the plot. By default the column name in params(object)$rowGroupsInUse is used. If this column is not a factor variable, then it will be converted into one.
#' @param colorlist A vector containing the colors to be used. The positions in the vector will be matched with the levels of the factor variable chosen in the 'colorGroup' argument.
#' @param facet_nrow The number of rows when making the plot panels. This argument is passed to 'nrow' of the ggplot2 function \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_wrap}}.
#' @param facet_ncol The number of columns when making the plot panels. This argument is passed to 'ncol' of the ggplot2 function \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_wrap}}.
#' @param facet_scales Whether the scales of all plot panels should be fixed ("fixed", default), free ("free"), or free in one dimension ("free_x" or "free_y"). This argument is passed to 'scales' of the ggplot2 function \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_wrap}}.
#' @return A profileplyr object
#' @examples
#' example <- system.file("extdata", "example_deepTools_MAT", package = "profileplyr")
#' object <- import_deepToolsMat(example)
#' generateProfilePlot(object)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_line theme_bw theme element_blank element_text element_rect scale_color_manual scale_x_continuous expand_limits ylab xlab facet_wrap
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom grDevices hcl
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
generateProfilePlot <- function(object,
sampleNames = rownames(sampleData(object)),
colorGroup = params(object)$rowGroupsInUse,
colorlist = NULL,
#binSize = NULL,
facet_nrow = 1,
facet_ncol = NULL,
facet_scales = "fixed"
if(!is(object,"profileplyr")) stop("Object must be profileplyr object")
if (length(assays(object)) > 1) {
if (!var(sampleData(object)$bin.size) == 0){
stop("All samples must have equal bin size!")
if (!var(sampleData(object)$upstream) == 0){
stop("All samples must have equal number of upstream bins!")
if (!var(sampleData(object)$downstream) == 0){
stop("All samples must have equal number of downstream bins!")
if (!length(unique(sampleData(object)$generation.method)) == 1){
stop("All samples must have been generated with the same method (BamBigwig_to_chipProfile() or import_deepToolsMat())")
binSize <- sampleData(object)$bin.size[1]
upstream <- sampleData(object)$upstream[1]
downstream <- sampleData(object)$downstream[1]
body <- sampleData(object)$body[1]
generation_method <- sampleData(object)$generation.method[1]
mcols_colorGroup_column <- mcols(object)[, colnames(mcols(object)) %in% colorGroup]
# this column needs to be a factor so we can cycle through levels below while plotting
# if its not a factor, we make it one
# if it is, we preserve the levels the user set within the object, allowing them to control it if they want
if(!is(mcols_colorGroup_column, "factor")){
mcols(object)[, colnames(mcols(object)) %in% colorGroup] <- as.factor(mcols(object)[, colnames(mcols(object)) %in% colorGroup])
colorGroup_objectLevels <- levels(mcols(object)[, colnames(mcols(object)) %in% colorGroup])
} else {
colorGroup_objectLevels <- levels(mcols(object)[, colnames(mcols(object)) %in% colorGroup])
if (!colorGroup %in% colnames(mcols(object))){
stop("If you enter a 'colorGroup' argument it must match the name of a column in mcols(object)")
tidy_pplyr_data_list <- list()
for (i in seq_along(assays(object))){
pplyr_matrixdata <-[,,i]))
colnames(pplyr_matrixdata) <- c(1:ncol(assay(object[,,i])))
pplyr_rowdata <-
pplyr_data <- merge(pplyr_matrixdata, pplyr_rowdata, by = "row.names", all = T)
pplyr_summary <- data.frame(bin = as.numeric(colnames(pplyr_data)[2:(ncol(assay(object[,,i]))+1)]))
colorGroup_column <- pplyr_data[, colnames(pplyr_data) %in% colorGroup]
for (x in seq_along(levels(colorGroup_column))) {
pplyr_summary[,x+1] <- colMeans(pplyr_data[colorGroup_column %in% levels(colorGroup_column)[x],2:(ncol(assay(object[,,i]))+1)])
colnames(pplyr_summary) <- c("bin", levels(colorGroup_column))
pplyr_summary$sample <- rep(sampleNames[i], nrow(pplyr_summary))
tidy_pplyr_data_list[[i]] <- pivot_longer(pplyr_summary, cols = 2:(length(levels(colorGroup_column))+1), names_to = "groups", values_to = "signal")
tidy_pplyr_data_list_all <-, tidy_pplyr_data_list)
tidy_pplyr_data_list_all$groups <- ordered(tidy_pplyr_data_list_all$groups, levels = colorGroup_objectLevels) # use the levels that will be carried over form the object
tidy_pplyr_data_list_all$sample <- ordered(tidy_pplyr_data_list_all$sample, levels = sampleNames)
gg_color_hue <- function(n) { # got this from stack overflow forum
hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
if (is.null(colorlist)){
colorlist <- gg_color_hue(n = length(colorGroup_objectLevels))
# should you check if the 'body' column values are all the same?
if (generation_method == "ChIPprofile"){
if (body == 0){
labels <- c(-upstream, 0, downstream)
breaks <- c(0, upstream/binSize, (upstream+downstream)/binSize)
hjust <- c(0, 0.5, 1)
} else {
if (upstream == 0 & downstream == 0){
labels <- c("start", "end")
breaks = c(0, body*binSize)
hjust <- c(0.5, 0.5)
} else if (upstream == 0){
labels <- c("start", "end", downstream)
breaks = c(0, body*binSize, downstream + body*binSize)
hjust <- c(0.5, 0.5, 1)
} else if (downstream == 0){
labels <- c(-upstream, "start", "end")
breaks = c(0, upstream, upstream + 2*(body*binSize))
hjust <- c(0, 0.5, 0.5)
} else {
labels <- c(-(upstream), "start", "end", downstream)
breaks = c(0, upstream, upstream + body*binSize, upstream + body*binSize + downstream)
hjust <- c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
if (generation_method == "deepTools"){
if (body == 0){
labels <- c(-upstream, 0, downstream)
breaks <- c(0, upstream/binSize, (upstream+downstream)/binSize)
hjust <- c(0, 0.5, 1)
} else {
if (upstream == 0 & downstream == 0){
labels <- c("start", "end")
breaks = c(0, body/binSize)
hjust <- c(0.5, 0.5)
} else if (upstream == 0){
labels <- c("start", "end", downstream)
breaks = c(0, body/binSize, downstream/binSize + body/binSize)
hjust <- c(0.5, 0.5, 1)
} else if (downstream == 0){
labels <- c(-upstream, "start", "end")
breaks = c(0, upstream/binSize, upstream/binSize + (body/binSize))
hjust <- c(0, 0.5, 0.5)
} else {
labels <- c(-(upstream), "start", "end", downstream)
breaks = c(0, upstream/binSize, upstream/binSize + body/binSize, upstream/binSize + body/binSize + downstream/binSize)
hjust <- c(0, 1, 0, 1)
plot <- ggplot(tidy_pplyr_data_list_all, aes(x= .data$bin, y= .data$signal, color = .data$groups)) +
geom_line(size = 0.7) +
theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10,
hjust = hjust
#legend.position = c(.85,.70), # Can adjust manually below to avoid overlap with profile
legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.text = element_text(size = 10),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black"),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = 10)
) +
scale_color_manual(values = colorlist) +
scale_x_continuous(labels = labels,
breaks = breaks
#name = "Distance from TSS (bp)"
) +
expand_limits(y = 0) +
ylab(NULL) +
xlab(NULL) +
nrow = facet_nrow,
ncol = facet_ncol,
scales = facet_scales)
#### From S4Vectors:::selectSome
selectSome <- function(obj, maxToShow = 5, ellipsis = "...", ellipsisPos = c("middle",
"end", "start"), quote = FALSE)
if (is.character(obj) && quote)
obj <- sQuote(obj)
ellipsisPos <- match.arg(ellipsisPos)
len <- length(obj)
if (maxToShow < 3)
maxToShow <- 3
if (len > maxToShow) {
maxToShow <- maxToShow - 1
if (ellipsisPos == "end") {
c(head(obj, maxToShow), ellipsis)
else if (ellipsisPos == "start") {
c(ellipsis, tail(obj, maxToShow))
else {
bot <- ceiling(maxToShow/2)
top <- len - (maxToShow - bot - 1)
nms <- obj[c(seq_len(bot), top:len)]
c(as.character(nms[seq_len(bot)]), ellipsis, as.character(nms[-c(seq_len(bot))]))
else {
#' Import ChIPprofile object to profileplyr
#' Function to convert soGGi ChIPprofile objects to profileplyr object .
#' @rdname as_profileplyr
#' @param chipProfile A ChIPprofile object as created by soGGi regionPlot() function.
#' @param names Column to select row IDs/names from ChIPprofile mcols.
#' @return A profileplyr object
#' @examples
#' library(soGGi)
#' data("ik_Profiles")
#' proplyr <- as_profileplyr(ik_Profiles,names="ID")
#' export_deepToolsMat(proplyr,con=file.path(tempdir(),"ik_Profiles.MAT"))
#' @importClassesFrom soGGi ChIPprofile
#' @export
as_profileplyr <- function(chipProfile,names = NULL){
if(!is(chipProfile,"ChIPprofile")) stop("Object must be ChIPprofile object")
names <- colnames(mcols(chipProfile))[1]
forDP_Assays <- assays(chipProfile)
for(i in seq_along(forDP_Assays)){
if(sum(!is.finite(forDP_Assays[[i]])) > 0) {
forDP_Assays[[i]][!is.finite(forDP_Assays[[i]])] <- 0
message(paste0("Matrix #", i, " contained non-finite values, these will be replaced with zeros"))
names(forDP_Assays) <- sample_labels <- basename(metadata(chipProfile)$names)
forDP_ranges <- rowRanges(chipProfile)
mcols(forDP_ranges) <- cbind(,names=mcols(forDP_ranges)[,names])
if(!("sgGroup" %in% colnames(mcols(forDP_ranges)))){
mcols(forDP_ranges)$sgGroup <- "no_groups"
if (params(chipProfile)$style == "percentOfRegion"){
bin_size <- 1
nOfWindows <- params(chipProfile)$nOfWindows
distanceUp <- nOfWindows * (params(chipProfile)$distanceAround/100)
distanceDown <- nOfWindows * (params(chipProfile)$distanceAround/100)
} else if (params(chipProfile)$style == "point") {
bin_size = (params(chipProfile)$distanceUp + params(chipProfile)$distanceDown)/ncol(forDP_Assays[[1]])
nOfWindows <- 0 # when the object is converted to an enriched heatmap matrix, this is used, but should only be set if style - percentOfRegion
distanceUp <- params(chipProfile)$distanceUp
distanceDown <- params(chipProfile)$distanceDown
rowGroupsInUse <- list(rowGroupsInUse="sgGroup")
info <- list(verbose=FALSE,
`skip zeros`=FALSE,
`nan after end`=FALSE,
`sort using`="mean",
`unscaled 5 prime`=rep(0,length(forDP_Assays)),
body=rep(nOfWindows, length(forDP_Assays)),
downstream=rep(distanceDown, length(forDP_Assays)),
`unscaled 3 prime`=rep(0,length(forDP_Assays)),
`bin size`=rep(bin_size, length(forDP_Assays)),
upstream=rep(distanceUp, length(forDP_Assays)),
`max threshold`=NULL,
`ref point`=rep("center",length(forDP_Assays)),
`min threshold`=NULL,
`sort regions`="keep",
`proc number`=11,
`bin avg type`="mean",
`missing data as zero`=FALSE)
info_for_sampleData <- info[!(names(info) %in% c("group_labels", "group_boundaries"))] # Doug added this - I think its better to remove right away because group labels doesn't get included if theres multiple groups so it threw an error when you removed it afterwards (removed that code)
if(length(sample_labels) > 1){
sampleData <- DataFrame([lengths(info_for_sampleData) == length(sample_labels)]) %>%
cbind(info_for_sampleData %>% .[lengths(.) == 1] %>% lapply(rep,length(sample_labels)) %>%
row.names = sample_labels)
sampleData <- DataFrame( %>% .[lengths(.) == 1]
row.names = sample_labels)
sampleData$max.threshold <- sampleData$min.threshold <- replicate(nrow(sampleData),NULL)
sampleData$generation.method <- rep("ChIPprofile", nrow(sampleData))
params <- list(perSampleDPParams= standard_DPparams()$perSampleDPParams,
profileplyrDataset <- profileplyr_Dataset(forDP_Assays,forDP_ranges,sampleData,sampleParam=sampleData,params=params)
#' BamBigwig_to_chipProfile
#' Generate a soGGi ChIPprofile object with multiple BAM/bigWig files or multiple BED files as the input
#' @rdname BamBigwig_to_chipProfile
#' @param signalFiles paths to either BAM files or bigwig files. More than one path can be in this character vector, but all paths in one function call must point to be either all BAM files or all bigWig files, not a combination of the two.
#' @param testRanges A character vector with paths to BED files.
#' @param format character string of "bam", "bigwig", "RleList" or "PWM"
#' @param style a character string, "percentOfRegion" (default) for normalized length divided into bins set by the 'nOfWindows' argument, "point" for per base pair plot where the number of base pairs per bin is set by the 'bin_size' argument, and "region" for combined plot
#' @param nOfWindows The number of windows/bins the normalised ranges will be divided into if 'style' is set to 'percentOfRegion'. Default is 100.
#' @param distanceAround This controls the distance around the region that is included. If 'style' is 'percentOfRegion', then the default is 100, meaning that a distance equal to 100 percent of that particular region on either side of the region will be included in the heatmap. If 'style' is 'point',then this is the number of basepairs from the center of each range, in either direction, that the heatmap will show. If style is 'point' and 'distanceAround' is NULL, then distanceUp and distanceDown will be used.
#' @param distanceUp If 'style' is set to 'point' then this will determine the distance (in base pairs) upstream from the center of each peak signal will be quantified. If the 'distanceAround' argument is set (i.e. not NULL), that will be used for the quantification range and 'distanceUp will be ignored.
#' @param distanceDown If 'style' is set to 'point' then this will determine the distance (in base pairs) downstream from the center of each peak signal will be quantified. If the 'distanceAround' argument is set (i.e. not NULL), that will be used for the quantification range and 'distanceDown' will be ignored.
#' @param bin_size If 'style' is set to 'point' then this will determine the size of each bin over which signal is quantified. The default is 20 base pairs.
#' @param ... pass to regionPlot() within the soGGi package
#' @param quant_params An optional \code{\link[BiocParallel:BiocParallelParam-class]{BiocParallelParam}} instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation. When this argument is set to NULL (default) SerialParam() will be used. For parallelization, MulticoreParam() can be used.
#' @return A profileplyr object
#' @examples
#' signalFiles <- c(system.file("extdata",
#' "Sorted_Hindbrain_day_12_1_filtered.bam",
#' package = "profileplyr"))
#'for (i in seq_along(signalFiles)){
#' indexBam(signalFiles[i])
#' testRanges <- system.file("extdata",
#' "newranges_small.bed",
#' package = "profileplyr")
#' BamBigwig_to_chipProfile(signalFiles,
#' testRanges,
#' format = "bam",
#' paired=FALSE,
#' style="percentOfRegion",
#' )
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply MulticoreParam multicoreWorkers SerialParam
#' @importFrom soGGi regionPlot
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import.bed import
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevelsStyle<- seqlevelsInUse seqlevels
#' @export
BamBigwig_to_chipProfile <- function(signalFiles, testRanges, format, style = "percentOfRegion" , nOfWindows = 100, bin_size = 20, distanceAround = NULL, distanceUp = 1000, distanceDown = 1000, ..., quant_params = NULL) {
if (is.null(distanceAround)){
if (style == "percentOfRegion"){
distanceAround = 100
if (!is.null(distanceAround)){
if (style == "point"){
distanceUp = NULL
distanceDown = NULL
if (missing(format)){
stop("'format' argument is missing, it must be entered")
if (format == "bigwig"){
add_chr <- function(genomeCov){
if (!(any(grepl("chr", names(genomeCov))))) {
oddChrom <- grepl("GL", names(genomeCov))
for (i in seq_along(names(genomeCov))){
names(genomeCov)[i] <- paste0("chr", names(genomeCov)[i])
} else{
names(genomeCov)[i] <- names(genomeCov)[i]
message("Loading bigwig files.")
genomeCov_list <- lapply(signalFiles,, as = "RleList")
genomeCov_list <- lapply(genomeCov_list, add_chr)
genomeCov_names <- lapply(genomeCov_list, names)
common_names <- Reduce(intersect, genomeCov_names)
signalFiles_list <- lapply(genomeCov_list, function(x) x[names(x) %in% common_names])
#names(signalFiles_list) <- signalFiles
group_labels <- vector()
testRanges_GR <- GRangesList()
for(i in seq_along(testRanges)){
temp <- import(testRanges[i])
seqlevelsStyle(temp) <- "UCSC"
temp <- temp[seqnames(temp) %in% common_names]
temp <- temp
seqlevels(temp) <- seqlevelsInUse(temp)
testRanges_GR[[i]] <- temp
testRanges_GR[[i]]$sgGroup <- rep(basename(testRanges[i]), length(testRanges_GR[[i]]))
group_labels[i] <- basename(testRanges[i])
format <- "rlelist"
if(format == "bam"){
signalFiles_list <- as.list(signalFiles)
testRanges_GR <- GRangesList()
group_labels <- vector()
for(i in seq_along(testRanges)){
testRanges_GR[[i]] <- import.bed(testRanges[i])
seqlevelsStyle(testRanges_GR[[i]]) <- "UCSC"
testRanges_GR[[i]]$sgGroup <- rep(basename(testRanges[i]), length(testRanges_GR[[i]]))
group_labels[i] <- basename(testRanges[i])
testRanges_GR_unlist <- unlist(testRanges_GR)
names(testRanges_GR_unlist) <- NULL
message("Making ChIPprofile object from signal files.")
if (is.null(quant_params)){
BPPARAM <- SerialParam()
} else {
BPPARAM <- quant_params
ChIPprofile_combined <- suppressWarnings(bplapply(signalFiles_list, regionPlot,
testRanges = testRanges_GR_unlist,
format = format,
style = style,
nOfWindows = nOfWindows,
distanceAround = distanceAround,
distanceUp = distanceUp,
distanceDown = distanceDown,
ChIPprofile_for_proplyr <-,ChIPprofile_combined)
# metadata(ChIPprofile_for_proplyr)$group_boundaries <- group_boundaries
metadata(ChIPprofile_for_proplyr)$names <- signalFiles
rowRanges(ChIPprofile_for_proplyr)$sgGroup <- factor(rowRanges(ChIPprofile_for_proplyr)$sgGroup,
levels = group_labels
# metadata(ChIPprofile_for_proplyr)$bin_size <- 1 # this will set the bin size as 1, but this will be changed below if 'point' style is used
# metadata(ChIPprofile_for_proplyr)$nOfWindows <- nOfWindows
# metadata(ChIPprofile_for_proplyr)$upstream <- nOfWindows * (distanceAround/100)
# metadata(ChIPprofile_for_proplyr)$downstream <- nOfWindows * (distanceAround/100)
if (style == "point"){
if(bin_size > 1){
bin_matrix <- function(matrix, bin_size){
bin_number <- as.integer(ncol(matrix)/bin_size)
bin_mean_result <- list()
for(i in seq(bin_number)){
if(i == 1){
bin_mean_result[[i]] <- rowMeans(matrix[, 1:bin_size])
bin_mean_result[[i]] <- rowMeans(matrix[, (bin_size*(i-1)+1):(bin_size*i)])
binned_matrix <-, bin_mean_result)
temp <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = lapply(assays(ChIPprofile_for_proplyr), bin_matrix, bin_size = bin_size),
rowRanges = rowRanges(ChIPprofile_for_proplyr),
metadata = metadata(ChIPprofile_for_proplyr))
# metadata(temp)$bin_size <- bin_size
# metadata(temp)$nOfWindows <- 0
# if (!is.null(distanceAround)){
# metadata(temp)$downstream <- distanceAround
# metadata(temp)$upstream <- distanceAround
# } else {
# metadata(temp)$downstream <- distanceDown
# metadata(temp)$upstream <- distanceUp
# }
ChIPprofile_for_proplyr = new("ChIPprofile",temp ,params=params(ChIPprofile_for_proplyr))
profileplyr_Dataset <-function(matrix,granges,sampleData,sampleParam,params=NULL){
tempDou <- SummarizedExperiment(matrix,
# metadata(tempDou)$info <- c(info)
params <- list(perSampleDPParams= standard_DPparams()$perSampleDPParams,
proplyDataset <- new("profileplyr", tempDou,
standard_DPparams <- function(){
perSampleDPParams <- c("upstream","downstream","body","bin.size","ref.point","","","sample_labels")
perComputeDPParams <- c("verbose","bin.avg.type","","scale","skip.zeros","nan.after.end","proc.number","sort.regions","sort.using","min.threshold","max.threshold")
DPparams <- list(perSampleDPParams=perSampleDPParams,
getGroupInfoFromObject <- function(object){
group_boundaries <- c(which(!duplicated(rowData(object)[params(object)$rowGroupsInUse]))-1,length(object))
group_labels <- rowData(object)[params(object)$rowGroupsInUse] %>% %>%
.[,1] %>%
as.vector %>%
if (length(group_labels) == 1){
group_labels <- list(group_labels) # if you had more than one group, turning it into a list did not create correct output for deepTools metadata, this seems to fix it
group_boundaries <- c(0,length(object))
group_labels <- "no_groups" %>% list
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